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China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. Electronic Tax Payment Voucher

China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. Electronic Tax Payment Voucher


中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间:2012/06/01 至2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期:2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号:1222222222 客户号:9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期:2012/01/04 开户行:88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类:5500 产品子类:1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日:2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


完税证明-证明范本 第一篇:完税证明 证明 兹有(单位或个人名称)为我单位实施工程,合同造价为肆万壹仟玖佰伍拾贰元整(41952元)。现工程已完工,验收合格。请贵单位办理完税手续。特此证明。 单位盖章 时间 第二篇:完税证明 完税证明 兹有本单位职工冯云,性别:男,身份证号码 532*********6061832 ,为我所专职律师,现本单位和冯云提出解除合同关系,冯云税务均由单位代缴,不欠税费! 特此证明。 用人单位盖章年月日 第三篇:完税证明

完税证明 林西县统壹工贸有限责任公司于2014年增值税完成情况:销项税额:17,061,413.86元 进项税额:15,339,617.86元 应缴增值税额为: 拖欠税款。 特此证明 ,721,796.00元,此税款已于当年全部交清,无林西县国家税务局2014年7月30日1 完税证明 林西县统壹工贸有限责任公司于2014年地方税完成情况:城建税:86,089.80元 教育附加费:51,653.88元 地方教育附加费:17,217.96元 印花税:30,108.37元 水利建设基金:100,361.25元

以上税款已经全额缴纳,无拖欠税款。 特此证明 林西县地方税务局2014年7月30日 第四篇:完税证明 证明 我辖区陕西燕氏农牧科技发展有限公司,纳税识别号: 610*********7091,该企业属区级龙头企业。该企业财务制度规范,自开业以来按照税收相关法律要求,照章纳税,无拖欠税款情况。 特此证明 故市税务所 2014年4月7日 第五篇:完税证明 完税证明 债权人承建我校工程项目,工程款已付清,工程税款已完税。 特此证明。


Labor Contract Name of company: Beijing Jiguang Shengda Technology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) According to the laws and regulations of Labor Law of P.R.C., the contract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employment Period The contract duration is 2 years. The contract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1, 2003. 2. Job Content Party A appoints Party B as Manager in Printer Business Department. 3. Labor Protection and Working Conditions Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to relevant regulations of the state and government. 4. Working Time According to the relevant regulations of the state and government, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the working time by negotiating with Party B in case of business need, but the extended time is not permitted to be more than the longest extended working time regulated by the state.


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank) 中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员:33333


日期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发 行代码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface In this page, the debit amount toxxxx In this page, the loan amount toxx (This page is end) Business Seal (xxxx):xxxSub-branch, xxxx, Industrial Commercial Bank of China Ltd (The first page)

日期 账号应用号序号币种钞汇交易代码注释借贷发生额余额 Trade Date Account No. Application No. Sequence No. Currency Type Cash Remittance Identification Transaction code Remark Lend or Loan Amount Balance 存期约转期通知种类/发 行代码 利息利息税起息日止息日地区号网点号操作员界面 Period Agreed Redeposit Term Category of Notice/Release Code Interest Interest Tax Value Date Expiry date Location No. Branch No. Operator Interface In this page, the debit amount to 0.00 In this page, the loan amount to xxx (This page is end) Business Seal (xxx):xxxx Sub-branch, xxxxx, Industrial Commercial Bank of China Ltd (The second page)


关直接征收税款的(如个体户生产经营所得、自行纳税申报纳税的)、纳税人申请开具完税凭证的,税务机关应当为纳税人开具通用完税证或缴款书、完税证明。 凡是扣缴义务人已经实行扣缴明细申报,且具备条件的地区,从2010年起应当向纳税人告知个人所得税纳税情况。具体方式为直接为纳税人开具完税证明;通过税务网站,由纳税人网络查询、打印纳税情况,并告知纳税人开具完税证明的方法和途径;通过手机短信等方式告知纳税人纳税情况,并告知纳税人到税务机关开具完税证明的方法和途径;各地也可以结合实际,确定告知纳税人纳税情况的方式。 对扣缴义务人未实行全员全额扣缴明细申报和实行明细申报但不具备开具条件的地区,税务总局在通知中明确,应积极创造条件,推广应用个人所得税管理系统,扩大全员全额扣缴明细申报覆盖面,尽快实现直接为纳税人开具完税证明。同时,要做好宣传解释工作,说明不能直接开具完税证明的原因,并采取有效措施,保护纳税人的税收知情权。 通知要求各地税务机关要督促扣缴义务人履行告知义务。一方面,要督促扣缴义务人在发放工资扣缴个人所得税后,在工资单上注明个人已扣缴税款的金额;另一方面,纳税人要求扣缴义务人开具代扣、代收税款凭证的,扣缴义务人必须开具。 国家税务总局所得税司相关人士在接受采访时表示,由税务



银行流水单翻译词汇 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

C urrencyDetailedListofHistoryof 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 22 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number 账户基本信息:Account basic information;副卡:Vice card;


Labor Con tract Name of pany: Beiji ng Jigua ng She ngda Tech nology Co., Ltd. (Party A) Name of employee: SUN Qian (Party B) Accord ing to the laws and regulatio ns of Labor Law of P .R.C. , the con tract is made to be abided by the both parties based on equality and free will. 1. Employme nt Period The con tract durati on is 2 years. The con tract shall take effect from Apr. 2, 2001 to Apr. 1,2003. 2. Job Co ntent Party A appo ints Party B as Manager in Prin ter Bus in ess Departme nt. 3. Labor Protecti on and Work ing Con diti ons Party A is required to provide Party B with the conditions of labor safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to releva nt regulatio ns of the state and gover nment. 4. Worki ng Time Accord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the state and gover nment, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. Party A shall promise Party B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the work ing time by n egotiati ng with Party B in case of bus in ess n eed, but the exte nded time is not permitted to be more than the Iongest extended working time regulated by the state. 5. Labor rem un erati on and Welfare Treatme nt (1) Party A should pay the salary in form of curre ncy RMB 3,000 on time and positi on allowa nee RMB 1,000 per month without deducti on and default. (2) In addition to the salary, Party B can get bonus of certain amount. The standard of delivering bonus is: depending on the operation status of the department and individual performance, and offered at the beginning of the ing year. ⑶ If Party A exte nds the work time, Party A should pe nsate Party B 150% salary for the overtime. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng rest days, Party A should pe nsate Party B 200% salary. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng legal holidays, Party A should pen sate Party B 300% salary.


1.Sales Agreement The agreement, (is) made in Beijing this eighth day of August 1993 by ABC Trading Co., Ltd., a Chinese Corporation having its registered office at Beijing, the People’ Repubic of China (hereinafter called “Seller”) and International Trading Co., Ltd., a New York Corporation having its registered office at New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (hereinafter called “Buyer”). 2.WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in dealing of (product) and desires to sell (product)to Buyer, and WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase(product) from Sellers, Now, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 3.Export Contract th This Contract is entered into this 5 day of August 1993 between ABC and Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and condition. 4.Non-Governmental Trading Agreement No. __ This Agreement was made on the_day of_ 19_, BETWEEN _(hereinafter referred to as the Seller) as the one Side and _ (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) as the one other Side. WHEREAS, the


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 22 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


翻译练习一(英译汉)小组讨论情况记录 小组成员:赵一,钱二,孙三,李四 本次讨论记录、执笔人:赵一 1.本次翻译文本的目标读者是? 2.本次翻译任务需要达成的目的是? 3.请用注释的形式写出“翻译根据”。翻译根据包括(但不限于)根据翻译目的 对翻译方法(策略)的选择;术语的出处或论证过程;译文选词、造句、结构、篇章等方面的考虑; 原文:在国内众多的历史课本或辅导爱国读本中,讲到北宋的社会经济,往往说这时期出现了中国第一个商标。这枚传说中的白兔商标现存于中国历史博物馆,中间一个白兔图,寓“玉兔捣药”之意. 译文:In various Chinese history textbooks and patriotic readings[i], one thing is always covered in the economic development[ii] of the Northern Song Dynasty—the emergence[iii] of China’s first trademark, which is now kept in the National Museum of Chinese History[iv]. This legendary trademark was designed with a white rabbit image in the middle, implying the message of the Jade Rabbit pounding medicine[v] [i]辅导爱国读本 第一步,理解中文。 所谓“辅导爱国读本”一般指供学生课下阅读的旨在培养爱国情操的材料(当然也可以面向社会读者),内容可以涵盖从古至今国家经济政治文化等各方面情况:讲成就可以培养人们的民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感等等;也可以讲失败、讲教训,激励人们奋发图强,建设祖国。…这些在中国都属于“爱国主义教育”的内容。文中要讲的是北宋出现了中国历史上第一枚商标,这是经济发展的标志之一,算是“成就”,同时此商标设计上又体现了浓郁的中国传统文化特色(玉兔捣药),因此自然会被写入爱国读本让大家了解。 第二步,理解基础上做出一个译文。


BANK OF CHINA Debit card transaction details history list Trading range: Print date: 20xx/xx/xx Print branches: xxxxx Print teller:xxxxxxx Account number: Customer number: Account name: Account opening date: 20xx/xx/xx Deposit bank: xxxxx Product Line: xxxx Subclass: xxxx Value date: 20xx/xx/xx Expiry date: Bankbook number: Bank of China Co.,Ltd xxx City xxx Road Branch (seal) Trade date Currency Trade type Transaction amount Account balance Reciprocal account number Rev erse Teller Branches Abstract CNY Interest CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY ATM Withdrawal ATM settlement fund of BANCS CNY Transfer


中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明 Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (2009)京地税个征05688310 No. (2009)BLTI-05688310 填发日期: 译法说明: 一、关于“完税”:译为tax payment或tax clearance均可。 二、关于完税证明编号的翻译:此处“(2009)京地税个征05688310”译为“No. (2009)BLTI-05688310”,其中BLT表示“北京地方税务”、I表示“个人所得税”,仅供参考。怎么译都可以,只要像那么回事。 三、关于“税款所属时期”:这里按其涵义译为“charging period of tax”。此外,译者还见过描述性译法,如“which period of time the taxation belongs to”,也是可以的,只不过生硬了一些,belong to不如charge专业和贴切一些。 四、关于“工资薪金所得”:不建议单独用salary或wage。在英语里,salary指公职人员或公司白领工人按星期、月度等固定时段所领的固定报酬;wage指工厂蓝领工人的计件、计时工资。除此之外,加班工资、补贴、津贴等也属于劳动报酬性收入。这些都统称labor compensation。国外很多大公司的工资单、工资条,上面用的就是compensation。 五、关于“实缴税金”:译为paid-in tax / cleared tax等均可。此处译为amount of tax payment。


Spacecraft Docking System Based on Computer Vision (居中,三号,Times New Roman,加粗,占4倍行距)Rendezvous and docking are two of the key techniques to implement an Space in-orbit infrastrueture.In this dissertation,an automatic spacecraft docking system based on computer vision is investigated in detail .First,a number of conventional methods of attitude representation are discussed and their complications in dealing with the problem of attitude representation are……(小四号,Times New Roman,行距固定值20磅)

基于计算机视觉的空间飞行器对接系统 (居中,三号,宋体,加粗,占4倍行距) 交会对接技术是发展空间在轨基本设施的关键技术。本文对基于计算机视觉的空间飞行器自动对接系统进行了详细的研究。首先,讨论了许多常规姿态表示方法,并指出姿态表示的复杂性。然后给出李代数法姿态表示和可能的定义。在各种姿态表示下,给出了空间飞行器姿态运动学和动力学方程。为后面建立对接系统数学模型打下了基础……(小四号,宋体,行距固定值20磅)


ICBC Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Voucher No.4002xxxx Card No.: xxxx Transaction Date: Oct 27, 2016 Transaction Time: Transaction Code: 1996 Transaction Branches: 3099 Transaction Teller: 29413 Accredit Teller: 00000 Transaction Type: Query All Accounts under Customer Card Region No.: 1001 Account Name: ZHANG Jiaqi Certificate Type: ID Card Certificate No.: Basic Account No.: xxxx Account Code: 000 Account Properties: Passbook Account Hang Card Status: Hanging Card Expiry Date: Currency: RMB Cash Remittance Mark: Cash Balance: 84,812.97 Basic Account No.: xxxx Account Code: 000 Account Properties: Passbook Account Hang Card Status: Hanging Card Expiry Date: Currency: RMB Cash Remittance Mark: Cash Balance: 0.00 Customer Confirm: I have confirmed that the printing content is correct. Customer Signature: (End of its printing)Special Seal of Pilot Free Trade Zone Branch, Shanghai, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd 3EEFDDC40003 1


银行流水单翻译词汇汇 总 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

中国各大银行名称缩写 中国建设银行——CCB(China Constuction Bank) 中国农业银行——ABC(Agricultural Bank of China) 中国工商银行——ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 中国银行——BOC(Bank of China) 中国民生银行——CMBC(China Minsheng Banking Co., Ltd) 招商银行——CMB(China Merchants Bank Ltd) 兴业银行——CIB (Industrial Bank Co., Ltd) 北京市商业银行——已经改名北京银行——BOB(Bank of Beijing) 交通银行——BCM(Bank of Communications) 中国光大银行——CEB(Chian Everbright Bank) 中信银行——(cvbnm` 广东发展银行——GDB(Guangdong Development Bank) 上海浦东发展银行——SPDB/SPDBank(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank) 深圳发展银行——SDB(Shenzhen Development Bank)

中国银行新线借记卡历史交易明细清单 Debit card transaction details history list 交易区间: 2012/06/01 至 2012/12/01 Trading range: to 打印日期: 2012/12/17 打印网点: 11111 打印柜员: 33333 Print date: Print branches:Print teller: 账号: 1222222222 客户号: 9999999 Account number: Customer number: 账户名:王三 Account name: WANG SAN 开户日期: 2012/01/04 开户行: 88881 Account opening date: Deposit bank: 产品大类: 5500 产品子类: 1999 Product Line: Subclass: 起息日: 2012/01/12 到期日: Value date: Expiry date: 存折号:货币号: Bankbook number: Currency number: 交易日网点交易代码货币号交易金额交易余额摘要 Trade date Branches Trade code Currency number Transaction amount Account balance Abstract 交易类别对方账号 Trade type Reciprocal account number


个人所得税完税证明:The People’s Republic of China Individual Income Tax Certificate 税务登记证Certificate of Taxation Registration 地税编号local tax code 国税编号national tax code 地税字号这么翻译:DSZH 成就工资(Merit Pay):绩效工资来自于英文中的Merit Pay但在中国更为贴切的说法提法应该是绩效提薪. 股权(Stock): 福利(Benefit): 津贴(allowance): 奖金(incentive pay): 成就工资(Merit Pay): 基础工资(Base Pay): 以职位为基础(Pay for Job)的基础工资和以能力为基础(Pay for Competency)的基础工资 Salary:从事管理工作和负责经营等的人员按年或月领取的固定薪金. Wages:工人按件,小时,日,周或月领取的工资. 收入差(pay ranges 1,pay structure: 2,pay grades: 3,pay ranges: 4,overlap: 重叠 年终红利(annual bonus 岗位工资post wages 岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post 隐性报酬(intrinsic compensation)和显性报酬(extrinsic compensation)。 1.基础工资:Foundation wages 2.职务等级:Duty rank 3.级别工资:Rank wages 4.工资工龄:Wages job seniority 5.职务岗位津贴:Duty allowance 6.特殊岗位津贴基础津:Special allowance 7.基础津贴:Foundation allowance 8.综合补贴:Synthesis subsidy 9.岗位补贴:Post subsidy 10.目标奖:Goal prize 基础工资: Basic Wage (or Salary) 职务等级: Occupation Classification 级别工资: Classification Allowance 工资工龄: Long Service Allowance 职务岗位津贴: Occupation Benefit


I confirm that this is an accurate translation of the original document. The date of the translation: The translator’s full name and signature: The translator’s contact details: Tel: Email: 中国农业银行银行卡交易明细清单 Agricultural Bank of China Bank Card Transactions Detailed List 第1页Page No.1 账号户名:序号:币种:人民币钞 Card No. & Customer Name:Account Serial Number: Currency: RMB Cash 起止日期: Start&Expiry Date: Transaction Date Abstract Transaction Amount Balance Transaction Location/Reciprocal Account Number&Name

中国农业银行银行卡交易明细清单 Agricultural Bank of China Bank Card Transactions Detailed List 第2页Page No.2 账号户名:序号:币种:人民币钞 Card No. & Customer Name: Account Serial Number: Currency: RMB Cash 起止日期: Start&Expiry Date: Transaction Date Abstract Transaction Amount Balance Transaction Location/Reciprocal Account Number&Name Print Agencies (Seal): Printed Teller: Print Time:
