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Season 2 Episode 3 THE REICHENBACH FALL 莱辛巴赫瀑布

Doctor: Why today? 为什么今天来?

John Watson: Do you want to hear me say it? 你想听我说出来?

D – 18 months since our last appointment. 距你上次约诊已经过了一年半

J : You read the papers ? 你看报吧?

D : Sometimes. 有时看。

J : And you watch telly ? 你也看电视吧?

You know why I’m here. 你知道我为什么来。

I’m here because…我来是因为……

D : What happened, John?

J : Sher…nm…

D : You need to get it out. 你得说出来。

J : My best friend…

Sherlock Holmes…

…is dead.

Man - Falls of The Reichenbach. Turner’s masterpiece. Thankfully recovered.Owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes.

《莱辛巴赫瀑布》,特纳的杰作。幸得寻回,多亏绝世奇才夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生。[Applause] A small token of our gratitude. 这份小礼物代表了我们的谢意。Sherlock – Diamond cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons.


John –He means thank you.

Sherlock – Do I ?

John –Just say it.

Sherlock – Thank you.

John - Hang on. [taking photo]

Top banker - Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal. And we have one person to thank for my deliverance, Sherlock Holmes.




Sherlock – Tie pin. I don’t wear ties. 领带夹。我从不戴领带。

Lestrade – Peter Ricoletti, NO. 1 on Interpol’s most wanted list since 1982.


Well, we got him, and there’s one person we have to thank for

giving us the decisive leads. With all his customary diplomacy and




John – Sarcasm. 反话。

Sherlock – Yes. 可不是嘛。

Lestrade – We all chipped in. (这帽子)我们都有份出钱。

People – Put the hat on. Put the hat on.

–Yes, Sherlock, put it on.

John – Just get it over with. 凑合应付一下吧。

Sherlock –“Boffin”. “Boffin Sherlock Holmes”.


John – Everybody gets one. 每人都得有一个。

Sherlock – One what? 一个啥?

John – Tabloid nickname. 一个小报绰号。

SuBo, Nasty Nick. 苏珊大妈,阴险尼克。(真人秀名人)

Don’t worry, I’ll probably get one soon. 也许很快我也会有一个。Sherlock –Page five,column six, first sentence. Why is it always the hat photograph?


John –“Bachelor John Watson”. 单身汉约翰·华生(报纸标题)

Sherlock – What kind of hat is it? 这算什么帽子

John –“Bachelor”. What the hell are they implying? 单身汉!他们到底在暗示什么?Sherlock – Is it a cap? Why has it got two fronts? 这算帽子吗?为什么两边都有檐?John – It’s a deertalker. 这是猎鹿帽。

“Frequently seen in the company of bachelor John Watson”.


Sherlock – Stalk deer with the hat. What are you going to do? Throw it?


John –“Confirmed bachelor John Waston”.


Sherlock – A death frisbee! 猎杀飞盘

John – This is too much. We need to be more careful. 太过分了!我们得小心点了。Sherlock – It’s got flaps. Ear flaps, it’s an ear hat, John.


What do you mean “more careful”? 你说小心点是什么意思?

John – I mean, this isn’t a deerstalker now, it’s a Sherlock Holmes hat. I mean, you’re not exactly a private detective any more. You’re this far from famous.


Sherlock – It’ll pass. 会过去的。

John – It better pass. The press will turn, Sherlock, they always turn and they’ll turn on you.


Sherlock – It really bothers you. 你真的这么在意

John – What?

Sherlock – What people say. 人们的看法。

John – Yes.

Sherlock – About me. I don’t understand. Why would it upset you?


John – Just try to keep a low profile. Find youself a little case this week. Stay out of the news.


[message sound]

John – That’s your phone. 你电话响了。

Sherlock – It keeps doing that. 一直响个没完。

John - So, did you just talk to him for a really long time?


Sherlock –Henry Fishguard never committed suicide. Bow Street runners missed everything.亨利·费什加没有自杀,那些伦敦警探什么都没看出来。John – Pressing case, is it? 这案子挺急的吧?

Sherlock – They’re all pressing until they’re solved. 没解决的案子都急。

[Tower of London]Guard – Put your key back please. Thank you.



-Excuse me, Sir? Any metal objects, keys, mobile phones?

-You can go through.

CCTV viewer A – Fancy a cuppa then, mate? 要来杯茶吗,兄弟?

B – Yeah , why not?

[Bank of England] Banker - Gilts at seven. Dutch Telecoms in free-fall. Thank you, Harvey.国债收益为七。荷兰电信暴跌。(英格兰银行) [Pentonvill Prison] Officer A - What are you saying?

B - Refuse them all parole and bring back the rope?

Let’s begin. 拒绝所有假释申请并恢复死刑,开始吧。(本顿维尔监狱)

[Tower of London]

[warning] This is an emergency. Please leave. 紧急情况,请离场。

Guard – Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. 先生,我必须请您离开。

Donavan – Sir, there’s been a break-in. 长官,有非法入侵案件。

L – Not our division. 不在我们的职责范围。

D- You’ll want it.

[Bank of England]


Banker – The vault. 金库!

L – Hacked into the Tower of bloody London’s security? How?


[phone ring]

- Tell them we’re on our way!

D – There’s been another one, another break-in. Bank of England!又有一起非法入侵。是英格兰银行!

[Pentonvill Prison]

Guard – Sir! Security’s down, sir. It’s failing. 长官,安保系统坏了,失灵了。

L – What is it now? 现在什么情况?

D - Pentonvill Prison!本顿维尔监狱。

L – Oh, no! 不是吧!

[Tower of London]

Moriaty – No rush. 不用着急。

[message sound]

John –I’ll get it, shall I? 我来看。

Here. 给你。

Sherlock – Not now, I’m busy. 现在没空,忙。

John – Sherlock…

Sherlock – Not now. 忙。

John – He’s back. 他回来了。

[text] Come and play. Tower Hill. ——Jim Moriarty x. 来伦敦塔玩吧。

L – That glass is tougher than anything. 那玻璃比什么都坚硬。

Sherlock – Not tougher than crystallised carbon. He used a diamond.


[newspaper] QUESTIONS are being asked in parliament as to how the Tower of London, Pentonvill Prison and the Bank of England were all broken into at the same time by the same man – James Moriarty.


Master cirminal Moriarty taunted Holmes with his graffitied GET SHERLOCK at the scene of the crime. The crime is attracting huge attention internationally too.


John – Remember…

Sherlock – Yes.

John – Remember…

Sherlock – Yes.

John- Remember what they told you. Don’t try to be clever.


Sherlock – NO. 才不要。

John – Please, just keep it simple and brief. 拜托你简单明了好不好?

Sherlock – God forbid the star witness at the trial should come across intelligent.


John – Intelligent, fine. Le t’s give “smart-arse” a wide berth.


Sherlock –I’ll just be myself. 我该怎样还怎样。

John – Are you listening to me?

Reporter A– Today, outside the Old Bailey…就在今天,在贝利老街外……

B – This is the trial of the century…这场审判是世纪……

C – The trial of Jame Moriarty…对莫里亚蒂的审判……

B – James Moriarty, earlier today accused of…莫里亚蒂今天早些时候被


C - …attempting to steal the Crown Jewels. 企图盗窃王冠权杖。

A –…at the Old Bailey we have Reichenbach hero Sherlock Holmes..


Moriarty – Would you mind slipping your hand into my pocket?



[Crown Moriarty, please proceed to Court 10]


Kitty – You’re him. 是你!

Sherlock – Wrong toilet. 进错厕所了你。

Kitty –I’m a big fan. 我是你的超级粉丝。

Sherlock – Evidently. 显而易见。

Kitty – I read your cases, follow them all. Sign my shirt, would you? 我读了你那些案子,一直在追。在我衬衫上签个名好吗?

Sherlock – There are two types of fans. Catch me before I kill again, Type A.


Kitty – What’s Type B?

Sherlock – Your bedroom’s just a taxi ride away. 搭个出租就到我家了。

Kitty – Guess which one I am ? 你猜我是哪种

Sherlock – Neither. 都不是。

Kitty – Really?

Sherlock – No,you’re not a fan at all. Those marks on your forearm, edge of a desk. You’ve been typing in a hurry, probably, pressure on, facing a




Kitty – That’s all? 就这样?

Sherlock – There’s a smudge of ink on your wrist, a bulge in your left jacket pocket.你的手腕上有墨迹,上衣口袋鼓起。

Kitty – Bit of a giveaway? 有点露馅了。

Sherlock – The smudge is deliberate, to see if I’m as good as they say I am.

Oil-based, used in newspaper print. But drawn on with an index

finger, your finger. Journalist. Unlikely you get your hands dirty at the

press. You put that there to test me.




Kitty – WOW, I’m liking you. 我开始喜欢你了。

Sherlock – You may like a great feature, “Sherlock Holmes, the man beneath the hat”.我替你想好标题了,“夏洛克·福尔摩斯帽檐下的真相”。

Kitty – Kitty. Riley. Pleased to meet you.

Sherlock – Nah, I’m just saving you the job of asking. No , I won’t give you an interview. No, I don’t want the money.


Kitty – You and John Watson, just platonic? Can I put you down for a “No”

there as well? There’s all sorts of gossip in the press about you.

Sooner or later, you’re going to need someone on your side.

Someone to set the record straight.




Sherlock – You think you’re the girl for that job, do you?


Kitty –I’m smart and you can trust me, totally.


Sherlock – Smart? OK, investigative journalist. Good. Well, look at me and tell me what you see. If you’re that skiful, you don’t need an interview,

you can just read what you need. No? OK, my turn.

I look at you and I see someone who’s still waiting for their first big

scoop, so their editor will notice them. You’re wearing an expensive

skirt, that’s been rehemmed twice. Only posh skirt you’ve got. Your

nails, you can’t afford to do them that often. I see someone who’s

hungry, I don’t see smart. I definitely don’t see trustworthy. I’ll give

you a quote, if you like. Three little words: you repel me.







Lawyer –“A consulting criminal”. 犯罪顾问?

Sherlock – Yes.

L – Your words. Can you expand on that answer? 你能详细解释一下证词吗?Sherlock – James Moriarty is for hire. 莫里亚蒂受人雇佣。

L – A tradesman ? 他个是商人?

Sherlock – Yes.

L – But not the sort who’d fix your heating? 但不是帮你修暖气的那种服务?Sherlock – No, the sort who’d plant a bomb or stage an assassination. But I’m sure he’d make a decent job of your boiler.


L – Would you describe him as…你是否会将他描述为……

Sherlock – Leading. 引导。

L – What?

Sherlock – Can’t do that. You’re leading the witness. He’ll object and the judge’ll uphold. 这样不行,你这是引导证人。他会反对,而法官会支持。

Judge – Mr Holmes.

Sherlock – Ask me how, how would I describe him, what opinion have I formed of him. They don’t teach you this? 问我怎么看,问我如何描述他、对


Judge – Mr Holmes, we are fine without your help. 福尔摩斯先生,没有你帮忙法庭照样转。

L – How would you describe this man, his character? 你如何描述这个人,他的性格如何?

Sherlock –First mistake, James Moriarty isn’t a man at all. He’s a spider. A spider at the centre of a web,a criminal web with a thousand

threads and he knows precisely how each and every single one of

them dances.



L – And how long…那你们认识……

Sherlock – No, no. Don’t. Don’t do that. That’s really not a good question.


Judge – Mr Holmes!

Sherlock – How long have I known him? Not your best line of enquiry. We met twice, five minutes in total. I pulled a gun, he tried to blow me up. I felt

we had a special something.


Judge –Miss Sorrel, are you seriously claiming this man is an expert, after

knowing the accused for just five minutes? 索雷尔律师,你真觉得这人是


Sherlock – Two minutes would have made me an expert , five was ample. 两分钟我就能看透一个人,五分钟够充裕了。

Judge – Mr Holmes , that’s a matter for the jury. 福尔摩斯先生,这由陪审团决定。Sherlock – Oh, really? 是吗?

One librarian, two teachers,two high-pressure jobs, probably the City.

The foreman’s a medical secretary, trained abroad,judging by her




Judge – Mr Holmes!

Sherlock – Seven are married, two are having an affair with each other. They’ve just had tea and biscuits. Would you like to know who ate the wafer?

七个已婚,两个在和对方搞外遇,他们刚用完下午茶。你想知道谁吃了威化饼么?Judge – You’ve been called here to answer Miss Sorrel’s questions, not to give us

a display of your intellectual prowess. Keep your answers brief and to

the potin. Anything else will be treated as comtempt. Do you think you

could survive for just a few minutes without showing off?



John – What did I say? I said don’t get clever. 我说什么来着,让你别耍小聪明。Sherlock – I can’t just turn it on and off like a tap. 说关就关,我又不是水龙头。


John – Well what?

Sherlock – You were there for the whole thing, up in the gallery, start to finish.


John – Like you said it would be, sat on his backside, never even stirred.


Sherlock – Moriarty is not mounting any defence. 莫里亚蒂根本不打算为自己辩护。John - Bank of England, Tower of London , Pentonville. Three of the most secure places in the country and six weeks ago, Moriarty breaks in,no-one

knows how or why. All we know is …


Sherlock – He ended up in custody. 他被拘留了。

John – Don’t do that. 别这样。

Sherlock – Do what? 哪样?

John – The look. 那表情。

Sherlock – Look? 啥?

John – You’re doing the look again. 你又露出那表情了。

Sherlock – Well, I can’t see it, can I? 我自己又看不见。

[mirror] It’s my face.

John – Yes and it’s doing a thing, you are doing “we both know what’s really going on here” face.


Sherlock – We do. 确实嘛。

John – No, I don’t, which is why I find the face so annoying. 我就不知道,所以我才讨厌你那表情。

Sherlock – If Moriarty wanted the jewels, he’d have them. If he wanted the prisoners freed, they’d be out on the streets. The only reason he’s still in

a prison cell right now, is because he chose to be there. Somehow this

is part of his scheme.



Judge – Mr Crayhill, can wen have your first witness? 请把第一位证人传上法庭。Crayhill – Your honour, we’re not calling any witnesses. 法官大人,我们没有证人。Judge – I don’t follow. You’ve entered a plea of not guilty.


Crayhill – Nevertheless,my client is offering no evidence. The defence rests.


Judge – Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, James Moriarty stands accused of several counts of attempted burglary. Crimes which, if he’s found guilty

will elicit a very long custodial sentence, and yet, his legal team has

chosen to offer no evidence whatsoever to support their plea. I find

myself in the unusual position of recommending a verdict

wholeheartedly, you must find him guilty.




Man – They’re coming back. 开庭了。

John – That’s six minutes. 才过了六分钟。

Man – Surprised it took them that long, to be honest. There’s queue for the loo.


Judge – Have you reached a verdict on which you all agree?


John – Not guilty, they found him not guilty. No defence and Moriarty’s walked free. Sherlock? Are you listening? He’s out, you know he’ll be coming

after you. Sherl…



Sherlock – Most people knock. But then, you’re not most people, I suppose.

Kettle’s just boiled.


Moriarty – Johann Sebastian would be appalled. 巴赫都会震惊的。

May I ? 能坐吗?

Sherlock – Please. 请。

Moriarty – You know when he was on his deathbed, Bach, he heard his son at the piano playing one of his pieces. The boy stopped before he got to the


你知道吗?巴赫临死前听见自己的儿子在弹奏他的作品。还没弹完男孩就不弹了Sherlock – The dying man jumped out of bed,ran to the piano and finished it.


Moriarty – Couldn’t cope with an unfinished melody. 无法忍受未完成的乐章。Sherlock – Neither can you, that’s why you’ve come. 你也是,所以你才过来。Moriarty – Be honest, you’re a tiny bit pleased. 实话说,你有那么点开心。Sherlock – What? With the verdict? 你说审判结果么?

Moriarty –With me, back on the streets. Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me or you’re nothing. Because we’re

just alike, you and I, except you’re boring. You’re on the side of the



你屁都不是。因为我们本来就很像。只是你比我无聊,因为你站在正义那一方。Sherlock – You got to the jury, of course. 当然,你控制了陪审团。

Moriarty – I got into the Tower of London, you think I can’t worm my way into 12 hotel rooms?


Sherlock – Cable network. 有线网。

Moriarty – Every hotel bedroom has a personalised TV screen. And every person has their pressure point. Someone that they want to protect from

harm. Easy peasy.



Sherlock – So how are you going to do it? Burn me? 你打算怎么做?毁了我?Moriarty – That’s the problem, the final problem. Have you worked out what it is yet? What’s the final problem. I did tell you, but did you listen? How

hard do you find it, having to say “I don’t know”?



Sherlock – I don’t know. 我不知道。

Moriarty – That’s clever. That’s very clever, awfully clever. Speaking of clever, have you told your little friends yet?


Sherlock – Told them what? 说什么?

Moriarty – Why I broke into all those places and never took anything?


Sherlock – No.

Moriarty – But you understand? 但你明白。

Sherlock – Obviously. 当然。

Moriarty – Off you go, then. 那请说吧。

Sherlock – You want me to tell you what you already know? 何必多此一举?Moriarty – No, I want you to prove that you know it. 不,我要你证明你知道。Sherlock – You didn’t take anything because you don’t need to.


Moriarty – Good.

Sherlock – You’ll never need to take anything ever again.


Moriarty – Very good. Because? 很好。为什么?

Sherlock –Because nothing, nothing in the Bank of England , the Tower of London or Pentonville Prison could possibly match the value of the

key that could get you into all three.



Moriarty – I can open any door anywhere with a few tiny lines of computer code.

No such thing as a private bank account now, they’re all mine. No

such thing as secrecy, I own secrecy. Nuclear codes? I could blow up

NATO in alphabetical order. In a world of locked rooms, the man with

the key is king. And honey, you should see me in a crown.





Sherlock –You were advertising all through the trial, you were showing the world what you can do.


Moriarty – And you were helping. Big client list, rogue governments, intelligence communities, terrorist cells. They all want me. Suddenly, I’m Mr Sex.



Sherlock –If you can break any bank, what do you care about the highest bidder?


Moriarty – I don’t. I just like to watch them all competing. “Daddy loves me the best.” Aren’t ordinary people adorable? Well, you know. You’ve got

John. I should get myself a live-in one.



Sherlock – Why are you doing all of this? 你为什么要这么做?

Moriarty – It must be so funny. 肯定很有趣。

Sherlock – You don’t want money or power, not really. What is it all for?


Moriarty – I want to solve the problem. Our problem. The final problem. It’s going to start very soon, Sherlock, the fall. But don’t be scared,

falling is just like flying, except there’s a more permanent




Sherlock – Never liked riddles. 我不喜欢谜语。

Moriarty – Learn to. Because I owe you a fall, Sherlock.I OWE YOU.




John – Excuse me, I’m looking for Mycroft Holmes.

Would you happen to know if he’s around at all?

Can you not hear me?

Yes, all right. Anyone?

Anyone at all know where Mycroft Holmes is, I’ve been asked to meet him here.

No takers, right.

Am I invisible? Can you actually see me?

Thanks, gents. I’ve been asked to meet Mycroft Holmes.

What the hell?





Mycroft – Tradition, John, our traditions define us. 传统嘛,传统界定了我们。John - So total silence is traditional, is it? You can’t even say pass the sugar?


Mycroft –Three-quarters of the diplomatic service and half the government front bench all sharing one tea trolley, it’s for the best, believe me. We

don’t want a repeat of 1972. but we can talk in here.


可不想重演1972年的事(血色星期天事件) 。不过在这可以说话。

John – You read this stuff? 你看这个?

Mycroft – Caught my eye. Saturday, they’re doing a big expose.


John –I’d love to know where she got her information.


Mycroft – Someone called Brook. Recognise the name?


John – School friend, maybe? 可能是校友吧。

Mycroft – Of Sherlock’s? But that’s not why I asked you here.


John – Who’s that? 这谁?

Mycroft – Don’t know? 不认识吗?

John – No.

Mycroft – Never seen his face before? He’s taken a flat in Baker Street, two doors down from you.


John – I was thinking of doing a drinks thing for the neighbours.


Mycroft –I’m not sure you’ll want to. Sulejmani Albanian hit squad, expertly trained killer, living less than 20 feet from your front door.


John – Well, it’s a great location. Jubilee line’s handy. 那地段好啊,坐地铁方便。Mycroft – John…

John – What’s it got to do with me? 这跟我有什么关系?

Mycroft – Dyachenko Ludmila.

John – Actually, I think I have seen her. 我好像见过她。

Mycroft – Russian killer. She’s taken the flat opposite.俄国杀手。住你们家对面。John – OK. I’m sensing a pattern here. 好吧,我有点明白你的意思了。

Mycroft –In fact, four top international assassins relocate to within spitting distance of 221b. Anything you’d care to share with me?


John – I’m moving? 我该搬家了吗?

Mycroft – I t’s not hard to guess the common denominator, is it?


John – You think this is Moriarty? 你觉得是莫里亚蒂安排的吗?

Mycroft – He promised Sherlock he’d come back. 他跟夏洛克说他一定会回来的。John – If this was Moriarty, we’d be dead already.


Mycroft – If not Moriarty, then who? 如果不是他,那又是谁?

John – Why don’t you talk to Sherlock, if you’re so concerned about him? God, don’t tell me.


Mycroft – Too much history between us, John. Old scores, resentments.


John – Nicked all his Smurfs? Broke his Action Man? Finished.


Mycroft – We both know what’s coming, John. Moriarty is obsessed, he’s sworn to destroy his only rival.

我们都知道要发生什么。莫里亚蒂不会罢休的,他发誓要干掉他唯一的敌手。John – So you want me to watch out for your brother because he won’t accept

your help?

所以你要我去照看你弟弟,就是因为他不会接受你的帮助?Mycroft – If it’s not too much trouble. 希望不会太麻烦你。

John – Sherlock, something weird…What’s going on?


Sherlock – Kidnapping. 绑架案。

L - Rufus Bruhl. The ambassador to the US.驻美大使路法斯·布卢尔

John – He’s in Washington, isn’t he? 他不是在华盛顿吗?

L - Not him, his children. Max and Claudette, age seven and nine. They’re at St Aldates.


D - Posh boarding place in Surrey. 萨里郡的豪华寄宿学校。

L - School broke up, all the boarders went home. Just a few kids remained, including those two.


D - The kids have vanished. 两个孩子不见了。

L - The ambassador’s asked for you personally. 大使亲自指名找你。

D - The Reichenbach hero. 莱辛巴赫英雄。

L - Isn’t it great to be working with a celebrity? 跟名人一起办案真不错啊。

A - We shouldn’t need to keep you for much longer. 应该很快就能放你走了。

B - Thank you.

It’s all right. 没事了。

L - Miss MacKenzie, House Mistress. Go easy. 麦肯齐小姐是舍监,温柔点。Sherlock – Miss MacKenzie, you’re in charge of pupil walfare, yet you left this place wide open last night. What are you, an idiot, a drunk or a criminal?

Now, quickly, tell me!



MacKenzie – All the doors and the windows were properly bolted. No-one, not even me, went into their room last night. You have to believe me.

门窗都关好了,昨晚没有任何人,包括我都没进过他们的房间。你得相信我!Sherlock – I do. I just wanted you to speak quickly.

Miss MacKenzie will need to breath into a bag now.


L - Six grand a term, you’d expect them to keep the kids safe for you.


John – You said the other kids had all left on their holidays. They were the only two sleeping on this floor.


L - There’s absolutely no sign of a break-in. The intruder must have been hidden inside some place.


Sherlock – Show me where the brother slept. 带我去哥哥的房间。

The boy sleeps there every night. Gazing at the only light source

outside in the corridor. He’d recognise every shape, every outline,

the silhouette of everyone who came to the door.



L - OK, so? 那又如何?

Sherlock – So if someone approaches the door who he doesn’t recognise, an intruder, maybe he can even see the outline of a weapon. What

would he do? In the precious few seconds before they came into the

room, how would he use them if not cry out? This little boy, this

particular little boy, who reads all of those spy books, what would he






John –He’d have a sign. 留下什么标记吗?

Sherlock – Get Anderson. 叫安德森来!

Anderson - Linseed oil. Not much use, it doesn’t lead us to the kidnapper.


Sherlock – Brilliant, Anderson. 很不错。

Anderson – Really? 是吗?

Sherlock – Yes, brilliant impression of an idiot. 是,很不错地展现了白痴的风范。

Floor. 看地板。

L - He made a trail for us. 他为我们留下了足迹。

Sherlock – The boy was made to walk ahead of them. 男孩被逼着走在他们前面。John – On what, tiptoe? Indicates anxiety. Gun held to his head. The girl was pulled beside him, dragged sideways. He had his left arm cradled about

her neck.



Anderson - That’s the end of it, we don’t know where they went from here. Tells us nothing after all.


Sherlock – You’re right, Anderson, nothing. Except his shoe size, his height, his gait, his walking pace.


John – Having fun? 玩得开心吗?

Sherlock – Starting to. 现在开心了。

John – Maybe don’t do the smiling. Kidnapped children.


John – How could he get past the CCTV, if all the doors were locked?


Sherlock – He walked in when they weren’t locked. 他在门锁上之前就进来了。John – But a stranger can’t just walk into a school like that.


Sherlock –Anyone can walk in anywhere if they pick the right moment.

Yesterday, end of term, parents milling around, chauffeurs, staff.

What’s one more stranger among that lot? He was waiting for them. All

he had to do was to find a place to hide.




Sherlock – Molly.

Molly - Hello, I’m just going out. 你好啊,我正要出去。

Sherlock – No, you’re not.

Molly - I’ve got a lunch date. 我午饭约了人。

Sherlock – Cancel it, you’re having lunch with me. 取消吧,我们一起吃午餐。Molly - What? 啥?

Sherlock – I need your help. It’s one of your old boyfriends, we’re trying to track him down. He’s been a bit naughty.



John - It’s Moriarty? 是莫里亚蒂干的吗?

Sherlock – Of course it’s Moriarty. 当然是他。

Molly - Jim actually wasn’t even my boyfriend, we went out three times. I ended it.

其实金算不上是我男朋友,我们只约会过三次,我没再和他交往了。Sherlock – Yes,then he stole the Crown Jewels, broke into the Bank of England and organised a prison break in Pentonville. For thee sake of law and

order, I suggest you avoid all future attempts at a relationship, Molly.



Sherlock – Oil, John. The oil in the kidnapper’s footprint. It’ll lead us to Moriarty.

All the chemical traces on his shoe have been preserved. The sole of

the shoe is like a passport. If we’re lucky, we’ll see everything he’s

been up to.



I need that analysis. 那个需要做分析

Molly - Alkaline. 碱性的。

Sherlock – Thank you,John.

Molly - Molly.

Sherlock – Yes.

I – O – U.

Glycerol molecule. What are you? 甘油分子。什么东西?

Molly - What did you mean – IOU? You said IOU. You were muttering it

while you were working.



Sherlock – Nothing, mental note. 没什么,记下来的东西罢了。

Molly - You’re a bit like my dad. He’s dead. No, sorry.


Sherlock – Molly, please don’t feel the need to make conversation. It’s really not your area.


Molly - When he was dying, he was always cheerful, he was lovely,except when he thought no-one could see. I saw him once, he looked sad.



Sherlock – Molly.

Molly - You look sad, when you think he can’t see you. Are you OK? And don’t just say you are, because I know what that means looking sad

when you think no-one can see you.



Sherlock – You can see me. 你就能看见我。

Molly - I don’t count. What I’m trying to say is, that if there’s anything I can do, anything you need, anything at all, you can have me. No, I just

mean, I mean, if there’s anything you need, it’s fine.


会帮你。不是,我就是说,我是说,如果你需要我做什么事,我都可以。Sherlock – But what can I need from you? 但我会需要你做什么?

Molly - Nothing. I don’t know. You could probably say thank you, actually.


Sherlock – Thank you? 那谢谢了。

Molly - I’m just going to go and get some crisps. Do you want anything? It’s OK, I know you don’t.


Sherlock – Well, actually, maybe I’ll…其实,要不我……

Molly - I know you don’t. 我知道你不吃。

John - Sherlock?

This envelope that was in her trunk, there’s another one.


Sherlock – What?

John - On our doorstep. Found it today. Yes, and look at that. Look at that, exactly the same seal.

今天有人放在我们门阶上。没错,你瞧。你瞧,是完全相同的封印。Sherlock – Breadcrumbs. 面包屑。

John - It was there when I got back. 我回来的时候就放在那儿。

Sherlock –A little trace of breadcrumbs. Hardback copy of Fairy Tales. Two children led into the forest by a wicked father, follow a little trail of




John - That’s Hansel and Gretel. What sort of kidnapper leaves clues?


Sherlock – The sort that likes to boast, the sort that thinks it’s all a game. He sat in our flat and he said these exact words to me——“All fairy tales

need a good old-fashioned villain”. The fifth substance, it’s part of the

tale. The witch’s house.




John - What? 啥?

Sherlock – The glycerol molecule. PGPR.甘油分子。是聚甘油蓖麻醇酯。

John - What’s that? 那个什么?

Sherlock – It’s used in making chocolate. 用来做巧克力的。

Lestrade - This fax arrived an hour ago. What have you got for us?


Shrelock – We need to find a place in the city where all five of these things intersect.


Lestrade - Chalk, asphalt, brick dust, vegetation. What is this? Chocolate?


Sherlock – I think we’re looking for a disused sweet factory.


Lestrade - We need to narrow that down. A sweet factory with asphalt?


Sherlock – No,no,no,no, too general. Something more specific. Chalk, chalky clay. That’s a far thinner band of geology.



Lestrade - Brick dust? 砖尘。

Sherlock – Building site. Bricks from the 1950s. 建筑工地,五十年代的砖头。Lestrade - There’s thousands of building sites in London. 伦敦有几千个建筑工地。Sherlock –I’ve got people out looking. 我派人出去找了。

Lestrade - So have I. 我也有。

Sherlock – Homeless network, faster than the police, far more relaxed about taking bribes.


Sherlock – John. Rhododendron ponticum. Matches. 彭土杜鹃,符合要求。

Addlestone. 阿德斯顿。

Lestrade - What?啥?

Sherlock – There’s a mile of disused factories between the river and the park. It matches everything.


Lestrade - Right, come on. Come on! 好吧,行动!行动!

Donovan - OK, you look over there. Look everywhere. OK, spread out, please,spread out.


Sherlock – This was alight moments ago. They’re still here.


Sweet wrappers? What’s he been feeding you,Hansel and Gretel?


Mercury. 水银!

Lestrade - What?

Sherlock – The papers, they’re painted with mercury, lethal. The more they ate, it was killing them. But it’s not enough to kill them on its own. Taken

in large enough quantities, eventually it would kill them. He didn’t

need to be there for the execution. Murder by remote control, he

could be 1,000 miles away. The hungrier they got, the more they

ate,the faster they died. Neat.



遥控杀人,他可以待在千里之外。他们越饿,吃得越多,就死得越快。漂亮!John - Sherlock! 控制一下!

Police - Over here! 在这边!

I’ve got him, don’t worry. 我会照顾她,别担心。

D - Right then, the professionals are finished, if the amateurs want to go in

and have their turn.


Lestrade - Now remember, she’s in shock and she’s just seven years old,so,anything you can do to…


Sherlock – Not be myself? 别太夏洛克吗?

Lestrade - Yeah, might be helpful. 对,可能会比较好。

Sherlock – Claudette, I …No, no, I know it’s been hard for you.Claudette,listen to me.


Lestrade - Out. Get out! 出去!


《The Earth》观后感 地球上71%为海洋,29%为陆地,所以太空上看地球呈蓝色。地球是目前发现的星球中人类生存的唯一星球。虽然其被人们称为地球,但在空间站看来更像一个水球。 地球是宇宙中独一无二的星球有着独特性,通过BBC记者的亲身感受和体验向我们从不同的方面来展示地球海洋,海洋是地球生命的源泉,地球孕育了生命,海洋有着超级长的海岸线,是气候等改变是等无不与地球的海洋有着密切的关系,波浪是大洋能量的传递形式。海洋向大气输送氧气,在演示了直布罗陀还行如果关闭将对地中海造成的巨大的影响,海洋的浮游生物为地球提供了一半以上的氧气,从而滋养生命,巨大的洋流将海洋的热量带到了世界各地,使地球的温度达到了均衡。 原始的海洋,海水不是咸的,而是带酸性、又是缺氧的。水分不断蒸发,反复地形云致雨,重新落回地面,把陆地和海底岩石中的盐分溶解,不断地汇集于海水中。经过亿万年的积累融合,才变成了大体匀的咸水。同时,由于大气中当时没有氧气,也没有臭氧层,紫外线可以直达地面,靠海水的保护,生物首先在海洋里诞生。大约在38亿年前,即在海洋里产生了有机物,先有低等的单细胞生物。在六亿年前的古生代,有了海藻类,在阳光下进行光合作用,产生了氧气,慢慢积累的结果,形成了臭氧层。此时,生物才开始登上陆地。 海里的水总是依照有规律的明确形式流动,循环不息,称为洋流。其中比较有名的是墨西哥湾流,最狭窄处也宽达50里,流动时速可达4公里每小时,沿北美洲海岸北上,横过北大西洋,调节北欧的气候。北太平洋海流是一道类似的暖流,从热带流向北流,提高北美洲西岸的气温。 盛行风是使海流运动不息的主要力量。海水密度不同,也是海流成因之一。冷水的密度比暖水高,因此冷水下沉,暖水上升。基于同样原理,两极附近的冷水也下沉,在海面以下向赤道流去。抵达赤道时,这股水流便上升,代替随着表面海流流向两极的暖水。


5部BBC 史诗级纪录片,不可不看! 从小伴随你长大的节目有哪些呢?《人与自然》?《动 物世界》?每次母上大人不让看电视的时候,我们就可以理直气壮地说:“我们在学习知识!”这话绝对没!毛!病!我 们确实在学知识。自从生命中有了小U,我们升级成了在英 语中学知识!今天小U 为大家准备了 5 部BBC 史诗级纪录片!涨姿势又学英语,U粉儿们接着读下去吧?《人类星球》 Human Planet Human Planet is an 8-part British television documentary series. 《人类星球》是一部英国电视纪录片系列,分为8 个部分。It describes the human species and its relationship with the natural world by showing the remarkable ways humans have adapted to life in every environment on Earth. 它描述了人类物种及其与自然世界的 关系,展示了人类在地球的各种环境中,适应生活的非凡方 式。豆瓣评分9.8 部极其特别的自然纪录片,说是讲地球,其实是在从社会学的角度讲人类;但说是讲人类的纪录片,它又是以自然生态地理环境等要素为载体来讲述。视点新颖,内容丰富,把自然和人文结合得天衣无缝。 IMDb 评分9.8 Like all life forms, humanity partially adapts to types of

natural environment, yet also tends to change them. 像所有 的生命形式一样,人类部分地适应不同类型的自然环境,但也倾向 于改变它们。Each episode examines how life differs for men and nature in some type of environment, from Arctic to desert and jungle, from coasts to mountains. 每一集都考察了在不同类型的环境中,从北极到沙漠到丛林、从海 岸到山脉,人们的生活是如何的不同。《人类星球》 生命》Life Life is a British nature documentary series created and produced by the BBC in association with The Open University. 《生命》是由英国广播公司与开放大学联合 创作和制作的英国自然纪录片系列。The series takes a global view of the specialized strategies and extreme behavior that living things have developed in order to survive; what Charles Darwin termed 'the struggle for existence'. 该系列以一种全球性的观点来看待那些为了生存而发展的特殊策略和极端行 为。查尔斯?达尔文称之为“为生存而斗争”。豆瓣评分9.7 人类看完足以无地自容的片子,哪怕只是地穴里一只微不足道的小 虫子,每天也在上演生存的史诗。为了吃饭,为了繁衍,为了活下去,无数精彩甚至悲壮的生物行为,在这个生生不息的地球上无限 地演绎下去,地球也因此而不朽。 IMDb 评分9.1 David Attenborough's legendary BBC crew explains and shows wildlife all over pl anet earth in 10 epi sodes. 大卫?爱登堡的传奇BBC 制作团队,在10 集的时间内解释和说明了全世界的野生动物。The first is an overview of the challenges facing life, the others are dedicated to hunting, the deep sea and various major evolutionary groups of creatures: plants, primates and other large sections of other vertebrates and invertebrates. 此片首先是概述了生活面临的挑战,其它则致力于 狩猎,深海和各种主要进化群体的生物:植物,灵长类动物和大量 其他的脊椎动物和无脊椎动物。《生命》


BBC 简介:英国广播公司(英语:British Broadcasting Corporation),简称BBC,是英国的一家由政府资助但独立运作的公共媒体,长久以来一直被认为是全球最受尊敬的媒体之一。在相当长的一段时间内,BBC一直垄断着英国的电视、电台。在1955年英国独立电视台和1973年英国独立电台成立之前,BBC一直是全英国唯一的电视、电台广播公司。今天BBC除了是一家在全球拥有高知名度的媒体,还提供其他各种服务,包括书籍出版、报刊、英语教学、交响乐团和互联网新闻服务。 历史:英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Company),简称BBC,成立于1922年,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一。BBC虽然是接受英国政府财政资助的公营媒体,但其管理却是由一个独立于政府以外的12人监管委员会负责,并且通过皇家宪章保障其独立性。监管委员以公众利益的信托人的身份管理BBC,他们都是社会上有名望的人士,包括苏格兰、威尔斯、北爱尔兰和英格兰的首长,由英国首相提名,英女皇委任。 监管委员会下辖执行委员会,由16个不同部门主管组成,负责BBC日常营运工作,委员会主席为行政总裁,并兼任总编辑。 BBC目前经营8条电视频道,10条广播频道,及直接由英国政府出资经营以43种语言作全球广播。BBC在新闻界最为人乐道的是其严格的要求,所有制作人都要恪守BBC的工作规章:节目制作人准则,该准则对编辑和采访业务的各方面提出了具体详细的要求。 在BBC建立之前,已经有很多私人公司尝试在英国做电台广播。根据1904年的无线电法案,英国邮政局负责颁发电台广播牌照。1919年,由于收到很多军队对过多广播而干扰军事通讯的投诉,邮政局停止发出牌照。于是,1920年代初期,广播电台数量骤减,越来越多人要求成立一个国家广播电台。一个由无线电收音机制造商组成的委员会经过几个月的讨论,最终提出一个方案,BBC由此诞生。 英国广播公司成立于1922年,由几个大财团共同出资,包括马可尼(Marconi)、英国通用电气公司(GEC)、British Thomson Houston等。公司草创时最初的目的是建立一个覆盖全国的广播传输网络,以为今后的全国广播提供便利。1922年11月14日,BBC的第一个电台,2LO以中波从


8部BBC历史纪录片——坚持看完,见识会大不一样 图片来源| 豆瓣很多人去欧洲旅行,一开始觉得很新鲜,教堂很宏伟,城市很小资,处处风景如画,可是过几天后,审美疲劳就会一阵阵袭来,看来看去,好像都差不多啊。说实话,欧洲要玩得好,真得懂历史。那么,怎么才能快点对西方历史有一个比较全面的了解呢?这种事,还是要找BBC——人家专门干这个的,巨额投入,不计回报,就是想用他们的知识给你“洗洗脑”。今天特别整理了BBC制作的8部精彩历史纪录片,大多数是关于欧洲历史的。藏着,慢慢看~1BBC 英雄列传Heroes and Villains 欧洲的项羽和岳飞们的故事 ▌《勇士》全系列共分六集,每集透过历史上一起重大事件,揭开青史留名的着名将领的复杂性格。 ▌第一集是拿破仑,这个科西嘉岛的移民野小子怎样在土伦 战役中一战成名;第二集是日本的德川家康,从丰臣秀吉托孤开始到关原决战击败石田三成结束;第三集是领导英明却优柔寡断的斯巴达克斯;第四集是科尔蒂斯,摧毁阿兹特克文明的前前后后;第五集是狮心王理查,第三次十字军东征,与萨拉丁的双雄会;第六集是阿提拉,横扫西欧却盛极而衰的故事。 ▌人物刻画很到位,演绎的有血有肉,散发着英雄气概却又

绝非脸谱化的高大全。大到史诗战役的千人混战,小到油盐酱醋的旁枝末节,配得上制作精良的评价。 链接:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/114299323.html,/a_19rrg85rdp.html2英国史A History of Britain 15集看懂英国和资本主义发展史 ▌对于一个不了解英国历史的人来说,本片是很好的教材。本片再现了英国文明的成长历程,从巨石文化的新石器时代到辉煌的伊丽莎白时代,穿越17世纪暴乱的国内战争到日不落大不列颠帝国。这是一个生动的,有些情景可以说是血腥的故事。15集,BBC就能把复杂的英国历史说清楚,确实厉害。▌这部纪录片里有严谨的学者态度,也有尽量还原当年那些重大事件的场景,配上音乐,总的来说,坚持看下来,对西方历史的一个重要部分就基本知道了。这比读历史教科书强多了,而且可以触类旁通,对整个西方文化、西方历史有个入门的落脚点。 链接: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/114299323.html,/show_page/id_zd39889b28f7111e1 b2ac.html#rd3奥斯曼帝国:欧洲的伊斯兰王室 土耳其的灿烂历史 ▌最近热播的一档旅游节目《花样姐姐》的目的地就是土耳其,跟着明星们旅途看到的景色实在是太美了。奥斯曼帝国就是土耳其人建立的政权,文化灿极一时。不了解奥斯曼,

bbc 简介要点

讲稿: 世界范围内有多种广播电视管理制度。所谓制度,就是人类社会为了更好地利用某种科学技术而创造的人、财、物的资源整合方式。在美国是私营的商业广播电视管理制度,在我国是政党控制的国营广播电视管理制度,那除了这两种制度之外,又没有另外的制度呢? 这就是英国的公共广播电视管理制度,这种制度的诞生与一个叫约翰里斯的人密切相关。约翰里斯何许人也?为何他与这种制度的产生密切相关呢。我们还是从头说起。 本周主要内容: 一、BBC:世界上第一个公营广播公司 (一)创立过程 1922年12月15日,6家电器制造商及数家小电器公司联合组建BBC。它通过收听许可费获得生存和发展的利润。 但是,这种私人占有广播频率资源并经营获利的行为遭到了人们的质疑。 总经理约翰·里斯提出:应使广播免于商业机构和邮电部的控制,建立一个全国性的、社会性的、宗教性的、民主性的节目体系,使广播服务超越利润和娱乐的狭窄视野。 1926年12月31日,商营的BBC改组成公营的BBC (company-corporation)。1927年正式播出节目。 1936年11月2日,BBC在伦敦市郊的亚历山大宫建成了世界上

第一座正规的电视台。 (二)约翰·里思的广播理念 BBC的责任:把有关人类努力和成绩中的一切最美好的事情传达给最多的家庭。 立台三原则:即“以公共资金作为经费来源”,成为“独立的和垄断的公共服务机构”,要“以利他主义思想为从业者的行为准则,把为公众利益而工作视为自己的天职”。 受众:极少有听众知道自己想要什么,更少有听众想要他们所需要的。商业广播电视:有的人为公众提供一些他认为公众需要的东西,并以此为荣。这种人经常杜撰一些低水准的公众需求,而自己还对此洋洋自得。 雇员:剑桥牛津高材生 文化:精英文化 (三)BBC公营广播电视所倡导的原则 1、由里斯原则发展到现在的公营广播电视原则: 第一,广播电视必须为所有的公众服务,要播出各种类型的节目,不仅要满足多数人的需求,也要满足少数阶层的需求; 第二,广播电视是一种极其重要的传播媒介,具有重大社会作用,因而不能以商业利润为导向,经营者必须对国家、社会和公众承担责任和义务,如维护国家安全、提倡高尚的社会道德与风气、提高公众教育水平、加强民族认同、给予儿童和青少年正确向上的引导,保证多元文化,等等;


The review of the blue planet by BBC Our earth actually is a blue planet, which is covered with 71 percent of the world by brine. How vast such superficial content! Therefore, the mysterious field is composed of numerous parts, such as various marine animals and many different plants. This means a truth that we can’t neglect the effects alerted on the ocean by the creature and some terrestrial beings along the coast. Food links, complex food net, describe relationship running through the animal-kinds, from plankton to the hugest sort, blue whale, approximately. To my surprise, blue whales, such a formidable giant, rely on millions of krill. Such gargantuan harvests depend on the continuing fertility of the ocean. There exists much amazing association between two species like this. Generally, grey whales are much bigger than killer whales. But 15 killer whales can trace an adult female grey whale several kilometers just for her baby. They chase the young until he can’t swim any longer because of toil. Whales b reathe with lung, as is known. These killer whales try their best to press the baby grey whale to make his head in the sea. At last, the young whale dies of oxygen-poor. His mother can not do anything about it and continue her journey north for food, leavi ng the child’s body behind. She has no choice to give up the one who she had conceived for thirteen months. Moreover, the living in the water is usually classified according to their ambient living environment. In the abyssal area, large ranks of transparent lives lead a rich and varied life. Among the group, imitation is a necessary skill to confuse the enemy and attain what they want. These guys may imitate the surroundings or just copy the color around them. Some fish have special luminous organs, which function as viewfinders, hiding in the dark. They reflect the weak blue light from water surface and slightly disappear along with it. Some striped mullets and jellyfish have the ability to flash like neon light. Their motion is excellent in disguise. Most of them move slowly relatively. As the depth rises, the quantity of living grow gradually with the sunlight brightening and energy strengthened. In the shallow sea, battles happen every day almost. Various animals join in the cruel conflict. As is commonly seen, bands of sardines used to take action together for safety. It’s not, nevertheless, an ideal method. Bottlenose dolphin and whales unintentionally work in conjunction with each other. Dolphins are in charge of getting the sardines apart, making use of waves foam. Whales can enjoy the dish much more easily. Smart seabirds fly low, pressing close to the water, to find the best location to seize the prey. After that, they rush into the water like spurting arrow. The hunters grab their relish to the habitat. Meantime, besides food link, there coexists symbiosis. Sea-gull and half-moon can help other fish by cleaning the mould on the cover. What is vividly introduced above occurs in the diverse layers, while the layers are not alone, in touch with each other instead. Ocean current becomes the key factor to mix the brine from distinct areas. Nutrition blends to a new balance. Of course, this results in energetic fishing ground. Fish shuttle up and down, making water world filled with vitality and more oxygen dissolved.


1、一日三餐都要按正餐的饮食种类来吃,比如不要吃瓜子喝啤酒代替一餐,因 为一会儿就饿了,等到饿时,大脑会让你更想吃高卡高脂高糖食物,而这是减脂的大忌。 2、用较小的饭碗、并把你这餐要吃的菜夹到较小的一个盘子里,不要对着一桌 子的菜边吃边夹。 3、只吃几种食物。因为如果可供选择的食物种类多,比如自助餐,你会选择更多的食物吃,多样性会触发我们进行普遍尝试的本能。对于吃饭用餐盘的外国人来说,用更小号的餐盘,装的食物就少,可以吃得更少。如果看见面前有很多食物,即便你已吃饱,还是会继续吃。 3、在你喜欢的同类食物中,选择低卡的。比如同是饮料类,黑咖啡与卡普奇诺, 你应选黑咖啡。 4、不要在不知不觉中吃下比你每日所需热量多的大卡,应该计算你每日摄入热 量。新陈代谢率一般来说每人都差不多。比如:不要忘了食物里富含热量的酱汁;就算是蔬菜水果这类健康低卡饮食,也不要吃得过多,否则热量也会大;一杯饮料、一块点心等小零食。如果你已超重,证明你吃的比你需要的多了 5、很多人减脂失败,原因是无法坚持节食,关键是要避免感觉饥饿,方法就是 避免阵发饥饿感。饥饿感是因为胃排空和缩小,这会促使脑肠肽向大脑发送信号,说你需要更多食物。有办法可以欺骗大脑:第一,吃富含蛋白质的食物让人的饱腹感更持久。早餐增加10%的蛋白质更饱腹,因而会减少中餐的摄入量。当食物通过肠道时,有种激素会释放物质进血液,当大脑得到这种物质时,就会认为你吃饱了,而蛋白质是最能让这种物质释放最多的。第二,将食物弄成粘稠一点的糊糊状更饱腹。因为会增大食物体积,而且胃不容易排空。 6、吃正餐时同时吃脱脂或低脂乳制品或钙片有助于减脂。但注意钙吸收不了了。 那么在我吃了很多脂肪后,马上吃个钙片,可以避免脂肪被吸收,耶!(乳制品的)钙质能与食物中的脂肪结合成不被肠吸收的东东,所以钙和脂肪穿肠而过。所以补钙的话,乳制品或补钙药不要和正餐一起吃,饭后1小时 7、中等强度的运动,不如快走,不仅能消耗热量,而且能让你在第二天一更高 的速度燃烧脂肪。因为,身体依靠不同的燃料提供能量——碳水化合物+脂肪。 肌肉主要使用碳水化合物提供热量,运动时消耗了大量的碳水化合物,这需要22小时的消耗脂肪来补充能量支撑人体运转,所以即便是睡觉时,你也在燃烧脂肪。 8、日常生活中,时不时的活动下,可以消耗很多热量。不一定要去健身房长时 间不间断的运动。注意,不能因为运动量增加就多吃。


【力荐】BBC的三个纪录片-关于科学锻炼和饮食 由于父母都是药剂师,我从小在医院职工大院长大的缘故,对于健康饮食少油少盐、按时作息、保持锻炼这些医疗界的常识,算是养成得比较好的。这近三十年来我从不漏掉任何主餐,甚少熬夜玩耍,从小锻炼,除了课余游泳队的训练外,对于主流的运动基本都玩过。作为先天出厂质量比较弱的娃,我算是后天相当认真努力地对待健康这件事。这些习惯的养成,帮助我在历年的体检中,都保持很好的表现,有漂亮的心肺功能数据,内脏脂肪指数也很健康。不过,在我开始系统地进行塑型的学习和锻炼后,重审了我运行了这么多年的运动习惯和饮食习惯,发现里面还有很多需要调整的地方,很多方面需要更细致的耕耘:比如饮食营养的调整、新的运动方式、避免饮食和运动的误区等等。运动医学和营养学这两个健身的基础学科,浩瀚无边,我带着强大好奇和欣喜,在这几个月的学习、交流和实践中,收获了很多新的理念和知识。其中首荐的,是英国BBC的这三部关于健康的纪录片,讲运动、减肥、饮食的科学方法和常见误区。Michael Mosley博士的这三部片子,从自身的健康问题出发,加入了大量的科学研究佐证,逻辑性很强,还很有趣!从2009年播出第一部后,2012播出后面两部,这个系列一直都是健

身界的经典:《锻炼的真像》-最推荐上班族看!《饮食、节食与长寿》《关于减肥你应该知道的十件事》一共不过两个半小时,我在文末放了这三个视频。非常推荐你,五一假期找个时间看看。以下是我看完做的笔记,记录对我有启发的点。不过,就如经典的书籍和影片,笔记的作用和原作对比.起来,真是弱!爆!了!《锻炼的真像》1. 运动时消耗的卡路里虽然没有想象的多,但是能刺激身体合成脂蛋白脂肪酶,能有效降低血液中脂肪浓度,降低内脏脂肪浓度。2. 内脏脂肪比皮下脂肪更具危害性,是导致糖尿病、心血管疾病、癌症的重要杀手,身材看起来瘦人也很多有内脏脂肪含量超高的问题(像mosley博士那样)。3. 介绍HIIT的有效性。4. 椅子是杀手--久坐带来的巨大杀伤力,是健身房也无法弥补的:通过测试,发现若有意增加平时走动、站立的时间,每日消耗的热量要超过500大卡,要大于在健身房吭哧吭哧运动半天的效果!不乘电梯、尽可能站立(我们公司有同学站立办公的,就是找架子把电脑架高)、多走路,都是可以做到的 调整。5. 运动效果因人而异,没有适用于任何人的运动方式,唯有不断尝试、不断调整,找到最适合你的健康又有效的锻炼和饮食方式。《饮食、节食与长寿》1.低热量饮食习惯对于人体健康数据的积极影响。2. 科学研究证明:每周两天的轻断食(当天只摄入平常25%的热量),能减少生长因子IGF-1的过量生长,促进身体自动修复,延缓衰老。《关


1.BBC 恒河 耗资庞大的制作费,BBC于这个系列介绍世界其中一条非比寻常的河流──恒河。跟随拍摄队上山下海,了解恒河与印度所有事物的互为关系。展开壮丽的旅程,一流摄影师拍下恒河雄伟的景象,以及惊艳激情的野生动物情景。从流水到越过堤岸,这三部影片反映整个盆地和许多源头和支流。经历喜玛拉雅山的美丽鲜明,辛达班斯的富饶荒野,体验野性激情的真实画面,那些鲜为人知的动物,大如老虎、大象、犀牛,小如体型极小的野猪。令人惊叹的建筑奇迹,包括泰姬玛哈陵、夏贾汗阿巴德城,古代圣城包括哈里瓦、阿拉哈巴德、瓦拉纳西、巴特拿、维加马斯拉拿和关华,美不胜收的风景加上丰盛的当代印度文化,莫不令人感到惊叹。 2.BBC 地平线:超大质量黑洞 过去十年来,天文学家已经确认了一个惊人的事实,超大质量黑洞与它们的寄主星系之间,存在着一个比例关系。黑洞的质量越大,星系球状结构(可能是整个椭圆星系,或者是旋涡星系的中央核球)的质量也就越大。这种M-sigma 关系向天文学家透露,星系的演化和它们的超大质量黑洞是紧密联系在一起的。直到最近,这种关系还只是被应用在大中型星系之中,天文学家已经发现的超大质量黑洞都位于那些星系的中心。但在2006年6月10日的《天体物理杂志通讯(Astrophysical Journal Letters)》上即将发表的一篇论文中,劳拉费拉雷斯(Laura Ferrarese,加拿大赫茨伯格天体物理研究所)和11位同事声称,这个关系可以一直延伸到质量极低的星系中,不过形式上需要进行一些修正3.BBC 活力星球 从喜玛拉雅山高耸的山脉、极地中被冰雪覆盖的荒地、撒哈拉沙漠到喀拉沙漠的沙地,这种自然环境与居住在那里的生物一样,都是令人感到惊讶的。节目中,戴维艾登堡禄会带我们探索针叶的树林、热带森林以及布满灰烬的火山侧面,从而接触各种不同种类而且复杂的生命体。在我们生活的地球当中,雪豹、皇企鹅、以及飞蛇等只是大自然内众多不可思议的生物中,其中几种生物而矣。牠们无论在惊涛骇浪中、山间的清溪、阿玛逊河流域附近的一片泥泞、冰冷的风雪 --


Unit 1 introduce yourself 自我介绍 GERALDINE: Good morning. Bibury Systems. Can I help you 杰拉尔丁:早上好,Bibury系统公司。可以为你效劳吗 JENNY ROSS: Good morning, Geraldine. 詹妮·罗斯:早上好,杰拉尔丁。 GERALDINE: Good morning, Jenny. Your newspapers and the post. 杰拉尔丁:早上好,詹妮。这是你的报纸和信件。 JENNY ROSS: Thanks 詹妮.罗斯:谢谢 CLIVE HARRIS: Good morning, Jenny. Good weekend 克莱夫.哈里斯:早上好,詹妮。周末过的好么 JENNY ROSS: Excellent, thank you. 詹妮.罗斯:非常好,谢谢。 CLIVE HARRIS: It is cold this morning. 克莱夫.哈里斯:今天上午真冷。 JENNY ROSS: Yes. Very cold. 詹妮.罗斯:是的。真的很冷。 CLIVE HARRIS: Good morning, Geraldine. 克莱夫.哈里斯:早上好,杰拉尔丁。 GERALDINE: Good morning, Mr. Harris. Your newspaper and your post. 杰拉尔丁:早上好,哈里斯先生。这是你的报纸和信件。 CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you very much. 克莱夫·哈里斯:非常感谢。 JENNY ROSS: Good morning, Kate. 詹妮.罗斯:早上好,凯特。 KATE MCKENNA: Good morning, Jenny. How are you 凯特.麦凯纳:早上好,詹 JENNY ROSS: I'm fine, thank you. 詹妮.罗斯:很好,谢谢。


1.BBC 恒河 耗资庞大的制作费,BBC于这个系列介绍世界其中一条非比寻常的河流──恒河。跟随拍摄队上山下海,了解恒河与印度所有事物的互为关系。展开壮丽的旅程,一流摄影师拍下恒河雄伟的景象,以及惊艳激情的野生动物情景。从流水到越过堤岸,这三部影片反映整个盆地和许多源头和支流。经历喜玛拉雅山的美丽鲜明,辛达班斯的富饶荒野,体验野性激情的真实画面,那些鲜为人知的动物,大如老虎、大象、犀牛,小如体型极小的野猪。令人惊叹的建筑奇迹,包括泰姬玛哈陵、夏贾汗阿巴德城,古代圣城包括哈里瓦、阿拉哈巴德、瓦拉纳西、巴特拿、维加马斯拉拿和关华,美不胜收的风景加上丰盛的当代印度文化,莫不令人感到惊叹。 2.BBC 地平线:超大质量黑洞 过去十年来,天文学家已经确认了一个惊人的事实,超大质量黑洞与它们的寄主星系之间,存在着一个比例关系。黑洞的质量越大,星系球状结构(可能是整个椭圆星系,或者是旋涡星系的中央核球)的质量也就越大。这种M-sigma 关系向天文学家透露,星系的演化和它们的超大质量黑洞是紧密联系在一起的。直到最近,这种关系还只是被应用在大中型星系之中,天文学家已经发现的超大质量黑洞都位于那些星系的中心。但在2006年6月10日的《天体物理杂志通讯(Astrophysical Journal Letters)》上即将发表的一篇论文中,劳拉费拉雷斯(Laura Ferrarese,加拿大赫茨伯格天体物理研究所)和11位同事声称,这个关系可以一直延伸到质量极低的星系中,不过形式上需要进行一些修正 3.BBC 活力星球 从喜玛拉雅山高耸的山脉、极地中被冰雪覆盖的荒地、撒哈拉沙漠到喀拉沙漠的沙地,这种自然环境与居住在那里的生物一样,都是令人感到惊讶的。节目中,戴维艾登堡禄会带我们探索针叶的树林、热带森林以及布满灰烬的火山侧面,从而接触各种不同种类而且复杂的生命体。在我们生活的地球当中,雪豹、皇企鹅、以及飞蛇等只是大自然内众多不可思议的生物中,其中几种生物而矣。牠们无论在惊涛骇浪中、山间的清溪、阿玛逊河流域附近的一片泥泞、冰冷的风


1.Good morning. Bibury Systems. Can I help you? 这是接电话时的用语,尤其是公司人员接听电话或者客服接听电话,这都是最基本的开头语,而且要自报家门,说明自己是哪个单位。Can I help you?表示询问:请问有什么可以帮您?也可以说:What can I do for you?不过不够前者简洁。 2.Good morning, Jenny. Good weekend? Good weekend?是很简单的说法,在口语中经常这样用,而且经常用陈述句表示询问,只不过读的时候句尾要用升调。比如说:You want some coffee?可以很简单地问:Some coffee?想要来点咖啡吗? 3.It is cold this morning. 今天早上真冷。英国人见面最喜欢说天气了,就好象中国人见面问吃饭了没?不过去年的话,可能就是要问:“今天你的股票涨了没?”哈哈!每个国家的文化习惯不同而已。 4.Thank you very much. 为别人的效劳表示感谢。有很多说法啦:Thanks./Thank you./Thanks a lot. 当然了,有时候举手之劳也不一定表现的别人的感谢理所当然,一定要回应一句了: Not at all./You arewelcome./Don't mention it.?It's my favor. 5.How are you?/I'm fine, thank you. 这可是最简单的见面问好的话了。小时候学英语估计最早的就是这个了吧! 6.I'm Jenny Ross. How do you do? 自我介绍以及向别人问好。初次见面问好一般说How do you do?虽然是问句,但是不需要别人回答的。 7.This is the Marketing Department. This is my desk. Er...that's Don's office. 向别人介绍部门或者介绍人都可以说:This is…… 8.He's not here at the moment. 他现在不在。这句话在接电话的时候经常用到: He is not here right now./He is not available at themoment. 1. Help yourself to what you need. 请别人自便的话。如果客人在你家吃饭或者借用你家的什么东西,你可以这样说:“Please help yourself.”或者可以说:“Just feel at home” 2.Would you like a cup of coffee? 提供建议或询问。有可以用作Would you like to do sth?在这里这一句可以简单的说:Some coffee? 3.He's our new Marketing Executive.


BBC 一、HEADLINERS 众说纷纭 1、Headliners 1 众说纷纭(一) 2、Headliners 2 众说纷纭(二) 3、Headliners 3 众说纷纭(三) 二、NEWS FOCUS 新闻话题 1、A Japanese Fishing Vessel Sunken By A Us Submarine 美国潜艇撞沉日本渔船 2、India-Pakistan Summit Ended Without Agreement 印巴会谈无果而终 3、Airlines Nose-dive After 9-11 Attacks 世界航空业面临寒冷冬天 三、SPECIAL REPORT 特别报道 1、America Under Attack 美国世纪大灾难 四、FACE MAKERS 面对面 1、The Bad Boy of Silicon Valley, Larry Ellison 硅谷坏男孩—拉里·埃利森 五、NEWS STAND 时事大盘点 1 US Embassy Bombing Suspects Tried in New York 美大使馆爆炸案在在纽约开庭 2、Clinton Controversies Continue 克林顿任后的争议继续 3、Bus Bombing Triggers Tight Security in Israel 以色列加强安全措施 4、Seoul breaks military ties with Tokyo 韩国中止与日本的军事交流 5、Race is on to Save Kyoto Climate Pact Without U.S. 加紧挽回《京都议定书》 6、Hussein Calls for Talk with Kurds 侯赛因想与库尔德人对话 7、Washington Post Executive Has Died 华盛顿邮报前董事会主席格雷厄姆逝世 8、Japan's Destroyers Head Out 日本战后首次派兵 9、No Let Up for the Middle East 中东形势仍然严峻 10、Afghan Interim Administration Emerges 阿富汗临时政府的产生 11、E uro Ready to Launch 欧元即将面世 六、ENTERTAINMENT CHANNEL “娱”乐无穷 1、Splits for Cruise and Kidman 汤姆·克鲁斯与妮可·基曼的婚姻触礁


5部BBC史诗级纪录片,不可不看! 从小伴随你长大的节目有哪些呢?《人与自然》?《动物世界》?每次母上大人不让看电视的时候,我们就可以理直气壮地说:“我们在学习知识!”这话绝对没!毛!病!我们确实在学知识。自从生命中有了小U,我们升级成了在英语中学知识!今天小U为大家准备了5部BBC史诗级纪录片!涨姿势又学英语,U粉儿们接着读下去吧~《人类星球》Human Planet Human Planet is an 8-part British television documentary series.《人类星球》是一部英国电视纪录片系列,分为8个部分。It describes the human species and its relationship with the natural world by showing the remarkable ways humans have adapted to life in every environment on Earth.它描述了人类物种及其与自然世界的关系,展示了人类在地球的各种环境中,适应生活的非凡方式。豆瓣评分9.8 一部极其特别的自然纪录片,说是讲地球,其实是在从社会学的角度讲人类;但说是讲人类的纪录片,它又是以自然生态地理环境等要素为载体来讲述。视点新颖,内容丰富,把自然和人文结合得天衣无缝。 IMDb评分9.8 Like all life forms, humanity partially adapts to types of

natural environment, yet also tends to change them.像所有的生命形式一样,人类部分地适应不同类型的自然环境,但也倾向于改变它们。Each episode examines how life differs for men and nature in some type of environment, from Arctic to desert and jungle, from coasts to mountains.每一集都考察了在不同类型的环境中,从北极到沙漠到丛林、从海岸到山脉,人们的生活是如何的不同。《人类星球》 《生命》Life Life is a British nature documentary series created and produced by the BBC in association with The Open University.《生命》是由英国广播公司与开放大学联合创作和制作的英国自然纪录片系列。The series takes a global view of the specialized strategies and extreme behavior that living things have developed in order to survive; what Charles Darwin termed 'the struggle for existence'.该系列以一种全球性的观点来看待那些为了生存 而发展的特殊策略和极端行为。查尔斯·达尔文称之为“为生 存而斗争”。豆瓣评分9.7 人类看完足以无地自容的片子,哪怕只是地穴里一只微不足道的小虫子,每天也在上演生存的史诗。为了吃饭,为了繁衍,为了活下去,无数精彩甚至悲壮的生物行为,在这个生生不息的地球上无限地演绎下去,地球也因此而不朽。 IMDb评分9.1


BBC部分经典纪录片目录及简介 1.BBC 恒河 耗资庞大的制作费,BBC于这个系列介绍世界其中一条非比寻常的河流──恒河。跟随拍摄队上山下海,了解恒河与印度所有事物的互为关系。展开壮丽的旅程,一流摄影师拍下恒河雄伟的景象,以及惊艳激情的野生动物情景。从流水到越过堤岸,这三部影片反映整个盆地和许多源头和支流。经历喜玛拉雅山的美丽鲜明,辛达班斯的富饶荒野,体验野性激情的真实画面,那些鲜为人知的动物,大如老虎、大象、犀牛,小如体型极小的野猪。令人惊叹的建筑奇迹,包括泰姬玛哈陵、夏贾汗阿巴德城,古代圣城包括哈里瓦、阿拉哈巴德、瓦拉纳西、巴特拿、维加马斯拉拿和关华,美不胜收的风景加上丰盛的当代印度文化,莫不令人感到惊叹。 2.BBC 地平线:超大质量黑洞 过去十年来,天文学家已经确认了一个惊人的事实,超大质量黑洞与它们的寄主星系之间,存在着一个比例关系。黑洞的质量越大,星系球状结构(可能是整个椭圆星系,或者是旋涡星系的中央核球)的质量也就越大。这种M-sigma关系向天文学家透露,星系的演化和它们的超大质量黑洞是紧密联系在一起的。直到最近,这种关系还只是被应用在大中型星系之中,天文学家已经发现的超大质量黑洞都位于那些星系的中心。但在2006年6月10日的《天体物理杂志通讯(Astrophysical Journal Letters)》上即将发表的一篇论文中,劳拉费拉雷斯(Laura Ferrarese,加拿大赫茨伯格天体物理研究所)和11位同事声称,这个关系可以一直延伸到质量极低的星系中,不过形式上需要进行一些修正 3.BBC 活力星球 从喜玛拉雅山高耸的山脉、极地中被冰雪覆盖的荒地、撒哈拉沙漠到喀拉沙漠的沙地,这种自然环境与居住在那里的生物一样,都是令人感到惊讶的。节目中,戴维艾登堡禄会带我们探索针叶的树林、热带森林以及布满灰烬的火山侧面,从而接触各种不同种类而且复杂的生命体。在我们生活的地球当中,雪豹、皇企鹅、以及飞蛇等只是大自然内众多不可思议的生物中,其中几种生物而矣。牠们无论在惊涛骇浪中、山间的清溪、阿玛逊河流域附近的一片泥泞、冰冷的风雪世界,甚至人类兴建的城市中,也能处处显现出一片生机。节目中的下半部份,戴维更会带领我们去观赏夜间出没的鹦鹉、会滑行的松鼠、以及大海中的独角兽。同时我们亦会见到一些需时几百万年才进化而成的地方怎样受到人类的污染及破坏,告诉我们为何要急切改变我们的生活方式. 4.BBC 百慕达三角洲之谜 谜样的百慕达三角洲准备接受彻底大搜查。在探索无数船只与飞机离奇失踪时,依靠科学找到最合理的解释。 5.BBC 野性加勒比 从鹦鹉、船骸,到鲨鱼和闪闪动人的珊瑚礁,加勒比海是一个由阳光、沙滩和温
