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AB PLC 指令中文翻译

AB PLC 指令中文翻译
AB PLC 指令中文翻译



1 ABL( Ascii test for line ASCII 行测试)

2 ABS(Absolute Value 绝对值)


1 OSR(one shot Rising 上升源)

2 OSF(One shot falling 下降源)

3 DDT (Diagnostic Detect instruction诊断检测指令)

4 FBC (Fill Bit comparison 文件位比软 )


1 RHC (Read Hihg speed clock读高速时钟冲)

2 RTA (Real time clock adjust实时时钟调整)


1 BTR (Block Transfer组传送读 )

2 BTW (block transfer write组传送写)

3 IIM (iimediate input with mask通过掩码立即输入)

4 IOM (immediate output with mask通过掩码立即出输)

5 SVC (service communications 通信服务)

6 IIE (I/O interrupt enable I/O中断能使)

7 IID (I/O interrupt disable 中断禁止)

8 RMP (ramp instruction 斜坡指令)

9 RPI (Reset pending I/O interrupt 悬挂I/O中断复位) 10 REF (i/o refresh ) 11 DEM (Devicenet explicit

message明确的信息网络) 12 OEM(controlnet explicit message明确的消息总线) 13 EEM(ethernet /ip explicit message 以太网协议明确的消息)

File /misc (文件、各种各样的)

1 DDV(Double divide双划分)

2 DLG(Date logging instruction数据记录指令)

3 SCL (Scale 整定)

4 INT (I/O interrupt subroutine中断程序标志)

5 STE (sti enable sti能使 )

6 STD (sti disable sti 禁止 )

7 STS (sTi start immediately 立即启动)

8 UTD (user interrupt disable 用户中断禁止)

9 UIE (user interrupt enable用户中断能使) 10 UIF (user interrupt Flush 用户中断刷新 ) 11 RCP(recipe配方) 12 LCD(LCD display LCD 显示 ) 13 RPC(Read Program checksum)

File shift /sequencer(文件移动、序列器)

ASCII Control

1 ABL( Ascii test for lone ASCII 行测试)

2 ACB(ASCII chars in buffer 缓冲区中的ASCII 字符)

3 ARD(ASCII read 读)

4 ARL (ascii read line 读行)

5 AWA (ascii write append 写附加)

6 AHL (ascii handshake line 握手线)

7 ACL (ascii clear buffer 清空缓冲区 )

ASCII string (字符串)

1 ACN (ASCII string concatenate字符串连接)

2 ACI (ASCII String to integer 字符串到整形)

3 AIC (integer to ASCII String 整形到字符串 )

4 AEX (ASCII String extract 字符串摘录)

5 ASC (ACSII string search 字符串搜索)

6 ASR(ASCII string compare 字符串比较)

Micro high speed cntr(微高速计数器)

1 HSC (high speed counter 高速计数器)

2 HSL (HSC Load 高数计数器装载)

3 RAC (HSC reset accumulator HSC 复位累加器)

4 HSE (HSC interrupt enable 中断能使)

5 HSD (HSC interrupt disable 禁止)

Tring Functions (三角函数)

1 sin (sine 正弦)

2 cos (cosine余弦)

3 tan(tangent正切)

4 ASN (arcsine 反正弦)

5 ADS (arccosine 反余弦)

6 ATN (arctangent 反正切)

Advanced math (高级运算)

1 LN (自然对数)

2 LOG(以10为底的对数)

3 DEG(convert radians to degrees弧度转角度)

4 RAD(convert degrees to radiand 角度转弧度)

5 XPY (X TO the power of y x的Y 次幂)

6 SCP (scale with parameters 用参数定标)

7 SWP (swap bytes 交换字节) 8 DCD (Decode 4 to 1 –of – 16 解码) 9 ENC (encode 1 –of -16 to 4解码)

10 TDF (Compute time difference计算时间差)
