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Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at RATAN-600

Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at RATAN-600
Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at RATAN-600

Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI ASP Conference Series,Vol.125,1997

Gareth Hunt and H.E.Payne,e ? Copyright 1997 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.


Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at



Special Astrophysical Observatory,Nizhnij Arkhyz,


Abstract.The RATAN-600radio telescope allows us to carry out si-multaneous multi-frequency observations using wide-band radiometers.Thus,we can account for the in?uence of the atmosphere using high fre-quency observations and the Galactic background using low frequencies,or observe instantaneous spectra of radio https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d518711490.html,ing these features a ?exible astronomical data processing system (FADPS),operating on di?erent UNIX platforms,was created.Methods of the FADPS construc-tion are described.The system supports Gauss-?t analysis (to estimate parameters of sources and to decompose them into individual compo-nents),non-linear smoothing and averaging,background calculation and subtraction,interpolation,convolution,visualization using X-Windows and PostScript,and reading and writing of data in FITS format.FADPS commands may be executed directly in UNIX,in scripts,or using a special shell for our data processing system in the X-Window system.FADPS also operates on spectra of radio sources,recorded as FITS TABLE data.The system allows us to ?t a spectrum by a set of curves with weighted spectral points,and to calculate spectral indices and ?uxes.This sys-tem is connected to the CATS database,operated at the RATAN-600.Di?erent stages of data reduction and results are shown in ?gures.


The RATAN-600(Parijskij &Korolkov 1986)is a transit radio telescope with a variable pro?le allowing simultaneous multi-frequency observations using dif-ferent feed horns.At present,the wide-band radiometers at 0.968,2.31,3.95,7.69,11.1,and 22GHz are mounted on feeder cabin No.1.The large number of frequencies allows observations of instantaneous spectra of radio sources.A high sensitivity to extended sources permits deep sky surveys,detection of new radio sources,and studies of the ?uctuations of the microwave background radiation.At the higher frequencies (11.1,22GHz)we may account for the in?uence of the atmosphere,and at lower frequencies (0.968GHz)we may obtain the Galactic background level,and clean the data at intermediate frequencies (Parijskij &Korolkov 1986).

The result of a single observation at the RATAN-600from one receiver is a one-dimensional scan of the sky.This data vector contains points of measured antenna temperatures of the sky with a constant registration interval in sidereal time.


Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at RATAN–60047

Figure1.Four iterations of the FADPS background curve calculation.

Based on these features we have created a“Flexible Astronomical Data Pro-cessing System”(FADPS,Verkhodanov et al.1993),operating under di?erent ?avors of UNIX(Linux,Solaris,etc.).

2.Data Reduction

The usual stages of the RATAN-600data reduction are the following.After observation,the registration program automatically removes interference spikes by resampling the raw data using robust methods(Shergin et al.1997).The user may then further smooth the data using the same algorithms to estimate the low noise component or the background(Figure1).After subtraction of the background from the primary data,Gauss-?t analysis may be used to?nd components of the source and estimate their parameters.


Our approach in the construction of FADPS follows the main principles of op-eration of programs in a data processing system and the rules of operation in UNIX.

The command languages of UNIX(Bourne shell and C shell)are used as the command languages of our system.These languages have loop,condition, and local transition operators.The process of data reduction is a consecutive application of operators(commands)to the user’s data recorded as equidistant


Figure2.The screen of the fgr program with the menu and drawn


measurements and stored in separate?les.Each operator corresponds to a speci?c command called a“module.”Using a set of such modules and a basic knowledge of UNIX the user may construct his/her own data processing system or simply type a sequence of modules to obtain the desired result.The command modules can read data from standard input and write data to standard output and may be used as?lters in UNIX pipes.Let us consider some vector containing observational data of a radio source.To obtain the parameters of a source we have to?t a Gaussian to our record.The standard analysis consists of the consecutive application of two operators:the background subtraction operator F bgd and the Gauss-?t operator F gauss:

R=F gauss(F bgd(D)),

where D is the initial vector and R is the resulting vector.Under UNIX the application of both operators corresponds to the following command string: bgd?w10R,

where bgd is the program for background subtraction,gauss is the program for Gaussian?tting,the key“-w”de?nes that the subsequent parameter is the size of the window for smoothing,the key“-n”de?nes that the subsequent parameter is the lower amplitude level of the Gauss-?t.

4.Basic Functions

The system includes the commands to perform the following:Gauss-?t analysis (to estimate the parameters of sources and to decompose them into separate

Multiwave Continuum Data Reduction at RATAN–60049

components),?tting of tabular beam patterns,non-linear smoothing and av-eraging on the basis of robust algorithms(Shergin et al.1997),background calculation and subtraction,interpolation,convolution,Fourier cleaning,visu-alization in X-Windows or in PostScript,and reading and writing?les in FITS and FITS BINARY TABLE format.

These commands may be executed as UNIX scripts or using our own graph-ics shell for our data processing system in the X-Window system.The shell scripts may be used in ASCII terminal mode.The interactive mode of the FADPS is available in the graphics program fgr(Files GRaphics),where a user may select required operations from a menu and see the result of the execution in the X-Windows screen of fgr(Figure2).fgr also permits the execution of external users’?lters.

FADPS also operates with spectra of radio sources recorded as FITS TA-BLEs.The system supports?tting a spectrum with a set of curves using di?erent weights for di?erent spectral points.It calculates spectral indices and?uxes at any desired frequency.The graphics program spg(SPectra Graphics)operates with these functions(see Figure2in Verkhodanov et al.1997).The spg menu provides a least-squares?t of a spectrum with several curves.The choice among these curves is either automatic or via mouse clicks.The mouse also allows a manual?tting(when the cursor delineates the curve)and the deletion of un-reliable or unwanted data points(or attaching a zero weight to them).Data points may be weighted in di?erent ways:using equal weights,weights by?ux density errors,or on a point-by-point basis.This system is connected with the CATS database of radio catalogs(Verkhodanov et al.1997)operated at the RATAN-600.


At present the FADPS is used at the RATAN-600and in some others Russian institutes as the system to operate on one-dimensional vectors of data recorded in FITS format.An additional Tcl/Tk interface over the FADPS modular structure is being developed.The software is written in the algorithmic language“C”and may be freely distributed.

Acknowledgments.This work was supported partly by grant No96-07-89075of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.The author thanks ISF-LOGOVAZ Foundation for the travel grant,the SOC for the?nancial aid in the living expenses and the LOC for the hospitality.The author is thankful for H. Andernach for critical notes on this paper.


Parijskij,Y.N.,&Korolkov,D.V.1986,Ap.Sp.Sci.Rev.,Ser.D5,40 Shergin,V.S.,Verkhodanov,O.V.,Chernenkov,V.N.,Erukhimov,B.L.,& Gorokhov,V.L.1997,this volume,46

Verkhodanov,O.V.,Erukhimov,B.L.,Monosov,M.L.,Chernenkov,V.N.,& Shergin,V.S.1993,Bull.of SAO,36,132.

Verkhodanov,O.V.,Trushkin,S.A.,Andernach,H.,&Chernenkov,V.N.1997, this volume,322
