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In life we’re often asked to give our opinion,or in some cases,we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for!


Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won’t upset the other person.However,more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not to offend or hurt the other person’s feelings.This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have a detrimental effect on business dealings。


The British are especially careful when giving their opinion(in business,that is).They often don’t want to cause offence and consequently,will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow.A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients.So much so,that the British way of doing business is often admired。



In this post,I’d like to share with your some common expressions we have of giving one’s opinion.I have used Liz Potter’s excellent article for Macmillan Dictionary’s blog as the main structure and made some changes to it。

1.I think

This is the most common and general way of giving an opinion.You can use it both informally and formally

I think if you offer a consistently good service to your clients,they will keep coming back to you。

1.I think这是最常用、最普遍的表达意见的方式。正式和非正式情况下都可以使用。我认为如果你给客户提供始终如一的优质服务,他们会一直选择你们的服务。

2.I reckon

This is a more informal way of giving your opinion:

I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train。

2.I reckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

3.In my opinion(4)In my view:

These expressions are more formal and are often used when talking about important issues

In my view,they made a huge mistake in not selling the company when they had the chance。

In my opinion,the Bank of England should not raise interest rates this year。

3.In my opinion(4)In my view:这两个表达更加正式,并且通常在谈论重要问题时使用。在我看来,当他们有机会卖掉公司时却不卖是个重大的错误。在我看来,英国银行今年不应该增加利息。

5.It seems to me(6)All things considered:

When you’ve thought about a situation carefully you could use either of these two expressions。

It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to to attract new talent into the company。

All things considered,I think we made a wise choice in recruiting James。

5.It seems to me(6)All things considered:当你已经仔细考虑过一种情形时,你可以使用两种表达中任意一种:在我看来,在为公司引进新人才时,他们的花费比实际需求多很多。总的来看,我认为招聘詹姆斯是一个明智的选择。

6.If you ask me

This is used when your opinion is critical.Sometimes,people say this even when their opinion hasn’t been asked for!–“If you ask me,…。.”“But I didn’t ask you….!”

If you ask me,she has spoilt her children far too much。

7.If you ask me当你的意见带有批评性质的时候使用这种表达。有时,人们甚至会在没有被询问意见的时候使用这个短语!-“依我看…”“但是我没有问你…”!依我看,她太过溺爱她的孩子了。

8.To be honest(9)To tell you the truth(10)To be frank

All three expressions are a way of giving your opinion when you know

that people may not like what you have to say

To tell you the truth,your father was right when he said that you undersold the company。

To be honest,I preferred it when you were blonde。

To be frank,I thought her acting was simply terrible。

8.To be honest(9)To tell you the truth(10)To be frank





11.Frankly speaking

You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar and forthright way。

Frankly speaking,I don’t know what she sees in him。

11.Frankly speaking这是一种更亲近和直率的表达意见的方式。坦白地说,我不知道她看上他哪一点。


This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion

Personally,I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders’meeting。


13.To my mind(14)As far as I’m concerned

When you realise that other people may not agree with you you would use either of these expressions:

To my mind,private education is better than state education。

As far as I’m concerned,tennis is a much more interesting sport than football。

13.To my mind(14)As far as I’m concerned


So there you have it!You have 14 ways to give your opinion in English.Which expressions are you likely to use?



雅思阅读技巧赵曙明 (华师7分精品班) 一.雅思阅读猜词常用词缀(在我的信箱里) 常用前缀(Pr efixes): a-, an- not, without, hackin ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme 常用词根(Stems): -anthro-, -anthropo- man -metr-, -meter- measure -morph- form -pathy- feeling, suffering 常用后缀(Suffixes): ---phobia , ---mania , scope, ----cide 二.雅思阅读技巧篇 第1节寻找3种语言重现 同其他考试的阅读部分相比,雅思考试阅读部分最大的特点是文章篇幅长。考生要在 一个小时内完成8种类型共计40道题目(这个要求近乎苛刻)。因此,阅读目的就从单纯的“信息获取’’转变成”寻找答案”。在这个过程中,原文涉及的大部分细节内容对于完成题目是无意义的,无需字斟句酌。只有在阅读中准确把握题干的关键词,才能区分哪些字句与题目(答题点)有关。 所谓“关键词’’是指题干中的核心词或者决定答案性质或位置的词。典型的关键词是 句子的主干、人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答 题方法:回原文找关键词。这往往给考生一种印象:只要在题干中划出关键词就一定能找到原词。那么关键词一定会“原型”重现吗?请看下面这道判断题: Example: While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians. 题目: We have known for along time that more species of animals will disappear.(判断题) AA语言重现 关键词在原文中以原词形式出现。AA语言重现在试题中占的比例最大,也是最简单的 一类考法。它以特殊关键词为主,包括人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。 Example: At precisely 4:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993 it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world,and Australians everywhere,not only Sydney-siders,were justifiably proud of the result.But,if Sydney had lost the bid,would the taxpayers of NESW and of Australia have approved of government's spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise? 题目:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games? (简答题) AB语言重现 定义:关键词A在原文中以同义词B的形式出现。AB语言重现题考察考生的单词量,主要凭理解力去定位。 Sea fishing grew rapidly in the decades after the Second World War. Mechanisation increased the fishermen's catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more. 题目: Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War. ( 判断题) 关系重现 定义:所谓“关系重现”是把定位对象从“词”上升到“句子结构”,从而越过生词造成的阅读障碍。这是最关键的一类语言重现,是阅读技巧的完美体现。 例:Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.


Part1: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ae10663974.html, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


雅思口语自我介绍 雅思口语自我介绍 personnel statement (introduction) good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. i am very glad to be here for your interview. my name is song yonghao; i am 22 years old .i comes from luoyang, a very beautiful anicent city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in chang'an university in july ,XX;and now, i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking, i am a hard working student especially do the thing .i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard. to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my personnel computer for half a month. and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. furthermore is a person with great perseverance. during the days preparing for the first examination, i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. and just owning to this, i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well, in my spare time,


雅思口语评分标准(官方完整版) 雅思口语评分标准有助于同学们详细分析自己的雅思口语问题,快速找出个人不足,有针对性的进行训练提升。下面是BC官方公布的雅思口语评分标准,共分为:流利度和连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及准确性、发音四项。具体评分标准如下。 雅思口语评分标准(官方完整版) 分数 流利性与连贯性 词汇多样性 语法多样性及准确性 发音 9 表达流利,极少出现重复或自我纠正的情况;出现犹豫是基于思考内容,而非寻找合适的词汇或语法 表达连贯,衔接手段的使用完全恰当 完全且恰当地展开话题 准确自如地使用词汇来谈论任何话题 自然且准确地使用习语 自如得体地使用语法结构 除了出现英语为母语者也会犯的口误外,始终使用准确的语法结构准确运用丰富多样的发音特点,能表达微妙的差异

表达过程中始终灵活地使用各种发音特点 听者理解毫无障碍 8 表达流利,偶尔出现重复或自我纠正的情况;出现犹豫通常是基于思考内容,仅在少数情况下是寻找合适的语言 连贯且恰当地展开话题 词汇使用丰富,运用自如及灵活,表达意思准确 熟练地使用非常见的词汇及习语,偶尔欠准确 按需进行有效的改述 灵活地使用多种语法结构 除极其偶然情况下出现的不当或简单的/非系统性错误外,大部分语句准确无误 使用多样的发音特点 表达过程中灵活地使用多种发音特点,但偶尔出现偏差 表达过程中始终易于听者理解;母语的口音对听者理解的影响极小7 表达详尽,并无明显困难,或不失连贯 有时出现与语言相关的犹豫或出现重复及/或自我纠正 具有一定灵活性地使用一系列连接词和语篇标记 灵活地使用词汇讨论各种话题 使用一些非常见的词汇及习语,对语体及词汇搭配有所认识,但有时词语选择不甚恰当


雅思阅读14种题型解题技巧(5) Short?Answer?Questions?〈简答题〉 题型要求 每个题目都是一个特殊问句,要求根据原文做出回答。 绝大部分的题目要求有字数限制,一般有如下几种表达方式: (1)?No more than two/three/four words(不超过2/3/4个字); (2)?One or two words(一个或两个字); (3)?Use?a?maximum?of?TWO?words(最多两个字)。 有字数限制的,一定要严格按照题目要求去做。 少部分的题目要求中没有字数限制,这时,请注意,答案字数也不会很长,一般不会超过四个字。 总之,这种题型的答案都是词或短语,很少是句子,所以又叫“短问答”。 考试中,A类和G类一般都是每次必考,考一组,共三题左右。 解题步骤 (1)找出题目中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。 将题目中的关键词与原文各段落的小标题或每段话的第一句相对照。有些题目能先定位到原文中的一个段落,这必将大大加快解题时间,并提高准确率。但并不是每个题目都能先定位到原文中的一个段落的。 题目中如果包含年代、人名、地名、数字,这些词肯定是关键词,因为原文中不会对这些词做改变,而且这些词特别好找,所以依据这些词在原文中确定答案比较快。 (2)从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题目中的其它关键词,确定正确答案。 确定一个段落后,答案在该段落中的具体位置是未知的。所以,需要从头到尾快速阅读该段落,确定正确答案。 (3)答案要对应题目中的特殊疑问词。 答案必须要对应题目中的特殊疑问词。绝大部分的答案是名词或名词短语,也有少部分是动词或形容词短语。见下文: 特殊疑问词:when,?where,?what,?who 答案词性:名词(时间,地点,人或单位等) 答案例子:8:00am,?classroom,?calcium?deposit,?Australian?taxpayer. 注意事项:不需要时间名词前面的介词及冠词,钟点后面要有am或pm。 特殊疑问词:how?many,?what?proportion,?what?is?the?cost 答案词性:数词(比例,钱币等) 答案例子:6,?20-30%,?$25million 注意事项:最好写阿拉伯数字。


雅思口语第一部分 Try Conformation Questions Could you tell me your full name please? And what shall I call you? Can I see your identification, please? Does your name have any special meaning? Do you work or are you a student? What is your major? Do you like to do sports? Do you like to watch movie? What kind of movie do you like best? Part one 记住:EXPANSION扩展 Study, major ,future work, hometown, flat/ apartment, full name, advertisement, TV Warm-up Questins Good afternoon/ morning Come in and take a seat My name is …, can you tell me your full name please?/ what shall I call you?

My name is XXX, you can also call me XXX, which is my English name. Can you show me your identification please? Yes, here you are.( Sure, here it is.) 第一部分开始可能出现的话题 1.Your studies and jub Studies: subject studied, why you’re studying, things you like/ dislike about your course, what qualification you will gain, etc. Job: main responsibilities of job, things you like/ dislike about it, etc. 学生身份 1.I am a freshman/ sophomore/ junior/ senior in …university, majoring in…(美式) 2.I am a first/ second/ third/ fourth year student in…university, an major in…(英式) Study 1.Do you work or are you a student?I am a second year student in Guangdong Baiyun university, major in business administration. 2.Tell me about your school? My school is not very big, you only need 10 minutes to finish it. But my school library is very great, there are a great many all kinds book in here.


雅思口语万能模板 今天给大家收集了雅思口语万能模板,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板:自我介绍Sample Sample1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


雅思口语评分标准(官方完整解读版) 什么是雅思口语评分标准 分为四大部分,分别为:f ,v ,g ,p 。 f 者,fluency 也,即流畅。 v 者,vocabulary 也,即词汇。 g 者,grammar 也,即语法。 p 者,pronunciation 也,即发音。 如果你考口语时,f 得6分,v 得6分,g 得5分,p 得6分,总分23,你口语成绩为6分。 如果你考口语时,f 得5分,v 得6分,g 得5分,p 得6分,总分22,你口语成绩只有5分。 如果你考口语时,f 得7分,v 得6分,g 得4分,p 得6分,总分23,你口语成绩为6分。 由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5 ,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。) 雅思口语评分标准有助于同学们详细分析自己的雅思口语问题,快速找出个人不足,有针对性的进行训练提升。下面是BC 官方公布的雅思口语评分标准,共分为:流利度和连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及准确性、发音四项。具体评分标准如下:

表现出4分水平中所有积极表现,但也表现出6分水平中部分积极表现 含有 2 分水平中部分表现

表达通常无 法理解 雅思口语评分标准的各项是如何打分的 fluency,就是你的口语流畅度。如果在考官问你问题的时候,你可以很流畅地回答,期间没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿的话(如果用时间计算的话,大概《5秒吧),那么恭喜你,你在f这个部分,至少有6分。所以,你在回答问题的时候,千万不要有一些思考的情况出现(即脑袋在想应该说些什么,而嘴巴却没有说话)。如果你有停顿(即停下来思考》·5秒),那么你在这部分最多只能拿5分,甚至更低。 考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说: i don’t know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。) i don’t know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。) i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。) (因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。) 另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about xxxxx? 总结:反正在f这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来》·5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。


雅思口语第一部分常见话题 朗阁雅思考试研究中心 如果把经常出现的Part1话题收集起来进行分析,我们不难发现,雅思口语Part1的问题可以被划分为不同类型。其中,影响类又是较为常见的一类题目。雅思口语Part1的话题层出不穷,千变万化,涉及的面也越来越广,难度更是有所增加。不少学生总是抱怨找不到规律,对于一些难题有时甚至不知道该怎么说,完全找不到思路。本文中,朗阁雅思考试研究中心口语组的专家将以这类题型为主,为考生们提供答题的思路和技巧。 一、影响类题目概述 影响类题目是指题目中出现“effect”“affect”等关键词的题目,如:What are the effects of playing indoor games on children。按照事物的发展规律,凡事有因必有果,有行为就必有影响,只是影响的好坏大小各不相同。因此,影响类题目一直是雅思口语考试Part1话题中的热门问题。而经过一番研究我们会发现,几乎所有Part1的话题都包含影响类的题目。 回答好这类题目,我们有必要将大部分影响类的问题进行归类,并总结出各类影响的答题思路,发现其中的共性和规律,以彻底突破雅思口语Part1影响类话题。 二、影响类题目的分类 那么,雅思口语Part1影响类该如何分类呢?笔者认为,影响类话题可以从宏观和微观两个角度进行分类。 从宏观上看,影响类题目可以分为显性影响类题目和隐性影响类题目。所谓显性影响类话题,是指带有“effect”“affect”等词,可以明显判断出答题方向的题目。例如,雅思口语Part1中有这样一题——What are the effects of music on people’s life and work, 这就是显性影响类的典型问题。而所谓隐性影响类话题,是指问题中不带有“effect”“affect”等词,无法直接判断应该从影响角度切入回答的话题。但是通过一定的转换,我们可以把隐性影响类话题变为显性影响类话题。举一个例子:Do you think weekends are important


雅思口语总论:题型介绍和评分标准 这里是知乎大学,欢迎来到「雅思课」,我是杨帅。 讲课之前,我先先做一个简单的自我介绍。我的英文名叫做Shawn,人称「九分锦鲤」。你要问了,为什么大家叫我「九分锦鲤」呢?因为我考过三次雅思口语九分,以及多次的雅思口语8.5 分。上一次参加雅思考试,我得了三个九分,听力阅读口语都是九。写作是7.5,总分8.5. 这节课,我将介绍雅思口语考试的基本信息,以及快速提升你考试能力的方法,获得高分! 雅思口语考试的三个部分 首先说一下雅思口语考试的形式。进行口试时,有一位考官和考生相对坐着,和你进行交流,时长11 到14 分钟。口语考试总共分成三个部分。我们管这三个部分叫做part one, part two, part three,在课程中我会说道pa1、pa2、pa3 这种简单说法。 pa1 也就是第一部分,考官会问考生一些个人问题。什么是个人问题呢?这些题目完全跟考生生活相关的。比如说,考官会问到考生工作或学习的信息,work or studies;考生的家乡,考生的家,他住什么样的房子,他是否喜欢旅行,是否喜欢读书,多久做一次饭,小的时候是否学习过做饭等等等等,这样的个人生活当中的话题。

我们随便举几个例子。Pa1中,考官可能会问关于家乡的问题: Do you like your hometown? Is there anything you don’t like about it? Will you live in your hometown for the rest of your life? 如果我们考的话题是reading,考官可能会问: Do you like reading? How often do you read? What kinds of books do you like to read? Did you enjoy reading when you were a child? How much time do you spend on reading every single day? 这是pa1 比较典型的个人问题。 雅思口语考试第二部分pa2,叫做long turn. 考官会给考生一个话题。考生需要就这个话题进行一个两分钟的作答,官方说法是 1 到 2 分钟,我们尽量说到两分钟。作答前,你会有一分钟的准备时间,拿到一个题板,一个板子。在中国大陆的大部分考场,考生会拿到一个白色的板子和一根马克笔,他可以在板子上做一些笔记。中国大陆有一些考场可能给的是小纸片啊,纸条啊,一个本儿啊,不过大部分地方给的是一个白色的板子做笔记。 一分钟准备时间到,考官会指示考生开始作答。这两分钟,完全靠你自己说出去。我分享一下曾经考过的题目。上一次口语考试的题目:是Describe a tv program you like. Describe a tv program you like. 这是一个主题干,底下会有四个小点,他会说到You should say what this program is. How often you watch it ? Who you' watch it with and explain why you like watching this program?这是一道雅思口语考试题目的长相。


IELTS Speaking Module Flow Chart 雅思口语考试流程 Part 1 第一部分 Introduction & Interview(彼此介绍 并谈论一般性话题) Total time总时间: 4 – 5 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction questions [You will be asked 4 standard questions] 2. Topic 1 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic]

3. Topic 2 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic] 4. Topic 3 [You will be asked 3-4 questions based on this topic] Part 2 第二部分 Individual Long Turn(个人表述) Total time总时间: 3 – 4 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Preparation Time [You are given 1 minute to prepare]


雅思阅读填空类题型解题技巧 文/ 上海新东方学校樊黎明 (著作权所有,转载本文请务必注明作者和出处,违者必究!)雅思阅读填空类的题型是雅思区别于传统英语考试的一个特色题型之一。根据出题形式的不同,填空类题型可以分为 Sentence completion (句子填空题) , Summary (段落摘要) , Summary with a box(带选项的段落摘要) , Table completion (表格题), Flow chart (流程图), Diagram labelling (图片题)等六大题型。传统的分题型讲解的方法倾向于把这些题型拆开,但是殊不知这些题型的出题思路大同小异,一旦掌握了这些题目的共性,做题就会变得易如反掌。 首先,我们来看一下这些雅思填空类题目的出题共同特点: 1.考查内容均为细节 每一道填空题的题目基本上都是对原文的一句话或者几句话进行的同义改写,不会出现对多句话或者是整段的主旨进行的概括归纳。 2.所填答案基本唯一 虽然这种考试需要考生自己书写答案,但是所有答案均来自于原文,不需要进行考生用自己的语言对原词进行改写。极个别情况下会出现词序颠倒,但是基本上不需要考生进行词性、时态、单复数等屈折形式的转换。这是由雅思阅读的目的所决定的,雅思阅读只考查考生的阅读能力,而无意检验考生的写作能力。 3.所有题目均有字数限制 所有这类题目的指令里面都包括字数限制的要求,一般都是不超过 3个字,这同样是由阅读考试客观性、标准性的性质所决定的。如果对答案不设字数限制,那么往往会导致出现多个标准答案的现象,这也是不符合考试的原则的。因为阅卷的时候标准答案越少,试卷的批阅的过程就越客观、越公正。 4.题目都是原文的同义改写 雅思阅读考试的本质是考查英语使用者的书面英语能力,在很大程度上就是看考生在一定的英语语言基础上的阅读技能。寻找原文的过程是对考生阅读技能的检验,而题目本身则是考查考生的语言功底,即词汇和语法基础。所以每道填空题目都会用另外一种方式对原文中的句子进行同义改写,这种同义转换包括词汇的转换和句型的转换两种方式。 5.基本都讲顺序原则 除了带选项的段落摘要题比较不稳定之外,其它所有的填空题都比较严格地遵循顺序原则,即题号的顺序与原文的顺序一致。掌握这条原


Confirmation Questions Good morning/afternoon. How are you? Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank! How do you do? How do you do? Hi, good to meet you. Good to meet you too. Hi, how are you doing? Not too bad. And you? 1.Can I see your ID card please? Sure, here you are. 2.Could you tell me your full name please? My full name is ……. But you can call me…. 3. And what shall I call you? Mo st people call me …... Hometown Questions 4. Whereabouts is your hometown? Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China. 5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it? My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it. 6. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road. b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year. 7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance. b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby. 8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown? There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quite a lot of other famous sites as well. 9. What are the people like in your hometown? They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can. 10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why? I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful.


2018年最新雅思口语评分标准 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家讲解下2018年最新雅思口语评分标准,备考雅思考试的各位烤鸭,赶紧来看看吧! 雅思考试评分标准包括:语言的流利度和连贯性,词汇变换,句式丰富性和语法准确性,发音。雅思考试考官按这四项评分标准分别评等级分,并且这四项是同等重要的。 下面我们来了解一下雅思口语评分细则: 标准一:Fluency and coherence 流利度与连贯性 6分标准 ①is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation。表现出充分交流的意愿,但有时由于偶尔的重复、自我纠正或犹豫而缺乏连贯性。这里说的充分交流的意愿具体体现在回答的长度上,具体到每一个部分,Part1的每个问题建议回答3-5句话,Part2的时间控制在1分30秒到2分钟,Part3的每个问题至少回答5句话,上不封顶。要特别注意,偶尔的重复、自我纠正或由于导致的连贯性缺乏在6分的标准下是被允许的,但是要杜绝由于背诵大段文章所导致的不流利现象。 ②uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately。能使用一系列连接词及语篇标记,但无法保持一贯恰当。这里的connectives指的是逻辑连接词,比如表示列举的firstly, secondly,finally等,表示转折关系的but,however等,表示因果关系的so,thus,therefore等。这里的discourse markers指的是“口水词”,这些词没有具体的意义,但能在口语表达中起到润滑作用,使表达更口语化,比如well,you know等。 标准二:Lexical resource 词汇多样性 6分标准 ①has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies。有足以详尽讨论各种话题的词汇量,虽然有时使用不当但意思表达清晰。这个要求中写到a wide enough vocabulary,而不是单词越高级越好,口语的词汇和写作有很大的区别,不能通用,很多写作词汇用到口语里就会显得非常不自然和奇怪,反而会影响打分。另外,不能直接去字典里查出中文所对应的英文单词直接用到口语中,比如establish,build,construct在字典里都有建立的意思,但是后两个可以和具体的建筑物搭配,第一个应搭配抽象的名词,比如目标。 ②generally paraphrases successfully基本上能成功地进行改述。Paraphrase在口语里非常重要,能用自己已经掌握的表达方式来表达自己的意思,可以用一句话来解释一个单词或者换一种方式来表达,考官会考察这种能力,而不仅仅是考察你词汇量的大小。 标准三:Grammatical range and accuracy语法多样性及准确性
