当前位置:搜档网 › 最常用的英语句子




1、It doesn"t matter.


2、What is he talking about?




4、Call me tomorrow.


5、She is so smart.


6、I feel much better.


7、Don"t do it .

不要做。8、Are you sure?


9、It"s about time .


10、That"s right.


11、What did you say?


12、I can"t believe it .


13、I can"t wait .


14、I"m sorry.


15、I see.


16、Don"t tell me that.


17、It"s easy.


18、I don"t think so .


19、It"s near here.


20、Come with me.


21、I"m leaving.


22、Me too.


23、I won.


24、It"s different.


25、It"s funny.


26、Let me know .


27、Thank you very much.


28、Are you coming with me?


29、I"m used to it .


30、You surprise me.


31、It"s the same thing.


32、Give me a hand .


33、Go right ahead.


34、I would like a cup of coffee, please.


35、He is on his way.


36、I"m bored.

我很无聊。37、Think about it .


38、I don"t like it .


39、It"s obvious.


40、I"m ready.


41、I don"t have time .


42、I noticed that.


43、That"s enough.


44、How long are you staying ?


45、Do you want something?


46、I"ve got it .


47、It"s time to go .


48、Buy it .


49、Do it right!


50、It"s not bad.


51、Do you want it?


52、Do you see it? = Do you understand?


53、I"ll miss you.


54、It"s your turn.


55、It"s nothing.


56、It"s incredible!


57、I can do it.


58、That"s true.


59、Do you mean it ?


60、Where is he?


61、There are too many people here.


62、It"s not difficult.


63、Believe me.


64、See you tomorrow.


65、Have a nice day.


66、Show me .


67、What terrible weather!


68、Is it far?


69、I want to speak with him.


70、What"s going on/ happening / the problem?




72、I found it .


73、Where are you going ?


74、He doesn"t have time.


75、Not yet.


76、I"m having fun.


77、I don"t know anybody.


78、Too bad!


79、I"m busy.

我很忙。80、I knew it .


81、Have you finished?


82、Absolutely not.


83、It"s not worth it .


84、You are impatient.


85、You"re lying.


86、How are you doing?


87、She is my best friend .


88、I think so .


89、You"re welcome.


90、Tell me .


91、It"s all right.


92、You"re in a bad mood.


93、I am crazy about her.

我对她着迷了。94、That happens.


95、What"s the date today?


96、That"s interesting.


97、As soon as possible.


98、You look tired.


99、It smells good.


100、Let me see .


101、You"re wrong.


102、I hope so .


103、I"m hungry.


104、Do you see him often?


105、Don"t exaggerate.


106、I"ll try.


107、They like each other.


108、What do you think?

你认为怎样?109、I speak English well.


110、It"s good.


111、I am wasting my time .


112、Can you speak slowly?


113、You"re crazy.


114、I"ve had it .


115、Wait for me .


116、Have a good trip.


117、You"re always right.


118、It"s impossible.



Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人 151. What do you want, sir? → 先生,您要点什么? 152. I want a cup of tea. → 我要一杯茶。 153. What would you like to eat? → 你想要吃什么? 154. Please give me a hamburger. → 请给我一个汉堡包。 155. What color do you like, blue or white? → 你喜欢哪种颜色,蓝色还是白色?156. I prefer white. → 我偏爱白色。 157. I'd like to talk with Mrs. Smith. → 我想和史密斯太太谈谈。 158. I am sorry, but she is not in right now. → 很抱歉,她现在不在家里。159. Would you like a glass of milk? → 你想要一杯牛奶吗? 160. I'd like to have some coffee, if you don't mind. → 如果你不介意的话,我情愿喝点咖啡。161. Do you know any of those people? → 在那些人当中你有认识的吗? 162. Two or three of them look familiar. → 他们当中有两三个看上去面熟。 163. No, I don't know any of them. → 不,他们当中我一个也不认识。 164. Which one is Mr. Brown? → 哪一位是布朗先生? 165. The tall man in black. → 穿黑衣服的那个高个子。 Talking about languages 谈论语言 166. Do you speak English? → 你会说英语吗?167. Yes, but just a little. → 是的,但只会一点点。174. How well do you know Russia? → 你的俄语程度如何? 175. She speaks Italian with a French accent. → 她讲意大利语带有法国口音。


英语常用句子 本文是关于经典句子的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 英语常用句子 1、You've got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。 2、I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。 3、I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。 4、The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。 5、I can't afford a new car. 我买不起一部新车。 6、He owned himself defeated. 他承认自己失败了。 7、May I ask some questions? 我可以问几个问题吗? 8、He grasped both my hands. 他紧握住我的双手。 9、You're really killing me!

真是笑死我了! 10、You mustn't aim too high。你不可好高骛远。 11、Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦! 12、A barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。 13、Where do you want to meet? 你想在哪儿见面? 14、What's your goal in life。 你的人生目标是什么? 15、They are paid by the hour. 他们按时取酬。 16、Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗? 17、Do you accept credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗? 18、Wake me up at five thirty. 请在五点半叫醒我。 19、Stop making such a noise. 别吵了。 20、I have the right to know.


面试英语常用句子 Why did you leave your former company 为什么离开以前的公司 Because I’m working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible. 因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。 Because I’m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. 因为我有能力担负起更多的责任,所以决定换工作。 Because that company didn’t have a good future, so I needed to consider my future. 因为那家公司没有什么前途,所以我必需考虑我的未来。 Because I want to change my working environment, I’d like to find a job which is more challenging. 因为我想改变工作环境,找一个更富有挑战性的工作。 Because I had some private reasons, some family things. 因为我有一些私人的原因,家里有些事情。 ◎What are your great strengths 你有什么优点 I’m a good team player. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。 I’m a hard-working, persistent person. 我工作刻苦,性情执着。 I’m a fast-learner. 我学东西很快。 I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues. 我能在压力下工作,并能与同事和谐相处。

100句完美英语句子 (新!)

100句完美英语句子,记常用单词! 1.With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb. 我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。 2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear. 明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽。 3. Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquake. 早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震。 4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning. 我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱。 5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears. 她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。 6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper. 我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷。 7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand. 大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。 8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom. 顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗。 9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man. 工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心。 10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice. 公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。 11. I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so. 我过去常滥用这个不寻常的用法,但我现在不习惯这样做。


最常用英文口语短句 1.it's up to you.(由你决定。) 2.i envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。) 3.how can i get in touch with you? 4.where can i wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)5.what's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)6.where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?)7.i wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。) 8.what do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?) 9.it’s a small world.(世界真小!) 10.it’s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!)11.the sooner the better. (越快越好。) 12.when is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time fo r you? 13.take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。) 14.i'm mad about bruce lee.(我迷死李小龙了。) i'm crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。) 15.how do i address you?(我怎么称呼你?) 16.what was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?)

17.would you care for[喜欢] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?) 18.she turns me off.(她使我厌烦。) 19.so far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。) 20.it drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。) 21.she never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。)22.that's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。) 23.i couldn't get through.(电话打不通。) 24.i got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。) 25.be my guest.(请便、别客气) 26.can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)27.let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。) 28.let's call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)]. 29.i couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。)30.something's come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了) 31.let's get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。)32.keep that in mind.(记住那件事。) 33.that was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发) 34.i'll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。)35.chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(机会很小。) 36.far from it.(一点也不。) 37.i’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。)


初中英语常用句子 导读:本文是关于初中英语常用句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我想你常常跳舞吧。 I suppose you dance often. 2、为什么不和我们踢足球呢? Why not play football with us? 3、记得明天给我带一些钱来。 Remember to bring me some money tomorrow. 4、妈妈给我买了一辆自行车。 My mother bought me a bicycle. 5、我会帮你打点的。 I'll help you manage. 6、他们都喜欢在中国生活和工作。 They all like to live and work in China. 7、我们准备好吃午饭。 We are ready for lunch. 8、我的车出了毛病。 Something is wrong with my car. 9、今天天气多么糟糕啊! What a terrible day it is!

10、我们都对英语感兴趣。 We are all interested in English. 11、我刚才清洗了我的车。 I cleaned my car just now. 12、去钓鱼怎么样? How about going fishing? 13、吉姆请我和他去划船。 Jim asked me to go boating with him. 14、当老师进来的时候,学生们停止了谈论。 When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking. 15、小孩伤心地抽泣着。 The child sobbed sadly. 16、你能得到你想要的。 You can get what you want. 17、在短暂的休息后,他继续读书。 After a short rest, he went on reading. 18、又有一只猫来到我家了。 Another cat came to my house. 19、刚才,我看见你捡起了一个苹果。 Just now, I saw you pick up an apple. 20、他一下子就说到了点子上。 He came to the point at once.


引导语:It’s not the fall that kills you,it’s the sudden stop at the end。跳楼的时候,“啊——”的时候还没死,“啪!”那才是死了。 1、I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. 开始我直接求上帝赐辆自行车。后来我琢磨上帝办事儿不是这个路数。于是老子偷了一辆然后求上帝宽恕。 2、I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. 我希望能像爷爷那样,安静地在睡梦中死去……而不是要像他开的车上那些惨叫滴乘客一样死法啊! 3、Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. 你永远不能战胜一个纯SB,因为他会把你的智商拉到跟他个水平,然后用丰富的经验打败你。 4、The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list. 直译:在这个世界上,我最不愿意做的事就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。 a:我真不想伤害你,但你也别逼我。 b:吾虽不杀伯仁,伯仁由我而死。 5、If sex is a pain in the ass, then you're doing it wrong... a. 如觉嘿咻乃屁眼不能承受之痛,那是你操错洞。 b. 若XXOO是下体的痛,那么,是你操错。 6、The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. a. 早起滴小鸟有虫虫!晚到的老鼠有奶酪! b. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫儿被鸟吃。 7、We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police. 在咱们这噶哒送外卖的都比警察来的快. 8、Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. XXOO就象打桥牌。如果对手不好使,自己的手必须好使。 9、Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs. 有些人就像Slinkies (弹簧玩具),没什么实在用处,但看他们在楼梯上倒腾来捣腾去还是很有喜感。


英语日常用语300句(一) 一、Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I’m Kathy King. 我是凯西?金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得?史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I’m fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

19. It’s time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I’ll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That’s all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What’s this? 这是什么? 32. It’s a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It’s Kate’s. 是凯特的。 37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗? 38. No, it isn’t. It’s a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。 39. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?


超简单、最常用英语口语60句 I see.我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too.我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on.来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on.等一等。 9. I agree。我同意。 10. Not bad.还不错。 11. Not yet.还没。 12. See you.再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long.再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me.让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I`m full.我饱了。 23. I`m home.我回来了。 24. I`m lost.我迷路了。 25. My treat.我请客。 26. So do I.我也一样。 27. This way。这边请。 28. After you.您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me.跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise.我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。 39. Try again.再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What`s up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44. Don`t move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看? 46. I doubt it 我怀疑。 47. I think so.我也这么想。 48. I`m single.我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去! 50. Let me see.让我想想。 51. Never mind.不要紧。 52. No problem! 没问题! 53. That`s all! 就这样! 54. Time is up.时间快到了。 55. What`s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 56. Count me on 算上我。 57. Don`t worry.别担心。 58. Feel better? 好点了吗? 59. I love you! 我爱你! 60. I`m his fan。我是他的影迷。


英语邮件常用开头问候语: 1.I hope everything is fine with you. 2.Hope you enjoy your day? 3.How is it going? 4.Hope you are doing well? 5.Thank you for contacting us如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向 他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。 6.Thank you for your prompt reply当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感 谢他们。 7.“Thank you for getting back to me.” 8.Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点 时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。 9.Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果 你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子, 10.“I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns. 就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。 这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.” 在邮件的结尾 11.Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。 12.Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能 的帮助表示感谢。 13.Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使 用这句句子吧。 14.Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话, 就用这封邮件结尾。 15.Thank you again for everything you've done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如 果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。 十种场合的表达 16.Greeting message 祝福 17.Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 18.How are you? 你好吗? 19.How is the project going? 项目进行顺利吗? Initiate a meeting 发起会议 20.I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空?


最常用最地道的英语口语句子 Potluck Party:一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。 Pull over!把车子开到旁边。 Drop me a line!写封信给我。 Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧! For here or to go?堂食或外卖。 Cool:That s cool! 年轻人常用的囗语“酷!”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。 What s up? = What s happening? = What s new? 见面时随囗问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Nothing new!” Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。 Don t give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好! Get yourself together! 振作点行不行! Do you have the time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。 Hang in there. = Don t give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。 Give me a break! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话) Hang on. 请稍候。 Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。 What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。 What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。 Go for it. 加油 You bet. = Of course. 当然;看我的! Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 Don t be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。 It s a long story. 唉!说来话长。 How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好? Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。 Don t put on airs. 别摆架子。 Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧!


高考英语常用句子 1.越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束 An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 2.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study. 3.没有人能否认这一事实:教育是人生最重要的一方面. No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life. 4.现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在毕业时候教给学生所有的知识. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation. 5.尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡,然而这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要作用.Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle is decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. Th e information I’ve collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society. 6.使用自行车有助于人们身体健康,并极大缓解了交通阻塞 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as eas ing traffic jams. 7.考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要象自行车这样的环保型交通工具.In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before. 8.尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但它也存在它的问题. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem. 9.在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车,火车这样的交通工具相比. Bicycle can’t be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort. 10.即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person. 11.一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话,只学习,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻 A proper part-time job doesn’t occupy students’ too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 12.任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价 Any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price. 13.许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客. Many city residents complain that there is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 14.无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题,城市当局应该采取有利措施来解决它.


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。 You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。 I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。 You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。 She is well-build.她的身材真棒。You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。 You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。 I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。 I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。 You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗? How long have you known her?你认识她多久了? It was love at frist sight.一见钟情 I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。 a piece of one's mind .直言不讳 He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” a cat and dog life水火不容的生活The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 a dog's life潦倒的生活 The man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦倒。 A to Z从头至尾 I know that from A to Z. 我很了解这件事。 above somebody深奥 Well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。 all ears 全神贯注地倾听着 When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。


常用英语句子 1、It sounds great! 听起来很不错。 2、Whatever you say! 随便你! 3、Let‘s watch TV with a candle on.咱们点上蜡烛看电视吧。 4、Another cat came to my house.又有一只猫来到我家了。 5、Her tooth ached all night. 她牙疼了一整夜。 6、A lovely day,isn‘t it? 好天气,是吗? 7、What day is today? 今天星期几? 8、Count me on 算上我。 9、May I help you? 我能帮忙吗? 10、Nice talking to you. 很高兴与你聊天。 11、I want to have a part-time job.我想有一份兼职工作。 12、Don‘t keep the truth from me.别瞒着我事实真相。 13、He has completed the task.他完成了这个任务。 14、Did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗? 15、The child sobbed sadly.小孩伤心地抽泣着。 16、You are a chicken.你是个胆小鬼。 17、Love me,love my dog.(谚语)爱屋及乌。 18、As soon as possible! 越快越好! 19、The wall has ears.隔墙有耳。 20、Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

21、He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气。 22、I‘ll fix you Up.我会帮你打点的。 23、I don‘t mean it. 我不是故意的。 24、Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗? 25、What should I do? 我该怎么办? 26、The view is great.景色多么漂亮! 27、What does she like? 她喜欢什么? 28、He came to the point at once.他一下子就说到了点子上。 29、You can get what you want.你能得到你想要的。 30、I suppose you dance much.我想你常常跳舞吧。 31、That‘s always the case.习以为常了。 32、He always talks big.他总是吹牛。 33、Control yourself! 克制一下! 34、I love you! 我爱你! 35、So do I.我也一样。 36、I need some sleep. 我需要睡眠。 37、I’ve got it. 我懂了。 38、I love you guys. 我爱你们。 39、How do you like your new job? 你觉得你的新工作怎样? 40、You’re always welcome. 别客气/不用谢。 41、Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。 42、Same to you. 彼此彼此。


常用英语口语句子 1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That ha ppens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello 的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。 8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)

9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances f or success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,
