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Unit1 The Winner's Guide to Success

Unit1 The Winner's Guide to Success
Unit1 The Winner's Guide to Success

Unit1 The Winner’s Guide to Success


How do successful people think? 成功人士是怎么想的?What drives them? 什么在驱使着他们?To find out, I interviewed some of the people most successful in motivating others: top motivational speakers and bestselling authors of “how-to-succeed” books.为了得出答案,我采访了几个最能激励他人的成功人士:顶级励志专家和“如何成功”之类畅销书的作者。Here are seven keys to success that they share: 以下是他们共同具备的七条成功秘诀:

Take full responsibility. 承担全部责任。In a society in which people blame everyone from their parents to the government for their failure to get ahead, motivational superstars refuse to buy into the victim mentality. 在当今社会,当人们将自己的失败归咎于从父母到政府的所有他人的时候,这些激发动机的超级明星们拒绝接受这种受害者的心态。Their credo is “If it’s to be, it’s up to me. ”他们的信条是“如果事情要有人负责的话,那应该是我”。

They realize that when you say someone or something outside of yourself is preventing you from succeeding, you’re giving away your power.他们知道当你说其它人或事阻止你走向成功的时候,你正在放弃你的力量。You’re saying, “You have more control over my life than I do.”你正在说“你们比我自己能更好地控制我的生活。”Consider Les

Brown. Given up by hi s parents at birth and “labeled educable mentally retarded” as a child, he had every reason to lose hope. 想想莱斯﹒布朗,他刚出生就被父母抛弃,小时候被认为是“学习智力迟缓”。

他完全有理由放弃希望。But when a secondary school teacher told him “someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality,” Brown realized that his future lay in his own hands. 但是当一位中学老师告诉他“其它人对你的看法并不一定是你的事实”时,布朗认识到他的未来掌握在自己手里。He went on to become a politician and author, and today earns $20,000 per hour as one of America’s top motivational speakers.他努力成为了一个政治家和作家。如今他是美国激发动机界的顶尖演说家之一,每小时赚20000美元。

Brown understood that you can’t control things in life such as nature, the past and other people. 布朗知道生活中有些事情是不能控制的,比如自然,过去和其它人。But you can control your own thoughts and actions. 但是你可以控制自己的思想和行动。Taking responsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do. 对自己的生活负责是你最有权利做的事情之一。Live life “on purpose”. “有目的”地生活。Perhaps what most saparates motivational superstars from others is that they live life “on purpose”-they are doing what they fully believe they were put here to do. 也许最可以区分这些动机界超级明星们跟其他人的是他们“有目的”地生活――他们做着他们深信能让他们像现在这么成功的

事情。“Having a purpose in your life is the most important element of becoming a fully functioning person,” says Wayne Dyer, author of the best-selling Your Erroneous Zones. “生活中有目标是成为真正有用之人的最重要因素,”韦恩﹒戴尔(畅销书?你的误区?的作者)说。

Not living life on purpose consists of expending just enough effort to get by with the least amount of problems. 没有目的地生活指的是,不愿多花一点力气,只解决最少量的问题,得过且过。When you live life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right. 但当你有目标地活着时,你最关心的就是把事情干好。You love what you do and it shows. 你热爱自己的所作所为,同时这也是显而易见的。People want to do business with you because they sense your commitment. 人们愿意和你打交道,因为他们能感受到你的责任感。

How do live your life on purpose? 怎么样生活地有目的呢? By finding a cause you truly believe in and creating a business around it. 通过找到你真正相信的理想并开创事业。Mike Ferry, who was once a salesman of audiotape programs, believed real-estate agents needed help to develop sales skills. 迈克费里,曾经是一个录音节目磁带的销售,他深信房地产代理商需要提高他们的销售技能。So he started the Mike Ferry Organization, a training company for the real-estate industry. His company has generated more than $20 million a year in sales. 于是他开创了迈克费里集团-----一个为房地产行业提供培训的公司。他的公司已经达到了年销售额两千万美元的业绩。

Write out a plan. 制定完整的计划。Trying to achieve your goals without an action plan is like trying to drive on unfamiliar roads to a distant city. 没有一个行动计划就试图达到你的目标就像在一个遥远城市的不熟悉的路上驾驶一样。The wasted time, energy and money will probably cause you to give up before very long. 浪费了时间,精力和金钱,而且可能会导致你很快就会放弃。

One of America’s most successf ul sales trainers, speakers and authors, Brain Tracy, points out, “Goals that are not in writing are not goals at all. They are merely fantasies.”美国最成功的销售培训师之一,演说家和作家布莱恩﹒特雷西指出”没有写下来的目标根本不是目标,它们仅仅是幻想罢了.”

With a written map in hand, however, you’ll enjoy th e trip and arrive at your destination in the shortest possible time. 相反,手里拿着地图,你将会享受这个旅行并且可能用最少的时间到达你的目的地.愿意付出代价。

Be willing to pay the price. Wanting a big house, a luxury car or a million dollars is nice, but the problem is that practically everyone wants these things. 想要一栋大房子,一辆奢侈的轿车或者上百万美元无可厚非,但问题是事实上每个人都想要这些东西。Successful people find out what it costs to make their dream come true and then make it happen. 成功人士清楚要付出什么代价可以使他们的梦想成真,然后他们就做了。They don’t complain about the

work they take up. 他们不会抱怨自己承担的工作.

Les Brown has a callus on his left ear. Why? 莱斯﹒布朗的左耳朵上有个老茧。为什么呢? “When I decided to get into speaking, I had no credentials, no reputation, no credibility or experience, so I had to call a lot of people,” he says.“当我开始决定从事演讲的时候,我没有文凭,没有名气,没有信誉,也没有经验, 因此我不得不打电话给很多人,”他说。“I called up over a hundred people a day to ask for an opportunity to speak to their group. “我每天给一百多个人打电话,请他们给我一个演讲的机会. This callus is worth several million dollars!”这个老茧值好几百万美元呢!”

Become an expert.成为专家.One striking factor about the motivational speakers I interviewed is their phenomenal drive to the best.这些我采访的激发动机演讲者们的一个显著的成功要素是他们想要成为最好的的非凡动力。They’ll do almost anything to improve their skills. 他们几乎可以做任何能提高水平的事情.

Patricia Fripp, who speaks to Fortune 500 executives on how to become more successful, took a comedy workshop and hired a private speech coach to improve her speaking ability. 帕特里夏﹒费里普--她给财富500强企业的执行官演讲关于如何变得更成功—曾参加过一个趣事讲习班,还聘请了一个私人演说教练来提高她的演讲话技巧。Fripp did this after being named one of the most electrifying speakers in North America by a trade


If someone videotaped you at your job to make a “how-to”tape for other people, would you be proud of the tape or embarrassed? 如果有人想为工作时的你录像并制作一个”怎么做”的带子给其他的人, 你是觉得自豪呢还是感到局促不安? If the latter, decide today to work towards being the best in your field.如果是后者,你现在就要朝成为你的领域里最优秀的目标努力了。Study the experts, find out what the best are doing, then do what they do.研究那些专家, 看看最优秀者在做什么,然后就做其所做.

Never give up.从不放弃.It may sound obvious, but when you’re truly committed to yo ur goal, giving up isn’t even an option.可能听上去显而易见,但是当你真正地献身于你的目标, 你甚至没有放弃的选择。You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. 你必须愿意做任何事情,使它成真.

When Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen compiled Chicken Soup for the Soul, they were turned down by more than a hundred publishers.当杰克﹒坎菲尔德和马克﹒维克托﹒汉森编辑了心灵鸡汤的时候,他们被一百多个出版商回绝过。But instead of giving up, they stayed focused on their goal.但是他们没有放弃,他们坚持他们的理想. Eventually, a small outfit decided to pubilsh the book. 最后,一家小出版社决定出版他们的书。It not only became a best seller but also hatched an entire series of Chicken Soup books that have sold more

than 12 million copies. 它不仅成为了畅销书而且还衍生了一系列的心灵鸡汤类书,卖出了一千二百多万本。That’s the power of perseverance.这就是坚定不移的力量。

Spend as much of your day as you can in achieving your goals and dreams. 花尽量多的时间去实现你的目标和梦想。Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing now bringing me closer to my goal?”问问自己:”我现在做的是否能让我离我的目标更近一点呢?” If not, do something that will.如果不,那就去做那些能使你更接近目标的事情吧。

Don’t delay.不要耽搁.In his book Live Your Dreams, Les Brown recalls talking on the phone with a friend named Marion. 在”为梦想而活”的书中, 莱斯﹒布朗回忆曾跟一个名叫玛丽恩的朋友在电话里的谈话。The next day she died. 第二天她就去世了。Later Brown was helping clean out her office when he came across some notes for a play. 后来当莱斯﹒布朗帮忙清理她的办公室时偶然发现了一个剧本的一些笔记。Unfortunately, it would never be published. 遗憾的是,它将永远不会出版了。Maron was the only one who knew the ending.玛丽恩成了唯一知道剧情结尾的人.

Remember, we don’t have time forever.记住,我们不会永远都有时间。Top achievers know this, but rather than seeing it as negative or depressing, they use the knowledge to spur themselves on. 顶级成功人士知道这一点, 他们用这一认知来激励自己前进而不是消极地或沮丧地对待它。They go after what they want--energetically and passionately

accomplishing their dreams. 他们追随着他们想要的--充满活力地,情绪激昂地实现他们的理想.You can too.你也行。
