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TPO 42



1.Why does the student want to talk to the professor?

A. To let him know that she has no background in art

B. To discuss the topic of her art history paper

C. To inform him that she is unable to print out the class syllabus at the computer lab

D. To get another copy of the material from class

2.What point does the professor make about the early Bauhaus school?

A. Its intention was to create a distinctive artistic style.

B. It started out with a focus on architecture.

C. It was conceived as an experiment in education.

D. Its founding director supported traditional classroom teaching.

3.Why does the student mention her German studies?

A. To indicate that she is interested in different fields of study

B. To indicate that she knows about the German art school

C. To explain why she is taking a class about Bauhaus

D. To explain why she thinks Bauhaus centered on architecture

4.What is the professor s opinion about how Bauhaus works should be


A. They should focus on a famous Bauhaus artist.

B. They should reveal the diversity of the Bauhaus.

C. They should be based on a single Bauhaus technique.

D. They should be arranged by time period

5. What does the professor say about the museum that the student is required to visit?

Click on 2 answers.

A. Its Bauhaus exhibit is organized by themes.

B. Its Bauhaus exhibit will not be there much longer.

C. It offers students a price reduction on Thursday nights.

D. It will probably be quite crowded next weekend.



1.Why does the student go to see the man?

A. To register her group to perform for Parents’ Weekend

B. To change the date when her dance group will give a performance

C. To complain about the floor in a newly built rehearsal room

D. To find out when a room she reserved will be available

2. Why is the student s group unable to rehearse in the student center?

A. The rehearsal space was overbooked.

B. The building is being renovated.

C. The rehearsal space was replaced by a game room.

D. The group did not reserve a rehearsal room.

3. What two points do the speakers make about tap dancing?

Click on 2 answers.

A.Tap dancing is becoming a popular form of entertainment on campus.

B.Tap dancing classes have always been offered at the university.

C.Tap dancing requires a certain type of flooring.

D.Tap dancing creates sounds that are important to the performance.

4. What does the man imply about the student theater?

A. It is almost always booked.

B. It has not been renovated in a long time.

C. It is too small to accommodate the student s dance group.

D. It is rarely used for dance performances.

5. What does the man imply when he says this:

He is not sure what kind of rehearsal space the student needs.

He does not know of any rehearsal space off campus.

He is unable to reserve rehearsal space off campus.

He will call a dance studio in town.


一、考试简介 自2008年度起全科医学、临床专业(专业代码为026至084)以及中药学初级(士)、初级(师)、中级(专业代码分别为002、014、091)、中医护理学初级(师)、中级(专业代码分别为016、098)各专业“基础知识”、“相关专业知识”、“ 专业知识”和“专业实践能力”4个科目考试均改用“人机对话”方式进行;其他49个专业4个科目仍采用纸笔作答方式进行考试。在今后考试中会继续增加机考专业范围。 人机对话考试是国内外医学考试发展的方向,是借助计算机及网络技术对考试进行实施、管理的一种测试形式;它可以根据考试设计的需求,有针对性地进行命题、组卷,并完成试题呈现、接受答案、计分、数据分析以及结果解释等一系列环节。其特点包括:①形象性:人工智能装臵、模拟系统的运用使得人机对话考试更加生动、直观;②简易性:通过计算机系统,省略了考生涂卡环节及繁杂的评卷工作,节约了大量的时间和费用;③安全性:可随机组卷,将备选答案顺序打乱,有效地防范作弊行为;④科学性:更及时地检测考试的信度和效度,确保考试数据的准确性,排除人为因素的影响,使考试成绩真实可靠。⑤经济性:人机对话考试减少了试卷的印刷、运送等过程,可以节省大量的人力、物力。 人机对话考试系统提供的是一种接近“傻瓜式”的操作,在整个考试过程,考生通过简单的键盘和鼠标操作就能完成作答,因此并不需要过多的担心。即便如此,考前熟悉考试系统操作和题型仍然是必要的。

人机对话考试的题型与纸笔考试一样,均为客观选择题。人机对话考试的新题型(案例分析题)将主观题客观化,一方面继承了选择题的优点,如高信度和高效度,快速出成绩,更容易做数据分析并提供信息反馈等;另一方面,案例分析题着重考查考生综合应用知识的能力,通过计算机实现作答的不可逆性,更接近现实临床情景。 人机对话考试突破了传统考试方法表达试题形式的限制,它利用声音、录像、图形等多媒体形式,真正做到视觉和听觉相结合,文字和画面相结合,借助典型病例和各种生动的画面(如典型体征、X线、心电图、超声心动图等)营造接近临床实际的环境,通过计算机显示,考生边观察边分析边判断边回答问题,能较全面、真实地反映出考生解决临床问题的能力和水平。 人机对话的考试方式还可以准确地控制考试时间,设定的时间一旦用尽后,计算机将自动收卷,任何考生无法继续作答,确保了考试时间对所有考生的公平性。在人机对话考试整个过程中,计算机屏幕下方会显示答题进度和考试剩余时间,方便考生控制答题速度和掌握时间。 对于参加考试的卫生专业技术人员而言,除掌握专业知识和专业实践能力外,还应掌握计算机的基本操作,熟悉人机对话考试形式、题型和特点,方能取得好成绩。 二、考试操作及答题技巧 (一)考试操作


Conversation 1 meeting A: we need to discuss our work plan for next year. Miss Tang, did you prepare a list of action items? B: yes. Does everyone have a copy? It’s only a draft, so I would appreciate any feedback before I forward it to the other departments. A: I see that expanding our product line tops the list of priorities. Although product development is important, I also think we need to find ways of upgrading our distribution network. B: I’ve asked the marketing department to follow up on that. I intend to incorporate some of their suggestions into the work plan before we submit the final report A: we should also brainstorm with folks in advertising to make sure that our target audience is getting the message. B: we’ll have to be careful about how we present our ideas. Those creative types can be awfully sensitive! A: I’ll speak with the assistant director in the


学习场景 关于考试 2008.6(14) A) Review the details of all her lessons. B) Compare notes with his classmates. C) Talk with her about his learning problems. D) Focus on the main points of her lectures. 2008.6(17) A) Attending every lecture. B) Doing lots of homework. C) Reading very extensively. D) Using test–taking strategies. 2013.6(14) A) She does not like psychology. B) She does not like taking exams. C) She is not a reliable source of information. D) She is not available until the end of next week. 关于论文 2008.12(17) A) She wants to get some sleep. B) She needs time to write a paper. C) She has a literature class to attend. D) She is troubled by her sleep problem. 2011.12(17) A ) The woman is going to make her topic more focused. B) The man and woman are working on a joint project. C) She should choose a broad topic for her paper. D) It took a lot of time to get the man on the right track. 关于书本 2007.12(17) A) The woman forgot lending the book to the man. B) The woman doesn’t find the book useful any more. C) She doesn’t seem to know what the book is about.D) The woman wondered why he didn’t return the book. 关于课程 2009.12(17) A) Female students are unfit for studying physics. B) He can serve as the woman’s tutor. C) Physics is an important course at school. D) The professor’s suggestion is constructive. 关于专业的选择 2013.12 (1) A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 图书馆场景 2008.12(16) A) She couldn’t have le ft her notebook in the library. B) She may have put her notebook amid the journals. C) She should have made careful notes while doing reading. D) She shouldn’t have read his notes without his knowing it. 交通运输场景 2011.12(11) A. Read the notice on the window B. Get a new bus schedule C. Go and ask the staff D. Board the bus to Cleveland

长沙2017年中考人机对话考试练习题PDF 6套及答案分解

长沙市2015中考口语人机对话练习题 Exercise 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and the museum. Finally, mind your time. You are supposed to arrive on time. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时你正在专心看书。看到你学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了你。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) 2. What were you doing then? (2分) 3. Was Mother happy when she saw you? (2分) 4. Why did Mother praise you? (2分) 参考答案: 1. (At) 9. / (At) 9 last night. 2.Reading. / I was reading. / I was reading then. / I was reading at that time. 3. Yes. / Yes, she was. 4.(Because) I was studying hard./ (Because) I was learning hard. (Because) I was reading carefully. 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。

good conversation 好的对话

Name: Rena Topic: Good Conversation Number: 1207071026 Date: Oct.20th, 2014 As the third quote says,‘the character of a man is known from his conversation.’Mostly, I do judge a man’s character by his words, expression and body language. In my opinion, a good conversation is not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards. One’s conversation not onl y shows what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but it also tends to show what his nature is.A good conversation shows your friends and partners or mostly people you meet the first time what a person you are.It reveals personal characteristics like if you are respectful, arrogant, or humble. Let us use the example of an interview. A company finds out a lot about you through the words you say, especially in oriental countries. How you behave is so crucial that sometimes they will decide on whether they will take you just based on your conversation. To learn a good conversation, one must first bear in mind that they arise from one’s daily behavio r—the words he uses in front of people. To be a man of a good conversation, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. Of course, rich knowledge is the foundation of a good conversation. Reading by: Dora St#:1207071017 Reading by: Coral St#:1207071008


托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介绍 在托福的对话类听力素材中,图书馆可以算的上是一个出现频率相当高的场景了。许多对话都是发生在图书馆当中,对话双方多为学生和图书管理员。下面就和大家分享托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介绍详解图书馆里的二三事如何应对托福听力中的图书馆场景? 1、熟听、熟记图书馆场景标志词,使听力差的考生虽听不懂段子的具体内容,但能确定出它是图书馆场景类型的段子。 2、反复听老题中图书馆场景的段子,掌握以下具体的方面: (1)美国学校图书馆的基本制度:如研究生和教师可以进入书库直接查阅,本科生则不能之类的规章制度等; (2)美国学校图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施:如reference room,periodical room等重要部门; (3)考生尤其应注意美国学校图书馆在制度、机构设置方面与中国的差别,因为考生缺少对这些差别亲身体验的感性认识,从而在听清字面意思时也造成对实际内容的理解障碍,是产生失分的主要原因。

掌握以上背景知识的目的是期望对将来托福听力中图书馆场景段子的内容做到未听先知,考生对它们的掌握程度应力求达到较流利的口头表述。 托福听力中图书馆相关词汇汇总 library图书馆 librarian图书管理员 archive 档案 non-fiction 非小说类文学作品 science-fiction 科幻小说 copier 复印机 check out 办理(借、还)手续 renew 续借 overdue 过期 interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称 information desk n.服务台 delivery/circulation desk借书台 shelf 书架


距离2020年卫生资格考试还有一个多月了。很多考生第一次接触人机对话考试形式。人机对话考试怎么考,有哪些注意事项和答题技巧呢? 具体说来就是在进行“专业知识”科目考试时,在某一题型(如“单选题”)的测试过程中,考生是可以随时查看、修改此题型内任何一题的选择答案的,而一旦确认完成作答、进入新的题型时(如结束“单选题”,进入“不定项选择题”),考生将不能退回到前一测试题型(“单选题”)进行查看和修改答案。在进行“专业实践能力”科目考试时,针对每道案例分析题,只有完成前一个问题才能看到下一问题,并且在确定进入下一问题后是无法对前面问题的作答进行查看和修改的(如当确认完成“第1问”,进入“第2问”后,考生无法查看或修改其“第1问”的选择)。因此考生须谨慎、认真作答。 第一步 登陆输入自己的准考证号,点击登录,进入考试系统。 第二步 确认信息登陆之后确认一下自己的考试信息是否正确,以及了解考试屏幕显示内容。 (1)摘要显示部分:摘要显示位于屏幕上部,一般用于显示所考案例描述性文字,如同临床医学题型为“病例摘要”,摘要在本案例的提问没有结束之前始终存在,以使随时为考生提供信息。当下一案例题出现时其自动消失。 (2)提示、提问及答题操作部分:该部分位于屏幕中部。提示,主要结合所提的问题,提供一些参考资料,一般反映病情变化或辅助检查的结果。提问,即需考生回答的问题,通常有6~12个备选答案,考生根据所提供的备选答案直接作答。 (3)图片显示:图片可以是医学影像、心电图、脑电图、病理切片及实物图片等。作为答题的参考资料,当屏幕右下方提示可调用图片时,用鼠标点击或按相关键即换屏显示图片。


学习必备欢迎下载 2014英语中考听力口语人机对话测试复习计划 九年级备课组 人机对话考试对学生语言表达的完整性、准确性、流利性、韵律性等方面的评判更加全面规范,这就要求学生必须通过扎实有效的复习训练,使他们的发音更加标准、地道。所以,我们九年级备课组拟以《20XX年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试纲要》作为训练的蓝本,充分利用各种资源进行针对性训练,如《江苏20XX年初中英语人机对话英语听力模拟题》、《初中英语听读空间中考特辑》以及20XX年人机对话测试题等进行模拟训练。 为了更好地做好复习训练工作,我们要结合各学校实践中所形成的行之有效的经验,适时开展形式多样的训练活动,提高训练效率: 1. 晨读课和早读课:以读课本为主。 2. 利用一个晚读课有计划地训练《初中英语听力口语自动化考试纲要》的30篇短文和40篇话题简述。每节晚读课安排两篇短文、两个话题简述。让学生大声跟录音朗读,模仿录音中的语音、语调、节奏、停顿等,老师适时指导,教给学生必备的朗读技巧,如重音、连读、失去爆破、同化、意群停顿等。然后,学生自由朗读,老师进行个别指导,及时提供帮助,纠正学生的错误发音。 3.保证每节英语课都有5分钟左右的听力训练。 4.利用一个晚读课、英语晚自习的一节课(3月份)和一节英语思维训练课进行专项听力训练(4月份),每节课安排两三份听力综合训练题。在训练听力时,注重对学生答题技巧的指导,例如,巧妙预测;顺序答题;边听边记;抓关键词句;大胆猜测等等。 5. 通过仿真模拟,进行适应性训练,实现练考无缝对接。以班级为单位,组织学生上机操作,让学生熟悉人机对话考试的操作流程、测试程序和相关的注意事项,熟练掌握耳麦佩戴方法、计算机操作等技能,掌握控制音量大小、语速快慢等技巧,掌握答案修改、答案提交等具体方法。根据模拟考试反馈报告反馈复习训练、上机操作、考试组织等各方面工作中存在的问题。 附时间安排表: 1. 3月1日——3月22日,第一轮复习: 一节晚读课:2个话题简述、3篇朗读材料,由英语教师+小组长检查。 一节晚读课和晚自习一节课:综合听力专项训练,训练材料:《江苏20XX年初中英语人机对话英语听力模拟题》、《初中英语听读空间中考特辑》 2. 3月24日——考试,第二轮复习: 三个晚读课:1-2个话题简述、2篇朗读材料,由英语老师+小组长抽查; 一个晚读课、晚自习一节课和英语思维训练课:综合听力专项训练,训练材料:以仿真题、模拟题为主; 考试前的准备;真题模拟;关注重点名单,个别辅导。

一段对话 A Conversation(小学英语作文)

一段对话A Conversation 小学英语作文 Ann: Good morning,Eva. Happy to see you here. How are you? Ann:早上好,伊娃。很高兴在这里见到你。你最近还好吗? Eva: Great. And you? Eva :很好!你呢? Ann: I am good. Thanks.Oh, let me introduce my friend to you, Eva. This is Kate. She comes fromAmerica. Kate, this is Eva. Ann:我很好。谢谢。噢,让我向你介绍一下我的朋友,伊娃。这是凯特,来自美国。凯特,这是伊娃。 Eva: Hello, Kate. Niceto meet you. Eva:你好,凯特,很高兴见到你。 Kate: Nice to meetyou, too. Where are you from? Kate:我也很高兴见到你。你来自哪里? Eva: I am fromCanada. EVa:我来自加拿大。 Kate: Oh, really? Iwent to Canada with my parents before. It’s a great country. Kate:噢,是吗?我以前和我父母去过加拿大,那是个很美的国

家。 Eva: Yes, It’sreally great. And America is my favorite country, too. Eva:是的,很美。美国也是我喜欢的国家。 Kate: I am happyto hear that. Kate:我很高兴你这么说。 Ann: Vow! I thinkyou two can be good friends. How about go shopping together? Ann:哇,我觉得你们两可以成为好朋友。一起去逛街怎么样? Eva & Kate:Good! Eva&Kate:好的!


1.对话场景词汇: A:Office Hours—Student & Professor 论文: office hour n.办公时间 term papern.学期论文. the first draft = draft version [drɑ:ft] [?v?:??n]n.初稿 hand in the final copy v.提交最后打印版 scope [sk?up]n.范围 wander off topic v.跑题. essay [?esei]n.作文,散文 revise [ri?vaiz]v.校正 reference section [?ref?r?ns] [?sek?(?)n]n.参考部分 疑难解答: assignment [??sainm?nt]n. 作业 grade [greid]n.成绩 credit[?kredit]n.学分 mid-term exam n.期中考试 due [dju:]adj.截止 deadline [?dedlain]n.截止日期 extension [ik?sten??n]n.延期申请 volunteer [?v?l?n?ti?]n.志愿者 campus [?k?mp?s]n校园 semester[si?mest?]n.学期 scholarship/fellowship [?sk?l??ip] [?fel?u?ip]n. 奖学金 选课: Preparatory Course [pri?p?r?t?ri]n.预备课程: foundation course [faun?dei??n] n.基础课程 intro/introduction course [??ntr??]/ [?intr??d?k??n].n.导论课程 intermediate Course [?int??mi:di?t]n.中级课 程 advanced course [?d?vɑ:nst]n.高级课程 其他: Orientation[??:ri?n?tei??n]n.大学新生介绍校园生活和学习 Retire [ri?tai?]v. 退休 graduate [?gr?djueit] vi. 毕业n.毕业生 B:Student & Officer 学生对工作人员 Library:图书馆 librarian[lai?br??ri?n]n.图书管理员 inter-libraryn.馆际互借 loan[l?un]v.n.借 loan counter [?kaunt?] n.借书处 loan period [?pi?ri?d] n.借书期限 return [ri?t?:n]v.还 renew [ri?nju:]v.更新,续 reserve[ri?z?:v]vt.预留/n.储备 photocopier[?f??t??k?p??(r)]n.影印机 fine [fain]vt.罚款/n.罚金 literature review [?lit?r?t??] [ri?vju:]n.文献评论 electronic [i?lek?tr?nik]adj.电子版的 journal [?d??:n?l]n.期刊 database [?deit?beis]n.数据库 abstract [??bstr?kt]vt.摘要 contemporary [k?n?temp?r?ri] n.当代的 reference guide [?ref?r?ns] [gaid]n.参考指南 the front desk n.前台 charge[t?ɑ:d?] =fee [fi:]n.费用 the rare books [re?] 珍藏本书 Bookstore:书店 full refund [ful] [ri?f?nd]n.退款 retreat[ri?tri:t]n.退书 merchandises[?m?:t??ndaiz]n.商品 purchased ['p?:t??st] =buy vt.买 policy [?p?l?si]n.规定 store credit [st?:] [?kredit] n.商店退款;赊账购物 Cafeteria:食堂 Restaurant/dining room [?da?n??] [ru:m]n.餐厅 organic food [?:?g?nik] n.有机食物 deep fried foodn.油炸食物 snack[sn?k]n.小吃,快餐 salad[?s?l?d]n.沙拉 Registrar’s Office:注册办公室

江苏省人机对话考试口语训练材料 朗读短文

初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(17年10) Halloween is on October 31. People celebrate it in many ways. Children wear special costumes and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called "trick or treat". They knock on their neighbours' doors and shout "trick or treat". Their neighbours usually give them some candy as a "treat". If the children do not get any candy, they can play a trick on their neighbours. Some people also make lanterns out of big orange pumpkins. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. 2(17年25) My ideal school starts at 8 . and finishes at 3 . I love sports and computers, so we have PE and computer lessons every day. The classes are quite small. There are about 20 students in each class. There is a big dining hall. There we can eat and chat with our friends. There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other. We have a big library. We also have a tennis court and a swimming pool. There are lots of clubs and after-school activities. Every month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre. 3(17年28) My name is Lucy. I am in Year 9 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite subject is French. Learning foreign languages is fun. Our school has a Reading Week every year. During the week, we can borrow more books from the school library. We can also bring in books and magazines from home. I often read more books than my classmates. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in class. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 4(17第4篇) Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the world's most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent floods. We must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.


BOOK 3 Topic 1 A: I’d love to have my own farm. B: it would be very hard work. Are you sure? A: I wouldn’t m in d gett in g up early morn in g and the physical work would make me fit and healthy. B: runn in g a farm would be totally different to you current job. A: that’s one reason I’d like to try it. I’d really like to get away from work in g 9 to 5 in an office. B; you’d need a lot of tra inin g before becom in g a farmer. It’s not someth in g you can just walk in to. A: my uncle owns a farm and I’ve spent some time work in g with him. I love be in g in the countryside with farm animals and green fields. B; well, I ‘d certa in ly come and visit you. It would be great to take a work in g holiday on a farm. I’d love to get away from hustle and bustle of the city for a while. In termediate A: it’s so relax in g, tak in g a walk in the country. The air is so fresh and clean. B; would you like to live in the country? I’m not sure I’d like it. A: I can see a lot of advantage and disadvantage. The problem is that, for me, each advantage has its own disadvantage. B: what do you mean? A: well, I hate the noise in the city, but I love be in g around lost of people. The problem is that you can’t have lots of people and have peace and quiet. The tow just don’t go toge the r. B: I see what you mean. I love be in g far away from a city, but I hate be in g so far away department stores and sports facilities. A: people can’t have it both ways. If you live in the country, it is often less convenient. If you live in a city, it is noisy, buy the re’s more to do. B; I would love to be surrounded by hills and streams. The y’re so much better to look at than concrete, rows of parked cars and tall build in gs. A: I would love to hear the birds s in g in g and feel the fresh breeze on my face. When the w in d blows in the city, you get dust in your mouth and in your eyes. B; the view from the hill is so beautiful and relax in g. The re’s so sign of pollution. The village looks so peaceful.


大学英语四级听力常见场景词汇 短对话的常见场景 1. 学校场景 课程分类 Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试 Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up test补考 test测验 pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近 draw on / in sight of / draw nearly 考试延期或取消 delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类 public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师 coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 freshman 大一新生 sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆 借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book 续借 renew 过期 overdue 还书 return 罚金 fine attend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课 miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教research assistant 助研semester 学期 2. 交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照 rush hours 高峰时间 traffic jam 交通堵塞 one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金 fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道free way 免费高速公路 交通工具(出现频率从高到低) plane / train(女) / bus / bike(女) / walk (女) / taxi (女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 subway(美) / underground (英)地铁metro 地道 take a taxi 乘出租车 call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车 catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车


江苏省初中英语听力口语人机对话情景话题 第一组 一、 Jim四岁时随父母一起搬到了阳光城,他对那里很了解。 1. When did Jim move to Sunshine Town with his parents (At the age of 4.) 2. How did he know Sunshine Town (Very well.) 二、那只名叫“希望”的熊猫宝宝,出生时重约90克。 1. What was the baby panda called/ named (Xi Wang.) 2. How much did it weigh when it was born/ at birth (About ninety grams.) 三、很多人在义演现场为“希望工程”捐了钱,这使得被选为主持人的李雷感到非常高兴。 1. Who was the host of the charity show (Li Lei.) 2. Why was Li Lei so happy (Because many people donated money to Project Hope at the charity show.) 四、我最喜爱的颜色是暖色。暖色包括能带给你成功的橙色和象征智慧的黄色。 1. What are your favourite colors (Warm colours.) 2. Why do you like warm colours best (Because they include yellow which can bring you success and it’s the colour of wisdom.) 五、Tom和他父母在迪斯尼乐园里拍了许多照片,打算回去后会给他的朋友们看。 1. Where did Tom take many photos with his parents (In Disneyland.) 2. What would he do with these photos (He would show them to his friends.) 六、 9年级的学生Nancy每天看一个小时电视,她最喜欢看的电视节目是《动物世界》。 1. How long does Nancy watch TV every day (For an hour.) How much TV does Nancy watch every day (An hour of TV.) 2. Which is her favourite TV programme ( Animal World.) 七、出生于1929年的Hepburn在1953年被选在影片《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)中担任女主角。 1. When was Hepburn born (In 1929.) 2. When was she chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday (In 195 3.) 八、地震开始时王林正在图书馆里看一本名叫《飘》(Gone With the
