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儿子与情人 英文读后感

儿子与情人 英文读后感
儿子与情人 英文读后感

Reading Report of Sons and Lovers

During my extracurricular time, I started reading Sons and Lovers, which was written by David Herbert Lawrence. He was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. He was born on September 11, 1885 to a miner and his wife in the small village of Eastwood near Nottingham, England. Arthur and Lydia Lawrence, his parents, had a troublesome marriage from the start: his father, a miner, was content to stay on the mining grounds while his mother yearned to leave. So his childhood was dominated by poverty and friction between his parents. He was educated at Nottingham High School, and won a scholarship. He worked as a clerk in a surgical appliance factory, and then for four years as a pupil-teacher. He was died in Vence, France on March 2, 1930. Lawrence is now valued by many as a visionary thinker and significant representative of modernism in English literature.

There is a background before the author wrote this book. Lawrence lived at a time when the Industrial Revolution was taking on the whole world, especially in Great Britain, which changed from agricultural society towards industrial society. And it brought all changes in national and personal lives. Lawrence?s novel Sons and Lovers deals with Lawrence?s personal experiences in the working-class environment in Nottinghamshire.

Sons and Lovers is the third published novel of D. H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece. It tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist. This autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community. This novel is about the life of Movels. Mr.Morel, Mrs.Moel, Paul, Miriam and Clara are the main characters in this novel. The author develops the story by portraying the relationships between these characters. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. I divided this book into two parts. Now I will introduce the first part of this book.

The refined daughter of a “good old burgher family,” Gertrude Coppard meets a rough-hewn miner at a Christmas dance and falls into a whirlwind romance. But soon after her marriage to Walter Morel, she realizes the difficulties of living off his meager salary in a rented house. The couple fight and drift apart and Walter retreats to the pub after work each day. Gradually, Mrs.Morel?s

affections shift to her sons, beginning with the oldest, William. As a boy, William is so attached to his mother that he doesn?t enjoy the fair without her. As he grows older, he defends her against his father?s occasional violence. Eventually, he leaves home for a job in London, where he begins to rise up into the middle class. He is engaged, but he detests the girl?s superficiality. He dies, and Mrs. Morel is heartbroken, but when William catches pneumonia, she rediscovers her love for her second son. Both repulsed by and drawn to his mother, Paul is afraid to leave her but wants to go out on his own, and needs to experience love. Gradually, he falls into a relation ship with Miriam, a farm girl who attends his church. The two take long walks and have intellectual conversations about books, but resists in, in part because his mother looks down on her.

I want to introduce the three characters of this book: Mr. Morel, Mrs Morel and Miriam Leviers. Mr. Morel is Paul's rough, sensual, hard-drinking father. In many ways, he is his wife's opposite. Mr. Morel is from a lower-class mining family. He speaks the local dialect in contrast to his wife's refined English. He loves to drink and dance practices that Mrs. Morel, a strict Congregationalist, considers sinful. Mrs Morel is one of the most formidable mothers in all of Western literature. To the narrator, and perhaps to Paul Morel, she is both a giving, selfless nurturer of her children and a possessive tyrant. Miriam Leviers, Paul's teenage friend and sweetheart, was modeled after Lawrence's own young love, Miriam is Paul's devoted helpmate in his artistic and spiritual quests. Although beautiful, she takes no pleasure in her physical attributes. Her whole life is geared towards heaven and a mystical sense of nature.

This is the most autobiographical of all Lawrence?s works as the author himself had a similar relationship with his own mother. The use of this oedipal theme is one of a number of Freudian concepts he used throughout his books. Like many of his works, Sons and Lovers was criticized when first published for obscenity and one publisher called it ”the dirtiest book he had ever read”, but compared to his later works it is quite constrained.

There are three females that Paul had loved. The first person is his mother. Paul is afraid to leave her but wants to go out on his own, and experience love. Then, it is Miriam, whom is a farm girl. They have intellectual conversations about books in the nature. At last, Paul meets Clara Dawes, who has separated

from her husband, Paul get physical satisfaction from her.

I want to show my opinions about the love between Paul and Miriam. Miriam Leviers, Paul's teenage friend and sweetheart, was modeled after Lawrence's own young love. She is romantic in her soul but timid and sensitive in appearance. Miriam is Paul's devoted helpmate in his artistic and spiritual quests. Although beautiful, she takes no pleasure in her physical attributes. Her whole life is geared towards heaven and a mystical sense of nature. Miriam is Paul?s first lover. Miriam loves Paul, but she can?t admit to and has no courage to love. When she loves Paul, she only wants to dominate his mind, then to catc h Paul?s whole soul. But Paul knows that Miriam only loves his soul and wants to posses him. In this book, there is a dialogue between them which Paul rejected Miriam. Miriam said:” You had said that we belong to each other.” “I was young. I did belong to my mother and now she is died. I don?t want to live again with you, not even with you. I?m sure I?ll never find one as g ood as you, But perhaps I under stand at last what the mean to live,”said Paul. For Paul, mother…s love makes him unhappy, while Miriam seems like his mother as both want to control his soul. Of course, he will against that form of love as he thinks that?s not love and wants to escape from this spiritual love. I think the love was failed because of Miriam?s possession.

Then, I?d like to co mpare Lawrence as a combination of both William and Paul. As William, he was a man who grew in such family and had a strong will to break the shackles of his class. William was gifted, he was successful in both his academy work and interpersonal relational, and he escaped from his lamentable family to London. The mentality of William just like Lawrence purred his feel to this character subconsciously: the disgust of his father, admiration of mother, struggle to free himself from the mournful family. All these characteristics are based on author himself experience. Of course, these stuffs also connected with the society at that time, which class you came from can be the first to affect who you were or how you were, in order to change your social status, the post important was to change the class you belonged to. All these ideology created both Lawrence and his William.

At the moment, it?s clear that Paul?s Oedipus complex and reasons. Actually Paul has not become a normal adult by getting over some problems like

other children. That is not only determined by his mother?s abnormal maternity. The reasons are in many ways, some comes from the parents; some comes from his sisters and brothers, some even from the society, the mechanical civilization, which leads to the family tragedy and distortion of personality.


科学怪人读后感 科学怪人读后感范文19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱之妻玛丽雪莱1818年的小说《科学怪人》曾多次被搬上戏剧舞台及电影银幕。发明家托马斯爱迪生的公司就曾于1910年制作了《科学怪人》的首部默片,但直到1931年詹姆斯惠尔执导的首部有声《科学怪人》问世,观众及电影公司才真正承认了恐怖影片作为经典类型片的地位。 美国南加利福尼亚州大学研究上世纪三四十年代美国电影的教授里克朱厄尔说:“它是偶像级电影之一,影响力巨大。它真正确保了恐怖片成为好莱坞较有影响力的影片类型之一。” 《科学怪人》获得成功,富有创意的化妆师杰克皮尔斯功不可没。据报道,给卡洛夫在电影中饰演的怪物化妆常常要花上4个小时的时间,皮尔斯和他的助手们为塑造出高大骇人的怪物形象费尽心思。他们在卡洛夫头部垫上棉布卷,使他看上去更高且头部呈方形。同时,皮尔斯在卡洛夫的脖子两侧安上电极,还在他脸上涂上了厚重的粉,使其看上去冷漠麻木。 影片完成后,曾有人担心电影会吓跑观众,因此在1931年12月6日首映当天,有关方面特地安排一名演员在电影放映前提醒观众电影的可怕程度。电影获得了巨大成功,虽然观众们时常大声尖叫,但他们对影片十分着迷。

《科学怪人》当年为环球电影制片公司带来了数百万美元的收入,如今这部电影的主创人员早已去世,但那个人造怪物依然活跃在荧屏上。从恐怖片到喜剧,改编自《科学怪人》的英美影片迄今已达数十部之多。 科学怪人读后感范文我最近看了一本印象深刻的书,名着《科学怪人》。内容虽然有些惊悚,但是却透露出一些真情。 文中的“我”为科学痴狂,用科学创造出了一个其丑无比的怪人,“我”厌恶自己创造的人,人们也不欢迎他,使怪人由本性善良变成了一个恶人,他四处杀人,最后把“我”杀了,忏悔者…… 这是一个以悲剧结尾的故事。我觉得主人公一开始就做的不对。1.他根本就不应该因为自己的好奇而创造出人,这就可以看出他的不冷静;2.他看见怪人的面目后十分厌恶,不给予怪人任何美好的情感,而是施予憎恶,所以才导致自己以及自己的亲人被怪人杀死。 由此可见美好的感情对人的重要性啊!感情是人类精神的支柱,美好的感情更是人类本性所向往的、单单想拥有的、宝贵的东西啊! 还有曾经我看过一篇文章,写的是政府将执行把囚犯精神禁锢的方法,先由一位警察试着执行,结果他遭到众人的


老人与海英语读后感300字8篇 老人圣地亚哥是一位老渔民,老人与海就讲述了他在连续八十 四天都没有捕到一条鱼的情况下,终于独自一人钓上了一条大马林鱼,但这条鱼庞大的像一座山丘,所以将老渔民圣地亚哥的小渔船整整拖了几天几夜叉筋疲力尽,被老人杀死绑在了小船的一头。老人返航的时候却遇到了鲨鱼,他应用的抵抗鲨鱼的攻击。可最后回到港湾的时候,大鱼只剩下鱼头、鱼尾和一条脊骨。 这篇小说描写了老人在中亚紫霞仍保持着优雅的风度。作者这 样写突出了老人威严冷静的性格特点,就像我们小学五年级的一篇课文《桥》中的老支书一样。面对鲨鱼的攻击,老人并没有吓呆了,而是沉着的应对鲨鱼疯狂的攻击才保住了自己的性命。如果老人并没有沉着的应对鲨鱼的攻击,那老人将会一无所有(宝货老人的生命)这篇小说主要告诉我名字一个人应用有的最宝贵的精神—人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。圣地亚哥也因此而成为了文学史上最着名的“硬汉”之一 所以在生活上我们要学习老渔民圣地亚哥的品格与精神,才能 成为对住过有用的人。 开始,老人先是准备了几天,然后划船离开码头。几天后,他 找到合适的地点钓起鱼来。可令他非常意外的事情发生了,他捕到一条大鱼,然而当天,他没办法把那条鱼拉上来,因为鱼太大太有力量了。就这样,一场较量开始了。连继二天,他们都在拉来拉去。到了第三天,较量终于以老人获胜结束了。老人发现那条大鱼竟然比老人

的船还长,老人决定把那条大鱼绑在船舷上返航。可一件非常不幸的事发生了,途中鲨鱼开始吃那条鱼。就这样,老人和鲨鱼战斗起来。每天,老人都要打死一些鲨鱼,虽然很残酷,可要保住这条鱼又有什么办法呢。 最终,鱼肉被鲨鱼吃光了,只剩下骨架,老人被打败了。然而他休息了几天,又准备出海打鱼了。 我要学习老人坚持不懈的精神。 今天,我把《老人与海》这一本书读完了,这一本书主要讲了一位老人在海上钓鱼,可他一连84没有钓上一条鱼。 其实这本书我读完后,并没有完全理解这本书的意思,于是我就问了妈妈,妈妈就又给我讲了一遍,我才明白了一些。 老人一连84天没有任何收获,可是他没有放弃,仍然不停的给自己加油鼓劲,最后他决定去深海里捕捉一条大大的鱼,于是他就出发了。最后虽然他钓到了一条好大的鱼,但在在往回返的时候却被大鲨鱼给吃光了,只留下了一条巨大的鱼骨头。他很伤心。 看完这本书,我心里有点难过。我觉得老人很可怜。 今年暑假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放

《老人与海》英文读后感 400字左右

The filling of I read when I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. It’s so dangerous to fight with sharks. But he did not give up. But now I’m really proud of Santiago. He is so brave and persevering. “But a man is not made for defeat” he said “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Santiago was old just as Hemingway said “Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.” He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said “It’s better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.” Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him. But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone,


瓦尔登湖读后感英文版 《瓦尔登湖》是美国作家梭罗独居瓦尔登湖畔的记录,描绘了他两年多时间里的所见、所闻和所思。该书崇尚简朴生活,热爱大自然的风光,内容丰厚,意义深远,语言生动。而下面就是小编分享的关于瓦尔登湖的读后感,一起来看一下吧。 瓦尔登湖读后感英文篇一read through some of the more than half of the "walden pond", to be honest look at a lot of paragraphs do not really understand, but say it is fun sections of animals that people read fresh. the first animal is the rooster attention, and that the most common birds, however the author's pen in the air all of a sudden and very poor. thoreau is the author described them this way: the rooster, pheasant was originally, and their chirping is the world's most beautiful music, better than all the other animals, but most of the time to fill the gaps in their voice is their wife - the mother chickens are noisy, it's no wonder that they ultimately can only be the poultry, not to mention what kind of a chicken egg. these words can not


《弗兰肯斯坦》读后感 《弗兰肯斯坦》被认为是世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说。小说揭示了作者玛丽雪莱的观点:她认为人具有双重性格——善与恶,长期受人嫌恶、歧视和迫害会使人变得邪恶,乃至发展到不可收拾的地步。 它讲述了一位名叫弗兰肯斯坦的科学家自少年时期潜心研究自然科学,将尸体拼接起来,用电流赋予它生命,却在最后发现创造了一个拥有可怖外表的怪物。在恐慌与无措中,他选择了抛弃。怪物开始自己探索世界,起初它以善意对待世人,甚至因知道自己的丑陋而把自己藏了起来,暗中帮助他喜欢的一户人家,结果在小心翼翼袒露身份的那天却遭到鄙视与唾弃。渐渐的它开始仇恨这个世界,这股愤怒驱使他杀死了弗兰肯斯坦的弟弟和新娘。它失去了所有,它也不再顾虑或期待,用小说原文来说,它就像一股不受限制的飓风,将死亡带给弗兰肯斯坦的家庭。最终弗兰肯斯坦死去时,怪物也宣布它的复仇结束了,接着消失在冰原中。 对于这本书,我最感触的是怪物在与它的创造者重逢时说出的这句话“我本性也是仁慈的、善良的,都是痛苦让我变成了魔鬼。”细想一下,是什么让当初用好奇的眼睛捕捉周围一切的怪物变成了杀戮狂魔?是它所处的环境啊。即使它拥有一颗善良的心,可是人们一看到它的脸就躲避、尖叫,甚至拳脚相加;即使它的初衷是救助溺水的女孩,最终只得到了一颗冷冰冰的子弹。世界的冷漠剥去了它内心柔软的外壳。它也想过变好,可是怪物承受了太多人类的恶意,悲剧不断重现,最终彻底浇灭了它的希望。 而其创造者弗兰肯斯坦创造怪物的初衷是为了让人们免于死亡,因为他的母亲,一位善良可爱的女士,死于猩红热。他明明成功复活了死亡,却因此陷入无尽的悲痛与折磨。我认为弗兰肯斯坦就是人类的一个代表,他代表着自我矛盾。 可以说世上本没有怪物,但自从世上出现了人,怪物也就出现了,因为人本来就是怪物。某位大家曾说过:“人类为什么可以统治地球,那是因为没有任何生物可以比人类更残忍。”异想天开的弗兰肯斯坦无法接受自己创造的怪物,残忍地将其抛弃,造成了无法挽回的悲剧。现实中,往往我们的无情与冷淡无意间就会让我们自己成为弗兰肯斯坦,想想,社会上那些相貌丑陋亦或身体残疾的人群人们都得到了平等对待么?玛丽?雪莱可能就是要告诉我们善 待同类的同时也要善待异类吧。否则人类也终将会因为自己的残忍毁灭自己。 高三(4)班黄一文6号


A man can be destroyed but not defeated -----comment of《The old man and the sea》专业:测控技术与仪器姓名:学号:成绩: This semester, we saw the movie —《The old man and the sea》. The movie which was adapted from the novel written by Hemingway tells us a story about an old man fight against the nature. The novel narrates an old fisherman named Santiago didn’t catch a fish after 84 days on the sea. Finally, he made a decision that going fishing to the unfamiliar sea area. Luckily, he discovered a huge marlin. After fierce fighting, he conquered the marlin despite he was exhausted. Drawn the short straw, the smell of marlin’s blood attracted the sharks. Sharks raided the old man and bit the meat of marlin. The old man resisted the attack from the sharks desperately. However, when he went back the harbor, there was only the marlin’s skeleton left. And there were many discussions about the skeleton among people in harbor. Although the old man failed again and again, he was never disappointed. His calm showed us a matchless strong heart. Despite Santiago is old and miserable, he would never like to quit. He persisted in struggling with the destiny. Sometimes our destiny can not be dominated by us. But we can confront the fate optimistically and accept it calmly. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Though our human body can be tormented, our determination can never be encroached. The marlin is a


修心,寻己 ―读《瓦尔登湖》有感 丁娅丽就像歌词里写的那样,“孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一个人的孤单”,很多时候我们都会迷失在尘世的繁华与喧闹之中,感觉这物欲盛世从不属于我们,曾经的一切追求不过是一场云烟。很多时候我们失落、失望,渴望着逃离,去自然的安谧中寻找一种本真的生存状态,寻求一种更诗意的生活,可我们却又难以割舍与尘世的牵绊,于是我们忍受着一切,渺小而卑微的活着。唯有梭罗,真正的放开了一切,与自然为伴,以心思考,用手中的笔幻化出一种沉静的力量,修补着世人的心。 19世纪上半叶的美国,正处于农业时代向工业时代的转型时期,随着资本主义社会的发展,拜金主义和享乐主义成为主流思想,为了物质利益,人类变得贪婪而自私,自然也成了其欲望的牺牲品。 就是在这样的社会环境里,梭罗产生了深邃的思考。人生的意义到底是什么,人为什么而活,什么是生活的真正必需品?梭罗以自己在瓦尔登湖两年零两个月又两天的独居经历给出了非教科书式的答案。 正如查普曼的歌那样:这虚伪的人类社会,为了尘世的宏伟,把天上的种种快乐稀释成了空气。生活不要被物质所奴役。梭罗谈到:“文明改善了房屋,却没有同时改善房屋中的人。文明打造出了一座皇宫,可是要造出贵族和国王却没有那么容易。”如果人类的大部分时间只是用来获得粗鄙的必需品和享受舒适的生活,而不注重精神层面的进步,那么人类作为文明人和野蛮人又有什么不同呢? 一个阶级的奢侈背后必有另一个阶级的贫苦。资产阶级在华丽的房屋中享受的同时,几乎完成了这个世纪所有享有盛名的工程的贫苦技工可能正蜷缩在某个破旧的棚屋里。他们是沉默的穷人。他们买不起房,甚至死不起人,办一个像样的葬礼对他们来说太难,或许他们所过的每一天对他们而言都是忍受。我突然想起了《那些年我们一起追过的女孩》里沈佳宜说过的一句话:“很多事都是徒劳无功的。”虽然与此处不是指同一件事,但道理都差不多,劳动换回的也只是劳


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


[读后感]老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感: It’slonglongago,’,’s prettybrisk,,IlikedElizabeth,theheroine,thoughIdidn’tthinkshe’’,Ididn’’,Ihaven’treadthewholestoryinEnglishoritschineseversion, Infact,Ididn’’,butIdidn’tfindwhere’’snormal, 老人与海英文读后感: 老人与海读后感英文版 whenIwasamiddleschoolstudent,I’,Ireally,formypart,thatistrue. Firstly,,majorcharactersandthetopicofit. TheoldmanandtheSeaisastorybyErnestHemingway,,itcentersuponSantiago,anagingcubanfishermanwhostruggleswithagiantmarlinfaroutintheGulfStream. TheoldmanandtheSeaservedtoreinvigorateHemingway’sl;itrestoredmanyreaders’confidenceinHem ingway’,Scribner’s,onanearlydustjacket,calledthenovellaa”newclassic,”andmanycriticsfavorablypareditwithsuchworksaswilliamFaulkner ’s”TheBear”andHermanmelville’smoby-Dick. Thisbookgivesmeadeepimpressionespeciallythedescriptionabouttheman’sbravenessandpersistence. Inthisbook,inordertosuggesttheprofundityoftheoldman’ssacrificeandtheglorythatderivesfromit,HemingwaypurposefullylikensSantiagotochrist,who,accordingtochristiantheology,’spalmsarefirstcutbyhisfishingline,,whenthesharksarrive,Hemingwayportraystheoldmanasacrucifiedmartyr,sayingthath,theimageoftheoldmanstrugglingupthehillwithhismastacrosshisshouldersrecallschrist’—facedownwithhisarmsoutstraightandthepalmsofhishandsup— oystheseimagesinthefinalpagesofthenovellainordertolinkSantiagotochrist,whoexemplifiedtranscendencebyturninglossintogain,defeatintotriumph,andevendeathintorenewedlife. Themajorcharactersinthisbookarealsovividandlively. Santiago?,theoldmanofthenovella’stitle,,,,andofhiscraft,isunparalleledandhelpshimpreserveasenseofhoperegardlessofcircumstance. Themarlin?,Santiagohooksthemarlin,whichwelearnattheendofthenovellameasureseighteenfeet,?,aboypresumablyinhisadolescence,manolinisSantiago’’srecentbadluck,manolin’,however,stillcaresdeeplyfortheoldman,towhomhecontinuestolookasamentor. joeDimaggio,althoughDimaggioneverappearsinthenovel,,andhisthoughtstur?,Perico,thereaderassumes,ownsthebodegainSantiago’,butheservesanimportantroleinthefisherman’martin,likePerico,martin,acaféownerinSantiago’svillage,,whooftengoestomartinforSantiago’,martinisamanoffrequentkindnesswhodeservestoberepaid. Fromtheveryfirstparagraph,—’sstruggle,thesailofhisskiffresembles“theflagofpermanentdefeat.”Buttheoldman refusesdefeatateveryturn:here solvest,tyinghisrecordofeighty-sevendaysafterabrutalthree-dayfight,andhecontinuestowardoffsharksfromstealinghisprey,eventhoughheknowsthebattleisuseless.


Walden Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), the author of Walden, was born in Concord, Massachusetts. When he was a child, he always went to the woods and field with his old brother. So he loves the nature very much. In the middle of 19th century, American economies developed so rapidly that most people pursuit the material life and ignore the spiritual life. But Thoreau wants to live a simple life. Also for the Transcendentalist Movement was centered in Concord and Emerson had a great influence on him. All these made Thoreau go to build a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond and live alone to close to the nature in 1845. Later, he wrote the famous book, Walden, which mainly talks about his life and thoughts during he lived alone in the woods near Walden Pond. When Walden was published in 1854, it was not well accepted by people. Instead it was regarded as "wicked and heathenish" .It was published only one time until Thoreau died of disease. But many years later especially in twentieth century, it was gradually known and appreciated by lots of readers all over the world. This is a book which tells in spring Thoreau starts building a cabin in the woods,thinking about life, reading some books, and listening to the sound of nature. In autumn, he cultivates beans, observes Walden Pond. In winter, the Walden Pond freeze, lots of animals accompanies with him. As spring's coming, the Walden and other ponds melt. Every thing in nature is awake and reborn including Thoreau. After two years, Thoreau leaves. Thoreau first writes that most people pursuit their necessary things of life such as fashionable clothes, houses and equipment. They pursuit these things while Thoreau go to the woods to building a cabin which only costs $28.12, eating simple food and needing little furniture. So one of chapters in his book, “Higher Law", emphasizes more on the spiritual aspect instead of the satisfaction of material. Further more; he urges people to read more classic literature such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and other great writers’ masterpiece. He also writes that though he lives alone in the woods, he is close to nature and makes himself as a part of nature. He lives alone, but sometimes he also talks with his visitors who are honest, sincere, thinkable and loving their life. Thoreau also mentions that the noise in the town and the whistle of train disturb the quite life of the town. However, in the woods life is quite. When he lives in the woods, he can listen to animals' sounds such as bird's singing, owl’s hooting, cockerel’s crowing etc. He lives with animals friendly. He also describes the Walden Pond. The water, blue and green, clear and pure, freezes in winter and melts in spring. When I was reading Walden, I felt that I was listening to a wise man’s talking. The words a nd phrases about the nature especially the Walden Pond are beautiful and fascinating. The sentences are full of wisdom and philosophy. Reading this book reminds me of those people who work hard to earn money, waste lots of money to buy luxury and expensive things, waste time to entertain themselves. In my point of view, they may easily lose themselves, and though their bodies are full, their minds are hungry. The real life is to make every complicate thing to be simple and enrich our heart and soul. In a word, just simplicity 、simplicity and simplicity! One of Thoreau's thoughts about solitude attracts me deeply for I’m the person who likes to be alone. There are some reasons for why I like to be alone: Firstly I think that living with others is easy going to have a conflict whatever you are best friends. Secondly just as Thoreau saying ‘a man thinking or working always alone and let him be where he will’. I always spent most of time to study, and I like to make myself busy all the time, so I have little time to stay with others. In addition to, what I'm thinking and interested in is quite different from others. I like studying at library and reading books but don't like pursuit fashionable and new trend things for it makes me feel tired and bored. So I always live alone and people who around me think I must be lonely. Actually it's not true. They don't understand me at all. When I'm studying, learning or reading, I don't think other things, just immersing in the ocean of knowledge .My heart is quite calm. And if learn new knowledge I got a feeling of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment. So I was so surprised that what Thoreau said was exactly same to what I thought. I was so glad to find a person who has the same idea with me. When Thoreau lived alone in the woods, people did not understand him, even Emerson thought what he did was wrong. And now, people who around me think my life is not good. But I think Thoreau’s life was successful, meaningful and happy, so do I. Because I think that the success and happiness of life all come from exactly value. Everyone deeply desires of themselves life. When you know what the value of yourself is, meanwhile you can enjoy your life according to the value every time. You will find that everyday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, hear the sure sound from your heart, and often feel intense achievement, the most important is that your heart is peace and calm.


我,弗兰肯斯坦短评 全部共2782条热门 / 最新 / 我关注的 21 有用披着人皮的死鬼 2014-03-08 这货哪是什么科学怪人明明神雕侠侣 16 有用我是大皮哥 2014-01-25 火花四溅魂魄飞散的打斗场面顿时唤醒所有战神系列玩家在主机上操控奎爷虐杀小喽啰的激爽回忆,配合流畅的飞行攀升俯冲视角、恰到好处的推拉镜头,营造出很好的临场感。缺点是太像游戏关卡,从头到尾拼杀动作设计基本一致,人物也呆板缺少变化。非《黑夜传说》系列粉可放心将本片排除在2014必刷清单之外 15 有用九万 2014-02-15 也就那种劣质网游过场动画水准! 9 有用大白汐 2014-03-07 这片子或许在剧情方面欠缺,但是说人家是劣质网游过场动画级别的人,你懂个JB老子麻烦你尊重一下后期制作人员,那些人拿钱是按镜头不是按时间,你不了解这行的幸酸就TM别出来乱叫,你懂什么是电影级吗,麻烦你去看看《少年派之后的日子》那个纪录片,艹 10 有用无趣 2014-05-03 这是部关于一位手持二棍的二货棒打恶魔的故事的二逼电影 3 有用梦见乌鸦 2014-03-28 跟《基督再临》差不多,玩砸了的神魔片,这种片子剧情差无所谓,但没有逻辑就不对了。视觉效果不错,有成为《范海辛》的潜质,但在30分钟之后就开始胡来了,反派恶魔变身后的头套丑爆了 0 有用fallingraining 2014-03-08 真的比较乱。 4 有用清澈透明的春春 2014-03-08 不错啊,要特技有特技,要场面有场面,虽然情节简单了些,结局草草了些,但还是洋眼的娱乐商业电影。 1 有用Jo 2014-05-08 cg还是不错的 1 有用新琇 2014-03-19


老人与海英文读后感 篇一:老人与海读后感英文 在这部小说中,我非常佩服老渔夫的意志,老渔夫让我懂得了一个人必需要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。小说通过人与自然的斗争,表达了人要勇敢地面对失败。桑提亚哥在同象征厄运的鲨鱼的斗争中虽然失败了,但他并没有在厄运面前屈服,认为人虽可以暂时战败,但人的精神和意志是永远也打不垮的。“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他”,他的这句话在我心中留下了深刻的印象。小说在艺术上具有很高的概括性、寓言性和象征性。运用反衬法、内心独白来刻画人物性格。 ThenoveltoldastoryabouthowtheoldfishermanSantiagostruggledw iththesea.SantiagogainedahugefishcalledMarlinafterhavingdri ftedintheseafor84days.Itwasafishthatis2feetlongerthantheboa

tandthathaddraggedhisboatfortwodaysbeforebeingstabbedtodeat h.Itseemedthattheoldmanwasn’ tsosuccessful,becauseheencounteredashark,struggledwiththese riousenvironments,eventheonlyspoil——Marlinjustleftaskeleton.However,themostimportantthingisthat Santiagohadnevergivenupforamoment. Inthisnovel,Iamdeeplyimpressedbyhispersevering.Iadmiretheol dfishermanforhissteel-likemindandpersistence.Ithinkthere’sarealyoungmaninsidehim,althoughheisatanoldageandnolongergo esbacktohisyouth.Fromthestrongcomparisonbetweentheoldlookan dtheyoungheart,wecaneasilyfindthatitisthepositivefirmspirit sthatmakeusholdourhopesandkeeptryingallthetimeandfinallygui detheroadstowardssuccess.
