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语言与文化 论文(英文)

The Relation between Language and Culture Abstract: Different countries have different cultures, and also different language. Language and culture are interdependent and interactional. Language is one of the most important carriers of culture. On the other hand, culture have a great impact on language, that is culture conditioning. Knowing the language and cultural backgrounds can help our communication. Instead, it will cause many communicative barriers. In this paper, we summarize the relationship between language and culture. And example to explain it’s impact on cross-culture communication. 摘要:不同的国家有不同的语言和文化,语言和文化是相互依赖、相互影响的,语言是文化的重要载体,另一方面,文化对语言也有制约作用。了解语言文化知识有助于我们的交际。相反地,缺乏语言文化背景知识必然会导致交际障碍。本文列举了语言与文化的关系,并举例说明了这种关系对跨文化交际的影响。 key words: language, cultures, relationship, communication 关键词:语言,文化,关系,交际 1. Introduction As we all know that different countries have different cultures, and also different language. Language and culture are interdependent and interactional. Language is one of the most important carriers of culture. On the other hand, culture have a great impact on language, that is culture conditioning. Language plays a very important role in all human activity. It’s one of the indispensable part of the social life of human. You can not imagine the world would be without language. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of human language is so mystical that people do not acquaint it entirely so far. Culture is the product of social life and national spirit. In other words, culture is the genetic code of difference among the various nation, country and region. Every country has its own culture formation and individuality. This special culture is one of the most important source of affinity and cohesion of a country. For this reason, we must protect and develop the culture of the various nation, country and region, keep variety of our global culture. 2. Relationship between language and culture Relationship between language and culture can be summarized as the following: (1). Language is part of culture. Like other cultural phenomenon, language is also a social phenomenon, it occurred with the production of society, and develops with the development of society. The language is with nationality, different nationalities often have different languages; Language is also human creation. It is the most important spiritual wealth of human society .We can say that language has all the attributes of culture, so language is also a kind of culture, one of the many cultural phenomenons. The human language is not only an integral part of culture, and also the most important part. (2).Language is the main carrier of culture. Although language is part of culture, other cultural phenomenon generally can't exist being independent from language. Only through language, culture can be preserved, extended and spread.


英文论文审稿意见汇总 1、目标和结果不清晰。 It is no ted that your manu script n eeds careful edit ing by some one with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader. 2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。 In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical me thods used in the study. . Furthermore, an expla natio n of why the authors did these various experime nts should be provided. 3、对于研究设计的ratio nale: Also, there are few expla nati ons of the rati on ale for the study desig n. 4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨: The con clusi ons are overstated. For example, the study did not show if the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.


Unconsciously, English songs and culture the door English elective course is approaching the end. Class see show students and the teacher introduce, played all kinds of English songs, let me develop the horizon and edify sentiment, at the same time, I have been thinking, so much is there any contact between songs, through access to information and personal perception of the songs, and draw some conclusion. The singers found that originated in the human inner original impulse, from the need of life rhythm. People have been using your own voice show their feelings, joy and sorrow. Overall, as a kind of human achievement, music is not only an individual creation consciousness performance art, also reflects some areas and even the whole social cultural ideological trend. To provide an overview of the development of western music, also confirm the western culture on context. Can say, a western music history, it is also a certain sense of western cultural history. From century religious music to a single to the liberation of the Renaissance, to modern music multiple that music development deeply branded with the background of The Times. Take for modern music, such as The s Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock is in The twentieth century since The two world wars to The people of The world brought serious disaster, trample on The human spirit home. People no longer believe that traditional culture ideal type to save power, pop songs and jazz free rhythm, improvisation skills to reflect the birth of the. But in The s: Simon &garfunkel - The sound of silence is The opposition to The Vietnam war, against racial discrimination, President Kennedy was stabbed The troubled times of The United States was born in The rock. The 90 s Alan Jackson - where were you when the world stopped turning embodies the teenagers in war haze shrouded of anger, rebel emotion. So the western music is a cultural symbol, its carrying cultural connotation and social culture constitutes the echo relationship, to better understanding of western music, will have a better understanding of music background.


Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Han Lin, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies and whose useful suggestions, incisive comments and constructive criticism have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. In the preparation of the thesis, her willingness to give me her time so generously has been much appreciated. Her tremendous assistance in developing the framework for analysis and in having gone through the draft versions of this thesis several times as well as her great care in life deserve more thanks than I can find words to express. Truly, without her painstaking efforts in revising and polishing my drafts, the completion of the present thesis would not have been possible. I do appreciate her patience, encouragement, and professional instructions during my thesis writing. She devotes a considerable portion of her time to reading my manuscripts and making suggestions for further revisions. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers in Foreign Language School of Shaanxi University of Technology who have helped me directly and indirectly in my studies, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. Any progress that I have made is the result of their profound concern and selfless devotion. Last but not the least, my gratitude also extends to my family who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life. Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my fellow classmates who have given me the warm help and precious time to work out my problems during the tough course of the thesis.


I ntroduction to Chinese and western cultural differences Language is the product of society, is the crystallization of human history and culture. It embodies a national passed from generation to generation of social consciousness, historical culture, customs and so on various aspects of human society all features. Different cultural background and cultural traditions, make Chinese and western ways of thinking, values, code of conduct and way of life, etc, there are also considerable cultural differences. Language is the carrier of culture, vocabulary is the concentration of the cultural information, is an important part of language, it reflects the culture of the development and change, but also directly reflect the cultural differences. In China more than two thousand years of feudal society in the process of history, Confucianism has dominated the deep-seated string dominance, in Chinese society has a very deep and long influence. Idea of a Chinese has always been to fall back as a classic, this is in the Confucian "golden mean" as the basic rules of behavior. The ideal of "in" is the Confucian pursuit, life to life Confucian benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, letter of ideological and moral concepts as each person's behavior guide, treat people, want to consider temperature, quite good, purge, thrifty, let, proud of modest, to be open-minded, to oppose overly


原创性声明 (黑体、小2号、加粗、居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行) □□本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。 (宋体小4号) 本人签名:(手签)日期:

摘□□要 (黑体小2 居中)(段前为0.5行、段后为0.5行) 《德伯家的苔丝》是19世纪英国批判现实主义小说家托马斯·哈代的代表作。哈代将其与其他几部作品一并归类于“性格与环境的小说”。以前对他的文学批评多以人物本身以及当时社会的人物构建为中心,采用马克思主义、消费主义和女性这一理论基础进行分析,本文将采用生态批评理论分析苔丝的悲剧成因。哈代认为社会转型期内的历史性的巨变不是进步,反而代表着失望和遗憾。工业革命和现代化的生活方式都导致女性逐步的脱离自然。在哈代的写作生涯中,他对人与自然、男性和女性的关系一直给予高度关注,他认为自然和人类是紧密相连的,自然是女性生存的沃土而女性则是自然的化身,女性和自然在经验与体验上都是相统一的,她们的命运也是相辅相成的,所以生态批评主义者倡导建构生态和谐的社会。不仅使大自然摆脱被剥削的命运,也激发人们对于日益严重的环境危机的生态保护意识。本文利用生态批评主义文学理论, 并通过文献综述法,从男性与女性关系和人类与自然关系两方面来揭示哈代《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝的悲剧根源。通过揭示苔丝悲剧的根本所在不仅能够警示读者认识到人类文明进步是以对自然环境的破坏为代价的,而且使人类意识到保护自然环境,与自然和谐相处的重要性。 (宋体小4,1.5倍行距 ) 中间无标点符号 关键词:生态批评主义□苔丝悲剧根源□女性和自然□和谐 (黑体4)(宋体小4) (所有文本页边距:上边距为25mm,下边距为20mm,左边距为25mm,右边距为20mm) 顺序为:中英文摘要、中英文目录、这四页页码为罗马数字


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Ancient Greek medicine This article is about the science and art of healing. For pharmaceutical drugs, see Medication. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). Statue of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, holding the symbolic Rod of Asclepius with its coiled serpent Medicine is the applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.[1] It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness in human beings. Contemporary medicine applies health science, biomedical research, and medical technology to diagnose and treat injury and disease, typically through medication or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints & traction, prostheses, biologics, ionizing radiation and others. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing History Prehistoric medicine incorporated plants (herbalism), animal parts and minerals. In many cases these materials were used ritually as magical substances by priests, shamans, or medicine men. Well-known spiritual systems include animism (the notion of inanimate objects having spirits), spiritualism (an appeal to gods or communion with ancestor spirits); shamanism (the vesting of an individual with mystic powers); and divination (magically obtaining the truth). The field of medical anthropology examines the ways in which culture and society are organized around or impacted by issues of health, health care and related issues. An ancient Greek patient gets medical treatment: this aryballos (circa 480–470 BCE, now in Paris's Louvre Museum) probably contained healing oil The Greek physician Hippocrates (ca. 460 BCE – ca. 370 BCE), considered the father of medicine.[4][5] Persian polymath, Avicenna, who, along with Imhotep and Hippocrates, has been called the "father of medicine" Early records on medicine have been discovered from ancient Egyptian medicine, Babylonian medicine, Ayurvedic medicine (in the Indian subcontinent), classical Chinese medicine (predecessor to the modern traditional Chinese Medicine), and ancient Greek medicine and Roman medicine. The Egyptian Imhotep (3rd millennium BC) is the first physician in history known by name. Earliest records of dedicated hospitals come from Mihintale in Sri Lanka where evidence of dedicated medicinal treatment facilities for patients are found.[6][7] The Indian surgeon Sushruta described numerous surgical operations, including the earliest forms of plastic surgery.[8][dubious – discuss][9] The Greek physician Hippocrates, the "father of medicine",[5][10] laid the foundation for a rational approach to medicine. Hippocrates introduced the Hippocratic Oath for physicians, which is still relevant and in use today, and was the first to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic, and use terms such as, "exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence".[11][12] The Greek physician Galen was also one of the greatest surgeons of the ancient world and performed many audacious operations, including brain and eye surgeries. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the onset of the Early Middle Ages, the Greek tradition of medicine


扉页(英文) CulturalFactorsinChinese&EnglishProverbs Translation (TimesNewRoman二号加粗居中) by LiHairong WangZhiyun,Tutor (TimesNewRoman小二居中) RegisteredNo.09 FacultyofForeignLanguages Shanghai Business School December,2011 (TimesNewRoman小二) 论文摘要(英文)及关键词 Abstract (TimesNewRoman二号,加粗,居中) Proverbsreflectcolorfulnationalculturein(TimesNewRoman四号)…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........................... .....………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (空一行) Keywords:proverbs;translation;culture;differences(TimesNewRoman四号) 说明: 1.关键词3-5个,词与词之间用分号隔开,除专有名词外,其他单词首字母不大写,最后一个词后面无标点符号。 2.“摘要”下空一行写摘要内容,摘要内容与关键词之间空一行。


The full-length novel Gone With The Wind, has been translated into more than thirty languages, and the bestseller for a long time in the world. Why could it’s charm last in such a long time? The reason mostly relied on it’s distinctive female characters---Scarlett, Melanie, Mammy and Belle Watling. 一.Scarlett O’Hara <一> Personality changes 1.Pre-war A. adolescent romantic B. simple capricious 2. Post-war A. strong persistent B. reality rational 3. Revelations to moderns A. in terms of workplace a. abreast of the times b. self-confidence B. in terms of interpersonal a. self-image b. unique personality <二> Views on marriage 1.Material view of marriage A. purpose B. just to be obtained not with pay 2.Revelations to moderns A. marriage is not a transaction B. balance in marriage <三> character full of contradictory and complexity 1.selfish---responsible 2.blind pursuit of love---casually take advantage of marriage 3.feminist consciousness---effect of Patriarchal society 一.Melanie Hamilton Wilkes <一> personality traits(the ordinary perfect) 1.ordinary---outside 2.perfect---intrinsic A. fraternity B. tolerant


英语论文选题 英语语言学 1. A Study of Adverbs in Legal English 2.Linguistic Features of Legal English 3.On Cultural Context in Legal English Articles 4.Sources of Chinese and English Legal Terms 5.Characteristics of Legal Terms 6.Functions of Languages in Legislation 7.Killing and its Hyponyms in Legal English 8.Punctuation in Legal English: for instance, comma, period, colon, etc. 9.Abbreviations in Legal English 10.Transitional Words in Legal English 11.The Application of the Fuzzy Words in Legal English法律语言模糊性词语的运用 12.The Differences of the Legal Discourse in Chinese and English英汉法律语篇的结构差异 13.On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象 14.On the Multi-discipline of the Economic English V ocabulary论经济英语语汇的多学科性 15.On the Features of Business English Letters浅谈外经贸英语信函的写作特点 16.Adjusting the Tone in International Business English经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究 17.The Stylistic Features of the Contract English协议、合同英语的文体特点 18.On Modifiers of Nouns in English for Foreign Economy & Trade略谈外经贸英语中的名词 修饰语 19.The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language in Business Writing论模糊语言在经 贸英语写作中的作用 20.The Application of PP (Polite Principle) in Business English Communication 21.CP(Cooperative Principle)and Business English Interpretation 22.Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages 23.Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts 24.Remarks on Modern American Slang 25.Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News 26.News Headlines: Their Features and Style 27.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions


1. Introduction: A. 如何指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出自己研究的重要性? 在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。如:However, little information(little attention/little work/little data/little research……)(or few studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……)(or no/none of these studies……)has(have)been done on(focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglected to/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. thus, these previus results are inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist…… 研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)…… 强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍与自己研究问题相反或相关的问题。比如:(1)时间问题;(2)研究手段问题;(3)研究区域问题;(4)不确定性;(5)提出自己的假设来验证。 如果你研究的问题在时间上比较新,你可大量提及时间较老问题的研究及重要性,然后(However)表明“对时间尺度比较新的问题研究不足”; 如果你的是一种新的研究手段或研究方向,你可提出当前流行的方法及其物质性质,然后(However)说对你所研究的方向方法研究甚少; 如果研究涉及区域问题,就先总结相邻区域或其它区域的研究,然后(However)强调这一区域的研究不足; 虽然前人对某一问题研究很多,但目前有两种或更多种观点,这种uncertanties或ambiguities 值得进一步澄清; 如果自己的研究是全是新的,没有前人的工作可对比,你就可以自信地说“根据假设提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要证实这种结果”等等。We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away) with our proposed method (approach). B. 提出自己的观点:We aim to//This paper reports on//This paper provides results//This paper extends the method//This paper focus on……The purpose of this paper is to……Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss…… C. 圈定自己的研究范围:introduction的另一个作用就是告诉读者(包括reviewer),你文章的主要研究内容。如果处理不好,reviewer会提出严厉的建议,比如你没有考虑某种可能性,某种研究手段等。为减少这种争论,在前言的结尾就必须明确提出本文研究的范围: (1)时间尺度; (2) 研究区域等。如涉及较长的时序,你可明确提出本文只关心某一特定时间范围的问题,We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)……如有两种时间尺度(long-term and short term),你可说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种。研究区域的问题,和时间问题一样,也需明确提出你只关心某一特定区域! D. 最后的原场:在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出“这一研究对其它研究有什么帮助”;或者说further studies on……will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)。总之,其目的就是让读者把思路集中到你要讨论的问题上来。尽量减少不必要的争论(arguments)。 2. Discussion:
