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Unit 4 Career Planning讲义

Unit 4 Career Planning讲义
Unit 4 Career Planning讲义

Unit 4 Career Planning

Introductory Remarks

Today’s job market is more competitive than ever before. So you should begin to think about your future career before you graduate from college and even make your career plan. A considered and detailed plan can give a picture of the way leading to a satisfying and productive career.

The first step is a good résumé (or curriculum vitae, CV for short). It should be clear and concise, with the most important items on the first page. It should include your name, address, phone, and your fax, email, mobile phone if you have them. The key items in a résuméinclude your job objective, your education, your work experience, your honors, awards, your affiliations and any offices held, and anything else you think will help you get the job.

The second step is a good cover letter. This should be no more than a page. Like the résumé, the cover letter should go through several careful drafts, with advice from an instructor or some other experienced people. Other documents such as personal statements and application forms may be required. These should be prepared just as thoroughly and conscientiously as the letter and the résumé.

Now you are almost ready for the bottom line of the job-hunting process: the interview. You should practice this part several times, including your entry, greetings, etc. Bring several copies of your résuméto the interview in case the committee members don't have them, and be prepared to hand these out at the beginning. It's also good to practice the entire interview. Answers should be clear and concise, including relevant specific examples of your education or experience.It’s good to practice the entire interview, and especially practice some questions (See NCE Teacher’s Book p.61) before the interview.

Part One Preparation

Name different occupations

Directions: You will have 3 minutes to list as many names of occupations as possible. Describe a career

Directions: You will be asked to describe a career you’re likely to pursue in the future. Don’t men tion its name but ask your classmates to guess what it is.

What kind of job is suitable for you?

Listen to 14 statements carefully and decide which category of jobs they belong to. Questions for discussion

1.What do you think is the most ideal occupation?

2.How are you preparing for your future career?

3.What are the steps to get a world-class job?

Proverbs and Sayings

Many hands make light work.人多好办事。

A bad workman always blames his tools. 自己笨,怪刀钝。

It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.—Winston Churchill

I do not like work ? no man does ? but I like what is in the work: the chance to find yourself. — Conrad Joseph

(More sayings can be found in the ppt.)

Part Two Reading-Centered Activities

In-Class Reading

●Pre-Reading Questions

What does career planning mean?

Why does the author say students are not efficient in career planning?

What are the keys to career planning?

●Text structure

1. Introduction(Para. 1) Career planning does not necessarily follow routine or logical steps.

2. Students’ weaknesses in career planning (Para. 2)

3. Serious flaws in the ways of decision making (Para. 3-5)

A. Complacency — ignoring challenging information

B. Defensive avoidance — resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming.

C. Hypervigilance —searching frantically for career possibilities and seizing on hastily invented solutions

4. Keys to career planning(Para. 6-11)

A.Study oneself

B. Write one’s career goals down.

C. Review one’s plans and progress periodically with another person.

D. If one person chooses a career that does not fit him, he can start over.

5. Changes in careers (Para. 12-13)

A.Few changes involve downward movement; most involve getting ahead.

B. Job changes and career shifts occur at all ages.

6. Conclusion (Para. 14-15) Although there is no sure way to make career plans work out, there are things that anyone can do now to shape one’s career possibilities.

●New Words and Phrases

1. alternative n.二中择一,可供选择的办法、事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的【搭配】alternative conjunctions 选择连接词(如: or, nor)

have no alternative but除...外别无选择; 只有; 只

【例句】Can you recommend an alternative?你能推荐别的选择吗?

2. efficient (adj.) (Line 7, Para. 2) working well, quickly, and without waste 效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的

【例句】She was very efficient in reducing waste.

He grew into an efficient stockbroker soon after the career training.

【辨析】efficient用于指人或工具、机器工作时效率高,如an efficient secretary(能

干的秘书);effective用于指措施、方法等高效, an effective measure(有效措施)【补充】反义词:inefficient (低效的)

3. estimate vt. /n.估计,估量

【用法】1) estimate + n. / (that)从句2) It + be estimated + that…

【例句】estimate the cost at $5,000 估计成本为5000 元

Someone estimated that/ It was estimated that the cost of a college

education had doubled in the last ten years.有人估计大学教育的费用在最


【搭配】at a rough estimate 据大致估计by estimate 据估计

form/make an estimate of 对······做估计或评价

【补充】estimation n. 估计,预算e.g. in one’s estimation

underestimate v.低估overestimate v.高估

同义词evaluate, assess

4. flaw (n.) (Line 15, Para. 3)mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect 缺点,瑕疵,缺陷

【辨析】flaw常指性格上,与生俱来的缺点,不完美之处;error和mistake指错误,可以避免的;fault是(人的)过错,错误的举动;(物的)毛病;imperfection 不完整性, 不足; 缺点, 缺陷defect常指缺陷,不足。

【例句】Indecision is the biggest flaw in her personality.


He made a lot of mistakes(errors)in his essay. 他的文章,有很多错误。

Sorry, it was my fault that everyone missed the train.


He is a pitiable man with physical defects. 他是一个有生理缺陷的可怜人。

5. implication (n.) (Line 28, Para. 4) 1) a possible future effect or result 可能的影响、后果2) something you do not say directly but you seem to want people to believe 暗示;含义

【例句】He smiled, with the implication that he didn't believe me.

She said very little directly, but by a great deal of implication.

【补充】v. imply 暗示

6. integrate (v.) (Line 51, Para. 8)

1) ( + into / with) (使)结合;(使)成为一体

2) 成为社团的一部分

【例句】They’ve lived in this country for 10 years but have n ever really integrated.

The teachers are trying to integrate all the children into society.

7. pursue (v.) (Line 69, Para. 11)1) 从事或忙于某事 2) 追捕,追击;紧随……之后 3) 追求,寻求

【例句】His greatest pleasure is to help others to pursue pleasure from life.

【辨析】chase 指对逃逸的人或动物加以追捕,也指以驱赶为目的而进行的追逐。常带有不友好的意味,但也可指出于嬉闹的追赶。

follow 常用词,含义最广。不含褒贬的意味,也可表示时间、次序的顺接。pursue 表示紧追不舍直到成功。也可用于引申意义。

8. undergo(Line 61, Para. 10)experience (esp. suffering or difficulty)经历,遭受


【搭配】undergoing treatment接受治疗undergo difficulties and bitterness经历苦难【辨析】bear 普通用语。泛指负担或忍受精神、肉体的各种痛苦。多用于否定和疑问句,常与can, could 连用。

endure 正式用语。多用于否定句,特指忍受较大、较长时间的磨难。

stand 与bear意同。口头用语。多用于否定句或疑问句,肯定句中正面意义更强。suffer 正式用语。常指被迫承受某件令人痛苦或有害的事,多用于承受抽象事物。【练习】请选择bear, endure, stand 或suffer 的适当形式填空。

She just could not _____ with such insults.

India is ________ greatly from over-population.

I can’t _______ her unreasonable action any longer.

He successfully ______ the severe test.

答案:bear, suffering, endure, stood

【补充】under-前缀,加在动词或名词前表示“过低”,“〃〃〃〃〃〃不足”,“在〃〃〃〃〃〃下面”等意思:under 常与一些动词构成复合词: undertake v.着手,开始; underline v. n.下划线underdress v.穿得过于单薄,穿得过于简朴undergraduate n.本科生

9. at stake(Line 20, Para. 3) in a situation where something valuable might be lost if

a plan or action is not successful 濒于险境,处于成败关头

【例句】The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and hundreds of jobs are at stake.这家公司濒临破产,数百名职员的工作危在旦夕。

He admitted that his political life is at stake.他承认他的政治生涯正遭到威胁。【补充】stake: 柱,火刑柱

10. resort to(Line26)求助于或诉诸某事物

to 是介词,后面要接名词或动名词

【例句】I had to resort to violence to get my money.

【补充】at a last resort/ in the last resort作为最后的手段,最后的凭借

1. Career gathering information about ourselves and about occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, and finally, choosing alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. (Line 3)

【解析】都作动词includes的宾语,说明“职业规划”要涉及的三种行为。这三个连续的动名词短语使句子意义表达更充分连贯。include 后接v.-ing 形式。例如:

A teacher’s priorities include exciting students’ interests and stimulating their creativity. 教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。最后一个动词短语中,关系代词that引导定语从句修饰alternatives。that在从句中作find的宾语,意思为:we find the alternatives attractive and feasible。feasible (adj.) able to be done; possible 可行的,可能的

你的计划听起来颇为行得通。Your plan sounds quite feasible.


2. They cite evidence

group of as many as 40 to 60 percent choose professional occupati ons, when in reality only 15 to 18 percent of the work force…to express any choice of occupation. (Line 8)

【解析】句子的主要结构为They cite evidence。从属连词that 引导四个名词性从句,作宾语evidence 的同位语。

choose from among 从……中选择。介词from可与副词或介词短语搭配,如:from above, from across, from behind, from below, from inside, from under, from within, from out of等。如: A sound comes from behind the door.

句中的as many as 在句中起强调作用,意思是“多达”,省略该部分句子结构仍然完整。相似的句子见课文中:It has been estimated that as many as one out of four male workers … change their lines of w ork. (Line 74)

when此处作“可是,而”,将前后两项进行对比。例如:Why do you walk when you might ride a bicycle? 为什么可以骑车去而你却步行?


3.When confronted with a decision and unable to believe they can find an acceptable solution, some people remain calm by resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming. (Line 23)

【解析】“连词when + 过去分词”作状语,主句的主语 some people是confront 这一动作的承受者。从句部分可看作when they are conf ronted…的省略形式。“连词+过去分词/现在分词/形容词”作状语时常用省略形式,这些连词可以是when, though / although, as if/as though, if, even if, once, unless, until 等。例如:

(1)This building will look nice when finished. 这幢建筑完成后会很好看。

(2)Once published, the book caused a remarkable stir. 书一出版就引起了轰动。

(3)While studying in China, he became interested in Beijing Opera. 他在中国学习时对京剧产生了兴趣。

请完成下面的句子: (1) Once appointed supreme commander(他一被任命为最高统帅之后), he took the stern measures expected of him.

(2) Although poor(尽管并不富有), the Blakes are ready to help others.


4. But career planning should help you to approach and cope better with new problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training programs, deciding whether or not to change jobs, … a person. (Line 80)

such as引导的动名词短语举例说明前面的new problems。

whether or not插在不定式短语前表示取决与否。whether or not除了常用于引导名词性从句及让步状语从句外,也可直接放在不定式前表示选择。

He couldn’t decide whether or not to return home.


●Useful Expressions

遵照常规的或合乎逻辑的步骤follow routine or logical steps

15%的从业人员15 percent of the work force

模糊、不成熟的想法unclear and half-formed ideas

男青年对文书、销售以及服务性行业兴趣索然。Young men show a striking lack of interest in clerical, sales, and service occupations.

最好的做法就是眼观六路,耳听八方。The best coping behavior is vigilance.

●Summary of the Text

In career planning, various factors should be taken into consideration, but many people fail to do so. Serious flaws exist in the ways they make career decisions, such as complacency, defensive avoidance and hypervigilance. In order to improve this situation, the author puts forward some suggestions: Study yourself; Write your career goal down; Review your plans and progress periodically with another person; If you choose a career that does not fit you, you can start over.

After-Class Reading

Passage One Summer Job Planning


Job hunting should start early. You may be considered shortsighted if you have not picked a career by the time you enter college.

After you have sent application letters, you have to make every effort to have an interview with the personnel director.

It is important to have a summer job that will enhance your future career. There are basically two kinds of summer jobs. One is related to your field, the other may have nothing to do with your future career, but these jobs tend to pay well. Any summer job that requires hard work and a certain amount of responsibility is good for your resume. When I started looking for a summer job in college I found the only organization that would hire me was Filene’s.

I asked for a job selling on Saturdays and during the following summer. I was hired on the spot. All through college, I earned my expenses by working for Filene’s. I knew from conversatio ns with the store manager that if I could not find a newspaper reporting job I could find a position on the Filene’s training squad, and use that step toward a writing job.

●Words & Phrases

1. assume (v.)(Line 1, Para. 1) accept sth. as true before there is proof假定;假设

(v.) (Line 14, Para. 7) begin to act in; undertake开始从事;承担;担任

e.g. We cannot assume anything in this case.


He assumes his new responsibilities next month. 他下个月承担新任务。

2. alternative(Line 3, Para. 5)

adj. available in place of sth. else; other其他的;另一可选用的

n. choice of two or more possibilities 可能性中的选择;可能性之一

e.g. Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他的建议?

You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor. (n.)


3. hedge (n.) (Line 6, Para. 8)

1) means of defence against possible loss 防止造成损失的手段

(hedge against sth.)

2) row of bushes or shrubs to form a boundary for a field, garden 树蓠

(v.) 1) put hedge round 设臵树蓠

2) avoid giving a direct answer 避免正面答复

e.g. Over the hedge/ a privet hedge/ hedgehog篱笆墙外/女贞篱笆/刺猬

Answer “yes” or “no”--- stop hedging!


4. come along(Line 15, Para. 7)

1) arrive, appear到达;出现

2) make progress; improve; grow取得进步;发展;改善

3) 用于祈使句以鼓励某人做某事,尤指促其加速、努力或试一试。

e.g. When the right opportunity comes along, she’ll take it.


His French has come along a lot since he joined the conversation class.


Come along now, someone must know the answer.试试吧,一定有人能够回答。

●Sentence Study

1. If you happen to have a contact such as an editor who might be willing to

meet you, so much the better. (Line 3)

解析:contact此处为名词,表示熟人。如:Do you have any contacts in Beijing?

Who引导定语从句修饰限制editor。so much the better means “if so, it will make the situation even better than it already is” (那样的话敢情好)

翻译:假如你碰巧有个熟人是编辑,而他愿意见你,那样的话敢情更好。2.When I started looking for a summer job in college I found the only organization that would hire me (except for restaurants) was Filene’s, the big Boston department store that operated a summer branch on Cape Cod, where my family vacationed. (Line 38)

解析:此句为多重复合句。When首先引导时间状语从句,表示“当…时候”;found 为谓语动词,后面的整个部分均做found的宾语;宾语部分中,第一个that 做定语,修饰the only organization,做宾语部分的主语,“the big…on Cape Cod,”修饰Filene; where引导定语从句修饰Cape Cod。


Passage Two Which Career Is the Right One for You?

●Reading Questions

The features of the Six Types of Jobs

Realistic Jobs involve handwork; need good motor coordination; mechanically and athletically inclined

Conventional Jobs work with organizations, files and regular schedules; require a fair amount of writing

Investigative Jobs scientific or laboratory in nature; solve problems in a systematic and scientific way

Artistic Jobs Work with words or music or art; work in free environment;

idealistic, imaginative

Social Jobs Work with people; help people solve problems; entertaining

people; thoughtful and pleasant

Jobs of Leadership persuade other people to do sth.; like other people to act on their

orders; enjoy working in group

●Words & Phrases

1.incline (v.) 1) incline toward /to sth. 向某物的方向倾斜/ 倾向于;易于。

2) bent forward 弯腰,点头

inclined (Line 8, Para. 4)

(adj.) 1) be inclined to do sth. 准备做某事;很有可能做某事;(用于使语气缓和)持某种意见。

2) have a natural ability 有某方面的天赋

e.g. The land inclined towards the shore.

She inclined her head in prayer.

2. possession (n.)(Line 10, Para. 4)

1)things that is possessed; property 所有物;财产

2) state of possessing; ownship 持有;领有;具有

in possession of sth.占有,控制,使他人无法使用


1)possess (v.) have sth. as one’s belonging; own 持有;领有

e.g. He decided to give away everything he possesses and become a monk.

2) possessor (n.) 所有人;持有某物的人

3)possessive (adj.) showing a desire to own sth. and unwilling to share with

others 显示占有占有欲的;不愿与人分享的

e.g. The child is very possessive with his toys.

3. be concerned with (Line 1, Para. 20)be about sth.与某事物有关;涉及某事物concern oneself with/in/about sth. 忙于某事;关心某事

as/so far as sb./sth. is concerned 就某人/某事而言

●Sentence Study

1.The six types of jobs, as developed by John L. Holland, a psychology professor

from Johns Hopkins University, are described here in some detail. (Line 5)

解析:本句为复合句,基本结构为The six types of jobs are described here. “as developed by John L. Holland”可以看作是定语从句用来修饰the six types of jobs,相当于which were developed in the same way as Professor John L.

Holland described. “a psychology professor…University” 做定语修饰John L.



2. The tasks involved in investigative jobs are scientific or laboratory in nature,

and usually involve trying to solve some puzzles, whether the puzzle is a large, mysterious problem such as how the universe came into being, or more normal, daily problem such as figuring out the composition of a sample of blood taken from a patient in a medical clinic. (Line 38)

解析:本句为复合句,involved, taken 都是过去分词做后臵定语修饰前面的名词;

“whether…or”整个部分做定语修饰some puzzles;“in nature”在本质上,

“figure out”弄明白,“such as”例如。



Part Three Further Development

●Role Play

Organize the students to divide into two groups, one group will play the role of interviewers, the other the interviewees, then ask them to role play a scene of job interview.

Useful vocabulary: 1) education: certificate证书degree学位; personal information 个人情况;reference推荐人;major专业;part-time job experience兼职经历;required/ selective/credit course必修课/选修课/学分课;publication出版物;2) experience: exchange program交换项目;club membership社团活动;drama society 剧社;speech contest演讲比赛;university orchestra学校乐团student union学生会;3) firm/company: department部门; marketing市场营销;sales销售;customer service客户服务;advertising广告;consultancy咨询;project项目;home office 总部application for a post申请职位4) personality:ambitious有抱负的; creative 有创造力的; energetic有活力的; honest诚实的; independent独立的; industrious刻苦的; open-minded思维开阔的; easy-going好相处的; impulsive好冲动的; punctual 守时的; reliable可靠的; sensitive敏感的; adventurous爱冒险的; stubborn固执的; timid胆怯的; conceited自大的; changeable善变的; bossy专横的

Sentences that would be helpful:

What courses do you take? —I have taken courses such as…(and currently I’m involved in a research project on…)

Have you had any related experience? —I’ve been a student counselor/working for a…company since I got my BA/BS/MA degree from…

Why would you like this job? —I’m interested in this job because it is interesting and challenging. / I’m a person of strong initiative. I like to keep myself busy at all times. I’d like hear your definition of success. —For me, success is setting a goal, devoting your heart to it, seeing it accomplished, having fun during the whole process and earning great experience.

How do you think of your personality? —On the whole I’m fairly a calm/ punctual

type of person. / I consider myself a person of great loyalty and integrity. I’ll do whatever I can to benefit the company. / I’m outspoken, full of enthusiasm and energy.

I know how to communicate and I’m sensitive to others’ needs.

Group Discussion

1)Which factor is most crucial when looking for a new job? Rank the following points in terms of importance and then discuss your reasons: opportunities for promotion or advancement, working hours, vacation days, pension plan, interest level, salary, benefits such as health and life insurance, sick or maternity leave

2) Are Summary Job Necessary? (See the Textbook. P. 193)

3) How do the factors like gender, age, experience, and education matter in your job hunting?

4) What do you think of your major? Would you accept a job which is not related to your major at all after graduation? Why or why not?


Group A: Working experience is more important than education in job hunting. Group B: Education is more important than working experience in job hunting.

Part Four Writing and Translation

Translating Activities








融合法是把原句中的主语和定语从句融合在一起,译成一个独立的句子。比如英语中“there are / is …”的句型处理,或者将定语从句转化而成的谓语,与将英语主句压缩成汉语词组而形成的主语结合起来,构成一个独立的汉语句子。




Writing Activities

申请信Letters of Application

申请信是一种重要的社交书信,主要涉及谋职、求学、出国、住房等等。申请信应该写得通俗正确,言简意赅,恰如其分,实事求是,整洁规范,生动有趣,以体现申请者的自信、性格、能力、人品及其特长,从而使申请获得成功。Application Letter(申请信)需包括以下几点:1) Reasons for writing 2) Relevant information about yourself 3) How to contact you 4) Closing

求职信须明确提出申请目的与请求,并且完整地介绍申请者的学历(education)、资历(specialty)、经历(简历)(experiences)、能力(abilities)、特长(special skill)与成就(achievements)。

求职信开始语Openings for job Application

(1)I wish to apply for a position with your office as an accountant.


(2)I have made a careful study of your advertising during the past three months, and

the kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me …


(3)Permit me to apply as a candidate for the vacant appointment in your firm.


申请书结束语Closing for Application

(1)I should be grateful if you would let me know your decision as soon as possible.


(2)I am confident that I would be suitable for the kind of work you are advertising.


(3)I should be pleased to attend for an interview at your convenience when I could

give you further detail concerning myself.


(4)Enclosed are three copies of testimonials are required.


(5)Should my application be regarded favorably, I shall be happy to submit

references in a personal interview.


(6)I shall endeavor to meet with your entire satisfaction if you might be willing to

take me on trail.



Directions: Write a composition on the topic “An Application Letter for a Part-time Summer Job”. Your composition should be no less than 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:


2) 简述你的学业及相关经历;

3) 期望得到对方的及早答复。

An Application Letter for a Part-time Summer Job

Dear Sir or Madam:

June 20, 2006

I am writing to inquire whether there is a vacancy for a part-time computer salesperson during the summer vacation. From your company’s webpage, I know that you hired salespersons during the previous summer sales peaks, and I hope you will consider my application.

Next I’d like to briefly introduce my educational backgroun d and professional experiences. I am a junior majoring in computer science. I work very hard and got high scores in almost every course concerning computer science. In addition, such courses as Marketing and Consumer Psychology which I took are beneficial to my present application. As my resume indicates, I am not simply the product of a narrow academic background, for I have quite a wide exposure to the world of work.

to the world of work. Last summer I helped facilitate a computer show. And, I have been working in my university computer center. It is my firm belief that I meet your requirements for a salesperson.

I am most anxious to become a part-time salesperson of your firm. If you consider me an eligible applicant, I would be available for an interview any time at your convenience. I can be reached at 87766555. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best wishes!

Sincerely yours,

Wang Lan
