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大学英语作文 网购VS实体店

大学英语作文 网购VS实体店
大学英语作文 网购VS实体店

Shopping in stores vs. shopping online

Nowadays, with the high development of the Internet, shopping online is becoming more and more popular, especially among young people.

As far as I can see, there are some advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. On the one hand, it has some great advantages. Firstly, it is more convenient for the reason that you can buy anything you want within some clicks instead of stepping into stores, and it really saves too much time. Secondly, online shopping is only determined by your mood, there is no need to think about the weather, opening and closing time or even places. Thirdly, sometimes online shopping is really cheap and saves money. On the other hand, online shopping has some disadvantages. First of all, you can't touch the thing so you don't know how it feels, which can be avoided in stores. Then, you can't try it on if you shop online, but you can see the effect of clothing worn on your body in stores.

Above all, either shopping in stores or shopping online has advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose a way according to different needs. However, in my opinion, online shopping will become a trend in the near future.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: among, between, amid, among st 均含“在……之间,在……之中”之意。

among: 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。

between: 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。

amid: 正式用词,侧重指在某个地方的中间或被某个东西包围着或在非同类人中间。

amongst: 与among同义,是among的变体。一般说来among总能替代amongst,而





As far as I can see, there are some advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: advantage, benefit, interest, favour, profit, gain 均有“利益,好处”之意。


On the one hand, it has some great advantages.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: big, large, great, grand 均含“大的”之意。

big: 常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。

large: 普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。

great: 普通用词,可指具体东西的“大”,但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情色彩。

grand: 侧重指盛大、绝大,有气派。



Firstly, it is more convenient for the reason that you can buy anything you want within some clicks instead of stepping into stores, and it really saves too much time.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: buy, purchase 均含“购买”之意。

?[批改提示] save近义表达有rescue/ release/ liberate/ salvage



?[推荐词汇] too much在写作中使用的太多,在某些语境下可考虑换为excessive。

Excessive drinking induces alcoholism.




Secondly, online shopping is only determined by your mood, there is no need to think about the weather, opening and closing time or even places.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: decide, determine, resolve, settle 都含“决定”之意。


Thirdly, sometimes online shopping is really cheap and saves money.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: inexpensive, cheap均含“便宜的,价廉的”之意。


On the other hand, online shopping has some disadvantages.

SeeAlso: take disadvantage9



First of all, you can't touch the thing so you don't know how it feels, which can be avoided in stores.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: escape, avoid都有“躲避危险”之意。


?[批改提示] know近义表达有cognize/ recognize/ realize/ foreknow



Then, you can't try it on if you shop online, but you can see the effect of clothing worn on your body in stores.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: clothes, clothing, coat, dress, garment, robe, gown, uniform, costume, suit 均有“衣服,服装”之意。



Above all, either shopping in stores or shopping online has advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose a way according to different needs.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: agree, accord, coincide, conform, correspond 均含“符合,一致”



?[批改提示] according to在做“根据”讲时,近义表达有in accordance with。




However, in my opinion, online shopping will become a trend in the near future.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: advice, opinion, progposal, suggestion, recommendation, view 均含“意见,建议”之意。


英语作文 英语利与弊 模版

英语作文英语利与弊模版 对比观点题型(1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). net 阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).


关于网购的英语作文(一) Along with the advance of the society ,more and more person has experienced online shopping .online shopping has come into fashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of internet technology .At the same time ,with the increasing globalization and urbanization , the human race has entered a completely new stage in its history. Online shopping has its pros and cons just as the saying goes:”so many people ,so many minds .”It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person .From the perspective of consumers .it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time .For retailers ,it can cut some costs for those without much circulating funds .However ,there are still some defects in online shopping .First ,compared with face-to-face deal, it seems less reliable and trustworthy .Second ,people will lose the fun of bargain. After a thorough consideration ,for my part ,I am in favor of the view that we still should be careful when we “go shopping “though internet although shopping online has been an irresistible trend in modern society .we should check the information carefully that released via the internet .Only


关于优缺点英语作文 对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。关于优缺点英语作文怎么写,你知道怎么写吗?如果不知道,就一起看看小编整理的内容吧! 关于优缺点英语作文1 My Strengths and Weaknesses It’s important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the two basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don’t have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better. 关于优缺点英语作文2 Everybody has strenghth and weakness.I am a friendly,warm-hearted,generous and easy going girl.I am always ready


With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need,but in contrast to buying in stores, there are lots of differences and simlarities between them. 随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在这里他们需要,但是不同于购买商店,有很多差异,simlarities 分给他们。 Comparing to buying in stores,, shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages.On the one hand, it is very convenient and comfortable for us. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.比较在商店购物、网上购物有很多好处。一方面,这是非常方便和舒适为我们开启的门。人们不用花很多的精力和宝贵的时间去到从一个店到另一个选择他们喜欢的商品。这是特别可取的老人、病人和繁忙的人无法去商店的人。他们所要做的就是坐在电脑前面,并点击“只老鼠。所订商品马上送到。 On the other hand, shopping on the internet is also cheaper and more colorful to us.we can buy the commodities from the original company directly by paying for postages, which can save our money

2020届中考英语作文热点素材范文04 网购

2020届中考英语作文热点素材范文 热点04 网购 网购无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。今天,选择的2020年中考英语写作预测话题是:网购。 【预测题目】 (一) 你喜欢网上购物吗?你对“网购”这一现象有何看法?请写一篇短文,从购物的时效性、安全性、商品的品种、质量、价格等方面说说“网购”相对于传统购物方式的优势与劣势。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________【参考范文】 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain. 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于陈述正反方观点的议论文作文,主题是网上购物的优缺点。要求中只给出了要点,需要自己发挥的地方较多。要求中已经给出了部分提示,动笔先应先认真阅读提示,确定写作内容。写作中注意表达观点时的常用句式,注意在表达不同观点时,连词的使用。内容上应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。 考点:命题作文的写作 点评:本题给出的材料较为简略,可发挥的空间较大,所以自己可以选择自己比较熟悉的内容发挥,利用自己熟悉的单词句式等。 (二) “双11”电商销售旺季即将到来,伴随现如今已然成为时尚的“网购”热潮,越来起多的学生也进入到网购的群体当中,校学生会就网购这一热点问题作了问卷调查,观点如下:


关于网购的英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:网购英语作文的范文有哪些?第二篇:网购的英语作文第三篇:有关网购的英语作文第四篇:网购英语作文第五篇:网购的英语作文更多相关范文 网购英语作文的范文有哪些? 很多朋友经常会抱怨网购英语作文不知道该怎么写,其实说到写法还是有很多的,比如下面的2篇文章就非常不错,大家可以试试看是否可以翻译成纯英文的,这也是体现您的英语实力的时候。 网购英语作文一:随着互联网的帮助,购物是不是一件困难的工作。只需点击鼠标,选择你喜欢的文章,并完成购物。您不必走出房间。这似乎很容易和快速。但总是有网上的陷阱。如果你不小心,它会给你带来一些麻烦。您可能会发现文章的颜色是不同的,你想要什么,过小或过大或大小。如果你想与众不同,你最好不要在网上购买衣服。一旦你把你在网上买的衣服,走出去,你会发现有很多人穿同样的衣服在街上。 网购英语作文二:随着互联网的发展和电脑的普及,网上购物已成为一个司空见惯的,我们的生活。在这里,消费者几乎可以买到他们所需要的一切。网上购物有很多优势,其中最重要的可能是它的方便。人们没有自己的精力和宝贵的时间浪费了很多,从一个商店到另一个去选择自己喜欢的商品。这是老,病了, * 人们,谁也不能去的商店的人特别需要。在网上,商品在互联网上的各种形状,大小和颜色。所有他们需要做的是坐在自己的电脑前,按一下鼠标。订购的

商品及时交付给他们。但是,网上购物也有其缺点。第一个缺点是,消费者可以不看货,或亲自试戴。有时,真正的货物可能是不一样的,他们所看到的计算机上。第二个缺点是,一些商店在互联网上没有登记。他们将永远不会给你提供什么后,他们得到了你的钱。一旦被骗,你会发现,你已经无处可去抱怨。 大家就得英语作文当中and的用法,不过尽量别老是用and,会让人觉得没水平……有时还不如直接分句子。连接词在上面提过了,很多参考书什么的会有的。反过来,有时有些句子之间的连接别想太多,用and连接就够了,这样就可以写出成功的网购英语作文。 关于网购英语作文的范文正如上文所示,只要大家掌握了其中的要领,就可以在日后大放溢彩了,写好作文还需要大家的耐心和细心,作文的成功不是一蹴而就的,而是长时间的切身体会和单词数量的积累。更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。 with the development of the inter and the popularization of puters, shopping on the inter has bee a monplace in our life. here consumers can buy almost everything they need,but in contrast to buying in stores, there are lots of differences and simlarities between them. 随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在这里他们需要,但是不同于购买商店,有很多差 异,simlarities分给他们。


What are some major advantages and disadvantages of these modern i n v e n t i o n s—p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r a n d t h e I n t e r n e t? Our society is an informational one which is different from past. As human history developing, personal computer and the Internet come into being. They change our lives to a certain extent and they have some advantages and disadvantages for us. It has made our lives easier since personal computer and the Internet existed. Thanks to personal computer, we no longer have to compute complicated data using varieties of formulas because a computer could do all of these for us. I major in basic medicine and I need to handle data in processes of our experiments. Personal computer vastly saves my times and energies since I use professional software to work out complex data. Also, Internet helps us saving times. For example, if we don’t have leisure to go shopping out of our homes, we search the Internet. It presents us with desirable things and then we could buy them online. The couriers carry the goods we buy to where we live in, thus we can get what we buy without going out. Personal computer and the Internet shorten distance of people as well. For instance, one goes abroad contact his parents with long-distant video and it relieve the homesick he has. While they have many advantages, personal computer and the Internet also have some disadvantages. At first place, some people become reluctant to communicate with others due to addiction in computer games or Internet and they may be unsocial with their friends and their parents. Secondly, excessive enthrallment(沉迷) in computer and Internet could lead to unhealthy mental state. Fact shows that one may exist depression after long-term isolate with other people, thus cause some negative effects like suicide. Thirdly, if someone fixes his eyes on monitor too long, his eyesight will be impaired. This also hurt his health physiologically. Since personal computer and the Internet have advantages and disadvantages at the same time, the using of them has tow-side effects. We should take advantage the good side of them and avoid the bad side of them to the greatest extent.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping There is no denying the fact that online shopping has been gaining popularity these years. Obviously, it has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, it's a convenient way to purchase. People can buy things without going out. In the second place, goods online are usually sold at prices lower than in conventional stores, so we are more likely to buy bargains on the Internet. Last but not least, online shopping offers us a lot more choices of goods since we can browse online stores without the limit of time and location. 不可否认的事实,这些年网上购物已越来越受到欢迎。显然,它有很多优势。首先,它是一种方便的购物方式。人们可以足不出户买东西。其次,商品在网上销售的价格通常比传统商店低,因此我们更有可能在互联网上购买到便宜货。最后但并非最不重要的,网上购物为我们提供了更多的商品来选择,因为我们可以没有时间和地点的限制去浏览网上商店。 Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, shopping online also has demerits/disadvantages. For one thing, it is hard to tell whether the thing one search in an online shop is fake or not. For another, people can not check or try on the thing they buy until they receive it. An added risk lies with online payment, which hasn’t p roved to be secure enough. One’s password may be stolen. 然而,正如任何事物都有两面性,网上购物也有缺点。一方面,我们很难判断在网上商店搜索到的商品是真是假。另一方面,人们不能检查或试穿他们购买的东西,直到人们收到它。另外一个风险是在线支付,这并没有被证明是足够安全的。一个人的密码可能被窃取。 From my point of view, the advantages of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. We may take advantage of it but we need also take measures to ensure that its disadvantages are reduced to the minimum so that it can serve us in a better way. 从我的角度来看,网上购物是利多于弊。我们可以好好利用这个优势,但我们也需要采取措施,以确保把它的缺点是减少到最低限度,以便它能够更好地服务于我们。 1


关于网购的小学生英语作文范文height:35px;margin-bottom:8px;">关于网购的小学生英语作文范文篇一 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops


●Advantages: 1.Beginning: ●There are number of benefits. ●Clearly, the advantages include (but not limited to)… ●Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits. ●Clearly there are a number of obvious merits. ●Obviously, there are a number of positive features. 2.1st ●But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that…This is obviously favorable because… ●Although I guess that the most visible would be that … ●However, I guess that the most evident would be that… ●That’s beneficial primarily because… ●It is beneficial for a variety of reasons. ●Its most obvious advantage is… 3.2nd ●Supplementary to this, a second plus point maybe that… ●At the same time the second bonus might be… ●As well as this further favorable aspect would be that… ●This is definitely advantageous because… ●And it’s advantageous because …as well ●It’s valuable also because… ●And of course, it’s positive also due to the fact 4.End: ●Those are the main merits associated with… ●There are other benefits as well, but basically these are the main ones. ●I guess that’s it. ●Disadvantages:(shortcoming/ negative aspects/ drawbacks/ weakness/ weak point/ unfavorable quality/ limitation) 1.Beginning: ●There might be some risks involved. ●Apparently, some hazards may be involved. ●I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects. ●I’m sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks. 2.1st ●One major concern about this is… ●I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that…


China has 271 million online consumers,meaning that almost half of China's 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall,which saw a combined $1 trillion in sales in 2012,will both be running promotional campaigns during China's Singles' Day. Among the offers:50 percent discounts on products like boyfriend body pillows and hoodies that read "I am single because I am fat." https://www.sodocs.net/doc/d35942200.html, declared that the site would sell "20,000 products discounted by as much as 90 percent." That includes a wedding ring,which singles can presumably buy,just in case. 中国有2亿7100万网络消费者,这意味着中国的5亿9100万网民中有近半数在网上购物。如淘宝和天猫的网购网站,在2012年销售量加在一起有1万亿美元。这两家网站都会在中国的光棍节这天发起促销活动,他们的促销策略是相关商品的五折优惠、比如“男朋友抱枕”、上书“我肉多所以我单身”的套头衫等。亚马逊网称将该站上将有“2万件商品1折优惠”,这其中包括结婚戒指——也许单身人士会买一只来以备日后可用。 Jack Ma,founder of Internet giant Alibaba,told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang late last month that Alibaba's sales on Singles' Day 2012 were "nearly $3.3 billion" -- more than double the roughly $1.5 billion purchased on Cyber Monday in 2012. For Singles' Day 2013,Ma expects sales to exceed $4.9 billion. 网络巨头阿里巴巴的创始人马云在10月底会见李克强总理的时候曾对总理坦言,2012年光棍节期间,阿里巴巴的销售量有“近33亿美元”——比2012年美国的“网购礼拜一”创下的约15亿美元销售量翻了一番。对2013年的光棍节,马云预测销售量将突破49亿。 The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles' Day shopping period. 消费者群体中单身族的崛起并不是没有代价的。据《中国财经杂志》报道,在光棍节期间,为了处理3亿2300万份包裹,许多大型物流公司需要筹措超过100台货运飞机四处奔走。 The holiday strains the logistics system:Products frequently sell out or arrive late. Even when everything moves smoothly,consumers complain about commercial gimmicks. According to the Beijing Evening News,a popular local paper,some online retailers quietly raise prices before slashing them. 光棍节期间物流系统往往问题百出:商品常常已经断货或者送货延期。就算物流系统一切正常,网购公司的销售猫腻也常常引起消费者不满。根据北京一家知名报刊《北京晚报》报道,许多在线零售商都会先抬高商品价格,然后再鼓吹降价销售。 追其根本为什么网购这么火。除了以上的原因,还有一点非常值得讨论,那就是国内物价,在双十一狂欢购物节上,发生盲目购买行为的另一个原因是在心里产生了如果不买就要再等一年的观念,这就从侧面反映了物价的过高。在美国,尽管生活成本高,但是他们的基本工资要普遍高于国内,并且物价低廉。这也可以解释为什么美国的全美购物要比中国低那

英语作文网上购物 Online shopping

Online Shopping Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop.There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a common lifestyle as time rolls by.Surely ,just as every coin has two sides,online shopping comes with strengths and weaknesses. On one side,when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click,they may choose online shopping without hesitating.On the other side,for retailers,online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places.In a word,to a large extent,online shopping has become a vital convenience in our daily life. However,we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping.As you see,nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products,which bring about damned unsatisfactory.Additionally,no one could insure a completely secure process of transport.And usually,conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged .What’s more,it’s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one’s computer is invaded by virus. From my point of view,online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people.For one thing,it is the product of social development,and as more and more people purchase in this way,those
