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滨海是一座美丽的城市。(beautiful / nice)1 Binhai is a beautiful / nice city.

2 我是一个英语教师。(English teacher)I'm an English teacher.
3 飞机定于10点抵达。(be due)3 The plane is due at ten.

4 你好,见到您很高兴。(nice to meet)4 How do you do? Nice to meet you.
5 听,飞机已在机场。(be already in)Listen, the plane is already in at the airport.
6欢迎到伦敦来。(welcome to)Welcome to London.

7 他的学院在伦敦。(college)7 His college is in London
8 让我们走吧。(let's)8 Let's go.
1 戴维和他的院长带着他们的中国朋友游览伦敦。(show around)1 David and his president show their Chinese friends around London.

2 滨海城里有一个飞机场吗?(there be)2 Is there an airport in Binhai City?
3 我们看见飞机场里有10架很大的飞机。(see plane)3 We see ten very big planes in the airport.

4 图书馆外有许多花草树木。(outside)4 There are a lot of trees and flowers outside the library.
5 教学楼里有很多教师和学生吗?(classroom building)5 Are there many teachers and students in the classroom buildings?
6 操场上没有小汽车。(there be no)6 There are no cars on the playground.
7 世界上有许多国家。(there be)7 There are many countries in the world.
8 我第一个做游戏,然后是肖杨。(first to play)8 I'm the first to play the game. Xiao Yang is after me.


Meeting for the First Time

We can see two men in the picture. They are Wang Lin, a Chinese student, and John Smith, a foreign student. They meet for the first time and greet each other. They shake hands, introduce themselves and exchange their name cards. Now they are good friends and they will meet often and help each other in the future.

这是新学期(new term)的第一天。学生们都在教室里。他们见到格林先生非常高兴,他们也乐意跟他学(happy to learn from)英语。王先生是这所大学的校长(president)。他也在教室里。他是到这儿来欢迎(be here to welcome)格林先生的。他们是好朋友。这次重逢(see each other again)他们都非常高兴。现在王先生正把格林先生介绍给(introduce ... to)全班同学。

Introducing Mr. Green to the Students

This is the first day of the new term. The students are in the classroom. They are very happy to see Mr. Green and they are also happy to learn English from him. Mr. Wang is the president of the college. He is in the classroom, too. He is here to welcome Mr. Green. They are good friends. They are very happy to see each other again. Now Mr. Wang introduces Mr. Green to the class.

1 第四单元有生词Are there any new words in unit four?
2 这座古城中有许多现在化建筑。There are many modern buildings in this old city .
3 你们学院有一座很大的图书馆吗? Is there a big library in your college .
4 这些名片上没有英文字。 There aren't any English words on

the name cards .
5 那个国家有许多大城市。 There are many big cities in that country .
6 教室里没有学生。 There aren't any students in the classroom .
1 校长通常在新学期第一天介绍新教师。(introduce, new term)1 The president usually introduces new teachers on the first day of a new term.
2 学生们早上围着校园慢跑吗?(jog around)2 Do the students jog around the campus in the morning?
3 中国学生和他们的英语老师互相帮助吗?(help each other)3 Do the Chinese students and their English teacher help each other?
4 下课后,我们经常在操场上打篮球。(play)4 After class, we often play basketball on the playground.
5 我们早上不喝茶。(drink tea)5 We do not drink tea in the morning.
6 格林先生爱喝中国茶吗?(like)6 Does Mr. Green like Chinese tea?
7 比赛后让我们喝一杯。(have a drink)7 Let's have a drink after the match.
1 你的祖父母住在哪儿?他们住在一个美丽的农场里。(on a farm)1 Where do your grandparents live? They live on a nice farm.
2 你喜欢什么样的生活?我喜欢简朴的生活方式。(kind, simple life style)2 What kind of life do you like? I like simple life style.
3 我们英语老师在办公室总有事情做。(have something to do)3 Our English teacher always has something to do in the office.
4 老师和同学们都很高兴。(happy)4 The teachers and the students are all very happy.
5 他们经常拜访他们的中国朋友吗?(call on)5 Do they often call on their Chinese friends?
6 看看这张农场的照片,照片里有许多牛羊。(cows and sheep)6 Look at the picture of the farm. There are many cows and sheep in it.
7 他们非常喜欢在家里接待我们。(have ... at one's home)7 They are very happy to have us at their home..
一个苦恼的学生A Worried Student

We can see a worried student in the picture. He is sitting at a desk. There are a lot of exercise books on the desk. The student has a lot of homework to do. He hates this kind of life. He prefers to have a free and easier student life.


上课的时间到了。这是格林先生的英语课。 同学们看上去都很高兴(look happy),因为他们喜欢他的课。他们要将一些写有国家名字的卡片(cards with names)贴到地图上。这是个有趣的文字游戏 (word game)。同学们喜欢格林先生的教学风格(teaching style)。格林先生看上去也很兴奋(excited)。

An English Class

It's time for class. This is Mr. Green's English class. The students all look very happy, because they like his lessons. They are going to put cards with names of some countries on the map. It's an interesting word game. The students enjoy Mr. Green's teaching style. Mr. Green looks excited, too.

1 你每天都听BBC吗? Do you listen to BBC everyday ?
2 每个人都喜欢新鲜食品吗? Does everybody like fresh food ?
3 在英国新学期什

么时候开始?When does the new term begin in England ?
4 他们为什么喜欢简朴的生活? Why do they like simple life ?
5 你在哪儿用午餐? Where do you have your lunch ?
6 他怎样度周末?How does she spend her weekends ?
7 你们需要什么?What do you need ?
8 每天早上谁给这些树和花浇水? Who waters these tress and flowers every morning ?
9 我父亲每天早晨慢跑。 My father ioys everymorning .
10 她不愿意去机场接他。she does not want to meet him at the airport .

1 猫哪儿去了?我想和它玩儿。Where is the cat ? I want to play with it.
2 他一点也不喜欢她,而她却非常喜欢他。He doesn't like her at all,but she likes him very much .
3 他们经常乘火车去沈阳。They often take a train to shenyang.
4 她有时告诉我答案。She sometimes tell me the answers.
5 他们经常帮助我们。They often help us.
6 我们不想看这部电影,你们呢?We don't want to see the film ,How about you?
7 她只是和他们一起去上学。She always goes to school with them.
1 这学期他将是我们班的班长。(monitor)This term he is going to be the monitor of our class.
2 学生们和他们的老师相互介绍认识。(introduce to each other)The students and the teacher introduce themselves to each other.
3 莉齐很高兴和吴勇同桌。 (share with)Lizzy is happy to share her desk with Wu Yong.
4 这位加拿大女士是我们的客座教授。 (Canadian, guest professor)This Canadian lady is our guest professor.
5 见到你很高兴,欢迎到我们公司来。(welcome)Pleased to meet you. Welcome to our company.
1 他是一位美国学者。(scholar)1、He is an American scholar.
2 教授们和一些科学家共同从事这项研究。(research, together with)2、The professors did the research together with some scientists.
3 他们从这项研究中获得了许多经验。 (obtain)3、They obtained a lot of experience from this research.
4 她应当把官方文件拿给我们看。(official)4、She should show us the official document.
5 这是国家每个公民的义务。(citizen)5、This is the duty of every citizen of the country.

一个老人 (an old man)
大嘴巴,小耳朵 (big mouth, small ears)
戴眼镜,系领带 (wear glasses, a tie)
头发很少 (little hair)
嘴里有一支大雪茄 (cigar)
看起来很滑稽(look very funny),很高兴
似乎对生活感到满足 (seems to be satisfied with )

A Funny Old Man

There is an old man in the picture. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He wears glasses and a tie. There is little hair on his head. There is a big cigar in his mouth. He looks very funny and very happy. He seems to be satisfied with life.


当你与一位美国人初次见面并想表示礼貌时,你可以用“先生”或“夫人”来称呼对方。在学校,学生们称呼 (address) 男教师“先生”,但他们很少称呼

女教师“夫人”。在中国学生们称呼教师“王老师”或“李老师”,在美国不这样用 (practice)。在美国人们都很随便,同时也很友好。

How to Address People
When you first meet an American and want to be polite, you can use "sir" or "madam". At school, students may address a man teacher as "sir", but they seldom address a woman teacher as "madam". In China, students often call their teachers "Teacher Wang" or "Teacher Li". This is not practiced in America. In the United States, people are quite informal, and they are also quite friendly.
1 在中秋节,你可以看见天空中又亮又圆的月亮。On Mid-Autumn day . you can see a bright and round moon in the sky .
2 贝利是世界上伟大的足球明星之一。Pele is one of the great football stars in the world.
3 你什么时候去参观长城? when are you going to visit the Great wall ?
4 右边的那件红色的衬衫很好看。The red shirt on the right looks very nice .
5 在北京动物园你将看到许多珍奇动物。You will see many rare animals in the beijing zoo .
6 去北京的火车几点开? When will the train leave for beijing?
7 这家工厂将雇佣许多青年工人。This factory will hire many young workers .
8 史密斯先生将在这所中学教英语。Mr.smith is going to teach English in this middle school .

1 下课后我将回家。I shall go home after class.
2 我是不是得通过考试?Shall I have to pass the exam ?
3 她见到你会非常高兴的。She will be very happy to see you .
4 我是不会将你一个人留下的。I shall not leave you alone .
5 周日我将举办一个晚会。We shall have a party on sunday .
6 我们坐火车去吗? Shall we go there by train ?
7 你要和他们一起去看电影吗?Will you go to see the film with them ?
8 明天会是好天吗?Will it weather be fine tomorrow ?


1 中秋节的月亮看上去特别大。(look big)1 The moon on Mid-Autumn day looks very big.
2 这是他在伦敦的第一个新年。(the first for)2 This is the first New Year's Day for him in London.
3 他经常从朋友那儿得到许多新书。(often get)3 He often gets many new books from his friends.
4 人们在感恩节这天还做些什么?(what else)4 What else do people do on Thanksgiving Day?
5 格林先生努力帮助学生解答这些问题。(help with)5 Mr. Green tries to help the students with all these questions.
6 红色的玫瑰象征着什么?(symbolize)6 What does red rose symbolize?
7 今天晚上我们有一个晚会,你想来参加吗?(have, join)7 We'll have a party this evening. Would you like to join us?

1 这儿的春天很美。(spring, nice)1 The spring is very nice here.
2 有些人上午慢跑,有些人晚上慢跑。(jog)2 Some people jog in the morning, others jog in the evening.
3 我的朋友们不喜欢生活在这个现代化的大城市里。(like to, modern)3 My

friends don't like to live in this big modern city.
4 我们每年在海边野餐两次。(have a picnic, twice)4 We have a picnic at the beach twice a year.
5 我们计划下周去参观那个著名的博物馆。(pay a visit to)5 We plan to pay a visit to that famous museum next week.
6 你们可以在图书馆看书,也可以在操场打篮球。(play basketball)6 You may read in the library, you may also play basketball on the playground.
7 天气真好,我们到海里游泳吧。(have a swim)7 It's such a fine day. Let's have a swim in the sea.
8 去野餐?天气不太热了点儿吗?我们会晒伤的。(too hot, get sun burnt)8 Have a picnic? Isn't the weather too hot? We'll get sun burnt.

旅行计划Travel Plan
We can see two persons in the picture. There is also a very big map of the world in the picture. They plan to travel during the vacation. One man points at the map and explains the places they plan to visit. The other man listens carefully. They are discussing their plan for this trip.

格林先生喜欢这些活动Mr. Green Enjoys These Activities

Mr. Green is an active person. He enjoys all kinds of activities. He often talks with his students and plays basketball with them. At weekends, he often goes fishing in the sea. Now he can speak some Chinese and he has a lot of Chinese friends. This Saturday, his friends will invite him to attend a Chinese concert.

1 我们今天下午要和他们进行一场足球比赛。We are going to have a football match with them this afternoon.
2 我们先来喝点咖啡吧。Let's have some coffee first .
3 我想好好休息一下。 I want to have a good rest .
4 经理每天早上都要开会。The manager has a meeting every morning .
5 学生们周末没有课。The students don't have classes at weekends .
6 你晚饭吃什么? What do yo have for supper ?
7 我的朋友会在北京过得很开心。My friends will have a good time in beijing .
8 我们围着校园散步吧。Let's have a walk around the campus

1 请给我订一张去北京的飞机票。Please book a flight for me to beijing .
2 请为Mr.black 打出这封信。Tybe this letter for Mr.black ,Please
3 请给他妻子买一件生日礼物。Please buy a brithday present for his wife .
4 请给我们唱首英文歌。Please sing us an English song .
5 离开的时候,记得给他们写一个便条。Remember to write them a rote when you leave .
6 我们一起吃午饭吧。Let's have lunch together .
7 我们乘火车去沈阳吧。Let's take a train to shenyang
8 让我拿点东西给你喝。Let me get you something to drink.


1 瞧,一些人正在海里游泳。他们不觉得冷吗?(swim, feel cold)1 Look, some people are swimming in the sea. Don't they feel cold?
2 他们为即将到来的圣诞节感到很兴奋。(feel excited, coming)2 They feel very excited with/about the coming Christmas.
3 你能告诉我怎么写英文信吗?(tell ... how to)3 Can you tell me how to write an English letter?
4 一家人正在开晚会庆祝他们的团聚。(have a party, celebrate)4 The family are having a party to celebrate their reunion.
5 我们为什么不用电子邮件呢?好主意!(why not, good idea)5 Why don't we use e-mail? -- Good idea!
6 别紧张。瞧!这个医生多细心哪!(be nervous)6 Don't be nervous. Look, how careful the doctor is!
7 我很为父母的身体担心,现在没有心情欣赏雪景。(be worried about, be in no mood)7 I'm worried about my parents' health. So I'm in no mood to enjoy the scenery of snow.

1 我们可以骑自行车或者步行去学校。(by bike, on foot)1 We can go to school by bike or on foot.
2 她的作文既简洁又有趣。(simple, interesting)2 Her writing is both simple and interesting.
3 我认为我们起床应越早越好。(as early as possible)3 I think we should get up as early as possible.
4 我们在课上课下都得说英语。(both in and out of class)4 We have to speak English both in and out of class.
5 我们的老师对我们很严格。我们能跟他学到许多东西。(strict with, learn from)5 Our teacher is very strict with us. We can learn a lot from him.
6 他一定知道计算机出了什么毛病,因为他对计算机懂得很多。(what's wrong with, know a lot about)6 He must know what is wrong with the computer, because he knows a lot about computer.

学期论文Sally坐在书桌前写学期论文 (term paper)Term Paper
写论文很不容易 (it is not easy to)
但是她作好了准备 (well prepared)
现在她停下来思考 (stop to think)
今天晚上把论文打出来 (type out)
Sally is sitting at a desk. She is writing her term paper. It is not easy to write a paper. But she is well prepared. Now she stops to think. She plans to type out her paper this evening.
爱德华(Edward)和他在美国的学校Edward and His School in America

爱德华来自一个美籍华人 (Chinese American) 家庭。他喜欢把一切有关他的学校和朋友的事情告诉他的父母(tell everything about)。每天晚餐时(at dinner time)他都会谈起(talk about)他在学校的学习。爱德华喜欢他的历史老师(history teacher)帕克斯太太(Mrs. Parks)。但是她就要离开学校去进修了(leave for further study)。帕克斯太太热爱中国的历史。她将去中国攻读硕士学位(master's degree)。爱德华既为此消息感到高兴,同时也有一点难过(both happy and a bit sad about)。他能帮老师做点什么呢 (do anything for)?对了,他也许可以在她去中国之前 (before she leaves)教她一

些简单的汉语 (simple Chinese)。
Edward is from a Chinese American family. He loves to tell his parents everything about his school and his friends. Every evening at dinner time, he will talk about his work at school. Edward likes his history teacher Mrs. Parks. But she is leaving for further study. Mrs. Parks loves Chinese history. She will go to China to do her master's degree. Edward is both happy and a bit sad about the news. Can he do anything for his teacher? Yes, perhaps he may teach Mrs. Parks some simple Chinese before she leaves.

1 我正在设法用英语写一个小故事 I am try to write a short story in English .
2 王先生正在与格林先生通电话。Mr.wang is talking to Mr.Green on the telphone .
3 学生们正在学生中心开舞会。The students are having a dancing party at the students center .
4 我正在为野餐准备食品。I'm preparing the food for the picinic .
5 他们正在操场上开运动会。They are having a sports meet on the playground .
6 莉莉正在高兴的唱歌跳舞。LiLy is pleased to sing and dance .
7 羊正在河边饮水。Sheep are the river water .


1 昨天我们在公园里玩得非常好。(have a good time)1 Yesterday we had a very good time in the park.
2 昨天她感到不舒服。她头痛,并有热度。(feel well)2 She didn't feel very well yesterday. She got a headache and a fever.
3 你得给老师打电话请病假。(ask for sick leave)3 You have to call the teacher to ask for sick leave.
4 戴维告诉他父母不要担心他在中国的生活。(worry about)4 David told his parents not to worry about his life in China.
5 今天早晨我们绕校园慢跑了好长时间。(for quite a while)5 This morning, we jogged around the campus for quite a while.
6 在中国过中秋节他感到很愉快。(feel happy)6 He felt very happy to spend the Mid-Autumn Day in China.
7 别担心,你很快会感觉好些的。(feel better)7 Don't worry. You will feel better soon.
8 这付中药是治我的头痛的吗? (be for)8 Is this Chinese medicine for my headache?

1 All the English friends at the party enjoyed the delicious Chinese food.1 参加晚会的所有英国朋友都喜欢美味可口的中国食品。
2 The students can also work at the computer service center during the weekends. 2 学生们也可以周末在电脑服务中心工作。
3 Modern museums also work with the help of computers.3 现代博物馆也借助电脑工作。
4 This repairman is good at repairing telephones.4 这个修理工擅长修理电话。
5 It's a good idea to go and do some farm work in the countryside.5 到农村去干些农活是个好主意。
6 Finally, they had to take this computer to the computer service center.6 最后,他们不得不把这台电脑送到电脑维修中心。
7 As he had a high fever, we had to send for a doctor late at night.7 因为他发高烧,我们不得不深夜派人去找医生。

1 他的

车出了毛病。 他不得不骑自行车来。(something wrong)1 Something is wrong with his car. He had to come by bike.
2 现在许多年轻人用电脑帮助学英语。(help to learn)2 Now, many young people use a computer to help them to learn English.
3 这个文字游戏很有趣,学生们都喜欢玩这些游戏。(enjoy playing)3 The word game is very interesting. All the students enjoy playing them.
4 你怎么了?你为什么不像以往那样勤奋工作了?(matter, as hard as usual)4 What's the matter with you? Why don't you work as hard as usual?
5 我们很烦恼,因为电脑不能工作了。(be troubled)5 We are very much troubled because the computer doesn't work.
6 我们可以用软件来杀病毒。(software, kill viruses)6 We can use software to kill viruses
7 这个修理工能把电脑修好。(fix)7 This repairman can get the computer fixed.
8 让我看看。噢,这药是为你退烧的。(medicine, fever)8 Let me have a look. Oh, this medicine is for your fever.

经理和他的助手A Manager and His Assistant

表情严肃(look serious)
着装正规,西服领带(dressed formally, suit, tie)
大公司的总经理(general manager of a big company)
女士是助理 (assistant)
讨论一份工作计划 (discuss a plan)
生意不好 (not easy, do business)
总有许多的担忧 (worry)
There is a gentleman and a lady in the picture. The man looks very serious. He is dressed formally. He wears a suit with a tie. He is the general manager of a big company. The lady is his assistant. They are discussing a work plan. It's not easy to do business. They always have a lot to worry about.

给艾滋病人更多的关心Show More Concern for People with AIDS

有些人害怕染上艾滋病 (afraid to catch AIDS)。他们甚至不愿意接触 (touch) 艾滋病患者。但是实际上 (actually) 他们不必这样担心。你可能会感冒,因为流感病毒 (flu viruses)能在空气中传播(travel through the air),但是艾滋病病毒很弱, 不能在人体 (human body) 外存活,也不能在空气中传播。
患艾滋病的孩子也想有朋友。如果我们了解 (understand) 爱滋病, 我们就不需要过份担心和害怕 (worry and fear too much)。我们应当给艾滋病人更多的关心 (show concern for)。
Some people are afraid to catch AIDS. They even don't want to touch a person with AIDS. But they don't have to worry actually. You may catch a cold because flu viruses can travel through the air. But the AIDS virus is very weak and it can't live outside the human body. It cannot travel through the air.
Children with AIDS also want to have friends. If we understand AIDS, we don't need to worry and fear too much. We should show more concern for people with AIDS.

1 过去他们住在农村,每天得要干许多农活。They lived in the country in the past , They had to do a lot of farm work everyday .
2 学生们

昨天上午有英语课。The students had an English class yesterday morning .
3 以前这个图书馆里书不多。There were not many books in this library .
4 我今天早上没有早起,所以没去打篮球。I didn't get up early this morning ,so I didn't play basketball.
5 格林先生昨天在冰冷的海水里游了很长时间。他感冒了。Mr.Green swam for quite a while in the cold seawater .He had a cold .
6 他以前给过你很多帮助吗? Did he give you a lot of help in the past ?


1 我们班每年开两次英语晚会。(twice a year)1 Our class has an English party twice a year.
2 好几百人为赛跑者加油。(cheer for)2 Hundreds of people cheer for the runners.
3 我们院长早上总要慢跑1,000米。(jog)3 Our president always jogs for 1,000 meters in the morning.
4 他们班有多少学生?(there be)4 How many students are there in their class?
5 你擅长什么体育运动?(good at)5 What sport are you good at?
6 我不想参加200米赛跑。(take part in)6 I don't want to take part in the 200-meter race.
7 让我们在竞争中互相帮助。(competition)7 Let's help each other in the competition.
8 她铅球总得第一。(come first)8 She always comes first in shot putting.

1 Mr. Wang has worked as the president of Binhai College for three years.1 王先生在滨海大学当校长已经3年了。
2 Oh, I can't wait. When does the museum open at weekends?2 噢,我简直等不急了。这个博物馆周末什么时候开门?
3 They'd like to invite the English professor to the party this evening.3 他们今晚想请这位英语教授参加晚会。
4 They have been playing basketball on the playground for two hours.4 他们在操场上打篮球已经两个小时了。
5 I have learned to cook some Chinese food. But I can't make spring rolls.5 我已经学会做一些中国饭菜了。但是我还不会做春卷。
6 How beautiful the music is! Is it by er-hu?6 多美的音乐!是二胡演奏的吗?

1 时间过得真快!现在我们已经进校两年了。(fly, have been in)1 How time flies! Now we have been in the college for two years.
2 这座城市现在大不一样了。它已经变得很现代化了。(different, modern)2 The city is quite different now. It has become very modern.
3 他喜欢和祖父母一起呆在乡村。(country)3 He enjoys being / staying with his grandparents in the country.
4 这个城市举世闻名。然而很少有人去过那儿。(world famous, have been)4 The city is world famous, but few people have been there.
5 你今天下午有空吗?我们去购物吧。(free, go shopping)5 Are you free this afternoon? Let's go shopping.
6 你去听过中国民族音乐会吗?(have been to, concert)6 Have you ever been to a Chinese concert?
7 他学习汉语取得了很大进步,我们学习英语也取得了很大进步。(make progress in)7 He has made great progress in his Chinese learning and we have m

ade great progress in our English study.
8 我们邀请了所有的朋友来参加吉他 (guitar) 比赛。(take part in, competition)8 We have invited all the friends to take part in the guitar competition.


最近Lily学习很忙 (be busy with, recently)
但她抽时间锻炼 (exercise)
周末去体育馆打网球 (play tennis)
体育锻炼使她强壮 (strong)
同时也帮助她放松 (relax)
Lily has been busy with her study recently. But she always has time to do some exercise. At weekends she goes to the stadium to play tennis. Exercise has made her strong. It also helps her to relax.

美国人对烧烤(barbecue)的爱好(love for)Americans' Love for Barbecue

当天气变得暖和(become warm)的时候,美国的家庭就会开始他们的第一次户外 (outdoor) 烧烤。在任何一个夏日的傍晚(summer evening),你都能闻到烟味(smell the smoke)和烤肉味(barbecued meat)。鸡肉(chicken)和鱼总是很受欢迎的(popular)。 美国人喜欢(enjoy)户外烧烤,不仅因为(not only because)食物很可口(delicious),也因为他们可以更加接近大自然(Closer to nature)。
When the weather becomes warm, American families will have their first outdoor barbecue. On any summer evening you can smell the smoke and the barbecued meat. Chicken and fish are always popular. Americans enjoy outdoor barbecue not only because the food is delicious, but also because they can be closer to nature.

1 中国姑娘在世界杯赛中取得了第二名。The Chinese girls came second in the world cup.
2 在学院篮球比赛中哪个班获得了第一名?Which class was the first in the college basketball game ?
3 今天是新学期的第一天。Today is the first day of the new term .
4 今年学院庆祝建院50周年。The college celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year .
5 她和好朋友们一起庆贺了19岁生日。She celebrated her ninteenth birthday with her good friends .
6 我们学院有约8000名学生。There are about eight thousand students in our college .
7 我们的城市有100年的历史了。Our city has a history of one handred years .
8 他们有来自20个不同国家的学生。They have students from twenty different countries .

1 学生们在格林先生的帮助下已上演了三出英语剧。The students have put on three English plays with the help of Mr.Green .
2 农场的风景真好。我们已经拍了很多照片。The scenery on the farm is very beautiful .We've taken a lot of pictures .
3 教师们正在准备考卷。他们已经忙了两天。The teachers are preparing the examination papers .They have been busy for two days .
4 校长已经同格林先生讨论过这一计划。The president has talked with Mr.Green about the plan .
5 时间过得真快,期末已经到了。How time files'.The term has come to an end .
6 莉莉已经到机场去接英国朋友了。Lily has gone to the airport to meet her English

friends .
7 格林先生最喜欢吃春卷了。他已经吃了五个了。Mr.Green likes spring rolls best . He has had eaten five .


1 王小姐正把电话接到经理办公室。(connect)1 Miss Wang is connecting the telephone call to the manager's office.
2 在开始工作之前,你应当做好必要的准备。(before, necessary preparation)2 Before you begin to work, you should make some necessary preparation.
3 我想先提一下会议的时间和地点。(mention, first)3 I'd like to mention the date and place of the meeting first.
4 您愿意留言吗?(leave a message)4 Would you like to leave a message?
5 这可以帮助你有效地利用时间。(make an efficient use of)5 This can help you to make an efficient use of your time.

1 谢拉(Sheila)打字能打得很快,但不怎么仔细。(be able to type)1 Sheila is able to type very fast, but not very carefully.
2比尔上班时穿着整洁得体。(dress, properly and neatly)2 Bill dresses properly and neatly at work.
3 今天上午我们要开一个紧急会议。(urgent)3 We'll have an urgent meeting this morning.
4 这封信我是该用传真还是电子邮件发? (by fax, by e-mail)4 Shall I send the letter by fax or by e-mail?
5 更多的女性正走上管理岗位。(become executive)5 More women are becoming executives.

一位能干的秘书An Efficient Secretary

图片里有位男子 (there be,a man)
看上去是位很能干的秘书 (seem,efficient secretary)
好像有几只手 (it seems that,several hands)
同时干几件事 (do many things at the same time)
能接电话,写报告 (answer a phone call,write a report)
看书,手拿台历 (read a book,hold a desk calendar)
There is a man in the picture. He seems to be an efficient secretary. It seems that he has several hands and he can do many things at the same time: answer a phone call, write a report, read a book and hold a desk calendar.

一封家信 (letter home)A Letter Home

你们好!我们的农场好吗?我父母常给你们打电话吗(often call)?
我在中国过得非常愉快(enjoy life),我喜欢滨海城。人们对我也非常好(very kind)。我已经结交了很多中国朋友(make friends)。我很多时间都是和学生们一起度过的(spend a lot of time with)。我帮助他们学英语(help with),他们帮助我学汉语。星期六和星期天,我经常和我的老朋友王先生骑自行车周游全城(go around by bike)。他带我去参观了(take me to)许多美丽的公园、博物馆和一些有趣的地方。我希望(hope)你们能快点到中国看看(come to visit)。你们会在这里过得非常愉快 (have a good time)。
请接受我的爱和良好祝愿(love, best wishes)。

4 September

Dear grandma and grandpa,
How are you? How is our farm? Do my parents often call you?
I enjoy my life in China and I like Binhai City very much. People here are very kind to me. I have many Chinese friends now. I spend a lot of time with my students. I help them with their English and they help me with my Chinese. On Saturdays and Sundays, I often go around the city by bike with my old friend, Mr. Wang. He takes me to many beautiful parks, museums, and interesting places in the city. I hope you can come to visit China soon. You will have a good time here.
Love and best wishes,
1 这辆汽车昨天修理了。This car was repaired yesterday .
2 这个国家所有的大学里都教英语。English is taught in all the colleges in the country .
3 孩子们被带到了博物馆。The children were brought to the museum .
4 学生们每天都要打扫教室。The classroom is cleaned by the students everyday .
5 这种错误是不能在犯的。This leind of mistakes can not be made again .
6 这台计算机是昨天购买的。This computer was bought yesterday .
7 正确答案是玛丽给出的。The correct answer was given by Mary .

1 我们经常为外国朋友做中国菜。We often cook Chinese food for the foreign friends .
2 你能给我帮个忙吗?Can you give me some help ?
3 我们给他一个机会吧。Let's give him a change .
4 莉莉每天早晨教格林先生汉语。Lily teaches Mr.Green Chinese everyday morning .
5 请叫我戴维好了。Please call me David .
6 你经常给父母发电子邮件吗?Do you often send e-mails to your parents ?
7 这篇课文中有不少生词。There are quite a few new words in this passage .
