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【2018最新】英语介绍信写作-优秀word范文 (1页)

【2018最新】英语介绍信写作-优秀word范文 (1页)



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Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.

We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

Yours faithfully






英语考试作文 历年辽宁高考英语作文题目 2018辽宁高考英语将于2018年6月8日下午开考,今年的英语作文,李华又会给谁写信呢?让我们拭目以待吧。考生们一定要放松心态,要充满自信的去面对高考。高考英语作文预祝考生们考得好成绩。 现在高考还未开始,将历年高考试题及答案及历年作文题整理如下,供考生们参考。 2018高考英语作文写作素材汇总 2018高考英语满分作文范文汇总 2018高考英语作文加分必备:常用50种高级句型 2017高考英语作文汇总地区/科目2017高考英语作文题目新课标I卷2017新课标全国卷1高考英语作文新课标II卷2017新课标全国卷2高考英语作文新课标III卷2017新课标全国卷3高考英语作文北京卷2017北京高考英语作文上海卷2017上海高考英语作文题目天津卷2017天津高考英语作文江苏卷2017江苏高考英语作文浙江卷2017浙江高考英语作文说明:

新课标I卷适用地区:河南、河北、山西、江西、湖北、湖南、广东、安徽、福建 新课标II卷适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、西藏、陕西、重庆 新课标III适用地区:云南、广西、贵州 请以2017高考当天考试试卷地区划分为准! 48道题测出最适合你报考的大学专业估分选大学 点击查看>>2018高考试题及答案解析 2018年全国高考报名考生人数达到975万人,比去年增加35万人。>>查看详情 官方版请点击>>>【官方版】全国各地2017高考试题标准答案出炉 下载word版请点击>>2017高考试题及答案汇总(word版) 高考网还为考生及家长们准备了高考志愿填报入口、高考录取查询入口,祝福同学们考上理想大学!


1. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Tutoring Private tutoring is “in”. A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors. While private tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages, I feel that we should give more thoughts to its negative effects. Such a popular practice clearly indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education. Many parents either missed the chance of obtaining a good education themselves or have been too busy with their own business. When their children meet with difficulties in study, they are helpless. Private tutoring seems to be the only solution. As private tutoring is usually given on the one-to-one basis, the teacher knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil; and teaching is, in most cases, directly to the point. Private tutoring benefits a lot of pupils, indeed. While on the other hand, private tutoring has its own disadvantages. For one thing, it takes up so much of the pupil’s time that they can hardly find enough time for rest or entertainment, which is essential for kids’ physical and mental health. Besides, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their regular teaching duties. What is more, some teachers are eager to help pupils do well on the test, offering the so-called tips for test-taking instead of helping them acquire


忙绿的高考已经结束了,全国各地高考英语满分作文也相继出来了,下面是整理的全国各地高考英语作文题目及范文翻译,仅供参考。 高考英语作文范文一 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 范文: Dear Ms Jenkins, I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor. In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my job application and personal resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t even know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter , hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grate ful if you can help me. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful. Yours, Li Hua 译文: 我是李华,我写信告诉你我的暑假计划,我也希望你帮我一个忙。 为了获得一些实际经验,我打算在一家外资公司做兼职工作。我已经完成了我的工作申请和个人简历。但这是我写的申请和个人简历的第一时间,我甚至不知道有什么要注意。所以,我写信给你,希望你能给我一些帮助。如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激。 期待你的回复。我真的很感激。 高考英语作文范文二 第二节书面表达(满分25分)


2018高考英语作文13大热点预测+范文 热点预测一:新四大发明 1.关于高铁 【题目要求】 高铁给人们的出行带来了快捷和方便,请你写一篇短文简单介绍武广高铁。 基本情况:1. 始建于2005年,2009年12月26日开通运营,干线全长1068公里; 2. 途经湖北、湖南和广东; 3. 列车时速高达350公里/小时,目前世界上最快。主要优点: 1. 武汉至广州仅需3个小时,比先前减少7个多小时; 2. 高铁列车设施齐全,安全舒适。美中不足: 1. 票价偏高; 2. 车站离市中心较远。 【优秀范文】 First built in 2005, the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation on December,26th,2009. Overall length of its main line is 1068 kilometers, and it goes through the following three provinces: Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong.

The speed of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is 350km/h,the fastest speed in the world now, which makes it only three hours needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou, seven hours less than before. Besides, there are all kinds of facilities in the train, which make your trip safe and comfortable, so it is more humanitarian. However, the only fly in the ointment is that the train fare is too high and the station is quite far away from the downtown area. 2.移动支付 【题目要求】 随着微信,支付宝、银行APP等的发展想必大家都爱用他们支付购买。那么,通过网络进行的货币支付或资金流转给我们的生活带来了哪些好处呢?请你以移动支付的好处为主题写一篇英语短文。 【优秀范文】 The Advantages of Online Payment Online payment has been advocated around the world, which is the future way to pay bills. In China, Alipay is popular everywhere, even the small business can be finished by this advanced way. People play the joke that they don’t need to worry about the lack of cash. The advantages of online payment are obvious. Firstly, it saves people’s time to pay bills. The use of online payment is carried out with a smart phone. Especially when we go to the supermarket, there are always a lot of people waiting in the long line. The process of costing


范例一 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion

cover letter 英文介绍信格式

Jessica Li Qinghe Xiaoying Eastern Road Haidian, Beijing China PRC 100192 Mobile: QQ: E-mail: June 18th, 2014 President Yu Minhong New Oriental Education and Technology Campany No.18 Zhongguancun Street Haidian, Beijing China PRC 100186 Dear President Yu, My name is Jessica and I would like to apply for the position of full time junior high school English teacher of New Oriental. As I understand the position, there are three primary responsibilities: ●Improve student their English scores with effective ways ●Clear about teaching aim, having creative teaching method, with good control ability in class by mobilizing the enthusiasm of the students; ●The profound identity and understanding of Oriental culture Therefore you require an individual who has an English education background and a strong background in teaching and organizing with creative and effective teaching methods which make the class active and attractive. As you can see from my CV, which I have attached for your reference, I have all of the required skill sets. First, I am good at English with four years English major study. I graduated from Beijing Information Science & Information University with bachelor degree. I spared no efforts to study English in collage, especially oral English. I’ve done well in my college life not only in academic performance but also in the field of daily communication with the people around me. Second, I have over one year teaching experience as a part-time teacher for junior high school students in ABC language school. I know how to improve junior high school students’ English


2018年高考英语作文写作指导及范文汇总 各个领域杰出人物:Part one Music and Musicans musical instrument:violin, viola, cello, erhu, piano, guitar, drum, saxophone, fluten. 长笛, clarinet竖笛; 黑管; [乐] 单簧管, harpsichord键盘乐器… types of music: pop, country, classical, traditional Chinese music, rock&roll, jazz, blues, rap, ballad, symphony, musician: band, singer, composer, director, conductor, pianist, choir.唱诗班;合唱队, orchestra管弦乐团… 1.Personal information (Birth place and birthday,Family background Childhood) 个人信息及成长经历place of birth/birthplace be born in出生在…… be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家 was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 have musical talent有音乐天赋; have a gift/talent/genius for sth. 在某方面有天赋; be crazy about喜欢; develop an interest in对……感兴趣;


NO.1 2018全国I卷高考英语作文 【试题回顾】 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家里做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1、到达时间 2、合适的礼物 3、餐桌礼仪

【范文】 Dear Terry, How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s home. Now,I am writing to inform you of some relevant details. To begin with, according toour tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help thefamily prepare the dinner, which is not only meaningful but also interesting.Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, such as a book or a Chinese knot. What’smore, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises whilechewing food. Hopefully, these suggestionswould be helpful for you. I have the confidence that you will have a greattime. I am looking forward to your good news. Best wishes! Yours, LiHua


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Attend Your Classes Regularly。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做 Attend Your Classes Regularly Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. 点评:2008年元月三日,中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待;2008年元月四日,中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件;近几年,中小学老师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光,进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作,与校园生活密切相关。 范例二 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students’Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍 2. 人们对其持不同态度 3. 我的看法 Students’ Rating of Their Teachers Nowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’ rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.. This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend t he teachers’ classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers’ effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students’ rating forms. Students sh ould not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers’ colleagues. I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead of rating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, an d to report on such things as a teacher’s ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students’ interest in the subject. 点评:越来越多的高校采取让学生给老师打分的形式来了解教学反馈,并以此作为促进教学质量的有效手段。对此做法,管理部门及教学双方褒贬不一,看法迥异。本范例题为校园生活热议话题,值得关注。


英文自我介绍信格式 【篇一:自我介绍信,英文】 篇一:英文自我介绍信 英文自我介绍信 good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually eoll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.篇二:英语自我推荐信 i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d. graduate program. education background at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3.77/4.0)ranked top 5% in the department. in the second semester, i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis.


对于参加2017高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,小简老师推荐你高考英语写作优秀文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了满分吗? 1.感信 假设你是华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感。【优秀满分文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐) for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的) help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为) the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party. Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua 3. 申请信 假定你是华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1.年龄:18. 2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐 4.性格特点:积极向上 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行为连贯; 3.开头语和结束语己为你写好。【优秀满分文】Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in m y class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.


四级写作范文必背经典 大学英语四级范文背诵(01) COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD ATTEND PHYSICAL EXERCISE Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life. However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities, they think those activities waste their time and influence their study. Indeed, it is very unwise for college students to keep distance from physical exercise because physical exercise is not harmful but good to them. College students can benefit a lot from physical exercise. First of all, attending physical sports can help students build a strong body, and keep abounding energy. Moreover, physical exercise is an effective way to relief pressure and keep a pleasant move. Besides, by attending physical activities, students can have chances to contact and communicate with others which can help them improve their social skills. Nowadays, all colleges and universities have provided many sports facilities for students to do physical exercises, students can chose freely according to their interests and needs. As for me, I am keen on all kinds of ball games, especially football and basketball. From these games, I have gained a lot, and enjoined great pleasure. To conclude, physical exercise is beneficial to every college students, and therefore do not hesitate to attend sports activities. 大学英语四级范文背诵(02) Online games As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self discipline on too much indulge in these games. So that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train their ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly. Form my point of view, online games are wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once, but if you have enough self control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them. 大学英语四级范文背诵(03) Certificates Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of
