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Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection(CVPR 2011)

Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection(CVPR 2011)
Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection(CVPR 2011)

Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection

Ming-Ming Cheng1Guo-Xin Zhang1Niloy J.Mitra2Xiaolei Huang3Shi-Min Hu1 1TNList,Tsinghua University2KAUST3Lehigh University


Reliable estimation of visual saliency allows appropriate processing of images without prior knowledge of their con-tent,and thus remains an important step in many computer vision tasks including image segmentation,object recog-nition,and adaptive compression.We propose a regional contrast based saliency extraction algorithm,which simul-taneously evaluates global contrast differences and spatial coherence.The proposed algorithm is simple,ef?cient,and yields full resolution saliency maps.Our algorithm con-sistently outperformed existing saliency detection methods, yielding higher precision and better recall rates,when eval-uated using one of the largest publicly available data sets. We also demonstrate how the extracted saliency map can be used to create high quality segmentation masks for sub-sequent image processing.


Humans routinely and effortlessly judge the importance of image regions,and focus attention on important parts. Computationally detecting such salient image regions re-mains a signi?cant goal,as it allows preferential allocation of computational resources in subsequent image analysis and synthesis.Extracted saliency maps are widely used in many computer vision applications including object-of-interest image segmentation[12,17],object recogni-tion[24],adaptive compression of images[6],content-aware image resizing[4,30],and image retrieval[5].

Saliency originates from visual uniqueness,unpre-dictability,rarity,or surprise,and is often attributed to vari-ations in image attributes like color,gradient,edges,and boundaries.Visual saliency,being closely related to how we perceive and process visual stimuli,is investigated by mul-tiple disciplines including cognitive psychology[25,27], neurobiology[8,21],and computer vision[16,2].Theo-ries of human attention hypothesize that the human vision system only processes parts of an image in detail,while leaving others nearly unprocessed.Early work by Treis-man and Gelade[26],Koch and Ullman[18],and subse-quent attention theories proposed by Itti,Wolfe and


Figure1.Given input images(top),a global contrast analysis is used to compute high resolution saliency maps(middle),which can be used to produce masks(bottom)around regions of interest.

suggest two stages of visual attention:fast,pre-attentive, bottom-up,data driven saliency extraction;and slower,task dependent,top-down,goal driven saliency extraction.

We focus on bottom-up data driven saliency detection using image contrast.It is widely believed that human cor-tical cells may be hard wired to preferentially respond to high contrast stimulus in their receptive?elds[22].We pro-pose contrast analysis for extracting high-resolution,full-?eld saliency maps based on the following observations:

?A global contrast based method,which separates a

large-scale object from its surroundings,is preferred

over local contrast based methods producing high

saliency values at or near object edges.

?Global considerations enable assignment of compara-

ble saliency values to similar image regions,and can

uniformly highlight entire objects.

?Saliency of a region depends on its contrast to the

nearby regions,while contrasts to distant regions are

less signi?cant.

?Saliency maps should be fast and easy to generate to

allow processing of large image collections,and facil-

itate ef?cient image classi?cation and retrieval.

We propose a histogram-based contrast method(HC)to measure saliency.HC-maps assign pixel-wise saliency val-ues based simply on color separation from all other image pixels to produce full resolution saliency maps.We use 1

(a)original(b)IT[16](c)MZ[20](d)GB[13](e)SR[14](f)AC[1](g)CA[11](h)FT[2](i)LC[29](j)HC(k)RC Figure2.Saliency maps computed by different state-of-the-art methods(b-i),and with our proposed HC(j)and RC methods(k).Most results highlight edges,or are of low resolution.See also Figure6(and project webpage).

a histogram-based approach for ef?cient processing,while

employing a smoothing procedure to control quantization

artifacts.Note that our algorithm is targeted towards natu-

ral scenes,and maybe suboptimal for extracting saliency of

highly textured scenes(see Figure12).

As an improvement over HC-maps,we incorporate spa-

tial relations to produce region-based contrast(RC)maps

where we?rst segment the input image into regions,and

then assign saliency values to regions.The saliency value

of a region is now calculated using a global contrast score,

which is measured using the region’s contrast and spatial

distances to other regions in the image.

We have extensively evaluated our methods on publicly

available benchmark data sets,and compared our methods

to(eight)state-of-the-art saliency methods[16,20,29,13,

14,1,2,11]as well as to manually produced ground truth

annotations1.The experiments show signi?cant improve-

ments over previous methods both in precision and recall

rates.Overall,compared to HC-maps,RC-maps produce

better precision and recall,but at the cost of increased com-

putations.Encouragingly,we observe that the saliency cuts

extracted using our saliency maps are,in most cases,com-

parable to manual annotations.We also present applica-

tions of the extracted saliency maps to segmentation,con-

text aware resizing,and non-photo realistic rendering.

2.Related Works

We focus on relevant literature targeting pre-attentive

bottom-up saliency detection,which may be biologically

motivated,or purely computational,or involve both aspects.

Such methods utilize low-level processing to determine the

contrast of image regions relative to their surroundings,us-

ing feature attributes such as intensity,color,and edges[2].

We broadly classify the algorithms into local and global


Local contrast based methods investigate the rarity of

image regions with respect to(small)local neighbor-

hoods.Based on the highly in?uential biologically inspired

early representation model introduced by Koch and Ull-

man[18],Itti et al.[16]de?ne image saliency using central-

surrounded differences across multi-scale image features.

Ma and Zhang[20]propose an alternative local contrast

analysis for generating saliency maps,which are then ex-

1Results for1000images and prototype software are available at the

project webpage:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9914814227.html,/people/%7Ecmm/saliency/

tended using a fuzzy growth model.Harel et al.[13]nor-

malize Itti and colleagues’feature maps to highlight con-

spicuous parts and admit combination with other impor-

tance maps.Liu et al.[19]?nd multi-scale contrast by

linearly combining contrast in a Gaussian image pyramid.

More recently,Goferman et al.[11]simultaneously model

local low-level clues,global considerations,visual organi-

zation rules,and high-level features to highlight salient ob-

jects along with their contexts.Such methods using local

contrast tend to produce higher saliency values near edges

instead of uniformly highlighting salient objects(see Fig-


Global contrast based methods evaluate saliency of an

image region using its contrast with respect to the entire

image.Zhai and Shah[29]de?ne pixel-level saliency by

contrast to all other pixels.However,for ef?ciency they

use only luminance information,thus ignoring distinctive-

ness clues in other channels.Achanta et al.[2]propose a

frequency tuned method that directly de?nes pixel saliency

using the color differences from the average image color.

The elegant approach,however,only considers?rst order

average color,which can be insuf?cient to analyze compli-

cated variations common in natural images.In Figures6

and7,we show qualitative and quantitative weaknesses of

such approaches.Furthermore,these methods ignore spa-

tial relationships across image parts,which can be critical

for reliable and coherent saliency detection(see Section5).

3.Histogram Based Contrast

Based on the observation from biological vision that the

vision system is sensitive to contrast in visual signal,we

propose a histogram-based contrast(HC)method to de?ne

saliency values for image pixels using color statistics of the

input image.Speci?cally,the saliency of a pixel is de?ned

using its color contrast to all other pixels in the image,i.e.,

the saliency value of a pixel I k in image I is de?ned as,

S(I k)=

?I i∈I

D(I k,I i),(1)

where D(I k,I i)is the color distance metric between pixels

I k and I i in the L?a?b?space(see also[29]).Equation1

can be expanded by pixel order to have the following form,

S(I k)=D(I k,I1)+D(I k,I2)+···+D(I k,I N),(2)

f r e q u e n c


Figure 3.Given an input image (left),we compute its color his-togram (middle).Corresponding histogram bin colors are shown in the lower bar.The quantized image (right)uses only 43his-togram bin colors and still retains suf?cient visual quality for saliency detection.

where N is the number of pixels in image I .It is easy to see that pixels with the same color value have the same saliency value under this de?nition,since the measure is oblivious to spatial relations.Hence,rearranging Equation 2such that the terms with the same color value c j are grouped together,we get saliency value for each color as,

S (I k )=S (c l )=

n j =1

f j D (c l ,c j ),(3)

where c l is the color value of pixel I k ,n is the number of different pixel colors,and f j is the frequency of pixel color c j in image I .Note that in order to prevent salient region color statistics from being corrupted by similar colors from other regions,one can develop a similar scheme using vary-ing window masks.However,given the strict ef?ciency re-quirement,we take the simple global approach.

Histogram based speed up.Naively evaluating the saliency value for each image pixel using Equation 1takes O (N 2)time,which is computationally too expensive even for medium sized images.The equivalent representation in Equation 3,however,takes O (N )+O (n 2)time,implying that computational ef?ciency can be improved to O (N )if O (n 2)≤O (N ).Thus,the key to speedup is to reduce the number of pixel colors in the image.However,the true-color space contains 2563possible colors,which is typically larger than the number of image pixels.

Zhai and Shah [29]reduce the number of colors,n ,by only using luminance.In this way,n 2=2562(typically 2562 N ).However,their method has the disadvantage that the distinctiveness of color information is ignored.In this work,we use the full color space instead of luminance only.To reduce the number of colors needed to consider,we ?rst quantize each color channel to have 12different values,which reduces the number of colors to 123=1728.Con-sidering that color in a natural image typically covers only a small portion of the full color space,we further reduce the number of colors by ignoring less frequently occurring colors.By choosing more frequently occurring colors and ensuring these colors cover the colors of more than 95%of the image pixels,we typically are left with around n =


Figure 4.Saliency of each color,normalized to the range [0,1],be-fore (left)and after (right)color space smoothing.Corresponding saliency maps are shown in the respective insets.

colors (see Section 5for experimental details).The colors

of the remaining pixels,which comprise fewer than 5%of the image pixels,are replaced by the closest colors in the histogram.A typical example of such quantization is shown in Figure 3.Note that again due to ef?ciency requirements we select the simple histogram based quantization instead of optimizing for an image speci?c color palette.

Color space smoothing.Although we can ef?ciently compute color contrast by building a compact color his-togram using color quantization and choosing more fre-quent colors,the quantization itself may introduce artifacts.Some similar colors may be quantized to different values.In order to reduce noisy saliency results caused by such randomness,we use a smoothing procedure to re?ne the saliency value for each color.We replace the saliency value of each color by the weighted average of the saliency val-ues of similar colors (measured by L ?a ?b ?distance).This is actually a smoothing process in the color feature space.Typically we choose m =n/4nearest colors to re?ne the saliency value of color c by,


(c )=


(m ?1)T m i =1(T ?D (c,c i ))S (c i )(4)

where,T = m

i =1D (c,c i )is the sum of distances between color c and its m nearest neighbors c i ,and the normaliza-tion factor comes from m

i =1(T ?D (c,c i ))=(m ?1)T.Note that we use a linearly-varying smoothing weight (T ?D (c,c i ))to assign larger weights to colors closer to c in the color feature space.In our experiments,we found that such linearly-varying weights are better than Gaussian weights,which fall off too sharply.Figure 4shows the typical ef-fect of color space smoothing with the corresponding his-tograms sorted by decreasing saliency values.Note that similar histogram bins are closer to each other after such a smoothing,indicating that similar colors have higher like-lihood of being assigned similar saliency values,thus reduc-ing quantization artifacts (see Figure 7).

Implementation details.To quantize the color space into 123different colors,we uniformly divide each color chan-nel into 12different levels.While the quanti?cation of col-ors is performed in the RGB color space,we measure color

Figure5.Image regions generated by Felzenszwalb and Hutten-

locher’s segmentation method[10](left),region contrast based

segmentation with(left-middle)and without(right-middle)dis-

tance weighting.Incorporating the spatial context,we get a high

quality saliency cut(right)comparable to human labeled ground


differences in the L?a?b?color space because of its percep-

tual accuracy.However,we do not perform quantization

directly in the L?a?b?color space since not all colors in the

range L?∈[0,100],and a?,b?∈[?127,127]necessar-

ily correspond to real colors.Experimentally we observed

worse quantization artifacts using direct L?a?b?color space

quantization.Best results were obtained by quantiza-

tion in the RGB space while measuring distance in the

L?a?b?color space,as opposed to performing both quanti-

zation and distance calculation in either a single color space,

RGB or L?a?b?.

4.Region Based Contrast

Humans pay more attention to those image regions that

contrast strongly with their surroundings[9].Besides con-

trast,spatial relationships play an important role in human

attention.High contrast to its surrounding regions is usually

stronger evidence for saliency of a region than high contrast

to far-away regions.Since directly introducing spatial rela-

tionships when computing pixel-level contrast is computa-

tionally expensive,we introduce a contrast analysis method,

region contrast(RC),so as to integrate spatial relationships

into region-level contrast computation.In RC,we?rst seg-

ment the input image into regions,then compute color con-

trast at the region level,and de?ne the saliency for each

region as the weighted sum of the region’s contrasts to all

other regions in the image.The weights are set according

to the spatial distances with farther regions being assigned

smaller weights.

Region contrast by sparse histogram comparison.We

?rst segment the input image into regions using a graph-

based image segmentation method[10].Then we build the

color histogram for each region as in Section3.For a region

r k,we compute its saliency value by measuring its color

contrast to all other regions in the image,

S(r k)=

r k=r i

w(r i)D r(r k,r i),(5)

where w(r i)is the weight of region r i and D r(·,·)is the

color distance metric between the two regions.Here we

use the number of pixels in r i as w(r i)to emphasize color

contrast to bigger regions.The color distance between two

regions r1and r2is de?ned as,

D r(r1,r2)=






where f(c k,i)is the frequency of the i-th color c k,i among

all n k colors in the k-th region r k with k={1,2}.Note that

we use the frequency of a color occurring in the region as

the weight for this color to re?ect more the color differences

between dominant colors.

Storing and calculating the regular matrix format his-

togram for each region is inef?cient since each region typ-

ically contains a small number of colors in the color his-

togram of the whole image.Instead,we use a sparse his-

togram representation for ef?cient storage and computation.

Spatially weighted region contrast.We further incorpo-

rate spatial information by introducing a spatial weighting

term in Equation5to increase the effects of closer regions

and decrease the effects of farther regions.Speci?cally,for

any region r k,the spatially weighted region contrast based

saliency is de?ned as:

S(r k)=

r k=r i

exp(?D s(r k,r i)/σ2s)w(r i)D r(r k,r i)(7)

where,D s(r k,r i)is the spatial distance between regions r k

and r i,andσs controls the strength of spatial weighting.

Larger values ofσs reduce the effect of spatial weighting

so contrast to farther regions would contribute more to the

saliency of the current region.The spatial distance between

two regions is de?ned as the Euclidean distance between the

centroids of the respective regions.In our implementation,

we useσ2s=0.4with pixel coordinates normalized to[0,1].

5.Experimental Comparisons

We have evaluated the results of our approach on the

publicly available database provided by Achanta et al.[2].

To the best of our knowledge,the database is the largest

of its kind,and has ground truth in the form of accu-

rate human-marked labels for salient regions.We com-

pared the proposed global contrast based methods with8

state-of-the-art saliency detection methods.Following[2],

we selected these methods according to:number of cita-

tions(IT[16]and SR[14]),recency(GB[13],SR,AC[1],

FT[2]and CA[11]),variety(IT is biologically-motivated,

MZ[20]is purely computational,GB is hybrid,SR works

in the frequency domain,AC and FT output full resolution

saliency maps),and being related to our approach(LC[29]).

(a)original (b)LC (c)CA (d)FT (e)HC-maps (f)RC-maps (g)RCC

Figure 6.Visual comparison of saliency maps.(a)original images,saliency maps produced using (b)Zhai and Shah [29],(c)Goferman et al.[11],(d)Achanta et al.[2],(e)our HC and (f)RC methods,and (g)RC-based saliency cut results.Our methods generate uniformly highlighted salient regions (see project webpage for all results on the full benchmark dataset).

We used our methods and the others to compute saliency maps for all the 1000images in the database.Table 1com-pares the average time taken by each method.Our algo-rithms,HC and RC,are implemented in C++.For the other methods namely IT,GB,SR,FT and CA,we used the au-thors’implementations,while for LC,we implemented the algorithm in C++since we could not ?nd the authors’im-plementation.For typical natural images,our HC method needs O (N )computation time and is suf?ciently ef?cient for real-time applications.In contrast,our RC variant is slower as it requires image segmentation [10],but produces superior quality saliency maps.

In order to comprehensively evaluate the accuracy of our methods for salient object segmentation,we performed two experiments using different objective comparison measures.In the ?rst experiment,to segment salient objects and cal-culate precision and recall curves [14],we binarized the saliency map using each possible ?xed threshold,similar to the ?xed thresholding experiment in [2].In the second experiment,we segment salient objects by iteratively ap-plying GrabCut [23]initialized using thresholded saliency maps,as described later.We also use the obtained saliency maps as importance weighting for content aware image re-sizing and non-photo realistic rendering.

Segmentation by ?xed thresholding.The simplest way to get a binary segmentation of salient objects is to thresh-old the saliency map with a threshold T f ∈[0,255].To reli-ably compare how well various saliency detection methods highlight salient regions in images,we vary the threshold T f from 0to 255.Figure 7shows the resulting precision vs.recall curves.We also present the bene?ts of adding the color space smoothing and spatial weighting schemes,along with objective comparison with other saliency extrac-tion methods.Visual comparison of saliency maps obtained by the various methods can be seen in Figures 2and 6.

The precision and recall curves clearly show that our methods outperform the other eight methods.The extrem-ities of the precision vs.recall curve are interesting:At maximum recall where T f =0,all pixels are retained as positives,i.e.,considered to be foreground,so all the meth-ods have the same precision and recall values;precision 0.2and recall 1.0at this point indicate that,on average,there are 20%image pixels belonging to the ground truth salient regions.At the other end,the minimum recall values of our methods are higher than those of the other methods,because the saliency maps computed by our methods are smoother and contain more pixels with the saliency value 255.

Method IT[Time(s)0.611Code Matlab

Table 1.Average time taken in the database (see project webpage)have resolution 400×300.Algorithms were tested using an Dual Core 2.6GHz machine with 2GB RAM.


0.81Recall P r e c i s i o n IT

0.2 P r e c i s i o n

GB Figure 7.Precision-recall curve for naive thresholding of saliency maps using 1000publicly available benchmark images.(Left,mid-dle)Different options of our method compared to GB[13],MZ[20],FT[2],IT[16],SR[14],AC[1],CA[11],and LC[29].NHC denotes naive version of our HC method with color space smoothing disabled,and NRC denotes our RC method with spatial related weighting disabled.(Right)Precision-recall bars for our saliency cut algorithm using different saliency maps as initialization.Our method RC shows high precision,recall,and F βvalues over the 1000image database.(Please refer to project webpage for respective result images.)

Saliency cut.We now consider the use of the com-puted saliency map to assist in salient object segmentation.Saliency maps have been previously employed for unsuper-vised object segmentation:Ma and Zhang [20]?nd rect-angular salient regions by fuzzy region growing on their saliency maps.Ko and Nam [17]select salient regions us-ing a support vector machine trained on image segment fea-tures,and then cluster these regions to extract salient ob-jects.Han et al.[12]model color,texture,and edge features in a Markov random ?eld framework to grow salient ob-ject regions from seed values in the saliency maps.More recently,Achanta et al.[2]average saliency values within image segments produced by mean-shift segmentation,and then ?nd salient objects by identifying image segments that have average saliency above an threshold that is set to be twice the mean saliency value of the entire image.

In our approach,we iteratively apply GrabCut [23]to

Figure 8.Saliency Cut.(Left to right)Initial segmentation,trimap after ?rst iteration,trimap after second iteration,?nal segmenta-tion,and manually labeled ground truth.In the segmented images,blue is foreground,gray is background,while in the trimaps,the foreground is red,the background is green,and unknown regions are left unchanged.

re?ne the segmentation result initially obtained by thresh-olding the saliency map (see Figure 8).Instead of manually inputting a rectangular region to initialize the process,as in classical GrabCut,we automatically initialize GrabCut us-ing a segmentation obtained by binarizing the saliency map using a ?xed threshold,chosen empirically to be the thresh-old that gives 95%recall rate in our ?xed thresholding ex-periments.

Once initialized,we iteratively run GrabCut to improve the saliency cut result (at most 4iterations in our experi-ments).After each iteration,we use dilation and erosion operations on the current segmentation result to get a new trimap for the next GrabCut iteration.As shown in Figure 8,the region outside the dilated region is set to background,the region inside the eroded region is set to foreground,and the remaining areas are set to unknown in the trimap.Grab-Cut,which by itself is an iterative process using Gaussian mixture models and graph cut,helps to re?ne salient object regions at each step.Regions closer to an initial salient ob-ject region are more likely to be part of that salient object than far-away regions.Thus,our new initialization enables GrabCut to include nearby salient object regions,and ex-clude non-salient regions according to color feature dissim-ilarity.In the implementation,we set a narrow border region (15pixels wide)to be always in the background in order to avoid slow convergence in the border region.

Figure 8shows two examples of our saliency cut algo-rithm.In the ?ag example,unwanted regions are correctly excluded during GrabCut iterations.In the ?ower exam-ple,our saliency cut method successfully expanded the ini-

(a)original (b)LC[29](c)CA[11](d)FT[2](e)HC-maps (f)RC-maps (g)ground truth

Figure 9.Saliency cut using different saliency maps for initialization.Related saliency maps are shown in Figure 6.

tial salient regions (obtained directly from the saliency map)and converged to an accurate segmentation result.

To objectively evaluate our new saliency cut method us-ing our RC-map as initialization,we compare our results with results obtained by coupling iterative GrabCut with ini-tialization from saliency maps computed by other methods.For consistency,we binarize each such saliency map using a threshold that gives 95%recall rate in the corresponding ?xed thresholding experiment (see Figure 7).A visual com-parison of the results is shown in Figure 9.Average preci-sion,recall,and F -Measure are compared over the entire ground-truth database [2],with the F -Measure de?ned de-?ned as:

F β=

(1+β2)P recision ×Recall

β×P recision +Recall


We use β2=0.3as suggested in Achanta et al.[2]to weight precision more than recall.As can be seen from the com-parison (see Figures 7-right and 9),saliency cut using our RC and HC saliency maps signi?cantly outperform other https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9914814227.html,pared to the state-of-the-art results on this database by Achanta et al.(precision =75%and recall =83%),we achieved better accuracy (precision =90%and recall =90%)(demo software available at the project web-page.)

Content aware image resizing.In image re-targeting,saliency maps are usually used to specify relative impor-tance across image parts (see also [3]).We experimented with using our saliency maps in the image resizing method proposed by Zhang et al.[30],which distributes distortion energy to relatively non-salient regions of an image while preserving both global and local image features (using pub-licly available authors’implementation).Figure 10com-pares the resizing results using our RC-maps with the results using CA[11]saliency maps.Our RC saliency maps help produce better resizing results since the salient object re-gions are piece-wise smooth,which is important for


original CA RC original CA RC Figure https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9914814227.html,parison of content aware image resizing [30]re-sults using CA[11]saliency maps and our RC saliency


Figure 11.(Middle,right)FT[2]and RC saliency maps are used respectively for stylized rendering [15]of an input image (left).Our method produces a better saliency map,see insets,resulting in improved preservation of details,e.g.,around the head and the fence


Figure 12.Challenging examples for our histogram based meth-ods involve non-salient regions with similar colors as the salient parts (top),or an image with textured background (bottom).(Left to right)Input image,HC-map,HC saliency cut,RC-map,RC saliency cut.

based resizing methods.CA saliency maps having higher saliency values at object boundaries are less suitable for ap-plications like resizing,which require entire salient objects to be uniformly highlighted.

Non-photorealistic rendering.Artists often abstract im-ages and highlight meaningful parts of an image while masking out unimportant regions [28].Inspired by this ob-servation,a number of non-photorealistic rendering (NPR)efforts use saliency maps to generate interesting effects [7].We experimentally compared our work with the most re-lated,state-of-the-art saliency detection algorithm [2]in the context of a recent NPR technique [15](see Figure 11).Our RC-maps give better saliency masks,which help the NPR method to better preserve details in important image parts and region boundaries,while smoothing out others.

6.Conclusion and Future Works

We presented global contrast based saliency computa-tion methods,namely Histogram based Contrast (HC)and spatial information-enhanced Region based Contrast (RC).

While the HC method is fast and generates results with ?ne details,the RC method generates spatially consistent high quality saliency maps at the cost of reduced computa-tional ef?ciency.We evaluated our methods on the largest publicly available data set and compared our scheme with eight other state-of-the-art methods.Experiments indicate the proposed schemes to be superior in terms of both preci-sion and recall,while still being simple and ef?cient.

In the future,we plan to investigate ef?cient algorithms that incorporate spatial relationships in saliency computa-tion while preserving?ne details in the resulting saliency maps.Also,it is desirable to develop saliency detection algorithms to handle cluttered and textured background, which can introduce artifacts to our global histogram based approach(although we did not encounter such images in the database).Finally,it may be bene?cial to incorporate high level factors like human faces,symmetry to saliency maps. We believe the proposed saliency maps can be used for ef?-cient object detection,reliable image classi?cation,leading to improved image retrieval.

Acknowledgements.This research was supported by the National Basic Research Project of China(NO. 2011CB302205),the Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.U0735001)and the National High Technol-ogy Research and Development Program of China(NO. 2009AA01Z327).


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Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖 一、词汇 about发生;造成 注意:(1)come about是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态,常指情况不受人控制的突然发生。有时用it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语。 (2)表示“发生”的词或短语有:happen,occur,take place,break ① Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding. ② The moon came out from behind the clouds. ③ I’ll let you know if anything comes up. ④ I’ll come over and see how you are coming along. ⑤ I came across an old friend yesterday. ⑥ When she came to, she couldn’t recognize the surroundings. ① I subscribe to your suggestion. ② Which magazine do you subscribe to? ③ He subscribed his name to the paper(文件). ④ He subscribed a large sum to the poor students. n.量;数量

① It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities. ② A large quantity of silk is sold in Japan. ③ A large quantity of drugs are found in his home. ④ Large quantities of rain are needed in this area. ① He tends to get angry when others disagree with her. ② His views tend towards the extreme(极端). ③ He was tending (to) his son when I saw him in the hospital. ④ Jane is nice but has a tendency to talk too much. =Jane is nice but she tends to talk too much. ① The price of the new house in our area has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter(平方米)。That is(也就是说)it has gone up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. ② The wind has gone down a little. ④ The country has gone through too many wars.


放假第一天的感受作文550字父与子放假第一 天作文 时间就像风一般瞬间过去,一晃又是一学期。自从六年级开始,面对许多不同的问题都思绪万千,每天都要不断地困惑着,究竟何时能够完全抛开这些烦恼,好好地放松一下。过年是很好的放松时间,因此也盼望过年。当然,小孩子盼望过年的缘故还有——无论怎样地放胆去闹,也不会立刻受到惩罚,更能够尽情地玩。况且今年的春节对我们家来说会很特殊,所以我盼望过年的心便油然而生……凛冽的寒风不再向人们吹袭,温暖的阳光给人带来温暖。春节前夕,繁华的大街早已是张灯结彩,似乎提前为春节喝彩。一想到过年,就会让人勾起对老家亲人的思念。回忆过去,一家人风尘仆仆地赶回家乡。除夕之夜,全家团圆在一起吃饭,并兴致勃勃地看精彩的春晚节目。待到钟声敲响,只见烟花四起,给四周的天空增添了光亮。我们享受着赶上夜空璀璨美景的惬意;享受着放鞭炮的快感;享受着红包赋予我的欣喜若狂! 仅仅是往年的过年场景,但是今年却截然不同,我们家和友人怀着满怀的欢乐奔向那梦寐以求.中外驰名的香港。自从我舍弃一节课去办签证之后,我心中的激动犹如一股激流,不断冲击着我心中的堤坝。去香港必定要游那中外闻名的迪斯尼乐园,几位

卡通人物形象似乎浮现在我眼前。一想到迪斯尼就振奋人心,静静地遐想,我仿佛置身于迪斯尼入口,大股的人流犹如水流湍急的小溪汇向迪斯尼的大海。那将会是怎样热闹的场面,再加上新年的喜庆,这里将万象更新,人们面带笑容地狂欢,我们也将跟随着人流涌进乐园。我现在真是迫不及待地想去,那坚定的信念无法动摇!我憧憬那络绎不绝的人群;我憧憬那璀璨华丽的光景;我更憧憬精彩绝伦的表演和好玩的游乐设施。一想到迪斯尼就情绪激动,似乎我已经沉浸在欢娱的海洋中,陶醉着。我的心思好似一滴雨.一片雪,充满渴望地投向那繁华都市——香港…… 许多人盼望过年的心过于强烈,总是芜湖所以,应当保持良好的心态。要先跨过艰难的学习之槛,待到过年时再痛快地玩吧!过年,也是人们所应盼望的……


微课以小见大的写作手法 今天我们一起来学习以小见大的写作手法。第一步我们要明确什么是以小见大? (提问)某某同学,你对这四个字有什么了解? 很好!首先从字面意思上看,以小见大是一个四字成语:以者,用也;见者,表现也。顾名思义,它的解释就是用小的表现大的。指通过小事可以看出道理,通过部分可以看出整体,那么作为一种写作手法,我们又要怎么去定义它呢? 以小见大法,也称小中见大法,即文章作品中,通过小事件和细节来揭示重大主题写作方法。我们要抓住关键字来理解,这句话的关键字就是小事件细节和重大主题,分别是小和大的指代。 这种写作手法有哪些特点呢? 从材料上来讲:在于抓住一事一物、一情一景;“以小见大”的基本点在于小,一事一物,一情一景都是小的选取对象。 从写法上来讲:从大处着眼、小处落笔;关键在于立意要高,要大,但要注意的是要在尽可能微小之处来体现立意的高大。 从表达效果上来讲:深入发掘,展开联想,为读者创造一个比现实生活更为广阔、更为深远的艺术境界。 (提问)那么有哪些文章用了“以小见大”的写作手法呢?某某同学,你来给大家简要介绍一下?(参考答案:鲁迅的很多作品都用了以小见大的手法,比如《药》就是通过写夏瑜的命运来写整个社会的悲惨命运。) 很好!其实这种写法在文章中比较常见。接下来我们具体来看看几个运用了“以小见大”手法的比较典型的例子: 说到“以小见大”的文章,大家可能第一想到的就是鲁迅先生的《一件小事》,《一件小事》是“以小见大”手法运用的一个典范,描写的是鲁迅出外搭乘人力车,人力车夫在本不用负责的情况下搀扶起被撞倒的老妇人,并将其送至警署的这么一件小事。这篇文章在选材上十分简单,就是日常生活中的一件极其平凡的小事,但从这么一件小事里却折射出了一个“下等人”的高尚的人格力量,这篇文章短小精悍,全文仅一千字左右,但却震撼了人们的心灵。 还有一个很典型的例子是巴金老人的《小狗包弟》,这篇文章选自《随想录》,作者通过描写一条小狗的故事来反映文革的现实,连一条小狗都不能逃过劫难,体现了在“文革”时代任何生命都不能免受侵害的现实。 这两篇文章都运用了“以小见大”的写作手法,而且都运用得非常成功,对小材料的细节描写激发了作者的真情实感,使得文章真实而且感人,达到了很好的效果。 那么以上两篇文章为例,我们来分析一下使用“以小见大”手法的好处? (提问)同学们先来谈谈吧,某某同学,你是怎么看的?还有人补充吗? 好,现在我们一起来总结一下: 1、这种艺术处理以一点观全面,给写作者带来了很大的灵活性和无限的表现力; (比如《一件小事》中作者只描写了一位人力车夫的故事,却能将其延伸到整个下层人民甚至整个社会,作者可以极尽表达自己的思想和情感) 2、为读者提供了广阔的想象空间,能产生丰富的联想;(比如从《小狗包弟》 中读者直接获得的情感体验是作者对包弟的歉疚和忏悔,但读者可以思考这份忏悔是否只是对包弟,忏悔又具有怎样的现实意义等,读者想象的空间很大)


【精选】把幸福定格在心中作文600字3篇【精选】把幸福定格在心中作文600字3篇 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的把幸福定格在心中作文600字3篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 把幸福定格在心中作文600字篇1 “爸爸去哪儿”这个节目办得太火了,每当我看到那些罩在明星光环下的孩子或笑或泪的纯真举动时,我的脑海中就会浮现出一张万般落寞的脸和一双泫然欲泣的眼。 谁想再听爸爸骂自己两句呢?我的同桌牟春妹就想,那是她的幸福她的梦。我在一个偶然的机会中走进她的内心世界,读懂了她的QQ签名“一蓑烟雨任平生,也无风雨也无晴”。 那天第二节课,毛手毛脚的我只听“嘶”的一声,裤子被椅子边探头探脑的铁钉剐破了,赶紧让同桌牟春妹帮我看看“伤情”。她捂嘴笑道:“挺标准的正三角形,都能看到里边的

内容了。”哎呀!我是女生啊,那么敏感的地方露出“破绽”,还不让淘气鬼们笑翻了?好在我家离学校不远,而且第三节是体育课,课间赶紧跟老师请个短假,牟春妹陪我回家换裤子。 一路闲聊着来到我家。走进老爸为我精心打造的温馨浪漫的小卧室,牟春妹忍不住四下打量着,惊羡不已。我骄傲地说:“都是按照我喜欢的方案装修的,我妈都说老爸宠我,让摘星星他不摘月亮。”抚摩着我的小书桌,她不无嫉妒地说:“你多幸福啊,有自己的小天地。我也想有个自己的小屋,只是担心我妈自己在大屋害怕。”我埋头翻找裤子,不经意地问:“你爸呢?”她停顿了一下:“在家呢。”“让你爸妈在大屋,你自己在小屋不就得了吗?”我想都没想就说。停了一会儿,她才声音低沉地说:“我爸在一年前就去世了。”我一惊,抬头望着她的脸,她的眼圈有点红了。我暗暗责怪自己不小心触到她心灵的伤处,不知道该说什么好。她低下头说:“后来我哥因一场车祸也走了。”屋里静止了片刻,她的眼泪没有落下来,反而轻轻笑了一下:“够惨的吧。以前我也跟你一样,风风火火没心没肺,可是没有爸了你就找不到根,人就像没有依靠了。每逢过节时,我就忍不住想起和爸爸哥哥在一起嬉闹、看电视的情景。我真想让他们陪在我身边,哪怕再听他说我两句、骂我两句,但现在这只能是一个梦了……” 我换好裤子要走时,爸爸下夜班回来了。“下午能请假早点回来吗?你姥爷过生日……不行的话我给你留点好菜。”他


《Unit 4 Global warming》 Does It Matter? 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) When 1________ (compare) with most natural changes, that the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century is quite shocking. And it’s human activity 2________ has caused this global warming rather 3________ a random but natural phenomenon. Dr. Janice Foster explains that we add huge 4________ of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil 5________. From the second 6________ and the discovery of Charles Keeling, all scientists believe that the burning of more and more fossil fuels 7________ (result) in the increase in carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases continue to build up. On the one hand, Dr. Foster thinks that the trend would be a 8________. On the other hand, George Hambley 9________ (state) that more carbon dioxide would encourage a greater range of animals and bring us 10________ better life.


有关把幸福定格在心中作文600字三篇有关把幸福定格在心中作文600字三篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编为大家收集的把幸福定格在心中作文600字3篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 把幸福定格在心中作文600字篇1 “爸爸去哪儿”这个节目办得太火了,每当我看到那些罩在明星光环下的孩子或笑或泪的纯真举动时,我的脑海中就会浮现出一张万般落寞的脸和一双泫然欲泣的眼。 谁想再听爸爸骂自己两句呢?我的同桌牟春妹就想,那是她的幸福她的梦。我在一个偶然的机会中走进她的内心世界,读懂了她的QQ签名“一蓑烟雨任平生,也无风雨也无晴”。 那天第二节课,毛手毛脚的我只听“嘶”的一声,裤子被椅子边探头探脑的铁钉剐破了,赶紧让同桌牟春妹帮我看看“伤情”。她捂嘴笑道:“挺标准的正三角形,都能看到里边的内容了。”哎呀!我是女生啊,那么敏感的地方露出“破绽”,

还不让淘气鬼们笑翻了?好在我家离学校不远,而且第三节是体育课,课间赶紧跟老师请个短假,牟春妹陪我回家换裤子。 一路闲聊着来到我家。走进老爸为我精心打造的温馨浪漫的小卧室,牟春妹忍不住四下打量着,惊羡不已。我骄傲地说:“都是按照我喜欢的方案装修的,我妈都说老爸宠我,让摘星星他不摘月亮。”抚摩着我的小书桌,她不无嫉妒地说:“你多幸福啊,有自己的小天地。我也想有个自己的小屋,只是担心我妈自己在大屋害怕。”我埋头翻找裤子,不经意地问:“你爸呢?”她停顿了一下:“在家呢。”“让你爸妈在大屋,你自己在小屋不就得了吗?”我想都没想就说。停了一会儿,她才声音低沉地说:“我爸在一年前就去世了。”我一惊,抬头望着她的脸,她的眼圈有点红了。我暗暗责怪自己不小心触到她心灵的伤处,不知道该说什么好。她低下头说:“后来我哥因一场车祸也走了。”屋里静止了片刻,她的眼泪没有落下来,反而轻轻笑了一下:“够惨的吧。以前我也跟你一样,风风火火没心没肺,可是没有爸了你就找不到根,人就像没有依靠了。每逢过节时,我就忍不住想起和爸爸哥哥在一起嬉闹、看电视的情景。我真想让他们陪在我身边,哪怕再听他说我两句、骂我两句,但现在这只能是一个梦了……” 我换好裤子要走时,爸爸下夜班回来了。“下午能请假早点回来吗?你姥爷过生日……不行的话我给你留点好菜。”他一边洗脸一边说着,还嘱咐我,“慢点走,靠边儿。”


以小见大的亲情作文优秀3篇 以小见大的亲情作文(一): 生活中有许多感人的事,它们像海底的一颗颗珍珠,珍藏在我们心中! 一个阳光明媚的早晨,院子尽是小鸟清脆的歌声――我该去上学了! 爸爸推着自行车,我坐在后座准备带我去上学,正在跟妈妈描述昨晚做梦时的情形,并且用手比划着,爸爸什么也不知,只顾着往前走,就在准备要过门槛的那一刻,意外发生了。自行车往前一拱,顿时我身子倾斜,两手不知所措“蹼蹬”一声,我重重的摔倒在地。地下满是尖尖的石头,我的头流淌着鲜血,失声痛哭起来,这声足能够震动山岗。爸妈一看这情形着急起来,爸爸立刻抱起我,飞奔向医院,一边跑一边安慰我但是,不知是谁惹怒了雨神,突然下起蒙蒙细雨,随着时间一分一秒的过去,下起了倾蓬大雨,路上的行人见状纷纷回家,这时爸爸皱起了眉头,不管下着多大的雨,不管路地有多么滑,爸爸都紧紧地抱着我,大步向医院奔去,最后到医院了,爸妈的衣服全湿透了,而我却是浓浓的暖意,感动地泪水夺眶而出。 爸妈我爱您们! 以小见大的亲情作文(二): 以小见大的亲情 父亲也真搞笑,老远的给我送月饼来,还有两个梨和一小撮茶叶,这些东西加起来也不到车费的三分之一呢。

和同学们瓜分了月饼和梨,那一小撮茶叶却弄丢了。或许是当垃圾给扫掉了吧。我一翻垃圾篮,果然在那,幸好有袋子装着。 我把那茶叶倒进开水中,刚好能泡上一杯浓浓的茶。就是这杯浓热的茶,使我又一次不能入眠。一整个下午,我就静静地想着过去的事。 我们村子里的人除了待客和供神鬼,自我是很少喝茶的,连开水也难得喝上一口。渴了就舀上一大碗带点粥的米汤咕噜咕噜地灌下去。只有我们家,四姐弟都喜欢喝茶,而我母亲向来是不主张我们喝茶的,在她眼里喝茶跟喝药一个样,只是在吃多了油腻的东西的才特许我们喝上一两杯。但我们喝得多了,她也就不怎样管我们了,只是她还是一口也不喝,除非拉肚子。说来好笑,我母亲认为浓茶是能够治拉肚子的,我小时候就十分信奉这种说法。肚子不舒服了就偷一把茶叶塞进嘴里,用口水慢慢地将它泡软,然后就咀嚼起来,有时连渣也全吞了下去。虽然有点苦,但为了肚子,我那时就很勇敢,况且吃完后很长一段时间口中还甘甜甘甜的。我很喜欢那种感觉。也真是奇怪,那方法每次都灵验。我曾把这方法传授给别的小孩子,但他们都爱不了那苦。 我渐渐长大,再也不吃茶叶了,却还是喜欢喝茶,个性是早上起来,先泡上一杯浓茶再去刷牙洗脸运动,回来时那茶已差不多泡好了。捧上一本小说边喝边看,那真是人生一大快事。 这样的快事在学校里是享受不到的。因为学校里太热闹,生活节


幸福在心中作文600字 人人都渴望幸福,人人都在追求幸福。下面是为你了“幸福在心中作文600字”,希望能帮助到您。 有人问,幸福是什么?对啊,“幸福”这个感受得到却说不清楚的东西到底是什么?它又在哪里呢? 幸福在这里,在我的这张生日照上。“乖女儿,今天是你的生日,你想吃什么?老爸给你做。”这句话,是爸爸在我每次生日时千篇一律却不会不耐烦的一句话。每到这时,也会有人和我说类似的话:“你爸爸怎么这么小气啊?都 ___。不像我爸,我生日的时候他给我买了名牌裙子呢!”我听到这样的话,每次都只是一笑而过,因为再多的金钱也比不上父母对我融到骨子里的爱。他们拿着父母一个鼠标就可以买来的生日礼物时的满足,怎能比得上我与父母围桌吃饭时的愉悦、欣喜呢?没有家人陪在身边、没有父母的祝福,这个生日怎么可能真正的幸福呢?这张生日照可是一张其乐融融的全家福啊。瞧,我们三个笑得多甜!原来,幸福是过生日时家人的陪伴! 幸福,还在这里,在我可爱学校的操场上。“怎么了?没事吧?”同学们见到我晕倒了,赶紧围过来,急切地询问着。炎炎骄阳下的那缕清风,也比不上同学间纯洁的友情。这就是我团结友爱

的班集体!同学们围在我的身边,我被温馨的气息包围着。原来,幸福就是遇到困难时朋友关心的话语。 幸福,现在又融进一首首暖心的歌曲里。动人心弦的歌曲牵着我的心翩翩起舞。我的心化作一汪粼粼清泉,享受着无尽的舒适合安恬。幸福,原来也是这静谧宜人的时光。 幸福是什么?答案就在你心中,像蜂巢里的蜜,慢慢酝酿流溢。幸福在哪里?并不需要刻意寻找,因为它就在你的身边。 在这世界上,有一样无价的东西,那就是感情。人的感情多种多样,又欢乐、幸福,也有悲伤、难过。当人们感到幸福时会笑,会永远地牢记在心中,当人们感到难过时会哭、会发泄。不管是幸福还是难过,它们都是无价的,是人生中最不可缺少的'。 我们现在还只是初中生,没有高中生的学校住宿,也没有大学生的远离他乡去读书,但我们依旧是幸福的,虽然不会太深的感受到亲朋好友的幸福、快乐。 在任何城市,在任何地区,每当开学时期,火车站总会人山人海,他们大多数是去外地读书的学生以及他们的家长,火车站总是有着人们依依不舍的感情,还有疼爱自己、关爱自己的家人。远离

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem. The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable. Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea. There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet. Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.




幸福在心中的作文5篇 幸福,时时刻刻围绕在你身旁,是母亲一声温柔的叮咛,幸福是父亲一次粗糙的抚摸。其实幸福就在每个人的心里,一直都存在着。下面,xx为大家整理关于幸福在我心中的文章,欢迎大家阅读。 作文一:幸福在我心中 今年五一劳动节,爸爸妈妈放弃了休息时间,陪我到宝应去参加围棋升段比赛。刚开始报名的时候,尽管我的实力还没有达到,但我的热情很高,我积极地向老师争取,最终老师答应了。 30日早上,我们5点半就起床,6点多出发,到宝应已经7点半了,还好,离比赛还有半小时。我的第一场比赛打的很顺手,轻轻松松地将对手拿下。从考场出来,我心情好极了,第一时间告诉爸妈我的战果,他们也为我高兴。不一会儿,其他考场我熟悉的同学也出来了,他们有输有赢,我因为自己的胜利,对他们的情况只是问问而已,并不放在心上。与他们玩的非常开心,差点忘记这次是来比赛的了。 第二场开始了,我坐进了赛场,还没有从刚才的玩乐中完全清醒过来,就听裁判老师说“可以开始了”,我心神不定的与对手摆起了棋子,他执黑,我执白,他放在这,我就紧跟在他后;他放那,我也毫不示弱,追着他放。他快,我

也不慢,就这样,两路棋子摆完,我们的速度也是很惊人的,外人看来,我们俩不像是下棋,而是在“拣豆子”,你一个,我一个。这一盘,就在我们的“拣豆子”游戏中飞快地结束了,后来听老师说只用了10分钟,比赛结果,我输,他赢。这下,我没有了第一盘的喜悦,但是,我还有的是机会,出来后,我又照样和同学在一起打打闹闹。 就这样,第一天,我赢一盘,输三盘。妈妈说,我是输在下棋太快,没有经过认真思考,就只赶着下棋子。我可不这样想,心里很不服气,我明明也思考了呀,为什么总是说我不动脑筋呢。不管了,先玩吧,明天还有三场呢,我不相信我不赢。 第二天,我又按着自己的方法,和对手15分钟就下完了第一场,结果,又被你猜中了,输。这下,我傻眼了,为什么我连输了四场呢?难道老师和爸妈的说法是对的吗?我真的没有认真思考吗?我没有看清棋盘上的局势吗?我太浮躁了吗?我在想着的时候,妈妈走过来,对我说:“儿子,这次我们只是来试试身手,妈妈对你的输赢并不太看重,但是,我最在意的你的下棋态度,这一点,你做的非常不好。希望下一场,你能够慢一点,哪怕只是下满半小时,我也看到你的进步了。”我经过好几次的失败打击之后,心情糟透了,听了妈妈说的话,我难过的眼泪都快要下来了。我答应妈妈,一定认真再认真,我就不信我不能赢。


Teaching Plan Contents: Reading Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming I.Analysis of the Teaching Material This article is from a magazine about global warming, which illustrates how global warming has come about and different attitudes to its effects. The passage is long, abstract and far away from their life. What’s more, there are many mouthful professional terms, which increases students’ difficulty while reading, although they have some knowledge about global warming. II. Analysis of the Students Students from Senior Two are the students in an excellent level, who have good abilities to read and speak. This unit talks about global warming, which has been taught in Geography. It will help students understand the text better and I believe the students will be interested in this class. However,because they pay little attention to this topic in the daily life, they may have few desire to speak something about global warming. III. Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objective 1) Enable the students to analyze how global warming has come about; 2) Get students know different attitudes towards global warming and its effects. 2. Competence objective Improve the students’ reading and speaking abilities. 3. Emotion objective 1) Develop student s’ teamwork. 2) Raise their awareness of global warming. IV. Important points Enable the students to understand how global warming has come about. V. D ifficult points Get the students understand how global warming has come about. Let the students understand the difficult sentences better. ①It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. (Line 6) ②All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due t o the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. (Line 18) ③This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.(Line 26-29) VI. Teaching aids: Multimedia classroom, printed material VII. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching, communicative teaching method VIII.Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead in and pre-reading (5 mins ) It’s reported that global temperatures continue to rise, making July 2016 the hottest month in the history of the earth. Did you feel extremely hot in July? When you felt hot, what did you do? Did you feel global temperatures going up quietly? Let’s look at a flash (global temperatures from 1850 to 2016). What information can you get? The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. Is it natural or caused by human being? Do you think what effects global warming will bring about? Is global warming beneficial or harmful? Today we’re going to read a magazine article about global warming. It will work out your puzzles. Please open your book and turn to P26. Today we are going to


阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 1 21世纪,会带给我们些什么呢?面对新世纪的曙光,我们对新世纪有太多太多的渴望和憧憬,但也清楚地知道,不尽的未来带给我们的还有太多太多的未知以及什么都可能有的变数。 请以"新世纪,我的渴望和憧憬"为话题写一篇文章。 【要求】①立意自定;②文体不限;③题目自拟;④不少于800字。 【提示】本题属对象和时间的限制。写作时要注意"我"和"新世纪",要写出自己的真情实感,要具有鲜明的时代感。 2 阅读下面一首短诗,根据要求作文。 散步的时候/ 我走直路/ 儿子却故意/ 把路走弯/ 我说/ 把路走直/ 就是捷径/ 儿子说/ 把路走弯/ 路就延长 请以"选择"为话题,写一篇抒发你对自己人生路的感受,或阐发你对人生路的看法的文章。【要求】①立意自定;②文体不限;③题目自拟;④不少于800字。 【提示】本题属范围的限制。作文选材范围是多方面的,如学生生活、社会生活、人生感悟、传统美德、哲理思辩等。本文内容一定是对"人生路"的感受或看法。 3 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 人生有"四气":奋发向上、百折不回的志气;铁面无私、令人敬畏的正气;披荆斩棘、舍生取义的勇气;求新求好、能做善做的才气。 请根据材料,以"人生的关键"为话题写一篇文章。 【要求】①立意自定;②文体不限;③题目自拟;④不少于800字。 【提示】本题属主旨的限制。文章主旨即为"四气"中的某一"气",如:人生的关键是要有奋发向上、百折不回的志气。 4 阅读下面一则寓言,根据要求作文。 海滩上撒满了彩色的贝壳,一群孩子在拾着。一个孩子捡起一枚贝壳,随手又把它丢弃。他已经寻找了一个下午,始终没有找到自己心目中那枚最美、最稀罕的贝壳。夕阳西下,海与天连成一片深深的蓝色,他的伙伴们已经捡了满满一篮子贝壳,只有他仍然拖着沉重的脚步在海滩上寻找…… 请以寓言的寓意为话题写一篇文章。 【要求】①不得只改写、扩写材料;②文体不限;③题目自拟;④不少于800字。 【提示】本题属主旨的限制。这则寓言实际上讲的是人们对人生目标的两种态度:或执着追求崇高的理想,或脚踏实地从小事做起。 5 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 宋朝大文豪苏轼读到王安石的《咏菊》"昨夜西风过园林,吹落黄花满地金"后,认为菊花并不落瓣,于是随后写道:"秋花不比春花落,说与诗人仔细吟。"后来苏轼调任黄州团练副使,在重阳节后的一天步入菊园,只见满地铺金,枝上已无一朵菊花,到此才知,同为菊花竟也有落瓣与不落瓣之分。


放假的感觉真好作文4篇 放假的感觉很好,放假了就可以到处去玩了,就可以有很多时间做平常做不了的事了,下面是关于放假的感觉真好的作文,欢迎大家阅读! 我最喜欢放假了,因为不用每天泡在学校苦闷,也不用天天回家写作业,更不用每天 早起去学校。假期作业恐怕少不了,但玩的时间会更多,一起去看看我的假期娱乐项目吧。 玩电脑是我的最爱。因为眼睛近视,妈妈归罪于电脑,我不能玩太久,但我有一个绝招——玩半个小时休息十分钟,这样,妈妈就不会管我了。我不玩现在最流行的游戏,我 只玩老套单机游戏《红警》,虽然不流行,但还够味!选三个简单的敌人,美国小镇,用 不了几十分钟,就把他们挂了。唉,真败,三个中等都打不过,算了! 不想玩电脑可以去公园,呼吸一下新鲜空气,玩玩健身器,强健骨骼,增加肺活量。 玩玩娱乐设施:碰碰船,打气球,打老鼠……应有尽有,玩多了也没意思,去下一站吧! 来到公园旁边的超级市场,我推了车子,拿上钱跑进琳琅满目的超市。一袋糖,一袋 果冻,一盒薯片,一瓶饮料……一共花了49元9角3分,收银员收了50元,没找钱,算 了吧。 假期,恐怕我还要去姥姥家,我的表弟盼星星,盼月亮的等我跟他放炮。还要去饭店,听说小舅舅发财了,要请我们大吃一顿。说不定,还要去滑雪……不过写作业还是唱主角,培训班不知能不能逃过,现在的家长总是把学习放在第一位,没办法。 “光阴似箭,日月如说。”在时间的长廊里,我们又送走了紧张的一个学期,迎来了 又一个暑假。每当老师宣布:“期末考试完毕!明日开始放假了…还没等老师的话说完, 我就欢呼起来:“放假了!放假了!”老师再说什么,我都听不进去了,心里只想摆脱书本 的束缚。一拥而出,奔向回家的道路,开开心心的过着我的暑假生活。 走出教室,我深呼了一口气。觉得自己像一只氢气球,在上学的日子里老师紧紧地牵 着我。放假了,老师放开了手中的线, 让我飞向梦想的地方。 放假的感觉真好啊!早上睡到十几点钟才睁开朦胧的睡眼,不慌不忙的穿上衣服,在 也不用担心爸妈的催促。津津有味地品尝各种风味小吃,再也不用三天两头只看一次电视了。抱上一本闲书故意走向父母身旁,再也不用怕父母反对了。 放假的感觉真好啊!可是好日子似乎永远都是那么短暂。对于即将成为毕业生的我, 似乎更加短暂了。 放假已数日,感觉一个字:爽。


幸福在那一刻绽放作文600字 【篇一:幸福在那一刻绽放作文600字】 幸福既复杂又简单;幸福既可以是父母搂住你的温暖的怀抱;幸福也可能是朋友一句短短的祝福,或是你得到老师认可时收获的一个微妙的眼神……。 去年冬天的某个夜晚,爸爸妈妈因为加班很晚都没回来。饥肠辘辘的我只能自己出门去买点吃的。冬日夜晚的街头凄冷而昏暗的灯光弥漫,一阵刺骨的冷风吹过,几片零落的叶子无力地旋转,一会儿又归于平静。马路上偶尔几辆汽车飞弛而过,似乎一刻也不愿停留。可能是因为天气冷,街上营业的店家不是很多,走了很长一段路,却看不见一家正在营业的饮食店。正当我失望透顶的时候,终于我看到了一家敞开着门,亮着灯的汤粉店。我赶忙加快了脚步来到了店门口。当我走到店门口时,看见有一位老人正在打扫卫生,他看到我正准备进店,说道:“我们店打烊了,到别的店吧”,我顿时绝望了:找了半天我就看到这一家店开着,看样子今天要饿肚子了。当我在店门口四下茫然地张望时,老人开口了:“这么晚了,你一个小孩子不要到处跑了,你进来吧,吃点什么?”“谢谢爷爷,给我来一碗肉丝汤粉”我高兴极了。老人穿着一件青色的长工作服,黑黑的脸上皱纹打堆,一双浑浊的眼睛却透出一种慈祥柔和的光,他用一双冻得开裂的手麻利地焯起米粉来。没到几分钟,一碗热腾腾的肉丝汤粉就端上了桌,我双手端起了大瓷碗,一股热流瞬间传遍了我的全身,那一刻我觉得这简简单单的一碗汤粉让我有了幸福的感觉。 时间过去了许久,每当我吃汤粉的时候,我总会不自觉地想起那个夜晚,那位穿着青衣的老人,那双浑浊但却慈祥的眼睛,那碗肉丝汤粉。那道我可以称之为幸福的感觉是那么实实在在,恍若就在昨日绽放。 【篇二:幸福在那一刻绽放作文600字】 幸福是什么?相信每个人心中都有属于自己的答案。有人认为幸福如夜空中的星星,明亮耀眼;有人认为幸福如展开的画卷,绚丽多彩;还有人认为幸福是貌若灼灼桃花,倾国倾城……。我认为幸福是一缕暖阳,是一泓清泉,是一片绿洲,是热心的付出,是生命对生命的感动。 记忆的琴弦拨回到两年前,那是一个初冬的下午,我放学后一如既往地去公交站台乘车回家,看到一辆229即将进站,我跑得气喘吁吁还是没赶上。倒霉的我只有在寒风中等下一辆车的到来,可能是等得时间较长,我有些受凉了。上公交车后,我在拥挤的车厢里找了一个位置站着,总有种想呕吐的感觉。我提醒自己分散注意力,可是难受的感觉愈发强烈,我想把背上的书包取下来拿餐巾纸,可是来不及,我“哇”的一声吐了出来,弄得手上、裤子上都是呕吐物。顿时,我的脸“唰”的一下就涨红了,我紧张地看了看四周,发现不少乘客都在看着我,我像一只惊慌失措的小鹿,心想今天可是糗大了,怎么办呀?我羞愧得低下头,不敢看他人的目光。这时一位大约20多岁的姐姐走到我身边,说:“小朋友,你怎么了?”她一边说着,
