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English learning in the college

English learning in the college

English learning in the college

Time have passed so quickly that the English class will be finished.

Look back the passed half year , I find English writing not only give us great encouragement and the chance of English practice but also

For the practise in class I find my English writing have improved a lot and I am so happy for the progress in this aspect . On one hand English writing can be beneficial to communication with others in English , on the other hand it can also help me achieve more and more knowledge.

Although may be my english learning in college , I will study English by myself because the English will be a very useful tool for my life .

英语演讲稿What College Education Means to Me2篇

英语演讲稿What College Education Means to Me2篇 What college education means to me 编订:JinTai College

英语演讲稿What College Education Means to Me2篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的 讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感 情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文 档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英语演讲稿What College Education Means to Me 2、篇章2:大学生英语演讲稿 What College Education Means to Me 篇章1:英语演讲稿What College Education Means to Me the title of my speech is “what college education means to me”.now reflecting on the past two

and half years of my college experience, i come to realize how much it has shaped me. for me, college education is a marvelous ship-builder who designed me from kneel plates up. with great vision, college education has equipped me, first with a powerful propeller----the sophisticated knowledge in certain field and wide exposure to other disciplines. by dedicating myself to the engineering courses in the day and immersing myself in the rich banquet of the world literature at night, i’ve amassed the driving force for the future and enriched my soul. besides, college education has also provided me with a precise compass----the sense of social responsibility. how can i best serve the interest of the public while achieving my self-fulfillment? my one year’s experience as a part-time english teacher has testified: to be valuable to society as well as to find my place, i have to possess some actual strength and the ability to function well in the most


2020年苏州中考英语专练《翻译句子》(七年级上) (1) 1.我妹妹每天花1个小时练习游泳。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2.现在是把他叫醒的时候了吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 3.让我带你参观我们现代化的图书馆。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4.那个穿红色长裙的女孩擅长跳舞吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 5.阅读能帮助我们更多的了解世界。 ________________________________________________________________________ (2) 1.阅读能帮助我了解许多关于世界的事。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2.Andy通常放学后学中文。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3.让我带你们参观一下我们的学校。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4.我昨天打电话给你了,但你不在家。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5.她将在那儿待两个月。 ________________________________________________________________________ (3) 1.学习英语是一件乐事。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2.是该我们准备晚饭的时候了。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3.爸爸经常带你参观一些现代化的博物馆吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.周末,我喜欢从图书馆借各种各样的书。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5.我每天花半小时跑步,因为它对我的健康有好处。 ________________________________________________________________________ (4) 1.感谢你帮助我为这次聚会做准备。 2.我奶奶学跳舞只是为了消遣。 3.我们吃午饭的时候到了吗? 4.我很高兴带你参观我的校园。


五年级英语演讲稿(共3篇) 第1篇:五级英语演讲稿 五年级英语演讲稿 五年级英语演讲稿 I have a pencil-box.It’s very beautifu.I bought it in a shop.I’ve kept it for one year.It cost me teenty-foru yuan.I like it very much.This pencil-box is made of metal.It’s rather exquisite.Oh the face of the pencil-box, there are two pigs.One is “MiPig”.The other is “Mr Pig”.They look like being good friends.They get on very well with each other.The female is looking at herself in a mirror.She is in a red skirt and she looks very beautifu.The male is looking at her with a smile on his face.It seems that he’s happyity proud to be her best friend.Open the pencil-box, you can see some ball-pens, a ruler,an eraser and other https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9a6771879.html,ually, I usu them.Sometimes, I lend them to my clamates.I like them very much, you know.They’re my good friends.——When I was very young ,the sky in my hometown was nice and beautiful, the sky was very blue,and the air was fresh.There were some birds singing ,and there were many trees in the fields.I often played with my friends in the open air.I liked it.Now the people are rich ,but the sky in my homerown isn’t blue .the trees were cut down , and there aren’t many birds. And the air isn’t fresher than before.The rubbish is put here and there, it was bad for our health.So wo must do something to protect the environment.If we make a contribution to protecting the environment,the sky will bee much more beautiful.——i want to be a headmaster when i grow up.i think that’s a good job.my school is in the forest.it’s very beautiful.i go to work by benz at eight o’clock in the morning.the teachers in my school are kind and patient.the female teachers in my school are good looking and young.the male teachers are handsome and strong.they are


家乡的一处景物作文150字 家乡的一处景物我的家乡可美丽了!不信,我就当个向导,带你去看看吧! 我家门前是一条清澈见底的小河。小鱼、小虾在河里快快乐乐地生活着。岩石上长满了苔藓。小河上有一座拱形桥,夏天,小桥上天天坐满乘凉的人。左边是一个小庭院,庭院里有几箱小蜂房,里面充满了蜂蜜味。香气喷喷,那是蜜蜂用辛苦地劳动换取的蜜。里面蜜蜂非常多,有的在勤劳地采蜜,有的懒懒地沉睡,还有的欢乐地跳起了“团舞”。看,它们有繁忙也有悠闲,真有趣!后面是片竹林,那里竹林连成一片,象一条绿色的海洋。春天走进竹林,你会见到地上长满了竹笋。它们像小宝宝躺在地上一样迎接着我们。右边是一个健身房。早晨健身房里挤满了许多人。 我的家乡美吗? 家乡的一处景物王瑀晗我的家乡在天津。天津的四季都很美丽。 春天来了,万物复苏,小草偷偷的探出头来,好像一个个害羞的小姑娘,躲躲藏藏,柳树披着一身碧绿的衣裳,一条条细细的柳条,随风舞动,真美啊!花儿清香,吸引着翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,它们把春天的大门打开了。 夏天到了。荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘,之间冒出来的荷花像亭亭玉立小姑娘一样。荷花上可爱的蜻蜓,飞飞停停。荷叶下活泼的小鱼在我眼前游过,快乐的吐着泡泡。还有蝉在树上不停地告诉我们“知了,知了”。夏天真好啊! 秋天,既是一个丰收的季节,还是一个万物改装的季节。秋姑娘带着果实和各种色彩来到世界。把枫树的树叶染成橘色,把苹果染成红色,鲜红色的像宝石,深红色的像玛瑙,而且吃起来香甜可口。 冬天。雪花飘落下来,为城市披上一件雪白色的大衣。孩子们扬着冻红了的小手,尽情的嬉戏。 这就是家乡的景色,我爱我的家乡——天津。 :家乡的一处景物我的家乡在宁围,听父母说,我的家乡是全国有名的强镇,经济发达。如果来过我们家乡的人,肯定会说我们的家乡更是一个美丽的、整洁的乐园。 说说我家对面的集镇吧!宽宽的柏油马路旁,种着许多桂花树。直挺挺的象一个个士兵,树下长着一株株迎春花,春风一吹,迎春花就绽开了笑脸,仿佛在告诉我们:春天来了!两边的高楼大厦鳞次栉比,似乎在比谁高。 再说说我家对面的那一片田地吧!看,春天来了!一大片桂花树抽出了新的枝条,长出了嫩绿的叶子。邻家伯伯种的豌豆已经迫不及待的钻了出来,想看看世界是什么样子的……一片生机勃勃的景象,肯定会让你流连忘返。 我爱我的家乡,欢迎您来我的家乡作客。 :家乡的小池塘吕尧外婆家的门前有一个小池塘。每天早上,鸭子们都排着队伍,摇摇摆摆地往池塘走去,小池就成了鸭子们的乐园。 小池塘是无私的。在池塘前面,有一片稻田,小池塘一次一次的浇灌着禾苗,它看着稻田里的禾苗发芽,长大,被收割…… 小池还是一道风景线,每当我站在外婆家的门口时,远看是山,近看是稻田,还有小池塘,山是那样青,稻田是那样黄,而小池塘水又是那样绿,多美啊!


in my 1 years of life, there have been many things. university days are the best part of them. i can never f et the days when i stepped into my university. i was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. i at once fell in love with it. after the arduous military training, i get absolutely absorbed in my studies. the classes given by the teachers are excellent. they provide us with information not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. they easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as i can. frankly speaking, at first i had some difficulty following the teachers. however, through my own efforts and thanks to my teachers' guidance, i made remarkable progress. now i've benefited a lot from lectures and many other academic reports. learning is a long process; i'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. this summer i got out of the ivory tower and entered the real world. a publishing house offered me a part-time jo b in pilation and revision. at the beginning i was belittled by my colleagues. but they were really surprised when i translated seven english articles over 5, words on only one day. gradually, they began to look at me with respectful eyes. in their opinion i turned out to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. i also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be truly happy. so i often take part in activities concerning public welfare. i once went to a barren mountain village with my classmates. we taught the kids there who could not afford school. while showing them how broad and how civilized the outer world is, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, their honesty and their purity. i couldn't control my tears on the day when we left. the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us, future teachers. besides study and social practice, there are entertainments as well. i do body building every day, hoping to keep healthy and energetic. we also write a play and put it on in our spare time. campus life is the most splendid time. but different people have different choices. the majority of students cherish their beautiful season and cherish the hope that one day they'll be e outstanding. but there are indeed some students still under ignorance. they gather together for eating, drinking or playing cards. they're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they f et pletely about their mission as college students and the hope of their motherland. finally, i do hope everybody can try their best to be e a worthy citizen of the country. i do hope everybody can be e the backbone of our nation and make great


句子翻译 将下列句子翻译成英语 (一)1.我的那台电脑出毛病了。 2.她迫不及待地想去度假。 3.学生们有必要学会何时学习、何时玩。 4.鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉的,你知道吗? 5.Simon当选为那场慈善演出的主持人。 (二)1.--- 这本书你借了多久了?--- 两天。 2.这部有关战争的影片值得一看。 3.消防员们花了四个小时才把火扑灭了。 4.我认为这本书对于孩子来说太难读了。 5.事后追悔不如事前稳妥。 (三)1.谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议。 2.Johnson先生叫我提醒你今天下午的会议。 3.我姐姐不喜欢那件衣服,因为它使她看上去较胖。 4.为什么不让孩子们做他们喜欢的事情? 5.你放学后要做几个小时家庭作业? (四)1.Helen喜欢谈论旅游,她去过很多地方。 2.他们看着火车,直到它消失在远处。 3.遇到生词查字典是一种好习惯。 4.他累得一躺下就睡着了。 5.我小的时候喜欢那部电影,但是现在已经没有那种感觉了。(五)1.我发现我们无法在三小时内到达那里。 2.你多久和朋友在网上聊一次天?

3.你们学校在公园的西北面,对吗? 4.让我们到乡村去帮助孩子们学习。 5.要想找个好工作,学好英语通常是必要的。 (六)1.应该教肓孩子们分享玩具。 2.除非你有地图,否则你会很容易迷路的。 3.男孩子们在操场上打篮球,而女孩子们在树下看书。 4.当你感到不愉快时,橙色能给你带来成功并使你振作。 5.他生病住院了。下班后一起去看他怎么样? (七)1.去北京的最快方式是乘飞机。 2.学生在校时间必须穿校服。 3.你无法想象当我听到那个消息时是多么惊讶。 4.现在很多人喜欢在网上而不是去商店购物。 5.然而,没有人能确定这些植物是否能产生足够的水。(八)1.他女儿已经放弃了出国的想法。 2.只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务。 3.请教我怎样在工作和玩耍两者之间获得一个平衡好吗? 4.告诉他们别在大街上踢足球。太危险了! 5.你的计划行不通的。我们得另想办法解决这个问题。(九)1.听说你对我们的机器人不满意,我们感到很抱歉。 2.据说他是这个城市最好的医生之一。 3.学英语最好的方法是尽可能地多说。 4.我的美国朋友Mike宁愿吃中餐,而不是西餐。 5.如果你运气好的话,你会免费获得一张音乐会的门票。

英语演讲稿开头:My dream.doc

英语演讲稿开头:My dream 演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿开头:My dream》,希望大家喜欢。 更多相关内容请参考以下链接: 竞聘演讲稿国旗下演讲稿建党节演讲稿八一建军节演讲稿师德师风演讲稿三分钟演讲稿 I enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation(准备). But life in the university is not as satisfactory(满意) as what I had expected. I become lazy and don’t want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I don’t know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy. Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I don’t want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five years.It’s very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the


三年级写景作文150字大全 1、秋天写景作文150字 秋天随处可见,马路上、公园里、果园里……不管哪里都有秋天的气息。 我走在马路上,看见小鸟飞过,它们叽叽喳喳的,仿佛告诉我们:“秋天来了!秋天来了!”一片片金黄色的叶子落下,仿佛是一只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,说多美,有多美。我也好似像一只蝴蝶,飘向远方。 公园里,好像来到的金色的天堂,我不禁赞叹:“真美哇。”我和朋友去放风筝,他告诉我他的身体也飘了起来,秋天真美。 果园里,有:梨、苹果、葡萄、柿子、橘子、柚子、香蕉、甘蔗……说的我垂涎欲滴。 我爱秋天。 2、美丽的大海 我的家乡有一片美丽的大海,哪里风景优美,空气清新,是游泳胜地。每到夏天,那里人山人海,还有很多人在游泳,热热闹闹的。 中午,阳光照在海水上,还水金灿灿的,美丽极了!最有趣的是那些躲在岩石后的小螃蟹啦!黄黄的身子,10只脚,一对强壮的钳子,一对横着走的脚,其他的脚都是用来捕捉食物用的。 傍晚,夕阳照在沙滩上,沙子像一个个黄金似的。还有沙滩上的贝壳,贝壳,贝壳形状各异,颜色不一,像天上掉下来的仙贝似的,沙滩上的沙子软软的,如果有人踩上去,就会有踩在白

云上的感觉。 还有很多人在沙滩山玩耍,有的在堆沙堡,有的在堆沙球,有的在挖沙子,有的在游泳…… 这就是美丽的大海,我家乡的大海。 3、三年级写景作文睡莲 奶奶家的后面是一个菜园,菜园里有一块爷爷亲手挖出来的小池塘。 爸爸把一些睡莲的种子种在了池塘里。不久,池塘里就有看睡莲的身影。睡莲是洁白无瑕的,她出淤泥而不染,真让人喜爱,她早上开花,下午就合了,像个小懒虫。 睡莲的花瓣是白色的,花心是金黄的,宛如几位穿着白裙的公主顶着王冠在水中嬉戏。荷叶围绕着睡莲,就像是她们的舞台。 婀娜的她们一会儿摆动作,一会儿看着水面上的自己,一会儿比谁开的艳……无忧无虑的。 花儿合了,我想,明天的睡莲一定更美! 4、美丽的家乡 我的家乡位于武安市,那里有很多风景优美的风景区,其中有美丽的京娘湖、七步沟、古武当山、长寿村等,美丽极了! 春天,小燕子从南方唧唧喳喳地飞回来,好像在说:“我们终于回来了!”它们从空中掠过,青的草,绿的叶,各色鲜艳的花儿,象赶集似的聚拢来,形成了光彩夺目的春天。 盛夏,绿绿的水果压弯了树枝。再往池塘中看,接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红,荷花美的就像一大幅活动的画,要是画家能画出这幅活的画,那么,画家的本领可真了不起。


英语演讲稿:英语演讲稿2分钟 Graduation Ceremony Speech Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is a special day. I appreciate our dear teacher Miss chen. She is responsible teacher and she usually makes us feel interested in learning English. She always hope that our English have made improvement. No matter how tired she is, she never gives up on us. And she give us enough encouragement. We will remember our great teacher forever. It gives me great pleasure to be entitled to such a precious opportunity to give a graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates of our college. First, I’d like to give our hearty thanks to you. Meet college, open my sight, to enrich my thoughts, washing my soul, moistens my life. Meet college, pick up a falling leaf, feel the passage of time. Mature autumn, tell me: the most precious thing in life is not the most shining, catch the youth, the most successful attitude rewards seasons. Meet college, we make so many friends in the college. We have a valuable friendship. The more you lean you more you


我的梦想高中生英语演讲稿 my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks~ 我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它 必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。 如果我是一名教师, 我可以教我的学生很多 知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中 国可能非常非常重要的。 他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人, 使中国成为更美好 的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真! [我的梦想高中生英语演讲稿


家乡的景色作文150字 本文是关于作文大全的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 家乡的景色作文150字(一) 大家好,我向你们介绍我的家乡。我的家在温州乐清市的乡镇里,那里很美丽。不仅风景优美。而且物产丰富,这是不是很美丽。 乡镇里有一座座高高的大楼,很多的汽车,还有家具城,我在向你们介绍我家,有最好喝的乌龙茶,有我家最好吃的清蒸牛肉,而且那里有好玩的地方前岸公园。 每次回家我都和我家人一起去公园玩,一走进公园看到一排排的柳树,小河里有一群群红色的鱼儿,里面还有碰碰车,太空球,恐怖城…… 我的家乡是不是很美啊,有空来我家乡玩哦。 家乡的景色作文150字(二) 我的家乡在江西。那里风景优美,树木茂盛,而且江西还是革命起义的地方。江西有个地方叫东山岭。那里景色迷人,树木茂盛,山顶还有一块石碑,石碑上写着革命烈士永垂不朽,意思就是纪念解放战争牺牲的解放军。东山岭可不是只有树木,而是从山脚到山头都有娱乐设施,比如说夏天是打气球,冬天时放火花。我觉得打气球最好玩,因为打破十个气球还能得到一个小礼物呢!还有东山岭也是鸟的天堂。夏天的清早,鸟儿们就在枝头歌唱和做游戏。还有些鸟儿在石

碑做窝。东山岭的下边是一个名叫休闲的广场。广场每天都很热闹,这我不知道这是为什么。我感到我的家乡很美,我很开心。 家乡的景色作文150字(三) 今天,我和爸爸妈妈来到了邯郸市老家。我们刚到那里,那里的景色色彩鲜艳,有一片绿色的玉米苗,犹如一片绿色的森林。还有一片洁白无瑕的棉花。 我们顺着老家的水泥地慢慢地走向我奶奶的家,我刚刚差不多的时候,爷爷已近在门口接我们了,我看见爷爷立马大婶喊道:“爷爷好”!爷爷说:“孙子啊!几年没见张着么高了”。总结,今年我去了家乡,家乡很美。 家乡的景色作文150字(四) 我的家乡在四川,那里风景优美,十分迷人。特别是家乡的果园和大海更让人难忘。 到了秋天,黄澄澄的橘子、红通通的苹果、弯弯的香蕉挂满枝头,到处都是丰收的景象。 除了累累果实外,我的家乡还有青的草、绿的叶,蓝蓝的天空、朗朗明月,更让人向往的是大海。一大早就有很多小孩来到海边捡贝壳,到了下午,很多人都会来到这里游泳,我则喜欢坐在海边欣赏迷人的晚霞。 瞧,我的家乡很美吧,欢迎你到四川来做客。 感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!

英语演讲稿范例:What College Education Means to Me

英语演讲稿范例:What College Education Means to Me What College Education Means to Me The title of my speech is “What college education means to me”.Now reflecting on the past two and half years of my college experience, I come to realize how much it has shaped me. For me, college education is a marvelous ship-builder who designed me from kneel plates up. With great vision, college education has equipped me, first with a powerful propeller----the sophisticated knowledge in certain field and wide exposure to other disciplines. By dedicating myself to the engineering courses in the day and immersing myself in the rich banquet of the world literature at night, I’ve amassed the driving force for the future and enriched my soul. Besides, college education has also provided me with a precise compass----the sense of social responsibility. How can I best serve the interest of the public while achieving my self-fulfillment? My one year’s experience as a part-time English teacher has testified: to be valuable to society as well as to find my place, I have to possess some actual strength and the ability to function well in the most challenging situation. Amid the hectic schedule that balances club activities, sports, and academic courses, I feel the rhythm and beauty in the intensity of my high-pitched life, knowing that I ’m on the right way.



内容比较贴近实际生活,难度较为平稳。 综合以上分析不难发现,16年中考阅读理解在形式上相比往年有所创新,题型较为新颖,体裁内容也较为丰富,包括诗歌、说明文、记叙文等,难度较15年稍有增加,整体较为平稳。 2015年苏州中考英语阅读,体裁丰富,话题多元,很迎合学生的口味,题目理解难度不大,符合历年中考命题特点。 A、B篇另辟蹊径,A篇给出一张地铁换乘路线图,与日常生活实际紧密相关,三题均是询问换乘站点、路线,只需要仔细对照上图,按照题目要求,找出应该问题不大。B篇阅读题材为书信,Wendy和Jack兄妹给同学写的一封关于他们在法国游玩趣事的一份信,四题分别为3题细节题以及1题主旨题。 C篇是一则关于特别的圣诞礼物的记叙文,话题近似寓言,主要讲述了一个男孩从思考特别的圣诞礼物到奇遇自己的圣诞礼物再到明白圣诞礼物特别含义的过程。此篇题型考查多样,四小问依次考查了细节题、猜词、主旨大意、推断四种题型。相比AB两篇,难度有所上升。D篇选题较为新颖,选择了时下较为流行的gap year,间隔年。间隔年可以培养学生的国际观念和积极的人生态度,学习生存技能,增进学生的自我了解,从而让他们找到自己真正想要的工作或者找到更好的工作,以一种“间隔”当前社会生活的方式,达到更好地融入当前社会的目的。最后的四道题分别考察了细节理解、句意推断和主旨大意。 整体来说,15的中考阅读理解难度不大,与考生生活贴切,具有时代气息,细节题和主旨题比例相得益彰,稳中求变。 4.词汇检测 16年的单词拼写从题型上来看,根据汉语注释以正确形式填空有7个,根据上下文有3个。与15年相同,没有变化;从词性来说考察了4个动词,3个名词,副词、人称代词、数词各考察了一个,15年的中考词汇检测题,从词性来看考察了4个动词,3个名词,形容词、副词和介词各一。相比下来,考察的知识点变化不大,但16年难度明显提升,考察的个别词汇较偏,大部分考生可能会在这些词汇上出问题。 5.句子翻译 2016年的句子翻译总体而言与15年相比难度有所提升。总体考察了三个简单句,两个复合句,第一句考察点why not后接动词原形;第二句考察点谚语三思而后行;第三句考察被动语态的结构;第四句考点宾语从句需要使用陈述句语序;第五句考察句型so...that... 2015的句子翻译总体难度较小,考察了三个简单句,两个主从复合句。第一句,语义考点为“一…就…”和“上交”,语法点为主将从现;第二句,考察“ It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.”句型的一般疑问句形式;第三句,考察 had better do sth. (最好做某事) 的否定形式, 即 had better not do sth.;第四句,“想知道”考生可以用 wonder 或 want to know 这种简单形式进行“合理避让”,但要注意宾语从句需要使用陈述句语序。最后一句,需要掌握“艺术品”works of art的表达,整体来说内容紧扣教材,设题平和,考生得分容易。 6.阅读表达 阅读表达是16年中考的一个新题型,也是接下来英语中考的趋势,通篇以对话的形式描述了一位母亲因孩子粗心,钱总是乱放,最终以带孩子到银行为孩子开办了银行账户来解决了这个问题,内容贴近生活,理解起来也非常简单,因为是新题型,所以难度不大,三个题目都是紧紧围绕文章内容来的,第一题为细节题,在文章中可直接找到答案;第二题需要根据文章内容进行概括,但难度不大;第三题为开放题,只要学生语言表达通畅,合乎逻辑即可得分。 7.书面表达 16年苏州市中考英语写作,考察学生作为一名迪士尼乐园的志愿者需要做到的一些事情,

英语演讲稿2分钟:My Dream 我的梦想

三一文库(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9a6771879.html,)/演讲稿 英语演讲稿2分钟:My Dream 我的 梦想 《英语演讲稿2分钟:MyDream我的梦想》,希望大家喜欢。 : 竞聘演讲稿国旗下演讲稿建党节演讲稿七一演讲稿师德师风演讲稿三分钟演讲稿 WhenIwasanaughtyboy,maybebecauseoftheinfluenceofthefilm."Xia oBingZhangGa",mydreamwastobeasoldierjustlikeZhangGa.Ithoughti fIwasasoldier,Ishouldbeabletoswim,diveandclimbtreesashedid.Itsee medtobeverywonderful.SoIbegantolearnswimming,divingandclimbi ngtrees.IpracticedeverydayandfinallyIcoulddothemwell.ButwhenIen teredjuniorhighschoolandhadthemilitarytraining.Isuddenlyfoundtha tbeingasoldierwasverydifficultandIwasn'tstrongenoughtobearit.Ihad togivemydreamup.

ButIwasn'tdiscouraged,andIhadnewaim,whichwastobeapostman,or rathertobeanewspaperboy.Asanewspaperboy.Icouldspeedalongstre etsonabikeandthrownewspapersontoeveryporch.That'salsoverycool .SoIstartedlearningtorideabicycle.Aftertheeverydaypractice,Icouldg overyfastbybicycle.Buttomydisappointment,thejobwhichIwantedon lyexistedinwesterncountiesnotinChina,becausetherewasnoporchinC hina.AndChinesepostmenhadtostuffverythicknewspapersintoverys mallmailboxesfromverynarrowentrances.ThejobwasfarfromwhatIha dexpected.Soonceagainmydreamfellthrough. PerhapsyouhavehadthesameexperienceasIandmostofyourdreamsh aven'tetrueyet.ButIthinkitdoesn'tmatter,becauseifyouhaveadream, you'llmakemanyeffortstorealizeit.Thiscourseisreallyimportant.IfIhad n'tdreamtofbeingasoldieroranewspaperboy.Iwouldn'thavelearnedt oswim,todive,toclimbtreesortorideabicycle.Evenifourdreamcan'tetr ue,you'lllearnmuchfromtheeffortsyouhavemade.SowhatIwanttotell usisthatdreamhelpsustogrowupandteachesushowtocontrolourlives. Itisdreamthatgivesuspowerandmakesourlivescolorful. 以上就是我们为大家提供的演讲稿范文,更多精彩尽在,敬请随时关注哦!
