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9A Unit 1 词组

1.把报纸带给我bring me the newspaper

2.看看你的星座read your stars

3.有许多吃的和喝的东西have lots to eat and drink

4. 担心没有早饭吃worry about not having breakfast

5.对。。。熟悉be familiar with

6.12个动物生肖the 12 animal signs

7. 西方的人们people in the west

8. 更多地了解西方文化learn more about Western culture

9. 取乐for fun

10. 被分成12个不同的星座be divided into 12 different star signs

11. 你的出生日期your date of birth

12. 在相同星座下出生的人people born under the same star sign

13. 有相似的性格特征share similar characteristics

14.精力充沛而且很积极be energetic and active

15.喜欢当领导like to be the leader

16. 有时自私be selfish at times

17. 一个勤奋的人 a hard-working person

18. 容易放弃give up easily

19. 一个好奇而且聪明的人 a curious and clever person

20. 爱你的家庭和家人love your home and family

21. 喜欢照顾他人like to take care of others

22. 喜欢节省钱like saving money

23. 一个强壮而自信的人 a strong and confident person

24.给你的朋友买好的礼物buy your friends nice gifts

25. 有时担心太多worry too much at times

26.注意细节pay attention to details

27. 一个有礼貌而公平的人 a polite and fair person

28. 热爱和平love peace

29. 与他人争吵argue with others

30.精力充沛have lots of energy

31. 保密keep secrets

32. 原谅别人所犯的错误forgive others for their mistakes

33. 喜欢到不同的地方旅行love travelling to different places

34. 擅长制作东西或计划事情be good at making or planning things

35.长时间等待而不生气wait for a long time without getting angry

36.讨厌与别人一样hate to be like others

37. 尝试一切不同的事情try to do everything differently

38. 有创造力和想象力be creative and imaginative

39.梦想一切dream about everything

40.只关心自己care only about oneself

41.平等地对待每个人treat everyone equally

42. 有很好的幽默感have a good sense of humour

43.对自己的能力感到很自信feel sure about one’s own ability

44.爱和他交朋友love being friends with him

45.喜欢讲笑话like telling jokes

46. 看起来很幸运seem to be very lucky

47. 对每个人友好be kind to everyone

48.与别人分享食物share food with others

49.考试考得好do well in exams

50.有各种各样不同的主意have all kinds of different ideas

51.花大量的时间给我们作讲解spend lots of time explaining to us

52. 炫耀show off

53. 制作生日卡片make the birthday cards

54.带来各种颜色的气球bring balloons of all colours

55. 给我们每个人两个礼物give each of us two presents

56.为我们组织这个晚会organize the party for us

57.使我很不开心make me very unhappy

58. 读学校简讯read the school newsletter

59.做实验do an experiment

60.在实验室in the laboratory

61.牙疼have got a toothache

62. 看牙医see the dentist

63.收集各种的蝴蝶图片collect pictures of all kinds of butterflies

64.第一只克隆羊the first cloned sheep

65.仍然醒着be still awake

66. 一杯柠檬水 a glss of lemonade

67.计划出去plan to go out

68. 去上舞蹈课go to the dancing lessons

69. 请人修自行车have his bicycle repaired

70.发现地上有个钱包find a wallet lying on the ground

71.羊年the year of the Goat

72. 有很多事情值得庆祝have a lot to celebrate

73. 在学业或工作方面获得成功have success at school or work

74. 大约在这个月的中旬around the middle of the month

75. 等多细节一经询问即可获得More details are available on request

76.拨打。。。找某人call sb.on ….

77.既有好运又有霉运have both good luck and bad luck

78.明智地花钱/ 消费spend the money wisely

79.健康上有问题have problems with my health

80.需要大量的休息need to get lots of rest

81. 吃健康的食物eat healthy food

82.学生会the Students’Union

83.合适这个职位be suitable for the post

84.有能力组织好事情be able to organize things well

85.提出新的想法come up with new ideas

86.正式和非正式的语言formal andinformal language

87. 用正式的问候语/结束语use formal greetings / endings

88. 用俚语词汇或表达use slang words or expression_rs

89. 用笑话或尽量滑稽use jokes or to be funny

90. 用缩写词/ 缩略形式use abbreviations / contractions

91.推荐David 担任新的主席recommend David as the new chairperson

92. 在第一周完成所有的暑假作业finish all his summer homework in the first week

93.在英语考试中获得满分get full marks in an English test

94. 从未忘记做他必须做的事情never forget to do the things he needs to do

95. 害怕在一大群人面前演讲be afraid of making a speech to a large group of people

96.给七年级的学生演示如何使用图书馆show the Grade 7 students how to use the library

97.介意做额外的工作mind doing extra work

98.帮助自己变得更有条理help himself get more organized

99.有很多好的个性品质have many good personal qualities

100.在全校面前发言speak in front of the whole school

101.暑假的剩余时间the rest of the summer holiday

102. 帮着做我们的班级课题help with our class project

103. 例如for example

104.加入电脑俱乐部join the Computer Club

105.同意某人的观点agree with sb

106.下一届主席的最好人选the best person to become the next chairperson 107.最合适的人the most suitable person

108为我们播放CD play CDs for us

109 祝你这个月过得愉快Enjoy your month!

Unit Two Colour

1. 宁可------也不, 宁愿would rather ---than---

2. 看起来很适合某人look good on sb

3. 生活在一个充满颜色的世界里live in a world full of colours

4.一个枯燥乏味的地方 a bull place

5.看窗外look out of the window

6.彩虹的颜色colours of the rainbow

7. 关于颜色的一些有趣的事something interesting about colours

8. 影响我们的情绪affect our moods

9. 把墙漆成蓝色paint the walls blue

10.使我们感到放松make us feel relaxed

11.对健康有好处be good for health

12. 协调感 a feeling of harmony

13. 纯洁的颜色the colour of purity

14. 宁愿做---而不愿做--- prefer--- to ---

15. 给你一种幸福和满足感give you a happy and satisfied feeling

16. 生活在寒冷气候里的人们people living in cold climates

17. 创设一种温暖和舒适感create a warm and comfortable feeling

18. 给你带来成功bring you success

19. 为某人加油鼓劲cheer sb up

20. 太阳的颜色the colour of the sun

21. 使某人想起某事remind sb of sth

22. 例如such as / for example

23. 给你能量give you energy

24. 大自然的颜色the colour of nature

25. 代表新的生命和生长represent new life and grownth

26. 忌妒得发绿be in green with envy

27. 任何想让身体变得强壮anyone in need of phusical or mental strength

28. 火热的颜色the colour of heat

29. 代表力量和强烈的感觉represent power and strong feelings

30. 采取行动take action

31. 作出决定make a decision

32. 给某人许多建议give sb lots of advice

33. 在图书馆in the library

34. 炫耀show off

35. 在------方面有困难have difficulty (in ) doing sth. / have difficulty with sth

36. 在考试中取得好成绩get good marks in tests / do well in exams

37. 帮助人们镇定下来help people calm down

38. 过于担心worry a lot

39. 有很强的个性have a strong personality

40. 在每个单词的对面on the opposite side of each word

41. 去购物go shopping

42. 远离城镇far away from the town

43. 回家吃午饭go home for lunch

44. 逛其他地方shop anywhere else

45. 想吃面条want to have noodles

46. 彩色服装colourful clothes

47. 在试衣间in the fitting room

48. 确保,确信make sure

49. 想起think of

50. 情绪不好be in a bad mood

51. 一直给---打电话keep making phone calls

52. 喋喋不休地讲自己talk so much about oneself

53. 举止不正常not act normally

54. 我朋友们的奇怪行为my friends’strange behaviour

55. 去买衣服go shopping for clothes

56. 为人们做衣服make clothes for people

57. 给你带来安宁bring you peace

58. 把卡片图成橙色colour the card orange

59. 改变你的心情change your moods

60. 取回你的钱get your money back

61. 改进你的生活improve your life

62. 把油涂在某人的手心rub oil into people’s hands

63. 建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth

64. 头发黑的人people with dark hair

65. 皮肤白的人people with pale skin

66. 放松并闭上眼睛relax and close your eyes

67. 有一个秘密的朋友have a secret friend

68. 保证你成功promise you success

69. 自他大学毕业since he finished / left college

70. 在---帮助下with the help of---

71. 使他自己看起来更有力量make himself look more powerful

72. 一个好的组合 a good match

73. 有一点点紧张 a little bit stressed

74. 保持平衡keep one’s balance

75. 一个移动手机广告 a mobile phone advertisement

76. 让我来看一看Let me have a look.

77. 把它给每个人看show it to everyone

78. 看中央电视台青少年节目watch the Teens Show on CCTV

Unit 3 词组卷

1. 青少年的问题teenage problems

2. 有问题have got/have problems

3. 看我的肚子look at my stomach

4. 吃太多eat too much

5. 尝试更多的锻炼try more exercise

6. 时不时地,偶尔,有时from time to time

7. 得到充足的睡眠get enough sleep

8. 课上犯困feel tired in class

9. 使我气疯了drive me mad

10. 没有可以交流的亲密的朋友don’t have any close friends to talk to

11. 感到孤独feel lonely

12. 发出很多噪音make a lot of noise

13. 打扰我disturb me

14. 整天工作work all day

15. 一份关于学生问题的调查报告 a survey about students’problems

16. 一些青少年有的最普遍的问题some of the most common problems teenagers have

17. 最大的问题the biggest problems

18. 有太多的考试和测验get too many tests and exams

19. 和家人没有沟通have no communication with family member

20. 青少年工作者youth worker

21. 知道怎样处理它know how to deal with it

22. 别无选择,只能--- have no choice but to do

23. 熬夜来完成练习stay up late to complete the exercises

24. 第二天the next day

25. 拒绝做这么多的工作refuse to do so much work

26. 及时交作业hand in the homework on time

27. 比如打排球和乒乓球such as playing volleyball and ping-pong

28. 对---感到糟糕feel bad about ---

29. 怀疑是否值得如此努力doubt whether it is worth working so hard

30. 期待一个没有家作的假日look forward to a holiday without homework

31. 给我些建议offer me some suggestions

32. 对我很有价值be of great value to me

33. 收到你的来信hear from you

34. 对---感到疯狂be mad/ crazy about

35. 我对足球的热爱my love of football

36. 大量的朋友plenty of friends

37. 呆在外面很晚stay out/outside late

38. 陷入困境get into trouble

39. 允许我六点后在外面玩allow me to play outside after 6:00 p.m.

40. 允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth

42. 使我们的生活更精彩make our lives more interesting

43. 得到我父母的支持get/have my parents’support

44. 知道做什么know what to do

45. 在我的学业和我的爱好之间取得平衡

achieve a balance between my school work and my hobbies

46. 在某事上取得成功be successful at something

47. 解决问题或做一个任务solve a problem or do a task

48. 回复Millie 和Simon的信reply to Millie’s and Simon’s letters

49. 认真计划你的一天plan your day carefully

50. 你必须做的所有家作all the homework you have to do

51. 选择每天做一个爱好choose a hobby to do each day

52. 值得采取be worth taking

53. 同意你父母的观点agree with your parents

54. 一到两小时an hour or two

55. 对你有些价值be of some value to you

56. 乘公交车回家get /take a bus home

57. 获得高分get/have a high mark

58. 回家晚get/arrive home late

59. 收到一封来信get/receive a letter

60. 此刻,现在at the moment

61. 参加一些活动join in some activities

62. 复习迎考revise for tests

63. 最后一个离开the last to leave

64. 赶上第一辆车catch the first bus

65. 发现她的房子着火了find her house on fire

66. 找到一个安静的学习的地方find a quiet place to study

67. 没有做某事的勇气no courage to do sth.

68. 告诉某人真相tell sb. the truth

69. 和某人吵架quarrel with sb.

70. 需要有人来谈谈need someone to talk to

71. 只关心分数care only about marks

72. 让某人一个人呆着leave sb alone

73. 让你的父母亲看到你的进步let your parents see your progress

74. 谢谢你的宝贵建议thanks for your valuable suggestions

75. 帮我摆脱困境help me out

76. 在考试中考得好do well in the exams

77. 嘲笑她laugh at her

78. 称她为书虫call her a bookwor,

79. 别在意那些嘲笑你的学生pay no attention to those students who laugh at you

80. 以你的学业为傲be proud of your schoolwork

81. 觉得体育对她来说很难find sport difficult for her

82. 回复我最近的三封邮件reply to my last three e-mails

83. 回复某人reply to sb.

84. 听到这个我感到很难过I’m sorry to hear that

85. 遭受---的痛苦suffer from--

86. 处理压力的方法ways to deal with stress

88. 使他们担心make them worry

89. 健康的饮食 a healthy diet

90. 用这种方法in this way

91. 向老师寻求建议ask teachers for advice

92. 选择只做一部分choose to do only part of it

93. 为某事责怪某人blame sb. for sth

94. 放弃做某事give up doing sth.

95. 看更多的电视节目来放松watch more TV programmes to relax

96. 嘲某人大喊大叫shout at sb.

97. 把烦恼放在心里keep worries to oneself

98. 压力的主要原因the main cause of stress

99. 和我同龄的许多学生many students of my age

100. 解决这个问题的一个方法one way to solve this problems

101. 吃一顿美餐have a delicious meal

102. 观看一些英语电视节目watch some English TV programmes

103. 对你的体重感到糟糕feel bad about your weight

104. 许愿 make a wish

Unit 4 TV programmes

1. 太忙了,不能做某事far too busy to do sth.

2. 无事可做have nothing to do

3. 小睡一会儿have a little sleep

4. 到正餐时间了It’s dinner time

5. 从9点到11点from 9 to 11

6. 在2点和7点之间between 2 and 7

7. 他们中每个人every one of them /each of them

8. 他们自己最不喜欢的节目their own least favourite programme

9. 通过无线电发送节目send out programmes on radio

10.从远处控制机器control a machine from a distance

11.每周新闻摘要 a weekly round-up

12.许多最新的信息lots of up-to-date information

13.报道不同的体育运动cover different sports

14.发现本周的节目有点乏味find this week’s programme a bit boring

15.许多对足球运动员的采访 a number of interviews with football players

16.即将来临的世界杯the coming World Cup

17.被现场报道be covered live

18.举行颁奖仪式hold a presentation

19.宣布结果announce the results

20.20000名粉丝twenty thousand fans

21.为他们最喜欢的歌曲上网投票vote online for their favourite songs

22.写下答案write down your answers

23.发送文本信息到1396 send text messages to 1396

24.获得两张免费的音乐会票win two free concert tickets

25.一部由他导演的恐怖电影 a horror film directed by him

26.发现一个医生死了find a doctor dead

27.充满恐怖和神秘be full of / be filled with horror and mystery

28.容易受惊吓get scared easily

29.解决迷团solve mysteries

30.面临危险face danger

31.一小时的纪录片one-hour documentary

32.近距离观察老虎的生活take a close look at the life of tigers

33.有一点心烦意乱be a bit disturbed

34.在它们的自然栖息地in their natural habitat

35.看到印度的风光see scenes of India

36.在世界上on Earth=in the world

37.因它的精湛摄影而获奖win an award for its amazing photography

38.不同类型的电视节目different types of TV programmes

39.参加竞赛节目take part in the game show

40.访谈节目chat show

41.有时间看电视连续剧have time to watch drama series

42.获一个大奖win a great prize

43.谈论他们的生活talk about their lives

44.真实生活的事件real-life events

45.如此有趣的故事such interesting stories

46.看今日新闻watch Today’s News

47.看天气预报watch Weather Report

48.就在英语新闻之后right after English News

49.新闻摘要News Round-up

50.直到-----才----- not----until

51.把----收拾起来put away

52.晚上剩下的时间the rest of the evening

53.在比赛中居第三come third in the race

54.看电视的习惯TV viewing habits

55.喜欢和猫玩love playing with a cat

56.每天花在看电视上的时间time spent watching TV every day

57.对不同的电视节目感兴趣be interested in different TV programmes

58.艺术俱乐部的一名成员 a member of the Art Club

59.每天花半个小时看电视spend half an hour watching TV every day

60.发现这个节目相当枯燥find the programme rather boring

61.住在公寓里live in a flat

62.一直all the time

63.就某事与某人争论argue with sb. about sth.

64.生彼此的气be / get angry with each other

65.把遥控器扔到桌子上throw the remote control onto the table

66.落在某人的脚上fall onto one’s foot

67.不赞成某人disagree with sb.

68.对---有不同的见解disagree about sth.

69.在百货商店in the department store

70.双胞胎女儿 a twin daughter

71.制订计划work on the plan

72.想起那令人惊讶的结局think of that surprising ending

73.使我们的故事如此完美make our story so perfect

74.给某人写封感谢信write a thank-you letter to sb.

Unit 5 Films 词组

1. 明天的电视超级明星tomorrow’s TV superstar

2. 停止做白日梦stop daydreaming

3. 准备行动;各就各位stand by

4. 更加现实一些be more realistic

5. 宁愿当导演would rather be a director

6. 好镜头good take

7. 代替做某事;而不是做某事instead of doing sth

8. 在电影节上at a film festival

9. 你想做……吗?是的,很乐意。Would you like to do…? Y es, I’d like/love to.

10. 好莱坞空前最受欢迎的女演员之一one of Hollywood’s all-time favourite actresses

11. 不仅……而且……not…only…/ not just…. but also…

12. 哀悼一位大美人的去世mourn the loss of a great beauty

13. 上芭蕾舞课take ballet lessons

14. 在很小的时候at a very young age/when…was very young

15. 她那时的梦想就是成为一名成功的芭蕾舞演员。Her dream then was to become a successful ballet dancer.

16. 全身心地投入到练习中put all one’s effort into practising

17. 进入电影业enter/join the film industry

18. 吸引某人的注意attract one’s attention

19. 写一部叫……的小说write a novel called …

20. 把某物制作成……make sth. into…

21. 某物被制作成……sth. be made into…

22. 在……中扮演主角play the lead role in…

23. 扮演天使的角色play the role of an angel

24. 扮演这个角色扮演得很好play this part well

25. 扮演很重要的角色;起很重要的作用play an important role

26. 标志着某人成功事业的开始mark the beginning of one’s successful career

27. 不久以后shortly after

28. 获得奥斯卡最佳男演员奖win an Oscar for Best Actress

29. 在某人的一生中during one’s lifetime / in one’s life

30. 又获得四次奥斯卡提名earn four more/another four Oscar nominations

31. 著名影片中的几部some of the well-known films

32. 参加take part in

33. 息影;在电影中最后一次露面make the final appearance in films

34. 露面make an appearance

35. 电视剧TV series / drama series

36. 提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth.

37. 提醒某人想起某事remind sb. of sth.

38. 通过向我们展示自然美by showing us the beauty of nature

39. 把某人当作……记住remember sb. as…

40. 远远超出……go beyond

41. 把时间奉献给慈善事业devote one’s time to charity

42. 把……奉献给保护环境devote…to protecting the environment

43. 最后的几年时间the last few years

44. 花费……做……spend…(in) doing…

45. 帮助世界不同地区的贫困孩子help needy children in different parts of the world

46. 与……密切合作work closely with…

47. 许多…… a number of…

48. ……的数量the number of…

49. 授予某人某物;赠送某人某物present sb. with sth. /present sth. to sb.

50. 患癌症have cancer

51. 在……岁时at the age of…

52. 逝世pass away

53. 以……而著名be well-known/famous for

54. 做某事的合适人选the right person to do sth.

55. 动作片action film

56. 恐怖片horror film

57. 科幻片science fiction film

58. 浪漫爱情片romantic film

59. 使人们感到害怕的故事 a story that makes people feel scared

60. 有机会做某事have a chance to do sth.

61. 等某人wait for sb.

62. 以便,为了so that

63. 如此……以至于……so…that…

64. 应该ought to

65. 关于美国牛仔的故事 a story about cowboys in America

66. 一个……的故事 a story of…

67. 不含酒精的饮料soft drinks

68. 打扮dress up

69. 与某人相处好get along with sb./get on well with sb.

70. 气喘吁吁地out of breath

71. 一部由某人主演的影片 a film starring sb.

72. 第一个到达影院的人the first one to arrive at the cinema

73. 冲进……rush into…

74. 最好做某事had better to sth.

75. 电影评论the film review

76. 以更委婉的方式in a gentler way

77. 电影院在放什么?What is on in cinemas?

78. 他参加演出的电影包括了……the films he has taken part in include…

79. 爱上某人;与某人坠入爱河fall in love with sb.

80. 节日热线the festival hot line

81. 儿童不宜be not suitable for children

82. 对某人有不良影响have a bad effect on sb.

83. 在……方面有经验be experienced in…

84. 上演员培训课程take an actor’s training course

85. 演技acting skills

86. 变得甚至更好become even better

Unit 6 词组

1. 侦探故事detective stories

2. 穿成那样be dressed like that

3. 严重得多much more serious

4. 不见了go missing

5. 做…笔录make notes on …

6. 在阳光镇的医院里工作work in a hospital in Sun Town

7. 独自在家be at home alone

8. 中等身材medium height

9. 最有可能是凶手的人the person most likely to be the murderer

10. 因谋杀而被通缉be wanted for murder

11. 一具22岁的男尸the body of a 22-year-old man

12. 在一家服装店的门口in the doorway of a clothes shop

13. 一名电脑程序员 a computer programmer

14. 看见某人在做某事see ab. doing sth.

15. 看望他的父母visit his parents

16. 在昨晚9点到今天凌晨1点之间between 9p.m. yesterday and 1 a.m.today

17. 在案发现场at the scene of the crime

18. 在其他某个地方被谋杀be killed somewhere else

19. 在发现尸体的地方被杀be killed at the place where he was found

20. 被带到…be brought to …

21. 任何不寻常的事情anything unusual

22. 与我们联系contact us

23. 首席侦探the top detective

24. 对...特别感兴趣be particularly interested in …

25. 被用刀袭击be attacked with a knife

26. 流血过多而死bleed to death

27. 结果as a result

28. 搏斗痕迹evidence of a struggle

29. 奋力搏斗put up a good fight

30. 不止一个袭击者no more than one attacker

31. 一个聪明而年轻工程师的死亡the death of this bright,young engineer

32. 努力找到凶手work hard to find the murderer

33. 检查现场的指纹和其他线索check the scene for fingerprints and other clues

34. 一份有趣的收入高的工作an interesting ,well-paid job

35. 犯有…的罪be guilty of …

36. 电脑犯罪活动computer crimes

37. 在过去in the past

38. 被指控…be charged with …

39. 强行闯入break into

40. 电脑系统computer systems

41. 在过去的一年中over the last year

42. 迄今为止so far

43. 沿着…跑run down / along

44. 喘着粗气breathe heavily

45. 衬衫上有血迹have blood on the shirt

46. 有证据证明have evidence to prove

47. 在另一个地方at another place

48. 在案发时间at the time of the crime

49. 为…悬赏…钱offer a reward of…for….

50. 打电话55501212与警方联系contact the police on 5550 1212

51. 导致…lead to …

52. …的逮捕the arrest of …

53. 在言行上反对你speak and act against you

54. 通过鼻子或嘴巴through the nose or mouth

55. 吸入新鲜空气take in the fresh air

56. 犯罪和罪犯crimes and criminals

57. 乘坐一辆蓝色的货车in a blue van

58. 注意到某人在干某事notice sb. doing sth.

59. 敢单独外出dare to go out alone

60. 有被杀死的危险 a risk of getting killed

61. 为了安全for safety

62. 用完、用尽run out

63. 张贴嫌疑人的画像put up a drawing of the suspect

64. 解决峡谷镇的谋杀案solve the V alley Town murder

65. 洗完澡get out of the shower

66. 排队等候wait in the queue

67. 带着面罩wear a mask

68. 在某人三十岁中旬的年龄in one’s mid-thirties

69. 对…相当熟悉be quite familiar with

70. 抢劫案的神秘之处the mystery of the robbery

71. 约1米高about one metre tall

72. 黑色短发with short,black hair

73. 无犯罪记录no criminal record

74. 因偷窃被拘留六个月six months in prison for theft

75. 在他妹妹的婚礼上at his sister’s wedding

76. 与这件案子有关be involved in the case

77. 反对…object to …

78. 做个…的记录keep a record of…

79. 把项链带到警察局take the necklace to the police

80. 一条钻石项链 a diamond necklace

81. 与他的邻居相处得好get along with his neighbours

82. 住在隔壁的那个人the man who lived next door

83. 谋生for a living

84. 被指控犯有抢劫罪be charged with robbery

85. 一家珠宝店 a jewellery shop

86. 因谋杀而被捕be under arrest for murder

87. 对犯罪的描述 a description of the crime

88. 做了违法的事情do something against the law

89. 跑着去赶公共汽车run to catch the bus

90. 向警方高发某人report sb to the police
