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磅秤,weighing scale



机帆渔船,powered fishing boat 桅灯,masthead light

驾驶室,pilot house

机舱,engine room


捕鲸炮,harpoon gun

炮手,gun crew


雷达桅杆,radar mast


二号桅,No.2 mast

卸鱼舱盖,hold cover

艉龙门架,stern gentry


网具舱,fishing tackle cabin



拖网绞网机,trawl winch

鱼舱,fish hold

船员室,crew cabin


大拉网,hauling net

围网,purse net


围网船,purse seiner

网板,otter board; trawl board

刺网,gill net


网衣,net; mesh


沉子,sinker; weight

大折网,scoop net

延绳钓,long-line fishing


支线,hook line


海洋竿钓,ocean pole fishing

竿钓船,pole-fishing boat

自动竿钓机,automatic pole-fishing machine 钓鱼平台,pole-fishing platform

钓手,pole-fishing crew

钓竿,fishing pole

拖毛钓,trawling (with lines)


潜水镜diving mask

潜水衣,diving suit


淡水渔业,fresh water fishing

拉网,drag fishing

用鸬鹚捕鱼的渔夫,cormorant fisherman 撒网,cast net

抬网,drop net

大捞网,big scoop

蟹篓crab basket


冰下捕鱼,ice fishing

绞网机,net winch

冰眼,ice hole

大拉网,drag net

钓鱼具,fishing tackle

钓竿儿fishing rod

分节钓竿,jointed rod

玻璃钢鱼竿,glass rod


放线器,spinning reel; fly reel

小件鱼具盒,mini fishing kit

养殖业fish farming

养鱼场,fish farm


增氧机oxygen pump

饲料台,feeding frame

分塘饲养,separate fish farming

成鱼池,pond for mature fish

鱼秧池,pond for fingerlings

鱼苗池,pond for fry

网箱养鱼,fish culture in net pen

网箱,net cage

框架,net frame

取卵,roe collection


人工孵化,artificial hatching

牡蛎养殖场,oyster farm

桥石,bridge stone

竹排,bamboo raft

海带养殖场,kelp farm

水产加工,aquatic products processing 鱼干加工,fish drying

鱼肠加工,fish sausage processing

鱼露厂,fish sauce factory


专业英文术语 A【返回检索】 Abram's rule阿勃拉姆规则 Abrasion磨耗 Accelerated strength testing快速强度试验Acid resistance耐酸性 Adiabatic temperature rise绝热升温Admixture外加剂 Aggregate集料(混凝土) Air entrainment引气(加气) Autoclave高压釜 Accelerated curing快速养护 Absorbed water吸附水 Added water附加水 Aggregate bulk density集料松散容重 Auti-corrosion Admixture防锈剂Anisotropic materials各向异性材料 Air-entrained concrete引气混凝土 Air Entrain Admixture引气剂 Aggregate porosity集料孔隙率 Artificial marble人造大理石 Alite阿利特 Alkali-aggregate reaction碱-集料反应Alkalies in Portland cement波特兰水泥中的碱Alkali-silica reaction碱-二氧化硅反应Anhydrite无水石膏(硬石膏) Autoclave expansion test高压釜膨胀试验 Air-entrained concrete加气混凝土 Adhesion agent粘着剂Accelerating agent速凝剂 All mesh ferrocement无筋钢丝网水泥Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene丙烯氰-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚树脂(ABS) Air pockets鼓泡 Axial tensive property轴心受拉性能Axial compressive property轴心受压性能Air impermeability气密性 Abnormal Polypropylene无规聚丙烯(APP) Asbestos fibres石棉纤维 Asbestos insulation石棉绝热制品Autoclave expansion test压蒸法 Artificial人造石 Air entraining and water-reducing admixture 引气减水剂 Active addition活性混合材 Addition of cement水泥混合材Aluminoferic cement clinker铁铝酸盐水泥熟料 Age龄期,时期 Aluminum silicate wool硅酸铝棉Aluminum foil铝箔 Air space insulation封闭空气间层 Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal resistance)比热阻(热导率的倒数)Absorptivity吸收率 Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient)空气渗透率


建筑专业英语词汇(A) a block 空心块 a frame a 型框架 a line 支座反力影响线abaciscus 嵌饰 abacus 栏杆小柱顶 abamurus 扶壁 abat jour 灯罩 abat vent 遮阳帘 abbrasive wheel 磨盘 aberration 偏差 ability 能力 ablation 磨蚀酌 abode 住宅 above ground structure 地面建筑物abrasion 磨耗 abrasion concrete 磨蚀性混凝土abrasion hardness 耐磨硬度abrasion proof 耐磨的 abrasion resistance 耐磨性abrasion test 磨耗试验 abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion value 磨耗值 abrasive 磨料 abrasive aggregates 耐磨骨料abrasive disk 磨盘 abrasive paper 研磨纸 abrasive tile 粗面瓷砖 abridged notation 简化符号 abs plastic abs塑料 absolute deformation 绝对变形absolute displacement 绝对位移absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值 absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute weight 绝对重量absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂 absorbent filter 吸收剂滤器absorber 吸收器 absorbing ability 吸收能力


1DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design 2STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing 3CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载wind load 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period


材料科学基础常用英语词汇作者: davidzhangsh 发布日期: 2005-12-14 查 看数 : 154 出自: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9d14457200.html, 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell, 点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation, 成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation, 籽晶生长seeded growth, 均质核化homogeneous nucleation, 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation, 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment, 熟料grog, 自恰场self-consistent field 固溶体Solid solution: 有序固溶体ordered solid solution, 无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy, 无序合金disordered alloy. 无序点阵disordered lattice, 分散,扩散,弥散dispersal, 分散剂dispersant, 分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive,


土建专业常用英文词汇(较完整版) A-frame A型骨架水泥cement 粉煤灰pulverized fuel ash 碎石broken stone cracked sto ne A-truss A型构架供应量supply 外加剂admixture cement additive abrasion 磨耗;磨蚀桩的平面布置pile layo ut 伸缩接头expansion joint 稀释沥青cut back bitumen abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机回填backfill 摩擦角an angle of frictio n 颗粒材料granular fill abrasive grinding machine 磨机(火石机) 颗粒层granular layer 立方码cubic yard abrasive particle 磨粒psi =po und/square inch 英制压力单位Psi具体单位是“lb/in2”, 就是“磅/平方英寸”路堤embankment 粗滤层coarse fliter abso rptio n 吸收ingredients 组成部分,成分,原料;要素,因素job mix formula 工地配合比abutment 桥台;拱座sampling 抽样frequency of test 检测频率 abutting end 邻接端co mpliance with 遵守符合co nform to 遵照符合acceleratio n 加速 in accordance with 依照与…一致wet cohesion 湿粘聚力Asphalt Binder 沥青胶泥 acceleratio n lane 加速车道potholes 坑洞locatio n 现场 acceleratio n pedal 加速器踏板reno mattress 石笼垫层splash pad 冲刷层geo-textile 土工布accelerato r 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂free drainage 自由排水 acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门 access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处 access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道 access ro ad 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道 access staircase 通道楼梯 access step 上落踏板;出入踏板 access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶 accessory 附件;配件 accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 acco mmodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laborato ry 认可私营实验室 accumulato r 储压器;蓄电池 accuracy limit 准确度极限 acetylene cylinder 乙炔气(风煤)樽 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 aco ustic co uplant 声耦合剂 aco ustic co upler 声耦合器 aco ustic lining 隔音板


《土木工程材料》主要的计算类型: 1.Mix design calculation show a dry mix of cement 310kg, water 180kg, sand 688kg, and gravel 1220kg. The moisture contents of sand and gravel are 3.5% and 1.8% respectively. Find the field mix proportions. 2.Dry mix proportions of C20 concrete is 1:2.6:4.6:0.6, the other conditions are: specific gravity of cement=3.1g/cm3, Apparent density of sand=2.6g/cm3 Please calculate; (1)The amount of each compound in 1m3 concrete. (2)When check the above mix proportions and 5% of cement and water must be extra-added to obtain qualified slump, and the apparent density of concrete mixture is tested as 2390kg/m3, please determine the amount of each compound after adjusting its workability. 3.The sieve analysis results of sand is as follows: Please judge how about the fineness of sand. 4. 500g river sand is oven dried to a constant weight 486g, please calculate water absorption of this sand. 5.The raw materials used in concrete are the following: Cement: 42.5MPa, Gravel: crushed stone, W/C=0.60 Question: Whether this materials can be used to produce some C30 concrete? 6. One block of standard clay brick, the dimension is 240mm×115mm×53mm. its


建筑专业常用英语词汇 A design basis 设计依据 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 标准规范standards and codes 、 条件图information drawing 设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart 工程地质资料engineering geological data 原始资料original data 设计进度schedule of design B … stage of design 设计阶段 方案scheme, draft 草图sketch 会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判negotiation 可行性研究feasibility study [ 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 询价图enquiry drawing 施工图working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图as built drawing C # climate condition 气象条件 日照sunshine 风玫瑰wind rose 主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity

风荷载wind load % 最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane 台风typhoon 旋风cyclone 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 湿球温度wet bulb temperature # 干球温度dry bulb temperature 冰冻期frost period 冰冻线frost line 冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision 不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure ! 相对湿度relative humidity D general room name 常用房间名称 办公室office 服务用房service room ` 换班室shift room 休息室rest room (break room) 起居室living room 浴室bathroom 淋浴间shower 更衣室locker room 厕所lavatory 门厅lobby | 诊室clinic 工作间workshop 电气开关室switchroom 走廊corridor 档案室archive 电梯机房lift motor room


常用工程英语词汇 Construction Site 建筑工地 Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意。 Danger of death. Keep out. 生命危险,严禁入内。 Danger,building site, keep out 工地危险,禁止入内。 Danger,evacuation 危险,请走开 Dangerous structure, this bridge is unsafe 危险结构,该桥不安全。 Hot work in progress 正在施工 No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不许越过此处。 Safety footwear.穿安全靴 Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。 Site entrance, dangerous 工地入口,危险 Slow, site entrance 工地入口请慢行 This button has been moved for remedial work 该按钮已卸下拿去修理。 This is just for construction personnel 仅供施工人员使用。 This lift is only for construction personal 此电梯仅供施工人员使用。 This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you fo r your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底完工,感谢你施工期间的宽容大度。 We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意。 Working overhead 上面在施工


土木工程材料的发展 摘要:这篇文章概要的描述了20世纪末运用在土木工程中建筑材料的一些问题同时展望了建筑材料的未来前景。对19世纪至20世纪基本建筑材料如钢和混凝土的一些改进做了分析。它描述了新材料如碳纤维增强复合材料,高强混凝土,高性能混凝土如何为材料的进一步发展创造了可能性。同时也介绍了现代胶合木结构的新机遇。指出了玻璃和塑料作为建筑材料运用在土木工程中的一些局限性。 重要词汇:钢,混凝土,高强混凝土,高性能混凝土,碳纤维增强复合材料,高层建筑,水中建筑 1.引言 土木工程——一门关于各式各样建筑的艺术——早在文明发展的初期就存在于人类的领域中了。这些建筑除了住宅还有公共建筑,工业建筑,桥梁,高架桥,隧道,公路和火车道,高速公路和飞机场,水库和仓库,水堰,大坝,水中建筑,电视塔,以及大量的构成我们生活环境的其他建筑。 土木工程领域中的人类活动可以追溯到很早以前,当人类观察他周围的自然环境并开始模仿改进它们以创造出更安全更好的生存环境。此外,比较早之前,他注意到了他的建筑“艺术品”除了具备安全性,耐久性和实用性外还应该具备和谐性美观性。Socrates曾经发表过相同的观点,他说,人类的一切创造均需要具备实用性,耐久性和美观性。 土木工程千百年的发展进程代表着与可利用材料,距离,高度,活载以及自然力量——水,火,风和地震的不断抗争。这些元素有些具有重要的意义,其他的一些具有次要的意义。首先提到的这些,对建筑材料发展的影响扮演着重要的角色。 首先,古代的人类群体使用的是天然材料如石头和木材。在时间的进程里,他们学会了如何用黏土来做成砖,一种人工石头,即首先先在阳光下晒干然后在烘干。在主要的文明中心(中东,近东和地中海地区)炎热的气候和短浅的经济思想导致了,在一个短的时间内,木材被淘汰出作为建筑材料的范畴。这在植被


建筑build; architecture; construct; architectural; architectural & industrial ceramics 建筑安装工程量construction work quantity 建筑板材building board 建筑材料表list of building materials 建筑材料检验building material testing 建筑材料行building material dealer 建筑材料运输列车construction train 建筑草图architectural sketch 建筑朝向building orientation 建筑成本预算construction cost estimate 建筑承包商building contractor 建筑尺度architectural scale 建筑处理architectural treatment 建筑创作architectural creation 建筑大五金architectural metalwork 建筑大样architectural detail 建筑单元building unit 建筑费construction cost 建筑风格architectural style 建筑辅助系统building subsystem 建筑钢construction(al) steel 建筑钢板building sheet 建筑高度building height; height of building 建筑高度分区building height zoning; height zoning 建筑工程升降机builder's lift 建筑工地选择siting 建筑工羊角锤头builder's claw hammer head 建筑工业building industry; construction industry 建筑工种building trades 建筑构思architectural conception 建筑构图composition on architecture; architectural composition 建筑构造building construction 建筑估价building cost estimate 建筑管理architectural control 建筑规程building regulations 建筑规范building code 建筑机械construction machinery; building machinery 建筑及维护规则recommendation 建筑结构building structure 建筑结构分析语言structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 建筑立面elevation of building; building elevation 建筑沥青bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10 建筑力学architectural mechanics 建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminum profile production line 建筑毛面积gross floor area 建筑毛造价gross building cost 建筑面积area of structure; covered area 建筑面积比floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) 建筑面积指标floor-space index (F.S.I.) 建筑模数building module


材料科学基础常用英语词汇 材料的类型Types of materials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer 部分材料性质复习Review of selected properties of materials, 电导率和电阻率conductivity and resistivity, 热导率thermal conductivity, 应力和应变stress and strain, 弹性应变elastic strain, 塑性应变plastic strain, 屈服强度yield strength, 最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength, 最大强度ultimate strength, 延展性ductility, 伸长率elongation, 断面收缩率reduction of area, 颈缩necking, 断裂强度breaking strength, 韧性toughness, 硬度hardness, 疲劳强度fatigue strength, 蜂窝honeycomb, 热脆性heat shortness, 晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,

点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point, 点阵参数lattice parameter, 密排六方hexagonal close-packed, 六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell, 体心立方body-centered cubic, 面心立方face-centered cubic, 弥勒指数Miller indices, 晶面crystal plane, 晶系crystal system, 晶向crystal direction, 相变机理Phase transformation mechanism: 成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition, 斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition, 有序无序转变disordered-order transition, 马氏体相变martensite phase transformation,成核nucleation, 成核机理nucleation mechanism, 成核势垒nucleation barrier, 晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal, (金属组织的)基体quay, 基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix, 子晶,雏晶matted crystal, 耔晶,晶种seed crystal, 耔晶取向seed orientation,


PO,Purchase order,采购订单 TBE,To be executed,待执行or Technic bidding evaluation 技术标评价ANSI=American national standard insititute 美国标准化组织 AMSE=American society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工业工程协会 BWD=ButtWeld 对焊 SWF=Female socketwelding 内承插 TVB=Pipe or tube 管子 VENT=open to vent 放空口 SCF=Screwed Female 内螺纹 SCM=Screwed Male 外螺纹 SWM=Male Socketwelding 外承插焊 DP=Damper 风门 EJ=Expation Joint 膨胀节 FH=Flanged Hose 法兰连接软管 HC=Hose Coupling 软管活接头 RO=Restrict Orifice 限流孔板 RP=Rupture Plate 爆破板 RV=relief Valve 减压阀 SG=Sight Glass 视镜 SS=Safety shower & Eye Washer 安全淋浴洗眼器 ST=Steam Trap 疏水阀 STR=Strainer 过滤器 SV=Safety Valve 安全阀

TS=Temporary Strainer 临时过滤器 SL=Silencer 消音器 SP=Special Items 特殊管件 SY=Stack Yard 渣场 ESD=Emergency Shutdown System 紧急停车系统 DW=feeD Water 生活水 WFR=Fresh Water 新鲜水 FW=Fire protection Water 消防水 OD=Oiled Drain 含油废水 SD=Sewerage Drain 污水 CWSU=Cooling Water Supply 冷却循环给水 CWRT=Cooling Water Return 冷却循环回水 PA=Phoshoric Acid 磷酸 SO=seal oil 密封油 UR=urea 尿素 AA=Atmospheric Air FL=Flare gas 火炬气体 FLG=Flue Gas 烟道气 FG=Fuel GAS 燃料气 OFR=For Review 供审查 OFA=For Approval 供批准 ACF=Advancede Certified Final Drawing 最终确定版图纸


●房屋各部分 Parts of house 屋面 roof 屋脊 ridge 坡屋顶 pitched roof 单坡屋顶 pent roof, lean-to roof 人字屋顶 gable roof 四坡顶 hipped roof 屋面排水沟 valley 卷材防水屋面 membrane roof 找平层 screed-coat 防水层 damp-proof course 泛水 flashing 屋顶层 garret 阁楼 penthouse, loft, attic 天台 roof-deck 晒台 drying stage 组合烟囱 chimney stack 屋檐 eave 屋面排水 roofing drainage 檐沟,明沟 gutter 水落管 down-pipe, downspout 雨棚 canopy, awning 柱廊 colonnade 走廊 corridor 中庭 atrium 山墙 gable 女儿墙 parapet 山花 pediment 隅石砌 quoins 阳台 balcony, veranda 阳台栏杆 balustrade 阳台栏杆柱baluster, banister 平台 terrace 台阶 steps 梯子 ladder 梯级 step 楼梯 staircase(=step)楼梯踏步平板 tread 楼梯踏步竖板 riser 楼梯休息平台 landing 直角转弯平台quarter-space landing 梯宽 run of stair 梯高 rise of stair 楼梯扶手 rail, railing 回转梯corkscrew staircase,caracole 踏步突沿 nosing 窗子 window 百叶窗 blinds, louvers 旋转窗 balance window 平开窗,窗叶 casement 窗扇 sash 中旋窗 awning window 上下推拉窗 double-hung window 屋顶通气窗 clerestory 门窗亮子 transom 窗框 window frame 窗台 sill,cill 采光顶 sunroof 天窗 sunlight 老虎窗 dormer-window 通风窗 ventlight 落地窗 French window 墙壁 wall 承重墙 bearing wall 隔间 partition 空心墙 cavity wall 防火隔断(分区) compartmentation 剪力墙 shear panel 墙裙 wainscot 窗间墙 pier 幕墙 curtain wall 电梯 elevator, lift 自动扶梯 escalator 地板,楼面 floor 夹层楼面 entresol,mezzanine 楼座 balcony 楼板 slab 天花板 ceiling 壁炉andiron,fireplace, grate 地下室 basement 防火 fire-cut 防火门 fire door 耐热涂料heat-resisting paints 绝热 heat insulation 门槛 head-rail, sill 柱子 column,post,pillar 柱头 column cap, head 斜撑 knee brace 悬索 catenary 梁 beam 基础梁 grade beam 钢板梁 plate girder 工字梁 I-beam 过梁 lintel, lintol, head 椽子 purlin 基础 foundation 碎石垫层 hard core 混凝土地基concrete foundation 基座、柱础 pedestal 独立基础 isolated footing 放大基础 spreading footing 条形基础 strip footing 筏式基础 mat foundation 浮筏基础floating foundation 沉箱基础 caisson 化粪池 cesspool, septic tank 伸缩缝 expansion joint 冷桥 thermal bridge 散水 wash, apron 披水板 weathering-board 桁架 truss 组合桁架 composite truss 框架 framework 模板 formwork 拱券 arch 穹顶 dome 平拱 flat arch 筒拱 vault, vaulted roof 半圆穹顶 concha 瓦 shingle, tile 砖 brick 瓷砖 ceramic tile 玻璃砖 glass blocks 大理石 marble 花岗岩 granite 水磨石 terrazzo 砌块 masonry 混凝土 concrete 预制混凝土 pre-cast concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 钢筋 steel reinforcement 水泥 cement 抹灰,灰泥 plaster, stucco 熟石灰hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆 mortar 抹灰层 floated coat 饰面 finish 木砖grounds, timber brick 石膏 gypsum 石膏板 plaster slab 夹胶玻璃 plyglass 胶合板 plywood, clip-board 脚手架 scaffolding 悬臂 cantilever 叠涩,牛腿 corbel 遮阳 sun shading ●制图与构图用语 草图 sketch, draft 图纸 drawing 施工图 working drawings 工程 project 方案 plan 总图 grid 总平面 site 平面 floor 立面 elevation 正立面 facade 剖面 section 详图 detail 门厅上部 upper foyer 比例尺 scale= 透视图,表现图 rendering 透视 perspective 轴测isometric perspective Axonometric projection 轴线 axis 建筑面积floor area, architecture area 相对标高relative elevation/level 层高,净空 headroom, headway


材料科学基础专业词汇:第一章晶体结构 原子质量单位Atomic mass unit (amu) 原子数Atomic number 原子量Atomic weight 波尔原子模型Bohr atomic model 键能Bonding energy 库仑力Coulombic force 共价键Covalent bond 分子的构型molecular configuration 电子构型electronic configuration 负电的Electronegative 正电的Electropositive 基态Ground state 氢键Hydrogen bond 离子键Ionic bond 同位素Isotope 金属键Metallic bond 摩尔Mole 泡利不相容原理Pauli exclusion principle 元素周期表Periodic table 原子atom 分子molecule 分子量molecule weight 极性分子Polar molecule 量子数quantum number 价电子valence electron 范德华键van der waals bond 电子轨道electron orbitals 点群point group 对称要素symmetry elements 各向异性anisotropy 原子堆积因数Atomic packing factor (APF) 体心立方结构body-centered cubic (BCC) 面心立方结构face-centered cubic (FCC) 布拉格定律bragg’s law 配位数coordination number 晶体结构crystal structure 晶系crystal system 晶体的crystalline 衍射diffraction 中子衍射neutron diffraction 电子衍射electron diffraction 晶界grain boundary 六方密堆积hexagonal close-packed (HCP) 鲍林规则Pauling’s rules NaCl型结构NaCl-type structure CsCl型结构Caesium Chloride structure 闪锌矿型结构Blende-type structure 纤锌矿型结构Wurtzite structure 金红石型结构Rutile structure 萤石型结构Fluorite structure 钙钛矿型结构Perovskite-type structure 尖晶石型结构Spinel-type structure 硅酸盐结构Structure of silicates 岛状结构Island structure 链状结构Chain structure 层状结构Layer structure 架状结构Framework structure 滑石talc 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 高岭石kaolinite 石英quartz 长石feldspar 美橄榄石forsterite 各向同性的isotropic 各向异性的anisotropy 晶格lattice 晶格参数lattice parameters 密勒指数miller indices 非结晶的noncrystalline 多晶的polycrystalline 多晶形polymorphism 单晶single crystal 晶胞unit cell 电位electron states (化合)价valence


结构工程常用英语词汇 混凝土:concrete 钢筋:reinforcing steel bar 钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete(RC) 钢筋混凝土结构:reinforced concrete structure 板式楼梯:cranked slab stairs 刚度:rigidity 徐变:creep 水泥:cement 钢筋保护层:cover to reinforcement 梁:beam 柱:column 板:slab 剪力墙:shear wall 基础:foundation 剪力:shear 剪切变形:shear deformation 剪切模量:shear modulus 拉力:tension 压力:pressure 延伸率:percentage of elongation 位移:displacement 应力:stress 应变:strain 应力集中:concentration of stresses 应力松弛:stress relaxation 应力图:stress diagram 应力应变曲线:stress-strain curve 应力状态:state of stress 钢丝:steel wire 箍筋:hoop reinforcement 箍筋间距:stirrup spacing 加载:loading 抗压强度:compressive strength 抗弯强度:bending strength 抗扭强度:torsional strength 抗拉强度:tensile strength 裂缝:crack 屈服:yield 屈服点:yield point 屈服荷载:yield load 屈服极限:limit of yielding 屈服强度:yield strength 屈服强度下限:lower limit of yield 荷载:load 横截面:cross section 承载力:bearing capacity 承重结构:bearing structure 弹性模量:elastic modulus 预应力钢筋混凝土:prestressed reinforced concrete 预应力钢筋:prestressed reinforcement 预应力损失:loss of prestress 预制板:precast slab 现浇钢筋混凝土结构:cast-in-place reinforced concrete 双向配筋:two-way reinforcement 主梁:main beam 次梁:secondary beam 弯矩:moment 悬臂梁:cantilever beam 延性:ductileity受弯构件:member in bending 受拉区:tensile region 受压区:compressive region 塑性:plasticity 轴向压力:axial pressure 轴向拉力:axial tension 吊车梁:crane beam 可靠性:reliability 粘结力:cohesive force 外力:external force 弯起钢筋:bent-up bar 弯曲破坏:bending failure 屋架:roof truss 素混凝土:non-reinforced concrete 无梁楼盖:flat slab 配筋率:reinforcement ratio 配箍率:stirrup ratio 泊松比:Poisson’s ratio 偏心受拉:eccentric tension 偏心受压:eccentric compression 偏心距:eccentric distance 疲劳强度:fatigue strength 偏心荷载:eccentric load 跨度:span 跨高比:span-to-depth ratio 跨中荷载:midspan load 框架结构:frame structure 集中荷载:concentrated load 分布荷载:distribution load 分布钢筋:distribution steel 挠度:deflection 设计荷载:design load 设计强度:design strength
