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HND Report format 大综合2答案

HND Report format 大综合2答案
HND Report format 大综合2答案

1. Planning

1.1 Brief

1.1.1 Title of the project

Investigation on Coca-Cola’s Promotion Strategy

1.1.2 Objectives of the project


This should cover primary objectives and secondary objectives.

1.1.3 Issues to be investigated


This should cover how it involves meeting the needs of customers and who the relevant customers are.

1.1.4 Reasons for the choice of issues


Reasons for the choice of issue which must be directly related to a topic or topics covered as part of the Group Award

1.1.5 Justification for the choice of business (or businesses)


Justification for the choice of business or businesses involved

1.1.6 Sources of information


Explanation of the sources of information which will be used for the investigation and why each has been selected

1.1.7 Investigation methods


Explanation of how the investigation will be conducted with reasons for the choice of methods used

1.1.8 Criteria


Statement of the criteria which will be used to assess the implications of the issue and the reasons why each has been selected. The criteria chosen and the justification for each criterion should be directly related to a topic or topics covered as part of the Group Award

1.2 Plan

1.2.1 Timescale


1.2.2 Identification of the resources


Identification of all the resources (Including People, Money, Materials and Time) required carrying out the investigation

2. Summary ……

3. Developing

3.1 Introduction

3.2 How the issue affects the business 3.2.1 ……

3.2.2 ……


3.3 An assessment of the implications 3.3.1……



3.4 Conclusions




4. Evaluating

4.1 Meeting the objectives


4.2 Effectiveness of the planning and developing stages ……

4.3 Strengths and weaknesses of the report


4.4 Recommendation for future investigation


5. References




6. Appendix





考研-西医综合真题及答案下列哪项能促进ATP 合酶合成ATP 的因素 A.物质的还原反应加速 B.质子顺浓度梯度向基质回流 C.寡霉素和ATP 合酶相作用 D.电子从Cytb 到Cytc1 传递减慢 答案:B 可以直接利用甘氨酸合成的物质是 A.二氢乳清酸 B.磷酸核糖焦磷酸 C.一磷酸腺苷 D.二磷酸尿苷 答案:C 体内快速调节代谢的方式正确的是 A.酶蛋白的合成

B.酶蛋白泛素化降解 C.酶蛋白的磷酸化 D.同工酶的亚基聚合 答案:C 生物合成时,转录因子TFIID 结合的部位是 A.TATA 盒 B.ATG C.GC 盒 D.poly A 答案:A 蛋白质生物时具有GTP 酶活性的物质是 A.23rRNA B.EF-G C.EF-Tu D.RF-2 答案:C

在生物个体中,几乎所有细胞都表达的基因是 A.管家基因 B.阻遏基因 C.可诱导基因 D.突变基因 答案:A 下列可获得目的基因的方法 A.质粒降解 B.核酸外切酶降解 C.核酸降解 D.逆转录 答案:D 下列在信号转导中大会第二信使作用的是 A.一磷酸腺苷 B.腺苷酸环化酶 C.甘油二酯

D.生长因子 答案:C 下列组织中,不会发生化生的是 A.肾盂粘膜上皮 B.宫颈柱状上皮 C.结缔组织 D.神经纤维 答案:D 下列组织组织中,不发生纤维素样坏死的是 A.骨骼肌肌纤维 B.心肌间质 C.肾小球 D.小动脉 答案:A 炎症细胞自血管游出后,在组织内做定向运动的现象称为A. 炎症渗出

B.炎性浸润 C.趋化作用 D.阿米巴样运动 答案:C 单核巨噬细胞在局部增生、聚集而形成的结节状病灶称为 A.炎性假瘤 B.肉芽肿 C.炎性息肉 D.肉芽组织 答案:B 下列组织中,不发生癌的组织是 A.皮肤附件 B.肾上腺 C.淋巴造血组织 D.甲状旁腺 答案:C


大学思修考试试题及答案1.大学生怎样尽快适应大学新生活? 在学习要求,生活环境,社会活动都有变化的大学中首先要认识大学生活的新特点。要培养自主学习的能力,独立思考问题解决问题的能力:要学会过集体生活也要独立:要积极参与社会活动.提高独立生活能力。树立独立生活的意识。虚心求教,细心体察。大胆实践,不断积累生活经验.实力新的学习理念。树立自主学习的理念。树立全面学习的理念。树立创新学习的理念。树立终身学习的理念。培养优良的学风。勤奋。严谨。求实。创新。树立远大的理想。 2.结合实际谈谈学习“思修”课的意义和方法。 这是一门融思想性,政治性,知识性,综合性,实践性于一体的学科。意义:(1)有助于当代大学生认识立志,树德和做人的道理,选择正确的成才之路。(2)有助于当代大学生掌握丰富的思想道德和法律知识,为提高思想道德和法律素养打下知识基础。(3)有助于当代大学生摆正“德'与“才”的位置,做到德才兼备,全面发展。方法:注重学习科学理论。注重学习和掌握高思想道德和法律修养的基本知识。注重联系实际,注重行知统一。 3.谈谈你对社会主义核心价值体系的科学内涵及重要意科学内涵;义的理解?马克思主义指导思想,中国特色社会主义共同理想,以爱国主义

为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,社会主义荣辱观,构成社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容。巩固马克思主义指导地位,坚持不解地用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装全党,教育人民。用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚力量.用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神鼓舞斗志..用社会主义荣辱观引领风尚,巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础。这四个方面内容相互联系,相互贯通,相互促进,是有机统一的整体。 重要意义;是党在思想理论建设上的一个重大理论创新。是我们党深刻总结历史经验,科学分析当前形势提出的一项重大任务。涉及经济,政治,文化,思想等社会方面,是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,是社会主义思想道德建设的思想理论基础,是激励全民奋发向上的精神力量和维系全民族团结和睦的精神 纽带。适应了社会主义市场经济发展的要求,适应了社会主义先进文化建设要求,适应现阶段社会主义思想道德建设的要求…也是引领当代大学生成长成才的根本指针。 4.什么是理想什么是信念? 理想;人们在实践中形成的,对未来社会和自身发展的向往和追求,是人们的世界观,人生观,和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。信念;是认知,情感和意志的有机统一体,是人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心.理态度和精神状态。信念是对理想的支持,是人们追求理想目标


2013年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试西医综合真题 一.A型题:1~90小题,每小题1.5分;91~120小题,每小题2分;共195分。在每小题给出的 A、B、 C、D四个选项中,请选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.葡萄糖从肠道进入肠上皮细胞的方式是 A.入胞 B.单纯扩散 C.易化扩散 D.主动转运 答案: D。 2.神经冲动到达肌接头前膜时,引起开放通道的是 A.Na+通道 B.Ca2+通道 C.K+通道 D.Cl-通道 答案: B。 3.下列关于动作电位的描述,正确的是 A.刺激强度小于阈值时,出现低幅度动作电位

B.刺激强度达到阈值后,再增加刺激强度能使动作电位幅度增大 C.动作电位一经产生,便可沿细胞膜作电紧张性扩布 D.传导距离较长时,动作电位的大小不发生改变 答案: D。 4.红细胞悬浮液稳定性降低的原因是 A.血浆xx增多 B.血浆纤维蛋白原减少 C.红细胞叠连加速 D.红细胞脆性增加 答案: C。 5.凝血酶的主要作用是 A.激活因子ⅩⅢ B.分解因子Ⅰ C.活化血小板 D.激活因子Ⅷ 答案: B。 6. ABO血型系统的主要抗体是 A.IgA

B.IgM C.IgE D.IgG 答案: B。 7.心室肌收缩的后负荷是 A.等容收缩期初心室内压 B.大动脉血压 C.快速射血期心室内压 D.减慢射血期心室内压 答案: B。 8.xx能成为心脏正常起搏点的原因是 A.静息电位仅为–70mV B.阈电位为–40mV C.0期去极化速度快 D.4期去极化速度快 答案: D。 9.影响外周血管阻力的主要因素是 A.血液粘滞性

B.大动脉弹性 C.血管xx D.小动脉口径 答案: D。 10.下列情况中,能够使肺通气/血流比值增高最明显的是 A.肺纤维化形成 B.肺水肿 C.支气管哮喘发作 D.肺拴塞 答案: D。 11.关于气体在血液中运输的叙述,错误的是 A.CO2和Hb结合不需酶的催化 B.CO2主要以HCO3-形式运输 C.O2和Hb结合反应快并需酶催化 C.CO2和O2都有物理溶解形式 答案: C。 12.胃和小肠具有的运动形式是 A.紧张性收缩


Sectio n1 Questio n 1: Part A Give n the competitive n ature of the mobile telecom muni cati ons market an alyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreeme nt with ano ther compa ny .12 Adva ntages: Firstly, the part nership agreeme ntsca n provide Opal with tech no logy assista nce」t allows Opal for the joint developme nt of new products and the shari ng of tech no logy. Secon dly, a Chin ese part nership not only gives Opal access to local kno wledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is importa nt whe n con duct ing bus in ess in China. Thirdly, local firms 'ell-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to en sure that product developme nt and customer service is specifically targeted at meet ing the local n eeds and dema nds of the local market. Fourthly, compa nies in part nership can share the costs and reduce the risk. Disadva ntages: As for the disadva ntages, firstly, the own tech no logy of Opal might be leaked because of the shari ng of tech no logy which may result in the loss of Opal' competitive adva ntages. Secon dly, in a part nership with others, the con trol power of Opal compa ny might be distributed because of the con siderati on of other part ners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations. PART B s be i

国开2020最新思想道德修养与法律基础终结性考试一 试题及答案

国开2020最新思想道德修养与法律基础终结性 考试一考试试题及答案 一、材料分析题(80 分) 材料一:新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,广大医务人员夜以继日、连续奋战,有的不幸被病毒感染,有的甚至献出了生命,展现了救死扶伤、医者仁心的崇高精神。面对新冠肺炎疫情,普通人可以通过自我隔离把客观风险与主观焦虑降低到最低限度,而医务工作者则选择了“逆行” 。当很多人在家中安全隔离时,大批白衣天使却走出家门,坚守工作岗位,用生命守护生命。疫情使医务人员的工作环境风险更高,工作环节更复杂,工作强度更大。面对这些严峻考验,医务工作者不负人民重托,交出了满意的答卷,诠释了救死扶伤的真正内涵。 材料二:中国工程院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟院士说:“疫情结束后希望国家给年青人树立正确的人生导向,把高薪留给一线科研人员,不要让年青人一味追崇演艺明星,他们是强不了国的。”“国家的兴盛要靠科技、教育、医疗,所以要树立全民崇尚医生、科学家、教师、军人,是

他们在支撑民族脊梁。” “一个合理的社会应该是一个人给社会创造了多少价值,相应得到多少回报,这里的价值分为精神价值和物质价值。如今是给社会带来较多物质价值的是科研人员、医生、军人、工程师等,他们工作一生不及明星一天的收入;给社会创造精神价值的作家不再受推崇,致使如今难出思想大家。不要说什么存在即合理,这明明就很不合理。” 请回答: 1.什么是人生价值?人生价值包含的内容及其含义是什么? 2.结合材料分析人的自我价值和社会价值的辩证关系。 答: 1.什么是人生价值?人生价值包含的内容及其含义是什么? (一)人生的自我价值与社会价值 1.自我价值、社会价值的含义:人生价值内在地包含了人生的自我价值和社会价值两个方面。人生的社会价值,是个体的人生活动对社会、他人所

HND 大综合 第一部分Planing

1.0 Planning―Action Plan 1.1 Introduction I'm working in Cadogan Bank plc which provide investment service.I will provide Alexander Flynn,his wife Janet Flynn and three children some personal financial products.As an Investment Services Manager,the main responsibility is to help people providing personal financial products.In whole of this financial service, my expectation is follow up the customer needs,at the same time help customer to achieve maximum profits.In England is including two kinds of Investment Services Manager which are Tied Adviser and Independent Financial Adviser.A Tied Adviser is only provide some products which is from their own bank.Independent Financial Advisers can provide products from the whole of the UK market. In England Alexand er’s family is a middle class.In England,the middle class annual income is £350.000.Therefore they are too busy to have no time to management of their property.At the same time they are also well-to-do.Therefore they can not worry about some product is too expensive to afford.So I can provide the best suitable provider.Cadogan Bank is a commercial bank,moreover is one of the institution by Financial Service Authority (FSA) regulation.In UK,FSA only supervise nineteen bank.If the bank's business is bad or default,FSA can undertake compensation.These are fully demonstrates that Cadogan Bank is reliable.A commercial bank provides savings,money market accounts,mortgage and so on.Because of this cause,I can help client to find some investment and financial product.In England,there have five kinds of provider.I will use three of these provider in whole of this report. The client needs saving,borrowing and personal insurance.Due to customer needs has variance,the provision of products are possible to satisfied customer.This is why we should find other provider in UK to satisfied customer needs.


2018年考研西医综合真题及答案 1. 在维持机体稳态的调节中,负反馈控制特点是 A. 迅速 B.有被动 C.有预见性 D.有可能失误 答案:B 2. 神经细胞在静息时,电压门控钠通道对Na+通透的门控状态是 A.激活通道和失活通道都开放 B.激活通道和失活通道都关闭 C.激活通道开放失活通道关闭 D.激活通道关闭失活通道开放 答案:D 3.在生理止血过程中,与识别损伤部位有关的血小板生理特征是 A.血小板粘附 B.血小板聚集 C.血小板释放 D.血小板吸附 答案:A 4.引起窦房结P 细胞动作电位0 期去极化的主要离子是 A.INa B.lk C.lca-L D.lca-T 答案:C 5.能使功能余气量增加的呼吸系统病是 A.肺炎 B.矽肺 C.肺水肿 D.支气管哮喘 答案:D 6.下列关于二氧化碳刺激呼吸运动的描述中正确的是 A.中枢化学感受器反应较快 B.外周化学感受器较易适应 C.刺激中枢和外周化学感受器效应等同 D.一定水平的二氧化碳分压对呼吸运动是必需的 答案:D 7.促胃液素延缓胃排空的原因是 A.抑制迷走迷走反射 B.抑制壁内神经从反射 C.增强幽门括约肌收缩 D.增强肠胃反射 答案:C 8.大肠内细菌利用简单物质合成的维生素是 A.维生素a 和d B.维生素b 和k

C.维生素c 和e D.维生素pp 和叶酸 答案:B 9.测得某人的基础状态下的耗氧量为14L/h,体表面积1.5 平方米,其BMR 约 A.150 B.167 C.177 D.186 答案:C 10.实验发现较难通过肾小球滤过膜的物质是 A.带正电荷的古旋糖酐分子 B.带负电荷的右旋糖酐分子 C.电中性的右旋糖酐分子 D.带负电荷的无机离子 答案:B 11.在肾远曲小管和集合管上皮细胞内,不属于醛固酮诱导蛋白的物质是 A.管腔膜上的钠通道 B.管腔膜上的水孔蛋白 C.基底侧膜上的钠泵 D.线粒体中合成ATP 的酶 答案:B 12.与眼视近物所作的调节无关的反射活动是 A.双眼会聚 B.晶状体变凸 C.瞳孔对光反射 D.瞳孔调节反射 答案:C 13.能阻碍突触前膜释放地质而影响突出传递的物质是 A.a-银环蛇毒 B.有机磷酸酯 C.肉毒梭菌毒素 D.三环类抗抑郁药 答案:C 14.甲状腺素作用的靶细胞而产生生物效应的收徒属于 A.核受体 B.G 蛋白偶联受体 C.酪氨酸激酶受体 D.离子通道型受体 答案:A 15.1’25 二羟维生素D3 对钙磷代谢的影响 A.升钙升磷 B.升钙降磷 C.升磷降钙 D.都降


H N D大综合G U答案 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

S e c t i o n 1 Question 1: Part A Given the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another Advantages: Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk. Disadvantages:


大学期末思修考试 2019最新大学思想道德修养与法律基础试题[含答案] 一、选择题 1.甲与乙系朋友关系,某日甲外出,将自己的一台照相机交乙保管。乙未经甲同意,擅自将照相机卖给不知情的丙。对此,下列表述哪项是正确的?() A.甲可依所有权取回照相机,但需向丙补偿购买相机所花费的价款 B.甲可依所有权取回照相机,也无需向丙补偿购买照相机所花费的价款 C.甲不能取回照相机,只能向乙请求赔偿损失 D.丙与乙之间的买卖合同效力处于效力未定状态,其效力确定取决于甲的同意 2.正确理解社会主义法治思维方式,应正确认识和把握以下关系()ABCD A.民主与法治的关系 B.权利与权力、权利与义务的关系 C.自由与平等的关系 D.实体与程序的关系 3.经营者提供商品或服务有欺诈行为,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用的( A )。 A一倍B二倍C三倍D四倍 4.社会主义思想道德体系的原则是() A、爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义 B、为人民服务 C、诚实守信 D、集体主义 5.无数事实证明,人有了明确的理想,才能在人生的追求上不断去攀登,最大限度地实现人生价值;人若没有明确的理想信念,就会像没有舵的小船,在生活的大海中迷失方向,甚至搁浅触礁。这就是说( ABC ) A.理想信念是人生的精神向导B.理想信念是人生前进的精神动力 C.理想信念是人生的精神支柱D.理想信念是人们的主观意志和想当然 6.人生价值是自我价值和社会价值的统一。下列选择是指人生的社会价值的有( )。 A、个人的社会存在 B、社会对个人的尊重和满足 C、个体的人生对于社会和他人的意义


2018年西综考研试题及答案 1. 在维持机体稳态的调节中,负反馈控制特点是 A. 迅速 B.有被动 C.有预见性 D.有可能失误 答案:B 2. 神经细胞在静息时,电压门控钠通道对Na+通透的门控状态是 A. 激活通道和失活通道都开放 B. 激活通道和失活通道都关闭 C. 激活通道开放失活通道关闭 D. 激活通道关闭失活通道开放 答案:D 3. 在生理止血过程中,与识别损伤部位有关的血小板生理特征是 A. 血小板粘附 B. 血小板聚集 C. 血小板释放 D. 血小板吸附 答案:A 4. 引起窦房结P 细胞动作电位0 期去极化的主要离子是A.INa B.lk C.lca-L D.lca-T 答案:C 5. 能使功能余气量增加的呼吸系统病是

A. 肺炎 B. 矽肺 C. 肺水肿 D. 支气管哮喘 答案:D 6. 下列关于二氧化碳刺激呼吸运动的描述中正确的是 A. 中枢化学感受器反应较快 B. 外周化学感受器较易适应 C. 刺激中枢和外周化学感受器效应等同 D. 一定水平的二氧化碳分压对呼吸运动是必需的 答案:D 7. 促胃液素延缓胃排空的原因是 A. 抑制迷走迷走反射 B. 抑制壁内神经从反射 C. 增强幽门括约肌收缩 D. 增强肠胃反射 答案:C 8. 大肠内细菌利用简单物质合成的维生素是 A. 维生素a 和d B. 维生素b 和k C. 维生素c 和e D. 维生素pp 和叶酸答案:B

9. 测得某人的基础状态下的耗氧量为14L/h,体表面积 1.5 平方米,其BMR 约A.150 B.167 C.177 D.186 答案:C 10. 实验发现较难通过肾小球滤过膜的物质是 A. 带正电荷的古旋糖酐分子 B. 带负电荷的右旋糖酐分子 C. 电中性的右旋糖酐分子 D. 带负电荷的无机离子 答案:B 11. 在肾远曲小管和集合管上皮细胞内,不属于醛固酮诱导蛋白的物质是 A. 管腔膜上的钠通道 B. 管腔膜上的水孔蛋白 C. 基底侧膜上的钠泵 D. 线粒体中合成ATP 的酶 答案:B 12. 与眼视近物所作的调节无关的反射活动是 A. 双眼会聚 B. 晶状体变凸 C. 瞳孔对光反射 D. 瞳孔调节反射


1.有关的知识: product line; product items; product positioning; product life cycle; 可能的优势:coherent连贯grouping of products within one market (drinks)---can help to gain economies of scale in promotion and operations, build managerial expertise etc; Targeted at a number of different markets(eg orangina, Tizer); range of different product lines and items—some have a very clear identity (eg Irn-Bru) 缺点:many are at the mature stage of the product life cycle; soft drinks is a rapidly changing market and new brands may be important (Barr’s may be finding it hard to develop new brands—its own brands are well-established and its franchises are in a static market(Orangina), or not well-know in the UK(Lipton Ice Tea). Part(b) 有关的知识:Price elasticity of demand; promotional methods; product life cycle; market research. Price elasticity may influence Barr’s in that it can lead to attempts to enhance brand loyalty so that price elasticity is reduced which, in turn, curtail the impact on sales of a change in price. There are many examples in the case study of attempts to develop brand loyalty, eg Irn-Bru, Tizer 2. Relevant concepts: systems approach; stakeholders; government economic policy; users of financial information. Answers should use examples to show how Barr’s has reacted to feedback from its environment and how it has tried to influence it. Answers should analyse the process by which Barr’s interacts in each case. Possible example include: use of government. Assistance when entering the Russian market(and discussion of market failure); threats to or angina franchise; changing promotional methods to make use of the internet; currency fluctuations and the knock-on effects; ASA and possible public reaction to Barr’s . Answers which consist of a series of examples with no analysis should get a maximum of seven marks. 3. (a)Relevant concepts: stakeholder; purpose of financial information; management control; organizational goals; objectives and policy; demand. Fidelity buys shares so that the dividends from them can be distributed to holders of its units. The information which it needs will depend on its organizational goals, eg: the degree of risk it is willing to take. These are not given so it is not easy to say which information will be valuable. Howeven, it may include: franchise agreements (eg when they start and end as this may influence Barr’s earnings); ASA adjudications which may affect the demand for Barr’s products; investments in new machinery(influence extent to which Barr’s is competitive); promotional campaigns(influence demand for product); dividends(because this will influence earning that it gets and how much it can pay its unit holders). Provide a reasoned argument which explains the link between the information and its value to Fidelity. (b)Relevant concepts: Stakeholder; strategies of control; organizational goals, objectives and policy; formal organization; users of financial information; purposes of information ; sources of relevant information. Answers should make it clear which item of information has been chosen, eg profit after tax. For fidelity, this could be used to monitor whether it has invested in terms of its objectives(eg these may relate to companies which have stable earnings), whether it has a suitable share profile across several companies; whether previous share purchasing decisions should be reviewed. Barr’s could use it to monitor the year on year progress of the company, to monitor the effectiveness of its profit sharing scheme. A reasoned argument which explains the link between the item information and control in the two companies. 4.Relevant concepts: market demand; internal and external environment; goals; purpose and analysis of financial statements; sources of finance; product mix marketing mix; product life cycle;


西医综合真题答案——内外科 基础部分题目答案(标红部分为纠正内容) 一、诊断学 57. 下列可导致发绀的疾病中,属于混合性发绀的是C 20 页 A. 肺栓塞 B. 阻塞性肺气肿 C. 心力衰竭 D. 亚硝酸盐中毒 58. 下列疾病中,可出现杵状指(趾)的是A A. 肝硬化 B. 慢性支气管炎 C. 肢端肥大症 D. 缺铁性贫血 59. 女性,32岁,患特发性肺动脉高压,可能出现的体征是B A. 心尖搏动呈抬举样 B. 心尖搏动向左侧移位 C. 心尖部可闻及收缩期杂音并向左腋下传导 D. 心底部第2心音逆分裂 女性,24岁。3周前上感发热,咽痛,1周来乏力、头晕,晨起颜面发胀,继而出现下肢水肿、食欲下降、尿少。自幼体弱,患有房隔缺损,平素活动尚可。查体:T37.2摄氏度,P88次/分,BP150/90 mmHg,发育营养稍差,自主体位,双眼睑水肿,颈静脉无怒张,双肺(-),心界不大,心律整,心音正常。P2>A2,腹软,肝脾未及,下肢凹陷性水肿(+)。 91、该患者水肿最可能的类型是B A. 心源性 B. 肾源性 C. 肝源性 D. 营养不良 92、导致该患者水肿最可能的机剂是A A. 钠、水潴留 B. 血管通透性增高 C. 低蛋白血症 D. 静脉压增高 二、内科学 60. 男性,60 岁,因1 年来反复发生夜间阵发性呼吸困难,2 个月来心悸、气短、不能平卧、尿少、下肢水肿来院,3 年前患广泛前壁心肌梗死。入院查体:T36.7?C,P67 次/分,BP120/65 mmHg,半卧位,颈静脉充盈,双肺底均可闻及湿性啰音,心界扩大,心律不整,心率98 次/分,心音强弱不等,肝肋下50px,双下肢凹陷性水肿(++)。该患者治疗中,不宜选用的药物是 C A. 洋地黄 B. 华法林


HND金融大综合 2.1 The demands of these consumer can divide into savings, mortgage needs and protection needs. 2.11 The demands of savings. The cost of daily life, the cost of three children, the crowd of high income, The surplus income need to save. 2.12 The demands of protection needs. Flynn has an outstanding mortgage of £450,000, and this couple has recently decided to build an extension to their home at a cost of £300,000. The demands of protection needs. 2.13 The adults is more old than yesterday, and the state of health of them we all do not know. They all need some help to get guarantee to ensure their cause. The children of Janet need a good environment to grow. And their family should protect their property. 2.2~2.3 ◆ The cost of daily life. Every family all need this for spending. If there is not a particular plan, this family will be faced with many problem. So the current account is the best choose. ◆ The education cost of Flynn’s three children. All parents want to their children have a perfect childhood to the benefit of their future. So have a whole educat ion is necessary. So a good family affirm draw up a plan for their child ab ovo. We need to choose educational endowment. ◆ Janet work as Alexander’s personal assistant. As his assistant she is paid a salary of £550,000 per annum. So he is belong to the human of high income. They also need to rate payment very much. But we can take steps of avoid the tax, and find the product of tax exemption. So the fixed interest savings certificates is best fit for us. ◆Like the high income crowd. Then have a large of money can not use. So the last money we will save it. The best way is save it in fixed deposit. Fixed deposit is our good choice. ◆ Flynn has an outstanding mortgage of £450,000 on the property. And the loan of he has loss occurrence. So the best way perhaps change it to capital and interest mortgage. Because it can reduce the lose. ◆ Flynn has recently decided to build an extension to their home at a cost of £300.000. But he does not have mortgage to get loan. So he only to get it by himself. ◆ When the adults grow older. Everyone all want have a guarantee for themselves. Even if has an accident in the future. But can not get so much attack. So they need to buy the insurance of term insurance. ◆ Ditto. When the adults grow older. The health of themselves is more and more to hard to know. And their body can not get some serious attack. So they are better to buy the insurance of accident insurance. ◆ No matter what man or women. They have the cause of themselves. So they also need to buy the insurance of enterprise insurance. ◆ The three children of Janet. They are young. So they need a guarantee for their growth life. Prevent happen something we don not want. The accident insurance is very good. Because the children are very naughty. ◆ Every family has their own economy. And must protect their income to hold the cost of everything. I think the property insurance is the obbligato for every family. 2.4 ☆Alliance Leicester plc Alliance Leicester plc(LSE:AL) is a British bank, formerly a building society. It was formed in 1997 by the flotation of the former Alliance Leicester Building Society on the London Stock Exchange. It is listed on the FTSE 100. its headquarters are in Carlton Park, a business park in Nar borough, south of Leicester in England. ☆HSBC Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations’ in the world. HSBC's international network comprises around 7,500 offices in 87 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. ☆Banco Santander Santander holds a unique position in international banking, with a solid base of recurrent retail commercial banking and a high degree of geographical diversification, which guarantees its future. Continental Europe, where the main commercial units are the Santander and Banesto Networks in Spain, Santander Totta in Portugal and Santander Consumer Finance, which has consumer finance operations in 19 countries. ☆ Lloyds TSB Black Horse is
