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总帐科目长文本短文本10010101现金-CNY Cash on Hand - CNY 10010102现金-USD Cash on Hand - USD 10010103现金-EUR Cash on Hand - EUR 10010104现金-HKD Cash on Hand - HKD 10020101银行存款-CNY-中国银行Cash in BOC - CNY 10020102银行存款-CNY-工商银行Cash in I&C - CNY 10020201银行存款-USD-中国银行Cash in BOC - USD 10020301银行存款-EUR-中国银行Cash in BOC - EUR 10020401银行存款-HKD-中国银行Cash in BOC - HKD 10090101其他货币资金-信用证保证金-农行Other cash and cash 10090201其他货币资金-承兑汇票保证金-工行Other cash and cash 11010100短期投资Short-term investmnt 11020100短期投资跌价准备Short-term investmnt 11110101应收票据-汇票Notes Receivable 11110199应收票据-评估调整Notes Receivable 11310101应收账款-国内Account Receivable 11310199应收账款-国内调整账户Account Receivable 11310201应收账款-国外-USD Account Receivable 11310202应收账款-国外-EUR Account Receivable 11310203应收账款-国外-HKD Account Receivable 11310299应收账款-国外-评估调整Account Receivable 11330101其他应收款-其他应收单位款Other Accounts Rece. 11330103其他应收款-其他应收个人款Other Accounts Rece. 11330199其他应收款-评估调整Other Accounts Rece. 11410101坏账准备-应收账款Provision Bad Debt 11410102坏账准备-其他应收账款准备金Provision Bad Debt 11510101预付账款Down payment(Vendor) 11510102预付定金申请 (客户)Down payment request 11510103预付款请求 (供应商)Down payment request 11510199预付账款-评估调整Down payment(Vendor) 12010101物资采购GR/IR

12010102物资采购-评估调整GR/IR - adjsmnt val. 12010103材料采购-BNG GR/IR - BNG 12010104材料采购-GNB GR/IR - GNB 12010199物资采购-重组调整GR/IR - adjustment 12110100原材料Raw Materials 12110200原材料-进料加工Raw Materials-proc. 12120100材料成本差异-价格差异CVM-Price variances 12120200材料成本差异-物料转移差异CVM-Mat. Mov. Var. 12120300材料成本差异-价格更改差异CVM-Pric.chng.var. 12120400生产订单差异Product order varic. 12120401生产订单差异Product order varic. 12120402生产订单混合价格差异Product order mixed 12120403生产订单差异(废品)Product order varic. 12210101包装物Packaging Materials 12310101低值易耗品Low Value and Short 12410101半成品Semi-finished Goods 12410102半成品-进料加工Semi-finished Goods 12430100库存商品Inventory

12430200库存商品-进料加工Inventory - external 12430300发出商品Goods shipped in tra 12430400在制品Work in process(WIP) 12430404生产订单差异_数量差异Production order var 12510100委托加工物资-加工费Consigned procession 12510101委托加工物资Consigned procession 12510200委托加工物资-转出Consigned procession 12610100广宣品Goods for advertisem 12810100存货跌价准备-原材料跌价准备Inventory falling pr 12810200存货跌价准备-自制半成品跌价准备Inventory falling pr

12810300存货跌价准备-产成品跌价准备Inventory falling pr 12910100分期收款发出商品Merchandise shipped 13010100待摊费用Deferred and prepaid 14010100长期股权投资Long-term investment 14020201长期债权投资long-term investment 14210101长期投资减值准备Long-term investment 15010100固定资产-房屋及建筑物Fixed Assets - Biuld 15010200固定资产-机器设备Fixed Assets - machi 15010300固定资产-运输设备Fixed Assets - conve 15010400固定资产-电子设备Fixed Assets - elect 15010500固定资产-外购软件Fixed Assets - outso 15010600固定资产-其他办公设备Fixed Assets - other 15020100累计折旧-房屋及建筑物Accumulated deprecia 15020200累计折旧-机器设备Accumulated deprecia 15020300累计折旧-运输设备Accumulated deprecia 15020400累计折旧-电子设备Accumulated deprecia 15020500累计折旧-外购软件Accumulated deprecia 15020600累计折旧-其他办公设备Accumulated deprecia 15020700累计摊销-无形资产摊销Accumulated amortiza 15020800低值易耗品摊销Accumulated amortiza 15050100固定资产减值准备Fixed assets depreci 15050200固定资产-预付定金Fixed assets - down 16010100工程物资Project goods and ma 16030100在建工程Construction-in-proc 16040101在建工程-预付定金Construction-in-proc 16040102在建工程-预付清算Construction-in-proc 16050100在建工程减值准备Construction-in-proc 17010100固定资产清理Liquidation of fixed 18010100无形资产-土地使用权Intangible assets 18010101无形资产Intangible assets 18010200无形资产-商标Intangible assets 18010300无形资产-软件Intangible assets 18010400无形资产-专利Intangible assets 18050100无形资产减值准备Intangible Assets de 18150100未确认融资费用Unacknowledged finan 19010100长期待摊费用-开办费Long-term deferred a 19110100待处理财产损益-流动资产Wait deal current as 19110200待处理财产损益-固定资产Wait deal fixed asse 19990301固定资产购置结算Assets acquisition s 19990401没有订单的收货Goods receipt with o 20010101短期借款-CNY-店口工行Short-term loan - CN 20010201短期借款-USD-店口中行Short-term loan - US 22010100应付票据-银行承兑汇票Notes payable - Bank 22010200应付票据-商业承兑汇票Notes payable - Trad 22019900应付票据-评估调整Notes payable - adju 22020100应付账款-国内Accounts payable 22020201应付账款-国外-usd Accounts payable 22020202应付账款-国外-HKD Accounts payable 22020203应付账款-国外-EUR Accounts payable 22020300应付账款-暂估Accounts payable 22020400应付账款-评估调整Accounts payable 22030100预收账款-单位Down payment(Custmr) 22030200预收账款-个人Down payment(Custmr) 22039900预收账款-评估调整Down payment(Custmr) 22110100应付职工薪酬-工资Payroll payable 22110200应付职工薪酬-福利费Payroll payable 22210101应交税金-增值税-进项税额TP - VAT on prchs. 22210102应交税金-增值税-已交税金TP - VAT paid 22210103应交税金-增值税-转出未交增值税TP-Unpaid VATchngovr 22210104应交税金-增值税-减免税款TP - Tax deduction

22210105应交税金-增值税-销项税额TP - VAT on sales 22210106应交税金-增值税-出口退税TP-export tax rebate 22210107应交税金-增值税-进项税额转出TP-Changvr.on VAT 22210109应交税金-增值税-转出多交增值税Orpaid VAT changeovr 22210110应交税金-增值税-未交增值税TP - Unpaid VAT 22210200应交税金-营业税TP - Sales tax 22210300应交税金-所得税TP - Income tax 22210400应交税金-城建税TP -Construction tax 22210500应交税金-房产税TP - Property tax 22210600应交税金-土地使用税TP - Tenure tax 22210700应交税金-车船使用税TP - VVULPT 22210800应交税金-个人所得税TP - Ind. income tax 22210900应交税金-土地增值税TP-Lnd Val. Inc. Tax 22310100应付利息Interest payable 22320200应付股利-浙江盾安精工集团有限公司Dividends Payable 22410100其他应付款-单位款Other Payables (Comp 22410200其他应付款-往来款Other Payables (Inte 22410300其他应付款-个人款Other Payables (Indi 22410400其他应付款-教育费附加Other Payables (extr 22419900其他应付款-评估调整Other Payables (Adju 23140100代销商品款Consignment-in payab 24010100预提费用-借款利息Accrued expenses - L 24010200预提费用-运杂费Accrued expenses - T 24010300预提费用-水电费Accrued expenses - U 24010400预提费用-煤气费Accrued expenses - G 24010500预提费用-业务费Accrued expenses - B 24010600预提费用-加工费Accrued expenses - p 24010800预提费用-房租费Accrued expenses - R 26010100长期借款Long-term loans 27010100应付债券-债券本金Bonds payable - bond 27010200应付债券-债券利息Bonds payable - inte 28010100长期应付款-万象融资租赁款Long-term payables 40010100实收资本-香港禾田Paid-in capital - ZY 40010200实收资本-盾安精工Paid-in capital - ZY 40020100资本公积-资本溢价Capital surplus - ca 40020200资本公积-接受捐赠非现金资产准备Capital surplus - Re 40020300资本公积-接受现金捐赠Capital surplus - Re 40020400资本公积-股权投资准备Capital surplus - St 40020500资本公积-拨款转入Capital surplus - Ap 40020600资本公积-外币资本折算差额Capital surplus - Fo 40020700资本公积-其他资本公积Capital surplus - ot 41010100盈余公积-法定盈余公积Surplus reserves - L 41010200盈余公积-任意盈余公积Surplus reserves - F 41010300盈余公积-法定公益金Surplus reserves - L 41010400盈余公积-储备基金Surplus reserves - R 41010500盈余公积-企业发展基金Surplus reserves - E 41010600盈余公积-利润归还投资Surplus reserves - P 41030100本年利润Current year profits 41040100利润分配-其他转入Profit distribution 41040200利润分配-提取法定盈余公积Profit distribution 41040300利润分配-提取法定公益金Profit distribution 41040400利润分配-提取储备基金Profit distribution 41040500利润分配-提取企业发展基金Profit distribution 41040600利润分配-提取职工奖励及福利基金Profit distribution 41040700利润分配-利润归还投资Profit distribution 41040800利润分配-应付优先股股利Profit distribution 41040900利润分配-提取任意盈余公积Profit distribution 41041000利润分配-应付普通股股利Profit distribution 41041100利润分配-转作资本的普通股股利Profit distribution 41041200利润分配-未分配利润Profit distribution

50010101生产成本-投入-直接材料Production cost - di 50010102生产成本-投入-包装材料Production cost - wr 50010103生产成本-投入-按单采购Production cost - ma 50010201生产成本-转出-产品入库Production cost - ch 50010202生产成本-转出-在制品Production cost - ch 50010203生产成本-转出-差异Production cost - ch 50010204生产成本-转出-外部结算Production cost - ch 50010205生产成本-转出-半成品入库Production cost - ch 50010600生产成本-制造费用Production cost - Ma 50020100制造费用Manufacturing overhe 50020200制造费用-转出Manufacturing overhe 51010100主营业务收入-国内销售收入Prime operating reve 51010201主营业务收入-出口销售收入-美元Prime operating reve 51010202主营业务收入-出口销售收入-欧元Prime operating reve 51010203主营业务收入-出口销售收入-港币Prime operating reve 51020101其它业务收入-材料销售收入Other operating reve 51020103其它业务收入-存货销售收入Other operating reve 51020200其它业务收入-其它Other operating reve 51020300其它业务收入-劳务收入Other operating reve 52010100投资收益-短期投资收益Investment income - 52010200投资收益-长期投资收益Investment income - 53010101营业外收入-固定资产盘盈Non-operating income 53010102营业外收入-处置固定资产净收益Non-operating income 53010200营业外收入-非货币性交易收益Non-operating income 53010300营业外收入-出售无形资产收益Non-operating income 53010400营业外收入-罚款收入Non-operating income 53010500营业外收入-其它Non-operating income 53010600固定资产销售结算Fixed assets sales s 54010100主营业务成本-国内销售成本Operating costs - do 54010201主营业务成本-出口销售成本-美元Operating costs - ex 54010202主营业务成本-出口销售成本-欧元Operating costs - ex 54010203主营业务成本-出口销售成本-港币Operating costs - ex 54015101材料采购差异-收入Materials cost varia 54015102材料采购差异-损益Materials cost varia 54015301损失 - 存货过户Losses – inventory t 54015302收益-存货过户Gains - inventory tr 54015401收益-寄售物料消耗Gains - consignment 54015402损失-寄售货物的消耗Losses - consignment 54020100主营业务税金及附加Tax and associate ch 54050101其它业务支出-材料销售支出Other business expen 54050103其它业务支出-存货销售支出Other business expen 54050200其它业务支出-其它Other business expen 54050300其它业务支出-劳务支出Other business expen 55010100营业费用Operating expens 56010100管理费用Adminisstrative expe 56010101资产减值损失Asset impairment los 56010102管理费用--培训住宿费Training and hotel e 56010103管理费用--餐饮费Dining expenses 56010104管理费用--交通费Business traveling 56010105管理费用--培训员工工资费Training wages 56010107管理费用-顾问培训费Consultant training 56010108管理费用-办公装修费Office fitment 57010100财务费用-手续费Financial expenses -57010200财务费用-利息收入Financial expenses -57010300财务费用-利息支出Financial expenses -57010400财务费用-外币汇兑收益Financial expenses -57010500财务费用-外币汇兑损失Financial expenses -58010100营业外支出-固定资产盘亏Nonbusiness expendit 58010200营业外支出-处置固定资产净损失Nonbusiness expendit 58010300营业外支出-出售无形资产损失Nonbusiness expendit

58010400营业外支出-报废固定资产损失Nonbusiness expendit 58010500营业外支出-计提固定资产减值准备Nonbusiness expendit 58010600营业外支出-计提无形资产减值准备Nonbusiness expendit 58010700营业外支出-计提在建工程减值准备Nonbusiness expendit 58010800营业外支出-其他支出Nonbusiness expendit 80010100工资Wages

80010200折旧费Depreciation 80010203折旧费---笔记本Depreciation - lapto 80010300福利费Employee welfare 80010401办公费-办公用品Office allowance - s 80010402办公费-其他Office allowance - o 80010500水电费Utilities

80010800修理费Repair charge 80030200职工教育经费Personnel education 80030301摊销-低值易耗品摊销Amortization - Artic 80030302摊销-待摊费用摊销Amortization - accru 80030303摊销-无形资产摊销Amortization - intan 80030304摊销-长期待摊费用摊销Amortization - long-80030400费用-广宣品Advertisement suppli 92200001内部订单结算Internal order settl 99990000系统初始余额导入Initial balance impo 99999999接管清账Takeover clearing


Cash on Hand - CNY

Cash on Hand - USD

Cash on Hand - EUR

Cash on Hand - HKD

Cash in Bank of China - CNY

Cash in Industrial and Commercial Bank - CNY

Cash in Bank of China - USD

Cash in Bank of China - EUR

Cash in Bank of China - HKD

Other cash&cash equivalent - deposit for L/C

Other cash&cash equivalent - deposit for BOE

Short-term investments

Short-term investments falling price reserve

Notes Receivable - Bills of Exchange

Notes Receivable - adjustment valuation

Account Receivable - domestic

Account Receivable - domestic adjustment valuation Account Receivable - foreign - USD

Account Receivable - foreign - EUR

Account Receivable - foreign - HKD

Account Receivable - foreign -adjustment valuation Other Accounts Receivable - company

Other Accounts Receivable - individual

Other Accounts Receivable - adjustment valuation Provision for Bad Debts (accounts receivable) Provision for Bad Debts-other accounts receivable Down payment (Vendor)

Down payment request (Customer)

Down payment request (Vendor)

Down payment (Vendor) - adjustment valuation


GR/IR - adjustment valuation



GR/IR - adjustment reclassify

Raw Materials

Raw Materials - processing imported materials

Cost Variances of Materials - Price variances CVM - material movement variances

CVM - price change variances

Product order variances

Product order variances

Product order mixed price variances

Product order variances (scrap)

Packaging Materials

Low Value and Short Lived Articles

Semi-finished Goods

Semi-finished Goods - external processing Inventory

Inventory - external processing

Goods shipped in transit

Work in process(WIP)

Production order variances - quantity variances Consigned processiong material - processing Consigned processiong material

Consigned processiong material - changeover

Goods for advertisement

Inventory falling price reserves - raw material Invntry fall. price resrvs - semi-finished product

Invntry fall. price resrvs - finished product Merchandise shipped on instalment sales

Deferred and prepaid expenses

Long-term investment on stocks

long-term investment on bonds

Long-term investments depreciation reserves

Fixed Assets - Biuldings and Properties

Fixed Assets - machinery equipment

Fixed Assets - conveying equipment

Fixed Assets - electrolic equipment

Fixed Assets - outsourcing software

Fixed Assets - other office equipment

Accumulated depreciation - Biuldings

Accumulated depreciation - machinery equipment Accumulated depreciation - conveying equipment Accumulated depreciation - electronic equipment Accumulated depreciation - outsourcing software Accumulated depreciation - other office equipment Accumulated amortization - intangible assets Accumulated amortization - articles

Fixed assets depreciation reserves

Fixed assets - down payment

Project goods and materials


Construction-in-process - down payment Construction-in-process - down payment clearing Construction-in-process depreciation reserves Liquidation of fixed assets

Intangible assets - Tenure

Intangible assets

Intangible assets - Trademarks

Intangible assets - Software

Intangible assets - Patents

Intangible Assets depreciation reserves Unacknowledged financial charges

Ln-trm dfred and prepd expens - estblishmnt chrge. Wait deal current assets loss or income

Wait deal fixed assets loss or income

Assets acquisition settlement

Goods receipt with out order

Short-term loan - CNY - BOC

Short-term loan - USD - BOC

Notes payable - Bank acceptance

Notes payable - Trade acceptance

Notes payable - adjustment valuation

Accounts payable - domestic

Accounts payable - foreign - USD

Accounts payable - foreign - HKD

Accounts payable - foreign - EUR

Accounts payable - estimation

Accounts payable - adjustment valuation

Down payment (Customer) - company

Down payment (Customer) - individual

Down payment (Customer) - adjustment valuation Payroll payable - wages

Payroll payable - warefare

Taxes Payable - VAT on purchase

Taxes Payable - VAT paid

Taxes Payable - Unpaid VAT changeover

Taxes Payable - Tax deduction

Taxes Payable - VAT on sales

Taxes Payable - export tax rebate

Taxes Payable - Changeover withnoldings on VAT Taxes Payable - Overpaid VAT changeover

Taxes Payable - Unpaid VAT

Taxes Payable - Sales tax

Taxes Payable - Income tax

Taxes Payable - Construction tax

Taxes Payable - Property tax

Taxes Payable - Tenure tax

TP - Vehicle & vesl usage licns plate tx(VVULPT) Taxes Payable - Individual income tax

Taxes Payable - Land Value Increment Tax

Interest payable

Dividends Payable

Other Payables (Company)

Other Payables (Intercompany)

Other Payables (Individual)

Other Payables (extra charges of education funds) Other Payables (Adjustment)

Consignment-in payables

Accrued expenses - Loan interest

Accrued expenses - Transpotation expenses

Accrued expenses - Utilities

Accrued expenses - Gas bill

Accrued expenses - Business expenses

Accrued expenses - processing charges

Accrued expenses - Rent expenses

Long-term loans

Bonds payable - bonds

Bonds payable - interest

Long-term payables

Paid-in capital - ZY10

Paid-in capital - ZY20

Capital surplus - capital premium

Capital surplus - Receive non-cash donate reserve Capital surplus - Receive cash donate

Capital surplus - Stock right investment reserves Capital surplus - Appropriation changeover in Capital surplus - Foreign currency capital

Capital surplus - others

Surplus reserves - Legal surplus

Surplus reserves - Free surplus reserves

Surplus reserves - Legal public welfare fund Surplus reserves - Reserve fund

Surplus reserves - Enterprise expension fund

SR - Profits capitalizad on return of investment Current year profits

Profit distribution - Other chengeover in

Profit distribution - Withdrawal legal surplus

PD - Withdrawal legal public welfare funds

Profit distribution - Withdrawal reserve fund

PD - Withdrawal reserve for business expansion

PD - Withdrl staff and workers' bonus&welfare fund PD - Profits capitalizad on return of investment PD - Preferred Stock dividends payable

PD - Withdrawal other common accumulation fund

PD - Common Stock dividends payable

PD - Common Stock dividends change to assets

Profit distribution - Undistributed profit

Production cost - direct materials

Production cost - wrapper materials

Production cost - make to order

Production cost - changeover - check-in

Production cost - changeover - WIP

Production cost - changeover - variances Production cost - changeover - external settlement Production cost - changeover-semi-product check-in Production cost - Manufacturing overhead Manufacturing overhead

Manufacturing overhead - changeover

Prime operating revenue - domestic

Prime operating revenue - export-USD

Prime operating revenue - export-EUR

Prime operating revenue - export-HKD

Other operating revenue - Sales material

Other operating revenue - Sales inventory

Other operating revenue - others

Other operating revenue - service revenue Investment income - Current investment income Investment income - Long-term investment income Non-operating income-Fixed assets inventory profit Non-operating incm.-Net incm dispsl. of fixd asets Non-operating income - Non-cash deal income

Non-operating incm-Incm on sales of itngibl.aset. Non-operating income - Net amercement income

Non-operating income - other

Fixed assets sales settlement

Operating costs - domestic

Operating costs - export-USD

Operating costs - export-EUR

Operating costs - export-HKD

Materials cost variance - revenue

Materials cost variance - profit and loss

Losses – inventory transfer

Gains - inventory transfer

Gains - consignment materials'consumption

Losses - consignment materials'consumption

Tax and associate charge

Other business expense-Other cost of material sale Othr business expense-Other cost of inventory sale Other business expense - Other

Other business expense - cost of service

Operating expens

Adminisstrative expenses

Asset impairment losses

Training and hotel expenses

Dining expenses

Business traveling

Training wages

Consultant training

Office fitment

Financial expenses - Commission

Financial expenses - interest gains

Financial expenses - interest losses

FE - foreign currecies exchange gains

FE - foreign currecies exchange losses Nonbusiness expditure - Fixed assets inventry loss Nonbus.exp. - Net loss on disposal of fixed assets Nonbus. Exp. - Loss on sales of intangible assets

Nonbus. Exp. - Fixed assets retirement loss Nonbus. Exp. - Fixed assets inventory loss Nonbus. Exp. - Fixed assets inventory loss Nonbus. Exp. - Fixed assets inventory loss Nonbusiness expenditure - others



Depreciation - laptop

Employee welfare

Office allowance - supplies

Office allowance - other


Repair charge

Personnel education

Amortization - Articles

Amortization - accrued expenses

Amortization - intangible assets

Amortization - long-term deferred.& prepaid exps. Advertisement supplies

Internal order settlement

Initial balance importment

Takeover clearing
