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Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910 903

A ranking SVM based fusion model for

cross-media meta-search engine*

Ya-li CAO?1,2, Tie-jun HUANG1,2, Yong-hong TIAN1,2

(1Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University,Shenzhen 518055, China)

(2Institute of Digital Media, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

?E-mail: ylcao@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4e4672193.html,

Received Sept. 14, 2010; Revision accepted Oct. 9, 2010; Crosschecked Sept. 26, 2010

Abstract: Recently, we designed a new experimental system MSearch, which is a cross-media meta-search system built on the database of the WikipediaMM task of ImageCLEF 2008. For a meta-search engine, the kernel problem is how to merge the results from multiple member search engines and provide a more effective rank list. This paper deals with a novel fusion model em-ploying supervised learning. Our fusion model employs ranking SVM in training the fusion weight for each member search engine. We assume the fusion weight of each member search engine as a feature of a result document returned by the meta-search engine. For a returned result document, we first build a feature vector to represent the document, and set the value of each feature as the document’s score returned by the corresponding member search engine. Then we construct a training set from the documents returned from the meta-search engine to learn the fusion parameter. Finally, we use the linear fusion model based on the overlap set to merge the results set. Experimental results show that our approach significantly improves the performance of the cross-media meta-search (MSearch) and outperforms many of the existing fusion methods.

Key words: Information fusion, Meta-search, Cross-media, Ranking

doi:10.1631/jzus.C1001009 Document code: A CLC number: TP391

1 Introduction

In addition to text-based retrieval for books, image retrieval is also an important part of the de-velopment of the Universal Digital Library (UDL). We first designed a visual, hierarchical e-book browsing and retrieval system, KnowMap, based on a topic map. Recently, we designed another image retrieval system, MSearch, based on the image data-base of the WikipediaMM task of ImageCLEF 2008 (Zhou et al., 2008). MSearch is a cross-media meta-search engine using both the text and visual features of an image in the retrieval process.

A meta-search engine (Aslam and Montague, 2001) is an information retrieval agent built on top of other search engines. Selberg and Etzioni (1995) designed the first meta-search engine Meta Crawler. The meta-search engine sends users’ requests (queries) to several member search engines, and then aggre-gates the results into one result list. The kernel prob-lem is how to merge the results from multiple member search engines and provide a better rank list. A good results fusion method can provide more comprehen-sive and precise information to users. To enhance the performance of the meta-search engine, there exist many fusion methods, such as the Borda count (BC) model (van Erp and Schomaker, 2000; Aslam and Montague, 2001; Dwork et al., 2001), the comb model (Fox and Shaw, 1993), and the round robin (RR) model (Cao et al., 2009). In this paper, we propose a novel fusion method for meta-search engines.

Nowadays there are a large number of meta- search engines on the Internet; however, most of them are text-based meta-search engines. For a given

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics)

ISSN 1869-1951 (Print); ISSN 1869-196X (Online)

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4e4672193.html,/jzus; https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4e4672193.html,

E-mail: jzus@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4e4672193.html,

*Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60605020) and the National High-Tech R & D Program (863) of China (Nos. 2006AA01Z320 and 2006AA010105)

? Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910 904

meta-search engine, although the retrieval algorithms that its member search engines employ are different, the text-based techniques are much more mature. That is, the performances of the member search engines are almost the same. Our meta-search engine is a cross-media engine including one text-based and one content-based member system. Although both of our retrieval approaches show good performance in im-age retrieval, the two subsystems’ performances are quite different. In the face of a meta-search engine different from the traditional ones, we propose a novel results fusion model based on ranking support vector machine (SVM).

The contributions of this paper include:

1. We proposed a supervised learning approach employing the supervised learning approach.

2. We proposed an application of Ranking SVM for meta-search engine, and finally transformed the fusion problem into an optimization problem.

3. We carried out groups of experiments and verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2 Related works

2.1 Results fusion models

The goal of results fusion, sometimes called ‘rank aggregation’, is to combine the results from multiple ranking lists and generate a better ranking list. Typically there are two categories of results fu-sion methods, the score-based fusion method and the order-based fusion method. Whether a fusion method is score- or order-based depends on whether we can obtain the scores or the order of the results in the ranking list. In this work, our proposed fusion method is a score-based one.

In the past few years, researchers have paid considerable attention to the results fusion method. Fox and Shaw (1993) proposed a fusion method based on the min, max, median, or sum of each of the nor-malized relevance score of the member systems, which is overall called the comb model. The Borda count (BC) model is another well-known results fu-sion model, used for voting at the beginning; it sorts the results based on their position in the ranking lists. For example, given any query, a returned document is sorted according to the number of documents that are ranked below it in all the ranking lists. The RR model is another classical fusion model used for the meta-search engine. The idea of the RR model is very simple. For a meta-search engine, we first array the member search engines in some order, and then dis-play the first item of each ranking list one by one, then the second item of each ranking list, and so forth. Recently, more fusion models have evolved from the classic models, these models including the median rank (Fagin et al., 2003), fuzzy logic based fusion model (Ahmad and Sufyan Beg, 2002), genetic algo-rithm (Sufyan Beg, 2004), and position and snippets/ titles based fusion model (Yuan and Wang, 2009). However, these results fusion models are mainly without supervised learning, in the sense that no training data is used. In addition, these fusion models are employed mainly as the fusion strategy of text-based meta-search engines. That is to say, the fusion method for content-based retrieval systems such as cross-media meta-search engines remains an open issue. For content-based retrieval systems, re-searchers care more about how to combine the text- and content-based methods together to integrate a single retrieval system, which looks like a vertical combination. In this study, our proposed method is more like a horizontal combination of the text- and content-based methods.

As is known, content-based retrieval systems usually do not perform as well as the text-based re-trieval systems; that is, one cannot treat ranking lists from member search engines of different types equally. However, the results fusion methods we have discussed above assign the same weight for each member search engine. Motivated by this, we argue that in order for enhancing the accuracy of the results fusion process, it is better to employ a supervised learning approach to learn the difference between the performances among retrieval systems. Compared with the unsupervised fusion methods, there are sev-eral advantages for taking the supervised learning method. First, we make full use of the information existing in the labeled training data and the users’ feedback. Second, we transform the fusion problem to a classification problem. There are many mature op-timization techniques for obtaining the best fusion weight for each member search engine. Certainly, the supervised learning method has its own disadvantages. Employing this method may take much time in labeling the training set or extracting information

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from the users’ feedback, and the problem caused by learning should be considered as another important issue to focus on in the future study.

2.2 ImageCLEF2008 and MSearch

ImageCLEF2008 is the cross-language image retrieval track run as part of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) campaign. This track evaluates the retrieval of images described by text captions based on queries in a different language; both text and image matching techniques are poten-tially exploitable. In this competition, our text-based image retrieval (TBIR) approach ranked the first place among all submitted runs (Zhou et al., 2008). Although not submitted, we then proposed a con-tent-based image retrieval (CBIR) approach, which performed better than the other submitted CBIR runs in ImageCLEF2008.

Based on the two retrieval approaches, we de-signed a cross-media meta-search engine, MSearch, by combing the text- and content-based systems. MSearch provides not only normal text- or content- based retrieval functions, but also a meta-search function. Fig.1 shows the user interface of our cross- media meta-search engine.

As shown in Fig. 1, for meta-search users can submit text first, and then the cross-media system will present users the candidate images. In the next step, users can select any image from the recommended images as a query sample, and click the button ‘MSearch’. Finally, our cross-media meta-search engine will present the users a results list by com-bining the results returned by both member search engines.

Take ‘flower’ for example. The query interface is as shown in Fig. 1. Users first input the text query ‘flower’, and then the system will return some rec-ommended candidate image samples. Users can select any one as the image sample query and submit it to the retrieval system. Then MSearch deals with both of the queries and returns the meta-search results (Fig. 2).

MSearch includes four main functional modules which work together to generate the final retrieval results (Zhou et al., 2008):

1. Data processing module: a processing unit that performs several pre-processing tasks for the queries and the dataset with textual queries and then returns relevant images.

2. Text-based retrieval module: a retrieval sub-system that searches the dataset with textual queries and then returns relevant images.

3. Content-based retrieval module: a retrieval subsystem that searches the dataset with visual features and then returns relevant images.

Fig. 1 User interface of our cross-media meta-search

engine, MSearch Fig. 2 Results returned by MSearch with query ‘flower’ (a) By cross-media retrieval approach; (b) By text-based approach; (c) By content-based approach



Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910

906 4. Cross-media re-ranking module: a processing unit that combines the sets of returned images from CBIR and text-based retrieval modules, and then performs cross-media re-ranking to obtain the final retrieval results.

Fig. 3 shows the architecture of MSearch.

The cross-media characteristics of our meta- search engine are shown in the following two aspects: (1) Users can obtain different types of media infor-mation using a query of a single media type; for ex-ample, people can use text to search for images, or use image samples to search for videos. (2) The retrieval systems can use different kinds of media features to fuse the final results. In our system, users can submit text or image samples to retrieval information. Then they can obtain an aggregated ranking list after deal-ing with all the text features and visual features.

3 Methods

In this section, we first introduce the basic prin-ciple of ranking SVM and then describe our fusion method in detail.

As discussed before, a meta-search engine is aimed to find an effective fusion method to merge the results from the member search engines and provide the user a better ranking list. However, a common issue exists in that the order- or score-based informa-tion obtained from member search engines cannot be compared directly. There are two main factors related to the issue: (1) The scores returned by different

search engines have different baselines as different algorithms are used to generate the results’ scores. (2) The retrieval algorithms are different for different search engines, leading to different retrieval per-formances for different search systems; that is, some search systems may be superior to others. If we do not take this issue into account, we may obtain an ag-gregated list which offers quantity rather than quality; that is, the precision of the aggregated list may be lower than that of the best member search engine.

To solve this problem, an alternative is to allo-cate different fusion weights to the member search engines. However, most of the unsupervised fusion methods treat all the ranking lists generated from different search engines equally. In our results fusion model, we take the performances of the member search engines into consideration. We use a super-vised fusion method based on the ranking SVM method to learn the fusion weights for each member search engine. We carried out experiments on our cross-media meta-search engine MSearch whose member search engine performances are quite dif-ferent. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the other unsupervised methods and enhances the performance of the cross-media meta-search engine compared with its member search systems.

3.1 Ranking SVM algorithm

Ranking is the key problem for information re-trieval and other text applications. Recently, the learning-to-rank method or machine-learned ranking (MLR) has become a research focus. Learning-to- rank (Liu, 2009) is a type of supervised or semi- supervised machine learning problem aimed to auto-matically construct a ranking model from training data. Training data consists of lists of items with some partial order specified between items in each list. This order is typically induced by giving a numerical or ordinal score or a binary judgment (e.g., ‘relevant’ or ‘irrelevant’) for each item. The ranking SVM algo-rithm is a typical learning-to-rank method. Herbrich et al . (2000) first applied a large margin to ranking and formed the primary frame for ranking SVM. Then Joachims (2002) proposed the ranking SVM algo-rithm using implicit relevance feedback.

The basic idea of ranking SVM is to formalize learning-to-rank as a problem of binary classification

Fig. 3 Architecture of MSearch for the WikipediaMM 2008 task Input

interface Output interface




Ranked results

Ranked results Ranked results

Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910


on instance pairs, and then to solve the problem using an SVM. The process of ranking SVM includes mainly two steps. In the first step, a function f (x ) is used to transform the instance vector into the real number. For simplicity, a linear function is usually chosen to represent an instance vector. Here we de-fine the function as

(,)(,)f q h q =?c w c , (1)

where q is the query, c is the initial instance vector, and w is a weight vector used for the transformation.

For a query q k , if an instance c i is ranked higher than c j , i.e., c i ;c j , the formula is denoted as


i j i j k i k j k i j g q f q f q h q h q ? =? =??>;c c c c c c w c c (2) For a ranking list with n instances, if we know the preference order of the n instances, then the ranking problem with n instances can be transformed to a binary classification problem with n 2 pairs of instances. The second step of ranking SVM is to construct the SVM model for solving the binary classification problem. The quadratic convex optimization problem in ranking SVM is defined as (Joachims, 2002)

minimize ,,1

(,)2i j k V C ξ=?+∑w w w ξ (3) subject to ,,,,,((,)(,))1,i k j k i j k i j k h q h q ? ??≥?w c c ξ (4)

where C is a parameter that allows the trade-off be-tween the margin size and the training error.

For a ranking SVM, the task of learning ranking function is not completely the same as that of learning classification function. There are two points to which

we have to pay attention (Yu and Kim, 2010):

1. In ranking, a training set is an ordering of data. Let ‘A is preferred to B ’ be specified as ‘A ;B ’. A

training set for ranking SVM is denoted as

11{(,),(,),...,(,)},i i i i m m R x y x y

x y ++= where y i is the ranking of x i ; that is, y i f (x j ) for any x i ;x j .

Above all, the key point of constructing a rank-ing SVM is to build the training set based on users’ preferences and obtain the constraint relationships between the candidate instances. After that, we can minimize the loss function according to the constraint relationships and obtain the training parameters. 3.2 Fusion model based on ranking SVM

The ranking SVM algorithm is one of the clas-sical learning-to-rank methods and has many appli-cations in information retrieval, such as document

retrieval, collaborative filtering, and sentiment


Ranking SVM has two main functions, predic-tion and sorting. In the prediction phase, ranking

SVM receives the training data of multiple features, and then outputs an estimated weight for each feature. In the sorting phase, for an instance in the testing set, ranking SVM provides various fusion models to combine the scores of its features and outputs the final

score of the instance. In our proposed method, we employ the predic-tion function of ranking SVM to learn the fusion weight for the meta-search engine. To build ranking SVM, we should prepare for two things: (1) feature

selection, and (2) the preference of training data. In

our fusion model, we use the fusion weights of the

member search engines to build the feature vector of

an instance and use the labeled ground truth as the

training set. The specific details in our algorithm are described as follows.

Assume there is a meta-search engine denoted as MSE, which has n member search engines, denoted as SE 1, SE 2, …, SE n .

For a query q , each member search engine of the meta-search engine returns its ranking list, denoted as {rank 1, rank 2, …, rank n }. We define the results set G

of the meta-search engine for query q as G ={rank 1}∪

{rank 2}∪…∪{rank n }.

For any returned document d ∈G , we assign n

features for it to build the feature vector of the

documents. Each feature represents the retrieval

Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910

908 performance of one member search engine. Then we

set the value of each feature as the score of the document d obtained in the corresponding member

search engine.

d ={featur

e 1, feature 2, …, feature n } ={score 1, score 2, …, score n }. (5)

According to manual annotation or users’ feed-back, we obtain the target order of all the returned documents in the training set. Then we use the rank-ing SVM method to learn the weight of each feature, denoted as {wt 1, wt 2, …, wt n }. Thus, the output of the prediction process of ranking SVM is the fusion weight for each member search engine. Finally, we employ the linear fusion model to aggregate all the returned ranking lists and output a

new ranking list to the user. The final aggregate function is final 1

score ()score wt n

i i i d ==?∑. (6)

For example, assume there is a meta-search en-gine having five member search engines A, B, C, D, E. For a query q , A, B, C, D, E each returns its retrieved results. d 1, d 2, d 3, d 4 are all of the documents be-longing to the training set. The scores of each docu-ment returned by the five member search engines are shown as

d 1: {1, 1, 0, 0.2, 0}; d 2: {0, 0, 1, 0.1, 1};

d 3: {0, 1, 0, 0.4, 0}; d 4: {0, 0, 1, 0.3, 0}.

And the target order of the four documents is {3, 2, 1,

1}, which indicates that

1213142324,,,,d d d d d d d d d d ;;;;;.

Then we use the ranking SVM algorithm to train the weights for the five features, i.e., the fusion weights of each member search engine, and obtain the fol-lowing results: FusionWeight(A): wt 1=0.30000001, FusionWeight(B): wt 2=0.1, FusionWeight(C): wt 3=?0.1, FusionWeight(D): wt 4=?0.070000008, FusionWeight(E): wt 5=0.1. Given one instance of the testing set, d i : {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, the final score of d i is computed as

score(d i )=wt 1×1+wt 2×1+wt 3×1+wt 4×1+wt 5×1 =0.30000001+0.1?0.1?0.070000008+0.1 =0.330000002.

4 Experiments

The following experiments verify whether the SVM fusion model can successfully be applied to the meta-search engine. The experiments were based on the framework of MSearch, which has two member search engines, one being a text-based information retrieval (TBIR) system, and the other a content-

based information retrieval (CBIR) system. 4.1 Database The experiments were carried out on the data-base of the WikipediaMM2008 task. In ImageCLEF,

our text-based retrieval method won the first place of all the teams participating in the contest. The database includes about 150 000 pictures. The ground-truth results are given in the evaluation phase of the Wikipedia task including 75 topic queries and the relative pictures corresponding to the queries. In our

experiments, we randomly split the ground truth into two groups, one used as the training set including pictures covering 35 topic queries and the other as the testing set including the other pictures covering the other 40 topic queries. 4.2 Evaluation measurements Reasonable evaluation measurements can help to improve the performance of the retrieval system. In our experiments, we apply precision, recall, P@N , MAP (mean average precision), and R -precision as

the evaluation measurements.

Precision and recall are two widely used statis-tical measurements. Precision can be seen as a

measurement of exactness of fidelity, whereas recall is a measurement of completeness. In information retrieval, precision is defined as the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved by a search to

the total number of documents retrieved by that search, and recall is defined as the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved by a search to the total number of existing relevant documents (which should have been retrieved).

Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910 909

P@N is the precision of the top N returned

documents, defined as



i i P N d N ==∑, (7) where 1,if the document is relevant,rel()0,otherwise.i d ?=?

? MAP is the mean average precision over all queries, defined as 111111MAP AP rel ()(@),m m k

j j j j j j i j d P i m m R ===??==?????∑∑∑


where m is the total number of the queries, R j is the number of the relevant documents for the j th query, k is the number of the returned documents for the query, and rel j (d j ) and (P@i )j are the values of rel(d j ) and P@i for the j th query respectively. R -precision is precision at cutoff R , PC(R ), where R it the total number of relevant documents for the query. PC(R ) implicitly assigns a weight of 1/R to each of the top R documents in a list and a weight of 0 to every remaining document. 4.3 Experimental results

The experiments were used to evaluate the per-formance of our proposed fusion model for meta- search engines. We implemented the three fusion

models as discussed in Section 2. When training the ranking SVM, no kernel was used, and the trade-off between the training error and the margin was se-lected from C ∈{0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.10} by minimiz-ing the leave-one-out error on the training set.

Table 1 shows the predictive fusion weight of each member search engine. The performance of TBIR was better than that of CBIR as TBIR gained the larger fusion weight.

Table 2 lists the performance in many measures of the two retrieval systems. The text-based approach performed better than the content-based approach,

meaning that our fusion weights for the two search

engines are reasonable.

Table 2 shows the experimental results of fusion methods used for our cross-media meta-search system. For a meta-search engine, the efficiency of the results fusion method directly decides the final performance

of a meta-search engine. If the fusion method does not work well, the results fusion for a meta-search engine cannot improve the retrieval performance; instead, it may lower the retrieval performance of a meta-search engine. For a meta-search engine whose member

search engines have different performances, taking into account the fusion weights of the member search engines is necessary. Table 2 also shows than the Comb methods and RR methods did not improve the performance of the meta-search engines by emerging the results set while the other method played a posi-tive role in improving the performance of a meta-

search engine. Additionally, Table 2 shows that our fusion method outperformed all the other fusion methods in Table 1 Fusion weight of each member search Fusion weight C

0.10 4.511 188 0 3.229 812 4 0.05 3.679 782 9 2.907 241 8

0.03 3.311

431 4 2.479 491 2 0.01 2.148


7 1.600


3 TBIR: text-based information retrieval; CBIR: content-based information retrieval

Table 2 Experimental results on WikipediaMM2008

Run ID MAP P @5 P @10 P @20 RSVM, C =0.100.37370.6200 0.5025 0.3150 RSVM, C =0.050.37330.6200 0.5025 0.3175 RSVM, C =0.030.37340.6200 0.5025 0.3175 RSVM, C =0.010.37220.6150 0.5000 0.3000

Borda 0.36960.6000 0.5075 0.3000 CombSum 0.22520.3000 0.3375 0.2200 CombANZ 0.22550.3100 0.3325 0.2250 RoundRobin 0.31720.5250 0.4550 0.2850 Text 0.33630.5450 0.4625 0.2425 Cbir 0.24210.5350 0.4275 0.1725 Run ID P @30P @40 P @5 R -precision RSVM, C =0.100.18000.1525 0.1350 0.3693 RSVM, C =0.050.16750.1600 0.1325 0.3691 RSVM,

C =0.030.17500.1550 0.1350 0.3690 RSVM, C =0.010.17000.1625 0.1175 0.3743 Borda 0.20500.1350 0.1575 0.3702 CombSum 0.19500.1550 0.1300 0.2479 CombANZ 0.19250.1575 0.1300 0.2481 RoundRobin 0.18250.1400 0.1500 0.3285 text 0.19250.1375 0.1225 0.3527 cbir 0.09250.0800 0.0600 0.2763 RSVM: ranking SVM. MAP: mean average precision

Cao et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci C (Comput & Electron) 2010 11(11):903-910

910 several evaluation measurements. All of our four SVM fusion runs had higher MAP and R -precision values than the other fusion runs. In other evaluations,

our methods also showed a better performance. Ex-cept for the P @10, our four fusion methods achieved the best performance in P @N . Especially, the SVM

fusion run with C =0.10 showed the best performance;

it improved the MAP value from 0.3363 to 0.3737, 11.1% higher than that of the text-based retrieval system. Moreover, it showed the best R -precision

value as well, 4.7% higher than that of the text-based retrieval system. Fig. 4 is the precision-recall graph of the final results generated by all experimental fusion methods, showing that our method achieved the best


5 Conclusions

We propose a novel results fusion model based

on ranking SVM, taking into account both text and

visual features. We use the ranking SVM to generate an estimated fusion weight for a meta-search engine,

and a linear model to compute the final score of the returned documents. Result of experiments carried

out on the WikipediaMM database showed that the proposed method outperforms traditional fusion methods in terms of MAP, P @N , R -precision, and other evaluation measures. In the future, we will make

further efforts to design a more effective fusion model at low cost. References

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Fig. 4 The precision-recall graph of the final results

generated by each fusion method RSVM: ranking SVM 0


P r e c i s i o n
