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A critical review of the roles of host lactoferrin in immunity

A critical review of the roles of host lactoferrin in immunity
A critical review of the roles of host lactoferrin in immunity

A critical review of the roles of host lactoferrin in immunity

Dominique Legrand ?Joe

¨l Mazurier Received:22December 2009/Accepted:25January 2010/Published online:9February 2010

óSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC.2010

Abstract Lactoferrin (Lf)is an essential element of innate immunity,which refers to antigen-nonspeci?c defense mechanisms that a host uses immediately or within hours after exposure to an antigen.Following infection,Lf is released from neutrophils (PMNs)in blood and in?amed tissues and,such as other soluble pattern-recognition receptors of the innate immunity,Lf recognizes unique microbial molecules called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs):LPS from the gram-negative cell wall and bacterial unmethylated CpG DNA.However,unlike classical PAMPs receptors involved in the activation of immune cells,Lf may act either as a competitor for these receptors or as a partner molecule,depending on the physiological status of the organism.These immunomodulatory properties are explained by the ability of Lf to interact with proteoglycans and receptors on the surface of mammalian cells:cells of the innate (NK cells,neutrophils,macrophages,basophils,neutrophils and mast cells)and adaptive [lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells (APCs)]immune systems,and also epithelial and endothelial cells.Through these interactions,Lf is able to modulate the migration,maturation and functions of

immune cells,and thus to in?uence both adaptive and innate immunities.The understanding of the roles of the host-expressed Lf in immunity comes from in vivo and in vitro studies with exogenous Lf which,although informative,rarely re?ect the pathological,or non-pathological,conditions in the organism.In this review,the data from the literature will be critically analyzed in order to present a real picture of the regulatory roles of host Lf in immunity.Keywords Lactoferrin áImmunity áImmunomodulation áImmune cells áLipopolysaccharides


Depending on the organism,immunity may involve innate immunity only,as for most invertebrates,or both innate and adaptive immunities,as for mam-mals.Whatever the systems brought into play,they are always complex and tightly regulated because they intend to be as harmful as possible against the infectious agents whereas they must be as harmless as possible for the host https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1d13181244.html,ctoferrin (Lf)is de?nitely one of the molecules that play key roles not only against microbes but also against excessive and harmful host responses in mammals:a sword and a shield at the same time.Those two aspects of Lf roles in host defense,together with its potency to modulate both innate and adaptive immunities,make

D.Legrand (&)áJ.Mazurier

Structural and Functional Glycobiology Unit,UMR 8576


?timent C9,Universite ′des Sciences et Technologies de Lille,59655Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex,France


Biometals (2010)23:365–376DOI 10.1007/s10534-010-9297-1

Lf an amazing multifunctional molecule in immunity. Until now,a plethora of studies aimed to demonstrate activities of Lf in immunity(reviewed in Legrand et al.2004a,2005,2008);we will try to depict here the actual roles of host-expressed Lf in the immune responses.

Evidences for roles of Lf in immunity:in vivo and in vitro experiments

In vivo evidences

The multifunctionality of Lf makes the understanding of its activities very tricky(reviewed in Legrand et al. 2008).The literature is indeed crammed of evidences for roles of Lf in the host defense but,unfortunately, most of them are not necessarily informative on the actual mechanisms of action of the host molecule in immunity.Indeed,whereas many in vivo studies reported protective effects against infections or septic shock(reviewed in Legrand et al.2005,2006),it is not perfectly clear whether those effects are the result of a direct anti-microbial activity or of a boost of cell-mediated immunity modulation.However,recent studies undoubtly demonstrate that bovine Lf(bLf) supports immune and antioxidant status in healthy human volunteers(Mulder et al.2008).In addition to the evidence that Lf levels markedly increased in biological?uids of patients suffering of in?ammatory diseases(Bennett and Kokocinski1978),the main in vivo indications of the role of Lf in the host defense came from observations on organisms suffering a lack of Lf synthesis.In particular,Breton-Gorius et al. (1980)showed a lack of speci?c granules in neutro-phils from a patient with recurrent infections and, recently Ward et al.(2008),demonstrated a stimulus-dependent impairment of the neutrophil oxidative burst response in Lf-de?cient mice.Conversely, Guillen et al.(2002)showed that transgenic mice expressing human Lf(hLf)exhibit enhanced Th1 response to S.aureus.However,although very demonstrative,this study and almost all others were performed with Lf from exogenous sources,usually coming from species different from that of the animal model used in the experiments,usually administered by oral route but also by intraveinous injection,and generally in large amounts.All these parameters are likely to generate effects that greatly differ from those of the host protein in physiological conditions,but which do re?ect the immunomodulatory potency of Lf. In vitro evidences

In vitro approaches are very suited to comprehend the actual roles of Lf in immunity,provided that the studies are conducted in homologous conditions(e.g., hLf with human cells)and with reagents of the highest purity and quality.As we will see thereafter, Lf binds the lipopolysaccharides(LPS)with high af?nity(Appelmelk et al.1994;Elass-Rochard et al. 1995)and these pro-in?ammatory components are common contaminants in Lf preparations which can readily activate transduction pathways of the in?am-matory response(usually MAP kinase and NF j B pathways;reviewed in Guha and Mackman(2001)). Furthermore,Lf protease degradation may generate peptides with different and/or higher activities than the whole protein[e.g.,lactoferricin(Lfc),the N-terminal domain of Lf(Gifford et al.2005)].All the in vitro studies have demonstrated a role of Lf in the modulation of the activation of the cells involved either in innate immunity(most particularly macro-phages,neutrophils,basophils,esosinophils,masto-cytes and NK Cells)or in adaptive immunity(B and T-cells and dendritic cells),either as a pro-in?am-matory or an anti-in?ammatory agent(reviewed in Legrand et al.2005,2006).In most cases,the modulation of the activity of immune cells by Lf results in decreased or increased expressions of pro-in?ammatory interleukins(IL-1,IL-6,IL-18,TNF-a) by immune cells or adhesion molecules by endothe-lial cells(E-selectin;Elass et al.2002).Whereas most of the anti-in?ammatory properties of Lf may be explained by a neutralizing effect of Lf against endotoxins,especially LPS,and their related recep-tors(see thereafter;reviewed in Legrand et al.2005, 2006),the pro-in?ammatory effects are much more controversial.Owing to the putative presence of LPS in Lf preparations used in some experiments,it is likely that the LPS itself may be the causative agent of pro-in?ammatory effects.However,as discussed thereafter,it may be hypothesized that,in some instances,Lf may serve as a carrier for LPS.In addition to endotoxin binding,interactions of Lf with membrane components on cells,such as proteogly-cans and cell receptors(reviewed in Suzuki et al. 2005;Legrand et al.2008),were reported through in

vitro experiments which support a direct action of Lf on the activity of immune cells,most particularly on the proliferation,maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes(Mazurier et al.1989;Bi et al.1997). Occurrence of host Lf in immunity:where,when and how?

The wide-spread distribution of the molecule in the organism testi?es that Lf is in the front line of the host defense system.Lf is secreted in the apo-form from epithelial cells in most exocrine?uids such as saliva, bile,pancreatic and gastric?uids,tears and,more particularly milk(Montreuil et al.1960).In biological ?uids and at the surface of mucosa,Lf is believed to exert its antibacterial activities,either by direct inter-actions with microbes or by competition with bacterial siderophores(Jenssen and Hancock2009).It repre-sents,like other antibacterial proteins and peptides in ?uids,an important key molecule of innate immunity.

When a microbe penetrates the tissues,itself and released endotoxins will activate the so-called‘‘sen-tinel cells’’,such as macrophages,basophils,eosin-ophils,?broblasts and dendritic cells,which will release very potent pro-in?ammatory molecules (particularly IL-1,IL-6and TNF-a).Both compo-nents and endotoxins will then activate the endothe-lial cells of which the permeability properties will be greatly modi?ed.Endothelial cells will thus allow not only the passage of soluble molecules such as the complement and antibodies,but also the recruitment of blood-circulating neutrophils.This important step is made possible by the expression of speci?c adhesion receptors on activated endothelial cells(P-and E-selectins)and chemiokines(Il-8).Obviously, the recruitment of neutrophils by activated endothe-lial cells will initiate their activation and,as a result,a partial release of the content of their secondary granules in blood.Since Lf is a major component of secondary granules,its concentration in plasma may greatly increase from0.4to2mg l-1to up 200mg l-1(Bennett and Kokocinski1978).Plasma Lf is then rapidly cleared by the liver parenchymal cells(Debanne et al.1985).In fact,plasma Lf only represents the tip of the iceberg since most of neutrophil Lf is delivered by neutrophils at very high concentration at the sites of in?ammation where maximal activation of cells occurs.Degranulated Lf is in the form of the apo protein,so that its iron-chelating properties can be directed against microbes together with the direct microbicidal activity of the molecule.Besides its antimicrobial role,an important function of Lf is the modulation of the activity of the sentinel cells,either in pro-or anti-in?ammatory ways(reviewed in Legrand et al.2005,2006).

These regulating activities take place thanks to the iron-binding properties of Lf and above all to its ability to interact with target molecules and cells.On one side,some in vitro experiments suggest that it may regulate proliferation,differentiation and acti-vation of immune cells,thus strengthening,either directly or indirectly,the immune responses.On the other side,Lf plays anti-in?ammatory activities able to lower harmfulness of the response.When tissues are infected,reactive oxygen species are abundantly produced,either generated by free iron released from necrosed tissues or overproduced by actived granu-locytes.That oxydative burst,together with the excessive release of pro-in?ammatory cytokines, mainly interleukin-1(IL-1)and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a)highly contributes to the pathogenesis of the septic shock(Annane et al.2005).The protective anti-in?ammatory activity of Lf lies in its ability to bind free ferric ion but also exogenous pro-in?am-matory bacterial components such as lipopolysaccha-rides(LPS)and their receptors.Whereas Lf iron binding has bene?cial detoxication effects in infected or pathological tissues,binding to pro-in?ammatory molecules has down-regulating effects on both the activation and recruitment of immune cells in in?amed tissues(reviewed in Legrand et al.2005, 2006).Molecular and cellular basis supporting these assertions are developed in the following sections. Lf modulates the activation of immune

cells by microbial components

Lf binds to major pathogen-associated molecular patterns

Pathogens,especially bacteria,have common and relatively invariant molecular structures that are not shared with their host,known as Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns(PAMPs;reviewed in Akira and Hemmi2003),which are powerful activation signals. The main PAMPs are the?agellin of bacterial

?agella,the peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria, the lipopolysaccharide(LPS,also called endotoxin) of Gram-negative bacteria,double-stranded RNA (viruses)and unmethylated DNA.These molecules are recognized by the Pattern-Recognition Receptors (PPRs)which are the key elements of innate immu-nity,of which three main groups exist:the secreted PPRs(e.g.,the C-reactive protein),the phagocytosis receptors(e.g.,the mannose receptor),and the Toll-Like Receptors(TLRs).

Interestingly,it was reported that Lf binds to two major PAMPs:the LPS and unmethylated CpG DNA (Appelmelk et al.1994;Elass-Rochard et al.1995, 1998;Britigan et al.2001).In the case of LPS,high-af?nity interaction of Lf with the lipid A moiety of E. coli LPS was reported(Appelmelk et al.1994).Using E.coli LPS,two binding sites with dissociation constants(Kds)of 3.6±1nM and390±20nM were found on the N-and C-lobes of hLf(Elass-Rochard et al.1995).It was shown that both sequences 1GRRRR5and28RKVRGPP34,the same involved separately or in conjunction in the interactions with the 105kDa Lf receptor,the LRP,glycosaminoglycans and DNA(Mann et al.1994;Legrand et al.1997;van Berkel et al.1997)are required for the high-af?nity binding of Lf to LPS(Elass-Rochard et al.1995).

Although Lf could not be strictly considered as a PPR because it does not directly induce cell activa-tion following binding to LPS or unmethylated CpG DNA,it may act as a competitor for the PPRs,or even,in some instances,as a transfer molecule.

Lf inhibits LPS signaling

A PPR such as the TLR4,the LPS signaling PPR,uses a serum transfer molecule called the LPS-binding pro-tein(LBP),which transfers LPS to CD14.CD14can either be soluble in serum or GPI-anchored to the cell membrane of neutrophils,monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes(reviewed in Jerala(2007)).Soluble CD14(sCD14)in complex with LPS binds to cells, such as endothelial cells,which do not express mCD14.

As shown through in vivo and in vitro experi-ments,hLf suppresses TNF-a,IL-1b,IL-6produc-tions in mononuclear cells in response to LPS activation(Miyazawa et al.1991;Crouch et al. 1992;Mattsby-Baltzer et al.1996;Haversen et al. 2002;Kruzel et al.2002).In particular,orally-administered bLf was shown to have a bene?cial effect on infections and protects animals against a lethal dose of LPS(Zagulski et al.1989).It is now well admitted that the down-regulation of pro-in?ammatory cytokines and protection against the septic shock is mainly related to the LPS-binding properties of Lf,through its lactoferricin(Lfc) domain(Elass-Rochard et al.1995,1998).Lf com-petes with serum LBP for LPS binding and therefore prevents the transfer of endotoxin to mCD14pre-sented at the surface of neutrophils(Elass-Rochard et al.1998).This property accounts for the inhibition by Lf of LPS-induced activation and subsequent release of proin?ammatory cytokines by immune cells.Another important?nding was the evidence of high-af?nity interactions(Kd&16±7nM)between Lf and sCD14(Baveye et al.2000a).It was showed that hLf interacts not only with free sCD14but also, though with different binding properties,with sCD14 in complex with LPS or lipid A-2-keto-3-deoxyoc-tonic acid-heptose.As for LPS,the cationic N-terminal peptides of Lf are essential in the binding (Baveye et al.2000a).Lf also suppresses the production of hydrogen peroxide mediated by the binding of LPS to L-selectin of neutrophils(Baveye et al.2000b).Furthermore,the interaction between Lf and soluble CD14(sCD14)inhibits the secretion of IL-8,a chemokine induced by the complex sCD14-LPS,by endothelial cells(Elass et al.2002).The interaction of Lf with LPS and sCD14interferes not only with the activation of immune cells but also with the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells,necessary for the local recruitment of immune cells at in?ammatory sites.In particular,Lf inhibits the(sCD14-LPS)-induced expression of E-selectin, ICAM-1and IL-8by human umbilical endothelial cells(Baveye et al.2000a;Elass et al.2002).

In conclusion,it is very likely that when Lf is released in high amounts at the in?ammatory sites and in lesser extent in blood,it may prevent further binding of LPS to the receptors,thus preventing the activation of cells and playing a potent anti-in?am-matory role in immunity.

Lf,a vector for LPS?

Several studies have reported that Lf may activate macrophages and induce IL-8,TNF-a and NO (Sorimachi et al.1997).During infection,Lf secreted from neutrophil granules can bind to PMNs and

monocytes/macrophages(Gahr et al.1991),and a connection was made between this binding and the promotion of the secretion of in?ammatory molecules such as TNF-a(Sorimachi et al.1997).Studies have shown that Lf may activate macrophages via TLR4-dependent and independent signalling pathways (Curran et al.2006).This activation induces CD40 expression and IL-6secretion.However,it is not clear whether Lf activates cells on its own,or if the observed effect is due to contaminating LPS in Lf preparations.Since(1)only traces of LPS are suf?cient to trigger activation of cells,and(2) signi?cant amounts of LPS were detected in com-mercial preparations of Lf,it is possible that many studies actually reported the effect of LPS or the Lf-LPS complex on immune cells.

Indeed,in some conditions,the Lf-LPS complex could be an inducer of in?ammatory mediators in macrophages,through Toll-like receptor4(Na et al. 2004).Moreover,after a pre-treatment with the Lf-LPS complex,it was found that cells are rendering a tolerant state to LPS challenge(Na et al.2004).It was also recently demonstrated that a complex of Lf with monophosphoryl lipid A is an ef?cient adjuvant of the immune responses(Chodaczek et al.2006, 2008).Lastly,it was recently reported that the ability of Lf to form complexes with LPS would induce IFN-a/b expression and hence promote the antiviral activity of Lf(Puddu et al.2007).

We thus hypothesize that depending on the Lf/LPS ratio at a particular site of in?ammation or in a particular biological?uid,and depending on the nature and maturation of immune cells,Lf may act either as a LPS neutralizing molecule or as a LPS carrier,hence its immunomodulatory activity.In other words,when the Lf/LPS ratio is elevated,as when Lf is released from PMNs at the sites of in?ammation,Lf could act as a LPS neutralizing and anti-in?ammatory molecule.However,when Lf con-centration is lower,Lf could serve as a carrier for LPS whose delivery would depend on the cell environment.It is indeed worth noting that most interactions of Lf with its receptors and ligands, including LPS,involve the basic Lfc domain of the molecule.Cell surface and extracellular matrix proteoglycans are precisely major targets of the Lfc domain(Mann et al.1994;Ziere et al.1996;Legrand et al.1997).On most cells,in particular on T-lymphocytes,binding to proteoglycans accounts for more than80%of total Lf binding on cell surface (Legrand et al.1997).It is thus very likely that the Lf/ LPS complex readily dissociates at the vicinity of the extracellular matrix(ECM)or in contact with the surface of cells.It is a fact that the af?nity of Lf for LPS is about500-fold lower than that for proteogly-cans but the tremendous number of Lf-binding sites on cell proteoglycans(usually several millions sites per cell),and most particularly on ECM proteogly-cans,largely compensates this difference.Interest-ingly,both nature and number of proteoglycans greatly depend on the nature of cells but also on their state of differentiation or maturation,but also of pathologies(Schwartz2000).It is thus quite con-ceivable that dissociation of the Lf/LPS complex occurs more readily on certain cells than on others. After dissociation from proteoglycan-bound Lf,LPS would bind to any LPS receptor present on the cells, thus initiating the activation of cells.

Lf modulates the recruitment of immune cells

Cell migration is critical for a variety of biological processes.During in?uenza virus infection(pneumo-nia),bLf was shown to reduce the number of in?ltrat-ing leukocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage?uid,thus suppressing the hyper reaction of the host(Yamauchi et al.2006).Lf also decreases the recruitment of eosinophils,reduces pollen antigen-induced allergic airway in?ammation in a murine model of asthma (Kruzel et al.2006),and reduces migration of Langh-erans cells in cutaneous in?ammation(Grif?ths et al. 2001).Such reduced migration of granulocytes,most particularly eosinophils,was recently reported(Bour-nazou et al.2009).Furthermore,Lf can modulate ?broblast motility by regulating MMP-1gene expres-sion,a matrix metalloproteinase involved in the promotion of cell migration(Oh et al.2001).Lastly, an in vivo study has shown that orally-administered recombinant hLf is able to prevent injury of non-steroidal anti-in?ammatory drugs in the intestine of rats and mice and that this effect could be linked to attenuation of neutrophil migration to the intestine (Dial et al.2005).Another aspect of Lf activity could be the inhibition of angiogenesis,probably by inducing IL-18production in serum and blocking endothelial functions(Shimamura et al.2004).

Although the exact mechanism of action of Lf in these processes was not clearly de?ned,it has been

demonstrated in vitro that Lf inhibits the(sCD14-LPS)-induced expression of E-selectin,ICAM-1and IL-8by human umbilical endothelial cells(Baveye et al.2000a,b;Elass et al.2002).These studies also pointed out the ability of Lf to compete with chemokines such as IL-8for their binding to prote-oglycans and their further presentation to leukocytes (discussed after).Other mechanisms of action of Lf in allergy were proposed.Indeed,Lf is over expressed in patients with allergies(Zweiman et al.1990),a process which involves the activation of mast cells and basophils and IL-1b and TNF-a-triggered migra-tion of APCs.In skin allergies,a mechanism by which Lf binds to keratinocytes and inhibits the release of TNF-a from these cells has been proposed (Cumberbatch et al.2003).Another explanation has been found in the ability of Lf to displace tryptase(a potent pro-in?ammatory protease released from mast cells)from heparin,and hence to destabilize the enzyme(Kimber et al.2002).Lf apparently displaces tryptase from heparin which is known to maintain enzymatic activity.It was recently shown that inhibition occurs following Lf uptake by mast cells and interaction not only with tryptase but also with chymase and cathepsin G(He et al.2003).These authors also showed an inhibition of anti-IgE induced histamine and tryptase releases from human colon mast cells by Lf(Elrod et al.1997;He and Xie2004). The role of proteoglycans in the activity of Lf

in immunity

Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans participate in a variety of biological processes including the in?ammatory process(Taylor and Gallo2006).Since Lf is a glycosaminoglycan-binding protein(Mann et al.1994;Ziere et al.1996;Legrand et al.1997),it may be expected that massive Lf release from PMNs at the in?ammatory sites and in blood interferes in proteoglycans functions.

Interleukin-8(IL-8),a potent C-X-C chemokine activates LFA-1integrins(LFA-1)on neutrophils but also binds,as a dimer and with a low af?nity,to heparin and heparan sulfate molecules(reviewed in Mukaida2000).Once?rmly attached,the cells are directed by a chemo attractant gradient to transmi-grate into tissue affected by injury or infection(Smith et al.1991).The cell surface proteoglycans increase the local concentration of IL-8that,in turn,regulates the activation of neutrophils through speci?c inter-actions with a G-protein coupled receptor.We showed in vitro that Lf inhibits the interaction of IL-8to immobilized heparin,thus suggesting that the anti-in?ammatory properties of Lf during septicemia is related,at least in part,to the ability of Lf to compete with chemokines for their binding to prote-oglycans on cells and in the ECM(Elass et al.2002).

Another role of Lf binding to glycosaminoglycans, still hypothetical though and above outlined,is the destabilization of the Lf-LPS complex,making LPS available to its signaling cell receptors.

Lf modulates the phagocyte capacity of cells Promotion of lytic cell activity is an important aspect of Lf function.Lf is already expressed on resting PMNs where it could participate in the binding of micro-organisms(Deriy et al.2000).It was shown in vitro that both release and cell binding promote the activation and phagocytosis of PMNs and monocytes/ macrophages.Lf was reported as a promoter of motility,superoxide production and release of pro-in?ammatory molecules such as NO,TNF-a and IL-8 (Gahr et al.1991;Shinoda et al.1996;Sorimachi et al. 1997)and a study indeed demonstrates enhanced phagocytosis against S.aureus(Kai et al.2002).The molecular mechanisms explaining these activities are, however,controversial.Phagocytosis by PMNs is enhanced by the interaction of complement activation products,particularly complement factor C3.Never-theless,it is unclear whether Lf activity is related to complement activation since Lf was shown either to inhibit(Kijlstra and Jeurissen1982)or to activate (Rainard1993)the classical and alternate pathways of complement.A more recent report shows that the Lfc domain of either hLf or bLf inhibits the classical complement pathway but not the alternative comple-ment pathway(Samuelsen et al.2004).Lastly,direct Lf binding to PMNs and opsonin-like activity could also be involved(Miyauchi et al.1998).

Host Lf,a bridge between innate and adaptive immunities?

Whereas there is no doubt that Lf plays a key role in innate immunity,many studies have shown that Lf also intervenes in adaptive immunity.In particular,

oral administration of bLf seems to in?uence mucosal and systemic immune responses in mice(Sfeir et al. 2004).These effects may be explained by roles of Lf in the modulation of the maturation,differentiation and activity of lymphocytes,and in the promotion of antigen presentation to these cells.

Modulation of the maturation,differentiation

and activity of lymphocytes by Lf

Many studies reported effects of Lf on the maturation and differentiation of T-and B-lymphocytes. Although most results were obtained from in vivo studies using oral administration of Lf,it may be assumed that increased concentrations of Lf in blood and biological?uids during in?ammation(Bennett and Kokocinski1978)would also in?uence the maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes.It was demonstrated that bLf administered orally to mice strongly elevated the pool of CD3?T cells and CD4?T cell content(Sfeir et al.2004).Lf given orally to CP-immunosuppressed mice could reconsti-tute a T cell-mediated immune response by renewal of the T cell pool(Artym et al.2003b).It was also recently demonstrated that a complex of Lf with monophoshoryl lipid A is an ef?cient adjuvant of the humoral and cellular immune responses(Chodaczek et al.2006).Its stimulating effect on the immune system mainly concerns the maturation and differen-tiation of T-lymphocytes and the Th1/Th2cytokine balance(Fischer et al.2006).Under non-pathogenic conditions,Lf is able to stimulate the differentiation of T cells from their immature precursors through the induction of CD4antigen(Zimecki et al.1991; Dhennin-Duthille et al.2000).A similar effect was described on isolated thymocytes incubated overnight with Lf.Furthermore,oral delivery of Lf signi?cantly increased the number of CD4-positive cells in lymphoid tissus(Kuhara et al.2000).Lf induces a Th1polarization in diseases in which the ability to control infection or tumor relies on a strong response, but may also reduce Th1cytokines to limit excessive in?ammatory responses.Thus,Lf enhances both the ability of Th cells to assist the fungicidal actions of macrophages(Wakabayashi et al.2003)and BCG vaccine effectiveness against challenge with Myco-bacterium tuberculosis(Hwang et al.2005,2008). Similarly in Lf transgenic mice,an upregulation of the Th1response was associated with S.aureus clearance(Guillen et al.2002).Oral administration of Lf increased the splenocyte production of IFN-c and Il-12in response to Herpes simplex virus type1 infection(Wakabayashi et al.2004).An up-regula-tion of IFN-c and TNF-a production by cervical lymph node cells stimulated by heat-killed Candida albicans was observed in Lf-treated mice compared with non-treated mice(Takakura et al.2004).Lastly, the eradication of chronic hepatitis C virus by IFN therapy is favourized by administration of bLf that induces a Th-1cytokine dominant environment in peripheral blood(Ishii et al.2003).

Concerning the humoral response,Lf was shown, in vitro,to promote differentiation of splenic B cells (Zimecki et al.1995).Lf also restored humoral immune response by peritoneal and alveolar cells in cyclophosphamide(CP)-immunocompromised mice (Artym et al.2003a,2004).Lastly,Lf binding to CpG-containing oligonucleotides was shown to inhibit their immunostimulatory effects on human B cells(Britigan et al.2001).

Lf promotes the recruitment,maturation

and activation of antigen-presenting cells

A connection between innate and adaptive immuni-ties made by host-expressed Lf can be found at the very place where Lf is degranulated in large amounts from neutrophils,i.e.,the in?ammatory site.As described above,APCs,among which dendritic cells, the most important T helper cell activators,are present in all tissues.Recently,it has been shown that Lf acts as an alarmin to promote the recruitment and activation of APCs and antigen-speci?c immune responses(de la Rosa et al.2008).It was also reported as a novel maturation factor for dendritic cells(Spadaro et al.2008).Hence,Lf released at the in?ammatory site would participate to adaptive immunity by promoting the maturation,activation and migration of APCs(reviewed in Puddu et al. 2009).

Putative mechanisms accounting for the effects

of Lf in adaptive immunity

The exact mechanisms by which Lf modulates the maturation,differentiation,migration and activation of lymphocytes and APCs are not clearly known.As

mentioned before,most results are obtained from studies using oral-administered Lf whose action is mainly directed in the intestine.A proposed mech-anism is that oral Lf induces IL-18production in the small intestine,therefore leading to an increase in the level of Th1cells(Ishii et al.2003).Furthermore,it has been shown that bLf may promote systemic host immunity by activating the transcription in the small intestine of important genes such as IL-12p40,IFN-b and NOD2(Yamauchi et al.2006).

Two main hypothetical mechanisms may account for effects of Lf on lymphocytes and APCs.The?rst mechanism,formerly mentioned in this review,relies on the ability of Lf to complex PAMPs and to serve either as a PAMP-neutralizing molecule or as a PAMP vector.Indeed,LPS have profound effects on CD4T-cell responses and are well-known for gen-erating Th1responses(McAleer and Vella2008). They also upregulate costimulatory molecules on antigen-presenting cells(APCs).T cells that are primed in an LPS-stimulated environment are pro-grammed for long-term survival following clonal expansion(McAleer and Vella2008).Hence,it may be hypothesized that the LPS-binding ability of Lf plays a modulatory role in the physiology and functions of lymphocytes,in a similar way to cells of innate immunity.The second mechanism is based on interactions of Lf with receptors at the surface of cells which would be responsible for the activation of signalling pathways and/or the endocytosis and targeting of all or part of Lf in the nucleus of cells. Whereas three protein receptors have been identi?ed on human cells,i.e.,the lipoprotein-related receptor (LRP;Meilinger et al.1995),the105kDa lympho-cyte receptor identi?ed as surface nucleolin(Legrand et al.2004b),and a speci?c receptor evidenced on intestinal cells(reviewed in Suzuki et al.2005),very little is known about the actual mechanisms of action of Lf on cells expressing these receptors.Interest-ingly,all three receptors permit signaling in cells and/ or endocytosis of Lf.LRP,a Lf receptor at the surface of many cells has been recently shown to function as a mitogenic Lf receptor in osteoblastic cells,via p42/ 44MAP kinase signaling(Grey et al.2004).Such MAP kinase signaling was also observed in Jurkat lymphoblastic T cells owing to the105kDa Lf receptor(Dhennin-Duthille et al.2000).It is also hypothesized that Lf may enter the cell and be targeted to the nucleus where it can act as a transcriptional activator(Oh et al.2001).Recently, nucleolin ubiquitously expressed on dividing cells was pointed out as a possible Lf carrier between cell surface and nucleus(Legrand et al.2004b).Interest-ingly,it was recently shown that Lf may down-regulate LPS-induced cytokines in THP1through a mechanism involving Lf internalization,nuclear localization and interference with nuclear factor-j B (NF-j B;Haversen et al.2002).The mechanisms of interference of Lf of NF-j B,a transcription factor playing a critical role in immune responses and in?ammation,are not perfectly clear.However,Oh et al.(2004)showed that overexpressed Lf acts as a p53gene transactivator through the stimulation of the I j B-kinase activity and NF-j B binding.These authors previously demonstrated a matrix metallo-proteinase1gene transactivating activity by Lf through stress-activated MAPK signaling modules (Oh et al.2001).

A role of host Lf in the maturation

and differentiation of lymphocytes?

As described above,most assertions of roles of Lf in adaptive immunity are based on either in vitro or in vivo experiments of which the physiological rele-vance may be questioned.Hence,the observations made in these experiments could poorly re?ect the exact role of host Lf in adaptive immunity.For example,about vaccine ef?ciency,an adjuvant effect in the generation of delayed-type hypersensivity and in the bost of BCG ef?cacy to generate T helper response in mice was demonstrated(Zimecki et al. 2002).However,this adjuvant effect was attributed to bLf binding on the mannose receptor of immature skin APCs.Such binding has been recently con?rmed in a study showing that bLf binding to DC-SIGN on dendritic cells blocks its interaction with HIV gp120 and subsequent virus transmission(Groot et al.2005). Since glycans with polymannosidic structures are speci?c to bLf and not found on hLf,this example clearly illustrates a typical‘‘non-speci?c’’effect of exogenous Lf in in vivo experiments.Most impor-tantly,since Lf is not synthesized/secreted in thymus or in any other primary or secondary lymphoid tissue, its presence in these tissues mostly originates from a transient release from degranulating neutrophils in blood.Therefore,unless in chronic and/or severe in?ammatory diseases,a possible effect of host Lf on

maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes should be questioned.


Lf possesses pleiotropic roles which turn it into either a weapon or a shield in the host defense system.The bene?cial effects of Lf administered in prevention or treatment of infectious pathologies have led to many applications for health.These applications have emphasized the importance of Lf in the regulation of immunity but most of them poorly account for the actual activities of host-expressed Lf in this control.It appears that Lf acts as an anti-microbial and anti-oxidant molecule,not only through direct interactions with microbes or through its iron-binding capability, but also by stimulating the migration and functions of cells of the innate and adaptive immunities(illus-trated in Fig.1).The immuno-modulatory properties of Lf are mainly related to its PAMPs(mostly LPS)-binding ability which generally turns Lf into an anti-in?ammatory molecule able to protect the host from harmful immune responses.Conversely,it may be hypothesized that Lf also acts as a vector of PAMPs for immune cell activation.Other putative mecha-nisms,which still need further investigations,would require signalling or nuclear targeting following interactions with multifunctional or speci?c cell membrane receptors.


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政府申请报告要怎么写呢?以下是为大家分享的3篇政府申请报告范文,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎浏览! 政府申请报告范文一: 关于向xx人民政府申请xx项目优惠政策的报告 xx人民政府: xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目是由(陕西xx集团)下属陕西xx房地产开发有限公司与xx房地产开发有限公司共同投资,根据《汉中市保护利用总体规划》,本着保护性利用自然资源的原则,在兼顾环境效益,合理利用生态资源,统筹城乡发展的基础上,力图打造的一个具有养生体验功能的高科技集旅游地产和现代农业示范区有机整合的地方发展项目。 一、xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目简介 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目,将充分运用“文化传承、产品核心竞争力、价值附着”三大策略、“传统农业、现代农业、未来农业”三大板块、“互惠、分享、共赢”三大原则,进行整体规划。项目规划将综合考虑国家及汉中生态保护相关政策,把协调发展“三农问题”作为根本出发点。项目结合项目地良好的自然环境、当前现代农业的发展契机、西北地区休闲市场巨大需求,结合项目单位自身的人才、技术、管理、资金等资源等优势条件,利用农业为主线的链条式发展,以高端科技农业为主打,以规模特色农业为品牌,以休闲体验旅游为提升,将农业和旅游产业有机结合。建设国内外先进农业技术的引进转化示范区、农业专家课题示范区和自驾旅游集散中心。带动旅游观光、生态体验、餐饮住宿等辐射经济效益的升级。体现休闲自然的生活态度和生活方式,成为全国性的农业科技示范教育基地。实现第一产业、第二产业和第三产业的联动、互利和产业链升级发展。 xx项目以农业发展为基础,休闲养生体验为主题,旅游产业为拓展。项目实施后,将积极促进和改善xx区域的生态环境,打造优质生态宜居游乐生活,增进居民幸福度和营造社会和谐度。 项目总投入约亿,项目直接收益较高,可带来超过2亿的税收和6亿的衍生收益,并能解决农村剩余劳动力2000以上,可为这些劳动力带来每年2万元以上的收入,给武乡区域带来极大的综合效益。 二、项目投资单位简介 本项目投资单位:陕西xx房地产开发有限公司;具体实施单位:xx房地产开发有限公司;两公司均为陕西xx集团全资下属单位。 陕西xx集团是经由区政府领导、经贸局和xx房地产开发有限公司共同努力引入汉中,并成功注资落户的外来企业。 陕西xx集团,是以煤炭、电力为主导产业,以资源综合开发利用为宗旨,坚持节能环保发展观的新型能源企业。该公司先后被榆林市委、市人民政府授予“榆林市十佳企业”、“榆林市非公有制纳税十强企业”、“挂牌重点保护


小学三年级日记范文五篇 导读:本文小学三年级日记范文五篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 今天我学会了包包子,以前我是不会包包子的,可是现在就不一样了,下面我就让你看看我是如何学会包包子的。 我是向我奶奶学的包包子的。奶奶说首先要把面粉掺水和匀,然后揉搓直至像发酵的长面包。把包子馅事先切好放一边,等我把像长面包的面粉切一节一节的,然后把一节搓好的面粉放在手里用擀面杖推平,在吧馅放进去,然后再把面皮四圈包严就好了。 这就是我学会包包子的经验。【篇二】 今天奶奶带着我和哥哥一起去买菜。我们买了:豆腐、肉、小面条和疙瘩面。买好菜我们就回家了,在回家的路上,我和哥哥在前面走,奶奶在后面走,忽然奶奶跌倒在地上,手上的菜都掉到了地上,二块五角的豆腐都摔碎了,我们连忙去扶奶奶,我问奶奶:“奶奶,你怎么样呀?疼不疼?”奶奶站起来说:“没事的。”我在想:可能是奶奶为我们的安全就一直盯着我们,但是一只脚没走好就跌倒在地上了。我看到奶奶把手跌流血了,裤子跌破了,腿跌疼了,可是嘴上却说没事。我觉得大人现在做的事情都是为我们好,所以等我们长大了一定要好好孝敬他们。【篇三】 今天中午,爸爸妈妈带我一起去看家具。那儿的家具五花八门。

有形态各异的沙发,这些沙发有的像ok形的手指,有的是一个香蕉形,长的、圆的、方的,各式各样、千姿百态,看得我眼花缭乱。 我们来到二楼,那里摆着各式各样的床和橱。这些床有的是红色,有的是白色,还有的是黄色,真是五颜六色。我特别喜欢那张洁白的橱,在电灯的照耀下,看上去好亮。 到达三楼,那里有好多房间,每间房子都摆着一套家具,我左看看右看看,这套也好,那套也不错,不知道选择哪一套。最终,我们选了最漂亮的一套,看上去既简洁又大方,就买了下来。我特别高兴!【篇四】 今天我和妹妹去吃必胜客。 终于上菜了。妹妹想去拿牛排却被烫到手了。接着妈妈想去切牛排,也被烫到手了。不过牛排还是很好吃。上披萨了。我想去拿披萨却没看到牛肉,手放到了牛排上。啊,我的手也快被烫成“人排了”。我烫的这下好像是最疼得。我用凉水洗了好多遍,也只缓解1分钟左右。上冰激凌了!妹妹动作太快了,一下子就把两个冰激凌全抢了过来。太可气了!我真想发一下脾气。 总之,今天玩的很开心。【篇五】 今天早上,我在换衣服的时候就发现取暖气忽然不亮了。 晚上,妈妈说我买的手表带子已经在常州大润发里了,取暖器又刚好坏掉了,我就乘机去大润发玩!嘿嘿,我的想法不错吧,没等我说,妈妈就知道取暖器已经坏掉了,她说:“这可怎么办呀!今天还要洗澡呢!”只见那取暖器的管子上全都是蒸气,管子发黑,上面还


( 离职报告) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-050156 员工辞职报告范文简单版Model text of employee resignation report

员工辞职报告范文简单版 尊敬的x总: 您好! 在经过内心多次痛苦挣扎和深思熟虑之后,我终于鼓起勇气写下了这封辞职信。对于这种勇气,我将其称为“成长的勇气”。 我来公司已经有一年多的时间了,这一年来佳联公司在飞速发展,我也在快速成长,我也深知在我成长的背后是领导的信任与潜心栽培,同事们的支持与帮助。 20xx年,对我来说是至关重要的一年,我很庆幸能够在这样的公司,这样的部门,这样的工作环境中迅速成长,适应社会。我的家人经常用这样一句话来教导我“找一个好企业容易,遇到一个好领导不容易”,我很幸运的在漫漫职业生养的伊始便遇到了您这样一位亦师亦友的好领导,我也很感激这一年来您对我犹如兄长般的关怀,支持与信任。在公司的这些日子,对于每一项工作任务,我都用心尽力,按时保量,加班加点的完成。我告诉自己,只有这样才能对得起领导在我身上所花费的心血。 坦白讲,最近几个月所遇到的许多事,让我重新举棋不定。但诚信或者忠诚,并不机械的等于终身服务于一家公司。人和企业都在时刻改变着,对于企业而言,

随着公司的发展变迁,过去适合的员工未来可能不再适合他的职位,对于个人来说,一个公司过去可能是他最佳的选择,随着时间的流逝,现在可能已经无法激发他最大限度的发挥他的激情和才干。我觉得现在是我该下定决心的时候了。 虽然做出这样的决定也会感觉到很痛苦,现在的我也只能很遗憾的说辜负了领导对我的深切期望,只能深深的说道一声对不起! 我考虑在辞呈递交之后的一月内离开,这样您将有时间去寻找适合人选,来填补因我离职而造成的空缺,同时我也能够协助您对新人进行培训,使他尽快熟悉工作。另外,如果您觉得我在某个时间内离职比较适合,不防给我个建议。 真诚的感谢您这一年来对我的厚爱,对我自身存在的缺点的包容,以及对我在工作中所存不足的指正。您那颗正直的心,满怀激情的人生态度,宽广的胸怀,机敏的处事方式,必将令我受用终身。我也很真诚的感谢和我一起工作的同事们,我曾经和他们度过了一段非常快乐的,令人难忘的时光。这样的深情,我铭记在心,这样的财富,将伴我一生。 无论走到哪里,我都会为我曾经是本公司的一员感到自豪,在这工作的日子是我宝贵的财富!最后祝公司的事业蒸蒸日上,业务高速上升。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:xxx 20xx年x月x日 尊敬的公司领导: 首先致以我深深地歉意,怀着及其复杂而愧疚的心情我写下这份辞职信,很

【优质】向政府写申请书范文-优秀word范文 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 向政府写申请书范文 向政府写申请书范文:企业向政府申请书范文 ******建设局: 为了更好的贯彻落实国家对资源综合利用的指导思想,促进合理的节约资源,提高资源利用率,保护环境实现经济社会的可持续发展的战略方针。 ************有限责任公司顺应形势发展,准备在******投资建设一条具有轻质、阻燃、保温、抗震性强并具有可持续发展的轻集料小型空心砌块建筑材 料生产线。 此项目的投资建设能达到节约能源、保护土地、变废为宝及综合治理环境 污染的目的。 投资建设此项目我公司具有以下优势: 一、轻集料小型空心砌块是以矿渣、炉渣、粉煤灰加有石硝为骨料,以水泥为胶结料,被广泛使用于工业与民用建筑的非承重砌块、承重砌块、保温块。 是一种节能、节土、利废的可持续发展的建筑材料。 该产品生产工艺无二次污染产生,市场前景广阔变废为宝,造福后代并具 有极高的社会效益和环境效益。 而我公司经营煤矿及煤炭销售多年,常年与矿渣、粉煤灰、水泥等物接触。 二、我公司为******热力公司供运供热用煤已有多年,合作非常融洽。

随着******城市建设规模的不断扩大,******热力公司现在每年冬季供热用煤需要4万多吨,为了保证冬季的正常供暖,秋季储存煤就非常关键,但是热力公司的场地有限,无法大量储存煤,加之供热产生的炉渣占地面积也很大。 为此双方约定由我公司申请30亩土地,其中一半无偿作为热力公司储煤场地,一半用于我公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线使用,同时供热产生的炉渣及时运送到本厂作为生产原料。 充分体现了双方互利互惠的原则。 综上所述,建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线,即符合国家产业政策,同时为确保******冬季正常供暖,热力公司秋季储煤的问题也得到了解决。 因此,恳请******建设局审批30亩土地作为************有限责任公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线和******热力公司储煤场地为盼。 ************有限责任公司 20**年月日 向政府写申请书范文:向政府申请资金请示范文 县政府: XX镇政府办公楼建于X年X月,迄今XX年,由于该楼建筑时间长,加之建筑质量不好等原因,部分房间的墙体出现裂缝,虽小有修缮但仍存在屋顶掉块、墙围脱落等现象,该楼已存在安全隐患,不适宜继续办公,必须进行修缮。 经多方论证,修缮费用预算为XX万元,因镇政府资金短缺,特向县政府申请修缮办公楼经费,我们一定加强对招投标和工程质量的管理,指派专人负责办公楼修缮事宜,做到专款专用,严格质量、严格纪律,请予以支持为盼。 当否,请批示。 附:XX镇政府办公楼修缮预算开支一览表。 X县X镇人民政府


小学三年级日记精选范文 小学三年级日记范文 写作有助于大脑开发,思维开阔,以下是本人为大家编辑的小学生日记范文,欢迎大家阅读! 夜 夜,静静的,月光照在大地上。这倒使我想起李白的“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”诗句。月光是那么纯,那么真。 天上的星星,像一个个调皮的孩子。一闪一闪的小眼睛望着大地,像在寻找什么。月亮妈妈跳起了优美的舞蹈。它放射的光芒,是那么的柔和。 万物在月光的照射下,一切都变成了银白色。我走进了一个童话的世界,一个美丽的世界。它是那么神奇。河面上,倒映着那明亮的月亮。我捡起一块石头。地面上,灯火辉煌。家家户户点着灯火,真像天上的星星。马路上,一辆辆“俊马”在飞奔。 啊!美丽的夜呀,我为你的美而感到骄傲。 水仙花 我最喜欢水仙花,喜欢它的外表,更喜欢它的“内心”。它虽然没有牡丹花那样娇贵,没有太阳花那样红艳,没有菊花那样引人注意,也没有腊梅花那样清香醉人。可是水仙花亭亭玉立,玉洁冰清。还有着顽强的生命力。” 水仙花素有“凌波仙子”的美称。的确它那动人的身姿使人一见倾心。 一月,水仙花开了!叶子翠绿翠绿,绿得发光,绿得 鲜亮,开着几朵洁白无瑕的小花,花中嵌着黄金般的花蕊,散出阵阵淡淡的幽香,显得格外高雅。水仙花与泥土无缘,雨花

石是它的“土壤”。水仙花的根部像只大洋葱,根下长着白色的根须。冬天,很多花儿都经不住严寒的摧残,受不了命运的考验——枯萎了。而水仙花却毫不畏惧,当室外寒风凛冽、冰天雪地的时候,它傲然挺立着,还是那么精神抖擞、生机盎然,仿佛在与寒风搏斗。 我爱水仙!爱它的美丽芬芳,爱它的高尚纯洁,更爱 它的顽强不屈! 秋天 秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到了人间。 秋天的花很漂亮。月季红艳艳的花枝头昂首怒放,简直像一团燃烧的火焰。小草渐渐地变黄了,变成了金色的海洋。 秋天是丰收的季节。果园的果子都成熟了。硕大的苹果像捉迷藏的孩子露出了笑脸。熟透了的柿子软软的,放在嘴边一吸,从嘴角一直甜到心里。山楂红透了,像棵棵红宝石挂满一树。猕猴桃肉质鲜美,细腻柔软,又酸又甜,好吃极了。小麦长出了嫩芽,稻谷飘香。一棵棵的小白菜,映着朝晖,秋天是金色的季节,丰收的季节,美丽的季节,五彩缤纷的季节,它代表着繁荣和富强,我非常喜欢秋天,愿秋色永驻人间! 三年级暑假读后感 读《回乡偶书》有感 贺知章写的《回乡偶书》:少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。儿童相见不相时,笑问客从何处来。 这首诗说的是,有一个人小时候就离开了家乡,回来时已是满头白发了,只有家乡的口音没有多大改变。家乡的孩子都不认识他了,问他:“老人家您是从什么地方来的?”诗 人表达的是事过境迁、物是人非,唯一不变的是对家乡的热爱。


辞职报告范文简单版 辞职报告范文简单版 【范文一】 尊敬的****单位领导: 您好! 首先致以我深深地歉意,怀着及其复杂而愧疚的心情我写下这份辞职信,很遗憾自己在这个时候突然向***单位提出辞职,纯粹是出于个人的原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等),不能在***单位继续发展!离开这个单位,离开这些曾经同甘共苦的同事,确实很舍不得,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。但是我还是要决定离开了,我恳请单位原谅我的离开,批准我辞职。 同时,很荣幸曾身为***单位的一员,能有机会在这里工作学习,不胜感激!衷心祝愿所有在****辛勤工作的员工工作顺利,事业有成! 此致 敬礼 辞职人, xxx 时间, 年月日 (注,应在正式离职前三十天提交辞职报告) 【范文二】 领导, 您好! 感谢公司多年来对我的培养关心和照顾,从XX年5月份来到xx公司至今,我学到了很多东西,今后无论走向哪里,从事什么,这段经历都是一笔宝贵的财富,我为在网通公司的这段工作经历而自豪。 而今,由于个人原因提出辞职,望领导批准。 此致

敬礼 辞职人, xxx 时间, 年月日 【范文三】 尊敬的xx主任, 您好! 工作近四年来,发现自己在工作、生活中,所学知识还有很多欠缺,已经不能适应社会发展的需要,因此渴望回到校园,继续深造。经过慎重考虑之后,特此提出申请,我自愿申请辞去在xxx的一切职务,敬请批准。 在xxx近四年的时间里,我有幸得到了单位历届领导及同事们的倾心指导及热情帮助。工作上,我学到了许多宝贵的科研经验和实践技能,对科研工作有了大致的了解。生活上,得到各级领导与同事们的关照与帮助;思想上,得到领导与同事们的指导与帮助,有了更成熟与深刻的人生观。这近 四年多的工作经验将是我今后学习工作中的第一笔宝贵的财富。 在这里,特别感谢yyy(xxx的上级单位)a主任、b主任、c主任在过去的工作、生活中给予的大力扶持与帮助。尤其感谢xx主任在公司近二年来的关照、指导以及对我的信任和在人生道路上对我的指引。感谢所有给予过我帮助的同事们。 望领导批准我的申请,并请协助办理相关离职手续,在正式离开之前我将认真继续做好目前的每一项工作。 祝您身体健康,事业顺心。并祝yyy、xxx事业蓬勃发展。 辞职人, 【范文四】 尊敬的xx:


小学三年级日记100字小学三年级春节日记范文三篇 篇一 今天晚上最著名的就数春节欢晚会,当时钟才转到七点三十五时,我便迫不及待的打开电视,爬进被窝。终于开始了,听说今年的导演是冯小刚,风格肯定和往日不同,被人亲切的称为冯氏春晚。看到一半,瞌睡虫便朝我爬来。不过我却对一些节目流连忘返,冯巩的送礼最让我印象深刻,在笑声与开心的背后,却告诉人一个深刻的道理,也反应了社会的黑暗,与领导的清廉,当然最重要的还是孝顺,这毕竟是中国流传千年的文化。还有乐于助人的风气表演小品、各个名族舞蹈与歌曲、法中50周年纪念日(法中歌手合唱)、韩国帅哥和中国歌手合唱.......虽然我只看了一半,但我已被那千姿百态的节目吸引了。 篇二 为什么说春节是快乐的呢?这都是因为除夕那天晚上放烟花。 除夕那天晚上我和爸爸去放烟花。我左手拿着冲天炮、右手拿着震天响、脖子夹着降财伞,和爸爸下了楼。

我先点燃了冲天炮,啪、啪、啪、啪、啪,这五响形成了一条龙和龙年快乐四个字,我大声喊道:“xx万岁!” 接着,我点燃了震天响,“轰”的一声巨响,把我吓的胆战心惊。我想:“这声音可能跟沉香救母时,劈开华山的声音一样大。” 然后我点燃降财伞,只听“嘭”的一声,一个带金元宝的降落伞掉到了我的头上。“哈哈,我变成小富翁了,耶!” 最后我回到家吃年夜饭,汤圆又香又甜,粘粘的,味道好极了,我最爱吃了! 我爱过春节,春节美好又快乐! 篇三 今天吃晚饭之前,我跟妹妹和弟弟说:“吃饱饭以后放鞭炮吧,放那个窜花的!”妹妹和弟弟听了异口同声、兴高采烈地说:“好啊!好啊!”

吃饱饭以后,我就向爸爸借了个打火机,拿了个鞭炮就出去了。我一看说明:不能手持。妹妹和弟弟都犯浑了:不能手持那怎么放啊?我灵机一动:昨天晚上放了个冲天炮啊!把这个鞭炮插在那里面。 好了,准备就绪!我说:“放!!!! 一放我们才明白:原来不是五颜六色的而是一个颜色的,不过也挺好看的! 以后我还要放鞭炮! 内容仅供参考


辞职报告范文简单版 辞职报告有时候不需要写的很复杂,简单明了的辞职报告少了很多程序和理由,也能让人清晰了解你的辞职原因。以下就是辞职报告栏目为您提供的范文几篇,供您参考! 辞职报告范文简单版 【范文一】 尊敬的****单位领导: 您好! 首先致以我深深地歉意,怀着及其复杂而愧疚的心情我写下这份辞职信,很遗憾自己在这个时候突然向***单位提出辞职,纯粹是出于个人的原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等),不能在***单位继续发展!

离开这个单位,离开这些曾经同甘共苦的同事,确实很舍不得,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。但是我还是要决定离开了,我恳请单位原谅我的离开,批准我辞职。 同时,很荣幸曾身为***单位的一员,能有机会在这里工作学习,不胜感激!衷心祝愿所有在****辛勤工作的员工工作顺利,事业有成! 此致 敬礼 辞职人:XXX 时间:年月日 (注,应在正式离职前三十天提交辞职报告)

【范文二】 领导: 您好! 感谢公司多年来对我的培养关心和照顾,从20XX年5月份来到xx公司至今,我学到了很多东西,今后无论走向哪里,从事什么,这段经历都是一笔宝贵的财富,我为在网通公司的这段工作经历而自豪。 而今,由于个人原因提出辞职,望领导批准。 此致

敬礼 辞职人:XXX 时间:年月日 【范文三】 尊敬的xx主任: 您好! 工作近四年来,发现自己在工作、生活中,所学知识还有很多欠缺,已经不能适应社会发展的需要,因此渴望回到校园,继续深造。经过慎重考虑之后,特此提出申请:我自愿申请辞去在XXX的一切

职务,敬请批准。 在XXX近四年的时间里,我有幸得到了单位历届领导及同事们的倾心指导及热情帮助。工作上,我学到了许多宝贵的科研经验和实践技能,对科研工作有了大致的了解。生活上,得到各级领导与同事们的关照与帮助;思想上,得到领导与同事们的指导与帮助,有了更成熟与深刻的人生观。这近四年多的工作经验将是我今后学习工作中的第一笔宝贵的财富。 在这里,特别感谢YYY(XXX的上级单位)A主任、B主任、C 主任在过去的工作、生活中给予的大力扶持与帮助。尤其感谢xx主任在公司近二年来的关照、指导以及对我的信任和在人生道路上对我的指引。感谢所有给予过我帮助的同事们。 望领导批准我的申请,并请协助办理相关离职手续,在正式离开之前我将认真继续做好目前的每一项工作。 祝您身体健康,事业顺心。并祝YYY、XXX事业蓬勃发展。


【个人简历范文】 申请意思是向上级说明理由,提出请求,有关向政府申请内容,欢迎大家一起来借鉴一下! 向政府申请书格式范文一 县人民政府 在县委、县府的领导和指挥下,在相关部门的大力支持下,县蚕丝公司、蚕种场的破产改制工作有序进行,现已进入人员安置阶段。 县蚕丝公司各类人员522人,其中在编正式职工408人,退休人员48人,退养蚕桑辅导24人,在岗蚕桑辅导员24人,长期临工4人,遗属定补人员4人。 按照批准的人员安置方案,根据债权、债务清算报告,经测算,人员安置费用6428万元,退付集资款162万元,支付兑发工资3185万元,共需资金11173万元。 因非整合资产的处置(已委托国土供应中心)尚需时日,按照县委、县府的安排布署,为了确保在今年6月底前破产终结,故特请示县政府先在县财政借支1000万元资金用于安置职工,待资产变现后再与县财政算帐。 以上请示可否,请批示。 日期 向政府申请书格式范文二 县财政局 年初以来,我们XXXX党委、镇政府为完成县委、县政府安排部署的各项重点工作任务,开展了大量工作,开局良好。 特别是今春气候倒春寒现象严重,持续雨雪灾害天气,造成农民不能及时种地,为帮助农民挖沟排涝、抢种春播以及解决特困户种地困难等,占用了一定资金,造成我镇目前办公经费十分紧张。 为保证机关正常运转,更好地完成全年各项工作任务,特申请财政局提前预拨经费10万元,解决我镇资金短缺困难。 特此请示,批准为盼。 XXXX人民政府

20XX年5月14日 向政府申请书格式范文三 xx人民政府 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目是由(陕西xx集团)下属陕西xx房地产开发有限公司与xx房地产开发有限公司共同投资,根据《汉中市保护利用总体规划》,本着保护性利用自然资源的原则,在兼顾环境效益,合理的利用生态资源,统筹城乡发展的基础上,力图打造的一个具有养生体验功能的高科技集旅游地产和现代农业示范区有机整合的地方发展项目。 一、xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目简介 xx旅游地产暨现代农业建设项目,将充分运用“文化传承、产品核心竞争力、价值附着”三大策略、“传统农业、现代农业、未来农业”三大板块、“互惠、分享、共赢”三大原则,进行整体规划。项目规划将综合考虑国家及汉中生态保护相关政策,把协调发展“三农问题”作为根本的出发点。项目结合项目地良好的自然环境、当前现代农业的发展契机、西北地区休闲市场巨大需求,结合项目单位自身的人才、技术、管理、资金等资源等优势条件,利用农业为主线的链条式发展,以高端科技农业为主打,以规模特色农业为品牌,以休闲体验旅游为提高,把农业和旅游产业有机结合。建设国内外先进农业技术的引进转化示范区、农业专家课题示范区和自驾旅游集散中心。带动旅游观光、生态体验、餐饮住宿等辐射经济效益的升级。体现休闲自然的生活态度和生活方式,成为全国性的农业科技示范教育基地。实现第一产业、第二产业和第三产业的联动、互利和产业链升级发展。 xx项目以农业发展为基础,休闲养生体验为主题,旅游产业为拓展。项目实施后,将积极促进和改善xx区域的生态环境,打造优质生态宜居游乐生活,增进居民幸福度和营造社会和谐度。 项目总投入约12亿,项目直接收益较高,可带来超过2亿的税收和6亿的衍生收益,并能解决农村剩余劳动力2000以上,可为这些劳动力带来每年2万元以上的收入,给武乡区域带来极大的综合效益。 二、项目投资单位简介 本项目投资单位陕西xx房地产开发有限公司;具体实施单位xx房地产开发有限公司;两公司均为陕西xx集团全资下属单位。 陕西xx集团是经由区政府领导、经贸局和xx房地产开发有限公司共同努力引入汉中,并成功注资落户的外来企业。 陕西xx集团,是以煤炭、电力为主导产业,以资源综合开发利用为宗旨,坚持节能环保发展观的新型能源企业。该公司先后被榆林市委、市人民政府授予“榆林市十佳企业”、“榆林市非公有制纳税十强企业”、“挂牌重点保护企业”等荣誉称号,被榆林市工商局授予“重合同、守信用”单位,被神府经济开发区评为“先进企业”,被省农行授予“AAA级企业”称


【篇三】小学三年级日记200字范文 今天,妈妈去加班,我做完作业没什么可干,见家里的地板很脏,就拿起笤帚扫起了地。我先从阳台上扫起,从里到外,仔仔细细地把每一个角落都扫得干干净净。扫完地看时间还早,就趁着高兴找来拖把准备拖地。我学着妈妈的样子,先把拖把放入水中泡一会儿,洗净,使劲拧干,就认认真真地拖了起来。妈妈回到家,看到我的劳动成果,特别高兴,说:“以后你每做一件家务事,妈妈就给你一块钱,给你买学习用品。”我特别高兴,心想:通过自己的劳动得来的工资一定很特别,因为它们是用自己的汗水换来的,有一种特别的意义。现在,我的钱包里已经攒下了2元钱,虽然不是很多,但我却倍加珍惜,因为,那是我的第一份劳动收入。 【篇四】小学三年级日记200字范文 上午,我和老爸去上街,正好遇到了红灯,我们只好停了下来。这时,我看见一位老奶奶在路边卖老母鸡。她把鸡的两只脚紧紧的捆在一起摆在地上卖。突然,有一只鸡跳了起来,夸张的是它居然用绑着的那两只脚跳着跳过了马路。而老奶奶并没有察觉,看见大伙儿边说边笑,这才发现她的一只鸡已经跑了,她连忙起身过了马路去抓鸡了。我见了这一幕,我忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 这鸡太厉害了,两条腿腿都被绑起来了,竟然还可以独脚跳着过马路。究竟是什么力量让它变得如此勇敢呢?我猜想它肯定是为了逃命。老奶奶为了追鸡跑的气喘吁吁,一定很生气,因为她想呀鸡脚都绑得紧紧,还差点让它给跑了。 这一幕确实很搞笑,我想对鸡说:“我很同情你,但没有办法,因为你是一道美味的菜哦! 【篇五】小学三年级日记200字范文 包饺子是中国的传统饮食习俗,更是一种重要的文化习俗,无论在北方还是南方,我们都爱包饺子、更爱吃饺子,特别是在北方过春节的时候,那可少不了它啦! 饺子馅香,皮儿韧,说起来好吃,做起可难啦,先说和面吧,先要将上好的精面反复的搓揉,直到很有韧性才行,再将它搓成一条条的圆柱状,再用刀把它搓成一小团一小团的,然后再拿擀面杖将它压成扁扁的,最后再在上面撒上一层干面粉,这样,皮儿就做成啦! 再说说做馅儿的吧,做馅可以做猪肉馅、牛肉馅、羊肉馅、也可以做蟹肉馅,还可以做成素菜馅、豆腐馅等等,里面还可以夹上葱子、韭菜什么的,切得细细柔柔的馅儿被皮儿包起来,咬在嘴里不用说有多好吃呢!做好的饺子可以蒸、可以煮、还可以油炸,那可是好吃极啦! 还有的人喜欢在过年的时候在一大堆饺子里挑一个出来,拿一枚硬币包进馅儿里去,如果有谁吃到了这一个特殊的饺子,那就表示这个人很幸运、很有福气,会有一年的好运气在等着他呢(她)!这时候,满桌子吃饺子的人都会惊喜地叫起来,过年的气氛就会更欢快、热闹啦! 啊,饺子,饺子,中华民族的传统饮食,我们都爱吃你,美味的饺子! 【篇六】小学三年级日记200字范文 今天是大年三十,家家户户每个人的脸上都洋溢着喜庆。有的人忙着在贴春联,有的人忙着准备年夜饭,还有的人忙着挂大红灯笼…最热闹的就要数年三十的晚上。 我们一家人吃完年夜饭,就开始着手准备放鞭炮,烟花。美丽的烟花在天空中绽放,好像对我说新年快乐。放完鞭炮,我就开始放孔明灯。孔明灯是在三国时期诸葛亮发明的,那时候诸葛亮用他来传递信息的。 先打开塑料袋,把孔明灯小心翼翼的展开,不弄把它弄破,要不然就会漏气会让他飞不起来的,然后把一块蜡固定在孔明灯内部的铁丝上,接着再让老爸用打火机把蜡点燃,蜡是正方形的点火的时候把正方形的对角点燃,在蜡点燃的同时再让妈妈和爸爸小心翼翼的拎起孔明灯的上方两只角,把它拎在半空中,火一点点在燃烧,孔明灯渐渐的膨胀起来,然后手端起孔明灯下端的园环上,慢慢的抬高孔明灯,逐渐放开手,孔明灯就飞上天去了,孔明灯慢慢慢慢的飞向天空,飞向远空在黑夜中就像一颗小星星。 对着孔明灯许下我的心愿:希望在新的一年家人健康幸福。


简单辞职报告范文50字左右一份简单的辞职报告应该怎么写呢下面小编跟大家分享几篇简单辞职报告范文,以供参考! 简单辞职报告范文一尊敬的领导您好: 我进**已经有几个月了,由于我个人的原因。经过深思熟虑地考虑,我决定辞去我目前在公司所担任的职位。 我非常重视在**公司内这段经历,也很荣幸成为**的一员,特别是**的处事风范及素质使我倍感钦佩。在**这几个月所学到的知识也是我一生宝贵的财富。也祝所有**成员在工作和活动中取得更大的成绩及收益! 望领导批准我的辞职申请,并请协助办理相关离职手续(本人在2**年*月*日离职)。在正式离开之前我将认真继续做好目前的每一项工作。 愿祝**生意兴隆! 敬请领导同意并批复! 辞职人:xxx 20 xx年x月x日 简单辞职报告范文二尊敬的公司领导: 我很遗憾在这个时候向公司提出辞职,我来公司也3个多月了,对公司以人为本体恤下属特别是对我们基层监管员的照顾让我颇为感动,让我一度有着找到了依靠的感觉,而今公司正值用人之际,业务发展迅速,但是由于个人方面的

一些问题,本人确实是不得已而为之,由此给公司带来的不便还望能够谅解!我考虑在此辞呈递交之后的两周内离开公司,这样您将有时间寻找合适人选来填补因我离职而造成的空缺,同时我也能够协助您对新人进行入职培训,使他尽快熟悉工作。能为公司效力的日子不多了,我一定会站好自己最后一班岗,与新人做好交接工作,尽力让项目做到平稳过渡! 我很遗憾不能再为公司辉煌的明天贡献自己的力量,我只有由衷的祝愿公司业绩一路飙升! 此致 敬礼 辞职人:xxx 20 xx年x月x日 简单辞职报告范文三尊敬的领导: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请。 来到公司也已经快两年了,在这近两年里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事。正是在这里我有过欢笑,也有过泪水,更有过收获。公司平等的人际关系和开明的工作作风,一度让我有着找到了依靠的感觉,在这里我能开心的工作,开心的学习。或许这真是对的,由此我开始了思索,认真的思考。 但是最近我感觉到自己不适合做这份工作,同时也想换


向政府申请报告范文 【篇一:写给市政府的项目请示】 入近20万经费,历时半年,对 征地200~300亩,设计招生3000~4000人。目前一期资金 已经筹措完毕,随时可以到位进入征地程序。建设工期预计一 年时间,全部基建完成后,预计2012年下半学期即可实现新生 入学。一期工程时间预计在2011年5月~2012年1月,预计 投资6000~8000万元人民币;二期工程时间预计在2012年 2月~2012年6月,预计投资5000万元人民币。 教师的培训和指导,并有管理人员长期入驻本校监督管理。为 我们的要求是:政策上的优惠;土地价格的优惠;协调有关部门加 快我们的工作进度。 恳请尽快答复! 项目联系人: 2010年4月7日 【篇二:土地用地申请报告范文】 土地用地申请报告范文申请人:胡xxx 住所地:xx省xx市xxx村 法定代表人:胡xx 申请事项:申请人因建养鸡场需要,特此依法向宝丰县人民政府申 请养殖用地30亩。 事实与理由: 申请人是已毕业的大学生,大学期间通过自学与实践掌握了一定的 养殖知识与技能,形成了自己的养殖理论体系,并决定开办自己的 养殖场,同时带动本村村民一起走发家致富的道路。特向宝丰县人 民政府申请土地建立一座存栏量为一万只的肉鸡养殖场,建设完毕 后可以向本村村民提供工作岗位,提高部分村民的经济收入。在政 府的支持与引导下,通过自己坚持不懈的努力与奋斗,逐步扩大养 殖规模,建立养殖小区,采取基地加农户、包回收的模式进行运作,从而实现养殖、销售一条龙服务,带动本村乃至本乡养殖业的发展,实现共同富裕。现根据《畜牧业法》、《中华人民共和国土地承包法》、《中华人民共和国土地管理法》及《中华人民共和国土地使


例文1: 9月4日星期五晴 今天放学回到家,妈妈拿着一张培训中心发的广告纸,一边看一边用商量的口气对我说;王臻啊,你报一个作文辅导班吧。 我马上问:为什么? 你已经升入三年级了,作文很重要,跟专业的老师学学,对你提高写作很有好处的。 我想了想,不行,好不容易放假还不让我休息,我义正词严地拒绝了。 妈妈显然不高兴了,你怎么这么不求上进? 于是一场争论开始了 我抢着说:这样的话,学校还不如不放假呢。你不能剥夺我的休息时间。 妈妈说:就星期六上半天。 我仍然理直气壮:你怎么知道是专业的老师,难道比我们学校的老师还专业?我只要认真听老师讲课,多看优秀的作文,我相信我会写好的。 妈妈见我态度坚决,拿我没辙,就说:明天写一篇作文,如过写的好就不用上,写不出来的话,没有商量的余地,必须要去。 我信心十足的对妈妈说我一定会写好的。为了我的休息时间,我要努力。 例文2 10月14日星期四天气:雨 今天,老师给我们布置了一项作业:在家种绿豆,写观察日记。 晚上,我让妈妈抓了一把绿豆给我,绿豆身上绿绿的,个子小小的,硬硬的。按妈妈的要求,我拿来一个杯子,把绿豆放进去,再加上一点儿水。 10月15日星期五天气:晴 放学回家,我迫不及待地跑到厨房去观察绿豆,我发现喝饱了水的绿豆变大了,肚子涨得圆鼓鼓的。于是,我又按着妈妈的要求,把浸泡了一天的绿豆水倒掉,并把绿豆放在一个塑料碗盖上,还铺上一块大小相同的湿纱布。 10月16日星期六天气:晴 今天一大早,我正做着美梦。妈妈风风火火地来到我的房间摇醒了我,兴奋地说:快去看看我们种的绿豆,它们。。没等妈妈说完,我像弹簧似的,立刻从床上一跃而起,匆忙地穿好衣服,飞快地奔向厨房。我仔细观察,惊喜地发现有一些绿豆裂了一道口子,还有一些绿豆已经发芽了。这些小芽尖尖的、白白的,像一个个问号,可爱极了! 例文3 10月1日星期六天气:晴 晚上我嚷着要吃梨,而且还是蒸梨。妈妈说:那好,不过你得一起做。我直爽地答应了。 我们先把梨洗得干干净净,然后在梨上面切一刀,切下来就象一个圆圆的小雨伞,再把梨的中间掏空,再放一些冰糖,再把圆圆的小盖子盖上,放到碗里,然后放到煤气上蒸了二十分钟。妈妈端出梨,我就想吃,可是太烫,妈妈吹了吹,等了一会儿,我尝了尝:哇,真甜呀!于是大口大口地吃起来,可我吃了半个,就不想吃了,喝了点水,我告诉妈妈明天我还要吃。 例文4 2017年8月3日晴


[简洁版辞职报告]辞职报告范文简单版 首先,非常感谢您这x年来对我的信任和关照。 这段时间,我认真回顾了这x年来的工作情况,觉得来xxxx公司工作是我的幸运,我一直非常珍惜这份工作,这一年多来xxxx公司领导对我的关心和教导,同事们对我的帮助让我感激不尽。 由于我状态不佳,和一些个人原因的影响,无法为公司做出相应的贡献,自已心里也不能承受现在这样坐在公司却无所作为,因此准备辞职。 感谢诸位在我在公司期间给予我的信任和支持,并祝所有同事和朋友们在工作和活动中取得更大的成绩和收益! 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日

简洁版辞职报告(二) 尊敬的组长、班长、部门经理、人事部经理: 你们好,我将于30日后离职,与公司解除劳动关系,依据中华人民 __劳动合同法第四章第三十七条,现正式予以告知,请尽快安排人员交接相关工作。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日 简洁版辞职报告(三) 尊敬的xx: 我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。因为个人原因,我不能继续为公司工作下去了。

本着对公司负责的态度,我郑重向公司提出辞职。衷心祝愿公司业绩节节高升!公司领导及各位同事工作顺利! 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日 简洁版辞职报告(四) 尊敬的公司领导: 您好!工作近四年来,发现自己在工作、生活中,所学知识还有很多欠缺,已经不能适应社会发展的需要,因此渴望回到校园,继续深造。经过慎重考虑之后,我决定辞职,请领导谅解! 此致

敬礼! 辞职人:xxx 20xx年xx月xx日 简洁版辞职报告(五) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我因为诸多个人原因,经过深刻冷静的思考后,郑重的向公司高层提出辞职要求。 首先,在贵公司工作的这几个月以来,我收获良多,在领导以及同事的帮助下使我掌握了很多非本专业的知识,开阔了眼界,增长了阅历。 其次,公司的工作气氛很好,同事们工作都很努力,领导也很体谅下属。使我在公司感受到了家的温暖。


【篇一】小学三年级日记200字范文 星期四,妈妈带我去牙防所补牙。我很害怕!还出了一手的冷汗呢! 到医院开始补牙了。医生让我躺在床上,可我一边躺着一边情不自禁地哭了。妈妈见了,连忙说:“不怕,不怕,不疼的”。但是我还在轻轻地哭。医生戴起头套,穿上手套,拿出放大镜,开始看我的牙齿。看了一会儿,医生皱起了眉,转身对妈妈说:“你家女儿的那颗蛀牙蛀得很厉害,也许保不住了。现在只能试试看可不可以。”医生开始认真细心地补着。医生用钩子抠我牙齿的那一刻,我真希望变成妈妈,妈妈变成我呀!不过,我又想早知现在,又何必当初呢!当我在考虑这些问题时,时间一分一秒地过去,疼痛也在一分一秒地消失。终于,牙齿保住了。我,妈妈和医生都放心地笑了。 我在回家的路上心想:嗨!真后悔以前多吃糖,不好好地刷牙啊!从今以后,我一定要好好保护我。 【篇二】小学三年级日记200字范文 秋天来了,天气变得凉爽了,不像夏天那么热了。许多女孩把裙子脱掉了,换上了漂亮的衬衫。 大雁摇动着翅膀,一路欢歌笑语地飞向温暖的南方。小燕子在天空中转了几圈,依依不舍地也飞向了南方。 火红的枫叶、金黄的柳叶和杨树叶,像五颜六色的蝴蝶在空中旋转飞舞。秋姑娘把绿油油的小草织成金黄的地毯。 红艳艳的大苹果大得压弯了枝头。像宝葫芦似的大鸭梨挂满了枝头。一串串晶莹剔透的大葡萄和小灯笼似的樱桃让人垂涎欲滴。 庄稼地里金黄的稻谷笑弯了腰。火红火红的高粱醉红了脸。金黄的玉米乐开了怀。 秋天是一个丰收的季节,秋天是一个硕果累累的季节,秋天是一个收获的季节。 秋天真美呀!我喜欢秋天。 孙昊然作文辅导班马老师的评语:真棒!写出了秋天的美!用词生动、形象。 【篇三】小学三年级日记200字范文 今天,妈妈去加班,我做完作业没什么可干,见家里的地板很脏,就拿起笤帚扫起了地。我先从阳台上扫起,从里到外,仔仔细细地把每一个角落都扫得干


企业向政府申请书范文 ******建设局: 为了更好的贯彻落实国家对资源综合利用的指导思想,促进合理的节约资源,提高资源利用率,保护环境实现经济社会的可持续发展的战略方针。************有限责任公司顺应形势发展,准备在******投资建设一条具有轻质、阻燃、保温、抗震性强并具有可持续发展的轻集料小型空心砌块建筑材料生产线。此项目的投资建设能达到节约能源、保护土地、变废为宝及综合治理环境污染的目的。 投资建设此项目我公司具有以下优势: 一、轻集料小型空心砌块是以矿渣、炉渣、粉煤灰加有石硝为骨料,? 以水泥为胶结料,被广泛使用于工业与民用建筑的非承重砌块、承重砌块、保温块。是一种节能、节土、利废的可持续发展的建筑材料。该产品生产工艺无二次污染产生,市场前景广阔变废为宝,造福后代并具有极高的社会效益和环境效益。而我公司经营煤矿及煤炭销售多年,常年与矿渣、粉煤灰、水泥等物接触。 二、我公司为******热力公司供运供热用煤已有多年,合作非常融洽。随着******城市建设规模的不断扩大,******热力公司现

在每年冬季供热用煤需要4万多吨,为了保证冬季的正常供暖,秋季储存煤就非常关键,但是热力公司的场地有限,无法大量储存煤,加之供热产生的炉渣占地面积也很大。为此双方约定由我公司申请30亩土地,其中一半无偿作为热力公司储煤场地,一半用于我公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线使用,同时供热产生的炉渣及时运送到本厂作为生产原料。充分体现了双方互利互惠的原则。 综上所述,建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线,即符合国家产业政策,同时为确保******冬季正常供暖,热力公司秋季储煤的问题也得到了解决。因此,恳请******建设局审批30亩土地作为 ************有限责任公司建设轻集料小型空心砌块生产线和******热力公司储煤场地为盼。 ************有限责任公司 2011年? 月? 日


小学三年级日记范文四篇 【篇一】小学三年级日记范文 今天是合唱比赛,先是四班上场。他们排着长龙似的队伍来到了舞台。他们的衣服一模一样,都像双胞胎一样。他们站的纹丝不动,像松树一样直,时不时露出了微笑,他们放出了像百灵鸟一样的歌声,多好听啊! 看,该我们上场了,我的心理就想揣了两只小白兔,心里在默默的想:我会不会在唱的时候唱错了呀,还有我害怕会不会在摇头的时候摇错了,还怕我在唱的时候会乱动,可是当我一走上去,看到老师们微笑着,用那种鼓励的眼神看着我们,我一下就不紧张了,放松了好多,很轻松的就唱了下来。我希望明年还能参加。【篇二】小学三年级日记范文今天是过年,我非常开心。 我们首先是到外婆家去拜年,一路上,我看着大街上没有以前的大街热闹,为什么呢?妈妈说过年所有人都要去拜年,所以所有的店面都没有开,到了外婆家后,外婆一看到我连忙从口袋中拿出红包,递给了我,妈妈对外婆说;“这么大了还要红包,不要,你拿走自己用吧!”可是我非常想要红包,因为拿这些钱可以买自己想要的东西,所有我很贪心的拿下这个红包。 过年不是仅仅拿红包的节日,也是放烟花爆竹的节日。 在吃饭之前,我们把爆竹放好,我可是大胆到自己去放,我放了后看到线着火了,我连忙跑,只听见“啪啪啪啪”的声音,我非常喜欢闻烟花的味道,也不知道为什么,放好后

就去闻闻,后来,我们一起开心的吃起饭来了。 啊!过年多么的好!我爱过年!【篇三】小学三年级日记范文 昨天我说今天还要去外婆哪儿的体育设施哪儿玩儿,但是不玩单杠,也不玩儿秋千,我玩跷跷板。 我刚刚睡醒,就想起今天还要去玩跷跷板,就赶紧起来了。我早饭也顾不上吃,就催妈妈带我去玩儿跷跷板,我没有吃完饭,妈妈哪里肯带我去呀?妈妈说我得先吃完饭,我只扒了几口饭就催妈妈赶快去,妈妈看我吃饭了,就带我去了。我和弟弟做上跷跷板以后,我们两个互不相让,一会儿是我“战胜”弟弟,一会儿是弟弟“战胜”我。、要回家了,我求妈妈再让我玩儿一会儿,但妈妈不让。就算这样,这也是我最难忘的一个星期天,我永远不会忘了这个星期天。【篇四】小学三年级日记范文 昨天吃过晚饭,爸爸妈妈带我回奶奶家玩。一到那里,我正准备打开电视,就听见奶奶说:“党嘉悦现在长大了,让她去学拉二胡吧。”爸爸妈妈一听就同意了,奶奶说先给我问问老师,我听了心里也很感兴趣,急着想看看二胡是什么样的。 今天中午,奶奶就打电话让我去见老师,在那里老师让我跟着他打节拍,又看了看我的手,说我还不错,挺适合学二胡,我听了也很高兴,心里暗下决心要好好学。 下午我就去老师那里听了一节课,老师给我讲怎样拿二胡,给我讲最简单的乐理,还给我布置了作业,让我回家练


辞职报告简短版范文 《中华人民共和国劳动法》第24条明确规定:“当事人双方可以协商解除劳动合同”。这种“协商解除劳动合同”正常而便捷的方式就是递交辞职报告和批准辞职请求。以下是由为大家推荐的辞职报告简短版范文,欢迎大家学习参考。辞职报告简短版范文一 尊敬的邱总: 您好! 时光荏苒,不知不觉我来公司已经很长时间了。起初还梦想着成为一个成功的销售员,现在成为了幻影,确实让人沮丧。 本来我对销售充满了信心,但从三个月的不断学习和探索中我发现不论是我的性格、毅力、学识都达不到一个业务员的要求。三个月,没卖出去一台设备,这样的销售业绩着实令我无地自容。销售是以成败论英雄的,我们不愿面对努力付诸东流,可现实就是这样斩钉截铁。 现在我的工作兴趣锐减、工作态度消极。站在一个员工必须爱岗敬业的最基本的职业操守的立场上,我已经不能胜任这份工作。与其不负责任的尸位素餐,不如退位让贤。无论对公司还是我,我认为这都势在必行。 这三个月,我也有很大的收获,也许再踏出光越的大门

以后,我的这些电话联系客户的经历、学习关于设备知识的过程都没有了用武之地。但是我认为它们教会我的是交流的艺术和提高自己、竖立自信的重要手段,这些都将让我一生受用。 在这么长的时间里,没有给给公司带来任何利润,您也没有过于责备。这让我更加的惭愧。今天做出这样的决定,我觉得对您是一种深深的辜负。谢谢您在这段时间的提携和照顾。 在此也衷心的祝愿光越的发展势头能够如日中天、您能成为炙手可热的成功企业家。 望领导批准我的申请,并能协助我完成离职的相关手续。 此致 敬礼申请人:*** 20xx年xx月xx日辞职报告简短版范文二 尊敬的公司领导: 在递交这份辞呈时,我的心情十分沉重。现在公司的发展需要大家竭尽全力,由于我状态不佳,和一些个人原因的影响,无法为公司做出相应的贡献,自已心里也不能承受现在这样坐在公司却无所作为,因此请求允许离开。 当前公司正处于快速发展的阶段,同事都是斗志昂扬,壮志满怀,而我在这时候却因个人原因无法为公司分忧,实
