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HttpClient Tutorial

Oleg Kalnichevski

Preface (iv)

1. HttpClient scope (iv)

2. What HttpClient is NOT (iv)

1. Fundamentals (1)

1.1. Request execution (1)

1.1.1. HTTP request (1)

1.1.2. HTTP response (2)

1.1.3. Working with message headers (2)

1.1.4. HTTP entity (4)

1.1.5. Ensuring release of low level resources (5)

1.1.6. Consuming entity content (6)

1.1.7. Producing entity content (6)

1.1.8. Response handlers (8)

1.2. HTTP execution context (8)

1.3. Exception handling (9)

1.3.1. HTTP transport safety (9)

1.3.2. Idempotent methods (10)

1.3.3. Automatic exception recovery (10)

1.3.4. Request retry handler (10)

1.4. Aborting requests (11)

1.5. HTTP protocol interceptors (11)

1.6. HTTP parameters (12)

1.6.1. Parameter hierarchies (12)

1.6.2. HTTP parameters beans (13)

1.7. HTTP request execution parameters (14)

2. Connection management (15)

2.1. Connection parameters (15)

2.2. Connection persistence (16)

2.3. HTTP connection routing (16)

2.3.1. Route computation (16)

2.3.2. Secure HTTP connections (17)

2.4. HTTP route parameters (17)

2.5. Socket factories (17)

2.5.1. Secure socket layering (18)

2.5.2. SSL/TLS customization (18)

2.5.3. Hostname verification (19)

2.6. Protocol schemes (19)

2.7. HttpClient proxy configuration (19)

2.8. HTTP connection managers (20)

2.8.1. Connection operators (20)

2.8.2. Managed connections and connection managers (20)

2.8.3. Simple connection manager (22)

2.8.4. Pooling connection manager (22)

2.8.5. Connection manager shutdown (23)

2.9. Multithreaded request execution (23)

2.10. Connection eviction policy (24)

2.11. Connection keep alive strategy (25)

3. HTTP state management (27)

3.1. HTTP cookies (27)

HttpClient Tutorial

3.1.1. Cookie versions (27)

3.2. Cookie specifications (28)

3.3. HTTP cookie and state management parameters (29)

3.4. Cookie specification registry (29)

3.5. Choosing cookie policy (29)

3.6. Custom cookie policy (30)

3.7. Cookie persistence (30)

3.8. HTTP state management and execution context (30)

3.9. Per user / thread state management (31)

4. HTTP authentication (32)

4.1. User credentials (32)

4.2. Authentication schemes (32)

4.3. HTTP authentication parameters (33)

4.4. Authentication scheme registry (34)

4.5. Credentials provider (34)

4.6. HTTP authentication and execution context (35)

4.7. Caching of authentication data (36)

4.8. Preemptive authentication (36)

4.9. NTLM Authentication (36)

4.9.1. NTLM connection persistence (36)

4.10. SPNEGO/Kerberos Authentication (37)

4.10.1. SPNEGO support in HttpClient (38)

4.10.2. GSS/Java Kerberos Setup (38)

4.10.3. login.conf file (38)

4.10.4. krb5.conf / krb5.ini file (39)

4.10.5. Windows Specific configuration (39)

4.10.6. Customizing SPNEGO authentication scheme (40)

5. HTTP client service (41)

5.1. HttpClient facade (41)

5.2. HttpClient parameters (42)

5.3. Automatic redirect handling (43)

5.4. HTTP client and execution context (43)

5.5. Compressed response content (43)

6. HTTP Caching (45)

6.1. General Concepts (45)

6.2. RFC-2616 Compliance (46)

6.3. Example Usage (46)

6.4. Configuration (46)

6.5. Storage Backends (47)

7. Advanced topics (48)

7.1. Custom client connections (48)

7.2. Stateful HTTP connections (49)

7.2.1. User token handler (49)

7.2.2. User token and execution context (50)


The Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is perhaps the most significant protocol used on the Internet today. Web services, network-enabled appliances and the growth of network computing continue to expand the role of the HTTP protocol beyond user-driven web browsers, while increasing the number of applications that require HTTP support.

Although the https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html, package provides basic functionality for accessing resources via HTTP, it doesn't provide the full flexibility or functionality needed by many applications. HttpClient seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations.

Designed for extension while providing robust support for the base HTTP protocol, HttpClient may be of interest to anyone building HTTP-aware client applications such as web browsers, web service clients, or systems that leverage or extend the HTTP protocol for distributed communication.

1. HttpClient scope

?Client-side HTTP transport library based on HttpCore [https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,/httpcomponents-core/


?Based on classic (blocking) I/O

?Content agnostic

2. What HttpClient is NOT

?HttpClient is NOT a browser. It is a client side HTTP transport library. HttpClient's purpose is

to transmit and receive HTTP messages. HttpClient will not attempt to cache content, execute

javascript embedded in HTML pages, try to guess content type, or reformat request / redirect location

URIs, or other functionality unrelated to the HTTP transport.

Chapter 1. Fundamentals

1.1. Request execution

The most essential function of HttpClient is to execute HTTP methods. Execution of an HTTP method involves one or several HTTP request / HTTP response exchanges, usually handled internally by HttpClient. The user is expected to provide a request object to execute and HttpClient is expected to transmit the request to the target server return a corresponding response object, or throw an exception if execution was unsuccessful.

Quite naturally, the main entry point of the HttpClient API is the HttpClient interface that defines the contract described above.

Here is an example of request execution process in its simplest form:

1.1.1. HTTP request

All HTTP requests have a request line consisting a method name, a request URI and an HTTP protocol version.

HttpClient supports out of the box all HTTP methods defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE and OPTIONS. There is a specific class for each method type.: HttpGet, HttpHead, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete, HttpTrace, and HttpOptions.

The Request-URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies the resource upon which to apply the request. HTTP request URIs consist of a protocol scheme, host name, optional port, resource path, optional query, and optional fragment.

HttpClient provides a number of utility methods to simplify creation and modification of request URIs.

URI can be assembled programmatically:

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Query string can also be generated from individual parameters:

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2. HTTP response

HTTP response is a message sent by the server back to the client after having received and interpreted

a request message. The first line of that message consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric

status code and its associated textual phrase.

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1.1.3. Working with message headers

An HTTP message can contain a number of headers describing properties of the message such as the content length, content type and so on. HttpClient provides methods to retrieve, add, remove and enumerate headers.

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The most efficient way to obtain all headers of a given type is by using the HeaderIterator interface.

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It also provides convenience methods to parse HTTP messages into individual header elements.

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1.1.4. HTTP entity

HTTP messages can carry a content entity associated with the request or response. Entities can be found in some requests and in some responses, as they are optional. Requests that use entities are referred to as entity enclosing requests. The HTTP specification defines two entity enclosing request methods: POST and PUT. Responses are usually expected to enclose a content entity. There are exceptions to this rule such as responses to HEAD method and 204 No Content, 304 Not Modified, 205 Reset Content responses.

HttpClient distinguishes three kinds of entities, depending on where their content originates:

?streamed: The content is received from a stream, or generated on the fly. In particular, this

category includes entities being received from HTTP responses. Streamed entities are generally not


?self-contained: The content is in memory or obtained by means that are independent from a

connection or other entity. Self-contained entities are generally repeatable. This type of entities will

be mostly used for entity enclosing HTTP requests.

?wrapping: The content is obtained from another entity.

This distinction is important for connection management when streaming out content from an HTTP response. For request entities that are created by an application and only sent using HttpClient, the difference between streamed and self-contained is of little importance. In that case, it is suggested to consider non-repeatable entities as streamed, and those that are repeatable as self-contained. Repeatable entities

An entity can be repeatable, meaning its content can be read more than once. This is only possible with self contained entities (like ByteArrayEntity or StringEntity)


2. Using HTTP entities

Since an entity can represent both binary and character content, it has support for character encodings (to support the latter, ie. character content).

The entity is created when executing a request with enclosed content or when the request was successful and the response body is used to send the result back to the client.

To read the content from the entity, one can either retrieve the input stream via the HttpEntity#getContent() method, which returns an java.io.InputStream, or one can supply an output stream to the HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method, which will return once all content has been written to the given stream.

When the entity has been received with an incoming message, the methods HttpEntity#getContentType()and HttpEntity#getContentLength()methods can be used for reading the common metadata such as Content-Type and Content-Length headers (if they are available). Since the Content-Type header can contain a character encoding for text mime-types like text/plain or text/html, the HttpEntity#getContentEncoding()method is used to read this information. If the headers aren't available, a length of -1 will be returned, and NULL for the content type. If the Content-Type header is available, a Header object will be returned.

When creating an entity for a outgoing message, this meta data has to be supplied by the creator of the entity.

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1.1.5. Ensuring release of low level resources

In order to ensure proper release of system resources one must close the content stream associated with the entity.

Please note that the HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) method is also required to ensure proper release of system resources once the entity has been fully written out. If this method obtains an instance of java.io.InputStream by calling HttpEntity#getContent(), it is also expected to close the stream in a finally clause.

When working with streaming entities, one can use the EntityUtils#consume(HttpEntity) method to ensure that the entity content has been fully consumed and the underlying stream has been closed.

There can be situations, however, when only a small portion of the entire response content needs to be retrieved and the performance penalty for consuming the remaining content and making the connection reusable is too high, in which case one can simply terminate the request by calling HttpUriRequest#abort() method.

The connection will not be reused, but all level resources held by it will be correctly deallocated. 1.1.6. Consuming entity content

The recommended way to consume the content of an entity is by using its HttpEntity#getContent() or HttpEntity#writeTo(OutputStream) methods. HttpClient also comes with the EntityUtils class, which exposes several static methods to more easily read the content or information from an entity.

Instead of reading the java.io.InputStream directly, one can retrieve the whole content body in a string / byte array by using the methods from this class. However, the use of EntityUtils is strongly discouraged unless the response entities originate from a trusted HTTP server and are known to be of limited length.

In some situations it may be necessary to be able to read entity content more than once. In this case entity content must be buffered in some way, either in memory or on disk. The simplest way to accomplish that is by wrapping the original entity with the BufferedHttpEntity class. This will cause the content of the original entity to be read into a in-memory buffer. In all other ways the entity wrapper will be have the original one.

1.1.7. Producing entity content

HttpClient provides several classes that can be used to efficiently stream out content though HTTP connections. Instances of those classes can be associated with entity enclosing requests such as POST and PUT in order to enclose entity content into outgoing HTTP requests. HttpClient provides several classes for most common data containers such as string, byte array, input stream, and file: StringEntity, ByteArrayEntity, InputStreamEntity, and FileEntity.

Please note InputStreamEntity is not repeatable, because it can only read from the underlying data stream once. Generally it is recommended to implement a custom HttpEntity class which is self-contained instead of using the generic InputStreamEntity. FileEntity can be a good starting point. Dynamic content entities

Often HTTP entities need to be generated dynamically based a particular execution context. HttpClient provides support for dynamic entities by using the EntityTemplate entity class and ContentProducer interface. Content producers are objects which produce their content on demand, by writing it out to an output stream. They are expected to be able produce their content every time they are requested to do so. So entities created with EntityTemplate are generally self-contained and repeatable.


2. HTML forms

Many applications need to simulate the process of submitting an HTML form, for instance, in order to log in to a web application or submit input data. HttpClient provides the entity class UrlEncodedFormEntity to facilitate the process.

The UrlEncodedFormEntity instance will use the so called URL encoding to encode parameters and produce the following content: Content chunking

Generally it is recommended to let HttpClient choose the most appropriate transfer encoding based on the properties of the HTTP message being transferred. It is possible, however, to inform HttpClient that chunk coding is preferred by setting HttpEntity#setChunked() to true. Please note that HttpClient will use this flag as a hint only. This value will be ignored when using HTTP protocol versions that do not support chunk coding, such as HTTP/1.0.

1.1.8. Response handlers

The simplest and the most convenient way to handle responses is by using the ResponseHandler interface, which includes the handleResponse(HttpResponse response)method. This method completely relieves the user from having to worry about connection management. When using a ResponseHandler, HttpClient will automatically take care of ensuring release of the connection back to the connection manager regardless whether the request execution succeeds or causes an exception.

1.2. HTTP execution context

Originally HTTP has been designed as a stateless, response-request oriented protocol. However, real world applications often need to be able to persist state information through several logically related request-response exchanges. In order to enable applications to maintain a processing state HttpClient allows HTTP requests to be executed within a particular execution context, referred to as HTTP context. Multiple logically related requests can participate in a logical session if the same context is reused between consecutive requests. HTTP context functions similarly to a java.util.Map. It is simply a collection of arbitrary named values. An application can populate context attributes prior to request execution or examine the context after the execution has been completed.

In the course of HTTP request execution HttpClient adds the following attributes to the execution context:

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION='http.connection': HttpConnection instance

representing the actual connection to the target server.

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST='http.target_host': HttpHost instance representing the

connection target.

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_PROXY_HOST='http.proxy_host': HttpHost instance representing the

connection proxy, if used

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQUEST='http.request': HttpRequest instance representing the

actual HTTP request. The final HttpRequest object in the execution context always represents the

state of the message _exactly_ as it was sent to the target server. Per default HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1

use relative request URIs. However if the request is sent via a proxy in a non-tunneling mode then

the URI will be absolute.

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_RESPONSE='http.response': HttpResponse instance representing the

actual HTTP response.

?ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQ_SENT='http.request_sent': https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Boolean object

representing the flag indicating whether the actual request has been fully transmitted to the

connection target.

For instance, in order to determine the final redirect target, one can examine the value of the http.target_host attribute after the request execution:

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1.3. Exception handling

HttpClient can throw two types of exceptions: java.io.IOException in case of an I/O failure such as socket timeout or an socket reset and HttpException that signals an HTTP failure such as a violation of the HTTP protocol. Usually I/O errors are considered non-fatal and recoverable, whereas HTTP protocol errors are considered fatal and cannot be automatically recovered from.

1.3.1. HTTP transport safety

It is important to understand that the HTTP protocol is not well suited to all types of applications.

HTTP is a simple request/response oriented protocol which was initially designed to support static or dynamically generated content retrieval. It has never been intended to support transactional operations.

For instance, the HTTP server will consider its part of the contract fulfilled if it succeeds in receiving and processing the request, generating a response and sending a status code back to the client. The server will make no attempt to roll back the transaction if the client fails to receive the response in its entirety due to a read timeout, a request cancellation or a system crash. If the client decides to retry the same request, the server will inevitably end up executing the same transaction more than once. In some cases this may lead to application data corruption or inconsistent application state.

Even though HTTP has never been designed to support transactional processing, it can still be used as a transport protocol for mission critical applications provided certain conditions are met. To ensure

HTTP transport layer safety the system must ensure the idempotency of HTTP methods on the application layer.


2. Idempotent methods

HTTP/1.1 specification defines an idempotent method as

[Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request]

In other words the application ought to ensure that it is prepared to deal with the implications of multiple execution of the same method. This can be achieved, for instance, by providing a unique transaction id and by other means of avoiding execution of the same logical operation.

Please note that this problem is not specific to HttpClient. Browser based applications are subject to exactly the same issues related to HTTP methods non-idempotency.

HttpClient assumes non-entity enclosing methods such as GET and HEAD to be idempotent and entity enclosing methods such as POST and PUT to be not.

1.3.3. Automatic exception recovery

By default HttpClient attempts to automatically recover from I/O exceptions. The default auto-recovery mechanism is limited to just a few exceptions that are known to be safe.

?HttpClient will make no attempt to recover from any logical or HTTP protocol errors (those derived

from HttpException class).

?HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that are assumed to be idempotent.

?HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that fail with a transport exception while the HTTP

request is still being transmitted to the target server (i.e. the request has not been fully transmitted

to the server).

?HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that have been fully transmitted to the server,

but the server failed to respond with an HTTP status code (the server simply drops the connection

without sending anything back). In this case it is assumed that the request has not been processed by

the server and the application state has not changed. If this assumption may not hold true for the web

server your application is targeting it is highly recommended to provide a custom exception handler.

1.3.4. Request retry handler

In order to enable a custom exception recovery mechanism one should provide an implementation of the HttpRequestRetryHandler interface.

1.4. Aborting requests

In some situations HTTP request execution fails to complete within the expected time frame due to high load on the target server or too many concurrent requests issued on the client side. In such cases it may be necessary to terminate the request prematurely and unblock the execution thread blocked in

a I/O operation. HTTP requests being executed by HttpClient can be aborted at any stage of execution

by invoking HttpUriRequest#abort() method. This method is thread-safe and can be called from any thread. When an HTTP request is aborted its execution thread - even if currently blocked in an I/O operation - is guaranteed to unblock by throwing a InterruptedIOException

1.5. HTTP protocol interceptors

Th HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol.

Usually protocol interceptors are expected to act upon one specific header or a group of related headers of the incoming message, or populate the outgoing message with one specific header or a group of related headers. Protocol interceptors can also manipulate content entities enclosed with messages -transparent content compression / decompression being a good example. Usually this is accomplished by using the 'Decorator' pattern where a wrapper entity class is used to decorate the original entity.

Several protocol interceptors can be combined to form one logical unit.

Protocol interceptors can collaborate by sharing information - such as a processing state - through the HTTP execution context. Protocol interceptors can use HTTP context to store a processing state for one request or several consecutive requests.

Usually the order in which interceptors are executed should not matter as long as they do not depend on

a particular state of the execution context. If protocol interceptors have interdependencies and therefore

must be executed in a particular order, they should be added to the protocol processor in the same sequence as their expected execution order.

Protocol interceptors must be implemented as thread-safe. Similarly to servlets, protocol interceptors should not use instance variables unless access to those variables is synchronized.

This is an example of how local context can be used to persist a processing state between consecutive requests:

1.6. HTTP parameters

The HttpParams interface represents a collection of immutable values that define a runtime behavior of a component. In many ways HttpParams is similar to HttpContext. The main distinction between the two lies in their use at runtime. Both interfaces represent a collection of objects that are organized as a map of keys to object values, but serve distinct purposes:

?HttpParams is intended to contain simple objects: integers, doubles, strings, collections and objects

that remain immutable at runtime.

?HttpParams is expected to be used in the 'write once - ready many' mode. HttpContext is intended

to contain complex objects that are very likely to mutate in the course of HTTP message processing.

?The purpose of HttpParams is to define a behavior of other components. Usually each complex

component has its own HttpParams object. The purpose of HttpContext is to represent an execution

state of an HTTP process. Usually the same execution context is shared among many collaborating


1.6.1. Parameter hierarchies

In the course of HTTP request execution HttpParams of the HttpRequest object are linked together with HttpParams of the HttpClient instance used to execute the request. This enables parameters set at the HTTP request level to take precedence over HttpParams set at the HTTP client level. The recommended practice is to set common parameters shared by all HTTP requests at the HTTP client level and selectively override specific parameters at the HTTP request level.

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2. HTTP parameters beans

The HttpParams interface allows for a great deal of flexibility in handling configuration of components.

Most importantly, new parameters can be introduced without affecting binary compatibility with older versions. However, HttpParams also has a certain disadvantage compared to regular Java beans: HttpParams cannot be assembled using a DI framework. To mitigate the limitation, HttpClient includes

a number of bean classes that can used in order to initialize HttpParams objects using standard Java

bean conventions.

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1.7. HTTP request execution parameters

These are parameters that can impact the process of request execution:

?CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION='http.protocol.version': defines HTTP protocol

version used if not set explicitly on the request object. This parameter expects a value of type

ProtocolVersion. If this parameter is not set HTTP/1.1 will be used.

?CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_ELEMENT_CHARSET='http.protocol.element-charset': defines the

charset to be used for encoding HTTP protocol elements. This parameter expects a value of type

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.String. If this parameter is not set US-ASCII will be used.

?CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET='http.protocol.content-charset': defines the

charset to be used per default for content body coding. This parameter expects a value of type

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.String. If this parameter is not set ISO-8859-1 will be used.

?https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ER_AGENT='https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,eragent': defines the content of the User-Agent

header. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.String. If this parameter is not set,

HttpClient will automatically generate a value for it.


defines whether responses with an invalid Transfer-Encoding header should be rejected. This

parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Boolean. If this parameter is not set, invalid Transfer-

Encoding values will be ignored.

?https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,E_EXPECT_CONTINUE='http.protocol.expect-continue': activates the

Expect: 100-Continue handshake for the entity enclosing methods. The purpose of the Expect:

100-Continue handshake is to allow the client that is sending a request message with a request body

to determine if the origin server is willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before

the client sends the request body. The use of the Expect: 100-continue handshake can result in

a noticeable performance improvement for entity enclosing requests (such as POST and PUT) that

require the target server's authentication. The Expect: 100-continue handshake should be used

with caution, as it may cause problems with HTTP servers and proxies that do not support HTTP/1.1

protocol. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Boolean. If this parameter is not set,

HttpClient will not attempt to use the handshake.

?CoreProtocolPNames.WAIT_FOR_CONTINUE='http.protocol.wait-for-continue': defines the

maximum period of time in milliseconds the client should spend waiting for a 100-continue

response. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If this parameter is not set

HttpClient will wait 3 seconds for a confirmation before resuming the transmission of the request


Chapter 2. Connection management

HttpClient assumes complete control over the process of connection initialization and termination as well as I/O operations on active connections. However various aspects of connection operations can be influenced using a number of parameters.

2.1. Connection parameters

These are parameters that can influence connection operations:

?CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT='http.socket.timeout': defines the socket timeout

(SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a

maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is

interpreted as an infinite timeout. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If

this parameter is not set, read operations will not time out (infinite timeout).

?CoreConnectionPNames.TCP_NODELAY='http.tcp.nodelay': determines whether Nagle's

algorithm is to be used. Nagle's algorithm tries to conserve bandwidth by minimizing the number

of segments that are sent. When applications wish to decrease network latency and increase

performance, they can disable Nagle's algorithm (that is enable TCP_NODELAY. Data will be sent

earlier, at the cost of an increase in bandwidth consumption. This parameter expects a value of type

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Boolean. If this parameter is not set, TCP_NODELAY will be enabled (no delay).

?CoreConnectionPNames.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE='http.socket.buffer-size': determines the size

of the internal socket buffer used to buffer data while receiving / transmitting HTTP messages. This

parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If this parameter is not set, HttpClient will

allocate 8192 byte socket buffers.

?CoreConnectionPNames.SO_LINGER='http.socket.linger': sets SO_LINGER with the specified

linger time in seconds. The maximum timeout value is platform specific. Value 0 implies that the

option is disabled. Value -1 implies that the JRE default is used. The setting only affects the socket

close operation. If this parameter is not set, the value -1 (JRE default) will be assumed.

?CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT='http.connection.timeout': determines the

timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as

an infinite timeout. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If this parameter is

not set, connect operations will not time out (infinite timeout).

?CoreConnectionPNames.STALE_CONNECTION_CHECK='http.connection.stalecheck': determines

whether stale connection check is to be used. Disabling stale connection check may result in a

noticeable performance improvement (the check can cause up to 30 millisecond overhead per

request) at the risk of getting an I/O error when executing a request over a connection that has

been closed at the server side. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Boolean. For

performance critical operations the check should be disabled. If this parameter is not set, the stale

connection check will be performed before each request execution.

?CoreConnectionPNames.MAX_LINE_LENGTH='http.connection.max-line-length': determines the

maximum line length limit. If set to a positive value, any HTTP line exceeding this limit will cause an

java.io.IOException. A negative or zero value will effectively disable the check. This parameter

expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If this parameter is not set, no limit will be enforced.


determines the maximum HTTP header count allowed. If set to a positive value, the number of HTTP

headers received from the data stream exceeding this limit will cause an java.io.IOException. A

negative or zero value will effectively disable the check. This parameter expects a value of type

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer. If this parameter is not set, no limit will be enforced.


garbage': defines the maximum number of ignorable lines before we expect a HTTP response's

status line. With HTTP/1.1 persistent connections, the problem arises that broken scripts could return

a wrong Content-Length (there are more bytes sent than specified). Unfortunately, in some cases,

this cannot be detected after the bad response, but only before the next one. So HttpClient must be

able to skip those surplus lines this way. This parameter expects a value of type https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer.

0 disallows all garbage/empty lines before the status line. Use https://www.sodocs.net/doc/571916547.html,ng.Integer#MAX_VALUE for

unlimited number. If this parameter is not set, unlimited number will be assumed.

2.2. Connection persistence

The process of establishing a connection from one host to another is quite complex and involves multiple packet exchanges between two endpoints, which can be quite time consuming. The overhead of connection handshaking can be significant, especially for small HTTP messages. One can achieve

a much higher data throughput if open connections can be re-used to execute multiple requests.

HTTP/1.1 states that HTTP connections can be re-used for multiple requests per default. HTTP/1.0 compliant endpoints can also use a mechanism to explicitly communicate their preference to keep connection alive and use it for multiple requests. HTTP agents can also keep idle connections alive for

a certain period time in case a connection to the same target host is needed for subsequent requests.

The ability to keep connections alive is usually refered to as connection persistence. HttpClient fully supports connection persistence.

2.3. HTTP connection routing

HttpClient is capable of establishing connections to the target host either directly or via a route that may involve multiple intermediate connections - also referred to as hops. HttpClient differentiates connections of a route into plain, tunneled and layered. The use of multiple intermediate proxies to tunnel connections to the target host is referred to as proxy chaining.

Plain routes are established by connecting to the target or the first and only proxy. Tunnelled routes are established by connecting to the first and tunnelling through a chain of proxies to the target. Routes without a proxy cannot be tunnelled. Layered routes are established by layering a protocol over an existing connection. Protocols can only be layered over a tunnel to the target, or over a direct connection without proxies.

2.3.1. Route computation

The RouteInfo interface represents information about a definitive route to a target host involving one or more intermediate steps or hops. HttpRoute is a concrete implementation of the RouteInfo, which cannot be changed (is immutable). HttpTracker is a mutable RouteInfo implementation used internally by HttpClient to track the remaining hops to the ultimate route target. HttpTracker can be updated after a successful execution of the next hop towards the route target. HttpRouteDirector is

a helper class that can be used to compute the next step in a route. This class is used internally by



《指南》测试题 一、填空(每题一分。共60分) 1、《指南》从五个领域描述幼儿的学习与发展。 2、《指南》中社会领域有和两个子领域。 3、艺术领域中“感受与欣赏”的目标有喜欢自然界与生活中美的事物和喜欢欣赏多种多样的艺术形式和作品。 4、《指南》教育建议部分列举了一些能够有效和幼儿学习与发展 的与。 5、为深入贯彻《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010——2020)》和《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》,指导幼儿园和家庭实施科学的保育和教育,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展,制定了《3——6岁儿童学习和发展指南》简称《指南》。 6、《指南》中艺术领域的子领域有感受与欣赏和表现与创造。 7、《指南》中每个领域按照幼儿学习与发展最基本、最重要的内容划分为若干方面。每个方面由发展目标和教育建议两部分组成。 8、幼儿阶段是儿童身体发育和机能发展极为迅速的时期,也是形成安全感 和乐观态度的重要阶段。 9、《指南》目标部分分别对 3-4 岁、4-5 岁、 5——6 岁三个年龄段末期幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么,大致可以达到什么发展水平提出了合理期望,指明了幼儿的具体方向。

10、《指南》中科学领域的子领域有科学探究和数学认知。 11、幼儿的语言能力是在交流和运用的过程中发展起来的。应为幼儿创设自由宽松的语言交往环境,鼓励和支持幼儿与成人、同伴交流,让幼儿想说、敢说、喜欢说并能得到积极回应。 12、丰富幼儿的语言表达能力,应为幼儿提供丰富、适宜的低幼读物,经常和幼儿一起看图书、 讲故事,培养阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,进一步拓展学习经验。 13、《指南》共有 32 个学习和发展目标, 87 条教育建议。 14、《指南》中语言领域的子领域有听与说和阅读和书写准备。 15、发育良好的身体、愉快的情绪、强健的体质、协调的动作良好的生活习惯 和基本的生活能力是幼儿身心健康的重要标志,也是其他领域学习与发展的基础。 16、3—4岁男孩的身高参考标准是 94.9——111.7 厘米。 17、保证幼儿每天睡 11——12 小时。 18、幼儿午睡一般应达到 2 小时左右。 19、幼儿做错事时要冷静处理,不厉声斥责,更不能打骂 20、成人用恰当的方式表达情绪,为幼儿做出榜样


EDA应用实习软件平台QuatusII简明使用指南 邹海英编 黑龙江工程学院电子工程系 2010年12月·哈尔滨

一、Quartus Ⅱ简介 Quartus II是美国Altera公司于2000年推出的FPGA/CPLD开发设计的集成软件环境,能够直接满足特定设8BA1需要,为可编程芯片系统(SOPC) 提供全面的设计环境,是Altera 前一代FPGA/CPLD开发软件MAX+PLUS II的更新换代产品。至今已相继推出了Quartus II 1.0,5.0,6.0,7.2等很多版本,2009年11月又推出最新的Quartus II软件9.1,与以前的软件版本相比,其新特性和增强功能将编译时间缩短了20%。 Quartus II 软件集成了FPGA 和CPLD 开发流程中所用到的所有工具和第三方软件接口。我们可以使用Quartus II 软件完成FPGA 和CPLD 设计的所有阶段,也可以在设计的不同阶段使用自己熟悉的EDA 工具,如在输入综合阶段利用第三方的输入与综合工具,如Leonardo Spectrum、FPGA Compiler II、Synplify、Synplify Pro等,在仿真阶段利用第三方的仿真工具,如ModelSim、VCS MX等。 Quartus II 软件同时支持自上而下或自下而上的渐进式设计流程以及基于模块的设计方法。使用Quartus II 模块编辑器、文本编辑器、Mega Wizard 插件管理器和EDA设计输入工具还可以设计Altera宏功能模块、参数化模块库(LPM) 功能和知识产权(IP)。 Quartus II 软件还提供全面的命令行界面解决方案。它允许使用命令行可执行文件和选项完成设计流程的每个阶段。另外,Quartus II还可以与MATLAB和DSP Builder相结合,进行FPGA的DSP系统开发。 二、Quartus II软件开发流程 Quartus II软件的开发流程如图2-1所示。主要包括设计输入、综合、布局布线、时序分析、仿真、编程和配置。 1.设计输入 设计输入即使用Quartus II软件的模块编辑器、文本编辑器、MegaWizard插件管理器及其他EDA输入工具,建立系统设计,并同时使用分配编辑器设定约束条件。 2.综合 综合是将建立好的设计翻译成由与门、非门和触发器等标准逻辑单元组成的链接,并根据目标器件和约束条件优化生成的逻辑链接,输出edf或vqm等标准格式的网络表文件。 3.布局布线 布局布线即是将综合后生成的网络表文件进行分析布局布线结果、优化布局布线等。 4.时序分析 时序分析允许用户分析设计中所有逻辑的时序性能,它可以观察和报告时序信息,如建立时间、保持时间、延时和最大时钟频率等时序特性。在默认情况下作为全编译的一部分自动运行。 5.仿真 仿真即是对用户的设计进行模拟验证。仿真分为功能仿真和时序仿真。功能仿真用来验证电路功能是否符合设计要求;时序仿真包含了延时信息,能够较好地反映芯片的工作情况。 6.编程和配置 编译成功后,就可以对器件进行编程(Program)和配置(configure),即通过编程器或变成电缆向FPGA或CPLD下载,以便进行硬件调试和验证。一般来说,将对CPLD的


学习《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》心得体会 近阶段,我学习了《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,在学习中,我发现其中讲到的每一点内容都是我们现在日常工作中所做、所学、所研究的事情,只有将每件事情真正的落实到位、认真负责完成,才能使得我们的自身素质、工作经验有所提高,教学效果更好。 《指南》从健康、语言、社会、科学和艺术这几个方面详细地指出了幼儿在每个年龄阶段所该达到的发展目标,以及我们成人在帮助孩子们达成目标时的教育建议。明确了孩子们在每一个年龄阶段末期该知道什么,能做什么,也让我们教师教育不同年龄段幼儿的不同方式方法有据可循。 看了语言领域的第一点听与说的教育建议,我自认为能较好地做到这些。如多给幼儿提供倾听和交谈的机会。我经常和孩子们一起谈论他们感兴趣的话题,坚持给他们讲故事,一起看图书。并且我也注意培养他们的倾听习惯。以前发现有孩子不够认真,我总是即时提醒,现在我说话相应放轻,语速放慢,让孩子们不由静下心来细细地听,这样也较好地养成了他们的倾听习惯。同时,在和孩子们进行交流时,我总是注意说话的语气,总是能结合情景使用丰富的语言,以便于幼儿理解。特别是讲故事时,注意语音、语调,配上表情,尽量把人物的心情表现得清晰,让孩子一下就能理解。这样操作,我希望能给孩子们做个榜样,让他们也能爱说、会说。在此基础上,我为幼儿创造各种说话的机会,如来园时和他们交流一路上的所见所闻,有没有什么新闻说说。晨间活动时,今天你玩了些什么,有什么特别的跟大家交流一下。上课时更是鼓励大家积极发言。但是,我却发现,孩子们不怎么说话,或者说,说得没有我预期的那么多。每天上课的时候,发言的总是那几个,难得有匹黑马冒出来,让我欣喜一下。这让我很是郁闷。但仔细想来,问题总还是出在我的身上,于是,慢慢寻找,慢慢发现,再慢慢改变。能力强的孩子总是很能说,也表现很积极。那些知道却不愿意说的,我采取激励措施,让他们从懒洋洋的状态中清醒过来,把自己的想法与同伴共享。能力较差的孩子尽量提问些简单的问题,或把提问放在能力强的孩子的后面,让他们如小鹦鹉般跟着其他孩子学说。在语言活动时,有时候让孩子们看着图说一句话,请一个孩子说了后,我不断要求其他的孩子,能不能说得更完整?能不能说得更好听?这样也刺激大家一起动脑筋,说得更好。这一点我发现很有用,在今后我也会一直用到。


银行营业部大堂经理简历 银行营业部大堂经理简历范文 姓名:吴好堤年龄: 22 户口所在:广州国籍:中国婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族培训认证:未参加身高: 160 cm 诚信徽章:未申请体重: 43 kg 人才类型:在校学生应聘职位:营业部大堂经理:,人事专员:,文秘/文员:工作年限: 0 职称:无职称求职类型: 实习可到职日期:随时月薪要求: 1000--1500 希望工作地区:广州,, 工作经历 中国民生银行广州分行起止年月:xx-05 ~ xx-06 公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:银行担任职位:业务助理工作描述:1、寻找潜在客户。在中大轻纺城以陌生拜访的形式进行“乐收银”刷卡机的.市场推广工作,共售出20台刷卡机,排名第二。 2、跟单。把愿意使用“乐收银”刷卡机的客户带到民生银行越秀支行开户。 3、掌握“乐收银”刷卡机开户的手续程序。离职原因:实习结束广州市人力资源市场中心市场起止年月:xx-11 ~ xx-12 公司性质:事业单位所属行业:事业单位/社会团体担任职位:办公室助理工作描述: 1、主要负责“空岗审核”工作,日均拨打50个电话。 2、协助开展“岗前培训课程”,并指导受训人

员填写调查问卷。 3、运用办公软件文档资料。 4、清点资料、打印复印、制作证件等工作。离职原因:实习结束系青年志愿者协会起止年月:xx-10 ~ xx-06 公司性质:其它所属行业:其他行业担任职位:秘书部副部长工作描述: 1、撰写协会的计划总结书,多次主持例会,负责协会的财务管理工作。 2、作为负责人组织策划“广州市渔沙坦小学”心理咨询活动,坚持每周前往该校进行辅导工作。活动效果良好,获得校方好评。 3、以创新形式开展助学募捐活动,共筹得善款八千多元,全校排名第二。 4、积极参加协会的义工服务活动,例如到广州市盲人学校陪伴小朋友,前往康寿老人院看望老人,参加“四进社区”活动宣传广州亚运等。离职原因:学生干部换届 志愿者经历教育背景 毕业院校:广东金融学院最高学历:本科获得学位: 管理学位毕业日期: xx-06 专业一:劳动与社会保障专业二:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号语言能力 外语:英语一般粤语水平:优秀其它外语能力:国语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长


超市收银系统分析说明书 一、系统概述 随着全国各大企业的蓬勃发展越来越多的企业需要拥有一套自己的收银系统,本系统主要是迎合与一些小规模的超市企业的收银需求系统,充分考虑了用户的使用习惯和思考方式,使用户能够直观、简单、快速的学会使用系统,是同行业中使用性、操作性等非常简洁的一款收银管理系统,本系统具有收银、查询、统计等一站式完成的功能,支持多种平台操作,售货员可以随时随地的进行售货以及货品查询、记录查询的工作,方便了收银员的各种工作,以及支持条码输入等功能,在广大的企业应用中发挥良好的作用。 二、1需求分析说明 超市收银系统主要用于超市,包括工作人员的登录功能,货物售出的收银管理,从后台查询物品信息,实现查询当日销售记录,代替人工收银费时费力易出错的工作,超市收银系统的主要需求如下: 2.1登陆功能 超市拥有较多工作人员,超市工作人员进入系统,输入账号,密码,系统从后台查询验证,验证通过则进入系统操作界面,否则重新输入账号,密码。 2.2收银管理 通过收银员获取货物条码,显示物品条码,品名,单价,数量,货物金额,录入所有货物条码,如果顾客取消某项交易则可以删除那项交易,如果顾客确认交易则通过系统显示货物总价,告知顾客总价,顾客交给收银员,收银输入实收金额,系统显示找零金额,收银员确认交易,打印发票,给顾客找零,系统记录交易。同时接受顾客因为一些质量问题产生的退货业务 2.3货品信息查询 收银员通过输入条码号或输入物品品名,系统显示物品条码号,物品品名,单价,生产厂家等物品信息。 2.4销售记录查询 通过选择系统操作界面功能中的销售记录按钮,系统显示该处收银台当日销售货物清单,显示货物条码号,货物品名,单价,数量,货物金额,以及金额总计。 三、业务流程


3到6岁儿童发展指南家长心得体会 “幼儿社会性是在日常生活和游戏中通过观察和模仿学习和发展起来的。成人应注重自己的言行对幼儿的潜移默化的影响。”下面是整理的3到6岁儿童发展指南家长心得体会欢迎大家阅读!希望对大家有所帮助! 篇一多年来,我们依据《纲要》制定幼儿园的各项活动,让我体会到《纲要》是多么贴近幼儿,从《纲要》中我懂得了幼儿每个年龄段的生理和心理特点,适合他们的教育活动、生活活动……而今天让我重新认识幼儿教育的灵活化。从《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中让我知道了原来随性的教育时时都在,它根据幼儿的特点提出了很多更细致的方面,帮助我们在工作中做到更细致更全面。在一开始我都不明白《纲要》已经很全面了,那《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》是做什么的呢?它有什么意义吗?读了这本解读才了解到,原来《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》与《纲要》是两个独立、平行的文件,一个是儿童学习与发展指南,一个是课程指南。两个文件在重要的价值观方面是一致的。《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的制定能有助于我们教师与家长澄清对幼儿学习与发展的期望,在教育实践中更全面了解儿童,因而,有利于更好地贯彻《纲要》精神。 其中,我重点学习了《解读》的社会部分,让我了解了 3-6岁儿童在社会领域,学习与发展的基本规律和特点,建立对幼儿发展的合理期望,树立正确的教育观念和科学养育态度。 幼儿的早期教育很重要,幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位。树立正确的健康观点,更要高度重视幼儿的心理健康。尊重和满足他们不断增长的独立要求,鼓励幼儿自理、自立。社会学习是一个漫长的积累过程,应为幼儿提供人际间相互交往和共同活动的机会和条件,幼儿园、家庭和社会密切合作,协调一致,共同促进幼儿良好社会性品质的形成。 《指南》的社会部分提到5~6岁的目标是想办法吸引同伴和自己一起游戏,活动时能与同伴分工合作,遇到困难能一起想办法克服,知道别人的想法有时和自己不一样,能倾听和接受别人的意见,不能接受时会说明理由。由此我想到了,中班时的玩具分享活动正是给了孩子们一个自由宽松的与同伴交流的机会。孩子们从家里带来一样自己喜欢的玩具和同伴分享,分享的过程就是一个很好的交流机会。看了《指南》,我觉得好多在教育教学过程中的实际情况,可以对照执行,并根据情况调整自己的教学行为,其中的目标都能细化到我们可操作的程度,对于我们教师来说不是空口说大道理,比较实在,有可操作性,对我的日常教育教学工作有很强的指导性。 现在的孩子独生子女居多,每个都很有个性,要么任性、要么野蛮、要么以自我为中心。或出现孤僻,难以合群,或出现个性太强,听不进不同意见,不会尊重他人,难以与人合作完成任务。那作为一名幼儿教师,如何去培养孩子的人际交能力呢?通过学习《3-6岁学习与发展指南》中的社会领域,谈谈自己的体会。 《指南》中指出儿社会领域的学习与发展过程是其社会性不断完善并奠定健全人格基础的过程。人际交往和社会适应是幼儿社会学习的主要内容,也是其社会性发展的基本途径。


孩子是祖国的未来,怎样让我们的孩子在德、智、体、美、劳五个方面全面的发展,而且发展的更好.通过学习《指南》从中我有所领悟.知道了做为家长的我们和老师,一定要树立正确的教育观,而不是一味地拔苗助长.比如,现在的家长想看到的就是孩子认识了多少字,会唱多少的歌曲,经常把自己的孩子和其他的孩子做比较,根本没有发现自己孩子身上的长处,而是用其他孩子的优点来埋怨自己的孩子哪里不足。从而家长的攀比心理害的孩子有学不完的东西,孩子最珍贵的儿童时期就这样在“学”中流失。《指南》促进学前教育科学,规范发展的需要,纠正小学化,超前的教育问题. 《指南》的建议非常清晰,具体,有指向性;从健康、语言、社会、科学和艺术明确了不同年龄段的孩子的年龄特点,给予了很全面的建议,让我们家长知道不同阶段的孩子需要什么,什么是他们能力的范围。这样家长了解清楚后,不仅在学习和游戏中给予支持,在孩子的操作材料上也会体现出层次,使我们家长们有了更多的方向. 通过本次学习,我想在以后的教育孩子的过程中,还要不断的学习《指南》,将里面的内容细化,更加深入来指导自己的教育行为,同时也要将里面有利于家长育儿方面的内容传递给家长,树立家长正确的教育观,达到家园合作一致化,使孩子发展的更好。

孩子是祖国的未来,怎样让我们的孩子在德、智、体、美、劳五个方面全面发展,而且发展的更好.通过对《指南》的学习,使我从中有所领悟。 《指南》将孩子的学习生活与健康发展分为五个领域:及健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术。每个领域都按照内容可划分为若干方面,每个方面由学习与发展目标、教育建议两部分组成。学习与发展目标部分分别对3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄段的幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么、应该可以达到什么发展水平都提出了合理期望。 在学习《指南》中,心里不断感叹,感叹着这次《指南》的完善,让我们家长更好的掌握怎样实施。其中印象最深的是:实施《指南》时应把握: 1.孩子学习与发展的整体性。我们一定不能忽略孩子发展的整体性,如我们以为孩子只要好好学习课本知识,忽略了孩子其他领域的发展,那是万万不行的。2。尊重孩子的个体差异。孩子的发展是一个持续、渐进的过程,要充分理解和尊重孩子发展进程中的个别差异,支持和引导他们从原有水平向更高水平发展,按照自身的速度和方式到达《指南》所呈现的发展“阶梯",千万不能用一把“尺子”衡量所有孩子,这样对孩子是不公平的.3。理解孩子的学习方式和特点。孩子的学习是以直接经验为基础,在游戏和日常生活中进行的。要创设环境,创设适合孩子学习的游戏,让孩子在玩中学,学中玩;切忌为了达到某一方面而进行“拔苗助长”式的超前教育和强化训练.4.重视孩子的学习品质.在学习中充分尊重和保护孩子的好奇心和


Superset的功能介绍 1、我们可以通过连接数据库,去对数据库中的单个表进行配置,展示出柱状 图,折线图,饼图,气泡图,词汇云,数字,环状层次图,有向图,蛇形图,地图,平行坐标,热力图,箱线图,树状图,热力图,水平图等图,官网上是不可以操作多个表的,不过我们可以操作视图,也就是说在数据库建好视图,也可以在superset中给表新增一列进行展示。 2、配置好了我们想要的图表之后我们可以把它添加到仪盘表进行展示,还可 以去配置缓存,来加速仪盘表的查询,不必要没次都去查询数据库。 3、我们可以查看进行查询表的sql,也可以把查询导出为json,csv文件。 它有自己的sql编辑器,我们可以在里面来编写sql。 一、系统基本使用 在使用本系统前,应该先进行账户的建立操作。 1.1登陆 输入开通的账号、密码点击登录即可。

1.2新建账号 在登陆时可以使用admin进行用户的创建。 先登陆admin用户,点击界面栏目"安全"→"用户列表"→,点击按钮 在填写完信息后点击保存(注:红色*的选项未必填项)即可使用新建账号登陆。

在创建账号时,根据使用账号功能需求选择不同的角色属性,每个账号的用户名不能相同。 二、创建数据源 2.1.1 superset连接MySQL 登录到部署superset主机 1.进入superset的Web界面,点击sources下拉选项的Databases,如下图: 2.进入数据库界面,点击“+”按钮进入数据库连接界面,填写正确字段后保存,操作如

下: 3.查看已经连接好的数据库 2.1.2 添加数据表 Sources -> T ables 点击加号(+)新增数据表 Database选择之前创建好的数据源,Table Name必须是数据源中对应真实的表名,表中必须包含一个Date或者Timestamp类型的字段


电脑收银系统的操作管理与流程 一、注意事项: 1、收银员启动电脑后需激活“厨房打印”、“无线点菜”、“消息服务”,并检查各台点菜器是否正常,电池是否充足。同时打开吧台、地哩、厨房的打印机以保持接收顺畅,并及时增添打印纸。 2、管理员实时更新菜品档案,进行分类、修价、结算方式的设置,并及时进行数据上传至点菜器,临时新增菜由收银员先开临时菜,之后上报至管理员进行更新上传。 3、新设菜品需在“厨房打印”项菜品类里设置出单口,进行分类出单设置,以保证新设菜品可以正常出单。同时检查打印服务是否正常运行。 4、每日营业前将厨房沽清的菜品输入电脑内,如菜品恢复销售,即由收银员即时取消沽清。设置方式:在前台收银“其他”项,点击“沽清”输入菜品即可。恢复沽清即点击“恢复”即可。 5、在工作运作中,如打印机发出警报声,是提示打印机无纸,应立即检查并换纸,如前台电脑发出警报声,是提示各别打印机无正常工作,应立即检查并重新启动。 6、如因线路短路,导致地哩无法出单,系统无法使用,应立即使用手写菜单,与厨房做好连接工作,保持工作过程顺畅和连贯。 7、如因员工练习操作电脑点菜,单无需厨房地哩出纸,可点击“打印服务”里“暂停”项即可。 8、已点菜传送数据,但厨房、地哩打印机无法出纸,应点击电

脑右下角“打印服务”,查看打印工作是否正常运行,如都显示正常但无出纸,应点击“打印服务”里的“启动”项即可。 9、服务员酒水点单加单,收银员应即时与服务员核对,同时核对电脑打印单,以免漏单、错单。 10、收银员在工作营业高峰期时,应由经理在旁督导、授权,以免打错单,收错账。每笔账单结账前应先打印“预结单”给客人,由客人核对无误后,即收款后打印结账单。如遇营业高峰期,收款后未及时打结账单,随后应即时结账空位。以免后面客人无法开台点菜,经理应在旁督导、授权,随时协助提醒收银员。11、如客人已结账后,仍需加单,系统需开台加单,并立即打印加单预结单给客人结账,以免跑单。 12、如客人已结账后,发现有酒水饮料未喝完需要退单的,但收银员已经打单结账。此时可以由经理进行返位处理,收银员无权处理。 二、权限管理: 1、把员工合成不同的工作组,为每位员工设置不同的操作权限,浏览权限和打折权限,每个员工登录系统需输入员工号和密码。 2、各项权限明细到人 1)、点菜员可进行分类点菜和索引点菜,操作各种做法,口味起菜方式,并可在工作过程中进行换菜、转菜、催菜、转台、并台、合账等操作功能,在客人结帐时也可提前查询价钱。 2)、收银员支持以上操作,主要在结算过程中有定额优惠的

Codian MCU中文简明使用手册v2

Codian MCU中文简明使用手册 二〇一〇年八月

目录 第1章CODIAN MCU使用手册 (2) 1.1登录方法 (2) 1.2 Codian MCU功能简介 (4) 1.2.1状态 (4) 1.2.2网络 (5) 1.2.3设置 (6) 1.2.4会议 (7) 1.2.5用户 (8) 1.2.6终端 (8) 1.3“设置”功能介绍(只介绍常用部分) (10) 1.3.1会议设置 (10) 1.3.2网守设置 (11) 1.3.3本地化设置 (12) 1.4“会议”功能介绍 (13) 1.4.1会议管理 (13) 1.4.2自动应答向导 (17) 1.4.3转移与会成员 (17) 1.5会议发起介绍 (18) 1.6会议操作管理介绍 (22) 1.7故障处理 (29)

第1章CODIAN MCU使用手册 1.1 登录方法 1、打开浏览器,在地址栏输入Codian MCU地址,按回车确认。如下图所示: 图一登录页面 2、点击右上角的“登录”链接则以“guest”账号登录(见图一),点击“更改登录”弹出登录窗口(见图二、图三),输入用户名和密码,按回车确认,进入Codian MCU主页面(见图四)。 图二:guest账号登录后界面

guest 账号功能有限,只能浏览会议列表。 图三:登录窗口 管理员账号登录,出厂默认用户名:admin 无密码 图四:admin 账号登录Codian MCU 主页面 主页上面的各功能栏和左边的各功能链接的作用相似。 输入用户名和密码 主功能栏

1.2 Codian MCU 功能简介 Codian MCU 功能包括状态查看、网络设置、系统设置、会议管理、用户管理、终端管理、网关设置、内置网守设置八大功能(见图五)。 图五:Codian MCU 主页面 1.2.1 状态 提供MCU 的详细信息、会议召开情况和系统运行情况(见图六、七、八)。 图六: 状态→一般 主功能栏


学习《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》 心得体会 我细细地翻看《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》用心品读了一番,在阅读过程中对《指南》有了进一步的了解和认识,我感觉它就像一个指南针,指引着我在工作中找到了方向,下面是我对《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的一些心得体会,以期与大家共享: 《指南》和《纲要》一样,将幼儿的学习生活与健康发展分为健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域。每个领域按照内容划分为若干方面,每个方面由学习与发展目标、教育建议两部分组成。学习与发展目标部分分别对3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄段的幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么、应该可以达到什么发展水平都提出了合理期望。 《指南》相对于《纲要》的幼儿五大领域的发展总目标相比,更详细、更具体。由此,我们能更加清楚地认识到每个年龄段孩子应该具体达到怎样的目标。教育建议则给我们一线老师在环境创设、活动内容、幼儿养成习惯、情绪情感的表达和控制等方面提出了一些合理化的建议。这对于我们今后实现以上的学习与发展目标、开展教育教学工作具有非常大的指导、引领作用,从而促使幼儿更好地得以发展,同时为我们一线教师更清楚地了解对各年龄段幼儿大致的发展水平提供了参考依据。 《指南》中指出3-6岁,对孩子来说是一个发育的黄金时期,因为,这个年龄段是孩子语言飞速发展的时期;是培养幼儿语言表达能力的重要时期。在言语表达上可以自由地与人交谈,它既可以帮助儿童与他人交流沟通,又能暂时满足他们在现实中无法实现的一些愿望。因此,在我们的日常教学中则要通过听故事、讲故事等活动,培养孩子的言语表达能力,丰富他们的词汇量,同时有计划地让他们学习一些书面语言。 我对《指南》中新增“学习品质领域”有些感慨,《指南》中是这样表述的“学习品质的好坏决定了儿童现在和今后的学习和发展的质量”,其实这就是一个学习习惯的养成。我们一线的老师,教学目的很大程度上是在集体教学活动中实现的,而在这一个个教学活动中,我们更多关注的是教学目标的落实,孩子的参与度,掌握知识情况等等;再看名师组织的教学活动,在行云流水的各个环节之余,总感觉,她们给孩子们的,不单单是教学内容本身,还有很多“升华”在活动中,这就是学习态度,学习习惯的培养。现在有了《指南》的指引,我明确了幼儿教师不但“教书”更要“育人”的角色定位。 《指南》是指导教师如何帮助孩子发展的,但不能把它当作标尺来丈量幼儿,伤害幼儿,也不能把它变成束缚幼儿和自己的绳索。它是提倡我们做一个研究型的老师,要善于观察幼儿,勇于反思自己。在今后的工作中,我将认真贯彻《指南》的精神,努力提升自己的专业水平,创新自己的教育理念,调整自己教育思路,改变自己的态度,为每位孩子创出一片美好的未来。 因为孩子是家庭的希望,祖国的未来。要把我们的“未来之星”打造好,让他们更加闪烁,并不是一件容易的事情。现在有了《指南》的引领,在我们和孩子一起生活、学习时,作为教师的我们,首先要了解孩子的身心发展规律,一切从有利于孩子的发展角度出发,俯下身子,倾听孩子的心声,了解他们的需求,给孩子真正需要的关爱。同时,我们要努力创设符合孩子发展需要的课程、环境、区域,学会追随孩子的兴趣,为孩子提供操作的机会,让孩子通过与环境、材料相互作用来获得经验,引导孩子主动学习、探索,成为生活、学习、游戏的主人。在学习中,我发现其中讲到的每一点内容都是我们现在日常工作中所做、所学、所研究的事情,只有将每件事情真正的落实到位、认真负责完成,才能使得我们的自身素质、工作经验有所提高,教学效果会更好。 既然选择幼教,我们就应该热爱这个事业,对教育充满热情与兴趣,对幼儿充满爱心、责任心。人生童年有几回,孩子的童年是短暂的,是不可逆行的,孩子的心是一块奇妙的沃土,播下什么就收获什么。不要把成人的意志强加给孩子,让孩子真正具有幸福、快乐的童年。我们就要有敏锐的洞察能力,要做到细心、耐心,有责任心和一颗童心,要了解幼儿的需要并给予适时的支持和帮助。有了《指南》为我们指引方向,我们就有了努力的目标。


乐收银产品介绍 【产品介绍】 乐收银是我行专门针对批发市场客户研发的电话POS,T+0 入 账,接受所有银行借记卡刷卡,享受批发扣率,贡献度高的可享受优惠费率。 【产品定义】 乐收银是我行专为批发贸易类小微企业定制的新型支付结算服 务产品,支持使用个人借记卡,集合了传统POS 和第三方电话支付终端产品的优点,集刷卡收款、转账付款、账户查询等功能于一身,能有效提高商户结算效率,降低商户结算成本。 【乐收银的适用对象】 优先选择江苏银联认定的批发大市场名单内商户,尤其是满足我 行开立商户卡客户;其次,按照相关要求,乐收银终端应严格限制于无集中收银的批发市场批发商户范围内使用。 批发市场内的商户需满足以下任一条件: 1、经营门店在专业批发市场内; 2、商户实际经营门店地址与营业执照注册地址不一致的,需商 户单独开具证明; 3、营业执照注册地址未注明在批发市场内的,但实际经营门店 地址在批发市场内的,需出具在市场内的摊位租赁合同复印件、产权证明复印件或市场管理方出具的相关证明,并加盖公章。 【乐收银的主要特色】

产品主要特色如下: 1、借记卡刷卡收款T+0 实时到账,可以做到实时收款、实时到账、实时可用,从而提高资金利用效率。 2、手续费上可以封顶,商户卡尽享优惠,节约财务费用成本, 满足我行特定标准可享受刷卡手续费优惠政策,最高可以全免; 手续费标准 收单银行受理卡种收款费率汇款费率 民生银行 本行卡免费 1.商户卡、银卡每日累计汇款金额 分别50 万(含)以下免费,超部 分按照普通卡标准; 2.金卡每日累计汇款100 万以下 免费,超出部分按照普通卡标准; 3.钻石卡免费。 他行卡 0.78%—26 元封顶 (达到考核标准免费) 3、终端自助转账、还款足不出户,实时到账,节省宝贵时间, 手续费更优惠; 4、根据刷卡交易流水,可获得信用贷款,免抵押担保; 5、余额查询:终端上可自主查询卡内余额,实时掌控资金储备。【如何办理】 1、商户资料准备。申请安装乐收银商户需填写《中国民生银行 乐收银商户业务开通申请表》、《中国民生银行特约商户信息调查表》,并提供以下材料: ①营业执照、税务登记证、法人代表或负责人身份证,以上材料 需核对原件,留存复印件1 份;如商户负责人授权委托受托人开立民生借记卡,并将其作为交易资金的入账账户的,除提供法人代表或负


3-6 岁 儿 童 学 习 与 发 展 指 南 (征求意见稿)

目录 说明 (2) 一、健康................................. 错误!未定义书签。 (一)身心状况 (8) (二)动作发展 (10) (三)生活习惯与生活能力 (12) 二、语言 (14) (一)听与说 (14) (二)阅读和书写准备 (17) 三、社会 (19) (一)人际交往 (19) (二)社会适应 (22) 四、科学 (24) (一)科学探究 (25) (二)数学认知 (27) 五、艺术 (31) (一)感受与欣赏 (31) (二)表现与创造 (32)

说明 一、为深入贯彻《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》和《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》,指导幼儿园和家庭实施科学的保育和教育,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展,制定《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)。 二、《指南》以为幼儿后继学习和终身发展奠定良好素质基础为目标,以促进幼儿在体、智、德、美各方面的全面协调发展为核心,旨在引导幼儿园教师和家长树立正确的教育观念,了解3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点,建立对幼儿发展的合理期望。 三、《指南》将幼儿的学习与发展分为健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域。每个领域按照幼儿学习与发展最基本、最重要的内容划分为若干方面。每个方面由学习与发展目标、教育建议两部分组成。 学习与发展目标部分分别对3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄段末期幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么,大致可以达到什么发展水平提出了合理期望;教育建议部分针对幼儿学习与发展目标,列举了一些能够有效帮助和促进幼儿学习与发展的教育途径与方法。 四、实施《指南》应坚持以下几个原则: 1.遵循幼儿的发展规律和学习特点。珍视幼儿生活和游戏的独特价值,充分尊重和保护其好奇心和学习兴趣,创设丰富的教育环境,合理安排一日生活,最大限度地支持和满足幼儿通过直接感知、实际操作和亲身体验获取经验的需要,严禁“拔苗助长”式的超前教育和强化训练。 2.关注幼儿身心全面和谐发展。要注重学习与发展各领域之间的相互渗透和整合,从不同角度促进幼儿全面协调发展,而不要片面追求某一方面或几方面的发展。 3.尊重幼儿发展的个体差异。既要准确把握幼儿发展的阶段性特征,又要充分尊重幼儿发展连续性进程上的个别差异,支持和引导每个幼儿从原有水平向更高水平发展,按照自身的速度和方式到达《指南》呈现的发展“阶梯”,切忌用一把“尺子”衡量所有幼儿。 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》 第一部分总则 一、《幼儿园教育指导纲要》以《中华人民共和国教育法》和《幼儿园管理条理》、 《幼儿园工作规程》为依据制定,用以指导幼儿园的教育工作。 二、《幼儿园教育指导纲要》强调以下思想: 1.幼儿教育是基础教育的有机组成部分,是学校教育制度和终身教育的奠基阶段。幼儿园教育应为每一个幼儿的近期和终身发展奠定良好的素质基础。2.幼儿园应与家庭、社会密切配合,共同为幼儿创造一个良好的成长环境。3.幼儿园是幼儿生活和学习的重要场所。幼儿园教育应丰富幼儿的生活,满足他们身心发展的需要,帮助他们度过快乐而有意义的童年。 4.幼儿园教育应充分尊重幼儿作为学习主体的经验和体验,尊重他们身心发展的规律和学习特点,以游戏为基本活动,引导他们在与环境的积极相互作用中得 到发展。


/VPAPIII简明操作指南一.前方控制面板的按键及其功能 按键功能 上翻/下翻●在菜单中,使用此键进行各项操作 前键(开关键)●开始和停止治疗 左键●执行上方液晶显示屏里显示的向导功 能(例如“改变”和“应用”)右键●执行上方液晶显示屏里显示的向导功 能(例如“退出”和“取消”) ●从临床菜单屏返回瑞思迈VPAPIII呼 吸机的主屏 右键+下翻键持续按至少3秒钟,从瑞思迈VPAPIII呼吸 机的主屏进入临床菜单 二.日常使用步骤 1.接上电源线,打开呼吸机后部开关,呼吸机进入自检,待呼吸机自检完成。 2.给病人佩带好面罩,再连接上呼吸回路,按开关键进行开机治疗。 3.结束治疗时,按开关键停机,给取下病人面罩。如常时间不用请关掉呼吸机后部开

关。 三.改变治疗参数设置步骤 1.接上电源线,打开呼吸机后部开关,呼吸机进入自检,待呼吸机自检完成。 2.同时按右键﹢下翻键持续至少3秒钟以上,进入临床菜单。 3.要完成参数值的改变,在临床菜单中请注意使用: ●上翻/下翻键进行该范围内选项的滚动 ●按左键进入菜单,进行功能选择操作 ●按右键退出菜单,退出菜单不影响正进行的操作。 临床菜单详见第二页 VPAP III 临床设置菜单 模式选择 吸气压 呼气压 呼吸频率 呼吸转换时间 最大吸气压时间 最小吸气压时间 吸气触发灵敏度

呼气触发灵敏度 面罩漏气报警 自动开关机 面罩类型 湿化器类型 管路长度 最大延迟时间 开始压力 基本参数设置完成后连续按撤销键可以返回主见面如下: 通过上下键可以查看 LK表示漏气量RR表示呼吸频率MV表示分钟通气量VT表示潮气量 表示当次吸气由病人自主呼吸触发表示当次呼气由病人自主呼吸触发 Ti表示吸气时间1:2.5表示机器检测到的吸呼比 清洁消毒 面罩、管路、湿化器水罐需要消毒。先用中性洗涤剂洗涤,清水冲洗干净,2-3%戊二醛浸泡30分钟(注意湿化器外面不能浸泡,只能消毒内壁),蒸馏水清洗干净,凉干,不得防入阳光直晒,否则容易老化。面罩头带不能浸泡消毒和洗涤


《3-6岁儿童学习发展指南》学习心得体会 《3-6岁儿童学习发展指南》将幼儿的学习与发展分为健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域。每个领域按照幼儿学习与发展最基本、最重要的内容划分为若干方面。每个方面由学习与发展目标、教育建议两部分组成。学习与发展目标部分分别对3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄段末期幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么,大致可以达到什么发展水平提出了合理期望。通过这段时间的学习,让我对3到6岁幼儿的发展有了进一步的认识,让我在后来的教育活动中做到了在尊重幼儿的基础上,从幼儿的需要和特点来引导他们。 首先,在《指南》划分的五大领域中健康排在了首位。健康包括生理和心里两个方面,所以强健的体质、愉快的情绪、良好的生活习惯和基本生活能力是幼儿身心健康的重要标志。 语言方面,包含两个内容,一是“听与说”,二是“阅读和书写准备”。《指南》中提到了如何养成孩子的倾听习惯,首先教师要做出表率作用,幼儿在说我们老师要认真倾听,并积极做出回应。在与幼儿交流时应该用幼儿能听得懂的语言去交流的时候,这样幼儿就会比较愿意去倾听。幼儿在不同的年龄段有不同的发展方向。语言是交流和思维的工具。幼儿期又是语言发展,特别是口语发展的重要时期。在小班教育教学活动中,给孩子一个宽松的语言活动,多鼓励幼儿找朋友,交流的同时锻炼了语言也增进了孩子之间的感情。让他们在口语方面逐渐摆脱了不连贯、缺乏条理的句子。在活动中鼓励孩子大胆讲话,我们还通过让老师讲故事,孩子听故事,看故事书,再到孩子用自己的话简单的说故事,增加了孩子的自信心,发展了孩子的口语表达能力,初步培养了孩子的阅读习惯。 幼儿的社会领域主要包括人际交往与社会适应。幼儿园是孩子迈入社会的第一步,孩子在进入一个新的环境后,会因为陌生表现出内向,茫然,没有安全感,不能很好地与小伙伴,老师交流。而且现在大部分孩子都是独生子女,跟同伴相处交流的机会几乎没有。在这种情况下,更需要我们老师的引导。通过游戏活动,让孩子在集体生活中学会互帮互助,理解别人,从而找到朋友,更快适应幼儿园。幼儿的艺术分为手工,画画,音乐。《指南》中指出,幼儿对事物的感受和理解不同于成人,幼儿的笔触蕴含着丰富的想象力,成人应对幼儿独特的艺术表现给于充分的理解和尊重。他们有他们独特的想象力,惊人的创造力,我们老师要做


优秀个人简历范文文章3篇 姓名:某某某 性别:男 出生年月:1985年10月8日 居住地:西安 电话:XXXXXXXXXXX 求职意向 到岗时间:一周以内 工作性质:全职 希望行业:金融/投资/证券 目标地点:西安 期望月薪:面议/月 目标职能:证券分析师 工作经验 2021 /1—至今:XX金融证券有限公司 所属行业:金融/投资/证券 研发部证券分析师 1、负责通过股市报告会、面谈等形式,营销理财服务; 2、负责分析目标板块的上市公司的基本面,列出投资原因,并给出风险提示; 3、负责宏观经济、政策走向分析及解读; 4、负责协助基金经理,对持仓比重、结构、品种做出建议; 5、负责协助其他分析师进行投资组合的配置。 2021/10--2021 /12:XX金融证券有限公司 所属行业:金融/投资/证券

市场部证券分析师 1、负责为客户提供投资理财咨询; 2、负责组建及管理投资顾问团队,维护投资渠道; 3、负责维护客户关系,推广并销售公司的金融理财产品; 4、负责通过数据、技术面的分析来进行股票买卖的实盘操作; 5、负责定期召开投资报告会,培训客户经理的投资分析知识。 2021 /11--2021/7:XX金融有限公司 所属行业:金融/投资/证券 投资部证券分析师 1、负责研究中国宏观经济、市场状况和投资环境,分析投资行业政策、产业政策以及公司的经营情况; 2、负责跟踪****行业动态,并对行业内变化个股做出分析评价; 3、负责维护客户,为客户提供咨询服务; 4、负责***基金的交易,并指导交易员完成交易指令; 5、负责培训下属员工以及分配部门任务。 教育经历 2021/9 --2021 /7 西安理工大学金融学本科 语言能力 英语良好听说熟练,读写良好 自我评价 在证券公司任职***年,对于股票投资具有深入的研究,善于数据挖掘和财务分析,对于国家政策和经济形势发展具有敏锐的观察力。具有出色的逻辑思维能力和写作能力,曾在知名财经杂志发表文章数篇,得到读者的欢迎。能够承受巨大的工作强度,抗压能力强,工作责任心高,团队合作意识佳,希望在证券行业继续发展。 姓名:xxx 性别:男


3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南 说明 一、为深入贯彻《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》和《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》(国发〔2010〕41号),指导幼儿园和家庭实施科学的保育和教育,促进幼儿身心全面和谐发展,制定《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)。 二、《指南》以为幼儿后继学习和终身发展奠定良好素质基础为目标,以促进幼儿体、智、德、美各方面的协调发展为核心,通过提出3-6岁各年龄段儿童学习与发展目标和相应的教育建议,帮助幼儿园教师和家长了解3-6岁幼儿学习与发展的基本规律和特点,建立对幼儿发展的合理期望,实施科学的保育和教育,让幼儿度过快乐而有意义的童年。 三、《指南》从健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域描述幼儿的学习与发展。每个领域按照幼儿学习与发展最基本、最重要的内容划分为若干方面。每个方面由学习与发展目标和教育建议两部分组成。 目标部分分别对3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄段末期幼儿应该知道什么、能做什么,大致可以达到什么发展水平提出了合理期望,指明了幼儿学习与发展的具体方向;教育建议部分列举了一些能够有效帮助和促进幼儿学习与发展的教育途径与方法。 四、实施《指南》应把握以下几个方面: 1.关注幼儿学习与发展的整体性。儿童的发展是一个整体,要注重领域之间、

目标之间的相互渗透和整合,促进幼儿身心全面协调发展,而不应片面追求某一方面或几方面的发展。 2.尊重幼儿发展的个体差异。幼儿的发展是一个持续、渐进的过程,同时也表现出一定的阶段性特征。每个幼儿在沿着相似进程发展的过程中,各自的发展速度和到达某一水平的时间不完全相同。要充分理解和尊重幼儿发展进程中的个别差异,支持和引导他们从原有水平向更高水平发展,按照自身的速度和方式到达《指南》所呈现的发展“阶梯”,切忌用一把“尺子”衡量所有幼儿。 3.理解幼儿的学习方式和特点。幼儿的学习是以直接经验为基础,在游戏和日常生活中进行的。要珍视游戏和生活的独特价值,创设丰富的教育环境,合理安排一日生活,最大限度地支持和满足幼儿通过直接感知、实际操作和亲身体验获取经验的需要,严禁“拔苗助长”式的超前教育和强化训练。 4.重视幼儿的学习品质。幼儿在活动过程中表现出的积极态度和良好行为倾向是终身学习与发展所必需的宝贵品质。要充分尊重和保护幼儿的好奇心和学习兴趣,帮助幼儿逐步养成积极主动、认真专注、不怕困难、敢于探究和尝试、乐于想象和创造等良好学习品质。忽视幼儿学习品质培养,单纯追求知识技能学习的做法是短视而有害的。. 一、健康 健康是指人在身体、心理和社会适应方面的良好状态。幼儿阶段是儿童身体发育和机能发展极为迅速的时期,也是形成安全感和乐观态度的重要阶段。发育良好的身体、愉快的情绪、强健的体质、协调的动作、良好的生活习惯和基本生活能力是幼儿身心健康的重要标志,也是其它领域学习与发展的基础。 为有效促进幼儿身心健康发展,成人应为幼儿提供合理均衡的营养,保证充足的睡眠和适宜的锻炼,满足幼儿生长发育的需要;创设温馨的人际环境,让幼儿充
