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Presentation (Ace Huang)--20121108

Good afternoon everyone! My presentation today is about the Chinese famous cuisine “Dongpo’s braised pork ”. And the presentation is divided into four parts: first, a small story, it leads out today’s topic; second, Story about Dongpo’s braised pork; third, Culinary Art, it teaches us how to cook “Dongpo’s braised pork ”;fourth, mini-game, we can learn some useful skills

“Dongpo’s braised pork ” is on the list of Zhongnanhai’s recipes today! Here are the “Dongpo four treasures”.

From the above, do you have interest in culinary art of Dongpo’s braised pork? If you have

interest, you can explore it after my presentation. After all the cooking process, you will get the

you’ll use first.—“four-joy meatballs(四个快乐的肉球)”

Thank you!


1、“碰地雷”:在英语单词教学中,学生不太愿意跟读。用此法不错。在一个词下放一个地雷,这个词是不能读的,如果学生不小心跟读,就是踩到雷了。大家一起数one two three,bomb,向他砸过去!有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎实! 2、补全句子:在学习句中,要慢读,必要时分解读。在跟读几遍后,可以让学生补全老师没说完的部分。比如:my name is rebecca.可让学生补rebecca、is rebecca、name is rebecca。这是个反应练习,可让学生熟练掌握句子。 3、此呼彼应: (1) 全班学生坐在原位。 (2) 教师描述一些事物,如果的是对的,例如:The dusks are swimming.学生就学叫“嘎嘎”,如果的是错的,学生就保持沉默。 (3) 做错的学生暂且退出游戏。游戏继续进行。 (4) 剩下的一个学生即游戏的优胜者。 (5) 变化:The bike is coming .或 A cat can run. 等。 (6) 作用:可用于现在进行时态和can 句型的教学,可训练学生的听力。 4、拍皮球: (1) 学生分两组坐在原位,合上眼,教师为两组打分。 (2) 教师拍皮球,学生默数教师拍了几下。假设教师拍了19下。 (3) 教师突然停下,问一个学生“What’s the number?”该学生应该答,“Nineteen”。如果他答对了,该组得分,并由该学生接替教师拍球,游戏继续进行,如果他讲错了,就让别的学生纠正。 (4) 哪组学生得分多,就为胜者。 (5) 变化:教师拍球时可以在中间来个停顿。如先拍4下,停一停,再拍3下,接着问:“What’s the number?”学生应答“Seven”“Four plus three is seven.”


Today i want to introduce you a film named___WALL-E. The story happened in a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation. WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess. Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes, (2 WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach. One day, Eve, a sleek (and dangerous re-connaissance robot, is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable. WALL-E falls in love with Eve. WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble. Consistent with her "directive" Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon. WALL-E, doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protects her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she is unresponsive. One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve, but WALL-E, out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve. The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier. The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting. They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move. When the auto-pilot computer , acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of earth from returning, by stealing the plant, WALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.


小学英语课堂用语 100句

新课标小学英语课堂用语100句 1 Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课。 2 I’m sorry I’m late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了。 3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。 4 Class begins. 上课。 5 Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日? 6 Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 7 Who’s absent today? 今天谁没来? 8 What day is today? 今天是星期几? 9 What’s the date today? 今天是几号? 10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books? 李红,作业本都收齐了吗? 11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去。 12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me? 班长,能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗? 13 Open your books, please. 请翻开书。 14 Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页。 15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本。 16 No more talking, please. 请安静。 17 Attention, please. 请注意。 18 Let’s have a dictation. 让我们来听写。 19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课。 20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。


英语课堂教学活动设计方案 郭勤 众所周知,我们的学生学习英语是属于在第一语言环境中的习得与学习,因此在英语课堂教学中,课堂活动的重要性比起其它学科更甚。英语课堂是学生习得与学习英语的主阵地,对于部分学生,有可能是唯一的学习时间和地点。学生在活动中理解语言知识、在活动运用语言、在活动中感受和领悟语言。教师通过活动呈现知识、通过活动观察学生的学习过程、通过活动判断学生学习的效果。活动贯穿于整个课堂教学过程,所以英语课堂活动的质量对于他们而言非常重要。 当前的小学英语课堂活动设计,存在着种种的不尽人意:在课堂教学实践中,关于活动有一种错误的倾向,即把活动定以为让学生唱唱跳跳活跃起来的各种形式。把活动分离于课堂教学中的语言的输入输出,分离于课堂教学中的语言知识的教和学,甚至把活动和学习对立起来,认为活动的时间多了,学习的时间就少了。小学英语课堂教学应注重寓教于乐,小学英语教师应特别注重兴趣对学生学习英语的促进作用。但一些教师过于重视培养学生的学习兴趣而忽视了教学的实效性。这些都是在教学活动的设计上缺乏科学性和必要性所致。作为教师,不应该仅从旁观者的角度去观察课堂活动的表面现象,而是从课堂活动的设计者的角度去认识和思考课堂活动的本质。

下面是我在近几年英语教学实践中得出的几点体会。 一、概念界定 小学英语课堂活动的设计就是英语教师根据正确的教学思想和英语教育原理,按照一定的教学思想和英语教育原理,按照一定的教学目的和要求,针对具体的教学对象和教材,对英语教学的整个程序、具体环节及有关曾面所作出的预期的行之有效的策划和设计。 1 、明确什么是小学英语课堂活动设计。 小学英语课堂活动的设计即设计和组织英语课堂活动,是指教师根据教学内容设计语言交际场合及情景,设计课堂活动,组织并引导学生参加语言交际,在活动中学会运用课堂上所教的语言,并会用英语进行交际。 2 、基于新基础理念下的英语课堂活动设计,要重视新基础实验的重要理念的解读、渗透、融合和运用。其重要理念是:把课堂还给学生,以师生互动、学生互动和人与计算机互动的“动态生存”方式进行外语教学,更好的发挥教师的智慧和指导作用,促进学生有效地进行自主学习与合作学习的探究。 二、活动的设计和实施原则 1 、活动应确立明确的教学目的。 以下五个方面或几个方面的相互渗透 语言知识 语言技能 情感态度

英语课堂游戏 Games in Class

Games in Class Alphabet Shout Out Randomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter. Alphabet Writing Relay Divide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B', etc. The first team to finish wins. Alphabet Erase relay As 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order. Alphabet Sculptures Divide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter with their bodies. Alphabet Soup Give each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Stop the tape at random and have the students rush to line up in order, e.g. A-K. Alphabet Touch Call out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc. Alphabet Wave Give each student a few ordered alphabet flashcards and play the 'ABC Song'. Have the students hold up the cards that correspond to the letters they hear in the song. Animal Crackers Take a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal! The Ball Throw the ball to a student and ask that student a question. The student answers and throws the ball to another student asking the same question. E.g. "Can you...?", "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." "Do you like...?", "Yes, I do. / No, I don't." Balloon Toss Have the students stand in a circle. Toss a balloon to one student and elicit vocabulary or a structure from that student. They must be able to tap the balloon in the air without missing the vocabulary or structure E.g. S1: "My name's Miki. What's your name?" (tap) "My name's Hiro. What's your name?" (tap). Basic Flashcard Fun The teacher simply holds up a flash card and elicits the answer from the students. This can be done in teams with points awarded for correct answers.


趣味英语与提高英语水平的关系 班级:高一8班姓名:罗鑫 一、趣味性英文单词教学与高中英语成绩快速提高的关系 1.学习动力是学好英语词汇的关键因素 心理学中的动力(Motivatoin)这个因素是外语学习的一个关键性因素。Coder(1973)有一句话常常被引用:“只要有学习动力,谁都能学会一门语言。”笔者认为,学生的学习动力越高,其英语学习的速度越快,习得成绩也越好。例如,学生学习英语词汇的目的是为了获取英语知识,运用英语词汇进行交际。教育的主要职责之一是要让学生对获得有用知识本身发生兴趣。外部动力是指影响学生学习英语的外部因素。例如,学生英语词汇量较大,英语成绩名列前茅,或英语单词竞赛获得好的名次,便会得到师长的赞扬,同学的羡慕,因而使其尊重的需要得到满足,从而提高他们进一步努力学习词汇的积极性。 根据国内外的研究,学生学习的主要动机集中反映在成就动机上。所谓成就动机,是指个人愿意去做自认为有价值的工作,并力求达到完美的地步的一种内在推动力量。简言之,即为追求成就、希望获得成就的动机。。因此,高中英语教师应该在词汇教学中设法调动学生的内部动力,通过提供成就感,激励评价等诱因使外部动力转化为内部动力,调动学生学习积极性并使之持久保持,从而取得英语词汇学习的成功。 2.浓厚的兴趣是英语学习的最好老师 现代心理学之父皮亚杰说过:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。”确实,兴趣是一种学习动力,是一切精神活动的先导,是学习知识、发展智力的首要条件。达尔文在自传中回顾说:“就我记得我在学校时期的性格来说,其中对我后来发生影响的,就是我有强烈而多样的兴趣,沉溺于自己感兴趣的东西,深深喜爱了解任何复杂的问题和事物。”兴趣会产生求知欲。学生的学习兴趣越高,学习的积极性越高,学习效果就越好。如果我们能把兴趣培养成为学生英语词汇学习的一种心理需要,就可以使学生逐渐养成自觉、主动学习英语词汇的习惯。英语词汇学习的难度大大超过其他方面的学习,学生只有对英语词汇有了深厚的兴趣,才能提高学习的自觉性、主动性,克服学习过程中的各种困难,兴致勃勃地潜心学习、探求。 学习兴趣的培养与教师积极引导和教学艺术是分不开的,教师应根据英语学科的特点和学生年龄的特征,采用灵活多样的教学手段和教学方法,创设丰富多彩的教学情景,用教育的艺术把学生的兴趣和注意引向英语词汇学习领域,用兴趣的火花去点燃智慧之火。为此,在高中英语词汇教学中,我始终坚持注重创设最佳学习状态,注重语言交际功能,发挥学生主体作用,激励创新思维发展,形成自己英语教学的特色,不断激发学生英语词汇学习的兴趣。 二、利用趣味性英文单词教学方法快速提高成绩的策略 1.游戏法教词汇 英国著名语言学家C.E埃可斯利指出:“教英语的最好方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法”(转引自胡玉珊,2004)。把游戏引入课堂,使教学形式多样化,有利于培养中学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学习效率和教学效果。词汇教学游戏能有效防止学生疲劳或产生厌烦心理,有利于创造和谐的课堂气氛,让学生在轻松愉快地感觉中领会和掌握词汇。词汇教学游戏必须具备知识性、科学性、趣味性和竞争性等特征。从活动的形式来看,词汇教学游戏涉及听、说、读、写。教师应从实际出发,科学地设计各种各样的游戏,力求生动活泼,使学生积极参与。词汇教学游戏有很多,常见的有以下几类:

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学]

英文presentation ppt 演示讲稿引导句[教学] 开场白祝贺语: “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.“ “On behalf of our company I’d like to welcome you here to ...” “Thank you all for coming here.” 介绍开场白: “Let me introduce myself. I’m Ulrike Huber, Manager’s Assistant ...” “I am a consultant to ...” 引出主题: “The subject of today’s presentation is ...” “I’ll give you an overview of ...” “Today I want to update you on ...” 内容概述: “Let me first give you a brief overview.” “I’ll start off by explaining ..., then focus on ...” “I’ll be talking about ... first, then move on to ...” 英文邀请信范本 (Salutation), I would like to invite you to visit ____ for a period of ___ (days, weeks or months), beginning on or about ___ (date). This visit will provide an opportunity for you to contribute your expertise to the ___


英语课堂用语400句 CONTENTS目录 一、Getting the pupils ready for class组织教学 二、Revision复习 三、Presentation介绍 四、Drill操练 五、Practice练习 六、Consolidation巩固 一、Getting the pupils ready for class组织教学 's time for class.上课时间到了。 's begin our lesson.我们开始上课。 up,please!请起立! morning,boys and girls!大家早上好! will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。 am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。 morning,teacher!老师早上好! afternoon,class!同学们下午好! afternoon,teacher!老师,下午好! down,please.请坐。 you got anything to report to the class,monitor班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗is absent today今天谁缺席了 Ming is absent.张明缺席了。 everyone here都出席了吗 is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。 is he absent他为什么缺席 is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。 you a new pupil你是新同学吗 me to introduce myself,please.请允许我自我介绍一下。 are you from你从那里来 am from Beijing.我来自北京。 did you spend your Sunday星期天你是怎么过的 had a picnic.我们去野餐了。 had a very good time.我们玩得很痛快。 time is it now现在几点了 's ten past eight.八点十分了。


英语课堂游戏100种(上) 字母教学 1。抢读字母 这是一个训练学生认读字母的游戏,教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记10分,最后得分最多的组为优胜。 2。抢答字母组 将全班分成两个小组,并把两套字母卡片分别发给各组学生。游戏开始,教师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调","美国","圆心和半径","中华人民共和国",持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG,"USA",o,r","PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜。 3。看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 4。听音辨字母 这是一个训练学生辨别字母的游戏。教师可将读音易混的字母分别写在板上,如GJOW,等,共准备2~4套,同时将学生分成2~4个小组,每组抽一名学生到前面向全班站好,教师发给每人一套卡片(2~4张为宜),游戏开始,教师念其中的一个字母,学生应立即找出并高举起该字母,先找对的得2分,后找对的得1分,没找对的不得分,最后得分多的组为优胜。 5。听音摘字母比赛 这是一个训练学生听认字母能力的游戏,教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每

组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。 6。图形中找字母 教师在黑板上画一些图形,让学生找出其中所含的字母,例如: CDIO bdpq CIDO EFHIL 7。宾狗(Bingo) 这是一个训练学生听写认读字母能力的游戏,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过的字母,学生边听边将字母填在格子中,随便填在哪个格里都行。学生填好后,教师再打乱顺序逐个念这九个字母,学生边听边在听到的字母上画圈,当画的圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成一条直线时,学生便可以边喊"宾狗(Bingo)"边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊"宾狗"并写得准确的获胜。这个游戏还可以用于音标,单词或数词等。 8。传递字母 每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一个字母或字母组(如:KG-PV),在教师说"开始"后,最后一排的学生即用耳语把卡片上的内容告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的内容告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去,最后第一排的学生把所传的字母或字母组写到黑板上,传得最快,最准确的组获胜。 9。跟我走 这是一个训练学生按字母表顺序记忆字母的游戏。开始前,先把字母卡片发给学生。然后说出一个字母(如:M),持有该字母卡片的学生站出来并说:I am M Follow me ,please.持有字母N的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的后面,并说:I am


英语Presentation演讲稿模板 internet environment. And these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go. 篇三:Presentation演讲稿 Good morning,everyone. It’s my pleasure to introduce my hometown,especially as the first to eat crab [kr?b]. Have you ever heard of the tower [?tau?]? Yes, it’s Yellow Crane [krein] Tower . (Chinese: 黄鹤楼). It is a famous and historic [his?t?rik] tower, and built in the year 223 AD. The tower is the landmark in Hubei province [?pr?vins]. Yes, I come from Hubei. At first, I will give an overview [???v??vju:] of Hubei. Hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with Wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and Qichun as my birthplace. Hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. It is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9


初中英语课堂教学活动的组织形式 1.个别活动。即通过个别学生的活动,达到某种教学目标。主要适用于:①检查复习所学知识。②通过复习引入新课。③检查学生对所学知识的运用能力。 在教学活动中,应改变“一对一”的提问方式,把主动权交给学生。如每天的值日生汇报,不仅要求学生报告当天的日期、天气、学生出勤情况,而且要求学生综合运用所学知识进行表达。 2.两人一组活动(Pairwork)。它是一种灵活、有效的练习形式。对话形式也可以是多种多样,如可以进行自由对话,可以一问一答,一分钟对话,背诵课文对话等。也可以模拟情景表演,如模拟Making a call, Shopping或Asking the way等,使学生置身于场景之中,提高学习兴趣,从而在实践中学会交际。 3.小组活动(Group work)。以小组形式展开活动,可以使学生在和谐气氛中进行交际,集思广益,开阔思路,也使每个学生都有练习的机会,消除心理障碍,使每个学生都能大胆地去说英语,最常用的形式是四人一组。这种活动可适用于“信息沟”(information gap)。 4.全班活动(Class work)。教师要千方百计地创造条件,在45分钟内为学生创造更多的活动机会。大面积地全班活动,有省时间、效率高、活动面大的特点,如进行连锁操作(action chain),这种活动形式主要适用于固定句型的操练。在活动中,教师还可以引入竞争机制等,激励学生进行活动。 当然活动的形式是多种多样的,只要我们遵循课标的要求,从教学目标和教学实际出发,全面规划、统筹兼顾,有目的、有计划地设计和组织不同形式、不同要求的课堂语言实践活动,就一定可以完成课标规定的任务。


英语课堂教学游戏 一、字母教学游戏(1-22) 二、音标教学游戏(23-32) 二、单词教学游戏(33-63) 三、句型教学游戏(64-100) 字母教学游戏(1-22) 1.抢读字母 这是一个训练学生认读字母的游戏,教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记10分,最后得分最多的组为优胜。 2.抢答字母组 将全班分成两个小组,并把两套字母卡片分别发给各组学生。游戏开始,教师用中文说:"乐谱的七个调","美国","圆心和半径","中华人民共和国",持有这些字母卡片的学生应立即站起来并举起字母"ABCDEFG,"USA",o,r","PRC"等,答得既快又准的组获胜。 3.看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 4.听音辨字母 这是一个训练学生辨别字母的游戏。教师可将读音易混的字母分别写在板上,如GJOW,等,共准备2~4套,同时将学生分成2~4个小组,每组抽一名学生到前面向全班站好,教师发给每人一套卡片(2~4张为宜),游戏开始,教师念其中的一个字母,学生应立即找出并高举起该字母,先找对的得2分,后找对的得1分,没找对的不得分,最后得分多的组为优胜。 5.听音摘字母比赛 这是一个训练学生听认字母能力的游戏,教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。 6.图形中找字母 教师在黑板上画一些图形,让学生找出其中所含的字母,例如: CDIO bdpq CIDO EFHIL 7.宾狗(Bingo) 这是一个训练学生听写认读字母能力的游戏,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井


英语演讲稿 Presentation 中的衔接句 Opening Statements 开场白 First of all, I 'd like to thank you all for coming here today. My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company). Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual memberso f the audience to put them at their ease. 要注意跟在场的每位听众保持眼神交流,你也可以保持微笑,这样观众才不会感到局促不安。 I 'd briefly like to take you through today ' s presentation. First, we 're going to ... After that, we ' ll be taking a look at ... Once we' ve identified our challenges we will be able

Finally, I ll outline what ... Make sure to indicate each point on your presentation as you introduce each topic. This can be done with a slide (Power Point) presentation, or by pointing to each point on the display device you are using. 确保你所介绍的每个观点都与主题相关。你可以通过幻灯片来完成,也可以使用其他展示设备来完成。 Asking for Questions 提出问题 Please feel free to interrupt me with any questions you may have during the presentation. I ' d like to ask you to keep any questions you may have for the end of the presentation. Points to Remember 你需要记住的是 You can also request the participants to leave questions to the end of the presentation. However, it is important to let participants know that you are willing to answer any questions they


小学英语课堂教学的方法和步骤 五个步骤及教师在各个步骤中的的作用( Teacher’s role ) Step 1:复习/热身 Revision、warming-up activities 强化记忆者 (Memory activator ) Step 2:呈现 Presentation 示范表演者 Step 3:操练 Drill 组织者/指挥者 Step 4:练习 Practice 裁判者/监督者/监听者 Step 5:巩固 consolidation 帮手(后来是记分员) Step 1:复习/热身Revision、warming-up activities 1.复习/热身的作用 温故知新,防止遗忘;建立起新旧知识之间的联系,以旧引新,减小教学的难度。吸引学生注意力,调动兴趣。 2.复习/热身的内容 日常用语、词汇、语音、句型和句式、已学的语言材料;歌曲,自由对话3.复习/热身的形式和方法(形式多样,方法灵活) a. Objects(实物) b. Pictures(图片) c. Simple blackboard drawings (简笔画) d. Charts (列表) e. Demonstration (表演) f. Summary (总结) g. Questions (设问) 教师可以依据教学内容灵活选用这些复习的方法,激活课堂教学。 讨论:你在设计复习/热身活动时要考虑哪些要素? 呈现的方法 新课主要讲结构和功能。如何将新授的内容展示给学生,我们介绍六种呈现的方法: 1)自问自答法 2)借助木偶、角色表演法 3)借助动作姿势和表情等 4)利用图表、简笔画等 5)利用事物或图片、模型、玩具等 6)利用卡片并听录音、猜谜提问或动作演示、用唱歌等其他方式创设情景。 教师依据教学内容,灵活选用适当的方法进行导入呈现,使我们的教学从一开始就抓住学生的注意力。 如何讲授结构的方法有两种: 1)Examples and structure (通过例句讲结构) 2)Real or unreal situation (真实或非真实情景) 讨论:呈现活动时应考虑哪些技能要素? 1、操练的原则 1) 针对性原则: 操练要依据教学内容和教学对象,具有针对性;


英语课堂游戏大全 教师先让第一组猜谜的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来 再坐下,猜的学生转过脸来接受第二组随便哪个学生的提问,如:"Is the one a boy What row is he(she)in ' Whatline is he (she) in ' colour clothes does he(she)wear 等.如果问了五个问题还猜不出来,就算输了. 69,十个问题 这个游戏可由一人出题一人猜,也可以一人出题多人猜,也可将学生编 成每组10人的两个组,在两组中间比赛,出题的可以想出任何一样东西,例如一种动物,植物,一种交通工具,或一个人等,把它写在纸上,并将纸扣放在讲台上,猜的学生可以问10个问题,但只能问一般疑问句,如:"Is it an animal "" Have it four legs "等.出题的人只回答:" Yes"或"No"如果问了10个问题还猜不出来,就算输了.如果采取两组比赛的形式,由一组出题另一组答,则猜的组可以每人轮流问一个问题,出题的组每人轮流答. 70,传话 每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组.教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学 生一张纸,上面写一句话,在教师说"开始"后,最后一排的学生即用耳语

所纸上的话告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的话告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去.最后一排的学生把所传的话写到黑板上或说出来, 传得最快,最准确的组获胜. 游戏在小学英语课堂中的应用,人教版小学英语课本的前言中,明确规 定了要让学生在玩中学英语.而游戏作为深受小学儿童喜爱的活动形式,可以调节学生注意的分配,保证课堂学习的效率,培养学生对英语学习 的直接兴趣,创造真实多变的教学环境,提供新奇有趣的操练形式,一直在课堂教学中被广泛采用,占有极重要的地位.但年轻教师们常常因为 没有经验而觉得游戏太少,几次上下来就捉襟见肘了.其实课堂教学中 的游戏有很多是即兴的,随机的,掌握了其中最常用的,完全可以自己编出新颖有趣的游戏来.
目前在我们课堂上使用的游戏可分为词汇游戏,句型游戏,听说游戏,表演游戏等几类.其中有许多游戏都是经过几 十年的使用而仍然充满生命力,为广大小学生所喜爱. 1, 词汇游戏 词汇游戏易于组织,操作简便,灵活机动,适合在各种课中应用,较普遍 的有: (1),Word martch(单词接龙) 即由老师给出一单词,由学生接上另一单词,要求该词词首的字母与老 师所给单词的词尾相同.这个游戏虽然简单,却十分有效,可迅速调动课堂气氛,使学生的思维活跃起来.并可复习到大量不常见单词.


good afternoon,everyone. he is my favorite singer---vae.do you know the chinese meaning of ‘vae’?he does not look handsome at all.sometime,just like your neighborhood,but he is very talented. his was born on 14th march,in 1986.he graduated from anhui medical university.attention,he is a doctor.isn’t it amazing that xusong turns to be a famous musian finally? roses funeral,the burial of your memorise.(玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的回忆。) star light,and water thrawn up by the fold.(星光点亮了,海水泛起褶皱) sad lyrics,sad melody,vae’s interpretation (艺术表现)of the plain with a little bit sad. vae is a man who can tell us what is independence.he is my idol.his perserverance,his effort,his great idea,always inspire me.篇二:英语presentation 演讲稿 before i start my presentation, let’s see some pictures;. yes, thesepictures lead us into my topic today: to be good netizens. nowadays we have stepped in a totally new age, in which we mainly receive the information from the internet. and we can see,the netizen population is growing fast the last decade. by 2000 it was just several millions of netizens in china but now, ten years later, we have more than 50 million. this number increased so fast that we have no time for preparing, so this lead to the situation that i show you before. and why that situation is so bad, let’s look at this picture. we can see, besides the large number, we have another problem: most of the netizens are young people; in other words, the next generation. such a bad internet environment can really influence their future, which means: influence our nation’s future. and although there is many benefits, we should first know whether our movement helps (even if just help a tiny little.) these are four big events which we netizens make many contributions: the event of south china tiger, the 2008 olympic, the train event, and the event of extracting bile from live bears. with our effort, a lot more people know these four events and that really helped to force the government to deal with it more properly. so we now know a good harmonious environment is important and we do can take actions to help create it. so why do we move right now. and these examples are far form enough, to create a good environment, there is a long way to go.篇三:presentation演讲稿 at first, i will give an overview [???v??vju:] of hubei. hubei province, with a population of 60 million, is located [l???ke?t?d] in the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and to the north of dongting lake, with wuhan as the provincial [pr??v?n??l] capital[ ?k?pitl], and qichun as my birthplace. hubei covers an area of over 180,000 square kilometers with over 12 prefecture [?pri:fekt?u?] -level city, and 102 counties. it is well known as “a thoroughfare [?θ?:r???fe?] of 9 provinces(chinese:九省通衢)”for its networks of transportation by air, water, highway and railway. hubei is the birthplace for chu culture. chu culture is a highly developed and
