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4. The Fourier series is a particular type of orthogonal series representation that is very useful in solving engineering problems, especial communication problems. The orthogonal functions that are used are either sinusoids, or, equivalently, complex exponential functions.


5. For periodic waveforms, the Fourier series representations are valid over all time. Consequently, the (two-side) spectrum, which depends on the waveshape from t=–∞to t=∞, may be evaluated in terms of Fourier coefficients.


4. It should be clear that the spectrum of a voltage (or current) waveform is obtained by a mathematical calculation and that it does not appear physically in an actual circuit. f is just a parameter (called frequency) that determines which point of the spectral function is to be evaluated.


5. One of the particular interest is the consequence of working with real waveforms. In any physical circuit that can be built, the voltage (or current) waveforms are real functions (as opposed to complex functions) of time.


work 起作用,造成

4. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is an engineering term that is used to describe the conversion of the analog signal to a pulse-type signal where the amplitude of the pulse denotes the analog information.


5. If we assume that each of the digital words has n binary digits, there are M=2n unique code words that are possible, each code word corresponding to a certain amplitude level. However, each sample value from the analog signal can be any one of an infinite number of levels, so that the digital word that represents the amplitude closest to the actual sampled value is used. This is called quantizing.


code word 码字binary 二进位的digit 数字(0,1,2...)

4-3:The definition of a random process may be compared with that of a random variable. A random variable maps events into constants, whereas a random process maps events into functions of the parameter t.


4-4:In summary, if a process is ergodic, all time and ensemble averages are interchangeable. The time average cannot be a function of time since the time parameter has been averaged out. Furthermore, the ergodic process must be stationary, since otherwise the ensemble averages (such as moments) would be a function of time. However, not all stationary processes are ergodic.


词汇:ergodic [????????] adj. [统]各态历经的;遍历的


ensemble [?????????●] n. 全体,整体

moment [统]矩;[物]力矩,转矩


When the measurand remains constant or changes slowly with time, the relationship between output y and x is referred to as static performance. When the measurand changes rapidly with time, the relationship between output y and x is referred to as dynamic performance.

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5-3:A random error is due to a large number of independent small effects that cannot be identified or controlled, it is a statistical quantity. As such, it will vary for each replication of the observations. If a large number of readings is observed for the same quantity, the scatter of the data about a mean value can be evaluated. The scatter generally follows a gaussion distribution

about a mean value, which is assumed to be the true value.




词汇:replication [ ???●????????] n. [统]重复(实验);复制

gaussian [ ??◆????]adj.(德国数学家)高斯的

gauss [??◆?] n. 高斯

5-4:Accuracy is the deviation the output from the calibration input or the true value. If the accuracy of a voltmeter is 2% full scale as described in the preceding section, the maximum deviation is ±2 units for all readings.


6-3:Uncertainty is generally stated as a number, indicating the tolerance from the true value of the measurand. The tolerance is only estimated. It represents the confidence level of the investigator in the results, since the true value of the measurement is unknown.


词汇:confidence [ ?????????] n. 置[可]信度;信心,信任

6-4:The(书上误为”he”)purpose of the sensor is to obtain dimensional information from the workpiece. It is like a transducer in many instances because it converts one energy form to another. This other energy form is always an electrical signal, since we are considering sensors which provide an electrical signal to be used as feedback to the process or machine control.





(1)传感器的英译名有transducer和sensor两个,一般常出现互用情况,如速度式流量传感器的英译名为velocity-type flow sensor;而插入式流量传感器的英译名则为insertion flow transducer。

(2)中华人民共和国行业标准——自控设计常用名词术语Common Terms and Definition for Measurement and Control System Design (HG/T 20699-2000)


(测量)传感器:(measuring ) transducer

7-3 Resolution and accuracy of the sensor are determined by the quality requirements of the part itself. Resolution is the smallest increment of distance that the sensor can resolve. In cases where the machine tool encoders are used to read location, the resolution may be determined by the encoders themselves.


resolution [ ?????●?◆????] n. 分辨率;坚定,决心,解决

part 零件

resolve v. 分辨machine tool 机床encoder 编码器location n. 位置;存储单元译文:传感器的分辨率和准确度由零件本身的质量要求决定。分辨率是传感器所能分辨的最小距离增量。在使用机床编码器读取位置的情况下,分辨率可由编码器本身确定。

7-4 As discussed earlier, sensors can be broken down into four divisions: contact, noncontact, direction(direction 无形容词词性,所以怀疑应为direct)and indirect. No one sensor can be described as being the best overall, independent of application, since in-process sensing is heavily application dependent.


division [????????] n [生物]类;分开,部门

independent of 不依赖...,独立于....

in process 在进行中

sense v. 检测,传感;感知,感觉



8-3:A simple air sensor consists of a regulated source of air, an adjustable restriction, and a nozzle with an orifice. With an object, the workpiece, blocking the nozzle, the pressure across the restriction is zero.


regulate [ ????◆●???] vt. 管理,控制,调节

orifice [ ??????] n. 节流孔;孔,口

workpiece [ ????????] 工件

block vt. 阻塞,妨碍


注:an 并不总是需要译成一个,注意英、汉的差异。

8-4:Available sensors have a variety of characteristics that must be understood before application. The major characteristics, physical size, resolution, accuracy, type of signal output, signal processing requirements, effective spot size are outlined herein.


spot size 光斑尺寸;目标尺寸

spot n. 斑点,污点;场所vt. 弄脏

outline vt. 概述,描绘轮廓n. 大纲,轮廓,要点

herein adv. 于此, 在这里


spot size:为了获得精确的温度读数,测温仪与测试目标之间的距离必须在合适的范围之内,所谓“光点尺寸”(spot size)就是测温仪测量点的面积。您距离目标越远,光点尺寸就越大。右图所示为距离与光点尺寸的比率,或称D:S。在激光瞄准器型测温仪上,激光点在目标中心的上方,有12mm(0.47英寸)的偏置距离。



9-2 一只理想的安培表具有非常低的等效电阻,以致于它存在于任一电路时能使该电路的性质发生改变的程度尽可能小。


安培表,电流计:amperometer (=ammeter[ ])

等效电阻:equivalent resistance

译文:The equivalent of resistance of an ideal amperometer is so low that its existence hardly changes the nature of the circuit.



9-3 All electronic voltmeters use a dc meter movement for their readout. Consequently, the ac signal input must be converted from ac to dc before it can be displayed. The conversion must be such that the true rms value of the waveform is retained. There are a number of ways to do the conversion.


DC:Direct Current 直流电

AC:Alternating Current交流电

RMS:Root Mean Square 均方根


9-4 The equivalent resistance of a set of inter-connected resistors is the value of the single resistor that can be substituted for the entire set without affecting the current that flows in the rest of any circuit of which it is a part.



注:三重定句从句嵌套。最后一个it= a set of inter-connected resistors
