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(1) why is this a frontier poem? Combined verse specific instructions.

Answer: the poem language features is generous, (step 1) in verse Jinhe, Guan Yu, aotsuka, the Yellow River and Hesse frontier names, write a garrison life. "Ma CE" whip. "The knife ring, copper ring on the hilt. Ma Ce, small and micro ring knife, enough to cause a series of Lenovo on the expedition of things (step two), we can not only see the destitute and desolate expedition, also can feel the pain to a journey. A complaint is fleshed out. (step three)

(2) the poem entitled "a grudge", not "complain" throughout the word, but the sentence "complaint", please make a brief appreciation.

Answer: 1, blame the year frequent mobilization. 2, and always prepare for training. 3, blame the cold climate. 4, blame the scenery monotonous.

[example four]

Long dry song four (first) Cui Hao

"Where do you live? I live in wang."

When the ship stopped temporarily, or fear of fellow.

Q: tasting the poem language characteristic.

A: the language of this poem is simple and natural, fresh and fresh, such as folk songs (Bu Zhouyi). "Where to live", "in Wang", by discussing the form of dialogue, the oral language is simple, without polish (step two). Draw a simple image of female boatman Frank (Bu Zhousan).

[example five]

2007 Zhejiang sixteenth questions

Read the following three works, and then answer the question. (6 points)

Wuyixiang (Tang) Liu Yuxi

Suzaku bridge wild flower, Wu Yi Sun alley.

Old king hall swallows, flying into the homes of ordinary people.

One full moon (gold) Wu Ji

The eternal sad thing, still sing backyard flower. Old Wang Xie, in front of the hall to swallow, who? Suddenly a dream, Xian muscle after palace, bun heap crow. Jiangzhou Sima, green tears wet, was the end of the world.

[middle] mountain goat (yuan) Zhao Shanqing

When spring to autumn, when the agency, and every year to move. Language murmur, rob the busy robbery, spring breeze hall find Wang Xie, Wu Yi sunset oblique alley. It is more and more to see, and to die, to say.

[note] after the death of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wu Ji was forced to be king. In a happy feast. Encounter on the farm for the song imperial clan of Song Dynasty woman, then this. The spring and Autumn: the ancient worship of the God of the earth general agency in the spring and autumn after fifth days by spring and autumn respectively, said the agency. To rob a hurry.

(2) language features briefly to appreciate this three works.

Answer: the first step Liu Shi implicitly deep; Wu word gentle melancholy; Zhao Quming frank. Step II Liu Shi embodies the characteristics of poems; Wu Ci words has authentic charm; Zhao song has a rich flavor of sanqu.

The steps of the three texts language have different characteristics, expressed deep sense of rise and fall.

Five, analysis of the main theme

One question: this poem represents how the theme?

The analysis of a sentence: please ask variant poems the author was what kind of mood.

Answer 3 Analysis: theme often need to focus on the following aspects: 1 involves cultural knowledge and knowledge of life, historical stories, myths and legends and natural phenomena; and a verse effect or connotation; ideological tendency, the poet's political views, aspirations and experiences; the era background and social reality.

The answer mode: what specific analysis of verse written; to express what the emotion, implied what. The theme of Poetry (content) is different, can be divided into 12 categories, which can understand the theme of the poem (see above).

The sample answer

[example]2007 Hainan, Ningxia volume second ancient poetry reading

Read the following poem poetry of the Song Dynasty, completed 8 to 9 questions.


小学英语入门教学计划 教学总目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 教学容及要求: 1、能认识26个英语字母,可以区分字母大小写 2、能模仿并读出英语字母的读音 3、能听懂,会说Hello./ Hi. Goodbye./ Bye-bye. I’m…What’s your name? My name’s …并能够在实际情景中进行运用。 4、能用简单的英语跟别人打招呼,分辨早晨好、下午好及晚上好的问候用语 5、使学生能用简单的英语介绍自己 6、使学生记住一些简单的单词并发出读音

第一节课熟悉学生并且提起学生学习英语的热情 1、自我介绍 来自中国石油大学啥啥啥的 2、学生自我介绍 传说中的火车接力式还是那个叫叠罗汉的自我介绍 3、对英语进行简单介绍 英语作为(English)世界通用语言,是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。 根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语可能是世界上第三大语言,但它是世界上最广泛的第二语言。世界上60%以上的信件是用英语书写的,上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种准国际语言。 英语不像汉语一样是象形文字,而是由一个一个字母组成的,英语一共有26个字母,每一个字母又有大写和小写之分,不过同学们不要害怕,英语是一种语言,就像汉语一样,只要你多说多读多练习就能像说汉语一样使用英语了。 4、英语字母教学 (板书Aa-Zz 的26个字母) 教学读音 要求学生练习书写Aa-Dd的四个字母大小写共八个


浙江广播电视大学 英语专业(开放专科) 《英语写作基础》期末复习 本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩以百分制计。形成性考核占30%,课程终结考试占70%。 1. 形成性考核:满分100分,占课程总成绩的30%。形成性考核是对学生学习过程和阶段性学习效果的综合评价,包括学生参与各项教学活动和自主学习活动的情况以及阶段性的学习进展情况。本课程的形成性考核内容和方式严格按照“形成性考核册及学习档案”的具体要求执行。 2. 课程终结考试形式为笔试,闭卷。由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国统一考试,考试时间为90分钟。试卷分为三部分,卷面分值为100分:第一、二部分为应用文写作,占30分,主要考查学生用英语写“应用文”的能力;第三部分为短文写作,占70分,主要考查学生用英语写作叙述、说明性的短文的能力。 试卷结构 英语写作基础考试样题 一、Write a notice according to the following facts: (10分) 寒假期间,工会将举办一个春节旅游团,去北京旅游3天。游览的地方包括天安门广场、长城、故宫和颐和园,有兴趣者请速到工会报名。报名地点:行政大楼112房间;报名电话:66778800。 二、 Write a note based on the given facts: (20分): 时间:1月10日星期五

对象:张老师 内容:由于临时出差去外地,所以无法及时交本周的作业册。非常抱歉。保证将在回来时交作业。 留言者:3班学生李玉 三、 Write an essay of no fewer than 200 words: (70分) Title: Travel Helps Me Gain More Knowledge Aids: (1) Your point of view towards traveling. (2) Examples to support your view. (3) Conclusion 英语写作基础形考册部分练习题参考答案 Part II Learning Activity 1 Key to Task 1(p 7) Choose the best connecting word or phrase from the box below to complete the following sentences. 1. No sooner had Jane left college than offers of work came in. 2. The moment Jack left college, he set off round the world. 3. Hardly had Mary left college when she realized she was expecting their first child. 4. The Director looked very pale at the meeting, as though he had just received some very bad news. 5. I have been promised a job as a trainee manager in my uncle’s hotel, provided (on the condition that) I pass all my final-year school examinations.


剑桥英语入门班期末测试 姓名_______ 得分_______ I. Read and write.写出下列单词的小写形式。(10分) MONKEY MOUSE COW BEAR NAME II. Read and write.写出下列单词的大写形式。(10分) knife eraser pencil bag toes III. Read and write. 看图,选择正确的单词填写在图片下面的括号里(16分) giraffe elephant bear pencil chair cat monkey tiger ()( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) IV. Look and choose. 选出拼写正确的单词.(10分) 1) A. mouth B. monse C. mouts () 2) A.penda B.pende C.panda () 3) A .nien B. nine C. nina ( ) 4) A. duck B.dack C.deck ()

5) A.ome B. one C ona ( ) V. Read and choose. 选出正确的答案填在横线上。(12分) 1.当晚上上床睡觉的时候,你会对家人说_________ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon C. Good night. 2.当你想问别人叫什么名字的时候,你会说_____ A. Nice to see you. B. What’s your name? C .Here you are 3. 和同学一起去学校,你会说_____________. A.Let’s play . B. Let’s go to school. C. Let’s go home 4. 当别人向你道谢时,你会说_________ A. Yes,I am. B. Let’s act. C.You’re welcome. 5. 当别人问你在哪个班时,你会说_________ A.I am Linda. B.I’m fine. C.I am in Class 1. 6.当你想要买支钢笔,你可以说 A. A pen ,please. B. A panda, please . C.A pencil ,please. VI. Translation. 翻译(10分) 1. What’s is in English ? ___________________________________ 2.Thank you. ___________________________________ 3.A cat ___________________________________ 4. red eyes ___________________________________ 5. Let’s play a game.


写作基础训练 Ⅰ) 五大句型 根据谓语动词的不同性质,语言学家总结出英语的五大基本句型。无论多么错综复杂的句子,都是在五大句型的基础上扩展而成的。总体上,句子必须包含至少一个主谓结构。有了这种认识,就可以避免写出残缺句。 使用动词时应考虑以下几个方面: ●及物还是不及物? ●短暂性还是持续性? ●描述动作还是状态? ●一次性动作还是习惯性动作? ●助动词还是习动词。 1.主+谓(+状) SV(A) The sun rises in the east. Everything is going on well. We set off in the early morning. 2.主+系+表SVC He is an expert in computers. They remain silent. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. 3.主+谓+宾SVO I like sports. Mary has finished her work. My father will meet one of my uncles at the airport. 4.主+谓+双宾SV oO Pass me the salt, please. (= pass the salt to me, please.) Would you buy him a gift? (= would you buy a gift for him?) The teacher asked me a question. (= the teacher asked a question of me.) 5.主+谓+宾+宾补SVOC The young couple watched their baby play on the grassland. Carl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work. I found it hard to keep up with them. Exercise1. SV A 1.他期盼的那封信最终来了。 2.生活费用上涨了百分之二十。 3.那座寺庙坐落在山顶上。 4.谢谢你,我自己应付得了。 5.作为艺术家,他的成功开始了。 6.时不我待。 7.鸟可以随时飞翔。 8.听了他的话,在场的人都笑了。 9.他们停下来休息, 10.车子突然抛锚了。 Exercise2. SVC 11.天气变得越来越暖和了。 12.他的梦想会成真吗? 13.船到桥头自然直。 14.这个主意听起来很有道理。 15.做一名知名作家让人感觉不错。 16.我感到有些紧张。 17.女士们希望永葆青春。 18.孩子们很容易地入睡了。 19.腐败的食物对健康不利。 20.你妹妹看上去病了。 Exercise3. SVO 21.你打算到哪儿去度假? 22.我对这件事全然不知。 23.失败后他从不泄气。 24.你最后一次见到它是什么时候? 25.你应当为他人树立榜样。 26.晚会上我们玩得很开心。 27.教室需要打扫。 28.结果令我失望。 29.有钱人应帮助穷人。 30.妇女可以把任何事做得与男人一样好。Exercise4. SV oO 31.他送给我一本书作为生日礼物。 32.我可以把我的朋友介绍给你的父母吗? 33.老师耐心地向我们解释了原因。 34.你给我买了什么东西没有? 35.她为全家人做一日三餐。 36.小时候爸爸经常给我讲故事。 37.借给我五元钱,好吗? 38.我侄子每两个月给我写封信 39.经理已经为客人订了房间。 40.我可以请你帮忙吗? Exercise5. SVOC 41.同学们选他当班长。


【推荐】 重点小学一年级英语学习入门方法 (实用版) 重点小学一年级英语学习入门方法 学法的掌握,如同知识的获得一样,有一个从无到有,从少到多,从 不会到会的发展过程。开始,在很大程序上要靠教师在教给知识的过程中,主动明确的指点。诸如怎样发言答问,怎样执笔写字,怎样拼读音节,怎 样观察插图,怎样识记字形理解字义,怎样读词读句,怎样组词造句,怎 样说完整的话等等,都需要教师在向学生提出学习要求的同时,--讲明学 习的方法。不单对初入学无知少法的学生需要事先指明,就是中高年级已 经掌握了一些知识和学习方法的学生,在进入较难的学习内容时,也需要 事先指明。如运用中心句作段意的方法;连接段意概括文章的主要内容的 方法,在概括文章主要内容,分析作者写作目的的基础上归纳中心思想的 方法等等,也都要在第一次接触这些方法时由教师事先指明。 第一,课前预习 在每节课之前,快速预习是一个好学生的普遍做法。预习能使你在课 堂上抓住自己不会的地方有所突破,课下你会觉得轻松愉快。合理按排预 习的方法因人而异,不必强求一律,有的同学是边读书边思考,对新的内 容产生了浓厚兴趣;有的同学是在预习时读、画、圈、点,在自己不理解 的问题做上记号,以便上课时注意。 第二,上课要认真听讲 凡是学习态度端正的学生,在课堂上都会全神贯注,目不斜视,高度 集中精力,认真听讲。尽管新课程提倡自主学习、合作学习、探究学习,

尽管现代课程理念提倡活动、民主、自由,学习活动应该是一个生动活泼 的主动而富有个性的过程,学生平等参与课堂教学,你也要把认真听讲放 在首位。尤其是在老师少讲精讲的情况下,认真听课将是你取得成功的第 一要诀。 因为每一个老师都会在课堂上把每个重点内容讲述或点拨得非常透彻,因此你要集中精力听。接下来就是一个融会贯通的问题,在把教师所讲的 内容吃深吃透的基础上,积极思维,大胆质疑,好问,多思。并要学会给 自己出题,要争取用多种方法解析一道题,比较各种方法的简便程度,这 也是对以前学习水平的一个检验。这样,能够对相关的问题有一个清晰的 思路。 第三,要认真做好复习 课后一定要复习,而且要循环往复的复习。因为人的大脑在储存新的 信息的同时,又要把先前的信息忘掉一部分。只有循环记忆,反复复习, 才能把知识学习得扎实、牢固。 除了课后复习外,还可以在双休日进行定期复习和每个月进行一次阶 段复习,将所学的知识系统化,条理化。在复习时,要注意以下几点: 1.复习的方法要多样化。复习不等于简单重复,要适当变化形式,力 求生动、形象、有趣、有效。如可以采用诵读与译背等方式复习,也可以 在运用知识过程中复习,也就是在实践中复习。 2.复习分量要适当,既要避免过度疲劳,又要适度提倡"过度复习"。 避免过度疲劳可适当分散复习。"过度复习"是指对需要牢牢记住的学习内 容达到初步掌握后仍不停止,而是继续进行学习识记,达到完全巩固的程度。如背一课的英语单词,背了五遍就能记住时,还要继续背三遍,这三 遍叫"过度复习"。花的时间虽多了一点,但对中小学生的学习很有帮助。


剑桥国际少儿英语期末考 试试题 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

剑桥国际少儿英语1期末考试试题Class_________NameScore__________听力部分(共30分) 一.听音选择正确的单词,并把序号填在“()”里,下面请听题。(每题2分,共10分) 1、AhippoBgiraffeCsnake() 2、AboatBlorryCmotorbike() 3、AorangeBburgerCmonkey() 4、AcomputerBhelicopterCplane() 5、AicecreamBbananaCchocolate() 二.听单词顺序并标出序号。(每题2分,共10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 三、听句子判断老师描述的是哪一幅图(10) 1、() A B C 2、() A B C 3、() A B C 4、() A B C

5、() A B C 笔试部分 一、将下列单词补充完整。(16) __i__ __o ___orse ___o___ ___y __pp___e t___g___ ____ __e__r___ ___m ___ ___cks play the p___an___ 二、连线(5) I can play football 我会打网球 I can swim 我会骑自行车 I can ride a bike 我会打篮球 I can play basketball 我会踢足球 I can play tennis 我会游泳 三、对号入座(10) 1、( ) What are you doing A Yes, I do 2、( ) Can you ride a horse B I am reading a book 3、( ) Where are you C I like ice cream 4、( ) What do you like D Yes, I can 5、( ) Do you like burgers E I am in the living room 四、根据图片内容,用所给单词的正确形式将下列句子补充完整.(10) 1、What is he doing He __________(fly) a helicopter.


英语基本句型写作练习一 分析下列句子成分并写出句型。 1. You should study hard. 2. She went home very late yesterday evening. 3. That morning we talked a great deal. 4. I wrote a letter last night. 5. I want to talk with you this afternoon. 6. He has read this book many times. 7. My brothers are all college students. 8. Mrs Brown looks very healthy. 9. Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 10. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. 11. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 12. Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 13. Would you please pass me the dictionary? 14. We call her Alice. 15. His parents named him John. 16. All of us considered him honest. 17.They pushed the door open.

18. There isn’t going to be a meeting tonight. 19. There was only a well in the village. 20. There is (are) a teacher of music and a teacher of art in the school.指出下列句子加粗部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning. 6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. There is going to be an American film tonight. 9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 10. His wish is to become a scientist. 11. The meeting will last two hours. 12. They have carried out the plan successfully. 13. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist. 14. He showed the ticket to the conductor. 15.They have set the thief free.


剑桥国际少儿英语1期末考试试题 姓名 Listening Part(30分) 1.听录音判断下列图片是否正确。正确的画“v”错误的画“x”。(12分) 1)2)3) ()()()4)5)6) ()()() 2. 听录音涂色(10分)

3听录音选出你所听到的单词。(8分) 1)A:one B:six C:seven D:nine 2)A:toy B:ball C:train D:bike 3)A:banana:B:apple C:burger D:cake 4)A:black B:green C:brown D:white 笔试部分:(70分) 1.按所给顺序 分别写出下列字母的大小写 :(12) 2.根据要求写单词:(12分) (1)、写出以下单词现在分词形式 eat-- write-- fly-- drive-- ride-- walk-- (2)、写出下列单词的复数形式 peach-- mouse -- book-- fish-- happy(反义词) -- tall(反义词)-- 3.Read and write(26分)

snakes tigers crocodiles giraffes monkeys hippos elephants 1.elephants They’ve got a long nose and big ears. 2.They’ve got four legs and a long tails. 3.They’ve got a long tail and a lot of teeth. 4.They haven’t got legs or arms. 5.They’ve got long legs and a short tail. 6.They’ve got a big mouth and a short tail. 7.They’ve got two arms and a small nose. Kitchen hall bathroom dining room bedroom living room 8.The fish is in the living room . 9.The computer is in the . 10.The doll is in the .


全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试卷 课程代码:00597 全部题目用英文作答。 I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His valuable papers were destroyed in the fire. Tom called the insurance company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn’t make a good negotiator he doesn’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B.Homemade ice cream is my favorite.


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末考试试卷(共100分) 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 姓名:________ 得分:______ 听力部分 一.圈出你所听到的单词。(6分) 1. Eraser ruler pen 2. clap touch pick 3. carrot onion potato 4. sheep goat spider 5. eyes neck hair 6.white black purple 二.圈出你所听到的句子。(12分) 1. A: This is my bag. B: This is my new book. 2. A: what’s this? B: It’s a goat. 3. A:I can see a car. B: He’s got three eyes. 4. A: What’s in the hat? B: What’s o n the table now? 5. A: I like bananas. B: Idon’t like oranges. 6. A: Here you are. B: Thank you! 三.选择你所听到的正确单词并将字母填入题前括号内(10分)( )1、This is a beautiful __________. A. house B.Yes C、mouse ( )2、Let’s have a fruit and veget able _________. A. carrot B. party C、fuuny

( )3、He’s got three ______. A. eyes B. legs. C、ears ( )4、This is my _________,Tony. A. friend B. mummy C、grandpa ( )5、I like ____________. A、pineapples B、watermelons C、pears 口试部分 一、根据图片与句子,判断打“√”错“×”。(10分) 1)This is a pea. 2)This is a fish. 3)This is a house. 4)This is a tiger . 5)This is a duck. 二、选词填空(10分) neck head mouth hair face 三、将下列数字按顺序排列。(10分) One nine two four eight seven five six ten three __________________________________________________________ ___________ 四、给下列单词分类(15分) pen apple tomato pencil banana potato beans


小学英语基础入门必学音标 [i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。 [i] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。 [?:] 嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舍身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高。 [?] 嘴唇微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。 [?:] 双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。 [?] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆。

[u:] 嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。 [u] 嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。 [ɑ:] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音。 [?] 嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起。 [?] 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。 [e] 嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。 [ei] 由[e]和[i]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[i]轻读,口形由半开到合,字母A就发这个音。 [ai] 由[a]和[i]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[i]轻读,口形由开到合,与字母I的发音相同。 [?i] 由[?]和[i]两个单音组成,[?]重读,[i]轻读,口形由圆到扁,由开到合。 [au] 由[a]和[u]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[u]轻读,口型由大到小。 [?u] 由[?]和[u]两个单音组成,[?]重读,[u]轻读,口形由半开到小,与字母O的发音相同。 [i?] 由[i]和[?]两个单音组成,[i]重读,[?]轻读,双唇始终半开。 [e?] 由[e]和[?]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[?]轻读,舌端抵下齿,双唇半开。 [u?] 由[u]和[?]两个单音组成,[u]重读,[?]轻读,双唇由收圆


第一部分英语写作基础(答案) 第一章句子写作 1.1 句子的种类 I. 1) Is there any water in the bottle? 2) Can she sing and dance very well? 3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England? 4) Does it often rain here in summer? 5) Did you always play together at that time? 6) Who is he? 7) How many times have you been to Beijing? 8) Where do they live? 9) What does your father like very much? 10) Why did he go to school yesterday? II. 1)“Shall we go by bus or by train?”“Better go by train.” 2)“Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?”“Tomorrow.” 3)“You are not ready, are you?”“No, I am not.” 4)We can’t take these books out, can we?”“No, we can’t” 5)Take care not to catch cold. 6)Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you. 7)Let’s not waste our time arguing about it. 8)How pretty you are in that skirt! 9)What a beautiful city Hangzhou is! 10)How I miss my parents! III. 1)She has not had her lunch. 2)I was too excited to say a ward. 3)None of the problems is difficult. 4)You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere. 5)He opened the door and we all went in. 6)Put on your coat, or you will catch cold. 7)It was late, so we went home. 8)He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely. 9)Turn off the light before you leave the room. 10)I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 1.2句子的基本句型 I. 1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC 8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SV A II. 1)My ink has run out. (SV)


剑桥少儿英语一级期末考试姓名:得分:考试时间90分钟 总分100分 (一)听力部分(40分) 一、圈出所听到的单词和句子。(10) 1、pen pencil pencil-case 2、turtle rabbit horse 3、lemon mango orange 4、clock baseball table 5、nose neck face 6、A. What’s on my hat? B. What’s in my hat? C.Where is my hat? 7、A.Hello,your name please? B.What’s your name please? C. Which is your name? 8、A.He’s got two eyes. B.He’s got two noses. C.He’s got three eyes. 9、A.She is playing football. B.She is playing hopscotch. C.She is throwing the beanbag. 10. A.This is a red dress. B.This is a pink dress. C.This is a black dress 二、根据所听到的问句选择相应的答句。(10) 1、()A、I’m Sam. B、She is Ann. C、He is Jack. 2、( ) A、I want some apples. B、I like apples. C、I have apples. 3、()A、It’s black. B、I like black. C、No ,it isn’t. 4、()A、I like bananas. B、I like carrots. C、I like dresses.


初三英语写作基础训练 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《初三英语写作基础训练》的内容,具体内容:初三英语写作我们应该进行哪些基础训练?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!各位老师下午好!今天能和大家坐在一起,共同探讨关于英语写作训练这一话题感到非常荣幸。下面谈谈自己... 初三英语写作我们应该进行哪些基础训练?下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 各位老师下午好!今天能和大家坐在一起,共同探讨关于英语写作训练这一话题感到非常荣幸。下面谈谈自己在对学生进行写作训练时的一点粗浅的认识与做法。 考试说明中对写的技能是这样规定的。着重考查学生以书面形式 1学生应能够运用语言知识,表达真实意义或信息传递的能力。○较为恰当地对所熟悉的周围的人或事物进行简单地描述,就所熟悉的话题 2能根据文字、图画、图表等信息提示,按要求发表自己的观点等。○写出意思连贯、语言符合逻辑的书面表达。在写的过程中,能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 书面表达的形式多种多样,中考英语试题共分为三类:应用文、看图作文和提示作文。应用文要求能够掌握常见的写作技巧;看图作文要求能够根据图画和词语提示,明确考查意图,弄清图画内容,把握情节线索,完整表达思想;提示作文要求能够根据所给的提示写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的短文。要注意语言准确,行文连贯,表达清楚,字迹工整。

1具有教育意义②贴近学生生活中考书面表达试题有三个特点:○ ③热点问题。 按内容分为以下几类:小作文包括招聘启事、寻物启事、赠言、慰问卡、通知、家规、校规、兴趣、爱好、感谢信、描述物品、假期计划、介绍朋友、老师等。大作文包括:介绍初中生活、询问学生的英语学习情况、描述献爱心活动(到养老院、儿童福利院献爱心;为灾区、贫困地区儿童献爱心)、描述业余生活、做一名文明市民、健康问题、环境问题、帮同学排忧解难、如何缓解压力等。这些作文都给出提示,如背景材料、汉语提示、英文词组、句子、开头、结尾、图片这种保证了作文的规范性,学生也有话可写。实际上就是按照时 间、答问或逻辑顺序把汉译英的句子组合到一起,最后加上自己的感受。目前学生在写作上存在的问题有以下五个方面: 1)人称时态混乱。人称混乱问题主要是没有理解题意,如这周我们训练的一个作文题:假如你是某国际会议的接待人员,请根据所给明片提供的信息,进行介绍。开头已给出This is Chang,此篇作文应用第三人称,结果有一部分学生写成了第一人称,变成了自我介绍。时态混乱,表现为一会过去时,一会现在时,说明学生最基本的时态的知识没有掌握。 2)没有用英语思维。有些孩子基础不太好,没有养成用英语思维的习惯,如要求学生写一个通知,其中有这样一句话:"请学生们按时到",有些学生答成了Please students will get there on time. 有些学生答成了Please get on time. 九年四班写成了Grade 9, class 4. 今天下午2点在大厅举办了一个报告,写成了There is going to a talk this afternoon


小学英语入门学习方法 小学英语入门学习方法篇一 一、学好音标知识是基础 音标是用来确切地表示语言的符号,是用来帮助学习发音的工具。用一个字母。每一个单词整体上都是通过音标才能读准的。如果单 只靠听磁带看碟片英语对照学习字母单词,我认为这种方法是不可 取的,那恐怕小学生初学发音将会离准确的发音越来越远。 二、弄通学懂二十六个字母是关键 二十六个字母说起来很容易,真正的要学懂弄通对于初年级学生比较难。比如说英语中的每一个字母都含有大写小写印刷体和手写体。每一个字母由几笔组成都有严格规定书写的。例如;大写字母Z 和小写字母z都是一笔写成,但所占格不一样。大写字母Z占中上格。而小写字母z占中间格。再如,字母b和d,p和q都很容易混淆。但教育时始终注意在细节上,关键是字母的掌握和使用上。 三、读写结合,激发学生欲望 良好的学习氛围,才能激发起小学生的强烈欲望。没有词汇无法表达任何东西,无法表达每位小学生的心理状态。这对于每一个初 学者和入门者的小学生来说需要点点滴滴的学习,日复一日的积累,单词的学习没有哪个重要哪个不重要,不仅是记熟课本,每一个单词,而且要多看课外读物,日积月累,多记单词,弄懂它的汉语及 英语解释,才能够为英语学习铺平更为广阔的道路。 四、多背是一种很好的英语学习方法及途径 众所周知,“一日不背口生,一日不写手生”。背在英语学习中是不可忽视的,不要以为小学生对某课背诵就是死记硬背,缺乏创 造性、思维性,强调博闻强记,利用记性学习是中国传统的一种方法,更不能随意摒弃。对于初入门的小学生来说应该鼓励提倡适当

地背诵、主重、主题、意图,找出重点段按照训练方法提高小学生 的背诵能力。 小学英语入门学习方法篇二 迎合孩子的天性 小学的孩子,尤其是刚入小学的孩子,最喜欢的就是玩乐。作为现代的教育,不是对孩子的这类天性一票性否决,而是应该迎合着他们 的这个兴趣,慢慢发展引导他们往英语学习方面去。让孩子在玩乐中 学习英语,且乐在玩乐中学习英语,这是小学英语入门学习最好的办法。迎合天性,引导学习。 英语儿歌教学 这一点也是为了匹配上面所讲的迎合孩子的天性,为什么?众所周知,孩子爱玩是不争的事实,而儿歌也可作为玩乐中的一种,是不是可 以匹配上面的迎合天性呢?相信绝大部分的孩子还是喜欢听英语儿歌、唱英语儿歌的。优美轻快的旋律,总是最吸引孩子的地方。让孩子学 习英语儿歌,不失为一种小学英语入门的方法之一。 单词卡片学习 现在市面上很多的儿童英语产品,都是成为孩子学习所用的渠道,比如单词卡片。单词卡片利用单词和图案的完美结合,通过鲜艳的色 彩视觉感受,形象的表达出所写单词的意思,使孩子能够轻松的搞定 卡片单词的意思。轻而易举学会一个单词的方法不是一个很好的小 学英语入门学习方法吗? 鼓励式教学 对于孩子的学习过程中,难免不会遇到很胆怯或者尴尬的事情,尤其是那种很胆小的孩子,所以需要我们适当的给予鼓励,让他们有勇 气说下去,或者能够下次再有勇气站起来回答问题。不打击他们的学 习信心,我们要给予他们信心。所以鼓励式教学在小学英语入门学习 方法中也是很重要的一环。 小学英语入门学习方法篇三
