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GRE 较生僻词汇 字母顺序单词 A 开头

abash: To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert. //embarrassed confused //The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep

abscission: 1.the act of cutting off 2.(Botony) The shedding ofleaves, flowers, or fruits follwing the formation of the abscission zone.

abstemious: sparing esp in food and alcohol //Mary is xtremely abstemious as she wanted to become a supermodel. abstention: 1.a voluntary decision not to act, the act of refraining or abstaining l 2.An abstaining vote or voter: 12 ayes, 10 nays, and 8 abstentions


acquaint: to make familiar 1.acquaint sb. with sb./sth

acquiesce :accede without protest 1.acquiesce in plan/decision //syn: assent accede consent

acquisitiveness: desire to gain , aquire and possess

acquit:discharge 1.be acquitted of charges/crimes/murder //syn: absolve exculpate exonerate vindicate

acquittal:setting free of charge 1.the case resulted in acquittal of the defendent //syn: exculpation vindicaton acrimonious: rancorous , bitter and sharp 1.acrimonious dispute //petulant spiteful embittered acerbic peevish vitriolic astringent mordant irascible

acuity :acuteness of vision 1. mental acuity and spiritual insight //keenness delicacy perceptivity

acumen : shrewdness , insightfulness 1.business cumen //astuteness

adduce: cite as proof 1.adduce a concrete instance //syn. advance

adept: skilled or a skilled person 1.be adept at sth./ in doing sth. // proficient guru virtuoso

adhere : 1.stick fast by,stick to 2.devoted to belief/religion/party 3.carry out plan adhere to the plan/rules // cohere espouse

adhesive : 1.substance to bond things together 2.tending to adhere //adhesion

adjourn : 1.suspend Adjourn the meeting for a week2.to end The court adjourned 3.move to another place Adjourn to the kichen

adjudication :final judgment

adjunct : 1.a person/thing in auxiliary capacity 2.in auxiliary capacity

adjutant: military assistant

admonish: 1.to remind of obligations or duty Admonish him about his obligation 2.warn The teacher admonished him for being late3. counsel against He was ademonished against doing wrong //admonishment admonitory//rebuke chide reprove reproach reprimand

adore:1.adore sb. for (doing) sth=be in awe of sb. for doing sth

adorn: decorate Adorn with // ornament embellish alter wreathe

adroit: dexterous deft //ingenious nimble proficient artful adept cunning

adulate: flatter fawn on // blandish

adulterate: dilute or taint sth.with other substance Adulterate wine with drug //

adumbrate: 1.give a sketchy outline Adumbrate the plan 2.foreshadow The strife adumbrated the civil war 3.obscure // herald harbinger forerun prefigure

adversary: opponent // antagonist opposer dueler foe foeman // adversarial

adverse: adj. 1.in opposite direction Adverse selectioon 2. harmful Adverse circumstances // inauspicious unfavourable adversity: a state of misfortune or affliction ,calamitous event ,tragedy

advert:1.call attention to Advert to compensation issues

advocacy: n. the act of advocating and supporting a cause or proposal Advocy group She hopes her celebrity and advocacy will help the thousands struggling with mental disorders realize they are not alone

aerate: 1.add gas to liquid 2.supply with oxygen 3.expose to air Aerate your sneakers

aesthete: n. =esthete One who cultivates sensitivity to beauty esp in peotry and visual arts //aesthetic=esthetic adj. aesthetics n.

affable: easy and pleasant friendly An affable host //mellow breezy

affiliate: v. & n. 1. to accept as a member The HMO affilated the clinics last year 2.to associate as a member Affiliate herself with a club 3.A person, organization, or establishment associated with another as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member Network affiliates

affiliation : 1. a social or business relationship 2.the act of fonmally connected or joined The affiliation of the research center with the university

affinity:1.kinship 2.resemblance 3.strong preference or liking for sth. Mary's affinity for classical music accounts for her large collection of recordings

He has a close affinity with the landscape.// affection inclination aptitude disposition predisposition predilection habitude

affix: 1.attach to or append Affix a label to a package Affix a signature to the

document 2.to impute Affix blame to him //affix signature to

afflict:to cause suffer She was affliated by the death of her parents //1.afflict sb. with sb. I was foolish enough to afflict myself with my young cousin for the weekend 2.afflict sb. with sth. The virus afflicted everyone in the valley We were afflicted with all the worry that comes with raising a teenager // untune disconcert aggrieve tribulate strain smite plague

affluent: abundance sufficient well-off copious Affluent countries Affluent people

affront: n.& v.offend insult This affront to bjustice and decency cannot go unanswered. //discourtesy indignity spite


aggrandize: 1.extend 2.make greater in power,influence,stature,reputation. She often agggrandizes herself and disparages her colleagues 3.to exaggerate // embellish embroider lard dramatize glorify exaggerate hyperbolize canonize

aggravate: 1.to make worse 2. to rouse to exasperation , provoke The drug aggravates the pain // exasperate exacerbate aggregate: v.&n.&adj. gather sum total

aggrieve: distress // afflict anguish adversity

agile: nimble acute An agile mind// spry swift brisk lissom limber lithe

agitate: 1.to cause to move with violence or sudden force 2. to upset Agitated by the alarming news 3.to stir up //

1.agitate against sb./sth. The students were agitating against the closing of the old cafeteria

2.agitate for sth. The committee agitated for a change ,but nothing was done // foment stir up provoke stimulate rumpus crusade for=push for

agnostic: n. 1.One who's skeptical about existence of God 2. One who's doubtful or noncommittal about sth. adj.

1.being agnostic

2. doubtful or noncommittal

agog: adj. eager,highly excited , enthralled // all agog = suprised and amazed He sat there , all agog , as the master of ceremonies read his name as the winner of first prize. // avid expectant

agrarian: adj. relating to rural matters Agrarian country Agrarian life

agreeable:pleasant to one's taste // astisfactory hunky-dory jake palatable

agronomy: a branch of agriculture//agronomic agronomist

ail: v. 1.being ill,make indisposed She's been ailing for some time. The poor is ailing from inflation // good for what ails you :food that able to cure illness eg. Sally's beef broth is good for what ails you // agitate derail dismay distemper frazzle flurry perturb unhinge unsettle

aisle: have audiences rolling in the ailses:make them laughing loudly

akin: 1. of the same kin , related by blood 2. having a similar quality or character , analogous //Their schedules are also displayed on large television screens, akin to flight schedule displays in airports

alacrity:1. cheerful and willingness Accept the invitation with alacrity //briskness sprightliness

albeit: although // The number of concluded agreements indicates that international investment policymaking continued, albeit at a slower pace

alarmed: frightened, scared//But for some reason, it alarmed the other passengers and I was asked to de-bus. // daunted unnerved apprehensive dismayed startled distressed terrified

alchemy: a power or process of transmuting

alcove: a small recess opening off a larger room // niche

alibi:A form of defense whereby a defendant attempts to prove that he or she was elsewhere when the crime in question was committed. //Has he an alibi for the night of the murder?

alienate: 1.estrange,disaffect //alienate a friend 2.to transfer(property or right) to another //The living will aliened the property to the heirs. //alienate sb. from sb./sth. :to cause negative feeling The teacher alinated the class from the subject of calculus

alight: v.& adj. 1.to come down after flight A sparrow alight on a branch 2. to get down fromm vehicle,dismount Alight from the palne. The queen alight from the carriage 3.to come by chance Alight on a happy solution 4.burning

,lighted, illuminated The discarded match was still alight The sky was alighted with millions of stars

alkaline: pH greater than 7 ,containing an alkali

allay: to subdue or reduce intensity or severity,alleviate Allay their fears A breeze to allay the heat

allergy: 1.sensitive to certain substance 2. adverse sentiment, antipathy, aversion He has an allergy to studying. allegiant: Loyalty or obligation of loyalty,as to nation,sovereign,or cause //fidelity

allowance: 1.the act of allowing 2. an amount that's allowed Weekly allowance of two eggs 3.something,such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose: travel allowance that covers hotel bills 4.a price reduction,esp in exchange for used merchandise:gave us an allowce on our old car.5.consideration for possibilities:an allowance for rush-hour traffice in estimating travel time//make allowance(s) for sb./sth. :1.allow time,space,etc for sth. I'm making allowance for extra guests. 2.make excuses or explanation for,take into consideration :You're very late even when we make allowance for the weather. We have to make allowance for the age of the house when judge its condition.

alloy:mixture of metals //alloy sth. with sth. :combine She alloyed her courage with a helping wisdom.

allude:make indirect reference The candidate alluded to the recent war.

allure:entice lure Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investors

aloof:distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote She's aloof , detached from the world. //detached indifferent supercilious reserved

alternate: 1.choose The job will alternate between Gil and Ed.

amalgamate:1. alloy with mercury 2. mix //amalgamate sth. with sth. :to merge two things We'll amalgamate the company with another firm.

ambidextrous: 1. able to use both hands with equal facility. 2. adroit 3.deceptive or hypocritical

amble: to walk slowly, stroll //amble along :walk along casually. They ambled along the path. // saunter perambulation promenade mosey

ameliorate: to make better or tolerable // ameliorate the situation / pain

amenable:: 1.responsible, answerable 2.susceptible to suggesion 3. ready for , willing , suitable for // Mr. Bush is in a position to make his party more amenable to minorities and especially blacks. //Amenable to spending more time at home //The range of conditions amenable to surgical correction has also expanded dramatically during the past half-century //I've spoken to them and they tell me they are amenable to discussion

amity: friendship , cordiality //a youth club fostering amity among the city's many and diverse ethnic groups //lived together in goodwill and amity

amnesty: n.&v. 1.a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment 2.grant a pandon to //

About 70 political prisoners were also released under a large-scale amnesty for convicts in May

amortize: liquidate gradually by installment payments // Amortize debut/mortgage

amplification: result of amplifying(electricity) // amplification system

anachronism: sth./sb. seem to be displaced in time

anagram: a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase//The word ?°secure?± is an anagram of ?°rescue.?±

analgesia: absence of the sence of pain without loss of consciousness //Understanding the mechanism of cannabinoid-induced analgesia has been increased through the study of cannabinoid receptors

analgesic: n.&adj. 1.a medicine used to relieve pain 2.capable of relieving pain // Xyzaline is an analgesic and tranquilizer that can enhance performance by alleviating lameness or calming a nervous horse

analogous: similar or equivalent // These joint undertakings are like,well, you might think of them analogous to playing chamber music with a string quartet. // akin

analytical: using or skilled in using analysis // analytical mind/truth/approach

anarchist: an advocate of or a participant in anarchism

anarch: an adherent of anarchy

anarchy: 1.political disorder 2.absence of any cohesive principle

anathema:1. a detested person 2.a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication

anatomical: Concerned with anagtomy and dissection

ancestry: 1.the descendants of one individual 2.inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline//And there are two kinds. Most people of European or African ancestry have the "wet" kind: thick and sticky// lineage pedigree stemma bloodline

anecdote: a short account of an interesting of humorous incident //There is a little anecdote from that teach-in that I want to share with you that I think embodies some of the tensions in this novel.

anesthetic: n.& adj. 1.a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations 2.characterized by insensibility // It's also used as a local anesthetic for other types of small procedures

anguish: extreme mental distress //The loved ones of the British hostages are going through anguish and torment //I won't get into definitions of what torture is but it would cause somebody tremendous pain and anguish to keep them from sleeping

anhydrous: without water //With such low concentrations of hydrogen, the researchers suggest that the interior of the moon is anhydrous, or without water, as scientists had initially proposed long ago

animosity: hostility //There are now dozens, probably hundreds, of studies that show that people who would otherwise

show animosity towards one another, like blacks and whites in the United States, like each other more if they're brought together.

annals: a chronological account of events in successive years

annexation: 1.incorporation(territory) by joining or uniting //the French annexation of Madagascar as a colony in 1896//a protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation

annihilate: destroyed completelly, vanquish //I do not believe we ought to add troops in Afghanistan unless it is indispensable in our war against al-Qaida, "If it is, then we have to do whatever it takes because al-Qaida is out to annihilate us// eradicate decimate wipe out eliminate

annotate: to furnish (a literary work) with critical commetary or explanatory notes ,gloss a text//You can simply store an image of the document, or you can annotate it, rotate it or flip it.

anodize: coate a metal with an oxide coat

anomalous: deviating from the general or common order, abnormal

antagonistic: characterized by antagonism and antipathy,arousing animosity or hostility //Any long-term antagonistic relationship seemed to harbor this kind of codependency

antagonize: provoke the hostility of // Don't antagonize your boss

antecedent: n.& adj. 1.preceding occurrence 2.preceding in time or order

//Some patients state that lesions develop at the site of antecedent trauma//

It doesn't, in other words, derive from an antecedent single cause as an effect.// ascendant=ascendent

antedate: be earlier in time //The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions

anthology: a collection of selected literary passages

antic: a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement //

He smiles at the television cameras, sticks out his tongue with antic poses and hand gestures, strikes his "lightning bolt" pose, and tells reporters that he is on his way "to being a legend."//prank

anticlimax: a disappointing decline after a previous rise //THE election date had been an open secret for so long that its announcement this week might have come as an anticlimax.

antihistamine: a medicine used to treat and hyperesensitive reaction and colds //?1×é?ˉ°·ò??á

antiquated: so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period,like an antique //I think their management system is antiquated // obsolete antediluvian

antipathy: n. feeling of intense aversion //So there is this emotional antipathy to pronouncing what people now almost jokingly call the 'G' word."

antiseptic: n.& adj. 1.a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues

2.clean and honest //Because we had this kind of antiseptic separation between suffering and non-suffering until we are the one suffering.//The coarse, almost particulate sun was showering in through the window, filling the small antiseptic space with a false radiance

antithesis: n. exact opposite //Many see the software giant as the antithesis of everything that Linux stands for //It is a relic of colonial days and it is the very antithesis of multiculturalism// Hope is the antithesis of despire. // contrast

reverse converse inverse antipode

antithetical: sharply contrasted in character or purpose //Conservativism--deep organic forms of Conservativism is not antithetical to the Enlightenment, at least not entirely.//And if the two are antithetical then it makes sense.

anvil: a heavy block of iron on which hot metals are shaped by hammering

aorta: the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries

aphorism: adage maxim gnome proverb dictum precept axiom apothegm saw

aphoristic: relating to aphorism

aplomb: great coolness and composure under strain //assuredness //The way William had to put white gloves on before entering the carriage, not to mention the practiced aplomb with which he did up the buttons one-handed apocrypha: Writings or statements of questionable authorship or authenticity.//

apocryphal: of questionable authership or authenticity//There's been, probably apocryphal, stories about children who are raised by wolves or by dogs. // dubious legendary doubtful mythical spurious equivocal unverified

apolitical: politically neutral //We are apolitical, we are independent of any political party and we want to examine and rely on the evidence

apologist: a person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution//In this case you become an apologist for your own religion

apostasy: relingquishing of a religious belief, a political party, one'e principles, or a cause //After four days of an appeals trial for apostasy, Nadarkhani refused to recant his beliefs // defection renunciation

apostate: n.& adj. 1.a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend 2. not faithful to religion or party or cause // traitor deserter renegade defector heretic turncoat backslider

apostrophe: 1.the mark (') used to indicate the omission of one or more letters from a printed word 2.an address to an imaginary or absent person or a personification //The Purdue Online Writing Lab also explains how to use an apostrophe correctly in possessives and other cases

apparent: clearly revealed to the mind or senses

apparition: a ghostly appearing figure //Vanish in dark, the empty apparition

appease: 1.to bring peace, soothe , pacify 2. to satisfy or quell ( an appetiteor hunger or thirst ) // mollify assuage conciliate placate lenify gruntle propitiate

appeasement: the act of appeasing //To have us back away from those in order to get some kind of engagement seems to me, makes no sense because appeasement has never worked before and it seems to me to fly into that danger zone of appeasement, which is not wise policy

appetizer: food or drink to stimulate the appetite

applicable: can be applied , appropriate // pertinent apropos germane apposite apt relevant //That psychology is really hard and somewhat applicable to not just markets, but other things.

apposite: being of striking appropriateness and pertinence //Never can the punchline from the well-known Irish joke

have been more apposite.

apposition : 1. A construction in which a noun or noun phrase is placed with another as an explanatory equivalent 2. a putting into juxtaposition

appraise: 1.to evaluate 2. to estimate the quality, amout,ect //And,it is very important that the United States deal with the military, know who they are, know the individuals, and then be able to appraise how we might affect change // This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.


appreciable: possible to perceive , measure ,estimate // Just as important, its batteries can be recharged 1, 000 times without appreciable degradation in performance // perceptible substancial visible pronounced detectable perceivable

apprehensive: 1.anxious or fearful 2. capable of understanding and quick to apprehend // discerning uneasy // People are still terribly apprehensive about the future. //

apprehensible: capable of being understood // The language of photography is a universal communication media apprehensible to everybody. // perceivable comprehensible comprehendible

apprise: to inform //to be apprised of the death of an old friend //apprise of :I hope you will apprise me of any change

approbate: to sanction offically , authorize

approbation: 1. warm approval ,praise 2. official approval //Milton would insert into the printed text of his poem his own anticipation that his epic would receive the same universal approbation as Homer's and Virgil's. //confirmation authorization endorsement ratification assent

appropriate: adj.& v. 1.suitble for 2.to set apart for specific use 2. to take possesion of //Lee appropriated my unread newspaper and never returned it

// earmark set aside reserve allot assign

appropriation: 1.act of setting apart of taking for one's own use 2. a sum of money set apart for a specific purpose

aptitude: an inherent ability , as for leaning , a talent // aptitude for math

apt: 1.appropriate, apropos 2,having a natural tendency , inclined 3. quick to learn and understand // She is apt to take offense easily. An apt student An apt remark // liable prone predisposed

aqueduct: 1.a conduit used to convey water over a long distance 2. a structure , usually a bridge , that carries a conduit

arabesque: 1. a ballet position in which the dancer bends forward while standing on one straight leg with the arm extended forward and the other arm and leg extended backward 2. a complex , ornate design of intertwined floral , foliate ,and geometric figures

arable: capable of being farmed,fit for cultivation//The land had been divided into plots and distributed to residents who had no arable soil of their own.//fertile fecund cultivable tillable ploughable

arbiter: 1.one chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed issue, an arbitrator 2.one who has the power to judge or ordain at will An arbiter of fashion

arbitrary: 1.determined by whim or impulse, not by necessity, reason or principle. 2.based on or subject to individual judgment //Resources are only allocated from the data sources, and not at arbitrary places in the code // random erratic whimsical capricious

arbitrate: 1. to judge or decide in the manner of an arbitrator. 2.to submit to settlement by arbitration //Someone must arbitrate between opposing parties

arbitration: the process by which the parties to a dispute submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person or group appointed by mutual consent or statutory provision //It was settled by compulsory arbitration. // arbitrament arbitrement

arboreal: 1.relating to or resembling a tree 2. living in trees, arboreous

arch: n.&v.&adj. 1.curve 2.to bend 3.chief, principal //In one, cover was created with eucalyptus branches and light levels were kept low, mimicking an arboreal habitat

arcane: know or understood by only a few//Not by some very arcane numeric address inside my computer's memory, but by a symbol, by a name.

// mysterious esoteric occult recondite

archaic: no longer current, antiquated //archaic laws //antiquated antediluvian

archetype: 1.original model on which something is patterned, a prototype 2. an ideal example of a type, quintessence // pilot prototype paradigm exemplar quitessence epitome //He is the archetype of a successful businessman.

archive: n. & v. 1. a depository containing historical records and documents 2. put into an archive // Archive or save everything important because you will have to get something from your archives at some point // annals chronicles rolls

ardent: 1. characterized by intense emotion,passionate 2. characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion. fervent 3. Burning , fiery ,glowing //Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career //And that's why we are so ardent about this -- for no other reason //He was one of the most ardent advocates of the Bush administration's war on terror. //keen eager avid zealous fervent vehement impassioned ablaze lusty amorous

ardor: n. 1.fiery intensity of feeling 2.strong enthusiasm or devotion , zeal 3. intense heat or glow // Here, you might say, is a genuine romance, its ardor unquenched by distance, confinement, and death. //

arduous: 1.demanding great effort or labor , difficult 2.testing severely the powers of endurance , strenuous. 3. hard to traverse , climb, or surmount. //Creating the medals is an arduous process. Each one weighs more than 500 grams and took more than 30 steps to manufacture //He never seeks credit for himself, but is always ready to take on arduous tasks // harsh taxing formidable fatiguing rigorous gruelling strenuous onerous laborious backbreaking toilsome

argumentative, argumentativeness, argumentation // quarrelsome belligerent combative opinionated litigious disputatious

aria: an elaborate song for solo voice

arid: 1. lacking moisture , especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees and woody plants 2. lacking insterest or feeling , lifeless and dull :A technically perfect but arid music performance // parched sterile torrid barren moistureless //

aristocracy: a hereditary ruling class, nobility

armada: 1. a fleet of warships 2. a large group of moving things An armada of ants crossing the lawn

armory: 1.a storehouse for arms, an arsenal 2.an arms factory //Next, he and the other criminals broke into the armory and carried off 20 rifles // arsenal armoury

arrhythmic: lacking rhythm or regularity of rhythm //Informed that at 270 pounds he's obese, with worryingly high blood pressure and an arrhythmic heartbeat, Roberts looks for a weight loss program that works for him. // jerking jerky

arson: the crime of maliciously , voluntarily and willfully setting fire //Curl was charged with five counts of first degree murder, criminal sexual assault, and arson //The woman faces charges of murder, attempted murder, arson and belonging to a terrorist organisation

artery: a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body

artifice: n. 1. an artful or crafty expedient, a stratagem 2.subtle but base deception 3. cleverness or skill , ingenuity // cunning scheming manoeuvre hoax expedient ruse guile stratagem contrivance chicanery //The first is Obama's aversion to the artifice of politics //But perhaps you?ˉre not convinced by these clever lab experiments performed mostly on undergrads.Perhaps you think the paradigms smack of artifice

articulate: adj.& v. 1.Expressing onself easily in clear and effective language: An articulate speaker 2.to express in coherent verbal form: Could't articulate my fears. 3.to pronouce distinctly and carefully , enunciate

artistic: 1. of or relating to art or artist 2. sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty: An artistic temprament 3. showing imagination and skill //Poets called it the Golden Age. A golden age now describes a historical period of great artistic,scientific or economic progress // aethetic esthetic

artisan: a skilled worker who prectices some trade or handicraft

ascend: v. 1. to go or move upward 2. to slope upward 3.to rise from a lower level 4.to succeed to , occupy : ascended the throne upon the death of her father //The cycle of reincarnation will be broken and your soul will ascend straight to heaven

ascent: n. 1.an upward slope 2. the act of changing location in an upward direction

ascertain: 1. to discover with certainty, as through examination or experiment

//determine//Thus,he says,it is not possible to ascertain who is responsible for the shelling or to make a definitive casualty count

ascetic: n. & adj. 1. someone who prectices self-denial as a spiritual discipline

2.leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial , especially for spiritual improvement.

3. pertaining to or characteristic fo an ascetic//The poem represents a kind of as does the short poem, "A Coat" represents a kind of ascetic move, an active imaginative and rhetorical stripping-down.

aseptic: 1.free of pathogenic microorganisms : aseptic surgical instrument 2. lacking animation or emotion: an aseptic smile //sterile

ascribe: attribute or credit to a specific cause, source , or origin: Other people ascribe his exclusion from the canon to an unsubtle form of racism. 2. to assign as a quality of characteristic: She was quick to ascribe jealousy to her critics. //

asperation: 1. An damaging remark, slander 2. the act of slandering 3.a sprinkling , especially with holly water. // We cast no aspersion on the man or his program.// disparage slur depreciate derogate calumny denigrate reproach smear censure vituperation

asperity: 1. Roughness or harshness of a surface, sound, taste, climate: the asperity of northern winters. 2.roughness or sharpness of temper 2. A condition hard to endure, affliction 4.(Physics) the elastically compressed region of contact between two surfaces caused by the normal force //sharpness acrimony harshness peevishness crabbedness acerbity sullenness

aspiration: 1. strong desire to achieve something. 2. the act of breathing 3. removal of air or fluid from a body cavity by suction //aim longing endeavour

assail: 1.to attack violently, assault 2. to criticize or ridicule vehemently 3.to beset or disturb: his mind was assailed by doubts 4.to encounter with intention of mastering: to assail a problem , to assail a difficulty //Nightmare assailed him regularly // criticize, abuse, blast, malign, berate, revile

assay: n.& v. 1. to subject to chemical analysis, as in the determinatiion of the amount of impurity 2. to test, analyse, or evaluate

assemble: 1.to bring or call together into a group or whole: assembled the jury 2. to fit together the parts of pieces of: assemble a machine; assemble data 3.to congregate. // rally flock convene summon muster

assent: v. & n. 1.to agree 2. agreement, concurrence: reached assent on a course of action 3. consent, acquiescence: gave my assent to the plan // accede

// assent to sth. : I agree to what you suggest.

assert: 1. to state or express positively, affirm: asserted his innocence 2.To defend or maintain(one's rights) // asseverate maintain avow swan aver //

Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself//

Assert onself: to act boldly or forcefully, esp in defending one's rights or stating an opinion.

assertive: confidently aggressive // assertive policy/ posture

assess: 1. to judge the worth, importance... 2.to impose a tax, fine, etc. on//evaluate valuate tax // As officials assess the damage, Chief Fiu John Saelua says people of the village are optimistic, despite their losses // The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement

assiduous: 1.diligent, industrious 2. unceasing, persistent: assiduous research // laborious sedulous indefatigable assignment: 1.

assimilate: 1. to learn and understand it thoroughly 2.to absorb and incorporate it into the body tissues 3. to become absorbed, incoporated, or learned and understood. 4.to become or cause to become similar 5.When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it.//There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to assimilate. //His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities.//What we eat is assimilated into our systems.//We assimilated many new experience on our European trip. // ingest absorb adapt

assort: 1. keep company with 2.arrange or order by classes or categories // to assort apples for market

assuage: 1. to soothe, moderate 2. to give relief to(thirst, appetite, etc.), satisfy 3. to pacify, calm // appease conciliate gruntle lenify mollify placate trranquillise alleviate meliorate // assuage one's grief/pain/anger/fear/hunger

assume: 1. to take for granted, accept without proof, suppose 2.to take upon oneself, undertake or take on or over: to assume office 3.to pretend to, feign 4. to take or put on, to adopt : The assumed the customs of their new country

5. arrogate: the revolutionaries assumed control of the city //

astound: 1. to astonish and bewilder // dazzle astonish overwhelm stagger stupefy

astringent: n.&adj. 1.a drug or lotion, such as alum, that causes contraction of body tissues, checking blood flow, or restricting secretions of fluids; styptic. 2.sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe: astringent remarks 3.tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic. 4.sour or bitter in taste //acerbic styptic

atrology: The study of the postition and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. // horoscope zodiac pseudoscience

asylum: a shelter from danger or hardship, refuge // sanctuary

asymptomatic: Neither causing nor exhibiting symptoms of disease.//symptomless

asynchronous: Lack of temporal concurrence, absence of synchronism

atherosclerosis: A form of arteriosclerosis characterized by the deposition of atheromatous plaques containing cholesterol and lipids on the innermost layer of the wall of large and medium-sized arteries.

atmospheric: 1. relating to atmosphere 2. produced by atmosphere

atonal: lacking a tonal center or key.

atrocity: 1.behaviour or an action that is wicked or ruthless 2. the act or quality of being atrocious 3. acts of extreme cuelty, esp against prisoners or civilians in wartime // barbarity

atrophy: n.& v. 1.a wasting away of an organ or part, or a failure to grow to normal size as the result of disease, faulty nutrition, etc. 2.any degeneration or diminution, esp through lack of use 3.to waste away or cause to waste away.

//They acknowledge that the midfielder's soccer skills would atrophy if he continued to play in Japan//The virus attacks the central nervous system, causing paralysis, muscular atrophy, deformation and, in some cases, death

attain: 1. to achieve or accomplish(task, goal, aim, etc.) 2. to reach or arrive at in space or time: to attain old age 3.to arrive with effort or exertion: to attain to glory //

attendant: n.& adj. 1. One who accompanies or waits upon another 2.a person employed to assist, guide, or provide a service for others, esp for the genneral public: a lavatory attendant 3. the person who is present 4.a logical consequence or natural accompaniment:: hatred is often an attendant of jealousy 5.being in attendance 6.associated: attendant problems

attentive: 1.give care or attention, watchful ,observant 2.careful to fulfil the needs or wants, considerate: she was always attentive to his needs //

attest: 1. to affirm the correctness or truth 2. to witness or bear witness by signature or oath 3. to make evident, demostrate: his life of luxury attests his wealth 4. to provide evidence for: the marks in the ground attests the presence of a fossil //Police records attest to his long history of violence.//John Freeman can attest to that. He says he received professional surgery and excellent care from attentive doctors and nurses//The witness attested to the suspect's presence at the scene of the crime.

attribute: v.& n. 1. to regard as belonging to, produced by, or resulting from; ascribe to: to attribute a painting to Picasso 2.a property, quality, or feature belonging to or representative of a person or thing 3. an object associated with and serving to identify a character, personage, or office:Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus //They attributed Edison?ˉs success to intelligence and hard work.

attune: 1.to adjust or accustom 2. to tune //She has attuned herself to living the quiet country. // to attune the voice to the harp // accustom set accord tune acclimatize // attune to :to bring sb. or sth. into accord with sb. or sth. else. // You should try to attune yourself to our needs and direction. //Try to attune your comments to the level of your audience audacious: 1.fearlessly, often recklessly daring, bold 2. unrestrained by convention or propriety, insolent, impudent, presumptuous //He was known for risky tactics that ranged from audacious to outrageous // dauntless intrepid brazen insolent barefaced bodacious brassy

augur: n.& v. 1. also called auspex (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed and interpreted omen and signs to help guide the making of public decisions 2. any prophet or soothsayer 3. to predict ,as from signs or omens. 4. bode , presage //Mounting sales augur a profitable year.//The movement of troops augurs ill for the peace of the area.

augury: 1. the art, ablity, or practice of auguring; divination 2. a sign of sth. coming, an omen

auspice: 1.(usually plural) patronage or guidance(esp in the phrase under the auspices of) 2. (often plural) a sign or omen, esp one that is favourable //The group's first release under the auspices of a major label was the song " Killing Time," which appeared on the Men in Black soundtrack. // under the aegis of

auspicious: attended by favorable circumstances, propitious: an auspicious time to ask for a raise in salary. //It is a traditional gift on other auspicious occasions, such as the birth of a child//Gentlemen, goggles.This is an auspicious moment.

austere: 1. stern or severe in attitude or manner: an austere schoolmaster 2. grave, sober, or serious: an austere expression 3.self-disciplined, abstemious, or ascetic: an austere life 4. severly simple or plain: an austere design //And always on display, throughout the years, the clothes - the parade of flamboyant costumes set off by the austere attire of his striking female bodyguards

aver: 1. to state positively, assert 2. to allege as a fact or prove to be true // He averred that he was innocent. //The prosecutor averred that the prisoner killed Lois.

aviary: a large enclosure in which birds are kept

avid: 1. very keen, enthusiastic: an avid reader 2, eager for: avid for revenge // ardent devouring zealous fervent

avow: 1.. to state or affirm 2.to admit openly // avouch attest aver affirm swan//He avowed himself (to be) a socialist.

awash: adj.& adv. 1.at a level even with the surface of the sea 2. washed over by the waves //awash with: If a place is awash with sth, it contains a large amount of it. :This is a company that is awash with cash // inundated afloat

awe: 1.overwhelming wonder, admiration, respect, or dread // reverence veneration

awl: a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes

axiomatic: 1.relating to, or resembling an axiom, self-evident:

axle: a bar or shaft on which a wheel, pair of wheels, or other rotating member revolves
