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1. All industrial activities impact on the natural and human environment .the creation of a motor car starts with the search for raw materials. although iron ,from which steel is made ,is one of the most common elements ,its quarrying or

mining causes environmental problems .the same is true for all the other materials used in a car ,from bauxite for

aluminum to oil and gas for plastics. fortunately iron, steel and aluminum are easily recycled at the end of a car’s life and

this eases the environmental burden somewhat.


2. Nevertheless, steel production, aluminum smelting, production of plastics, glass and the other materials used to make

up a car cause pollution to varying degrees and used energy ,often in the form of fossil fuels. one example is the

electronics industry ,which traditionally has used large quantities of CFCs to clean printed circuit boards, many of which

find their way into the modern car and truck.


3. The use of motor vehicles can produce a number of other types of pollution. evaporative emissions of hydrocarbons

result from evaporation of fuel from cars, depots, tankers and fuel stations. soil pollution may result from oil leaks from

vehicles ,fuel stations and garages ,as well as the illegal-though widespread-disposal of used lubricants .infrastructure related to vehicle use ,such as roads ,cars parks , fuel stations and garages, should also be included when assessing the

total environmental impact of motor vehicles.

机动车辆的使用可以产生许多其他类型的污染的。碳氢化合物蒸发排放导致从汽车,油库,油罐车和加油站蒸发的燃料。土壤污染可能由漏油车辆,加油站和车库,以及非法- 尽管普遍处置使用润滑剂导致。基础设施与车辆的使用,如公路,停车场,加油站,车库,也应在评估汽车的总的环境影响时包括在内。

4. Vehicles disposal is becoming increasingly problematic, especially in the more densely motorized parts of the world,

such as Western Europe .with a rapidly rising vehicle parc and an average car life span of around 10 to 12 years, the

burden on the existing vehicle-dismantling infrastructure is increasing and adding to the general waste burden of

industrialized societies.

车辆处置正变得越来越问题化了,尤其在汽车越来越密集的世界部分地区,例如西欧。与迅速崛起的汽车保有量及汽车的平均寿命达到10 ?12年,目前汽车分解设施的压力与日俱增,而且增加了工业化社会的一般废弃物负担。

5. USA standards ,or standards based on them ,have also been introduced in other countries ,including Australia and

South Korea and a number of EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries ,who adopted them in the late of 1980s .this move was partly an expression of frustration with the lack of progress in emissions legislation in the

Europe ,especially by the EC (European Community).

美国标准,或基于这些美国的标准,也已被其他国家,包括澳大利亚和韩国等多家EFTA (欧洲自由贸易协会)国家所引进,这些国家在20世纪80年代后期通过了这些标准。此举在一定程度上是一个在欧洲排放法规的缺乏进展挫折的表达,特别是通过欧共体(欧洲共同体)

6. Forthcoming legislation in most countries involves further tightening of the limits on exists pollutants according to

existing frameworks ,but there are two developments that move beyond this .first of all there is the commitment by the

Commission of the European Community (CEC) to the introduction of some form of carbon tax in order to combat CO2

emissions and thus global warming .This development has suffered some set-backs ,but the commitment remains and a

number of individual Member States have put in place specific measures to reach particular standards by a set date ,in line

with EC agreements.

在大多数国家即将出台的法规包括进一步收紧对根据现有框架存在污染物的限制,但有两个发展是超越这一点。首先出现的是欧洲共同体委员会(CEC )为了打击二氧化碳排放量和因此引起的全球变暖而引入某种形式的碳税。这一发展遭受了一些挫折,但承诺仍然存在而且一些个别会员国已经在某个时间出台了具体措施,以达到特定与欧盟的协议一致的标准。

7. Other raw materials used by the industry include glass (made for sands),which is used in large quantities in widow ,lights,etc . plastics are becoming more and more important and create a demand on the chemical industry. They are used in seat,fascias,instrument panels,type,etc. countless other raw materials are also used——such as china clay used in paints,slates,wood,cloth,etc.

工业使用的其他原材料包括玻璃(用砂制造),用于大批量的窗户,灯等。塑料正变得越来越重要,并在化工厂创造一个的需求。它们用在座位上,安全带,仪表板,类型等等。无数的其他原料也用- 如瓷土用在油漆,石板,木板,布等。

8. The environment damage caused by a mining operation will depend on the form of mining being undertaken .minerals can be mined by open-cast,open-pit or underground methods. Open-pit and open-cast mines involve the extraction of minerals by the stripping away of soil and waste rock from the ground surface to expose valuable materials.


9. Underground mining involves extracting ores from the ground surface without actually stripping away the ground cover. Open-cast and open-pit mines tend to cause aesthetic damage owing to the open nature of the mine. The damage caused is usually transient, as more open-cast operations do not remain in operation for longer then 10~15



10. Environmental problems associated with tailing ponds to include damage to surrounding wildlife and seepage of fluids into the ground water. The rehabilitation of tailing ponds after use can be extremely difficult. The ground around them and in them can be highly poisonous and could take years to neutralize to standard that supports plant life.


11.Atmospheric pollution is created whenever and wherever carbon fuels are burned and put road transport into perspe ctive it is necessary to consider all the various users. Altogether the UK burns the equivalent of 220*10^6t of oil every ye ar.Of this,20*10^6t(measured in million tonnes oil equivalent-mtoe) is clean primary electricity produced by hydro-electri city and nuclear power stations, the other 200mtoe is produced by burning gas, oil or coal.


12.Although there are too many variables involved to ensure complete accuracy, the respective amounts are of the right order and show , for example, the generally underestimated importance of diesel cars, light car-derived vans and medium commercials i.e. LCVS, or light commercial vehicles.


13.The analysis shows that the UK’s 460,000 HGVs use an estimated 5.58×10^6t of fuel, which represents 16% of total road transport energy and some 2.5% of the total UK energy demand. This is l ess than UK based aircraft and less than one-quarter of that used by cars and light commercials and less one-fifth the ene rgy used in our homes. On this basis alone the road haulage industry is hardly a major emission culprit.


14.In the UK,transport and economic growth are seemingly irrevocably linked,with a rise or fall of activity of one affectin

g the other .Certainly,as the economy has grown over the last 30 years the car population has quadrupled from under 5 mi llion in 1960 to just under 20 million in 1990. On the other hand the LGV population has remained effectivity constant at r ound half a million over the same period.


15.The Bicycle Masterplan, drawn up by the central government of the Netherlands is aimed at a switchover from car to bicycle .this plan has a firm basis :research shows that almost half (47%) of urban car trips ,according to the drivers themselves ,can easily be made by bicycle .for short journeys in rural areas ,this percentage is not much lower .of course cycle use has disadvantages ,and there are precisely the arguments used to justify the other half of urban car trips .

由荷兰中央政府制定自行车总体规划目的是从汽车转换到自行车。这个计划有一个坚实的基础:调查表明,根据驾驶人员自己所了解,几乎一半的城市汽车旅行(47 %),可以很容易地骑自行车进行。对于在农村地区的短途旅行,这一比例并不低得多。当然,自行车使用有缺点,并有精确的证据来证明另一半城市汽车的旅行。

16. The Netherlands the bicycle is accepter everywhere and by everyone as a fully fledged mode of transport .anyone can use a bicycle to reach their destination without losing face .this is more important than the fact that the Netherlands is such a flat country .most of the built-up areas in Europe are reasonably flat .


17. Experience in the Netherlands (Delft and the Province of Drenthe) and also abroad (Detmold and Rosenheim,Germany) proves that permanent, structured attention paid to the cyclist in traffic planning will in due course bear fruit .the development of a bicycle culture ’ within a government organization is sometimes more important than the financial means.


18. A combination of walking, cycling and public transport ,however , can create a transportation system that is competitive with a system based on private cars ,and it is less harmful for the human and natural environment .each subsystem makes up for what the other one lacks .the bicycle provides transport to the door and public transport bridges the long distance in a reasonable time period.


19. Environmental issues have in recent years come very much to the fore to affect a far wider range of traffic-related problems. These include the differing conditions experienced by pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and motorists, the growing shortage of energy and the potential impact of poor accessibility on commercial and industrial decline, all of which are seen today as fundamental concerns of urban transport policy.



20. The principal features of Light Rail can be listed as follows: separation from other road traffic, expansion in stages as finance or requirement permit, lower investment costs than metro or suburban railways, greater efficiency than other pubic options and , as has already been indicated, an image and flexibility unmatched by these other options.


21. Environmentally, modern Light Rail systems are able to offer a wide range of benefits, both locally and globally. Modern tramways, powered by electricity emit no exhaust fumes into the local atmosphere. This is in marked contrast to car, lorries and buses, which produce various air pollutants, but new technology is able to clean up electricity generation substantially, and this source of pollution is far easier to regulate than emissions from road vehicles.


22. Although walking and cycling are clearly the most‘ environmentally friendly ’ ways of getting about, they are not always the most practical solution for longer or bad-weather journeys, for the elder or the disabled, for mother with young children or those loaded down with heavy shopping. In these instances Light Rail has obvious advantages.


23. Since injury accidents are the only ones which are nationally recorded and analyzed, there statistics underestimate the true numbers of accidents, because accidents which do not result in injury are not included (although a small proportion of these accidents are reported to the police). Intuitively it might be thought that all damage-only accidents were so trivial and occurred at such a low speed that they were not worth considering. That this is not so is perhaps best illustrated by an example.


24. Thus head-on collisions between cars are more likely to be record ed than accident in which only one car is involved. Moreover, of the accident is of a kind in which the risk of injury is low, such as read-end collisions betweens cars. The proportion of such accidents which appears in the national statistic is l ower than for high risk accidents such as head-on collisions ,or collisions with heavy commercial vehicles ,and all types of accidents in build-up areas where speeds are low are likely to have a lower proportion of in injury accidents than those in rural areas ,where speeds are higher .


25. Fig.15.1 shows the first formula in graphical form, and we may regard points below the line as indication better results in road safety than those above the line .However ,the most important point to remember is that it may be misleading to quote just one of the two rates given in columns 5 and 6 of table15.1 as proof of the superiority of road safety measures in one country compared with those of another.


26. Age certainly influences accident risk. Judged by the casualties per head of population, young people are more likely to be involved in accidents, whether as pedestrians, drives or cyclists, than middle-aged people. At least some part of the increased accident risk in young road users is due to lack of experienced. the accident rate for newly qualified car drivers in their first year of driving has been found to be higher than for experienced drivers, particularly at night; young drivers did best in driving tests but also had the highest accident rates. Over 70 percent of motorcyclists injured in one sample of accidents were found to be learners.


27. The reaction times of road user to potential accident situation are often quoted .In this lesson ,reaction time will be taken the total time from the instant when the situation sevelops and its image falls on the reaction of the eye to the time when action is taken by the road user. It is therefore made up of the percrption time (the time taken to recognise a sitation ),the decision time (the time to decide on action),and the time taken to put that action into practice .


28. After drinking, the blood alcohol level rises gradually to a maximum, while at the same time it is being eliminated, As a rough guide , an 11 stone man drinking one pint of beer (referred to as 2 units) quickly on an empty stomach will raise the alcohol content of his blood to a peak of 30mg\100ml after about an hour ; it will then reduce at the rate of about 1 unit (half a pint of beer) per hour , it must be emphasized that this is only a rough indication of what is likely to happen,

Rates of absorption vary so much with type of drink , how long it takes to drink, whether food has been eaten, body weight and fatty tissue that the level at any time is uncertain.


29. Similar effects of age were observed n 1980. The same investigation indicated that although the numbers of drivers killed and injured in 1973 had rerurned to the pre-legislation level the total number of casualties in great Britain both killed and injured still showed a slight reduction of perhaps 2 or 3 percent.


30. The risk of a pedestrian being killed in a road accident also increases with blood alcohol concentration .in adult pedestrians of both sexes the risk of fatality has been found to increase rapidly above a blood alcohol; concentration of 120mg/100mg.in a sample of 344 adults,27 percent of males and 7 percent of the female fatalities were found to exceed this level .as would be expected ,most of the alcohol related accidents occurred in the late evening .in the hours 23:00-02:59,51 percent of the victims had blood alcohol levels of 150mg/100mlor more



第一章汽车总论 1)Today’s average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。P1 现在的车辆一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。 2)The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train. P3 发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产生能量。发动机可分为两类:汽油机(点燃式)和柴油机(压燃式),都属于热力发动机。燃料燃烧产生热量使缸内气压上升,产生的能量驱动轴旋转,并传递给动力传动系。 第二章内燃机 1)Power train system: conveys the drive to the wheels 2)Steering system: controls the direction of movement 3)Suspension system: absorbs the road shocks 4)Braking system: slows down the vehicle P4 传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。 5)Drum brakes have a drum attached to the wheel hub, and braking occurs by means of brake shoes expanding against the inside of the drum. With disc brakes, a disc attached to the wheel hub is clenched between two brake pads. P6 鼓式制动器的制动鼓和轮毂连接,制动蹄张开压紧制动鼓内侧从而产生制动。在盘式制动器上,连着轮毂的制动盘被紧紧夹在两个制动块之间。 1)Linking the piston by a connecting rod to a crankshaft causes the gas to rotate the shaft through half a turn.The power stroke"uses up"the gas,so means must be provided to expel the burnt gas and recharge the cylinder with a fresh petrol-air mixture:this control of gas movement is the duty of the valves;An inlet valve allows the mixture to enter at the right time and an exhaust valve lets out the burnt gas after the gas has done its job . P10 活塞通过连杆和曲轴连接,使得气体带动曲轴旋转半圈。作功冲程耗尽了所有的气体,这样就必须采取相应的措施排出废气并且向气缸内充入新的可燃混合气:气体的运动由气门来控制。进气门使可燃混合气在恰当的时刻进入气缸,排气门使燃烧后的废气排出气缸。 2)The spark-ignition engine is an internal-combustion engine with externally supplied in ignition,which converts the energy cntained in the fuel to kinetic energy.The cycle of operations is spread over four piston strokes. To complete the full cycle it takes two revolutions of the crankshaft. P11 火花点火式发动机是由外部提供点火的内燃机,从而将含在燃料内的能量转化成动能。发动机的一个工作循环分布在活塞的四个行程中,一个完整的工作循环曲轴需要转动两圈。 3)The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. Thus,there is constant circulation of oil between the pan and the working parts of the engine. P15


第一课 土木工程学土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。他们建造供水和废水处理厂,设计空气净化器和其他设备以最小化甚至消除由工业加工、焚化及其他产烟生产活动引起的空气污染。他们也采用建造特殊倾倒地点或使用有毒有害物中和剂的措施来控制有毒有害废弃物。此外,工程师还对垃圾掩埋进行设计和管理以预防其对周围环境造成污染。


About car engine Of all automobile components,an automobile engie is the most complicated assembly with dominant effects on the function of an autombile.So, the engine is generally called the"heat"of an automobile. 在汽车的所有部件中,汽车发动机是最复杂的组件,其对整车性能有着决定性的作用。因而发动机往往被称作发动机的“心脏”。 There are actually various types of engines such as electric motors,stream engines,andinternal combustion engines.The internal combustion engines seem to have almost complete dominance of the automotive field.The internal combustion engine,as its name indicates,burns fuel within the cylinders and converts the expanding force of the combustion into rotary force used to propel the vehicle. 事实上,按动力来源分发动机有很多种,如电动机、蒸汽机、外燃机等。然而内燃机似乎在发动机领域有着绝对的统治地位。就像其字面意思一样,内燃机的染料在气缸内燃烧,通过将燃烧产生气体的膨胀力转换成转动力来驱动发动机前进。 Engine is the power source of the automobile.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder.However,this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars or trucks.The puston attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin,called a piston pin or wrist pin.The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft.The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft,which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large bearings called rod bearing.Similar bearings, called main bearings,are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. 发动机是整部车的动力来源。能量来自于活塞在气缸内的(往复)直线运动。然而这种(往复)直线运动必须要转换成旋转运动才能驱动车轮。活塞与连杆通过一个销来连接,这个销称为活塞销。连杆的下部连接于曲拐。连杆把活塞的上下往复运动传递给曲拐,从而将往复直线运动转变成旋转运动。连杆和曲拐的连接使用大的轴承,称之为连杆轴承,类似的轴承也用于将曲轴连接到机体,称之为主轴承。 They are generally two different types of cooling system:water-cooling system and air-cooling system.Water-cooling system is more common.The cooling medium, or coolant, in them is either water or some low-freezing liquid, called antifreeze.A water-cooling system consists of the engine water jacket, thermostat, water pump, radiator, radiator cap, fan, fan drive belt and neccessary hoses. 主要有两种类型的冷却系统:水冷和风冷。水冷系统更为普遍。系统所用冷却介质或是冷却液常委水或其他低凝固点液体,称为抗凝剂。一个完整的水冷系统包括机体水套,节温器,水泵,散热器,散热器罩,风扇,风扇驱动皮带和必需的水管。 A water-cooling system means that water is used as a cooling agent to circulate through the engine to absorb the heat and carry it to the radiator for disposal.The ebgine is cooled mainly through heat transfer and heat dissipation.The heat generated by the mixture burned in the engine must be transferred from the iron or aluminum cylinder to the waterin the water jacket.The outside of the water jacket dissipates some of the heat to the air surrounding it, but most of the heat is carried by the cooling water to the radiator for dissipation.When the coolant temperature in the system reaches 90°,the termostat valve open fully, its slanted edge shutting off


第一课土木工程学 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


unit1 body 车身chassis 底盘enclosure外壳、套hood车棚、车顶sway 摇摆frame车架steering转向、操作brake 制动weld焊接rivet铆钉bolt螺钉washer垫圈vibration 振动stabilizer稳定器ride乘坐舒适性handling操作稳定性linkages转向传动机构plier钳子distributor分电器alternator交流发电机regulator调节器carburetor化油器radiator散热器、水箱defroster除冰装置sludge金属碎屑transmission变速器differential 差速器power train 传动系unitized body 承载式车身suspension system 悬架系统steering system 转向系braking system 制动系shock absorbers减震器control arms控制臂steering wheel 转向盘steering column转向管柱steering gears 转向器tie rod 横拉杆idler arm随动臂brake shoe制动蹄disc brake 盘式制动器drum brakes 鼓式制动器ignition system 点火系统exhaust system 排气系统lubrication system 润滑系oil filters 机油滤清器drive(or propeller)shaft传动轴universal joints 万向节dynamo发电机horn喇叭swived 旋转steering box转向器timing gear 正时齿轮bevel gear 锥齿轮mesh with与啮合leaf spring 钢板弹簧stub axle 转向节 unit2 longitudinal纵向的transverse横向的reciprocate往复spin旋转piston活塞ignite点火rub摩擦quart夸脱reservoir油箱mechanical机械的enclosed被附上的gallon加仑stroke冲程camshaft凸轮轴combustion燃烧disengaged脱离啮合的flywheel飞轮internal-combustion engine内燃机diesel-fuel柴油LPG=Liquefied Petroleum Gas液化石油气体CNG=Compressed natural gas压缩天然气spark ignition火花点火compression ignition压缩点火spark plug火花塞gas-turbine engine蒸汽机Stirling engine斯特灵发动机lubricating system润滑系统oil pan油底壳oil pump机油泵exhaust system排气系统emission-control system排放控制系统energy conversion能量转换air/fuel ratio空燃比connecting rod连杆TDC=Top Dead Center上止点BDC=Bottom Dead Center 下止点intake stroke进气冲程compression stroke压缩冲程power stroke作功冲程exhaust stroke排气冲程compression ratio压缩比lifter挺柱rocker摇臂retainer弹簧座seal密封件tappet 推杆lobe凸起gasket垫圈valve train配气机构cam follower气门挺柱rocker arm摇臂combustion chamber燃烧室intake valve进气阀exhaust valve排气阀valve stem气门杆valve cover气门室盖valve port阀口valve guide气门导管 unit3


土木工程专业英语课文原 文及对照翻译 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Civil Engineering Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities. 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities. 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 Scope. Because it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement—water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and


non-destructive test 非破损检验 non-load—bearingwall 非承重墙 non—uniform cross—section beam 变截面粱 non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement 纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数 normal concrete 普通混凝土 normal section 正截面 notch and tooth joint 齿连接 number of sampling 抽样数量 O obligue section 斜截面 oblique—angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝 one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab “单向板” open web roof truss 空腹屋架, ordinary concrete 普通混凝土(28) ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋(29) orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝(61) outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度(57) outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度(57) over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·钢梁整体稳定系数(58) overlap 焊瘤(62) overturning or slip resistance analysis 抗倾覆、滑移验算(10) P padding plate 垫板(52) partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝(61) partition 非承重墙(7) penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝(60) percentage of reinforcement 配筋率(34) perforated brick 多孔砖(43) pilastered wall 带壁柱墙(42) pit·凹坑(62) pith 髓心(?o) plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构(24) plane hypothesis 平截面假定(32) plane structure 平面结构(11) plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架(5) plank 板材(65) plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section 截面塑性发展系数(58) plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计(56) plastic hinge·塑性铰(13) plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone 受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数


Fuel Supply System of Gasoline Engine(UNIT SEVEN) All the gasoline engines have substantially identical fuel systems and run on a mixture consisting of fuel vapor and air. The fuel system comprises the units designed to store, clear and deliver fuel, the units intended to clean air and a unit for preparing a mixture from fuel vapor and air. In a fuel system different components are used to supply fuel from the fuel tank into the engine cylinder. Some of the important components are fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, carburetor, intake manifold and fuellines or tubes connecting the tank, pump and the carburetor. The fuel tank is a fuel container used for storing fuel. It is made of sheet metal. It is attached to the vehicle frame with metal traps and is located at the rear of the vehicle. They are mounted in a boot or boot-floor pan in case of front-engined cars and small commercial vehicles. In order to strengthen the tank as well as to prevent surging of fuel when the vehicle rounds a curve of suddenly stops, baffle plates are attached to the inside of the tank. A cap is used to close the filler opening of the tank. The fuel line is attached at or near the bottom of the tank with a filtering element placed at the connection. The other components of the fuel tank are the fuel gauge sending unit, a vent pipe, receiving unit. To prevent the dirt and water from entering the luggage compartment, a sealing strip is fitted between the fuel tank and boot floor pan. Moreover to limit the transmission of frame distortion to the tank giving rise to squeaking as the metal parts get rubbed together, rubber or felt pads are often fitted between the mountings and the tank. Provision is also made against drumming of the tank by these mountings. The tank may be placed at the side of the chassis frame for convenience in case of large commercial vehicles. The length of the connecting lines or tubes from the tank to the carburetor is also restricted by this at the same time. A porous filter is attached to the outlet lines. By drawing fuel from the tank through the filter, any water in the bottom of the tank as well as any dirt into the fuel gathers on the surface of the filter. To keep the fuel always under atmospheric pressure, the filter pipe or tank is vented. In order to prevent dirt in the fuel from entering the fuel pump or carburetor, fuel filters and screens are used in the fuel system. If the dirt is not removed from the fuel, the normal operation of these units will be prevented. The engine performance will also be reduced.
