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unit14 英语泛读教程第三册

unit14  英语泛读教程第三册
unit14  英语泛读教程第三册

Unit 14 Three Days to See

Ⅰ Objectives

1. Understanding the text

2. Mastery of some language points

3. Learning the writing style: autobiography

4. Knowing the life of Helen Keller

5.Learning from Helen Keller

6. Knowing how to read the administrative language

2.Mastery of some language points

3.Distinguish autobiography from biography

2.Mastery of the reading skill

3. Though being told to cherish our ability to see and hear some students

might still not value time so much

About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself.

Total class hours: three periods

1. Title:

?---What Helen Keller wished to see if she had the power of sight for just three days

2. Preview Questions

What would you do if you only have three days to see?

3. Related information

(1) About the author

Helen Keller (1880-1968) is one of the most remarkable persons born in the 19th century. She lost her eyesight and hearing at 19 months old. But she managed to overcome the double handicap of blindness & deafness and to take an active part in the life of the world. She graduated with honors from Radcliff College in 1904.

Since then she carried on a career that had really begun at the age of 11, when she arranged a tea party at which she collected money to help the education of a smaller deaf-blind child. Even in her eighties, she still spent her busy life in the

service of the other handicapped people. She traveled widely & had friends all over the world. Of course, she could never have accomplished this alone. Just as remarkable as Miss Killer was her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who undertook to lead her out of the darkness & enable her to have a normal life. Helen wrote a number of books, including her autobiography & a biography of Miss Sullivan.

During her life, Helen Keller was one of the world's great heroes. Her remarkable story was well known throughout the world. Born in 1880, she contracted an illness when she was less than 2 years old that left her unable to hear or see. At a time when the lives of most people, and certainly, most disabled people, were constrained by their society's medical, philosophical, social, and economic limitations, Miss Keller went on to develop formidable powers of intellectual and emotional achievement. She traveled to the farthest reaches of the world; became a leading figure who publicly campaigned on behalf of civil rights, human dignity, women's suffrage, and world peace; and met the most celebrated personalities of her time. It is therefore not surprising that Helen Keller today remains a woman whose astounding personality and accomplishments attract widespread admiration and awe.

(2) About Anne Sullivan

Anne Sullivan had lost most of her sight at the age of five. By the age of ten, her mother died and her father deserted her. She and her brother Jimmie were sent to the poorhouse in February 1876.

Anne's brother died in the poorhouse. It was October 1880 when Anne finally left and went to commence her education at the Perkins Institution. One summer during her time at the institute, Anne had two operations on her eyes, which led to her regaining enough sight to be able to read normal print for short periods of time.

Anne graduated from Perkins in 1886 and began to search for work. Finding work was terribly difficult for Anne, due to her poor eyesight, and when she received the offer from Michael Anagnos to work as the teacher of Helen Keller, a deaf-blind mute, although she had no experience in this area, she accepted it willingly. She worked very hard and was instrumental in the education of Keller.

(3)About the text

"Three Days to See" is the most beautiful piece of writing ever written by a blind person. Its language is lucid ,subtle and prosaic. It tells us the exact perception of

a blind and perhaps only a blind can write such a wonderful piece. Helen Keller,

from the point of view of a blind, tells us how to value our sight.

4.Text Analysis

Part I (para. 1-2): Introduction: What should we do if we are given only a few days to live?

Part II (para. 3-7): Two kinds of attitudes toward life: treasure each day, living with a ge ntleness, a vigor & a keenness of appreciation vs. “Eat, drink and be merry”

Part III (Para. 8-19): The author?s point of view: the seeing see little, not treasuring their sight much & paying little attention to the world around him by providing her own experience

& observation.

Part IV. (last para.): The author wishes that she could have the power of sight for just three days, emphasizing the preciousness of sight.

5. Language points

1. infancy - the earliest period of childhood, especially before the ability to walk has been

acquired. 婴(幼)儿期,尤指还不会走路的那一段时期

2. condemn - to pronounce judgment against; sentence 对…作出判决;宣判

3. sphere – (1) the extent of a person's knowledge, interests, or social position 范围,一个人


(2) an area of power, control, or influence; domain.


4. mortal - of or relating to humankind; human 人类的、与人类有联系的

5. vigor – (1) physical or mental strength, energy, or force 体力,精力,活力

(2) strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity.


6. appreciation – (1) an expression of gratitude


(2) awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values 欣赏,尤指审


7. panorama - an unbroken view of an entire surrounding area, vista 全景,包括周围所有区


8. Epicurean - Of or relating to Epicurus or Epicureanism 伊壁鸠鲁(学说)的

Epicurean - n. a devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure 享乐主义者

9. motto - a maxim adopted as a guide to one…s conduct 座右铭, 格言, 题词

10. chasten – discipline by inflicting suffer 惩戒, 责罚; 折磨

11. impend - to be about to take place即将发生的:

Her retirement is impending.她马上要退休了

12. stroke - a sudden occurrence or result一次突然发生或一个突然的结果

a stroke of luck; a stroke of misfortune 一次走运;一次不幸

13. mellow - suggesting softness or sweetness柔和的,甜蜜的

14. take……for granted - 认为理所当然

15. buoyant – (1) having or marked by buoyancy 有浮力的,显示浮力的

a buoyant balloon; buoyant spirits一个漂浮起来的气球;高涨的情绪

(2) lighthearted; gay 轻松的,活泼的

in a buoyant mood 轻松的心情

16. go about - to set about to do; undertake着手做;承担

Go about your chores in a responsible way.


17. pretty – small, unimportant

18. lethargy - a state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy


19. faculties – (1) an inherent power or ability 天赋,先天的智能或能力

(2) any of the powers or capacities possessed by the human mind, ability能力,技能

20. manifold - many and varied; of many kinds; multiple 繁多的;多种的;多个的:

our manifold failings 我们在各方面的损失

21. apply to - to be pertinent or relevant 适用

a rule that applies to everyone 适用于每个人的规则

22. impairment – loss

23. take in - to look at thoroughly; view 详尽地看;注视

took in the sights 饱览各个景色

24. hazily – vaguely

25. strike – to afflict suddenly, as with a disease or an impairment 侵袭,如由疾病或伤害使


26. now and then (again)- occasionally

27. incredulous - Skeptical; disbelieving 怀疑的;不相信的

incredulous of stories about flying saucers


28. mere - being nothing more than what is specified 仅仅的,不超过所明确指出的

a mere child; a mere 50 cents an hour 不过是个孩子;每小时仅50美分

29. symmetry - beauty as a result of balance or harmonious arrangement 对称美,平衡或和


30. shaggy - having a rough nap or surface, as a textile 表面粗糙的

31. velvety - suggestive of the texture of velvet; soft and smooth 丝绒般的;柔软光滑的

velvety skin 光滑柔软的皮肤

32. texture - a structure of interwoven fibers or other elements (交织纤维或其它成份的)结构

33. convolution - a form or part that is folded or coiled 盘旋结构,卷曲或盘绕的形式或部

34. quiver - the act or motion of quivering 颤动

35. lush - having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation

葱翠的, 有或以茂盛植被为特征的

36. spongy - resembling a sponge in elasticity, absorbency, or porousness.


37. pageant - colorful, showy display; pageantry or pomp 炫耀的展示

38. compulsory - obligatory; required 必修的,义务的;要求的:

a compulsory examination 必要的考试

39. dormant - latent but capable of being activated 潜在的但能够被激活的

dormant faculties 潜在的智力

40. sluggish - slow; inactive 慢的;不活跃的:

a sluggish stream; sluggish growth 缓缓的小溪;缓慢的生长

41. interven –(of time) come between (指时间)介于其间

42. loom - to come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image


43. accomplish - to succeed in doing; 成功地完成

44. compassion - deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve

it 怜悯,同情,对别人的痛苦深入了解,伴随着解脱此痛苦的希望

45. deny – refuse to give (sth. asked for or needed) 联不给(所请求或需要之物)

46. fleeting - passing quickly; transient 飞逝的;短暂的

47. countenance - appearance, especially the expression of the face 表情,外表,尤指面部


48. casual - not close or intimate 不熟悉的,不亲近的

49. subtlety – (1) the quality or state of being subtle 细微,微妙的性质或状态

(2) something subtle, especially a nicety of thought or a fine distinction.


50. occur - to come to mind 闪现进入大脑

The idea never occurred to me. 这个想法闪现在我脑海

51. standing - continuance in time; duration 持续(存在)时间

a friendship of long standing 永恒的友谊

52. chronic – (1) of long duration; continuing 长期的;持续的

chronic money problems 长期的金钱困扰

(2) subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for a long time 惯常的的行为习惯或方

式:a chronic liar 一贯说谎的人

53. the startling – that which gives a shock of surprise

54. the spectacular – that which attracts public attention

55. eyewitness - a person who has seen someone or something and can bear witness to the fact


Were there any eyewitnesses to the murder crime?这桩谋杀案有没有见证人?

Sentences analysis

1). Sometimes it was as long as a year; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours.


In this sentence, the word 'it' refers to 'a limited and specified time' mentioned in the previous sentence.

2).The Epicurean motto(享乐主义的信条)

Epicurus :(342-270 B.C.), a Greek philosopher who founded Epicureanism. He defined philosophy as the art of making life happy, saying that pleasure is the highest and only good. Epicurus also advocated honesty, prudence, and justice in dealing with others.

3). Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.


Inversion is used here for rhetoric effort, and its natural order should be: This observation particularly applies to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.

4)When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable.


in buoyant health: in good health condition

5)Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see.

Seeing friends:有视力的朋友。

6)He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.


Faculties refers to the natural powers of the mind or body.

7)The eyes of seeing persons soon become accustomed to the routine of their surroundings, and they actually see only the startling and spectacular.

The startling and spectacular means things that are startling and spectacular.

6.. Writing Style

1. autobiography - the biography of a person written by that person 自传

biography - an account of a person's life written, composed, or produced by another:


2. personification - A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions

are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form, as in Hunger sat shivering on the road or Flowers danced about the lawn 拟人,人格化(给无生命的东西或者抽象的东西赋予人的个性或绘以人的形象),如句子: 饥饿站在路上颤抖或花儿在草地上翩翩起舞

3. parallel - the use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in

corresponding clauses 排比, 平行结构的运用(在相应的句子中运用相同的或可替换的句法结构)

7. Questions for discussion:

(1)In this text, which sentences touched you most? Why?

(2)From this text, what can we learn from Keller?

(3) How do you value your eyesight and hearing?

(4) Suppose you?re deaf and blind, how would you liv e?

8.Exercises about the text

9. Reading Skills: Reading the Administrative language

10. Fast Reading & Exercises

2.Review the whole book and prepare for the final examination

Additional information

I. Information Related to the Text “Beethoven”

1. About the author Anne Pimlott Baker is a Research Associate on the New Dictionary of National Biography. From an Anglo-American background (in 1898 her grandmother was the first woman to qualify for a Harvard PhD), she read Modern History at Oxford and has taught history at Benenden School.

Beethoven is an excellent book written by Anne Pimlott Baker. This biography of the great composer was only just over 100 pages long, and in a generously spaced layout. It was good, in a bare-bones kind of way. It contains the basic facts of Beethoven's life, talks about when he was composing what, discusses his deafness and his personal relationships with others.

On the other hand, there is no real discussion of the music, neither its characteristics nor its impact on the people around Beethoven. Beethoven also comes across as an eccentric misanthrope in a rather unqualified way. Perhaps this is accurate, but there just isn't space in the book to provide more nuances.

2. About Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, composer to ever live. Most people are familiar with a few of his works, if nothing more than the beginning of the Fifth Symphony, the Finale of the Ninth Symphony and the "Moonlight" Sonata. Beethoven's story is one of personal triumph over tragedy and supreme musical achievement.

II. Language notes

1. Elector: one of the German princes entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

2. Gradus ad Parnassum (1725): a treatise on sixteenth-century counterpoint in the style of Palestrina by Johann Joseph Fux,(1660-1741),teacher of Caldara in 1716, Zelenka and Quantz in 1717, and imperial court composer in Vienna from 1715. In 1745 Gradus was translated into German by Bach's pupil Lorenz Christoph Mizler.

3. op.表示作品第几号,如piano sonata,op.2, 钢琴奏鸣曲作品第二。

4. piano concerto in Bь,op.19: 降B 大调钢琴奏鸣曲作品第19。Bь表示降B大调。

5. C# major: 升C大调。

6. Although in general he disliked teaching, he had a soft spot for some of the aristocratic young ladies who came to him for lessons, and when the young countesses Josephine and Therese von Brunsvik came to Vienna from Hungary in 1799, he taught them for four or five hours a day on sixteen consecutive days, and refused any payment.

In this sentence the expression 'had a soft spot for' means 'had a feeling of special kindness or liking for'.

7. Eroica: Heroic.

8. Concordat: an agreement between the pope and a secular government regarding ecclesiastical matters.

9. Sinfonia Eroica: the Latin name for Heroic Symphony.

10. The symphony had a mixed reception, and many people felt it was far too long.

( 人们对这首交响乐的反应好坏不一,许多人认为它太长.)

The phrase 'mixed reception' refers to the controversial opinion of the work.

英语泛读教程3 课文翻译

UNIT 2 英国人的谨慎和礼貌 在许多人看来,英国人极为礼貌,同他们交朋友很难。但愿下列文字能够帮助你更好地了解英国人的性格特点。 对于其他欧洲人来说,英国人最著名的特点是“谨慎”。一个谨慎的人不太会和陌生人聊天,不会流露出太多的情感,并且很少会兴奋。要了解一个谨慎的人并非易事;他从不告诉你有关他自己的任何事,也许你和他工作了几年,却连他住在哪儿,有几个孩子,兴趣是什么,都不知道。英国人就有类似的倾向。如果乘公共汽车去旅行,他们会尽量找一个没人坐的位子;如果是乘火车,他们会找一个没人的单间。如果他们不得不与陌生人共用一个单间时,那么即使火车驶出了很多英里,他们也不会开口交谈。一旦谈起来的话,他们不会轻易问及像“你几岁?”或者甚至“你叫什么名字?”等私人问题。像“你的手表是在哪儿买的?”或者“你的收入是多少?”这样的问题几乎不可想象。同样,在英国,人们交谈时一般声音都很轻、很有节制,大声谈话会被视为没有教养。 在某种程度上,不愿意与他人交流是一种不幸的品质,因为它可能会给人造成态度冷淡的印象。而事实上,英国人(也许除了北方人)并不以慷慨和好客而著称。而另一方面,虽然谨慎使他们不易与人沟通,但他们内心还是很有人情味的。如果一个陌生人或外国人友善地将这种隔阂打破那么一会儿,他们可能会满心欢喜。 与英国人的谨慎紧密相连的品质是英国式的谦逊。在内心深处,英国人可能比任何人都高傲,但是当他们与别人相处时,他们十分看重谦逊的品质,至少要表现出谦虚的样子。自我标榜会被认为没有教养。让我们假设,有一个人非常擅长打网球,但如果有人问他是否是个优秀选手时,他很少会说“是”,不然,人们会认为他很高傲。他可能会作出类似这样的回答,“不算太差,”或者“嗯,我非常喜欢网球。”这样的自我贬低是典型的英国式的。而且当这一品质与他们的谨慎混合在一起时,常常形成一种漠然的气氛,这在外国人看来难于理解,甚至令人恼火。 著名的英国人的幽默感也是大同小异。它的出发点是自我贬低,它的最大对手是高傲,它的理想境界是自嘲的能力——嘲笑自己的错误、自己的失败和窘境,甚至自己的理想。在英国,人们非常看重幽默感,常常能听到“他一点幽默感都没有”这样的批评。幽默感是一种对生活的态度而并非仅仅是开玩笑的能力。这种态度决非残酷、不敬或是怀有恶意的。英国人不会嘲笑一个跛子或者疯子,也不会嘲笑一个悲剧或者一次可敬的失败。同情心或者对艺术技巧的崇敬比嘲笑的份量重得多。 同幽默感一样,运动员精神是英国式的理想,这一点并非所有的英国人都做得到。必须认识到,现代形式的运动几乎都是英国人发明的。拳击、英式足球、网球以及板球都是在英国首次组织并且制定出规则的。规则是运动的精髓,运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力,同时也表现在对对手的慷慨大度,以及失败后的良好心态。此外,运动员精神作为一种理想模式也普遍适用于日常生活。其中最基本的生活规则之一就是“不打跌倒的人”。换言之,就是不要利用别人的不幸。英国的男孩子常常在相互交往中把这种运动员精神表现得淋漓尽致。 英国人的另一特点就是礼貌。总的来说,英国式的礼貌习惯都不很正式。所有的礼貌都是建立在这样的基本原则之上:为别人着想,同时也认可别人对你的关心。在麻烦别人时,如:从某人前面经过,或者打断某人的谈话,或者向陌生人请教问题时,要先说“对不起”,为给对方带来的不便预先道歉。“抱歉”一词表示对意外打扰或者违反礼仪的歉意。如果有人提出或者暗示某个要求,如:“我可以借你的钢笔吗嘛?”或者“现在几点了?”或者“还有七码的鞋吗?”,而你无法满足这种要求时,也要说“抱歉”而不是“不”。“请原谅?”是用来要求别人重复所说内容时的礼貌说法。在英国,除了在学校,人们在请求发言时,不再用“请”这个词。在国外非常普遍的词组“不,请”,在英国本土听起来却会很别扭。“好

大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 1_Test Bank_Unit 12

Unit 12 A Bang for the Buck A. Vocabulary 1. Mr. Scrooge was very ______ with his money so was rarely seen buying anything from the street shops. a. trendy b. frugal c. athletic d. organic 2. My brother loves to buy the latest ______ because he says they are so cool and useful. a. cash b. sources c. surveys d. gadgets 3. The puppies at the city shelter were so cute that we decided to ______ two of them. a. adopt b. survey c. rely on d. account for 4. Some people ______ their yearly bonus to buy expensive products such as large appliances. a. survey b. rely on c. increase d. snap up 5. One ______ of global warming is that the overall temperature of the Earth has risen in the last few decades. a. source b. indicator c. survey d. pocket 6. Companies will often ______ shoppers to ask them about the products they like. a. survey b. source c. indicate d. adopt 7. ______ fruits and vegetables have become increasingly popular since they don’t contain chemicals. a. Trendy b. Frugal c. Cutting-edge d. Organic 8. The newest smartphone uses ______ technology to charge its battery. a. frugal b. cutting-edge c. organic d. athletic B. Grammar 9. As a student you usually need ______ on a small weekly budget. a. get by b. getting by c. to get by d. gets by 10. I’m goi ng to have a small snack ______ me ______ until dinnertime. a. tides / over b. to tide / over c. tided / over d. tiding / over 11. I usually ______ and compare prices before making any large purchases. a. shop around b. shops around c. shopped around d. shopping around 12. If I ______ multi-millionaire I ______ travel around the world in my private jet. a. was / will b. am / would c. were / will d. were / would 13. If I ______ you weren’t feeling well, I would have canceled our date. a. had known b. have known c. were to know d. was to know


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案 Unit 1 Text: A. c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A. d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb Unit 4 Text: A. c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A. c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A. b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7 Text: A. d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A. c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A. c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:A. c B. cdccd bacac D. dcdbc acadc bd Fast Reading: dbdcc dccdb bddca Home Reading: cadcb acbb Unit 11 Text: A. d B. adacc dcb D. abacb dcaab adc Fast Reading: dcdab ccbda ccbca


英语泛读教程1第三版答案unit1-3 Unit 1 Text: Invented Words A. d B. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.b D. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.b Fast Reading: 1.d 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.d 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.a Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.d Unit 2 Text: The English Reserve and Politeness A. b B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a D. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.d Home Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.d Unit 3 Text: Bursting the Magic Bubble A. d B. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.c D. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a Fast Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.a 11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.d Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.b


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案Unit 1 Text: A.c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A.d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb

Text: A.c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A.c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A.b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7

A.d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A.c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A.c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:


Unit 1 Text: A. d B. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. c, 7. a 8. c 9. d C. 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. d Fast Reading: 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. d 10. c 11. c 12. c 13. b 14. c 15. d Home Reading: 1. d 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. d 10.c Unit 2 Text: A. d B. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. c, 7. a 8. c C. 1. a 2. d 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. a Fast Reading: 1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. a 11. d 12. d 13. d 14. c 15. d Home Reading: 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. d 9. d 10. b 11. b 12. a Unit 3 Text: A.c B.1.c 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c 6、d 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.d 11,d 12.c C.1.b 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.a 7.a 8.d 9.a 10.a Fast Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.d 12.d 13.d 14.d 15.b Home Reading: 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.b Unit 4 Text: A.c B.1.b 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.c C.1.a 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.c Fast Reading: 1.c 2.c 3,d 4.a 5。b 6.b 7.d 8、b 9.c

英语泛读教程第三版3(主编刘乃银)Extra Passage 4

英语泛读教程第三版3(主编刘乃银)Extra Passage 4 Let us out from a fact. The same type of civilizations, or to use a more exact ,although more extended expression , the same society, has hot always inhabited the earth. The human race as a whole has grown, has developed, has matured, like one of ourselves. It was once a child, it was once man; we are now looking on at its impressive old age. Before the epoch which modern society has dubbed “ancient”there was another epoch which the ancient called “fabulous” but which it would be more accurate to call “primitive”. Observe then three great successive orders of things in civilization, from its origin down to our days. Now, as poetry is always superposed upon society, we propose to try to demonstrate, from the from of its society, what the character of the poetry must have been in those three great ages of the would primitive times, ancient times, modern times. In primitive times, when man awakes in a world that is newly created, poetry awakes with him. In the face of the marvelous things that dazzle him, his first speech is a hymn simply. He is still, so close to God that all his thoughts are joyful, all his dreams are visions. The earth is still almost deserted. There are families, but no nations; patriarchs, but no kings. Each race exist at its own pleasure; no property, no laws, no conventions, no wars. Everything belongs to each and to all. Society is community. Man is restrained in nought. He leads that nomadic pastoral life with which all civilization begin, and which is so well adapted to solitary contemplation, to fanciful reverie. He follows every suggestion, he goes hither and thither, at random. His thought, like his life, resembles a cloud that changes its shape and its direction according to the wind that drives it. Such is the first man, such is the first port. He is young; he is cynical. Prayer is his sole religion, the ode is his only form of poetry. This ode, this poem of primitive times, is Genesis. By slow degrees, however, this youth of the world pass away. All the spheres progress; the tribe becomes a nation. Each of these groups of men camps about a common center, ang kingdoms appear. The social instinct succeeds the nomadic instinct. The camp gives place these states of nations; the pastoral staff has already assumed the shape of a scepter. Everything tends to become stationary and fixed. Religion takes on a definite shape; prayer is governed by rites; dogma sets bunds to worship. Thus the priest and king share the paternity of the people; thus theocratic society succeeds the patriarchal community. Meanwhile the nations are beginning to be packed too closely on the earth’s surface. They annoy and jostle one another; hence the clash of empires-war. They overflow upon another; hence the migrations of nations-voyages. Poetry reflects these momentous events; from ideas it proceeds to things. It sing of ages, of nations of empires…



Unit 1 Text: Exercises A: c B. 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.d 8.c D. 1.a 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.d 6.c 7.d 8.b Fast reading 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.d 11.c 12.b 13.b 14.d 15.c Home Reading 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d 6.a 7.a 8. b Cloze1 1.going/about/trying 2.expectations/predictions 3.questions 4.answers 5. predictions/expectations 6.Tell 7.know/foretell 8.develop/present 9.worth Extra Passage 1 Key:BBCA

Unit 2 Text: Exercises A: b B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a D. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c Fast reading 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.d Home Reading 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8. b 9.d Cloze 2 1. communicate 2. ways. 3. using 4. of 5. Message 6. meet 7. causes 8. Meanings 9. to 10. eyes Extra Passage 2 Key: ADBCB

英语泛读教程1第三版(刘乃银编)问题详解(含cloze和extra passage)

U1 Part A: c Part B: c, d, d, a, d, c, a, c, d Part C: b, b, d, d, a, d, c, b, d, d Fast Reading (P8) c, d, b, c, a a/d, a, c, d, a c, c, b, c, d Home Reading (P15) d, b, b, a/d, c, b, a, b, d, c Extra Passage for Careful-Reading A, C, D, B, B, C 1. [A]【定位】第2段第3句。 【解析】根据原文该句母亲所问的问题可以推断母亲接到电话的时候,第一个反应是“担心”,因此本题应选选项A。本题最具有干扰性的是选项C,suspicious和第2段最后一句中的suspect属于同一个词族,但要注意的是,在文中suspect是“猜想”的意思,而不是“怀疑”的意思,而suspicious只有“怀疑的、可疑的”意思,这样来看就知道选项C不符合原文的内容了。 2. [C]【定位】第4段最后两句。 【解析】可以说,母亲的朋友也应该是老年人,他们应该也像母亲一样很少能和儿女聚会,由此可推断,他们认为作者通过邀请母亲吃饭而表达对母亲的爱,作者这样做让他们很感动,因此本题应选选项C。作者和母亲的晚餐聚会发生在原文提到impressed这个动作之后,而原文没有提及在聚会之后朋友们的感觉,因此选项A是不正确的;选项D是几乎每个父母都有的感觉,朋友们不可能因此而感动。 3. [D]【定位】第5段第2句。 【解析】从原文前5段的内容可以推断母亲觉得自己像第一夫人是因为她那天很高兴,能和儿子一起吃饭让她觉得很得意,而且也以儿子为荣,因此,本题选择选项D最合适。我们可以用另一个方法快速锁定正确答案。原文该句中的as if 表示一种感觉,在四个选项中,只有选项D中的felt表示感觉,其他三个选项的动词都用于描述现实,在这种情况下,即使选项C中的important在现实中也可用来形容当第一夫人的感觉,也可以马上排除了。 4. [B]【定位】第8段第1句。 【解析】原文该句中的recent events表明母亲在吃饭时谈起的是最近发生的事,在4个选项中选项B提到的时间是最近的,因此选项B为本题答案。选项C的memory与第6段末句中的nostalgic意思相关,但原文该句只表明母亲想起了过去,但不一定在吃饭时就“主要”谈起过去,因此选项C是不正确的。 5. [B]【定位】第9段和最后两段。 【解析】从第9段的I'll go out with you again可以知道母亲在提出请儿子吃饭时,她还是想着自己一定会去的,根据倒数第2段最后两句和最后一段的哲理可以推断母亲当时提出邀请是因为她也要让儿子知道她很爱他。由此可见,本题应选选项B。倒数第2段第5句表明母



Unit 1 Love Step one: Reading skill on Page 7 ①subheading: a title that divides part of a piece of writing into shorter sections小标题 subtitle: a second title which is often longer and explains more than the main title.副标题 ②preface: an introduction at the beginning of a book, which explains what the book is about or why it was written. 序言 ③index: an alphabetical list that is printed at the back of a book and tells you on which pages important topics are referred to 索引 indices ④glossary ⑤appendix: extra information that is placed after the end of the main text 附录; a small closed tube inside your body which is attached to your digestive system阑尾 pend=attach depend on ⑥bibliography bible ⑦supplement: an additional section, written some time after the main text and published either at the end of the book or separately(书籍的)补编,补遗,附录 Step two: Background information about Text in Unit 1 Some poems that sing high praise for love


高等教育出版社刘乃银主编 《英语泛读教程(第三版)》第三册 练习答案(1-5单元) Unit 1 Text: Invented Words A. c B. 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.d 8.c D. 1.a 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.d 6.c 7.d 8.b Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.d 11.c 12.b 13.b 14.d 15.c Home Reading: 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d 6.a 7.a 8.b Unit 2 Text: The English Reserve and Politeness A. b B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a D. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.d Home Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.d Unit 3 Text: Bursting the Magic Bubble A. d B. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.c D. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a Fast Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.a 11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.d Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.b Unit 4 Text: Seeking Steady Arm to Lean On A. c B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.d 7.c D. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.c

英语泛读教程3 第三版 学生用书 答案

U1 Text Main idea: C Comprehension the text: Bdabb ddc Understanding vocabulary: addad cdb Fast reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home reading: dacdd aab U2 Text Main idea: b Comprehension the text:ddbcd cca Understanding vocabulary: baada caac Fast reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home reading: cbdcc dbbd U3 Text Main idea: d Comprehension the text: badab bdddc Understanding vocabulary: bddba cbcaa Fast reading: cbbbac cdda ccdad Home reading: dbcbd dbdb U4 Text Main idea: c Comprehension the text: ddbcd dc Understanding vocabulary: abdbb ADDAD BC Fast reading: DBCCD BDADD BAACD Home reading: DCDAC BCD U5 Text Main idea: C Comprehension the text: ABDAA DCBD Understanding vocabulary: DBABD DABCB DA Fast reading: CAABD CBDDC CDBAA Home reading: BCCDB DC U6 Text Main idea: B Comprehension the text: CDCAB DDAD

英语泛读教程3 第三版 平台答案

Unit 1 Text: Exercises A: c B. D. Fast reading Home Reading 8. b Cloze1 1.going/about/trying 2.expectations/predictions 3.questions 4.answers 5. predictions/expectations 6.Tell 7.know/foretell 8.develop/present 9.worth Extra Passage 1 Key:BBCA Unit 2 Text: Exercises

A: b B. D. Fast reading Home Reading 8. b Cloze 2 1. communicate 2. ways. 3. using 4. of 5. Message 6. meet 7. causes 8. Meanings 9. to 10. eyes Extra Passage 2 Key: ADBCB Unit 3 Text: Exercises A: d

B. D. Fast reading Home Reading 8. d Cloze3 1.poor 2.habits 3.Lies 4. little 5.Unfortunately 6.what 7.slows 8.one reads. 9. than 10.Comprehension 11. cover Extra Passage 3 Key: DBABA Unit 4 Text: Exercises A: c B.

D. Fast reading Home Reading Cloze 4 1. studied 2.Satisfaction 3.reduced 4.reported 5.whose 6.published 7.on 8.such 9.illustrate/show/indicate 10. contributions Extra Passage 4 Key: ADDB Unit 5 Text: Exercises A: c B. D. Fast reading


Unit2 劳拉·英格尔·威尔德写了很多书,讲述她在荒野里的生活。本文是从中选出的一个真实故事。1872年,她们全家住在威斯康辛州大森林边儿上的一幢小木屋中。方圆几里之内没有一户人家,也远离所有的城镇。一天,她父亲外出,荒野中只剩下她们母女四人。晚上,来了一只大熊,她们该怎么办呢?她们最后会安然无恙吗?请看下面的故事。 一天, 爸爸说春天来了。大森林中的雪已经开始融化。雪块儿从树枝上掉下来,落在下面松软的雪堆上,形成一个个小洞。午间的时侯,屋檐下所有的大冰柱在阳光下颤动闪烁。在冰柱尖儿上,一颗颗小水珠摇摇欲坠。 爸爸说,他得去城里一趟,卖掉他一冬捕获的兽皮。一天晚上, 他扎了很大一捆毛皮。毛皮太多,爸爸把它们紧紧捆在一起时, 这堆毛皮几乎和他一样高。 清晨, 爸爸把这一大捆毛皮背在肩上, 向城镇出发了。因为毛皮太多,他没有带枪。 妈妈很担心。但爸爸说,如果日出前就出发,并且快些走,他可以在天黑前赶回来。 最近的城镇也很远。劳拉和玛莉从没见过城镇, 也没见过商店。她们甚至从未见过两幢连在一起的房子。但是她们知道城里有好多的房屋, 还有一家满是糖果、印花布和其他神奇东西的商店。在那里可以买到火药、子弹、盐和糖。 她们知道,爸爸会用毛皮从镇上的店主那儿换回漂亮东西的。整整一天,她们等着爸爸给她们带回礼物。太阳下沉到树梢上, 冰柱上的水也不再往下滴, 她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。 太阳已经不见了, 森林也渐渐暗了下来, 爸爸没有回来。妈妈准备好晚餐, 摆好了桌子, 爸爸还是没有回来。到了平时干杂活的时间, 他依然没有回来。 妈妈说,劳拉可以和她一起去挤牛奶, 因为劳拉可以帮忙提灯笼。 劳拉穿上了外套, 妈妈帮她系好扣子。妈妈点燃了灯笼里的蜡烛, 劳拉则戴上了她的红色手套。两只手套由一根红纱绳连着, 挂在脖子上。 能去帮妈妈挤牛奶,劳拉感到十分自豪。她小心翼翼地提着灯笼。灯笼壁是用锡皮做的, 上面有一些豁口,以便烛光透出来。 劳拉跟在妈妈身后向牲畜棚走去。一路上, 灯笼里透出点点烛光,在她身周的雪地上跃。夜还不是太深, 森林里已经暗下来。铺满白雪的小路隐隐泛着灰色的光,夜空中悬挂着几颗暗淡的星星。看上去,这几颗星星还不如灯笼的微光那么温暖明亮。 劳拉看到“棕色奶牛苏凯"的身影立在棚场门口时, 不禁吃了一惊。妈妈也十分纳闷。 这样的早春时分,还不能放苏凯出去到大森林吃草。它通常住在牲畜棚里。不过,天气暖和时, 爸爸也会把棚门敞开, 好让它到棚场里活动活动。妈妈和劳拉看到它正站在栅栏门后等着她们。 妈妈走到门口, 试图推开门。但是因为苏凯挡在那儿,门无法完全打开。妈妈说:“苏凯, 到一边去!”她把手伸过门去, 拍了拍苏凯的肩膀。 这时, 跳动的灯笼光恰好照亮了栅栏间的缝隙。劳拉看到杂乱的黑色长毛, 还有两只发亮的小眼睛。 苏凯的毛又短又薄, 而且是棕色的。苏凯的眼睛大而温和。妈妈说:“劳拉, 走回屋里去!”

大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 1_Test Bank_Unit 01

Unit 1 All the World’s Stage A. Vocabulary 1. Sophia is a wonderful cook. She has a ______ for making delicious dishes. a. form b. gain c. benefit d. knack 2. The new smartphone is really ______ since it comes in so many different colors. a. portraying b. exporting c. appealing d. liking 3. Scientists have recently found small sea creatures to be ______ at the bottom of the ocean with little or no sunlight. a. thriving b. viewing c. exporting d. launching 4. Sandy’s grades have a ______ increase this year compared to last year. a. glamorous b. serialized c. traditional d. notable 5. The manager ______ with a plan to cut the company’s costs in half. a. drew up b. made up c. came up d. broke up 6. My mom always makes me ______ my jacket when I arrive home from school. a. hang up b. set up c. turn up d. beat up 7. When making small talk with a stranger you should never ______ the subjects of salary, politics or religion. a. come up b. set up c. give up d. bring up 8. ______, most Americans drink coffee instead of tea with their breakfasts. a. Globally b. Typically c. Culturally d. Internationally B. Grammar 9. A: So what kinds of books are you interested in? B: ______ a. Yes, they’re interesting. b. All kinds of novels c. No, I’m not intereste d. d. All kinds of articles 10. Lisa loves going to the beach ______. a. every day b. now c. right now d. daytime 11. Amy is ______ about studying in the U.S. next year. a. thinks b. think c. thought d. thinking 12. I’ve ______ this new Korean drama on TV this month. It’s so romantic! a. watching b. been watching c. watched d. watches 13. He’s ______ ten slices of pizza so far. Why is he so hungry? a. eating b. eaten c. been eating d. been eat 1
