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Journal names should be abbreviated according to

Index Medicus journal abbreviations: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,/tsd/serials/lji.html;

List of title word abbreviations: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,/2-22661-LTWA-online.php;

CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service): https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,/content/references/corejournals.

1、Index Medicus journal abbreviation,即医学期刊缩写索引。

打开此链接后出现的是题为List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE(即由MEDLINE数据库提供的期刊索引列表)的一段话。这里插叙下:MEDLINE数据库是美国国立医学图书馆(The National Library of Medicine, 简称NLM)生产的国际性综合生物医学信息书目数据库,是当前国际上最权威的生物医学文献数据库。这段话是对本网站中收录的期刊索引的一个概述:“MEDLINE数据库期刊索引列表于2008年终止(ceased)出版,NLM目录(NLM Catalog)用于获取当前MEDLINE已编入索引的的标题,选择Limit for Current Subsets”。

如果需要查询指定的期刊名称缩写方式,只需要点击“NLM Catalog”,此后会出现一个新的页面,在该页面上“Enter topic, journal title or abbreviation, or ISSN:”下的空白框内输入查询的期刊名或ISSN号,点击“Search”按钮即可出现该期刊的相关信息。不过,这里收录的期刊信息仅为MEDLINE数据库中的期刊,有些期刊是查不到的。

2、List of title word abbreviations查询单个词的缩写,详见附表。

3、CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service),即美国化学文摘服务社,它是美国化学会(American Chemical Society)的下属组织。

打开此链接后直接点击页面上蓝色的字体CAS Source Index (CASSI) search tool,就会出现带有搜索栏的新页面,输入你要查询的期刊名,点击“Search”按钮即可出现该期刊的相关信息。如果有名称相似的期刊,搜索列表会一并列出来,选择你需要的点击进入即可。



部分刊名由一个实词组成,如Adsorption, Aerobiologia, Radiochemistry, Biomaterials, nature, science等均不得缩写。


英文期刊中有许多单音节词,如FOOD,CHEST,CHILD,这些词不得缩写。如医学期刊hear and lung, 缩写为Heart Lung,仅略去连词and.但少数构成地名的单词,如NEW,SOUTH等,可缩写成相应首字母。如New England Journal of Medcine,可缩写为N Engl J Med,不应略为New Engl J Med,South African Journal of Surgery可缩写为S Afr J Surg,不可缩写为South Afr J Surg.另外,少于5个字母(含5个字母)的单词一般不缩写,如Acta, Heart, Bone, Joint等均不缩写。


国外学术期刊刊名中含有许多虚词,如the, of, for, and, on, from, to等,在缩写时均省去。如Journal of chemistry缩写为J chem, Archives of Medical Research缩写为Arch Med Res.


英文单词缩写一般以辅音结尾,而不以元音结尾。如American省略为Am,而不省略为Ame或Amer,Medicine或Medical 缩写为Med,European缩写为Eur等。但Science例外,缩写为Sci,可能是因为元音I之后又是元音E的缘故。缩写刊名每个词首字母必须大写,而不可全部都用大写或小写


仅个别单词采用压缩字母方式缩写,如Japanese缩写为Jpn而不是Jan,National应缩写为Natl而不是Nat等。经常有读者将Japanese写成Jan是参考文献著录中常见的错误。如Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology,应缩写为Jpn J Ophthalmol,National Cancer Institute Research Report缩写为Natl Cancer Inst Res Rep.而Nat是Nature和Natural的缩写,如Nature Medicine, Nature biotechnology分别缩写为Nat Med, Nat Biotechnol.另外CN是中国的国别代码,期刊缩写刊名中,ChinaChinese不得缩写为CN,而应缩写为Chin.采用压缩写法是为了避免与其他常用缩写混淆。如Japanese不能缩写为Jan,可能是Jan是January的固定缩写形式,National缩写为Natl而不缩写为Nat,可能是Nat是Nature和Natural的缩写。


刊名中学科名称缩写很常见,因而了解学科名缩写规则非常必要。凡以-ogy结尾的单词,一律将词尾-ogy去掉,如Cardiology缩写为Cariol, Biology缩写为Biol,以-ics结尾的学科名词,缩写时将-ics或连同其前面若干字母略去。如Physics,缩写为Phys,以-try结尾的词,缩写时将-try连同前面若干字母略去。如chemistry缩写为Chem,其中也包括其他形容词的缩写。


期刊名中有些常用单词可以缩写为一个字母,如Journal缩写为J, Quarterly缩写为Q,Royal缩写为R,New缩写为N,South缩写为S等。


有些杂志名称缩写采用首字母组合,而且已被固定下来,一般都是国际上有较大影响的期刊,并得到国际上众多索引性检索工具的认同。如The Journal of American Medical Association缩写为JAMA,British Medical Journal缩写为BMJ等。


刊名中国家名称的缩写分为两种情况。如国家名称为单个词汇,缩写时常略去词尾或词的后部分若干字母。如American缩写为Am, British缩写为Br, Chinese缩写为Chin等。而国家名称由多个词组组成时,常取每个词的首字母,如United States of America缩写为USA或US。




absol t- absol. electroanaly- electroanal. pam t- pam t. absorption absorpt. electrocardiograph- electrocardiogr. papier- pap.

academ- acad. electrochem- electrochem. parall lo ramme parallelogr. acarolog- acarol. lectrochim- lectrochim. param ic- paramed. accompl- accompl. electrode n.a. para itol - parazitol. acontecim- acontecim. electromedic- lectrom . parlament- parlam.

acousti- acoust. electromyograph- electromyogr. parlement- parlem.

activ- act. electron n.a. parol- parol.

actuali- actual. electroni- electron. part n.a.

adolescen- adolesc. elektrifik- le trif. partenariat parten.

a rien a r. ele troin?- ele troin?.particul- part.

a rolo - aerol. elektrotech. elektrotech. pediater n.a. aeromedica- aeromed. le trotehni- le troteh. pe r- pekar.

aeroplan- aeropl. elektrotekni- elektrotek. p lican n.a.

Afrika- Afr. lement- elem. perinatal p rinat. afrikanoarav- afrikanoarav. lev- elev. periodontal n.a.

agent n.a. elimin- limin. perspectiv- perspect.

agentúra agent. enceph- enceph. perspektiv- perspekt.

aggeli- n.a. encicloped- encicl. peruvian peruv. aggeliofor- aggeliofor. encyclop- encycl. pharmacopuncture pharmacopunct.

a loellīni - aggloell. n o rinolo - Endokrinol. photochem- photochem.

a r r- agrar. ner et- energ. photocoagulation photocoagul. agrari- agrar. ner i energ. photosynth- photosynth.

a r col- agric. ner ie energ. phycolog- phycol.

agricult- agric. engelsk engl. physico phys.

agrochimi- agrochim. enquesta enq. physicomathemat- physicomath. Agrociencias Agrocienc. entomolog- ntomol. physicotechni- physicotech. agrofyl- agrofyl. enzym- enzym. ph toth rap- phytother. agroindustria agroind. enzymochem- enzymochem. piat n.a.

agrokemi- agrokem. pi emiolo - epidemiol. piscicult- piscic. agrometeorolog- agrometeorol. pistemol- epistemol. pisemn- pisem. agropecuari- agropecu. uitable n.a. pla a n.a.

Aigypt- Aigypt. uivalen- equiv. place n.a.

Aigyptiolog- Aigyptiol. eradication erad. planeta n.a.

aither- aither. Erbrecht Erbr. planetarium planet.

Akadem- akad. ergonom- ergon. pl?tra n.a.

a a īm- akad. esophagolog- sopha ol. podiatri- podiatr.

akoolog- akool. espac- espa . Podium n.a.

aktinometr- aktinom. esportivo n.a. po p?r- po p?r. aktinotherap- aktinother. espresso n.a. podturen- podturen.

aktiv- akt. essen n.a. pokrok- pokrok.

akvarium a v r. stetic- estet. polarograf- pol ro r. album n.a. est?eti - estet. politi- n.a. Alexandroupol- Alexandroup. estimat- estim. Politik- Polit. alfabet- alf. ston- est. politol- politol.

l ebr- algebr. ethnoarchaeology ethnoarchaeol. pollution pollut.

al? olo - algol. valuat- eval. pol?s - pol.

allergi- allerg. evang- evang. poltavsk- poltav. allergiolog- allergiol. evidence vi . polugod- polugod. alliance n.a. vol c- evol. polyester polyest.

al?manah alm. evrop- evr. polymer- polym. aloumin- aloum. e cut- exec. polytechni- polytech. aluminium alum. experien- exp. polytekni- polytek. Amerik- Am. export- export. porodn- p ro . amnīstia- n.a. expression expr. porovn n porovn. amoivai- amoiv. exterminat- exterm. portrait- n.a.

amyn- amyn. e tr m- extrem. position n.a.

ana n s- ana n s. f cil- f cil. poslu?- poslu?. anali- anal. facilit- facil. possib- n.a. analys- anal. facult- fac. postal post. analyt- anal. farmac- farm. postolarsk- postol. anapīr- anapīr.farmacolog- farmacol. postsecond- postsecond. anaptyx- anapt. farmasi- farm. postsovetskij postsov. anas rotīs- anasygkrot. fertili- fertil. posture n.a. anavathm- anavathm. filateli- filat. prac- pr.

Anavr t n n.a. finan - financ. pracov. prac.

ana ītīs- ana īt.fi i - fiz. Praeparat- Praep.

ana o on- ana o .floral- flor. pravoslav- pravosl. Andorr- Andorr. floricult- floric. praximetr- praxim. anestesia anest. forage n.a. praxis prax. anestesiolog- anestesiol. f rbun - forb. pr c - preced. anesth s- anesth. forening- foren. preconcentrat- preconc. anesthesiolog- anesthesiol. forest- for. preddiploms- preddiplom. anexart- anexart. forhandling- f rh. predmet- predmet. ane ī īt- ane ī .formule n.a. pr fac- pref. angiosurgery angiosurg. forsker forsk. pr f r- prefer. anglican angl. forskning forsk. prepar- prep.

aniat- aniat. f rs fors. prescription- prescr. anim ci animac. f rsvar forsv. pr sence n.a. animat- animat. fous to fousk. pre ov- n.a. anoicht- n.a. fractal n.a. previd- previd.

an tat- an t. fractur- fract. pribav- pribav. anta nist- antagon. fratern- fratern. prince n.a. antarcti- antarct. fronti r- front. principal- princ. antarkti- antarkt. gartner rt. prirod- p r.

anthr pisti - anthr pist.gastekni- gastek. pristup- pristup. antiplague n.a. gastroenterohepatol- gastroenterohepatol. privat- priv. antiqu- antiq. gastrointestinal gastrointest. probabilit- probab. antiviral antivir. gazeta gaz. procedure- proced. antolo a antol. geboren- gebor. process- process. anual- anu. general- gen. proctolog- proctol. anuar- anu. genomic- genom. produc- prod. anvendt anv. Geochem- Geochem. profesion- prof. anvisning anvisn. geochim- geochim. profession- prof. apaschol- apasch. geodes- o . profilact- profil.

apla n.a. geodet- o . profit n.a.

apoīch- apoīch.geodez- geod. programm- program. apokleistik- apokleist. geoinformatika geoinform. programma n.a.

Apoll nei- n.a. geomechani- om ch. programme n.a.

apops- n.a. opal ontolo - opal ontol. proizveden- proizved. aporrīto- aporr. geotectoni- geotecton. propos- propos. Apostol- apostol. geotekni- geotek. propri t- propr. apotelesma- apoteles. er ncia gerenc. prospect- prospect. Apparat Appar. geriaus- n.a. prost tico prost t. applica- appl. gistar- gistar. prostor- prost. approximat- approx. globul- globul. prost e - prost e . apybr- apybr. glycomics glycom. prost e prost .

aquati- aquat. habar s habar. protein n.a.

aragon- Ara n. Hadriatic- Hadriat. proteomics proteom.

arav- arav. hahnemannian hahnemann. protokol- protok.

rbo rb. hast- h st. provinc- prov. arboricol- arboric. havunders?k- havunders. pr?vning prov. arboricult- arboric. helmintholog- helminthol. prudentum prudent. archei- arch. hemicellulos- hemicellul. psicoanalis- psicoanal. archeolog- archeol. hemodinam- hemodin. psicolog- psicol. Archiepiskop- Archiepisk. herbari- herb. psihol- psihol.

archī - archī .herbicid- herbic. psychochemi- psychochem. Architekt- archit. heredi- hered. psychometr- psychom. architekton- archit. herida n.a. psychopatholog- psychopathol. argonaut- argon. heritage h rit. radiation radiat.

arhiv- arh. hersons? - herson. radiative radiat. aristotel- aristot. hidrobiolog- hidrobiol. r i n.a.

arithm- arith. hidrolog- hidrol. radioactiv- radioact. arithmeti- arith. higien- hig. r i amat- radioamat. arm a n.a. histor- hist. radiodiagnostic radiodiagn. arm n- arm n. h?gskol- h s . radioelectric- radioelectr. armoni- armon. Hong Kong n.a. Radioelektroni- Radioelektron. ar matotherap- ar matother.horizontal- horiz. radiofrequenc- radiofreq. arsenal n.a. horticult- hortic. radiolog- radiol.

rsmel in - rsmel . hospo r- hospod. radiopharmac- radiopharm.

rsrapport rsrapp. human hum. radioscop- radiosc.

rss rift rss r. h ro n- hydrog. radiosonde n.a. arterioscleros- arterioscler. ill?str- illus. radiospektroskop- radiospektrosk. artīria - artīr.immunitet- immun. radov- rad.

asistenc- asist.





raktas n.a.

assimil- assim.



immunomicrobiol. ra to n.a.

associ- assoc. inali nable inalien. ra?an s - r an. assur- assur. includ- incl. razprave razpr. asteroskopei- asteroskop. incursion incurs. reaktor- reakt. astik- astik. indicat- indic. rechn- rechn. Athīn- Athīn.indico n.a. r ci iv- recidiv. Athīna n.a. infestation infest. recifens- recif.

at chīma- atych. informac- inf. r cipien- recip. aukst- au t. Ingenieur ing. reciprocal recipr. auspice n.a. ingenir ing. reconstruct- reconstr. australi- aust. inovat- inov. redemption redempt. autochthon- autoch. insolvabilitéinsolv. rediviv- n.a.

automa - autom. Integration Integr. reformad- reform. automobil- automob. intelectual- intelect. regener- regen. autoxidation autoxid. inteligen- intel. réhabilitat- rehabil. axiolog- axiolog. intelligenc- intell. rekreac- rekreac.

balan - balanc. intelligens- intell. rekrut- rekrut.

ballet n.a. intenziv- intenziv. relat i e relat. balneoklimatolog- balneoklimatol. intercambio interc mb. relation relat.

banc ri- banc. intercept- intercept. relaxation relax.

n e n.a. intermetalli- intermet. remede- rem.

bashk?koh- bashk?koh. internation- int. remodel- remodel.

basta n.a. interparlement- interparlem. remuneration remun. bathymetri- bath m tr. interpr t- interpret. repression repress.

bel n- belon. interprovinc- interprov. republication republ.

biblio r fia Bibliogr. interrelation- interrelat. resina n.a. biblioservice biblioserv. intersyndical intersynd. Restaurator restaur.

bilag- bil. intravascul- intravasc. resultat- result.

bilance bilan. inventar- inventar. reticuloendothelial reticuloendothel. bilateral bilat r. invention- invent. retrospect- retrosp. biochim- biochim. investic- invest. reumatolog- reumatol. biochronometr- biochronom. invisible invis. revija rev.

bio ra - biodegrad. israel- Isr. revist- rev. biodynamic- biodyn. i vanbolni - izvanboln. revol c- revolu . bioetica bio t. ja ro - j . re ul?tat- rezult. biofertilizer biofertil. jazyk- jazyk. rizicole rizic. biogeochemi- biogeochem. ja ov - ja ov . roadmap n.a.

bio ochimi- bio ochim. joven- n.a. robot- robot.

biograd- biograd. justīcija n.a. robustness robust. bioinformatics bioinform. kajak- kajak. roditel- rodit.

bìolog- biol. kalba n.a. roman rom. bioluminescen- biolumin. alibrovo n- kalibr. om nia Rom. biomass- n.a. ancel - kancel. rozvìdk- rozvìd. biomedic- biomed. kapucin- kapucin. ahovs - ahov. bioscien- biosci. karadagsk- karadag. samling saml.

bist n n.a. karjer- karjer. samogit- samog.

bistro n.a. kartof- kartof. samvirk- samv.

bol?ni - boln. Katalog- Kat. sanitet sanit.

brabant- brabant. at?e r- n.a. satellite- satell.

Brasil Bras. kaucuk- au . saturat- satur.

briket- briket. il metr- km. Sa le n.a.

brodar- brodar. klaustukas klaust. s?va as s?va . bronchology bronchol. klesar- klesar. sb r a sb. broncoesofagolog- broncoesofagol. Klimat Klim. schizophren- schizophr.

b lten- bul. Klimatolog- Klimatol. second- second.

c mara n.a. knih- kn. s r - segreg. campus n.a. knihov- knih. seismolog- seismol. cancrolog- cancrol. kolegium kol. sekretar- sekr.

canton n.a. Kollegium koll. selek- sel.

capital cap. kombin- komb. semestr- semest. cardiobiology cardiobiol. komisar- komis. semin- semin. cardiolog- cardiol. komissi- kom. sentence n.a.

carn n.a. komite- kom. serija ser.

cartograf- cartogr. kommunika- kommun. shoulder n.a. cartograph- cartogr. komponav- kompon. s ntesis sint.

cat or- categ. komputer omp? t. skadedyrlaborator- skadedyrlab.

cechoslov- cechoslov. komunaln- omunal?n.S an in v- skand. ehoslov- ehoslov. konces- konces. ol- sk. celeste n.a. kongelig- k. olstv- ol. cellule cell. Kongress Kongr. slavsk- slav. cellulos- cellul. konkurent- konkur. Slezsk- Slez.

centrafric- centrafr.



konserveringsforsk. social soc.

centr l- cent. konsorcium konsorc. socialis- social. centro cent. konstruk- konstr. soci ln- soc.

c r al- n.a. kontakt n.a. sociocriti- sociocrit. cerebral cereb. kontor n.a. socioekonom- socioekon.

es - es. kooperati- koop. sollicit- sollicit. cestov- cest. kosmolog- kosmol. somati- somat.

chara tīrist- charakt. kraj- kraj. Soziometrie Soziom. Charlton n.a. kraujagysl- kraujag. spat -n.a. Charokopeio- Charokop. Kriminolog- Kriminol. special- sp c. cheirourg- cheir. kriti- krit. specijal- spec. chemotaxonom- chemotaxon. kritik- krit. spectrochimi- spectrochim. chemotherap- chemother. kronika r n. spectrograph- spectrogr. chilieti- chiliet. krystal- kryst. spectronom- spectron. chimi- chim. kultiv- ul?tiv. pe iter- pe iter.

chīmi - chīm. ult r- kult. spital- spit. chocolat- choc. Kulturgeschichte Kult.gesch. spole ens - spol. Cholargo- Cholarg. Kunde n.a. sporti- sport. chondrempor- chondrempor. lact- lact. spotter n.a. chondrik- chondr. l?rdomshistori- l?rdomshist. spracovanie sprac.

chorī o- chorī .land n.a. spravedl- spravedl. choro- n.a. Landeszeitung Landesztg. sprendim- sprend.

chrīmatooi onom- chrīmatooi https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,ringoiatr- laringoiatr. staroslavensk- staroslav.

chrīmatopist ti - chrīhttps://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,tv- latv. statens n.a.

chronik- chron. legend- legend. station- station. chrono- n.a. l ion- legion. st tn n.a. cicatrisation cicatr. l islat- l is. st r o n.a. cicatrización cicatr. lesn- le n. sterilitetsforskning sterilitetsforsk. ciencia- cienc. lesopol? ovanie lesopol? .steroid n.a.

imento n.a. L?tzebuerg L?tzebg. str in n.a.

cinema cin . level lev. stratif- stratif. cinematograf- cinematogr. librar- libr. stratigraph- stratigr.

innost in. lidov- lid. stratospher- stratos. citation cit. li ?n.a. stredisko st e . citogenet- citogenet. limnol - limnol. st e o ol- st e o . citopatología citopatol. linguist- lin st. tru túr- strukt.

civil civ. Linie Lin. stru túra strukt. coleopter- coleopt. lipanj- lipanj. studi- stud.

colonel n.a. lipidomics lipidom. studio stú . colposcop- colposc. lipochim- lipochim. sugar n.a.

com - comed. lituan- litu. sumarsk- umar. commemorant- commem. liturg- liturg. supr me n.a. commissar- commis. l in liz. svetov- sv t. communautair- communaut. ljek- ljek. s?vets - svet. compact- compact. ljud- ljud. t bla n.a. compatibil- compat. location- locat. ta? l m ta? l. compensat- compens. l ica log. talent- talent. competit- comp t. logoped- logop. tarmi?n.a.

complet- complet. lubricant- lubr. Tasman- Tasman. comput- comput. lu ev- lu .taurin- taur. concept n.a. lumin- n.a. taxation tax. conchyliolog- conchyliol. macaroni n.a. technocrat- technocr. conclusion conclus. machin- mach. tecni- tec. condens- condens. macromolecul- macromol. tecnolog- tecnol. condition- cond. ma ? rs - ma?.teknolog- teknol. confiscation confisc. magazin- mag. tekst- n.a.

confrontation- confront.



ma n toh ro n. tekstyn- tekst.

consideration consid.



ma n toplasma n. t le raf- telegr.

consolidat- consol. majorit- major. telekomunikac- telekomun. conspir- conspir. malaria malar. tema n.a. constant n.a. mammalog- mammal. temperat- temp. constellation constell. Manche n.a. tendencia tend. consult- consult. m ne li m ne . tendenz- tend. content n.a. m ne ss rift- m ne ss r. tenis n.a. contract- contract. manganese n.a. teolog- teol. contrar- contrar. margarine n.a. teratolog- teratol. controv- controv. marin- mar. t rmico t rm. convalescent conval. marked mark. termin- termin. convert- convert. mart i al n.a. termit- termit. convocation convoc. martur- n.a. terpenoid n.a.

coop ra- coop. ma in- mas .territ- territ. cosmeti- cosmet. maskin- mask. t til text. courbe n.a. matavim- matav. textile- text.

cr at- creat. matemat- mat. te ?s n.a.

credit- cr it. medical m . theriolog- th riol.

cr ole n.a. me icīn- med. thermoelasticity thermoelast. criminolog- criminol. mediev- m i v. thermoelectri- thermoelectr. cristalograf- cristalogr. meditation m it. thermoregulat- thermor ul. critica- crit. mejeritekni- mejeritek. Thessalonik- Thessalon. cryogeni- cryog. m lan e n.a. tidende tid. cryptogami- cryptogam. melodie m lo . tisk- tisk.

cultur- cult. memoria mem. topograf- topogr. cyberneti- cybern. mena er mena ?. traina n.a. cybersecurity cybersecur. m r s n.a. tramway tramw. cytolog- cytol. metallograph- metallogr. transatlantic transatl. Danmark Dan. m tastas- n.a. transit n.a.

darn- darn. meto ol - metodol. transplantation transplant. daugiakalb- daugiak. Mikrobiolog- mikrobiol. transport- transp.

ca - ca . Min rva n.a. traumatolog- traumatol. decomposition decompos. Miniatur miniat. tribina trib. decontaminat- decontam. mi inin - mi inin .tribolog- tribol.

efe tolo - defektol. missile n.a. tribut- tribut. defense f. mì?naro n- mì?nar.trumpi n.a. deficienc- defic. mokym- mokym. tuberculos- tuberc. defin- defin. molod- molod. tunnel tunn.

deikt- n.a. monet- mon t. turbine n.a. deinosaur- deinosaur. monocristall- monocrist. turbulen- turbul. democra- democr. monograf- monogr. tur s- tur. demokrat- demokr. monokristall- monokrist. turizm- tur.

dentist- dent. monokrystal- monokryst. turto n.a.

press- depress. m nster n.a. u en- u .

deriva- deriv. moravskoslezsk- morav.slez. u itel- u it. derive- deriv. morphogen- morphog. udoskonal- udoskon. Dermatocheirourgik- Dermatocheir. morskoj morsk. je n.a. dermatose n.a. mortu- mortu. um lec - umel. destin- destin. motocicl- motocicl. um lec ohistor.um l.hist. destructi- destr. motocykl- motocykl. unders?k- unders.

?st m- ?st.motormak- motormak. undervisning- undervis. detergen- deterg. M ller n.a. univers n.a.

iafīmis- iafīm.multidisciplin- multidiscip. universit- univ. diafylax- diafyl. multietn- multietn. unternehmen Unternehm. Diaitolog- Diaitol. multim ia multimed. ú e - ú e . Diakoni- Diakon. Munich n.a. urolog- urol. dialektolog- dialektol. muscle n.a. úrove úrov. dialogo- n.a. mus o mus. u oro s? - u? oro . diapolitist- diapolitist. museolog- museol. uzlet l.

iastīmopl- iastīmopl.m s?n.a. v f renin - vagforen. diatriv- diatriv. mú ea mú . v institut- vaginst.

iavītī- n.a. muzej muz. vakuum v .

iavītolo - iavītol.muzeum mú . vapor- vap.

diavol- diavol. muzika n.a. Varasd- Varasd. didacti- didact. nanopharmaceutics nanopharm. variant- var. didakti- didakt. nasopharyngeal nasopharyng. variation- var. didaktor- didaktor. national- natl. variet- var. didaskal- didask. nature nat. vascon- vascon. Diego-Suarez n.a. naturism- natur. v ec otech- v .tech. dielectric- dielectr. nauti- naut. Verbraucherrecht Verbrauch.r. dielektri- dielektr. naval nav. verkkojulkaisu verkkojulk. digest- dig. navale- nav. vernon n.a.

i ai ma- i ai m. navalmedicinsk- navalmed. vertical vert.

i ī or- i ī .n onatal n.a. vertin- vertin.

īmiour - īmiour .nephrolog- nephrol. v stn vestn.

Dīmo riteio- Dīmo rit.neuroendocrinolog- neuroendocrinol. veterinaer vet.

namo n.a. neuroengineering neuroeng. veterinar- vet. diploms- diplom. neuroglia neurogl. vibration- vib. director- dir. neuropatolog- neuropatol. vibrotechni vibrotech. disciplin- discip. neuroscien- neurosci. videofilm- videofilm. discussi- discuss. neurotransmitter neurotransm. videostvar- videostvar. dispens- dispens. neurovisceral neurovisc. village n.a. disponib- dispon. nev l- nev. vinarstv- vinar. dissemination dissem. Ni?e oro s - Ni?e or.vinicultur- vinic. distance n.a. Nor m hr- Nor m hr. vinnic? - vinnick. distopía distop. novinar novin. virtualization virtualiz. district- dist. nravstv- nravstv. Visayas Vis. distrital dist. nucleotide n.a. visit- visit. distrito dist. obergymnasium obergymn. vitamina vitam. divers- divers. obraz- obraz. viticultur- vitic.

divis- div. oc an- ocean. v lu - v l . divorce n.a. oftalmolog- oftalmol. vlastiv - vlastiv . dizajn- dizajn. ol - ol. voisinage voisin. docház- docház. olimp- ol mp. vojen- vojen.

oma - om c. oncobiomarkers oncobiomark. volcanolog- volcanol. domesti- domest. onkolog- onkol. volleyball volleyb. dominion dom. opleiding opleid. v b r- v b.

onjome?imur- onjome?imur.opposition oppos. vydavat- vydav. doryfor- doryf. optimal- optim. v on- v on. drachm- drch. optimiz- optim. v rob- v rob. dramatourg- dramatourg. optoelectron- optoelectron. v ro - v r.

ru?st- ru?st. ordinolog- ordinol. vysok- vysok. Dubrovnik Dubrov. organisk- org. v l- v l. ?stoj- ?https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html,anism- org. zagovara- zagov. eccl siast- eccles. ornitholog- ornithol. ah r- zahar. econometri- conom. ortopedi- ortop. tit- a t. editorial itor. o et - o et . avr n- avr . efemerida ef m. ostrav- ostrav. ?ele n- ?ele n. ffe t- Eff. osv t- n.a. zemn- zemn. olo - ekol. otorinolaryngolog- otorinolaryngol. ?ivil- Ziv. ekonom- on. ovla t- ovla t.zoohigien- zoohig. ekspedic- spe . ?vrigt n.a. zoolog- o l. speriment- eksp. palasiatic- palasiat. zootekni- zootek. spress n.a. pal o thnolo - paleoethnol. zpráva zpr.

labor- elabor. paleontograph- pal onto r. zpravodaj- zprav. electoral elect. paleontolog- pal ontol. zubní- zub.

?urn l?.


参考文献中文刊名的英文缩写对照表 参考国际标准ISO4-1984《文献工作—期刊刊名缩写的国际规则》及国家标准GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》,《植物营养与肥料学报》编辑部编制了本刊参考文献中常见中文刊名的英文缩写对照表,请作者投稿时参考。具体如下: 杂志中文名 杂志英译名缩写 安徽农学通报 Anhui Agric. Sci. Bull. 安徽农业大学学报 J. Anhui Agric. Univ. 安徽农业科学 J. Anhui Agric. Sci. 安全与环境学报 J. Saf. Environ. 北方果树 Northern Fruits 北京农学院学报 J. Beijing Agric. Coll. 北京农业科学 Beijing Agric. Sci. 草地学报 Acta Agrestia Sin. 草业科学 Pratac. Sci. 草业学报 Acta Pratac. Sin. 地理科学 Sci. Geogr. Sin. 地理科学进展 Prog. Geogr. 地理学报 Acta Geogr. Sin. 东北农业大学学报 J. Northeast Agric.Univ. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) J.Fujian Agric. For. Univ. 福建农业科技 Fujian Agric. Sci.Tech. 福建农业学报 Fujian J. Agric.Sci. 福建热作科技 Fujian Sci. Tech. Trop. Crops 干旱地区农业研究 Agric. Res. Arid Areas 干旱区研究 Arid Zone Res. 甘肃农业大学学报 J. Gansu Agric.Univ. 甘肃农业科技 Gansu Agricl Sci.Tech. 耕作与栽培 Cult. Plant. 广东农业科学 Guangdong Agric. Sci. 广西农学报 J. Guangxi Agric. 广西农业科学 J. Guangxi Agric. Sci. 贵州农业科学 Guizhou Agric.Sci. 果树学报(果树科学) J. Fruit Sci.


USS是Synthes公司的脊柱通用内固定系统(universal spinal system),椎弓根钉、Schanz 钉、钩(没用过,不知道是不是椎板钩)、棒等组件。虽然叫“脊柱通用”,但仅用于胸腰椎,颈椎另有一套系统称为CLICK‘s。他们家的腰椎椎体间融合器(cage)用于腰椎后路的有Plivios,CONTACT,腰椎前路的有Syncage,颈椎前路的椎间融合器也叫Syncage。 Synthes公司其实就是AO的工厂,因为AO是个学术组织,老外很在乎学术不能和money 占上关系,所以另起炉灶建了Synthes,每年给AO多少钱,购买其研究成果。因此Synthes 的东西在理念上还是很先进的,去过AO的人都认为那里的研发能力是很好的。 国内现在常见的进口脊柱器械公司还有 1、Depuy:著名的强生公司旗下骨科产品子公司,强生是大公司啦,心脏电产品的公司叫圣犹大,血管产品的叫cardios。对他家超有好感,因为前一阵他们做了个广告:是一个医生在看病,话外音说:"强生相信,有些人在做很伟大的事"。感动啊。。。这年头说咱们好的人真不多 2、Stryker:史塞克,做关节起家); 3、蛇牌:德国BRAUN兄弟公司的品牌,德文写的,第一个字母是A,实在想不起来怎么写了; 4、Medontic sofamor:美顿立,枢法模。好像是个美国公司吧,第一次接触的东西产地是以色列。个人喜欢他家的一代颈椎前路钢板zephir,新一代产品还不如这个。 还有一些我觉得不那么著名的公司,比如Blackstone,叫什么什么X的一家法国公司(据说在国外很有名),当然,可能只是我自己接触的少。另外,雅培公司的脊柱器械也即将进入中国,他家的试剂盒非常有名,奶粉广告大家天天都看得见。 USS、Click's都是厂家的不同系列,就好像NIKE最近有women、pro两个系列一样,是不同用途的产品。光强生腰椎后路内固定系统,我用过的就有3代。厂家的东西层出不穷,你是记不住的,需要知道的只是系统的特征和用途(比如是钉棒系统还是钩棒系统;固定钉还是万向钉,用于什么部位,什么入路,创伤还是退变还是畸形患者等等)。国内有时会有人写XXX(品牌名称)系统治疗腰椎骨折X例类型的文章,个人觉得题目不好,会让人觉得你是在帮产品打广告,改成“后路钉棒系统、前路人工椎体”等等会更合适,因为医生讲得是内固定的设计理念,不是谁家出了新产品。公司来人时会说的天花乱坠,好像新产品做了惊天动地的改进,其实常常只是改良了产品的外形、操作性等等,没有实质的东西。医生应该有自己的鉴别力。 强烈建议版主规定以后发帖提到内固定时也这么写,不写品牌,毕竟大家不可能把市面上所有的内固定系统都做一遍,这样更有利于交流。 个人觉得比较有用的相关缩写: 1、cage :椎间融合器(前路、后路、任何部位,用于单个椎间盘切除后的融合器都叫cage)。 2、titanium mesh:钛网,椎体次全切后用的,当然你也可以用髂骨。说到髂骨,就罗唆几句,tri-crest illiac bone graft 是三面皮质髂骨块,bone dust是碎骨,cancellous bone是松质骨,从髂骨刮取的松质骨可以说是cancellous bone dust harvested from illium. 另外,植骨一定要说明是自体auto-、同种异体allo-。 3、anterior plate:前路钢板。 4、PEEK:聚醚醚酮,新型的cage材料,X线透过,主要目的是避免钛cage不透X线,



C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教)NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座:AQUARIUS(1月21日- 2月19日) 双鱼座:PISCES(2月20日- 3月20日) 白羊座:ARIES (3月21日- 4月20日) 金牛座:TAURUS(4月21日- 5月21日) 双子座:GEMINI(5月22日- 6月21日) 巨蟹座:CANCER(6月22日- 7月23日) 狮子座:LEO(7月24日- 8月23日) 处女座:VIRGO(8月24日- 9月23日) 天秤座:LIBRA (9月24日- 10月23日) 天蝎座:SCORPIUS(10月24日- 11月22日) 人马座:SAGITTARIUS(11月23日- 12月21日) 山羊座:CAPRICORNUS (12月22日- 1月20日) 1. 国际性或全美性: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织(也叫国际文教组织) 例如:(The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 对世界做出一些贡献) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty organization)北大西洋公约组织。 例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成员能坚守承担义务吗?) SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)战略武器限制公约 例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每个国家都要加入SALT?)


F/F 货运代理Freight Forwarder FAF 燃料附加费Fuel AdjustmentFactor FAK 各种货品Freight All Kind FAS 装运港船边交货Free Alongside Ship FCA 货交承运人Free Carrier FCL 整柜Full Container Load Feeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次 FEU 40‘柜型Forty- Foot Equivalent Unit 40 ' FMC 联邦海事委员会Federal Maritime Commissi on FOB 船上交货Free On Board GRI 全面涨价General RateIncrease H/C 代理费Handling Charge HBL 子提单House B/L I/S 内销售Inside Sales IA 各别调价Independent Action L/C 信用证Letter of Credit Land Bridge 陆桥 LCL 拼柜Less Than Container Load M/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) Measurement Ton MB/L 主提单Master Bill Of Loading MLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口Minni Land Bridge Mother Vessel 主线船 MTD 多式联运单据Multimodal Tran sport Docume nt N/F 通知人Notify NVOCC无船承运人Non Vessel OperatingCommon Carrier O/F 海运费Ocean Freight OBL 海运提单Ocean (or original )B/L OCP货主自行安排运到内陆点Overla nd Continen tal Poi nt OP 操作Operation ORC本地收货费用(广东省收取) Origen Recevie Charges P.P 预付Prepaid PCS 港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion Surcharge POD 目地港Port Of Dest in ation POL 装运港Port Of Loading PSS 旺季附加费Peak Season Sucharges S/(Shpr) 发货人Shipper S/C 售货合同Sales Contract S/O 装货指示书Shipping Order S/R 卖价Selling Rate S/S Spread Sheet Spread Sheet SC 服务合同Service Contract SSL 船公司Steam Ship Line T.O.C 码头操作费Terminal Operations Option T.R.C 码头收柜费Terminal Receiving Charge T/S 转船,转运Trans-Ship T/T 航程Transit Time


Dept : Department 部,司,局,系,科 LAB : Laboratory 实验室 ANSI : American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会FLU : Influenza 流行性感冒 DOB : Date Of Birth 出生日期 desc : description 描述 MAX : Maximum 最大的、最大限度的 S/N : Serial Number 系列号 WWW : World Wide Web 万维网,万维网,万维网 DIV : Division 分工、部门,师的简称 PSI : Pounds per Square Inch 每平方英寸磅 GPRS : General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线电业务 PT : Part 部分 HRLY : Hourly 每小时 QC : Quality Control 质量控制 AI : Artificial Intelligence 人工智慧 APP : Application 应用 FYI : For Your Information 供参阅 FTP : File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议 VET : Veteran 老兵,老手 PIN : Personal Identification Number 个人识别码 GMT : Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间(世界标准时间) BBS : Bulletin Board System 电子论坛,公告板系统 AKA : Also Known As 亦称 LBS : Pounds 磅(复数) SPEC : Specification 规格,细则 TEL : Telephone 电话 PRO : Professional 专业的,内行的,高级的. SEC : Secretary 秘书 DOJ : Department Of Justice 反不正当竞争部门,司法部 EU : European Union 欧洲联盟(欧盟) CV : Curriculum Vitae (求职者的)简历(履历) NOS : Not Otherwise Specified 不另说明,别处无说明 UV : Ultraviolet 紫外线 HQ : Headquarters 总部 RCA : Radio Corporation of America 美国无线电公司 WK : Week 星期 GDP : Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 OCR : Optical Character Recognition 光学字符识别 TMI : Too Much Information 信息过多 AVG : Average 平均 UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源 CRT : Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管


英文期刊缩写与全称对照(J) J J. Adhes. Journal of Adhesion J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology J. Adv. Mater. Journal of Advanced Materials J. Aerosol Sci Journal of Aerosol Science J. Agric. Food. Chem. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association J. Alloys Compd. Journal of Alloys and Compounds J. Am. Ceram. Soc. Journal of the American Ceramic Society J. Am. Chem. Soc. Journal of the American Chemical Society J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Journal of the American Chemical Society J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis J. Anal. At. Spectrom. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry J. Anal. Chem. Journal of Analytical Chemistry J. Anal. Toxicol. Journal of Analytical Toxicology J. Antibiot. Journal of Antibiotics J. Antimicrob. Chemother. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy J. AOAC Int. Journal of AOAC International J. Appl. Bacteriol. Journal of Applied Bacteriology J. Appl. Biomater. Journal of Applied Biomaterials J. Appl. Crystallogr. Journal of Applied Crystallography J. Appl. Electrochem. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry J. Appl. Phycol. Journal of Applied Phycology J. Appl. Phys. Journal of Applied Physics J. Appl. Polym. Sci. Journal of Applied Polymer Science J. Appl. Spectrosc. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy J. Appl. Toxicol. Journal of Applied Toxicology J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research J. Autom. Chem. Journal of Automatic Chemistry J. Autom. Methods Manage. Chem. Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry J. Bacteriol. Journal of Bacteriology


石油天然气工艺管道安装常用英语缩写 1、SWAGED NIPPLE CONC SMLS.:大小头同心无缝 2、BLE/PSE:Beveled Large End/Plain Small End大端开破口/小端平端 3、PE/PE、PBE、BLE/PSE、BSE/PLE:平端/平端、两端平端、大端开破口/小端平端、小端 开破口/大端平端 4、ELBOW 90 DEG LR BW SMLS.:弯头 90度长半径 软钢钢筋 24、Mild Steel Shank 软钢手柄 25、Mild Steel Sheet 软钢皮 26、TS:螺母


星期 星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS 星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR 星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT 星期天:SUNDAY=SUN 月份 一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB 三月份=MAR 四月份=APR 五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN 七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG 九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT 十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC 常用词 4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER 2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回) BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢 REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢ALLRG=过敏 军事术语 USMC=海军陆战队NAVY=海军 AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军 宗教类 C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教) C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教) I=ISLAM(伊斯兰教)NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰) 星座 水瓶座:AQUARIUS(1月21日- 2月19日) 双鱼座:PISCES(2月20日- 3月20日) 白羊座:ARIES (3月21日- 4月20日) 金牛座:TAURUS(4月21日- 5月21日) 双子座:GEMINI(5月22日- 6月21日) 巨蟹座:CANCER(6月22日- 7月23日) 狮子座:LEO(7月24日- 8月23日)

处女座:VIRGO(8月24日- 9月23日) 天秤座:LIBRA (9月24日- 10月23日) 天蝎座:SCORPIUS(10月24日- 11月22日) 人马座:SAGITTARIUS(11月23日- 12月21日) 山羊座:CAPRICORNUS (12月22日- 1月20日) 1. 国际性或全美性: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织(也叫国际文教组织) 例如:(The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 对世界做出一些贡献) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty organization)北大西洋公约组织。 例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成员能坚守承担义务吗?) SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)战略武器限制公约 例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每个国家都要加入SALT?) NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国航天太空总署 例句:The U.S. space programs depend on the performances of NASA.(美国的太空计画是靠NASA的表现而定。) (注:以上缩写字也被人们当做一个字看待) WHO(World Health organization)世界卫生组织 例句:Taiwan has been trying to become one of the WHO members.(台湾一直想办法成为WHO的成员之一) FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)联邦调查局(负责美国境内) CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)中央情报局(负责国外) 例句:Over the past years, Dr. and Mrs. Lee have worked for both FBI and CIA.(过去多年来李博士夫妇都为FBI 和CIA 工作) FDA(Food and Drug Administration)美国食品药物管理局 例句:This new drug has to be approved by the FDA.(这新药要经FDA 批准) USDA(United States Department of Agriculture)美国农业部 例句:USDA supplies myriad of information on agriculture market.(有关农业市场,USDA 供应大量资料。) IRS(Internal Revenue Service)美国税务局


20 century British history. (20 Century Br Hist) AACN clinical issues. (AACN Clin Issues) AANA journal. (AANA J) AAPS pharmSci [electronic resource]. (AAPS PharmSci) ACP journal club. (ACP J Club) AIDS (London, England) (AIDS) AIDS alert. (Aids Alert) AIDS care. (AIDS Care) AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education. (AIDS Educ Prev) AIDS patient care and STDs. (AIDS Patient Care STDS) AIDS research and human retroviruses. (AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses) AIHAJ : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safety. (AIHAJ) AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. (AJNR Am J Neuroradiol) AJS; American journal of sociology. (AJS) ANS. Advances in nursing science. (ANS Adv Nurs Sci) ANZ journal of surgery. (ANZ J Surg) APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. (APMIS) ASHA. (ASHA) Abdominal imaging. (Abdom Imaging) Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. (Acad Emerg Med) Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. (Acad Med) Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management. (Acad Manage J) Academy of management review. Academy of Management. (Acad Manage Rev) Accident and emergency nursing. (Accid Emerg Nurs) Accident; analysis and prevention. (Accid Anal Prev)


所有英语单词词性缩写 prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写 n = 名词,noun的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj = 连接词,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词,auxiliary 的缩写 a = 形容词,adjective的缩写 ad = 副词,adverb的缩写 art = 冠词,article的缩写 num = 数词,numeral的缩写 int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl = 复数,plural的缩写语气词 int. 缩写词 abbr. abbr abbreviation(略)略语 adj, adjjadjective(s)(形)形容词 adv, advvadverb(s)(副)副词 adv partadverbial particle(副接)副词接语 aux auxiliary(助)助动词 cn countable noun(可数)可数名词 conj conjunction(连)连接 def art definite article(定冠)定冠词 egfor example(例如)例如 esp especially(尤指)尤指 etc and the others(等)等等 ie which is to say(意即)意即 indef art indefinite article(不定冠词)不定冠词 inf infinitive(不定词)不定词 int interjection(感)感叹词 n noun(s) (名)名词 neg negative(ly)(否定)否定的(地) part adj participial adjective(分形)分词形容词pers person(人称)人称pers pron personal pronoun(人称代)人称代名词pl plural(复)复数(的) pp past participle (过去分词)过去分词pref prefix(字首)字首prep preposition(al) (介词)介词,介系词,介词的pron pronoun (代)代名词pt past tense(过去)过去式sb somebody(某人)某人sing singular(单)单数(的) sth something(某事物)某物或某事suff suffix(字尾)字尾un uncountable noun(不可数)不可数名词US America(n)(美)美国(的) vverb(s) (动)动词[VP]V erb Pattern(动型)动词类型v iverb intransitive(不及物动词)不及物动词vt verb transitive (及物动词)及物动词 一.名词(Noun.N) 1.定义:人、地、物、事或观念等名称叫做名词。 人:Edison(爱迪生),Helen(海伦),Mr.Wang(王先生) 地:Asia(亚洲),China(中国),New York(纽约) 物:book(书),dog(狗),tree(树),water(水) 事或观念:work(工作),music(音乐),truth(真理) 注: (1).如人名、地名、国名等属于该名称持有者专用的名称,其第一字母必须大写,如Edison,New York,China。 (2).名词亦有可数和不可数之分,如果是可数的就有单数和复数的区别。所谓复数就是多于一个的意思,通常是在单数名词的词尾加“-s,es,ies,…”以示其为复数。例如:


1.药学学报Acta Pharm Sin 2.中药材Chin Med Mat 3.植物学报Acta Bot Sin 4.中国药学杂志Chin Pharm J 5.天然产物研究与开发Nat Prod Res Dev 6.中草药Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs 7.中国药学英文版J Chin Pharm Sci 8.河南植物志Flora of Henan 9.中国中药资源志要The Chinese Traditional Medicine Resource Records 10.中华大辞典Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine 11.新编中药志Modern Chinese Material Medica 12.分析化学手册Handbook of Analytical Chmuistry 13.中国临床药理学杂志Chin J Clin Pharmacol 14.中国中药杂志Chin J Chin Mater Med 15.中国药科大学学报J Chin Pharm Univ 16.沈阳药科大学学报J Shenyang Pharm Univ 17.中国新药杂志Chin New Drug J 18.中国医院药学杂志Chin Hosp Pharm J 19.xx药典Ch.P 20.中国天然药物Chin J Nat Med

21.时珍国医国药Lishizhen Med Mater Med Res 22.第二军医大学学报Acad J Second Mil Med Univ 第四军医大学学报J Fourth Mil Med Univ 23.中华人民共和国药典Pharmacopoeia of the People`s Republic of China 24.药物分析杂志J Pharm Anal 25.中国临床药理学杂志Chin J Clin Pharmacol 26.医药导报Her Med 27.中国药理与临床Chin Med Pharmaco Clinic 28.中国实验方剂学杂志Chin J Exp Tradit Med Form 29.化学快报Chem Pharm Bull 30.亚洲天然产物Nat Prod Lett 中成药CHIN TRADIT PAT MED J MOL CELL BIOL(分子细胞生物学报) 1674-2788 108 13.400 CELL RES(细胞研究) 1001-0602 4243 9.417 FUNGAL DIVERS(真菌多样性) 1560-2745 1181 5.074 MOL PLANT(分子植物) 1674-2052 944 4.296 WORLD J GASTROENTERO(世界胃肠病学杂志) 1007-9327 15119


Astronomy and Astrophysics A & A AAPG Bulletin AAPG Bull. AAPG Memoir AAPG Mem. ACA Transactions ACA Trans. Accounts of Chemical Research Acc. Chem. Res. Accreditation and Quality Assurance Accredit. Qual. Assur. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACH - Models Chem. ACI Materials Journal ACI Mater. J. Acoustical Physics Acoust. Phys. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces ACS Chemical Biology ACS Chem. Biol. ACS Chemical Neuroscience ACS Chem. Neurosci. ACS Symposium Series ACS Symp. Ser. Active and Passive Electronic Components Act. Passive Electron. Compon. Acta Astronautica Acta Astronaut. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sin. Acta Biochimica Polonica A cta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Acta Biochim. Biophy. Sin. Acta Biomaterialia Acta Biomater. Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana Acta Bioquim. Clin. Latinoam. Acta Biotechnologica Acta Biotechnol. Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Acta Chem.


首先,是我和我的小伙伴们:xx心血管杂志 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine Chin J Cardiovasc Med xx神经免疫学和神经病学杂志 Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology Chin J Neuroimmunol Neurol 中华老年医学杂志 Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Chin J Geriatr A 癌症 Chinese Journal of Cancer Chin J Cancer 癌变·畸变·突变 Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis Carcinog Teratogenesis Mutagen 癌症xx Cancer Rehabilitation Cancer Rehabil xx医学

Anhui Medical Journal Anhui Med J xx中医药大学学报 Journal of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine J Anhui Univ Chin Med B xx医学院学报 Journal of Bengbu Medical College J Bengbu Med Coll 包头医学 Journal of Baotou Medicine J Baotou Med xx医学 Beijing Medical Journal Beijing Med J xx中医药 Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Beijing J Tradit Chin Med 北京中医药大学学报 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Beijing Univ Tradit Chin Med


英文刊物缩写与全称对照大全 英文刊物缩写对照 期刊缩写汇总--来源: 同济网论坛https://www.sodocs.net/doc/cb3739659.html, A Acc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J. ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta Biotechnol. Acta Biotechnologica Acta Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica Scandinavica Acta Chim. Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienceia Indica Chemistry Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Ciencia Indica Phyics Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications Acta Crystallogr., Sect D: Biol. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online Acta Hydroch. Hydrob. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica Acta Mater. Acta Materialia Acta Metall. Acta Metallurgica Acta Phys. Pol., A Acta Physica Polonica A Acta Phys. Pol., B Acta Physica Polonica B Acta Polym. Acta Polymerica Acta Polytech. Scand., Chem. Technol. Ser Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology Series Adhes. Age Adhesives Age Adsorpt. Sci. Technol. Adsorption Science and Technology Adv. Appl. Microbiol. Advances in Applied Microbiology Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phy. Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Adv. Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry
