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Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling late bolting in Chinese cabbage

Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling late bolting in Chinese cabbage
Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling late bolting in Chinese cabbage

Breeding Science 61: 151–159 (2011)


Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling late bolting in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) parental line Nou 6 gou

Tomohiro Kakizaki1), Takeyuki Kato1,2), Nobuko Fukino1), Masahiko Ishida1), Katsunori Hatakeyama1)

and Satoru Matsumoto*1)

1)National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science, 360 Kusawa, Ano, Tsu, Mie 514-2392, Japan

2)Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, 1577 Kurima-machiya, Tsu, Mie 514-8507, Japan

To identify the genes responsible for varietal differences in bolting time in Brassica rapa, we constructed a

linkage map of 220 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers of B. rapa. To construct the map, we used F2

progeny obtained from a cross between the late-bolting parental line Nou 6 gou (PL6) and the early-bolting

parental line Nou 7 gou (A9709). The linkage map covered 875.6cM and 10 major linkage groups. To in-

vestigate the nature of the vernalization response in the B. rapa parental lines, we examined bolting charac-

teristics under two different conditions i.e., greenhouse and open field. Five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that

controlled bolting time were detected by experiments in greenhouse and open field. Interestingly, the QTLs

identified in the greenhouse and field experiments did not map to the same loci. Three of five QTLs were

colocalized with the orthologs of well-known flowering genes of Arabidopsis, including FLOWERING

LOCUS C(FLC) and FLOWERING LOCUS T(FT). The QTLs detected in this study may provide useful

information for the selection of bolting traits in Chinese cabbage breeding.

Key Words:simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, quantitative trait loci (QTL), bolting, Brassica rapa, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT).


Vernalization is a process in which plants are exposed to low temperatures for efficient bolting, and this process occurs in many Brassica species. Vernalization is of two types, de-pending on the age of the plant, (1) seed vernalization, in which plants perceive the low temperature signal at the seed germination stage, and (2) plant vernalization, in which plants can perceive the low temperature signal only at a cer-tain developmental stage. B. rapa is among the species that require seed vernalization, including important vegetables such as Chinese cabbages and turnip. Immature bolting, caused by low temperature conditions during spring, reduces yields and compromises the quality of Chinese cabbage. To prevent preharvest bolting, plastic tunnels have been used to maintain a sufficiently high temperature. Although some late-bolting varieties have been developed, unexpected bolt-ing occurs in some cases. Therefore, it is necessary to iden-tify DNA markers that are closely linked to late bolting.

FLOWERING LOCUS C(FLC), which encodes a MADS-box transcription factor, has been identified as a re-pressor of floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana (Sheldon et al. 1999, 2000). FLC transcription is suppressed at a low temperature, and FLC downregulation promotes flowering (Michaels and Amasino 1999, Sheldon et al. 2000). FLC transcript levels determine the extent of the vernalization re-sponse in flower initiation in a dose-dependent manner (Sheldon et al. 2000). Genetic screening for mutants that re-tain late flowering after extended cold treatment identified two Arabidopsis genes, VERNALIZATION 1(VRN1) and VERNALIZATION 2 (VRN2), that are involved in the vernal-ization response. VRN1 encodes a DNA-binding protein and causes a stable repression of FLC (Levy et al. 2002). Vernal-ization itself epigenetically silences FLC by a process in-volving the polycomb protein VRN2. VRN2 promotes the trimethylation of histone H3K27 (Bastow et al. 2004, Gendall et al. 2001). VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3), which encodes a PHD-domain-containing protein, is involved in the initiation of FLC repression through altera-tion of the structure of FLC chromatin (Sung et al. 2006). In brief, FLC repression during vernalization is accomplished by the cooperative functions of these proteins.

FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is also involved in the flo-ral transition pathway. The FT protein moves through the vascular tissues to the shoot apex and induces flowering (Abe et al. 2005, Kardailsky et al. 1999, Kobayashi et al. 1999). The FLC protein negatively regulates FT expression through a direct interaction with the first intron of FT (Helliwell et al. 2006, Lee et al. 2000, Samach et al. 2000).

The Arabidopsis and Brassica clades have been thought to diverge from a common ancestor, 17 to 18 million years ago (Yang et al. 1999, 2006). Because of chromosomal

Communicated by T. Nishio

Received January 12, 2011. Accepted March 8, 2011. *Corresponding author (e-mail: ssmats@affrc.go.jp)

Kakizaki, Kato, Fukino, Ishida, Hatakeyama and Matsumoto 152

rearrangements, including fusions and/or fissions, B. rapa genome has become 4-fold larger than A. thaliana genome (Johnston et al. 2005), and the genome of B. rapa contains four copies of FLC and two copies of FT (Schranz et al. 2002, Yang et al. 2006).

Two quantitative trait loci (QTLs), VFR1 and VFR2, that control days to flowering have been identified in B. rapa by non-vernalized experiments (Osborn et al. 1997). VFR2 was found to contain BrFLC1 (Schranz et al. 2002). Osborn et al. (1997) also reported two additional QTLs, FR1 and FR2, which control vernalization-independent flowering. Schranz et al. (2002) mapped BrFLC2 and BrFLC5 to FR1 and FR2, respectively. Li et al. (2009) reported that BrFLC1 and BrFLC2 were linked to QTLs that control bolting, budding, and flowering time. They used F2 progeny derived from Yellow Sarson and the Japanese commercial variety “Osome.”The natural variation of the splicing site in BrFLC1 was thought to contribute to flowering time in a study using 121 B. rapa accessions (Yuan et al. 2009). Colocalization of the flowering-time QTL with flowering-related genes, including BrFLC1 and BrFLC2 has been detected in multiple segre-gating populations of B. rapa (Lou et al. 2007). These studies strongly suggest that the BrFLC genes have retained redundant functions in the vernalization response in B. rapa. In B. napus, three FT orthologs are associated with two QTLs for flowering time (Wang et al. 2009). Allelic varia-tion in FT orthologs in B. napus is may be responsible for the variation in flowering time in winter and spring cultivars.

Although several studies on QTLs for flowering time in B. rapa are available, progenies of hybrids between distantly related lines have been used in these studies. In the breeding of Chinese cabbage cultivars, a cross between different Chinese cabbage lines is usually performed. For development of DNA markers useful in Chinese cabbage breeding, QTLs should be identified in progenies resulting from a cross be-tween different Chinese cabbage lines. In this study, we used an extremely late-bolting parental line (PL6) and an early-bolting parental line (A9709) of Chinese cabbage, and per-formed QTL analysis to identify genetic markers associated with the late-bolting trait in PL6.

Materials and Methods

Plant materials and investigation of bolting time Two parental lines of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.subsp. pekinensis), Chukanbohon Nou 6 gou (PL6) and Chukanbohon Nou 7 gou (A9709), were used. An F2 popula-tion (n=478) was produced by self-pollinating an F1 plant de-rived from a cross between PL6 (female) and A9709 (male). Temperature is the most important stimulus for bolting, and therefore, we divided the F2 population into five subsets, and cultivated them under different conditions or during various periods (Table1). One subset was cultivated in pots (diame-ter, 9cm) in a heated greenhouse, and the other subsets were grown in the field at the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science from January to May in 2009 and 2010 (Tsu, Mie, Japan; 34°46′N, 136°25′E). In the pot-cultivation trials, the number of days required for the top of the inflorescence to reach 10cm above the soil was recorded from the day of transfer to the greenhouse as the starting date. In the case of field cultivation, the length of the stem was recorded. Linkage and QTL analysis

We constructed a linkage map by using genotyping data of 96 F2 progeny derived from a cross between PL6 and A9709 in pot cultivation (09-pot population). The DNA markers used in the study were 43 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (prefix BRMS) reported by Suwabe et al. (2002, 2004, 2006), 30 SSR markers (prefixes Na, Ni, Ol and Ra) reported by Lowe et al. (2004), 99 SSR markers (prefix KBr) reported by Hatakeyama et al. (2010), 14 EST-based SSR markers (prefix BRE) developed by Abe et al. (unpublished data), and 7 SSR markers (prefix ENA or EJU) reported by Choi et al. (2007). For genotyping the S locus, we amplified S locus glycoprotein by using primer pairs re-ported by Nishio et al. (1996). To increase the number of SSR makers, we used the read2Marker program and devel-oped 19 additional SSR markers (Fukuoka et al. 2005) from BAC sequences of the B. rapa KBr (H, B and S) libraries from the Brassica Genome Gateway (http://brassica.bbsrc. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2410983350.html,/). The primers used for linkage map construction are listed in Supplemental Table1. PCR reactions and detection of polymorphisms were performed as described previously (Hatakeyama et al. 2010). Linkage analysis was performed and genetic map was constructed using the J oinmap 4.0 software (van Ooijen 2006). The QTL analysis was per-formed using the MapQTL 5.0 software (van Ooijen 2004) under the “interval mapping” option. A second map was constructed using 96 F2 plants in the field experiment that were transplanted in February 2009 (09-fieldA population).

Table1.Five environmental conditions for bolting time evaluation

Trial Sowing date Date of transplanting Date of recording Conditions Number of F2 plants 09-pot2008.11.135°C/24h light for 49days a heated greenhouse b96

09-fieldA2009.1.82009.2.92009.4.23Open field96

09-fieldB2009.1.272009.2.262009.5.12Open field96

10-fieldA2010.1.82010.2.102010.4.28Open field109

10-fieldB2010.2.162010.3.192010.5.27Open field81

a25-days-old plants were treated with low temperature for 49days under continuous light.

b The minimum temperarute in the greenhouse was 20°C.

QTLs for bolting time in Chinese cabbage153

The logarithm of odds (LOD) thresholds for QTLs (α=0.05) were estimated to be 3.5 and 4.5 in the 09-pot and 09-fieldA populations, respectively, by 1000 permutations. RNA isolation and real-time RT-PCR analysis of BrFTa and BrFLC2

Two parental lines, A9709 and PL6, of 15-day-old plants were vernalized at 5°C for up to 49days under a 12-h light cycle. Total RNA was extracted from leaf tissues at 7-day intervals for 49days by using an RNeasy Plant Minikit (QIAGEN), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA was synthesized using the PrimeScript? RT reagent kit (TaKaRa) with random hexamer and oligo d(T) primers. Real-time RT-PCR was performed on a Thermal Cycler Dice Real-Time System (TaKaRa) using SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (TaKaRa). The real-time PCR primers for BrFTa and BrFLC2 are listed in Supplemental Table2. The transcript level of each gene was normalized to that of BrACTIN (Li et al. 2009).

Sequence and expression analysis of the BrFLC genes To determine polymorphisms in BrFLC1 and BrFLC5, genomic fragments were amplified using the specific prim-ers listed in Supplemental Table2 and a program consisting of 35 cycles (94°C for 30s, 56°C for 30s and 72°C for 2min). PCR products were directly sequenced using an ABI3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems) and ana-lyzed using the BioEdit program (http://www.mbio.ncsu. edu/bioedit/bioedit.html). For expression analysis of BrFLC1, young leaves were collected from 15-day-old plants in the greenhouse at 20°C, total RNA was extracted using an RNeasy Plant Minikit (QIAGEN), and RT-PCR was performed according to the method described by Yuan et al. (2009). To analyze the expression of 4 BrFLC genes during cold treatment, RT-PCR was performed using the specific primers listed in Supplemental Table2 and a pro-gram consisting of 35 cycles (94°C for 30s, 58°C for 30s and 72°C for 30s).


Phenotypic variation

The bolting characteristics of the PL6 and A9709 parents, the F1 hybrids, and the F2 population were evaluated under five different environmental conditions (Table1). To ensure that the plants in the pot experiment received an appropriate cold treatment, we incubated 25-day-old plants at 5°C for 49days under continuous light. After the cold treatment, the plants were transplanted into pots (diameter, 9cm) and placed in a heated greenhouse (February to March 2009). In the field experiment, seeds were germinated in pots placed in the greenhouse and transplanted into a field without sub-jecting them to a cold treatment. To examine bolting charac-teristics, we determined the number of days needed for the stem length to reach 10cm (pot experiment) or the stem length per se (field experiment). The distribution of stem length and bolting time in the F2 population is shown in Fig.1. The bolting time significantly differed between A9709 and PL6, both in greenhouse and field cultivation (Fig.1A, 1B). The F2 populations did not show a typical dis-crete segregation, and this finding indicated that bolting is controlled by multiple genes. In the pot experiment (desig-nated 09-pot), the number of days needed for the stem length to reach 10cm was 10±0, 27.5±1.3 and 19.3±1.0 (mean±SD), in A9709, PL6, and F1, respectively (Fig.1A). In the field experiment in 2009 (designated 09-fieldA), the mean±SD of the stem length was 33.7±4.8, 5.7±1.7 and 10.1±1.7cm in A9709, PL6, and F1, respectively (Fig.1B). QTL for late bolting in PL6

QTL analysis in the 09-pot experiment identified three QTLs on two different linking groups (LGs), and that in the 09-fieldA experiment identified two QTLs on two LGs (Fig.2). The QTL that had the greatest effect on bolting in pot cultivation, pot-QTL1, was detected on R07 located in close proximity to the KBrB092C03 marker and accounted for 25.3% of the observed variation (Table

2). The flowering Fig.1.Frequency distributions of days to bolting and stem length of 96 F2 plants derived from a cross between the parental lines PL6 and A9709 in pot cultivation (A) and field cultivation (B).

Kakizaki, Kato, Fukino, Ishida, Hatakeyama and Matsumoto

154promoter BrFTa was present in a BAC sequence containing KBrB092C03. Two other QTLs, pot-QTL2 and pot-QTL3,were mapped on R07 and R02, respectively (Fig.2). These three pot QTLs accounted for 64.2% of the observed varia-tion (Table 2). No FLC or FT homolog was mapped near pot-QTL2 and pot-QTL3. Field-QTL1 and field-QTL2 were

located on R10 and R03, respectively, and accounted for 30.7% and 27.6% of the bolting variation, respectively (Fig.2 and Table 2). BrFLC1 and BrFLC5 colocalized with field-QTL1 and field-QTL2, respectively .

To examine the effects of the two genes, we classified the F 2

progeny on the basis of the marker genotype for each

Fig. 2.Simple sequence repeat (SSR)-based linkage map constructed using genotyping data of the 96 F 2 plants derived from a cross between the parental lines A9709 and PL6 that were cultivated in a greenhouse in 2009. Linkage groups (LGs) are numbered according to the consensus LGs (R01 to R10) of the Multinational Brassica Genome Project (https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2410983350.html,/index.php), based on the common SSR markers. Marker names are indicated to the right of each LG. Markers with asterisks were used for the analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the field experi-ment in 2009. Black and white boxes to the right of the LGs indicate QTLs detected in the greenhouse and field in 2009, respectively. The flowering-related genes, which are present in BAC sequences together with the mapped SSR markers, are shown in brackets.

QTLs for bolting time in Chinese cabbage 155

gene and correlated the stem length with the 9 different genotypes (Table 3). The F 2 progeny with the BrFLC1 and BrFLC5 alleles derived from the PL6 parent showed sig-nificant delays in stem elongation, except in the 09-fieldB experiment (Table 3). In the 09-fieldB experiment, BrFLC1appeared to predominantly determine late bolting whereas BrFLC5 had no effect. Because BrFLC1 and BrFLC5played important roles in determining the timing of bolting in the field experiments, we next investigated the effects of other genetic markers, namely BrFTa and KBrH068G07R,which affected the timing of bolting in the pot experiment (Fig.2). Although we failed to detect any QTLs for these

two markers in the field experiments, we observed a signifi-cant selection effect (Table 3). For example, in three of the four field experiments (09-fieldB, 10-fieldA and 10-fieldB),the F 2 progeny with the BrFTa and KBrH068G07R alleles from PL6 showed significantly shorter stem than did the F 2progeny with the BrFTa and KBrH068G07R alleles from A9709 (Table 3).

Expression analysis of BrFTa and BrFLC2

Several studies have shown that the QTL that controls flowering time is located near BrFLC2 in B. rapa (Li et al.2009, Lou et al. 2007, Osborn et al. 1997). Similarly,

Table 2.Results of QTL analysis for the late bolting of PL6Table 3.Relationship between two marker genotypes and the stem length (mean ±SD) in F 2 progeny

QTL linkage group Marker

candidate gene 09-pot experiment 09-fieldA experiment LOD Additive effect a Variance explained (%)


Additive effect b

Variance explained (%)

pot-QTL1R07KBrB092C03(BrFTa)BrFTa 6.09?1.725.3n.d.pot-QTL2R07KBrH068G07R n.d. 5.26?1.722.3n.d.pot-QTL3R02KBrH072H08F

n.d. 4.54




field-QTL1R10KBrH080A08(BrFLC1)BrFLC1n.d.7.64 3.830.7field-QTL2







27.6n.d., not-detected.

a Additive effect of A9709 allele in days to bolting.

b Additive effect A9709 allele in stem length.

Marker genotype*09-fieldA 09-fieldB 10-fieldA 10-fieldB KBrH080A08 (BrFLC1)BrFLC5No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)AA AA 521.2±7.8a 211.6±5.3ab 711.3±1.7a 411.3±1.3a AA AB 918.1±1.8ab 1115.9±5.8a 219.5±2.7a 109.3±1.8a AA BB 411.9±3.0bcd 1011.4±2.6ab 67.8±0.8ab 67.2±2.3abc AB AA 1114.8±3.8bc 1413.3±4.5ab 89.8±4.7a 58.2±2.4ab AB AB 2112.0±3.5cd 2511.1±3.9b 27 6.7±1.7b 247.4±1.8bc AB BB 229.0±2.4d 1111.5±3.6ab 16 5.9±1.5b 9 5.9±1.6bc BB AA 414.0±4.2bcd 39.0±1.6ab 4 5.5±1.3b 57.2±2.4abc BB AB 169.6±2.7d 149.0±4.0b 13 5.9±1.0b 15 6.0±1.9bc BB


48.0±1.8d 69.3±3.6b 7 5.1±0.7b 3 4.3±1.2c KBrB092C03

(BrFTa )KBrH068G07R

No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)No. of plants stem length (cm)AA AA 1013.8±6.8ab 716.3±2.6a 311.7±8.1a 129.3±1.8a AA AB 1113.0±6.8ab 1212.6±5.1ab 167.9±2.5ab 97.0±2.3ab AA BB 39.0±1.7ab 510.5±6.3ab 57.2±1.8ab 27.0±1.4ab AB AA 1113.4±3.8ab 1113.8±5.3ab 157.9±2.7ab 38.7±2.1ab AB AB 2713.8±4.5a 2911.1±4.0ab 317.4±2.8ab 218.1±1.9ab AB BB 810.9±4.2ab 1810.5±3.1ab 8 6.6±2.4ab 10 5.9±1.8b BB AA 411.6±3.4ab 212.0±0.9ab 3 6.7±1.2ab 37.3±3.1ab BB AB 1011.4±2.8ab 710.2±3.9ab 177.7±2.3ab 8 6.3±1.5ab BB


107.8±1.6b 47.0±1.3b 8 5.8±1.7b 13 5.8±2.6b A9709 (AA)333.7±4.83Flowered

348.5±21.5237.0PL6 (BB)







* AA, genotype of A9709 (early-bolting); BB, genotype of PL6 (late-bolting).

Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level, as determined by Tukey-Kramer HSD test.

Kakizaki, Kato, Fukino, Ishida, Hatakeyama and Matsumoto

156Okazaki et al. (2007) reported that BoFLC2 plays a central role in the repression of flowering in B. oleracea (Okazaki et al. 2007). Wang et al. (2009) reported that BnC6FTa , the orthologous gene of BrFTa , was associated with the major QTL for flowering time in B. napus . Furthermore, our QTL analysis showed that BrFTa was located near QTL for bolt-ing time in B. rapa (Fig.2). Next, we quantified the expres-sion of BrFTa and BrFLC2 in the pot experiment at 7-day intervals for 49days by real-time RT-PCR. The expression of BrFTa increased gradually in A9709, whereas its expres-sion was stable in PL6 (Fig.3A). To investigate the effect of BrFLC2 on bolting after vernalization under artificial condi-tions, we monitored the expression of BrFLC2 during ver-nalization (Fig.3B). However, we were unable to detect any

significant differences in BrFLC2 expression between PL6and A9709 under these conditions. In addition to BrFLC2expression analysis, no peaks of LOD scores were observed in nearby regions of BrFLC2 in the QTL analysis. These results suggest that late bolting in PL6 under conditions of continuous exposure to low temperatures is primarily deter-mined by the repression of BrFTa during vernalization and is independent of BrFLC2.

Genomic structure and expression of BrFLC genes

To elucidate the genome structure of BrFLC1 and BrFLC5, we determined the nucleotide sequences from the 5′-UTR to exon 7 of BrFLC1 and from exon 4 to exon 7 of BrFLC5, respectively (Fig.4A). A sequence comparison of the BrFLC1 alleles from A9709 and PL6 identified a single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 2. In BrFLC5, a 17-bp de-letion was identified in intron 6 of the A9709 allele. To in-vestigate the effect of these nucleotide polymorphisms on BrFLC1 expression, we performed RT-PCR for 35 cycles with primers in the 5′-UTR and exon 7. Surprisingly, a radi-cal reduction in the BrFLC1 transcript level was observed in A9709, and an alternatively spliced transcript was identified (Fig.4B). According to the existing literature, alternative splice variants generated by a G-to-A polymorphism at the 5′ splice site in intron 6 of BrFLC1 are associated with a flowering phenotype (Yuan et al. 2009). However, although one SNP site was detected at exon 2, no differences were detected in intron 6 between A9709 and PL6 according to genomic sequencing. Next, we cloned and sequenced this alternative transcript derived from A9709. In the longer tran-script, intron 3, consisting of 77 nucleotides, was retained in the mature mRNA. This resulted in a frame-shift mutation and introduced a stop codon, giving rise to a truncated protein of 137 amino acids (Fig.4C). To investigate the response of 4 BrFLC paralogs under cold conditions, we performed RT-PCR analysis using specific primer pairs that amplify exon 4 to exon 7 of each BrFLC gene (Fig.4D).During the cold treatment period, the expression of the four BrFLC genes was decreased. However, the expression levels of BrFLC1 and BrFLC5 were higher in PL6 than in A9709during the cold treatment, and the expression was slightly detected even after seven weeks of cold treatment. These re-sults suggest that the late bolting of PL6 was controlled by BrFLC1 and BrFLC5.


The timing of bolting and flowering is regulated by endoge-nous factors and environmental stimuli. Many genes con-trolling this pathway have been isolated and characterized in Arabidopsis (Crevillen and Dean 2010, Dennis and Peacock 2007). To obtain information regarding the marker-assisted selection of Brassica crops, we mapped vernalization genes and flowering-related genes on a genetic map constructed using an F 2 population derived from two parental lines that

show clearly different bolting times. Our data suggest that

Fig. 3.Expression analysis of BrFTa and BrFLC2 in response to ver-nalization. Two parental lines (A9709; closed circles and PL6; open circles) of 15-day-old plants were vernalized at 5°C for up to 49days under a 12-h light cycle. The BrFTa (A) and BrFLC2 (B) transcripts were examined in young leaves at the end of the light period. Tran-script levels were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and normalized to the levels of BrACTIN (Li et al. 2009). Error bars represent standard deviations of the mean.

QTLs for bolting time in Chinese cabbage157

known genes involved in the vernalization pathway in Arabidopsis can be mapped at QTL positions. Unexpectedly, we were unable to detect any common QTLs for different environmental conditions, i.e., greenhouse and open field. Alternative transcripts of BrFLC1

In this study, we showed that BrFLC1 was colocalized with the field-QTL1, and its allele from PL6 delayed bolting. Although we identified a nucleotide substitution at 2675bp in exon 2 of BrFLC1 (causing a nonsynonymous change (Q69R) in the PL6 allele), this did not directly explain the difference in bolting times between PL6 and A9709. Inter-estingly, we detected an alternative BrFLC1 transcript in A9709 (Fig.4B). This alternative transcript retains intron 3 and gives rise to a truncated protein (Fig.4C). Yuan et al. (2009) reported that a substitution at the 5′ splice site in in-tron 6 of BrFLC1 causes alternative splicing and affects flowering time. Alternative splicing can result in the genera-tion of protein with new functions through exon sliding (Tarrio et al. 2008). However, it often creates transcripts with premature stop codons, which are generally degraded by nonsense-mediated decay (Barbazuk et al. 2008). Al-though it is unclear whether splicing is influenced by SNPs in exon 2 of BrFLC1, the possibility of an SNP in the exon causing the alternative splicing has been suggested in wheat (Sun et al. 2010).

Differences in bolting between pot and field experiments We identified three QTLs in pot experiments (pot-QTL1, pot-QTL2 and pot-QTL3) and two in field experiments (field-QTL1 and field-QTL2). Three of the five QTLs colo-calized with homologs of well-known flowering-related genes from Arabidopsis, such as FT and FLC (Fig.2). Un-expectedly, no QTLs involved in bolting variation were de-tected in both the pot and field experiments. Several studies involving QTL analyses have suggested that Brassica possesses four FLC orthologs that control the vernalization response (Li et al. 2009, Osborn et al. 1997, Schranz et al. 2002, Yuan et al. 2009). However, in the pot experiment, no major QTL was detected in any of the four FLC orthologs. Real-time RT-PCR results indicated that one of the FLC genes in Brassica, BrFLC2, showed similar expression pat-terns in A9709 and PL6. In contrast, BrFTa was dramatical-ly induced after 35-day cold treatment in only A9709 (Fig.3A).

In the pot experiment, the temperature was maintained at Fig.4.Nucleotide polymorphisms and gene expression analysis of BrFLC genes. (A) DNA sequences of BrFLC1 and BrFLC5 from exon 1 to exon 7 and from exon 4 to exon 7, respectively, were determined. Exons, introns, and the 5′-UTR are shown as open boxes, black bars, and a dotted line, respectively. The position of the translational start site is indicated as +1. Polymorphisms between A9709 and PL6 are in-dicated with asterisks. (B) RT-PCR amplification of BrFLC1. Leaf samples were collected from 15-day-old plants. Primer annealing sites are indicated in (A) by black triangles located at the 5′-UTR and exon 7 of BrFLC1 (Yuan et al. 2009). The alternative and normal transcripts in A9709 are indicated by an asterisk and a white triangle, respective-ly. BrACTIN was amplified as an internal control. A: A9709; P: PL6.

(C) Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the region giving rise to alternative splicing (exon 3 to exon 4) of BrFLC1 in A9709. The normal transcript (PL6) is shown in the upper lane, and the alter-native transcript (A9709) is shown in the lower lane. The nucleotide sequence of intron 3 is shown in lower case. The position of the trans-lational start site in the BrFLC1 cDNA is indicated as +1. The pre-mature stop codon (TAA) is indicated with an asterisk. (D) Expression of BrFLC genes during cold treatment, harvested after 0, 1, 3, or 7weeks of growth at 5°C, as indicated in above the figure. BrACTIN was amplified as an internal control.

Kakizaki, Kato, Fukino, Ishida, Hatakeyama and Matsumoto 158

5°C for 49days during the cold treatment. In the field exper-iment, the temperature showed daily fluctuations during the winter. Although the expression of VIN3, which is the activator of FLC repression, is upregulated by cold treatment for 20days, its expression is repressed once the plant is again exposed to normal temperatures (Sung and Amasino 2004). To accomplish robust repression of FLC, Arabidopsis requires continuous cold treatment for at least 3weeks (Gendall et al. 2001). Probably because a temperature suffi-ciently low for FLC repression was achieved in the pot ex-periment, QTLs were not detected near FLC but were detect-ed near flowering-promoting genes such as FT (Fig.2 and Table2). In the field experiments, which involved tempera-ture oscillations and a gradual temperature decrease, we de-tected QTLs for genes involved in the vernalization pathway (Fig.2 and Table2).

Although the QTLs at BrFTa and KBrH068G07R were detected only in the pot experiment, their effects on the se-lection process were also observed in the field experiment (Table3). This suggests the existence of minor QTLs with a slight but distinctive effect on the differences in bolting be-tween PL6 and A9709. In fact, we did not isolate any F2 progeny that bolted as early as A9709 in any of the experi-ments. This indicates that many loci are involved in bolting in B. rapa, some of which remained undetected in this study.

In summary, we identified three QTLs at the periphery of orthologous genes of well-known flowering genes from Arabidopsis, including FLC and FT. We expect the BrFLC genes to be mainly involved in the low-temperature require-ment, whereas BrFTa and KBrH068G07R affect elongation of the stem after exposure to low temperature. We used two different environments to identify four genetic markers that almost completely explain the late bolting feature of PL6. Marker-assisted selection by combining these four markers will enable the selection of a late-bolting Chinese cabbage. Acknowledgments

We are grateful to Ms. Satomi Negoro and Shuko Toyoda for their technical assistance. This work was supported by NARO Research Project No.211 “Establishment of Integrat-ed Basis for Development and Application of Advanced Tools for DNA Marker-Assisted Selection in Horticultural Crops.”

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关于时间管理的英语作文 manage time

How to manage time Time treats everyone fairly that we all have 24 hours per day. Some of us are capable to make good use of time while some find it hard to do so. Knowing how to manage them is essential in our life. Take myself as an example. When I was still a senior high student, I was fully occupied with my studies. Therefore, I hardly had spare time to have fun or develop my hobbies. But things were changed after I entered university. I got more free time than ever before. But ironically, I found it difficult to adjust this kind of brand-new school life and there was no such thing called time management on my mind. It was not until the second year that I realized I had wasted my whole year doing nothing. I could have taken up a Spanish course. I could have read ten books about the stories of successful people. I could have applied for a part-time job to earn some working experiences. B ut I didn’t spend my time on any of them. I felt guilty whenever I looked back to the moments that I just sat around doing nothing. It’s said that better late than never. At least I had the consciousness that I should stop wasting my time. Making up my mind is the first step for me to learn to manage my time. Next, I wrote a timetable, setting some targets that I had to finish each day. For instance, on Monday, I must read two pieces of news and review all the lessons that I have learnt on that day. By the way, the daily plan that I made was flexible. If there’s something unexpected that I had to finish first, I would reduce the time for resting or delay my target to the next day. Also, I would try to achieve those targets ahead of time that I planed so that I could reserve some more time to relax or do something out of my plan. At the beginning, it’s kind of difficult to s tick to the plan. But as time went by, having a plan for time in advance became a part of my life. At the same time, I gradually became a well-organized person. Now I’ve grasped the time management skill and I’m able to use my time efficiently.


英语演讲稿:未来的工作 这篇《英语演讲稿范文:未来的工作》,是特地,希望对大家有所帮助! 热门演讲推荐:竞聘演讲稿 | 国旗下演讲稿 | 英语演讲稿 | 师德师风演讲稿 | 年会主持词 | 领导致辞 everybody good afternoon:. first of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job. everyone has a dream job. my dream is to bee a boss, own a pany. in order to achieve my dreams, i need to find a good job, to accumulate some experience and wealth, it is the necessary things of course, in the school good achievement and rich knowledge is also very important. good achievement and rich experience can let me work to make the right choice, have more opportunities and achievements. at the same time, munication is very important, because it determines whether my pany has a good future development. so i need to exercise their municative ability. i need to use all of the free time to learn


英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。48个国际音标表 [ ] [] [ [i[ [u [ [] [ 元音音素: /i:/ 【衣发长点】 /I/ 【衣急促地发声】 /e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】

/?/【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】 /?:/ 【额发长音】 /?/ 【额发短音】 /∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】 /?/ 【哦急促】 /?:/ 【哦声音拖长】 /u/ 【乌急促】 /u:/ 【乌声音拖长】 /eI/ 【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】 /aI/ 【唉】 /?I/ 【哦-喂连着读】 /?u/ 【呕】 /au/ 【傲】 /I?/ 【衣-饿连着读】 /ε?/ 【哎-饿连着读】 /u?/ 【乌-饿连着读】 辅音音素: /p/ 【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】 /b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】

/t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】 /k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】 /f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】 /v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】 /s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】 /z/ 【就是/s/的浊音】 /θ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】 /δ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】 /∫/ 【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /з/ 【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】 /r/ 【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】 /t∫/ 【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /dз/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /tr/ 【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】 /dr/ 【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】 /ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】 /dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】


关于坚持的英语演讲稿 Results are not important, but they can persist for many years as a commemoration of. Many years ago, as a result of habits and overeating formed one of obesity, as well as indicators of overall physical disorders, so that affects my work and life. In friends to encourage and supervise, the participated in the team Now considered to have been more than three years, neither the fine rain, regardless of winter heat, a day out with 5:00 time. The beginning, have been discouraged, suffering, and disappointment, but in the end of the urging of friends, to re-get up, stand on the playground. 成绩并不重要,但可以作为坚持多年晨跑的一个纪念。多年前,由于庸懒习惯和暴饮暴食,形成了一身的肥胖,以及体检指标的全盘失常,以致于影响到了我的工作和生活。在好友的鼓励和督促下,参加了晨跑队伍。现在算来,已经三年多了,无论天晴下雨,不管寒冬酷暑,每天五点准时起来出门晨跑。开始时,也曾气馁过、痛苦过、失望过,但最后都在好友们的催促下,重新爬起来,站到了操场上。 In fact, I did not build big, nor strong muscles, not a sport-born people. Over the past few years to adhere to it, because I have a team behind, the strength of a strongteam here, very grateful to our team, for a long time, we encourage each other, and with sweat, enjoying common health happy. For example, Friends of the several run in order to maintain order and unable to attend the 10,000 meters race, and they are always concerned about the brothers and promptly inform the place and time, gives us confidence and courage. At the same time, also came on their own inner desire and pursuit for a good health, who wrote many of their own log in order to refuel for their own, and inspiring. 其实我没有高大身材,也没健壮肌肉,天生不属于运动型的人。几年来能够坚持下来,因为我的背后有一个团队,有着强大团队的力量,在这里,非常感谢我们的晨跑队,长期以来,我们相互鼓励着,一起流汗,共同享受着健康带来的快


1.How to build a business that lasts100years 0:11Imagine that you are a product designer.And you've designed a product,a new type of product,called the human immune system.You're pitching this product to a skeptical,strictly no-nonsense manager.Let's call him Bob.I think we all know at least one Bob,right?How would that go? 0:34Bob,I've got this incredible idea for a completely new type of personal health product.It's called the human immune system.I can see from your face that you're having some problems with this.Don't worry.I know it's very complicated.I don't want to take you through the gory details,I just want to tell you about some of the amazing features of this product.First of all,it cleverly uses redundancy by having millions of copies of each component--leukocytes,white blood cells--before they're actually needed,to create a massive buffer against the unexpected.And it cleverly leverages diversity by having not just leukocytes but B cells,T cells,natural killer cells,antibodies.The components don't really matter.The point is that together,this diversity of different approaches can cope with more or less anything that evolution has been able to throw up.And the design is completely modular.You have the surface barrier of the human skin,you have the very rapidly reacting innate immune system and then you have the highly targeted adaptive immune system.The point is,that if one system fails,another can take over,creating a virtually foolproof system. 1:54I can see I'm losing you,Bob,but stay with me,because here is the really killer feature.The product is completely adaptive.It's able to actually develop targeted antibodies to threats that it's never even met before.It actually also does this with incredible prudence,detecting and reacting to every tiny threat,and furthermore, remembering every previous threat,in case they are ever encountered again.What I'm pitching you today is actually not a stand-alone product.The product is embedded in the larger system of the human body,and it works in complete harmony with that system,to create this unprecedented level of biological protection.So Bob,just tell me honestly,what do you think of my product? 2:47And Bob may say something like,I sincerely appreciate the effort and passion that have gone into your presentation,blah blah blah-- 2:56(Laughter) 2:58But honestly,it's total nonsense.You seem to be saying that the key selling points of your product are that it is inefficient and complex.Didn't they teach you 80-20?And furthermore,you're saying that this product is siloed.It overreacts, makes things up as it goes along and is actually designed for somebody else's benefit. I'm sorry to break it to you,but I don't think this one is a winner.


关于工作的优秀英语演讲稿 Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more properous. I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent. 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考


英语48个音标汉语注音读法 元音音素: /i:/ 【衣发长点】 /I/ 【衣急促地发声】 /e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/?/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】 /?:/ 【额发长音】 /?/ 【额发短音】 /∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】 /a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】 /?/ 【哦急促】 /?:/ 【哦声音拖长】 /u/ 【乌急促】 /u:/ 【乌声音拖长】 /eI/ 【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】 /aI/ 【唉】 /?I/ 【哦-喂连着读】 /?u/ 【呕】 /au/ 【傲】 /I?/ 【衣-饿连着读】 /ε?/ 【哎-饿连着读】 /u?/ 【乌-饿连着读】 辅音音素: /p/ 【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】 /b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】 /t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】 /k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】 /f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】 /v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】 /s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】 /z/ 【就是/s/的浊音】 /θ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】 /δ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】 /∫/ 【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /з/ 【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】 /r/ 【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】

/t∫/ 【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /dз/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /tr/ 【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】 /dr/ 【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】 /ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】 /dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】 /m/ 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】 /n/ 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/?/ 【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/ 【有两个读音。一是放在音标结尾发呕,浊音;而是放在音标中发了,浊音】 /w/ 【我不要把ǒ给发出来,浊音】 /j/ 【呀不要把ǎ给发出来,浊音】


尊敬的领导,老师,亲爱的同学们, 大家好!我是5班的梁浩东。今天早上我坐车来学校的路上,我仔细观察了路上形形色色的人,有开着小车衣着精致的叔叔阿姨,有市场带着倦容的卖各种早点的阿姨,还有偶尔穿梭于人群中衣衫褴褛的乞丐。于是我问自己,十几年后我会成为怎样的自己,想成为社会成功人士还是碌碌无为的人呢,答案肯定是前者。那么十几年后我怎样才能如愿以偿呢,成为一个受人尊重,有价值的人呢?正如我今天演讲的题目是:自主管理。 大家都知道爱玩是我们孩子的天性,学习也是我们的责任和义务。要怎样处理好这些矛盾,提高自主管理呢? 首先,我们要有小主人翁思想,自己做自己的主人,要认识到我们学习,生活这一切都是我们自己走自己的人生路,并不是为了报答父母,更不是为了敷衍老师。 我认为自主管理又可以理解为自我管理,在学习和生活中无处不在,比如通过老师,小组长来管理约束行为和同学们对自身行为的管理都属于自我管理。比如我们到一个旅游景点,看到一块大石头,有的同学特别兴奋,会想在上面刻上:某某某到此一游话。这时你就需要自我管理,你需要提醒自己,这样做会破坏景点,而且是一种素质低下的表现。你设想一下,如果别人家小孩去你家墙上乱涂乱画,你是何种感受。同样我们把自主管理放到学习上,在我们想偷懒,想逃避,想放弃的时候,我们可以通过自主管理来避免这些,通过他人或者自己的力量来完成。例如我会制定作息时间计划表,里面包括学习,运动,玩耍等内容的完成时间。那些学校学习尖子,他们学习好是智商高于我们吗,其实不然,在我所了解的哪些优秀的学霸传授经验里,就提到要能够自我管理,规范好学习时间的分分秒秒,只有辛勤的付出,才能取得优异成绩。 在现实生活中,无数成功人士告诉我们自主管理的重要性。十几年后我想成为一位优秀的,为国家多做贡献的人。亲爱的同学们,你们们?让我们从现在开始重视和执行自主管理,十几年后成为那个你想成为的人。 谢谢大家!


关于工作的英语演讲稿 【篇一:关于工作的英语演讲稿】 关于工作的英语演讲稿 different people have various ambitions. some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. some want to be scientists or businessmen. still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. unlike other people, i prefer to be a farmer. however, it is not easy to be a farmer for iwill be looked upon by others. anyway,what i am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. it is well known that farming is the basic of the country. above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. we can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. thus our countryside will become more and more properous. i believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. all the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent. 【篇二:关于责任感的英语演讲稿】 im grateful that ive been given this opportunity to stand here as a spokesman. facing all of you on the stage, i have the exciting feeling of participating in this speech competition. the topic today is what we cannot afford to lose. if you ask me this question, i must tell you that i think the answer is a word---- responsibility. in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard, however she could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, i was so restless and thoughtless, i always tried to get more time to play and enjoy myself. so she was always slighted over by me. one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain this to me? i can not understand it. i



英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。48个国际音标表 元音12个单元 音 长元音 [i: ] [ ] [] [u: ] [a:] 短元音[i] [] [ ] [u] [] [e] [] 8个双元音 [ai ] [ei ] [ i] [i ] [ ] [ ] [u] [au ] 辅音 10 对 清辅 音 [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [] [∫ ] [] [tr ] [ts ] 浊辅 音 [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [] [ ] [] [dr ] [dz ] 3个鼻音[m] [n] [] 3个似拼音 [h] [r] [l] 2个半元音 [w] [j] 元音音素: /i:/ 【衣发长点】 /I/ 【衣急促地发声】 /e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】

/?/【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】 /?:/ 【额发长音】 /?/ 【额发短音】 /∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】 /?/ 【哦急促】 /?:/ 【哦声音拖长】 /u/ 【乌急促】 /u:/ 【乌声音拖长】 /eI/ 【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】 /aI/ 【唉】 /?I/ 【哦-喂连着读】 /?u/ 【呕】 /au/ 【傲】 /I?/ 【衣-饿连着读】 /ε?/ 【哎-饿连着读】 /u?/ 【乌-饿连着读】 辅音音素: /p/ 【普不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】 /b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】

/t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】 /k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】 /g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】 /f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】 /v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】 /s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】 /z/ 【就是/s/的浊音】 /θ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】 /δ/ 【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】 /∫/ 【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /з/ 【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】 /r/ 【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】 /t∫/ 【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】 /dз/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】 /tr/ 【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】 /dr/ 【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】 /ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】 /dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】


Dear teacher and colleagues: my topic is on “spare time”. It is a huge blessing that we can work 996. Jack Ma said at an Ali's internal communication activity, That means we should work at 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week .I question the entire premise of this piece. but I'm always interested in hearing what successful and especially rich people come up with time .So I finally found out Jack Ma also had said :”i f you don’t put out more time and energy than others ,how can you achieve the success you want? If you do not do 996 when you are young ,when will you ?”I quite agree with the idea that young people should fight for success .But there are a lot of survival activities to do in a day ,I want to focus on how much time they take from us and what can we do with the rest of the time. As all we known ,There are 168 hours in a week .We sleep roughly seven-and-a-half and eight hours a day .so around 56 hours a week . maybe it is slightly different for someone . We do our personal things like eating and bathing and maybe looking after kids -about three hours a day .so around 21 hours a week .And if you are working a full time job ,so 40 hours a week , Oh! Maybe it is impossible for us at


关于人英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 关于人的优美句子 1、“黑皮小子”是我对在公交车上偶遇两次的一个男孩的称呼代号。一听这个外号,你也定会知道他极黑了。他的脸总是黑黑的;裸露在短袖外的胳膊也是黑黑的;就连两只有厚厚耳垂的耳朵也那么黑黑的,时不时像黑色的猎犬竖起来倾听着什么;黑黑的扁鼻子时不时地深呼吸着,像是在警觉地嗅着什么异样的味道。 2、我不知道,如何诠释我的母亲,因为母亲淡淡的生活中却常常跳动着不一样的间最无私、最伟大、最崇高的爱,莫过于母爱。无私,因为她的爱只有付出,无需回报;伟大,因为她的爱寓于

普通、平凡和简单之中;崇高,是因为她的爱是用生命化作乳汁,哺育着我,使我的生命得以延续,得以蓬勃,得以灿烂。 3、我的左撇子伙伴是用左手写字的,就像我们的右手一样挥洒自如。在日常生活中,曾见过用左手拿筷子的,也有像超级林丹用左手打羽毛球的,但很少碰见用左手写字的。中国汉字笔画笔顺是左起右收,适合用右手写字。但我的左撇子伙伴写字是右起左收的,像鸡爪一样迈出田字格,左看右看,上看下看,每一个字都很难看。平时考试时间终了,他总是做不完试卷。于是老师就跟家长商量,决定让他左改右写。经过老师引导,家长配合,他自己刻苦练字,考试能够提前完成了。现在他的字像他本人一样阳光、帅气。 4、老师,他们是辛勤的园丁,帮助着那些幼苗茁壮成长。他们不怕辛苦地给我们改厚厚一叠的作业,给我们上课。一步一步一点一点地给我们知识。虽然

他们有时也会批评一些人,但是他们的批评是对我们有帮助的,我们也要理解他们。那些学习差的同学,老师会逐一地耐心教导,使他们的学习突飞猛进。使他们的耐心教导培养出了一批批优秀的人才。他们不怕辛苦、不怕劳累地教育着我们这些幼苗,难道不是美吗? 5、我有一个表妹,还不到十岁,她那圆圆的小脸蛋儿,粉白中透着粉红,她的头发很浓密,而且好像马鬓毛一样的粗硬,但还是保留着孩子一样的蓬乱的美,卷曲的环绕着她那小小的耳朵。说起她,她可是一个古灵精怪的小女孩。 6、黑皮小子是一个善良的人,他要跟所有见过的人成为最好的朋友!这样人人都是他的好朋友,那么人人都是好友一样坦诚、关爱相交,这样人与人自然会和谐起来,少了许多争执了。 7、有人说,老师是土壤,把知识化作养分,传授给祖国的花朵,让他们茁壮成长。亦有人说,老师是一座知识的桥梁,把我们带进奇妙的科学世界,让


英语48个音标的快速记忆法 (总49页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

英语48个音标的快速记忆法 英语48个音标的快速记忆法 元音部分: 1)、单元音: [i:]、[]、[:]、[]、[u:]、[]、[]、[]、[ɑ:]、[]、[e]、[] 2)、双元音: [e]、[a]、[]、[]、[e]、[]、[a] 、[] 辅音部分: ? [p]、[b] 、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[e]、[]、[]、[t]、[d] [tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w] 一,单元音:[i:]、[]、[:]、[]、[u:]、[]、[]、[]、[ɑ:]、[]、[e]、[] ? [i:]――谐音为:易(yi);像数字1,记忆真容易. [:]――谐音为:噢(0);噢,这个音标就像个o. [u:]――谐音为:雾(wu);杯子上有很多雾. [:]――谐音为:饿(e);鹅倒立着行走就容易饿. [ɑ:]――谐音为:啊(a);音标的读音跟拼音一样. [e]――谐音为:灭(mie);我要灭了这只鹅.

二,双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[i]、[]、[u]、[i]、[au]、[u] [ei]――谐音为:妹(mei);鹅有一个妹妹. [ai]――谐音为:爱(ai);音标的读音跟拼音一样. [i]――这个音标找不到拼音的谐音,可以按照字母o、i连读来进行谐音记忆. [i]――谐音和外形都像:12 []――谐音为:挨饿;外形像3只鹅;三只鹅都在挨饿. [au]――谐音为:傲(ao);一个杯子很骄傲,不让人拿它喝水. [u]――谐音为:鸥(ou);一只鹅在杯子里找海鸥. [u]――谐音为:屋鹅;一屋子的鹅都装在杯子里. 三,辅音:[θ]、[e]、[]、[] (注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,我们的记忆方法主要是针对这四个辅音.) 其中,[θ]和[e]这两个音标,它们没有近似的拼音来对应,主要靠嘴形来记忆. [θ]――外形像上下牙齿咬着舌头;[e]――外形则像舌头顶在上下牙齿之间. 而[]和[]这两个音标,则可以找到近似的拼音来作为谐音. []――谐音为:嘘(xu);嘘,这里有条很长的蛇,赶快保持安静!


关于时间的英语演讲稿范文_演讲稿 and organizing people to learn from advanced areas to broaden their horizons in order to understand the team of cadres working conditions in schools, the ministry of education has traveled a number of primary and secondary schools to conduct research, listen to the views of the school party and government leaders to make school leadership cadres receive attention and guidance of the ministry of education to carry out a variety of practical activities to actively lead the majority of young teachers work hard to become qualified personnel and for them to put up the cast talent stage, a single sail swaying, after numerous twists and turns arrived in port, if there is wind, a hand, and naturally smooth arrival and guide students to strive to e xcel, need to nazhen “wind” - teacher. teachers should be ideological and moral education, culture education and the needs of students organically combining various activities for the students or students to carry out their own. for example: school quiz competitions, essay contests, ke benju performances and other activities to enable students to give full play to their talents. teachers rush toil, in order to that will enable students to continue to draw nutrients, to help them grow up healthily and become pillars of the country before. for all students in general education, the government departments have also not forget those who cared about the
