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2019-BEC商务英语高级范文汇总-优秀word范文 (1页)

2019-BEC商务英语高级范文汇总-优秀word范文 (1页)
2019-BEC商务英语高级范文汇总-优秀word范文 (1页)



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The EKIA way Ex 5: Sample answer: (226words)

Limitless Horizons, our travel agency and advisory service specializing in adventure holidays in remote locations, was founded in 1989 by Rob Davies. We do not arrange accommodation in well-known resorts, thus encouraging travellers to discover the real country they are visiting. We constantly seek out new adventure holidays which allow travellers to mix with local people rather than retreat to the beach or their hotel.

Although all our advice is impartial, it is influenced by certain core values:

Respect for local values and practices

Respect for individual needs and independence

Believe in the need to limit the environmental impact of our activities.

We believe that as privileged visitors to sometimes fragile environments, we should take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.

Wherever possible, we encourage the use of small independent companies. We also insist on local guides and seek to house

travellers in modest accommodation. Our clients can look forward to living the local culture and eating the local suicine; Limitless Horizons rejects the concept of Coca-Cola trek.

Our representatives are constantly travelling in order to and check our information. These trips are funded solely by Limitless Horizons. We pay our way, accepting no hand-outs or free-flights, thus ensuring the only factors influencing our advice to you are your needs and those of the area you wish to visit.


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


商务英语写作技巧 How to Become a Good Writer and Particularly, Business Writer Writing is not an easy task,一位优秀的作者总是发现连写满一页纸都是一件困难的事,因为每句字词的组织都花费心力、每个语气都须反复斟酌。词汇、语法和风格的正确性是基础,但还有更多是超越这些基础之外的,比如say what you think and reach for the best word。 写作是输出,它已经相距思想跳跃了一步。一位思想者可能不是一位优秀的写作者,正如孔子、苏格拉底的思想都须他们的学生记录。A good writer is a writer who does not say more than he thinks:他/她能用最熟悉简单的语言,最精确地传递思想,没有歧义,也没有冗长拖沓,段落干净整洁,读来流畅自然。一位优秀的作者也不会过分使用时髦的词语

(overuse of vogue words),这就像一位摩托车手不会时刻按新装上的喇叭一样,因为时髦的词语通常总与深邃的思想相矛盾,也可能只折射出骄傲自大(pretentiousness),它会削弱对内容的把握。 细节总是competent (有能力的)writer 注意的,他们会检视写下的内容,看自己作为读者能否理解自己全部想要说的,同时也看内容是否完整、是一个整体。他们有时会联想、会发明,甚至有时候写出的东西跳出了原先的预期,边写就边自行发展了,这也就是“the book writes itself”的境界。 当然,他们也懂得叙述展开与清楚明了的界限,能够将最难理解的部分用最简单的文字表达,也不会让不该出现的思绪不知不觉地渗透到字里行间(sifting in unnoticed),和差的作者相比,他们的突出点在于是思想的控制者、组织者,sorting it out later而不是任其泛滥。


美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下: (一) 篇首: 封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes) (二) 本文: 引言(Introduction) 主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes) (三)参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者: 一.研究的方向 二.研究的范围 三.资料搜集的范围 四.预期研究成果 通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资


2015年商务英语BEC高级写作词汇transition noun 转变,转换,过渡 volunteer noun 志愿者/兵 ageism noun 对老年人的歧视 alleviate verb 使(痛苦等)易于忍受,减轻 aptitude noun 能力,才能 slot noun 为某人/某事物安排的位置或时间 from scratch 从零开始,从无到有,白手起家 jump at phrasal verb 欣然接受 recession noun 工商业之萧条/不景气 recruit verb 征募新兵/吸收新成员 arbitrary adjective 任意的,武断的 blanket adjective 包括一切情形或种类的,总括的,综合的creed noun 信条 criminology noun 犯罪学,刑事学 culprit noun 犯人 CV UK noun = curriculum vitae个人简历 discriminate verb 歧视,区别待遇 dynamic adjective 动力的,精力充沛的,有力的,动态的guilt noun 罪行,内疚 high-flyer noun 抱负极高的人,有野心的人 irrespective adjective 不顾的,不考虑的,无关的 lag verb 落后于,滞后 obsessed adjective 着迷/牵挂/困扰的

oppress verb 压迫,压抑 pressing adjective 紧迫的 prevalent adjective 普遍的,流行的 résumé noun 个人简历 rot verb 腐烂/败 set in phrasal verb (指雨、坏天气、感染等)开始并可能继续下去sliding scale noun 滑动费率,滑动折算制 steady adjective 稳固的,稳定的 strenuous adjective 精力充沛的,干劲十足的,必须努力的 corridor noun 走廊 give [someone] a hard time phrasal verb 使某人难堪 interviewer noun 主持面试者,采访者 panel noun 座谈小组,陪审团 promising adjective 有希望的,有前途的 short list noun 决选名单 bonus noun 奖金,红利 eligible adjective 合格的/有恰当资格的 the nitty-gritty noun informal 基本事实,实情 board noun 懂事会,理事会 array noun 排列,编队 asset noun资产/有价值的技能、人 branch office noun 分店,支店 civil engineering noun 土木工程 cornerstone noun 奠基石,基础


欢迎各位员工及家人参与。 . , . 董事会将于月日星期五下午点在室召开会议。 . 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 ’. 这个星期三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 . 有关详情请联系张文,电话是。 . 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 . 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在月日那天见到你。 . . ’. 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 . 我们盛情邀请您和家人参加的周年舞会。 . 希望您能接受邀请,并在月日之前回复。 . . 晚宴开始前在室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 . 请于天内汇款以维持您的信用等级。 , , . 虽然公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提供人的会议室。 . 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 . 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 . 从您的来信得知,已发现五把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 . 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 , . 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 . 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示歉意。 . 如能尽早回复,不胜感激。 . 我们期待与你们的合作愉快而成功。 ’. 请注意公司周年舞会的日期变动。

下面我将罗列有关结果。 . 以下政策立即生效。 . 请于星期五告知你假期里的联系电话。 . 与的合作将对公司未来发展有帮助。 ’. 这份备忘录将展示与上海总公司会议的结果。 , . 我代表公司所有职员衷心祝贺你被委任为诺丁汉办公署的总经理。 . 祝你前程锦绣。 , , . 这是一个了不起的成就,我相信你的家人朋友还有你自己一定会引以为豪。 . 我们知道你为此付出了很多努力,你得奖是实至名归的。 . 祝你和你的事业继续走向辉煌。 . 这是董事会年五月份会议有关决策的报告。 . 目前调查的主要结果可总结为以下几点。 ’, . 这个建议是在我前三年研究的基础上提出的,我相信会行得通。 . 还有些其他方法可以降价。 , , ’. 目前我正在进行该项目的调查工作,已取得了下列成绩。 . 调查表明这类产品的市场正处于成长期。 “”. 我们希望能紧扣贵公司在广交会上展出的“象牙牌”照相机。 . 请告知您能给我们什么样的优惠。 , , . 我们公司希望能进口摩托车,如果贵公司能给我们寄上你们公司最新的产品目录、价格单和出后条款,我们将不胜感激。 . 我们有意采用贵公司现有的部分产品用于家具生产。 . 在此先感谢您对我们提供的帮助。 .


摘要 商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。商务写作的语言具有专业术语丰富性、商务文体多样性、缩略词常用性等特征。因此,商务英语写作需要坚持生动具体、内容完整、清楚简洁、有礼有节等原则。文章重点探讨了商务信函的写作技巧,即选用四部式结构(引言、详情、应答、结束语)、遵循语言原则、注意信函语气等,期望有助于商务写作能力的提高。 关键词:商务写作;商务信函;原则;方法 第2/13页 目录 摘要 (1) 目录 (2) 引言 (3) 1 商务英语写作概述 (3) 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 (3) 1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点 (3) 2 商务英语写作原则 (5) 2.1 生动具体 (5) 2.2 内容完整 (5) 2.3 准确无误 (5) 2.4 清楚简洁 (6) 2.5 有礼有节 (6) 3 商务英语写作基本策略 (6)

4 商务英语信函写作技巧 (7) 4.1 选用四部式结构 (7) 4.2 遵循语言原则 (8) 4.3 注意信函语气 (9) 结束语 (9) 致谢................................................................... 10 参考文献................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 第3/13页 商务英语的写作技巧 引言 随着对外开放的不断扩大和外贸体制改革的不断深化,特别是中国加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易取得较快的发展,国际商务和对外贸易活动日益频繁。对国际商务活动从业人员来说,英语能力是最基本的,也是最重要的。而商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用也越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。 众所周知,要写好商务英语应用文,首先要具有一定的英文写作水平与经济贸易知识[1]。其次,应熟悉和掌握各种应用文的写作格式和特点,特别是掌握商务英语的语汇、句型套语和谋篇布局的写作技巧[2]。除此之外,更要了解商务写作和一般性写作的区别,以及商务写作的原则[3]。经过反复地学习、模仿和套用商务英语应用文范例,才能掌握商务英语应用文的书写规律、要求与方法技巧,逐步学会写各类商务英语应用文。 1 商务英语写作概述 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 广义的应用文(Applied writings in broad sense)泛指一切应用文字,文体大致有别于记叙文、抒情文和论说文,界限不太明显;狭义的应用文(Applied writing in narrow sense),主要指政府、机关、群众团体或企业法人间用于交往的文字,如公文(official documents)、函电(1etters or correspondences)等。而随着社会经济的发展,英语应用文的应用范围越来越广泛,以商业为主体的和为商务活动服务的各类实用文体都应包括在英语应用文范畴之内,例如,请柬、


剑桥商务英语考试BEC中级写作技巧 沪江小编:BEC中级开考在即,在不到两周的时间内,可以迅速提高成绩的只有写作部分了。掌握BEC中级写作技巧,就可以在BEC中级作文考试中拔得头筹。沪 江英语为你准备了一些该背该记的模板、技巧,千万别错过了。 BEC中级写作考试时间是45分钟,从多方面测试考生的各项能力,包括完成题 目要求的能力,组织衔接观点的能力,语言表达的得体性,丰富性,以及语法和拼写的准确性等。主要考以下两种题型。 第一题是写一篇40-50字的电子邮件、备忘录、便条等。主要考查考生按照题目要求完成任务的能力,组织衔接观点的能力,语言表达的得体性,词语的丰富性,语法、拼写的准确性等。 应试技巧 1、仔细阅读要求,确定所要写的是电子邮件、备忘录、还是便条。注意格式。 2、一定要完成所指定的3项任务,并进行合理发挥。 3、不要完全照抄题目要求的任务提示,尽量变化一下,如果实在不知道如何变化,或没有把握,至少要把要求补充为完整的句子。 4、字数一定要控制在40-50以内,多字或少字都会扣分。 5、根据写信人和收信人的关系和要求写的内容判断使用语气的正式程度。 6、第一部分主要是公司内部交流,上级给下级写,语气不必特别正式,下级给上级写,最好采用正式语气。给平级同事写信,语气也不必太正式。上级给下级安排日常工作或下级向上级请示工作,最好用正式语气。平级之间的一般交流,可以不太正式。切记不要把不正式和不礼貌混淆,不正式不代表不礼貌。无论给谁写信都要礼貌。

7、写时别忘遵守我课堂上讲的7C原则(completeness, conciseness, correctness, consideration,clarity, courtesy, concreteness 8、注意谨慎使用缩略式(如I’m ,建议不使用缩略式,以防犯错。 9、注意单词和语法的准确性,宁可用正确的简单句,也不用错误的复杂句。 10、最好写前打个草稿,写后仔细检查。检查内容包括是否完成3个任务,单词、语法、文体是否正确、恰当,字数是否符合要求,格式是否正确等。 11、注意卷面整洁,这会给阅卷老师至少要留下一个比较好的第一印象。 第二题是写一篇120-140字的商务信函、报告或建议书。 商务信函写作应试技巧 构思正式的商务信函时,须考虑以下几个方面: 1、写信目的 要明确写信目的,是为了提供信息,咨询,还是投诉等?希望得到什么结果? 2、读者对象 明确读者对象,使用正确的文体,得体的语言。 3、条分缕析 分段有助于增加行文的明晰程度,增加信函的可读性。写信要清楚分段,有条理的表达自己的观点,每段只表达一个主题。也可以适当用弹点、数字等技巧以帮助读者理解自己的信。 4、常用表达 要使用商务信函常用的表达,那样会显得很专业,给读者留下很好的印象。


Begin at the same level~~~~ 下降到最低点: 波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of 幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramatically a is in direct proportion to b merely roughly 一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文 图表作文的文章结构 1)引言部分 2)主体段落 3)结论部分 4)例文分析: The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words. The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services. The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994. There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997. In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing. ●图表作文常用的语言手段 1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。 2)描述“数据变化”的常用表达方式 3)表示变化的副词和形容词 4)描述“数据”的表达方式 5)“大约”的表达方式 ●真题写作范例: 例一(课堂15分钟快速练习): The graph below shows development in the ownership of mobile telephones as a percentage of telephones owned. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the changes in telephone ownership. You should write at least 150 words.

最标准、实用商务英语写作 语气 态度 常用语 Business English writing

Tone & Style in Business Writing Tone is the element in your writing which says something about the relationship you have with your reader/audience and the attitude you have towards the subject. The tone you adopt in your business communications is therefore very important. For example, in a business letter or spoken presentation, your tone will normally be respectful and cooperative. Your tone will reflect your position within the company. A respectful, uncertain tone is usually used with your superiors, a more commanding tone is used with your subordinates, while with your colleagues a more friendly, helpful tone is used. Style is the way you use words and expressions to achieve a certain effect or overall impression. Quite often, styles in writing can be seen as formal, neutral or informal.. Achieving a tone to suit the business audience Good readers in the business world know how to choose their words. The communication must achieve its aim or time and energy are wasted. If you want to be a good writer and speaker, good grammar and spelling are necessary but not enough. Your words must be chosen with care and tested for their suitability for each particular writing task. Good writers can write upwards, horizontal or downwards without offending their readers. They use the most suitable words for their position and particular business. The idea of tone is very important to the business communicator. Since readers can be insulted or offended not by the message but be the manner of expression, an otherwise perfect memo or letter could quite possibly cause a breakdown in communication. It is therefore important for you to be able to analyze your relationship with you readers(s) and then to choose the appropriate language and tone for your message. 2008 ITS Corporate Training 1


2019年商务英语初级写作指导(1) 感谢信 感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和要求与邀请函相同。 例文Date and Place Mr.____ Minister of _____ (Address) Beijing,China Dear Minister, I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful. During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our

interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together. I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country. With kind personal regards, Faithfully yours, (Signed) Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation PLACE 2019年商务英语初级写作指导(2) Explanation Dear Mr. / Ms, I was very concerned when I received your letter of yesterday complaining that the central heating system in your new house had not been completed by the date promised.


第一篇 PART ONE z Recently, an international survey has been conducted to investigate exports of grains in different regions in 2009. the pie charts below compare exports of wheat, corn and soy of European and North America. z Using the information from the pie charts, write a short report describing the differences between Europe and North America. z Write 120~140 words. Exports of Europe Exports of North America PART TWO z You work for a milk factory. Recently a customer has written to you complaining the poor quality and bad taste of the milk. z Write a letter to the customer z apologizing for having sent the poor quality milk z giving reasons for what happened z explaining what happened was exceptional z promising sending new milk to the customer. z Write 200~250 words.


商务英语写作指南 (一)商务便函 例一 SCHOOL OF ENGNISH FOR BUSINESS MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Kingswick, Course Coordinate From: Barnsby Campbel Date: 19 November 1995 Subject: Lesson Plan for 28 November Lecture I intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture. I plan to cover the following parts: 1. Inside Address This is omitted in a memo. As internal communication the reason is obvious. 2. Greeting It is more polite to put Mr., Mrs., or Ms before and the office after the name of the recipient. You may sometimes address the readers as a group. 3. Subject This is a phrase to tell reader what the memo is about. Sometimes only he phrase is given without the word Subject before it. 4. Body These should be short, less than 10 lines, and concentrate on only one paragraph one idea each. Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs, it is advisable to begin each with a heading in capital letters to tell what the paragraph is about. Another practice is number the paragraphs for easy reference later on. 5. Carbon copy


BEC高级写作常用模板、句型总结 Memo 格式(养成习惯,全部左对齐):很多时候,题目本身已经帮你写好,不是考核的重点 to: mike lee, account manager(title, optional) from: same as above date: 21 may 1999 (p16写分,加减法) subject: 1. 一般不多于5个字 2.名词加名词 changes of meeting/apologies for delay/announcement of Christmas party 3. adj. + n. E.g. personal mobile body initial (optional) C.C (optional) Example: p9 写分 审题顺序 a. Who are you? b. Who do you write to? Subordinate, superior, colleague, or a customer. c. What is it about? Bad/good news, express gratitud e or scolding… Decide the register (informal/formal; direct/polite) wording In this question, Very Formal, polite. d. Point sequence怎样排列没有问题,只要有逻辑就行了 Logic: 1-4-3-2/1-4-2-3 先告诉有这件事,然后在说细节,总分总 第一个内容点句型的应用: 通知,宣布消息的句型: 1. I am delighted/glad/happy to announce that/notify you that/inform you that/tell you that/ let you know that formal to informal 宣布好消息 2. Please be informed /be advised that/note that/ formal to informal 但消息的类


2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家2020年高级商务英语考试写作优秀范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 Request for an Increase in Salary 要求增加工资 My present appointment carries an annual salary of ?18,500; this was reviewed in March last year. During my five years with the pany, I feel I have carried out my duties conscientiously and have recently acquired additional responsibilities. I feel that my qualifications and the nature of my work justify a higher salary and I have already been offered a similar position with another pany at a salary of ?20,000 per annum. My present duties are interesting and I thoroughly enjoy my work. Although I have no wish to leave the pany, I cannot

afford to turn down this offer unless some improvement in my salary can be arranged. I hope a salary increase will be possible, and look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Letter of Resignation 辞职信 Dear Mr McKewan Please aept notice of my intention to leave the pany in one month’s time, ie 28 July.考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。 As I have discussed with you I have aepted a position with another pany that will allow me greater responsibilities and improved opportunities for advancement.


良师益友网BEC 专家 BEC 写作指南 务便函与便条写作 (一)商务便函 例一 SCHOOL OF ENGNISH FOR BUSINESS MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Kingswick, Course Coordinate From: Barnsby Campbel Date: 19 November 1995 Subj ect: Lesson Plan for 28 November Lecture I intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture. I plan to cover the following parts: 1. Inside Address This is omitted in a memo. As internal communication the reason is obvious. 2. Greeting It is more polite to put Mr., Mrs., or Ms before and the office after the name of the recipient. You may sometimes address the readers as a group. 3. Subj ect This is a phrase to tell reader what the memo is about. Sometimes only he phrase is given without the word Subj ect before it. 4. Body These should be short, less than 10 lines, and concentrate on only one paragraph one idea each. Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs, it is advisable to begin each with a heading in capital letters to tell what the paragraph is about. Another practice is number the paragraphs for easy reference later on. 5. Carbon copy This is written as c.c. for short. As in a letter, it lists the persons who are also receiving the memo. 6. Signature Only the initial is need. The office and name in print of the write are omitted. In more casual memos there is no signature at all. Any thoughts on my notes? Anything to add? Let me know at tea break. c.c. Mr. P.L. Duke, Training Office. 例二 Internal Memorandum To:Anne Bell From: Graham Davis Date: 23 March 1992 Subj ect: Office Furniture __________________________________________________________________________ We need some comfortable chains for visitors to go in the manager s office Can you arrange it? We need 10 chains in either beige or dark brown. The maximum you can spend is $ 500. 良师益友网BEC 专家 例三
