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新世纪大学英语综合教程 第三册 原文 逐段翻译 U5

UNIT 5:Education in Cyberspace

Vicky Phillips
On a recent business trip a man asked me what I did for a living. I replied that I wrote and taught college courses.

"Oh?" he said. "Where do you teach?"

A peculiarly honest answer came out of my mouth before I could think. "Nowhere," I said.

1 在最近的一次出差途中,有人问及我的职业,我说自己是从事编写和教授大学课程的。

It's true. Since 1990 I have taught and counseled for what a friend of mine calls "keyboard colleges" a€“ distance-learning degree programs. Where I teach is inside that electrically charged space that lies between my phone jack and the home computers of a group of generally older-than-average college students.

2 我说的是实情。1990年起,我就在被朋友称作“键盘大 学”里教远程学位教育课程并提供辅导。我的课堂是在充满电荷的空间里,其间一端连着我的电话插座,另一端连着一群年龄偏大的大学生家里的电脑。

In 1990, I designed America's first online counseling center for distance learners. Since then I've worked with more than 7,000 learners online. I've flunked a few of them. I've never personally met any of them.

3 1990年,我筹建了美国第一个远程学习者在线辅导中 心。迄今为止,我已在线辅导了7000多个学生,其中只有几个人不及格,而我本人却从未与他们谋面。

For want of a clearer explanation of my career situation, I told the man who inquired that I teach in cyberspace. "I'm a virtual professor," I tried explaining. "Distance learning a€| online degree programs a€| virtual universities."

4 由于无法更清楚地解释我的工作环境,我只能告诉这位问话者:我在虚拟空间教书,“是个虚拟大学的教师。”我试着向他解释“远程教育??????在线学位课程??????虚拟大学”等 等。

The man's face remained as blank as a clear summer sky. I couldn't tell whether he was silent out of respect or keen confusion. I imagined both to be the case, so I settled in to explain what I have to explain frequently these days: the decline of the American college campus and the rise of the American educational mind a€“ as I see it.

5 那人的脸上仍旧一片茫然。我不清楚他沉默不语到底是因肃然起敬所致,还是纯粹对此稀里糊涂。我猜想两个原因都有。于是,我就开始解释这些天来经常解释的事情:我认为,美国的大学教育在衰退,而美国的教育新思维正在兴 起。

Distance learning, or educational programs where pupil and professor never meet face-to-face, is nothing new. Sir Isaac Pitman of Bath, England, hit upon the idea of having rural residents learn secretarial skills by translating the Bible into shorthand, then mailing thes

e translations back to him for grading. He began doing this in 1840. And he made mounds of money doing it.

6 远程教学(即师生不用谋面的教育课程)并不是件新生事物。英国巴斯大学的艾塞克?彼特曼爵士曾突发奇想,让乡村居民把圣经转换成速记文字,然后邮寄给他评阅,以这种办法教会他们文秘技能。1840年他就开始实施,从中赚取了大笔的金钱。

I don't teach shorthand; I teach psychology and career development. I write many of my own lessons, though, just as Sir Isaac had to do. My post is the World Wide Web. I post assignments to electronic bulletin boards and send graded papers across the international phone lines in tariff-free e-mail packets. I convene classes and give lectures in online chat rooms when need be.

7 我并不教速记,我教心理学和职业拓展。但还是和艾塞克爵士一样,很多课程是自己编写的。我的岗位是在万维 网,我把作业张贴在电子布告栏上,把批阅过的试卷用电子邮件通过国际电话线发送出去,而且免交关税;必要时,把班级学生召集起来,在网上聊天室里在线讲课。

Is this any way to dispense with a real college education? Can people learn without sitting in neat rows in a lecture room listening to the professor a€“ the Sage on the Stage?

8 难道这种方式能够摒弃现实中的大学教育吗?学生难道不用整齐地坐在教室里聆听老师——讲坛上的圣人——讲课就能学到知识吗?

Yes, absolutely. Why not? In fact, while many people find it hard to imagine a college with no campus, I nowadays find it hard to imagine teaching anywhere other than in the liberal freedom that is cyberspace.

9 绝对可以,毫无疑问。事实上,很多人都认为没有校园的大学难以想象,可我现在却以为不在网络空间这块充满自由氛围的地方教书才是匪夷所思呢。

In cyberspace, I listen, read, comment and reflect on what my students have to say a€“ each of them in turn. What they know, they must communicate to me in words. They cannot sit passively in the back row twiddling their mental thumbs as the clock ticks away. They must think; and horrors of horrors, they must write. Thinking and writing: Aren't these the hallmarks of a classically educated mind?

10 在网络空间里,我倾听、阅读、评价、思考学生们表述的观点——一次一个,轮流发言。他们必须书面把见解传输给我,他们不能坐在后排座位上,无所事事地打发时光。他们必须思考,最令他们头疼的是,他们必须写作。思考与写作,那不就是传统教育培养出来的人才所具备的特质吗?

I know my students not by their faces or their seat position in a vast lecture auditorium; I know them by the words and ideas they express in their weekly assignments, which everyone reads online.

11 我不是凭借他们的


I am not a Sage on the Stage a€“ I am more a Guide on the Side. Often what the students "say" or write to one another, or the way they incorporate their work and career ideas into their papers and debates with each other, is more practically inspiring than any help I could provide them with.

12 我不是讲坛上的圣人——我更像是他们身边的向导。通常,学生们之间“说”的或写的东西、把自己工作和职业体会融入论文和辩论的方式,比起我能够提供的任何东西都更加实用,更有启迪性。

My average college "kid" is 40 years old. More than a few are in their 50s or 60s. They are telecommuting to campus because they could not, or would not, uproot their careers and kids or grandkids to move to a college campus a€“ an entity modeled after the learning monasteries of medieval times.

13 我学生的年龄一般是四十岁,还有不少五六十岁。他们通过网络来上学。因为他们不能或者不愿意辞去工作、离开儿女或孙辈们搬进大学校园——那样的大学无非就是一个依照中世纪修道院模式建立起来的教育实体。

Many of them know what they are talking about. Even more so, they know why they came back to college to learn. A cyber-education suits them because it respects their abilities to define for themselves what knowledge is and to go after it. It encourages them to argue their points and their perspectives without the interference of a professor, who might be tempted to step in to "calm down" or "refocus" an otherwise wonderfully enlightening classroom debate.

14 他们大多数了解自己所谈论的东西,不仅如此,他们清楚自己为何返回大学学习。网络教育适合他们,因为网络教育尊重学员界定知识和追求知识的能力,鼓励他们抒发自己的观点和见解,没有教师干扰,因为教师可能会情不自禁地介入他们的争论,把原本很有启发性的课堂讨论“平息”或者“引到别的话题上去”。

They are experiencing something very different from the traditional factory model of American education, in which everyone on the assembly line is delivered the same standardized units of information (lectures and textbooks) and then must pass the same quality inspection (objective exams). This factory model a€“ where students sit in neat rows, holding up their hands for permission to speak, clock-watching their way through textbooks and lectures that are broken into discrete bits of knowledge a€“ has never been shown to be an effective way to learn. It has, however, been proven to be a convenient way for colleges to record on transcripts that a standard body of knowledge has been duly delivered.

15 学生们体验到的东西完全不同


Maybe teaching a liberal arts curriculum via a virtual environment makes more sense to me because it brings me back to what I learned to be a true liberal arts education. Studying philosophy in Athens, Greece, I was taught that to learn anything, one had to throw away textbooks and notebooks a€“ mere memory tools a€“ and instead rely on one's native ability to think critically.

16 或许,在虚拟环境下教大学文科课程对我来说特别有意义,因为它可以追溯到我当年所了解到的真正的大学文科教育。在希腊雅典研读哲学时,老师教导我,要学到东西就得扔掉课本和笔记本这些不过是记忆工具的东西,要依赖我们与生俱来的本领进行批判性思考。

While my cyber-students do have textbooks, the books are learning aids; they are not the only pool of knowledge the students will drink from. Instead, they will learn also from the collaborative efforts of online debates, conferences and papers. They will think about what they have to say, and they will come to class each week amazingly prepared to argue and type their way toward insight.

17 我的网络学生的确是有教材,但那都是学习的辅助材 料,不是他们汲取知识的唯一源泉。他们还将从网上辩论、会议和论文写作的合作中学到知识。学生们要为发言认真思考;他们每周来上课时,充分准备好辩论,通过键盘上的交流获取真知。

The virtual university: Oddly enough, it's just what a classical philosopher like Plato would have practiced a€“ had there been an Internet way back then. Me? I'm in favor of less learning taking place on a campus and more that happens in the minds of the participants.

18 说也奇怪,虚拟大学兴许正是柏拉图这样的古典哲学家喜欢授课的地方——假如他那个时期有因特网的话。你问我本人的意见?我也认为教育应该比较少地在校园里开展,而更多地应该在参与者的脑子里进行。
