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Percy Bysshe Shelly

I met a traveler from an antique land,

Who said----“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. …Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinked lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart, that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear:

“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing besides remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch faraway.”

















PS:英国文学讲到浪漫主义时期了,讲到John Keats的诗歌了。这意味着让我头疼的诗歌部分终于要告一段落了,天知道我有多么厌恶英诗,我实在不知道它们好在哪里。我没有耐心去赏析它们,在我的眼里,它们全被术语化,留给我的只有stanza,verse,foot, lyric rhyme.虽然每次老师要做诗歌分析欣赏的时候我都能讲出点


这首诗是Percy Shelley的,我想了两个星期了,还是没有找


最喜欢那句“I am the king of kings”了,显示出了无限的






Analysis on Ozymandias

As we read the poem, a picture of desolation and ruins forms itself in our mind s, an image depicting a decaying state in the midst of the barren waste of the desert.

Ozymandias is the Greek name for Ramses II, the powerful ruler of Egypt duri ng the thirteenth century BC He ruled for over 60 years and brought great pro sperity to the people of Egypt. He was also extremely vain with respect to his deeds.

The face of the statue embodies a frown, wrinkled lip, and a “sneer of cold c ommand”, Shelley sees these emotions as characterizing people in power as “its sculptor well those passions read”. The sculptor correctly interpreted the c haracter of the king, the one in power, as he made the statue. Through the sc ulptor, Shelley airs two qualities of vanity and greatness. He had done great w orks and ruled a long time. However, he thought too highly of himself. Power a nd renown don’t last forever. He called himself the “king of kings” but like all ot her kings, he was popular for a while and then forgotten when the new king ca me round.

As the “two vast and trunkless legs of stone/stand in the des ert”, they suppo rt nothing, which is all that remains of the “king of kings” and his works. This is further emphasized as “ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay/of that col ossal wreck” there exists nothing but “the long and level stands” The oxymoro n of “colossal wreck” again establishes the once great power of the king to ha ve dissipated with his death. The statue like the king had been great and impo sing, colossal, but in time, the king’s power and memory were buried along wit h him and the statue decayed to the level of wreck. The “shattered visage” ap pears “ half sunk”, again symbolizing the memory of the once mighty king to b e forgotten and put aside. The decayed statue shows the futility of Ozymandia s’ feelings. His works didn’t incite anyone to do greater deeds than he had don e. Instead everything was left to decay. All that survives are those passions et ched on the face of lifeless stone, so we can understand that time will obliterat e all memory of the great ruler and his works just as the desert will do to the st


The author smoothly and subtly switches the mood in his poem. In the first part of it, strong descriptive words such as “sneer”, and “cold command” are present. They are not pleasant, those reading the poem can clearly sense the power and arrogance. In the latter part of it, words like “barren”, “decay”and “lone” evoke only feelings of nothingness, waste,and the sad effect of time.






by Percy Bysshe Shelle y

I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near the m on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled li p and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked th em and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: `My nam e is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' N othing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless an d bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away".

“Ozymandias” is a sonnet, a fourteen-line poem metered in iambic pentamet er: x / x / x / x / x /

I met a traveller from an antique land

x / x / x / x / x / Who said: "Two vast and trunkles s legs of stone

The rhyme scheme is ABABACDCEDEFEF.

The speaker recalls having met a traveller “from an antique land,” who told hi m a story about the ruins of a statue in the desert of his native country. Two va

st legs of stone stand without a body, and near them a massive, crumbling sto ne head lies “half sunk” in the sand. The traveller told the speaker that the fro wn and “sneer of cold command” on the statue?s face indicate that the sculptor understood well the passions of the statue?s subject, a man who sneered with contempt for those weaker than himself, y et fed his people because of

something in his heart (“The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed”). On the pedestal of the statue appear the words: “My name is Ozymandias, kin g of kings: / Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” But around the decayi ng ruin of the statue, nothing remains, only the “lone and level sands,” which s tretch out around it, far away.

Framing the sonnet as a story told to the speaker by “a traveller from an antique land” enables Shelley to add another level of obscurity to Ozymandias ?

s position with regard to the reader—rather than seeing the statue with our ow n eyes, so to speak, we hear about it from someone who heard about it from s omeone who has seen it. Thus the ancient king is rendered even less commanding; the distancing of the narrative serves to undermine his power o ver us just as completely as has the passage of time. Shelley?s description of the statue works to reconstruct, gradually, the figure of the “kin g of kings”: first we see merely the “shattered visage,” (note how it is "shatter ed", a much

stronger word than merely "broken") then the face itself, with its “frown / And w rinkled lip and sneer of cold command”, the harsh alliterative Cs of "cold com mand" reinforcing the picture; then we are introduced to the figure of the sculp tor, and are able to imagine the living man sculpting the living king, whose fac e wore the expression of the passions now inferable; then we are introduced t o the king?s people in the line, “the hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.” Ther e is an intriguing balance and paradox in this line between the

mockery and the feeding. The kingdom is now imaginatively complete, and we are introduced to the extraordinary, prideful boast of the king: “Look on my wo rks, ye Mighty, and despair!” With that, the poet demolishes our imaginary pict ure of the king, and interposes centuries of ruin between it and us: “…Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

? / Nothing beside remains. Round the decay / Of that colossal wreck, boundl ess and bare, / The lone and level sands stretch

far away.” Again, the hard consonants of "colossal wreck, boundless and bare

" emphasize the harsh reality, and this is followed by the alliteration and long v owels of "lone and level sands" stretching "far away", the open vowel sound e nding the poem and disappearing into eternity.

But Ozymandias symbolizes not only political power—the statue can be a met aphor for the pride of all of humanity, in any of its manifestations. It is significa nt that all that remains of Ozymandias is a work of art and a group of words; S helley demonstrates that art and language long outlast the other legacies of p ower.


“Ozymandias” describes the ruins of an ancient statue Theme : all is vanity Irony : the inconsistency of what is said with the reality (appearance vs. realit y) 3 kinds of irony: dramatic, verbal, situational

Find examples in the poem of each.Setting Egypt and the Sahara desert The me

the arrogance and transience of power

the permanence of real art and emotional truth the relationship between artist and subject Structure: Italian sonnet

rhyme:interlinks the octave with the sestet, by gradually replacing old rhymes with new ones in the form ABABACDCEDEFEF.

sound:metered in iambic pentameter the poem can be divided into two parts Octave(the first 8 lines)—describes the fragments of a sculpture the traveler s ees on an ancient ruin

Sestet(the next 6 lines)--goes further to record the words on the pedestal and then describe the surrounding emptiness. Technique--Irony

The use of irony in this poem

1.what Ozymadias said("My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my w orks, ye mighty, and despair!") and what is left behind him(Nothing beside rem ains.) "the mighty" should despair — not, as Ozymandias intended, because t hey can never hope to equal his achievements, but because they will share hi s fate of inevitable oblivion in the sands of time. Besides, there is no any “mig hty” around his statue now.

2.The survival of the pharaoh not because of his own powers, but by the sculp tor’s hand that made his sculpture.

3.The description of the desert—“boundless and bare” Although the sculpture is “vast and colossal,” after being put into such a large space as the Sahara d esert, it would be seen as a small thing by compare.

The issue of Art

The attitude toward Art expressed in this poem:

The decay of the sculpture shows that Ozymandias obviously loses his power and is ignored. Artist and subject: Ozymandias’ passion survived by the sculp

tor’s hand. Octet

The speaker meets a traveler from an “antique land” who describes the ruins f ound in the desert wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read--the frown and "sneer of cold co mmand" on the statue's face indicate that the sculptor understood well the pas sions of the statue's subject, a man who sneered with contempt for those wea ker than himself, yet fed his people because of something in his heart("The ha nd that mocked them and the heart that fed").

survive—a transitive verb—line 6-8 mean that those passions (arrogance and sneer) have survived

(outlived) both the sculptor (whose hand mocked those passions by stamping them so well on the statue) and the pharaoh (whose heart fed those passions in the first place). mocked—with double meaning:

*to create/fashion an imitation of reality; to imitate

to ridicule (In Shelley's day, the latter meaning was predominant; but in the sp ecific context of "the hand that mock'd them", we can read both "the hand that crafted them" and "the hand that ridiculed them".)

Sestet Message on the pedestal Irony

The message lives on, but the king is dead

The message is meant to intimidate, but are we intimidated by the dead king? Is Ozymandias still the king of kings?

How would we define the works of Ozymandias? Destroyed Decaying Final Comments (12-14)

The sand seems to be infinite while the “colossal wreck” appears to be garbag e sitting in the desert


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Photoshop 中英文对照 1、File 文件 New 新建 Open 打开 Open As 打开为 Open Recent 最近打开文件 Close 关闭 Save 存储 Save As 存储为 Save for Web 存储为 Web 所用格式Revert 恢复 Place 置入 Import 输入 PDF Image PDF图象导入 Annotations 注释 Export 输出 Manage Workflow 管理工作流程 Check In 登记 Undo Check Out 还原注销 Upload To Server 上载到服务器 Add To Workflow 添加到工作流程 Open From Workflow 从工作流程打开 Automate 自动 Batch 批处理 Create Droplet 创建快捷批处理 Conditional Mode Change 条件模式更改 Contact Sheet 联系表 Fix Image 限制图像 Multi Page PDF to PSD多页面PDF文件到PSD文件 Picture package 图片包 Web Photo Gallery Web 照片画廊 文件简介Print Options 打印选项 Page Setup 页面设置 Print 打印 Jump to 跳转到 Exit 退出 2、Edit 编辑 Undo 还原 Step Forward 向前 Step Backward 返回 Fade 消退 Cut 剪切 Copy 拷贝 Copy Merged 合并拷贝 Paste 粘贴 Paste Into 粘贴入 Clear 清除 Fill 填充 Stroke 描边 Free Transform 自由变形Transform 变换 Again 再次 Scale 缩放 Rotate 旋转 Skew 斜切 Distort 扭曲 Perspective 透视 Rotate 180 °旋转 180 度 Rotate 90C°W 顺时针旋转 90 度Rotate 90 C°CW 逆时针旋转 90 度Flip Horizontal 水平翻转 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转 Define Brush 定义画笔 Define Pattern 设置图案


第一组:像素化将图像分成一定的区域,将这些区域转变为相应的色块,再由色块构成图像,类似于色彩构成的效果。 1、Facet(彩块化) 2、Color Halftone(彩色半调) 3、Pointillize(点状化) 4、Grystallize(晶格化) 5、Fragment(碎片) 6、Mezzotint(铜版雕刻) 7、Mosaic(马赛克) 2 第二组: Distort(扭曲) Distort(扭曲)滤镜通过对图像应用扭曲变形实现各种神奇的效果。 1、Wave(波浪) 2、Ripple(波纹) 3、Glass(玻璃) 4、Ocean Ripple(海洋波纹) 5、Polar Coordinates(极坐标) 6、Pinch(挤压) 7、Diffuse Glow(扩散亮光) 8、Shear(切变) 9、Spherize(球面化) 10、Zigzag(水波) 11、Twirl(旋转扭曲) 12、Displace(置换) 1、滤镜只能应用于当前可视图层,且可以反复应用,连续应用。但一次只能应用在一个图层上。 2、滤镜不能应用于位图模式,索引颜色和48bit RGB模式的图像,某些滤镜只对RGB 模式的图像起作用,如Brush Strokes滤镜和Sketch滤镜就不能在CMYK模式下使用。还有,滤镜只能应用于图层的有色区域,对完全透明的区域没有效果。 3、有些滤镜完全在内存中处理,所以内存的容量对滤镜的生成速度影响很大。 4、有些滤镜很复杂亦或是要应用滤镜的图像尺寸很大,执行时需要很长时间,如果想结束正在生成的滤镜效果,只需按Esc键即可。 5、上次使用的滤镜将出现在滤镜菜单的顶部,可以通过执行此命令对图像再次应用上次使用过的滤镜效果。 6、如果在滤镜设置窗口中对自己调节的效果感觉不满意,希望恢复调节前的参数,可以按住Alt键,这时取消按钮会变为复位按钮,单击此钮就可以将参数重置为调节前的状态。 3 第三组:Noise(杂色) 1、Dust&Scratches(蒙尘与划痕) 2、Despeckle(去斑)


Photoshop字体库中英文对照表 当确实字体时,Photoshop会提示丢失字体,但是提示的字体名称是一串英文字符,即使字体的名称是中文的也是一样。这给我们的带来了困难,很难找到对应的字体来安装。今天要用字体了,所以就收集了下 供大家参考 希望对大家有帮助! (简体部分) 中文字体名 英文字体名 文件名 PS name 汉字数 方正报宋简体 FZBaoSong‐Z04S FZBSJW FZBSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正粗圆简体 FZCuYuan‐M03S FZY4JW FZY4JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正大标宋简体 FZDaBiaoSong‐B06S FZDBSJW FZDBSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正大黑简体 FZDaHei‐B02S FZDHTJW FZDHTJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正仿宋简体 FZFangSong‐Z02S FZFSJW FZFSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正黑体简体 FZHei‐B01S FZHTJW FZHTJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正琥珀简体 FZHuPo‐M04S FZHPJW FZHPJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正楷体简体 FZKai‐Z03S FZKTJW FZKTJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正隶变简体 FZLiBian‐S02S FZLBJW FZLBJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正隶书简体 FZLiShu‐S01S FZLSJW FZLSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正美黑简体 FZMeiHei‐M07S FZMHJW FZMHJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正书宋简体 FZShuSong‐Z01S FZSSJW FZSSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正舒体简体 FZShuTi‐S05S FZSTJW FZSTJW—GB1‐0 7152 方正水柱简体 FZShuiZhu‐M08S FZSZJW FZSZJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正宋黑简体 FZSongHei‐B07S FZSHJW FZSHJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正宋三简体 FZSong III‐Z05S FZS3JW FZS3JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正魏碑简体 FZWeiBei‐S03S FZWBJW FZWBJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正细等线简体 FZXiDengXian‐Z06S FZXDXJW FZXDXJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正细黑一简体 FZXiHei I‐Z08S FZXH1JW FZXH1JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正细圆简体 FZXiYuan‐M01S FZY1JW FZY1JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正小标宋简体 FZXiaoBiaoSong‐B05S FZXBSJW FZXBSJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正行楷简体 FZXingKai‐S04S FZXKJW FZXKJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正姚体简体 FZYaoTi‐M06S FZYTJW FZYTJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正中等线简体 FZZhongDengXian‐Z07S FZZDXJW FZZDXJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正准圆简体 FZZhunYuan‐M02S FZY3JW FZY3JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正综艺简体 FZZongYi‐M05S FZZYJW FZZYJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正彩云简体 FZCaiYun‐M09S FZCYJW FZCYJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正隶二简体 FZLiShu II‐S06S FZL2JW FZL2JW—GB1‐0 7156 方正康体简体 FZKangTi‐S07S FZKANGJW FZKANGJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正超粗黑简体 FZChaoCuHei‐M10S FZCCHJW FZCCHJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正新报宋简体 FZNew BaoSong‐Z12S FZNBSJW FZNBSJW—GB109 7156 方正新舒体简体 FZNew ShuTi‐S08S FZNSTJW FZNSTJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正黄草简体 FZHuangCao‐S09S FZHCJW FZHCJW—GB1‐0 6763 方正少儿简体 FZShaoEr‐M11S FZSEJW FZSEJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正稚艺简体 FZZhiYi‐M12S FZZHYJW FZZHYJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正细珊瑚简体 FZXiShanHu‐M13S FZXSHJW FZXSHJW—GB1‐0 7156 方正粗宋简体 FZCuSong‐B09S FZCSJW FZCSJW—GB1‐0 7156


1.New<新建> 2.Open<打开> 3.Open As<打开为> 4.Open Recent<最近打开文件> 5.Close<关闭> 6.Save<存储> 7.Save As<存储为> 8.Save for Web<存储为Web所用格式> 9.Revert<恢复> 10.Place<置入> 11.Import<输入> <1>PDF Image <2>Annotations<注释> 12.Export<输出> 13.Manage Workflow<管理工作流程> <1>Check In<登记> <2>Undo Check Out<还原注销> <3>Upload To Server<上载到服务器> <4>Add To Workflow<添加到工作流程> <5>Open From Workflow<从工作流程打开> 14.Automate<自动> <1>Batch<批处理> <2>Create Droplet<创建快捷批处理> <3>Conditional Mode Change<条件模式更改> <4>Contact Sheet<联系表> <5>Fix Image<限制图像> <6>Multi <多页面pdf到psd> <7>Picture package<图片包> <8>Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info<文件简介> 16.Print Options<打印选项> 17.Page Setup<页面设置> 18.Print<打印> 19.Jump to<跳转到> 20.Exit<退出>

1.Undo<还原> 2.Step Forward<向前> 3.Step Backward<返回> 4.Fade<消退> 5.Cut<剪切> 6.Copy<拷贝> 7.Copy Merged<合并拷贝> 8.Paste<粘贴> 9.Paste Into<粘贴入> 10.Clear<清除> 11.Fill<填充> 12.Stroke<描边> 13.Free Transform<自由变形> 14.Transform<变换> <1>Again<再次> <2>Sacle<缩放> <3>Rotate<旋转> <4>Skew<斜切> <5>Distort<扭曲> <6>Prespective<透视> <7>Rotate 180°<旋转180度> <8>Rotate 90°CW<顺时针旋转90度> <9>Rotate 90°CCW<逆时针旋转90度> <10> Flip Hpeizontal<水平翻转> <11> Flip Vertical<垂直翻转> 15.Define Brush<定义画笔> 16.Define Pattern<设置图案> 17.Define Custom Shape<定义自定形状> 18.Purge<清除内存数据> <1> Undo<还原> <2> Clipboard<剪贴板> <3> Histories<历史纪录> <4> All<全部> 19.Color Settings<颜色设置> 20.Preset Manager<预置管理器> 21.Preferences<预设>


Photoshop各个工具快捷键对应英文选框-Marquee(M) 移动-move(V) 套索-Lasso(L) 魔棒-Wand(W) 喷枪-injection lance (J) 画笔-Brush (B) 铅笔-pencil(N) 橡皮图章-rubbr-stamp(s) 历史记录画笔-history brush tool (Y) 橡皮擦-Erasers (S) 模糊-Blur (R) 减淡- dodge tool (O) 钢笔-pen (P) 文字-text (T) 度量-measurement (U) 渐变-Gradient (G) 油漆桶-Paint Bucket Tool (K) 吸管- suction tube (I) 抓手-hand grip (H) 缩放-Zoom (Z) 默认前景和背景色-The default foreground and background color (D) 切换前景和背景色-Switch foreground and background color (X) 编辑模式切换-Edit mode switching (Q) 显示模式切换-F Cycle through Screen Modes (F) 一、File-(文件) 1.New-(新建) 2.Open-(打开) 3.Open As-(打开为) 4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件) 5.Close-(关闭) 6.Save-(存储)7.Save As-(存储为) 8.Save for Web -(存储为Web所用格式)9.Revert-(恢复)10.Place-(置入)11.Import-(输入)-(1)PDF Image -(2)Annotations-(注释)12.Export-(输出) 13.Manage Workflow-(管理工作流程)-(1)Check In-(登记)-(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销)-(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器)-(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程)-(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开)14.Automate-(自动)-(1)Batch-(批处理)-(2)Create Droplet -(创建快捷批处理)-(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改)-(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表)-(5)Fix Image-(限制图像)-(6)Multi -(7)Picture package-(图片包)-(8)Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info-(文件简介)16.Print Options-(打印选项)17.Page Setup-(页面设置)18.Print -(打印)19.Jump to-(跳转到) 20.Exit-(退出)二、Edit-(编辑) 1.Undo -(还原) 2.Step Forward-(向前) 3.Step Backward-(返回) 4.Fade-(消退) 5.Cut-(剪切) 6.Copy-(拷贝) 7.Copy Merged-(合并拷贝)8.Paste -(粘贴)9.Paste Into-(粘贴入)10.Clear-(清除)11.Fill-(填充)12.Stroke -(描边) 13.Free Transform-(自由变形)14.Transform-(变换)-(1)Again -(再次)-(2)Sacle-(缩放)-(3)Rotate-(旋转)-(4)Skew-(斜切)-(5)Distort-(扭曲)-(6)Prespective-(透视)-(7)Rotate 180°-(旋转180度)-(8)Rotate 90°CW-(顺时针旋转90度)-(9)Rotate 90°CCW-(逆时针旋转90度)-(10)Flip Hpeizontal-(水平翻转)-(11)Flip Vertical -(垂直翻转)15.Define Brush-(定义画笔)16.Define Pattern-(设置图案) 17.Define Custom Shape-(定义自定形状)


Layer【图层】 New【新建】 Layer【图层】 LayerFromBackground【背景图层】LayerSet【图层组】LayerSetFromLinked【来自链接的图层组】LayerviaCopy【通过拷贝的图层】LayerviaCut【通过剪切的图层】DuplicateLayer【复制图层】 Delete【删除】 Layer【图层】 LinkedLayers【链接的图层】HiddenLayers【隐藏的图层】LayerProperties【图层属性】 Layerstyle【图层样式】BlendingOptions【混合选项】DropShadow【投影】 InnerShadow【内阴影】 OuterGlow【外发光】 InnerGlow【内发光】 BevelandEmboss【斜面和浮雕】 Satin【光泽】 ColorOverlay【颜色叠加】GradientOverlay【渐变叠加】PatternOverlay【图案叠加】

Stroke【描边】 CopyLayerEffects【拷贝图层样式】PasteLayerEffects【粘贴图层样式】PasteLayerEffectsToLinked【粘贴图层样式到链接层】ClearLayerEffects【清除图层样式】 GlobalLight【全局光】 CreateLayer【创建图层】 HideAllEffects【显示/隐藏全部效果】 ScaleEffects【缩放效果】 NewFillLayer【新填充图层】 SolidColor【纯色】 Gradient【渐变】 Pattern【图案】 NewAdjustmentLayer【新调整图层】 Levels【色阶】 Curves【曲线】 ColorBalance【色彩平衡】 Brightness/Contrast【亮度/对比度】 Hue/Saturation【色相/饱和度】 SelectiveColor【可选颜色】 ChannelMixer【通道混合器】 GradientMap【渐变映射】 Invert【反相】 Threshold【阈值】 Posterize【色调分离】 ChangeLayerContent【更改图层内容】


一、File<文件> 1.New<新建> 2.Open<打开> 3.Open As<打开为> 4.Open Recent<最近打开文件> 5.Close<关闭> 6.Save<存储> 7.Save As<存储为> 8.Save for Web<存储为Web所用格式> 9.Revert<恢复> 10.Place<置入> 11.Import<输入> <1>PDF Image <2>Annotations<注释> 页脚内容1

12.Export<输出> 13.Manage Workflow<管理工作流程> <1>Check In<登记> <2>Undo Check Out<还原注销> <3>Upload To Server<上载到服务器> <4>Add To Workflow<添加到工作流程> <5>Open From Workflow<从工作流程打开> 14.Automate<自动> <1>Batch<批处理> <2>Create Droplet<创建快捷批处理> <3>Conditional Mode Change<条件模式更改> <4>Contact Sheet<联系表> <5>Fix Image<限制图像> <6>Multi <多页面pdf到psd> <7>Picture package<图片包> 页脚内容2

<8>Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info<文件简介> 16.Print Options<打印选项> 17.Page Setup<页面设置> 18.Print<打印> 19.Jump to<跳转到> 20.Exit<退出> 二、Edit<编辑> 1.Undo<还原> 2.Step Forward<向前> 3.Step Backward<返回> 4.Fade<消退> 5.Cut<剪切> 6.Copy<拷贝> 页脚内容3

PS AI中英文对照(打印版)

一、File 文件 1.New 新建 2.Open 打开 3.Open As 打开为 4.Open Recent 最近打开文件 5.Close 关闭 6.Save 存储 7.Save As 存储为 8.Save for Web存储为Web所用格式 9.Revert 恢复 10.Place 置入 11.Import 输入 1 PDF Image PDF图象导入 2 Annotations 注释 12.Export 输出 13.Manage Workflow 管理工作流程 1 Check In 登记 2 Undo Check Out 还原注销 3 Upload To Server 上载到服务器 4 Add To Workflow 添加到工作流程 5 Open From Workflow 从工作流程打开 14.Automate 自动 1 Batch 批处理 2 Create Droplet 创建快捷批处理 3 Conditional Mode Change 条件模式更改 4 Contact Sheet 联系表 5 Fix Image 限制图像 6 Multi Page PDF to PSD 多页面PDF文件到PSD文件 7 Picture package 图片包 8 Web Photo GalleryWeb照片画廊 15.File Info 文件简介 16.Print Options 打印选项 17.Page Setup 页面设置 18.Print 打印 19.Jump to 跳转到 20.Exit 退出 二、Edit 编辑 1.Undo 还原 2.Step Forward 向前 3.Step Backward 返回 4.Fade 消退 5.Cut 剪切 6.Copy 拷贝 7.Copy Merged 合并拷贝 8.Paste 粘贴 9.Paste Into 粘贴入 10.Clear 清除 11.Fill 填充 12.Stroke 描边 13.Free Transform 自由变形 14.Transform 变换 1 Again 再次 2 Sacle 缩放 3 Rotate 旋转 4 Skew 斜切 5 Distort 扭曲 6 Prespective 透视 7 Rotate 180°旋转180度 8 Rotate 90°CW 顺时针旋转90 9 Rotate 90°CCW 逆时旋转90 10 Flip Hpeizontal 水平翻转 11 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转 15.Define Brush 定义画笔 16.Define Pattern 设置图案 17.Define Custom Shape 定义自定形 状 18.Purge 清除内存数据 1 Undo 还原 2 Clipboard 剪贴板 3 Histories 历史纪录 4 All 全部 19.Color Settings 颜色设置 20.Preset Manager 预置管理器 21.Preferences 预设 1 General 常规 2 Saving Files 存储文件 3 Display &Cursors 显示与光标 4 Transparency &Gamut 透明区 域与色域 5 Units &Rulers 单位与标尺 6 Guides &Grid 参考线与网格 7 Plug Ins &Scratch Disks 增效工 具与暂存盘 8 Memory &Image Cache 内存和 图像高速缓存 9 Adobe Online Adobe在线 10 Workflows Options 工作流程选 项 三、Image 图像 1.Mode 模式 1 Bitmap 位图 2 Grayscale 灰度 3 Duotone 双色调 4 Indexed Color 索引色 5 RGB Color RGB色 6 CMYK Color CMYK色 7 Lab Color Lab色 8 Multichannel 多通道 9 8 Bits/Channel 8位通道 10 16 Bits/Channel 16位通道 11 Color Table 颜色表 12 AssingProfile 制定配置文件 13 Convert to Profile 转换为配置文 件 2.Adjust 调整 1 Levels 色阶 2 Auto Laves 自动色阶 3 Auto Contrast 自动对比度 4 Curves 曲线 5 Color Balance 色彩平衡 6 Brightness/Contrast亮度/对比度 7 Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度 8 Desaturate 去色 9 Replace Color 替换颜色 10 Selective Color 可选颜色 11 Channel Mixer 通道混合器 12 Gradient Map 渐变映射 13 Invert 反相 14 Equalize 色彩均化 15 Threshold 阈值 16 Posterize 色调分离 17 Variations 变化


(简体部分) 中文字体名英文字体名文件名PS name 汉字数 方正报宋简体FZBaoSong-Z04S FZBSJW FZBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正粗圆简体FZCuYuan-M03S FZY4JW FZY4JW—GB1-0 7156 方正大标宋简体FZDaBiaoSong-B06S FZDBSJW FZDBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正大黑简体FZDaHei-B02S FZDHTJW FZDHTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正仿宋简体FZFangSong-Z02S FZFSJW FZFSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正黑体简体FZHei-B01S FZHTJW FZHTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正琥珀简体FZHuPo-M04S FZHPJW FZHPJW—GB1-0 7156 方正楷体简体FZKai-Z03S FZKTJW FZKTJW—GB1-0 7156 方正隶变简体FZLiBian-S02S FZLBJW FZLBJW—GB1-0 7156 方正隶书简体FZLiShu-S01S FZLSJW FZLSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正美黑简体FZMeiHei-M07S FZMHJW FZMHJW—GB1-0 7156 方正书宋简体FZShuSong-Z01S FZSSJW FZSSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正舒体简体FZShuTi-S05S FZSTJW FZSTJW—GB1-0 7152 方正水柱简体FZShuiZhu-M08S FZSZJW FZSZJW—GB1-0 7156 方正宋黑简体FZSongHei-B07S FZSHJW FZSHJW—GB1-0 7156 方正宋三简体FZSong III-Z05S FZS3JW FZS3JW—GB1-0 7156 方正魏碑简体FZWeiBei-S03S FZWBJW FZWBJW—GB1-0 7156 方正细等线简体FZXiDengXian-Z06S FZXDXJW FZXDXJW—GB1-0 7156 方正细黑一简体FZXiHei I-Z08S FZXH1JW FZXH1JW—GB1-0 7156 方正细圆简体FZXiYuan-M01S FZY1JW FZY1JW—GB1-0 7156 方正小标宋简体FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05S FZXBSJW FZXBSJW—GB1-0 7156 方正行楷简体FZXingKai-S04S FZXKJW FZXKJW—GB1-0 7156 方正姚体简体FZYaoTi-M06S FZYTJW FZYTJW—GB1-0 7156


1.New-(新建) 2.Open-(打开) 3.Open As-(打开为) 4.Open Recent-(最近打开文件) 5.Close-(关闭) 6.Save-(存储) 7.Save As-(存储为) 8.Save for Web-(存储为Web所用格式) 9.Revert-(恢复) 10.Place-(置入) 11.Import-(输入) -(1)PDF Image -(2)Annotations-(注释) 12.Export-(输出) 13.Manage Workflow-(管理工作流程) -(1)Check In-(登记) -(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销) -(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器) -(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程) -(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开)14.Automate-(自动) -(1)Batch-(批处理) -(2)Create Droplet-(创建快捷批处理) -(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改)-(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表) -(5)Fix Image-(限制图像) -(6)Multi -(7)Picture package-(图片包) -(8)Web Photo Gallery 15.File Info-(文件简介) 16.Print Options-(打印选项) 17.Page Setup-(页面设置) 18.Print-(打印) 19.Jump to-(跳转到) 20.Exit-(退出) 二、Edit-(编辑) 1.Undo-(还原) 2.Step Forward-(向前) 3.Step Backward-(返回)


Photoshop菜单中英文对照 很多朋友在学习Photoshop的时候,手边不一定有中文版的Photoshop,这里我们整理提供Photoshop菜单中英文对照,希望对大家学习和使用Photoshop有所帮助。 这里我们选取了除“帮助”外的八个菜单项以及它们下面的子菜单,不同版本可能略有差异。 一、File<文件> 二、Edit<编辑> 三、Image<图像> 四、Layer<图层> 五、Selection<选择> 六、Filter<滤镜> 七、View<视图> 八、Windows<窗口> 一、File<文件> 1.New<新建> 2.Open<打开> 3.Open As<打开为> 4.Open Recent<最近打开文件> 5.Close<关闭> 6.Save<存储> 7.Save As<存储为> 8.Save for Web<存储为Web所用格式> 9.Revert<恢复> 10.Place<置入> 11.Import<输入> <1>PDF Image <2>Annotations<注释> 12.Export<输出> 13.Manage Workflow<管理工作流程> <1>Check In<登记> <2>Undo Check Out<还原注销> <3>Upload To Server<上载到服务器> <4>Add To Workflow<添加到工作流程> <5>Open From Workflow<从工作流程打开> 14.Automate<自动> <1>Batch<批处理> <2>Create Droplet<创建快捷批处理> <3>Conditional Mode Change<条件模式更改> <4>Contact Sheet<联系表>


Photoshop各个工具快捷键对应英文 选框-Marquee(M) 移动-move(V) 套索-Lasso(L) 魔棒-Wand(W) 喷枪-injection lance (J) 画笔-Brush (B) 铅笔-pencil(N) 橡皮图章-rubbr-stamp(s) 历史记录画笔-history brush tool (Y) 橡皮擦-Erasers (S) 模糊-Blur (R) 减淡- dodge tool (O) 钢笔-pen (P) 文字-text (T) 度量-measurement (U) 渐变-Gradient (G) 油漆桶-Paint Bucket Tool (K) 吸管- suction tube (I) 抓手-hand grip (H) 缩放-Zoom (Z) 默认前景和背景色-The default foreground and background color (D) 切换前景和背景色-Switch foreground and background color (X)编辑模式切换-Edit mode switching (Q) 显示模式切换-F Cycle through Screen Modes (F) 一、File-(文件) -(新建) -(打开)

Recent-(最近打开文件) -(关闭) -(存储) As-(存储为) for Web-(存储为Web所用格式) -(恢复) -(置入) -(输入) -(1)PDF Image -(2)Annotations-(注释) -(输出) Workflow-(管理工作流程) -(1)Check In-(登记) -(2)Undo Check Out-(还原注销) -(3)Upload To Server-(上载到服务器) -(4)Add To Workflow-(添加到工作流程) -(5)Open From Workflow-(从工作流程打开) -(自动) -(1)Batch-(批处理) -(2)Create Droplet-(创建快捷批处理) -(3)Conditional Mode Change-(条件模式更改)-(4)Contact Sheet-(联系表) -(5)Fix Image-(限制图像) -(6)Multi -(7)Picture package-(图片包) -(8)Web Photo Gallery Info-(文件简介) Options-(打印选项) Setup-(页面设置) -(打印)
