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1.[答案] B

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:不定代词的用法。

空格上文提到,睡眠分为浅睡阶段和深睡阶段。因此空格处____ kind of sleep指的就是这两种睡眠。四个备选项中,首先排除[D]项。any 指“任何一个”,如:You can buy sugar at any big store.你可以在任何一家大商店里买到糖。余下的选项中,each指两个或多个中的每一个,例如:Each of them thinks different thoughts.他们中的每一个人都有不同的想法。either 表示两者之一,表示肯定,如:You can park on either side of the street. 在街道的哪边停车都可以。neither表否定含义,表示“两者都不”。如:Neither of us could understand German.我们两个谁也不懂德语。空格所在的分句里出现的关键词at all一般与否定词连用,即not…at all,意为“一点也不,根本不”,因而这里应填表否定含义的词,[B]正确,意为“人们对两类睡眠都没有完全了解”。

2. [答案] C

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:动词词义辨析。

intend意为“想要,打算,企图”,intend to do sth. (=mean to do sth.)意为“打算做某事”,主语一般是有生命的事物。如:I hear they intend to marry. 我听说他们要结婚了。require意为“需要,要求,命令”,be required to do sth.意为“被要求/必须做某事”,如:All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。显然不能说,“浅睡眠阶段被要求做某事”。assume意为“假定,设想”,be assumed to do sth.意为“被假定/认为做某事”,如:He is assumed to be a Belgian.(他被认为是个比利时人。)infer意为“推论,推断”,但它不用于infer sth. to do结构中,而用于infer sth. from sth.结构中,如:Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.(大部分含意必须从上下文中推断。)因此,只有assume 符合上下文的要求。另外,根据上文可知,人们对睡眠的两个阶段都不十分了解,因此有关浅睡眠的功能的论述只是一种推测,[C]为正确项。

3. [答案] C

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:形容词词义辨析。

subtle意为“微妙的,难以捉摸的”,如:He complained that these people were subtle. 他抱怨说这些人难以捉摸。obvious意为“明显的”;mysterious意为“难以解释或无法理解的”;doubtful意为“可疑的,值得怀疑的”,如He is a doubtful character. 他是个可疑的人物。

前文提到人们对两种睡眠阶段都不是很了解时用了well-understood一词,从逻辑语意上可以推出人们对non-REM sleep也不很了解,因此,几个选项中mysterious最合适。

4. [答案] B

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:动词词义辨析。

空格所在句子是一个长句,主干部分是The new experiments suggest fascinating explanations. such as引导的短语是对experiments的举例说明。these指的是the new experiments,空格处填入的过去分词表示被动含义,相当于一个后置定语从句,即these

which are _____ for the first time…,用来修饰these。四个选项中,maintain意为“保持,维持”,与句中的for the first time相矛盾;settle意为“解决”,afford意为“支付得起”,与experiments不搭配。describe意为“描述”,用在文中表示“(会议上)描述的一些新实验”,符合文意。

5. [答案] D

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:短语语意辨析。

四个选项都可与介词of连用。in the light of (= in light of/according to)意为“按照,根据,考虑到”,如:He rewrote the book in the light of further research.(他根据进一步的研究重写了那部书。)by virtue of意为“依靠,由于”,如:She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.(她由于经验较为丰富而得到了那份工作。)with the exception of(= except)意为“除了……之外”,如:All his novels are set in Italy with the exception of his last.(他的小说除最后一部外全是以意大利为背景。)显然,这三个含义代入文中都不符合文意。for the purpose of 可以看作是一个固定短语,意为“为了……的目的”,如:The three groups have been combined for the purpose of this study.(为了这项研究工作,三个小组业已合并。)但本文中却不是把它作为一个固定短语使用,而且分成了两个部分,explanations常与for搭配,表示“解释……的原因”,the purpose of non-REM sleep在上文中出现过,表示“深睡眠的作用”,正确答案是[D]。

6. [答案] C

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:名词词义辨析。

for example一词提示空格所在部分是衔接上文,解释深睡眠的作用的举例。reduction 意为“减少”;deprivation意为“剥夺”;restriction意为“限制”。destruction意为“破坏,毁灭”,通常指具体事物,如:The fire caused the destruction of my books.这场大火使我的藏书被毁坏。“对老鼠产生致命影响”的应是“睡眠的剥夺”,所以[C]符合题意。

7. [答案] A

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:介词的用法。

upon+名词/动名词=when引导的从句,其中upon相当于when/directly after,表示“当……时……”。如:Upon entering the room(=When I entered the room), I found him lying on the floor.用在文中表示“当检查死亡老鼠的尸体时”,因此[A]为正确答案。

through意为“凭借,用……的方法”;by意为“凭借,靠,通过”,主要表示方法、手段;with意为“用,使用;以”。本文如果使用这些介词,首先需要在名词examination 前加上定冠词the;其次其逻辑主语就是句子的主语the animals,这样含义就成了“动物通过检查动物尸体”,不符合逻辑。

8. [答案] D

[解析] 本题考核的知识点:短语语意辨析。

pay attention to 意为“注意”,如:pay attention to state affairs关心国大事;catch sight of (=see)意义“看到,发现”,如:She caught sight of a car in the distance.她一眼瞥见了远处的汽车;lay emphasis on (=emphasize)意为“重视”,如:He laid a strong emphasis on the study of foreign languages.他把重点放在学习外训上;cast/throw/shed light on意为“使(问题等)较容易理解”,如:Recent research has shed new light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究结果可以使人进一步了解导致这种疾病的原因。根据句意,应选[D],表示“一位研究人员使人们进一步了解动物死亡的奥秘”。

9. [答案] A

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:动词词义辨析。

develop意为“(逐渐)显现出,(开始)患(病)”,如:She developed measles. 她得了

麻疹。produce意为“制造,产生”,如:Hard work often produces good results.努力工作经常会有好结果。stimulate意为“促进,刺激”,如:Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.体操促进血液流动。induce意为“引诱,诱使”。如:Too much food induces sleepiness.吃得过饱会产生睡意。本题的关键词bacterial infections of blood (血液细菌感染)是一种病,根据习惯搭配,应该用develop。

10. [答案] B

[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:逻辑关系。

本句是一个复合句。主句The rats develop bacterial infections of the blood用的是一般现在时,根据时态一致的原则,从句也应该用现在时。但在本题中,从句用的是过去完成时。很显然,主从句的时态不一致。时态不一致一般是由两个原因引起的:一,时间状语,如:I’m doing my homework, while I was watching TV this time yesterday.二,虚拟语气的使用,如:If I were you, I would go there. 如果我是你,我就去那儿。此题并没有涉及时间状语因此导致时态不一致的原因是虚拟语气的使用。

If意为“如果”,跟虚拟语气时,主句应相应地使用虚似语气,如:The conference wouldn’t been so successful, if we hadn’t made adequate preparations.如果我们不做充分的准备,会议是不会开得这么成功的。

as if 意为“好像”,可以接虚拟语气,如:He behaved as if nothing had happened.(他表现得若无其事。)

only if 意为“只有”,接条件从句,一般引起主句的倒装现象,如:Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.只有红灯闪亮时才有危及职工的险情。

if only意为“要是……就好了”,接虚拟语气,一般用来引导感叹句,如:If only she had known where to find you.






《英语影视赏析》课程教学大纲 (2003年制订,2006年修订) 课程编号:100190 英文名:English Movie Appreciation 课程类别:专业选修课 前置课:基础英语 后置课:无 学分:2学分 课时:34课时 主讲教师:李丽萍褚玉襄 选定教材:Andrew Lynn,英语电影赏析,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005年。 课程概述: 本课程针对英语专业高年级学生开设。主要目的是为了顺应我国当前政治经济形势发展的需要,满足大学生迫切需要通过电视、电影等媒体来直接了解世界各国的政治、经济、文化和社会发展动态的需要。通过涵养学生的影视艺术感觉,提高学生英语水平和影视艺术鉴赏的审美品位。 学习语言的过程很大程度上是文化习得的过程。语言只有放置于一定的文化背景和语言环境的情况下才有其意义,学生才能够将语言认知能力转化为语言运用能力,达到学习语言的能力。 教学目的: 通过对影视英语的分析与欣赏,让学生能够身入其境地了解影视中各种人物的对话,了解各国的风土人情、特有的文化背景、历史与现状、科学技术的发展、地理地貌等特点。本课程借助现代媒体手段,充分利用各种可能的途径,获得各种特点的素材和资料,在课堂上和学生一起分析其中所用语言和其使用的环境,尤其是英文经典和热门电影的赏析和解读帮助学生领略电影大师们特色各异的创作韵趣,进一步认识电影思维、电影语言的独特规律,并从欧美和中国不同民族和地域的社会文化背景深入了解作品的文化学内蕴,通过教师分段的各种提问与讲解,使学生能对影片的内容有个透彻的了解,从而能逐渐培养起他们独立欣赏原版片的习惯与能力。学生通过本课程的学习,可以提高自身通过听觉获取信息的能力,可以较为顺利地听懂有一定难度的英语电影、电视片段等,了解英语国家的人文特点,提高英语文化素养,能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学知识进行交流。


曾经和ing《经典英文电影赏析》由10个章节组成。每一章节包括电影背景、故事简介、主要演员阵容及导演介绍、精彩部分节选、对影片的评论及注释五大部分。相信许多读者会在观赏优美电影或阅读《经典英文电影赏析》的过程中重温自己过去的电影体验,获得新的感悟和理解。 英汉对照是《经典英文电影赏析》的一大特点。《经典英文电影赏析》既有英文原文,也提供了中文翻译,有助于英语爱好者能更好地理解书中的内容。同时,《经典英文电影赏析》还提供了注释,为读者的自学提供了参考。 ·查看全部>> 前言 在“信息爆炸”的今天,随着国际文化交流的不断深入和推进,英语作为世界通行语的优势越来越显示出她的“英语帝国”风貌。一方面中国正逐步地同世界接轨,日益频繁的国际交往,使国家和社会对大学生的英语综合应用能力尤其是听说技能提出了更高的要求。另一方面,目前全国大学英语教学改革正在各高校尝试并推广,基于计算机/网络+课堂教学的教学模式日渐普遍。 教育部2007年颁布了《大学英语课程教学要求》。为贯彻其原则和方针,遵循其提出的“加强听说能力,提倡自主型的个性化学习”要求,大学英语教学课时数在一定程度上进行了缩减,包括听力课课时。而全国大学英语四、六级考试在这一改革的背景下进行了很大程度的调整,加强了应用能力的考查,听力所占的比例也由原来的20%提高到了35%。大学英语教学也面临着新的挑战。 因此,如何在学时减少、对听说能力要求提高的情况下,加强对学生学习能力的训练,培养学生自主学习的新模式,也是大学教师应该探讨的新问题。 电影一直以来就是人类漫漫旅途中的精神伴侣。在电影中,人们可以获得心灵的安慰,得到情感的滋润,寻求生活的力量,体验人生的快乐。而英语电影不仅能把学习者带入到一个非常好的语境中培养语感,而且有利于学生熟悉国外的社会、文化、生活方式以及异国风情,为他们了解西方提供了一种影像解读的窗口。中国著名英语语言学教育专家刘润清曾说过,“电影是社会文化的浓缩,看一部电影胜似在国外生活一天”。 借此我们编写了《经典英文电影赏析》这部书。在对近几年英美国家上演的大片精挑细选的基础上,我们选择了既适合英语学习,又集知识性、趣味性、观赏性、时尚性、体验性为一体的10部电影。目的是通过提供真实的英语语言环境,让英语学习者和爱好者能直接了解英美人的思维方式、文化和生活习俗,锻炼和提高英语视、听、说、读、写、译的综合应用能力。这10部电影涉及不同的类型:爱情片、励志片、喜剧片、动作片、友情片、动画片等。

北语 19秋《英语电影赏析》作业_1234

19秋《英语电影赏析》作业_1 一、单选题( 每题4分, 共20道小题, 总分值80分) 1.What was Andy's job? A. Banker B. reporter C. lawyer D. clerk 答案:A q:‘80500’‘9261’ 2.What is the time of the penny in Ghost? A. 1988 B. 1898 C. 1876 D. 1889 答案:B 3.Whose song does Ike like? A. Avil B. Jackson C. Miles D. Madonna 答案:C 4.Where did Andy go after breaking prison? A. Washington B. South America C. Mexico D. Brazil 答案:C 5.What is the nationality of Grace's father? A. Indian B. Korean C. South American D. German 答案:A 6.What is Uncle Max's last name? A. Schraeder B. Zeller C.Detweiler D.von Trapp 答案:C

7.Who told Maria that the von Trapp family dances? A. Louisa B. Kurt C.Brigitta D.Friedrich 答案:B 8.Which word has the same meaning with “murdered”? A. set down B. set on C. set out D. set up 答案:D 9.Did Scarlett really love Ashley? A. yes B. no C. no clear D. I don't know 答案:B 10.Which line follows this quote: "And do you or do you not have trouble following these simple instructions?" A. Only in pyjamas B. Only during thunderstorms C. Only when children are concerned D.Only at night time 答案:B 11.Where did the princess and Joe meet for the first time? A. on a bench in the street B. at a shop C. on the bus D. at a conference 答案:A 12.What is the horse's name? A. luck B. baby horse C. pilgrim D. Sam 13.How long had Jane and Edward been married at the end of the book? A. 2 years


英语家庭作业:补充句子 成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。小编给大家准备了英语家庭作业:补充句子,欢迎参考! ?1. 如果你努力学习,将来你的梦想肯定能实现。 ?If you study hard, your dream will ______________________. ?2. 你如果明天有空,我们一起去滑冰吧。 ?If you are free tomorrow, let’s______________________ together. ?3. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。 ?The post office is a bit far from here.______________________ take a bus. ?4. 为了支付学费,他在业余时间做了一份兼职工作。 ?______________________the tuition, he gets a part time job in his spare time. 5. 车马上就开了,请尽快上车。 ?The bus is going immediately, please______________________. ?6. 请准时参加会议,开会之前我们要一起照张相。 ?Please_____________ the meeting_____________ , and we will_____________ together before the meeting. ?7. 一场罢工在全世界发生了,我刚刚听说了这件事。 ?A strike_____________ all over the world. I just _____________it. ?8. 玛丽很擅长数学,她在每次考试中都取得好成绩。 ?Mary_____________ math, and she every examination. ?9. 刚才我花两个小时完成了这幅画。 ?I ________________ two hours ________________ the picture just now. ?10. 汤姆年纪太小,不能开车。


Review of the Wreck-it Ralth Compared with the movies we have seen this semester,Wreck it Ralth is my favorite.It is the work of the Disney.we had a lot of fun in this film as well as moving. For this film, I want to write lots and lots, but feel my lack of language. Watched this movie ,Ithink that many people will have the feeling of fondly remembering. Exactly said, I am not a game fan, but it still aroused the memories of my childhood ,the street machine that in childhood played..In addition,I have never played Super Mario and PAC-man, and other classic games of figures I have just seen.But that's it, I still love this movie because it has put us in a game which always appears in a dream world. Therefore the angle of view of this movie gives people the fresh feeling At the beginning ,we all know that ralph is a good man but play a bad role.according to this,the story begins.In the hero duty,we knew the ralph's weakness.Fortunately,he overcomed his weakness and gain a sincere friendship. At the end of the film ,Ralth destroies the king with his huge fist,When he used the stone from the top of the volcano hit Coke fountain. his destruction has reached an extreme. And I am looking forward to this destruction, and adored this destruction,And my heart silently said: to make it ! Very humorous scene of the film, no matter how hard Felix tried,it only makethe Iron Prison firmer, and Ralth had become a savior. When your heart is full of love, the damage is also with personal happiness. The film is told in the usual frame of thinking, we have hidden things we can not see, such as the identity of the person,


英语电影赏析 The analysis of film —The Truman Show The Truman Show is a comedy film. It is a film within a film. The following is the cinematic analysis in three aspects: character, narrative and critical perspective. 1.Characters and performance Cast Design in The Truman Show Characterization in films is sometimes novelistic, in the sense that novels typically seek to convey depth and intricacy of characters. In The Truman Show, Truman Burbank is the protagonist who is a happily married insurance salesman living in a normal life in a small town named Seahaven Island. But Truman still pursues his first love—Sylvia. It is in conflict between the two situations. Conflict is that which causes problems for the character in the pursuit of his goal. In essence, the engine driving character development and the “transformational arc” come from the change that occurs within a character when his intentions are confronted with an obstacle and he must adapt to deal effectively with it. The outer motivation (what the character wants to achieve) plus the outer conflict (conflict against external forces), develop the new abilities of protagonist in the face of challenge. Many different factors block Truman to go to Fiji to find Sylvia, on the contrary, Truman has stronger desire to get out off Seahaven Island and find the truth of obstacle. He lives up to his name Truman (true), at the end of the film, he risks his neck to conquer the storm which is made up and then, go out. Truman often says “In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.”This hints Truman is a man breaks the normal procedure, so the outcome doesn’t come as a surprise—Truman breaks away from the Christof’s controlling. Meryl, Truman’s wife, seems virtuous. Everyday she goes to hospital for her work—nursing. When she comes back, she always brings new products back, and then she introduces them with a way for the promotion of the product. Meryl is a professional actress but not a good wife. She


小学英语家庭作业的设计与研究 -如何提高小学生完成英语家庭作业的兴趣 南京市拉萨路小学俞秀华(210029) 关键词:作业问题内容形式积累评价 摘要: 为了使孩子们主动完成家庭作业,也为了使孩子做有所获,真正发挥家庭作业的作用,这学期,我在家庭作业方面进行了一些研究,研究发现如能在布置家庭作业中注意如下几点,学生不做作业的现象会有很大改观。一、作业必须清楚而且具体。二、作业的内容要有趣味性。三、作业的形式要有灵活性。四、要重视知识的积累。五要能合理及时评价。

小学英语家庭作业的设计与研究 -如何提高小学生完成英语家庭作业的兴趣 家庭作业是教师设计的、由学生在家里完成的一种学习任务。它是课堂教学的补充和延续,对于巩固课堂教学、提高学生的学业成绩起着重要的作用。但是经常听到老师们抱怨:许多孩子不做家庭作业。而且越是基础差的孩子,越是怕做作业,我曾经也有这样的感受。那学生为什么会不做或少做家庭作业呢?通过研究发现,学生不按时完成家庭作业的原因有以下几点: 1)学习习惯差每天回家没有写作业的意识,只想玩。 2)不清楚写什么作业我调查十个常少家庭作业孩子,问他们为什么常少作业, 有六个孩子说,回家后就不知到写什么作业。 3)认为作业没意思,太枯燥大部分孩子认为老师布置作业太单调,没有趣味性, 常常抄词或短语,要不然就是背、背、背。 4)太难,太繁有些作业不会做,语文、数学还能请教爸爸、妈妈,英语 爸爸、妈妈不懂。 针对这些原因,为了使孩子们主动完成家庭作业,也为了使孩子做有所获,真正发挥家庭作业的作用,这学期,我在家庭作业方面进行了一些研究,研究发现如能在布置家庭作业中注意如下几点,学生不做作业的现象会有很大改观。 一、作业必须清楚而且具体。 一些教师喜欢在快要下课的时候布置作业,虽然教师声嘶力竭地叫喊着,但是教师的声音常常淹没在下课铃的叮当声,以及学生急着离开教师的喧嚣声中,在这种氛围中他们哪有心思记作业;一些教师虽然能以书面形式出示家庭作业,但是也是很快地1分钟内将作业书写(或课件显示)并叙述完毕,殊不知孩子们哪有这么大的能耐1分钟内快速记完作业。因此教师应该明白:这绝不是布置作业的好方法!因为这时孩子们无法定下心来记录作业,有的愿意记,也仅仅用大脑记,大部分的孩子都忙于下课,所以当他们到家后,再写作业时,具体的内容与要求已经模糊不清。如果一个人不知道要做什么,那么他就不会去做任何事!作业的功能就是使每个学生任务明确。为了达到这一目的,作业必须清楚而具体。我认为每节课老师最好留下2-3钟,让孩子以书面形式记录下来,作业最好由老师写在黑板上,而且要学生记的内容要少而精。如果上课没时间,老师也要在黑板上专门留出一个固定位置,将每天的作业写在上面。较多的作业可以用复印的方法,书面形式的作业既可以减少学生对作业的遗忘,还可以减少学生对作业的误解。 二、作业的内容要有趣味性。 学生是学习的组织者,作业的布置一定要符合不同年龄、不同学段儿童的特点。首


英语歌曲欣赏与英语写作--公开课教案(原创) 发布者:王建发布时间: 2011-10-21 9:52:07 言有心声,有感而发 ——英语歌曲欣赏与英语写作 萧山十中王建江 2011.10.21 Teaching aims: 1.to improve ss’ writing skills 2.to improve ss’ awareness of culture difference, especially in thinking mo del Teaching Procedure Part1. Lead-in:(6 minutes) Activity 1 How to improve writing skills by enjoying the English songs 1.to learn the different thinking model between the western people and Chinese 2.to improve writing skills by writing out ss’ own feeling about songs Activity 2 different thinking models between the western people and Chinese 1.Writing is different from translating 2.Thinking models of western people ①focus on details ②focus on the logical relations between details 3.Thinking models of Chinese people: reserved Activity3: What is detail and logical relations? 1.“Do you love me?” the answer from a western person 2.“Do you like my class” the answer from the Chinese ss. 3.“Do you agree with me?” (2006.浙江卷) Activity 4: different thinking model and the songs 1. An English song: “I love you, because you are so beautiful, like a lily in the spring garden” 2. A Chinese song: “你问我爱你有多深我爱你有几分你去想一想你去看一看月亮代表我的心” 3. Conclusion: English: abstract→concrete Chinese: reserved Part2: Before Writing (14 minutes)


《经典英语影视赏析》课程教学大纲 课程名称(中文):经典英语影视赏析 课程名称(英文):Appreciation of English Classic Films and Television Plays 课程类型:历史与文化类适用范围:贵州大学各专业本科生 学时数:32 其中:实验/实践学时:课外学时:无 周学时:2 学分数: 2 考核方式:考查 制订单位:外国语学院制订日期:2014-07-10 执笔者:张涛 【课程性质】 本课程是各专业本科阶段的一门选修课程。 【教学目的】 本课程旨在提高学生对语言真实度的各类视听材料的理解能力和口头表达能力。以经典英语影视为对象,通过“视”、“听”、“说”、“写”的结合,以直观画面和情节内容为基础开展有针对性的口语训练,运用复述、总结、对话、口头概述等活动形式,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,同时通过论文写作的形式,加深他们对英语国家的政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,从文化层面上更好的把握语言这门艺术。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生在提高英语语言能力的同时对西方的电影和文化有更多的了解和认识。 【教学内容】 1.阐述当代原版电影的一般知识,即通俗地介绍电影的文化特征和艺术特征,同时比较完整地介绍英美电影的历史和特点。 2.精心挑选了在世界上具有广泛影响的影片作为读解素材,其中大部分影片曾获得过奥斯卡奖。在理解剧情的基础上,领略电影作品从独特的美学价值和文化性格所展现出不同民族的艺术风格。 3.介绍部分当代英美电影的著名导演和演员,了解各种电影手法和创作技巧。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则: 英语影视课的教学既要注意结合各门课程所学内容,打好扎实的语言基本功,又要突出语言交际能力的培养,注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力。在教学中,要正确引导学生学习中西文化的差异,处理好欣赏和批判的关系以及如何正确接受西方文化的方法。 教学方法: 课堂教学采取学生为主体、教师为主导的教学模式。在教学中,利用音像环境所提供生动的英语语境训练听力和口语,分析英语经典影片,长、短片结合。多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动,通过“视”、“听”、“说”的综合训练,提高学生的英语语言运用能力。 【先修课程要求】 以语音、语法、词汇、听力、口语等为基础的综合能力培养的大学英语课程。 【教材与主要参考书】 教材: Andrew Lynn Appreciating Cinema 《英语电影赏析》外语教学与研究出版社, 2005年参考书: 徐志英邓杉赵蓉英语电影视听说外语教学与研究出版社, 2009年


英文电影赏析之 ——ForrestGump 院系:技术物理系 年级: 姓名: 学号:

英文电影赏析之 ——ForrestGump 一学期的英文电影赏析课程就要结束了,在这一学期中我们看了各种题材的经典电影。比如说励志题材的《ForrestGump》,动作题材的《007系列之明日帝国》,爱情题材的《英国病人》还有恐怖题材的《七宗罪》等等经典之作。这些电影都给我留下了深刻的印象,让我对英文电影有了更加深刻的了解。在这些电影中给我留下印象最为深刻的还是励志题材的《ForrestGump》。 《Forrest Gump》一开始就利用一个场景:在蓝色的天空中,一片羽毛随风飘舞,飘过阿甘所居住的城市,一会随风飘落了下来,一会又被风吹向了高空。经过在空中的起伏飘荡,最终飘落在故事主人公的脚下。这是导演运用长镜头对羽毛随风飘舞的描写,留给观众的是对羽毛产生的无尽想象,为故事情节的发展作了铺垫。随着羽毛的降落,镜头特写了阿甘的那双沾满泥很破旧的球鞋,用特写镜头代替导演抒发了感情,暗示了将把鞋作为推动情节发展的因素。 "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're going to get. "阿甘母亲的这一理解,向我们阐明了:每一个人的生命轨迹都是存在,而且是独一无二的。阿甘,正是听着这样的教诲,一步一个脚印地踩出属于自己的生活的奇迹。从智商只有75分而不得不进入特殊学校,到橄榄球健将,到越战英雄,到虾船船长,到跑遍美国,阿甘以先天缺陷的身躯,达到了许多智力健全的人也许终其一生也难以企及的高度。


七年级英语家庭作业 第一次课Unit 1 Where?s your pen pal from 一、补全对话: A: Hello! Are you new here B: Y es, I am. A: Could you tell me 1 you are from? B: I?m 2 America. 3 4 you? A: Oh, I 5 from England. I came here last year. B: _ 6 do you like China? A: Very much. B: 7 do you like 8 China? A: The food and the people. B: Can you 9 Chinese? A: Only a 10 . 二、翻译填空。 1. 我认为中国是一个很有趣的国家。 I China is a very country. 2. 她在学校最喜欢的科目是什么? her subject ? 3. 请写信告诉我关于你自己的情况。 Please and me yourself. 4. 我喜欢和朋友一起去看电影和进行体育活动。 I like my friends and sports. 5. 请写下你的好恶。 Write something your and . 6. 我14岁了,我的生日在12月。 I?m 14 and my birthday is . 家长签字:

第二次课Unit 2 Where?s the post office? 一、用have, has, there is 或there are 填空。 1. My brother many books. 2. a bank on Bridge Street. 3. many books on the desk. 4. I many friends, but he few. 5. some supermarkets in our city. 6. My brother and sister a VCD. 7. 50 students in Class A. 8. Miss Smith 80 students. 9. a pay phone and two books on the desk. 10. your father a ball pen? ※二、翻译填空。 1. It?s down the Bridge Street ______ . 它在大桥街的右边。 2. the streets and small parks. 享受一下安静的街道和小花园。 3. This is the of the garden . 从这里开始游览花园小区。 4. Bridge Street . 大桥街是一个很好玩的地方。 5. You in the park. 你可以在公园里弹吉它。 6. ____, you can buy in the supermarket. 如果你饿了,可以在超市买一些吃的。 7. I . 祝你旅途愉快。 8. Let me my house. 让我告诉你去我家的路。 家长签字: 第三次课Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? 一、用适当的疑问词填空。 1. do you get to school? I usually get to school at 7:30 a. m. 2. do you live? I live in a small town near Beijing. 3. do you spell you name, please? L-I Li, L-E-I Lei. 4. is the boy late for school? His bike is broken. 5. is the post office, please? It?s over there.


Introduction of someone’s watching over me Name:胡旭 Class:计算机113 Student ID:1110210071 Someone’s watching over me is a song recorded by American singer Hilary Duff for her self-titled third studio album in 2004. Hilary Erhard Duff is a woman of many talents for she is an American actress, singer-songwriter, entrepreneur, model, producer and author. She starts her entertainment career at pretty young age. In fact, this song is written for the film raise your voice in which Duff stars.In the movie, which is set at a performing arts summer school, Duff's character, Terri, writes the song with her fellow student Jay, played by Oliver James, and performs it at the film's climax in front of the students, staff and parents.Musically, "Someone's Watching Over Me" is a moderately paced pop song, moving at a tempo of 78 beats per minute. What impress me most is its lyric from which I realize that no matter what happens in life, hold on and keep going forward for there is always someone watching over you and back you up. Life is full of happiness as well as dilemma, all one can do is to enjoy what makes him laugh and go through what makes him suffer. Remember that someone is always accompanying you. This is really a thought-provoking song. In the different period of one’s life,



英语电影欣赏教案 【篇一:英文电影欣赏校本课程】 英文电影欣赏校本课程教案 执教人:何菲 课时说明: 一、教学目标 在教学中注重引导学生了解隐含在语言内部的一个民族的生活方式、思维方式、价值观念、风俗习惯、审美情趣等;指导学生提高对西方文化的鉴别能力,汲取精华,去其糟粕;使学生在学习语言的同时,情感受到真善美的陶冶,心灵受到激荡,人格得到升华,提高认识能力,从而树立正确的人生观和价值观。 二、教学重点与难点 通过观看电影中的其精彩部分(highlight),在“质感”的英语中感受体悟原汁原味的英语,逐渐培养学生独立思考的能力,让学生大胆表达自己对电影的真实感悟,从真实的交流中体会语言的文化内涵。 三、教法、学法及教学手段 1. 学情分析 从学生的认知水平和能力状况来看,学生已初步具备了一定的查找材料和信息的自主学习能力,但学习的方法和习惯还有待养成。在此基础上引导学生自主、探究、合作学习,大多数学生喜欢思考,能积极参与学习交流活动,但他们也需要老师适当引导。 2. 教法 (1)采用问题教学法

采取实践、参与、合作、交流的学习方式,如:教师引导、查阅资料、分析探究、小组讨论、模拟对白,情景剧表演 (2)谈话教学法 设置情境——引导思考——交流互动 3. 学法 自主探究学习法,在课前,学生查阅相关资料课上教师扮演学生领路人的角色,学生在教师的引导下探究并自我总结,形成知识结构。引导学生学会独立地思考问题并能流利地表达自己的观点。 4. 教学手段 多媒体教学 四、课时安排 本课程共4课时。欣赏4部影片:《里约大冒险1》、《冰河世纪2》《哈利波特与魔法石》、《驯龙高手2》 课程内容: 第一时《里约大冒险1》电影欣赏 2. plot outline(故事梗概) 《里约大冒险》的故事讲述一只生活在美国明尼苏达州小镇上的 蓝色金刚鹦鹉,一直是世界上仅存的一只公金刚鹦鹉。直到有一天,一个鸟类研究博士图里奥来到了这里,告知鹦鹉的主人琳达要是再不给它们进行人工繁殖那么蓝色金刚鹦鹉可能就会灭绝,而他们研究所就有一只母蓝色金刚鹦鹉。于是,为了拯救蓝色金刚鹦鹉,他们从美国出发飞往巴西里约热内卢,一段充满异域风情的冒险之旅就这么开始了。 3. movie time带问题看电影



Legally Blonde KEY WORD: Genre Characters Narrative Style Critical Perspective Genre: This amusing movie deals with the ordinary characters in everyday situations. Its ending was happliy and encouraging. Beside ,its attitude towards life basically positive. This movie belongs to the Cinderella , the story of the “dream comes true”. Beauty and wisdom are despised at the beginning but recongnised at last. The protagonist of this story begins in a lowly position ,but Elle’s effort and good virture convince all doubters and are rewarded. Characters: Hero: The main character was Elle, who was easy to identify emotionally with. She shared her dreams that to become a law school student and eventually turn to be a lawyer. Besides, she shared her elation when her action is successful concluded. At the same time, the problems she came across made the audience sympathetic. Mentor: the role of mentor was her professor Stromwell and her colleague Emmett. They gave Elle advices and helped her when she met with obstacles. Threshold guardian: the role of threshold guardian were Elle’s previous boy friend Warner and his girl friend Vivian. They temporarily block the Elle’s advance at any of the key moments in the course of the narrative .The function of them was to test whether Elle was really ready to accept the challenge of the narrative. Shadow: the shadow was her previous boy friend Warner who creates conflict in the story by opposing Elle. Trickster: the trickster was Elle’s friend who brings comic relief to the film through joking and mischief. They embody the energy of mischief and desire for change. Narrative: The narrative of legally blonde is basically in sequence .It described the cause of going to Harvard and how she became successful through a series of challenge. Repetitions: The blonde hair occurred frequently in the movie. It is a symbolism of beauty, passion, energy, courage, conviction, and enthusiasm. The pink color (pink dress ,pink navy hat, pink decoration)is also a symbolism of vigour , energy and optimism. Style: The style of a film is based primarily on two factors:the cinematic shot and the editing process.
